I Can't Believe It!! Old Coins, Cannonball, ADVENTURE! Metal Detecting Colonial Vermont

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all right 9:00 a.m. wheelers loaded up beautiful day outside hit the road [Music] [Music] [Music] hey folks well today we're back to my uncle camp out in the middle of nowhere and we had another little family get-together we were chatting he said that way further up in following the river there's actually another cellar hole which I didn't visit now these first few that I found in a video a few weeks ago there's a lot of open dig holes somebody left their plugs that now down the surface just really disappointing I managed to sneak out a couple relics in a large tent but I'm hoping that they didn't visit this far far cellar hole up in so I actually brought my wheeler today and we're going to go up in and see if we can find it first of all and then we're gonna cross our fingers and hope that nobody's been there before a river is a little bit high today we've gotta cross a few times we had a terrible storm last night I hope we're going to cross it otherwise we're going on foot and it looks like there were a few spots where we could actually get in the water and do a little detecting today so I'm going to get this wheeler unloaded and we're going to head up in [Music] I'm still on my way but I thought I'd stop and show you this I was told that there was a forest fire here in the eighties started by I think I said a turkey hunter and you can see how open it is calm but I'll just give you an idea what 30 years of almost 40 years of growth looks like pretty cool all right well I almost gave up hope riding around for maybe half an hour of different trails check it out Oh some of your barrels in there has socks doesn't seem as though I see any plugs on the surface this was I don't know maybe a couple miles from those other places so I'm be cautiously optimistic here looks like there's plenty of real estate you some swinging let's get the wheeler unpack all right here we have a nice solid 52 [Music] she's got a little tom back button now I've been out here detecting around this hole for probably 45 minutes and so far this is the button collection we've got one that's pewter yeah this nice big old dandy with some decoration on there see those little designs around the perimeter there and we've got one two three tom backs besides that nice big one haven't been filming I don't usually film stuff below 70 that's where all these relying so we're going to keep walking around here it's such a beautiful spot and extend as long as I can here and then we're going to go maybe jump in some water somewhere between 75 and 80 finally like at the copper i/o as you can see got into a root and it was way under there like it was worth it though and it looks like it's smaller in diameter than a large sound I'm gonna guess it's either British or it's a state coin it doesn't look like I'm going to get much detail off but let me get my toothbrush out quick all right well I somewhat identified it I can see the left facing bus with the ponytail on this side and I can see the Britannia holding her stick or whatever she holds on this side and I'm going to get home and obviously take photos and hopefully I can show you that stuff it's either a George the second or it's a Connecticut copper either way I'm happy we're just climbed down in the cellar hole and I spotted that that's fir and that's a foot we'll never see what this might be oh my god exact creepy looking some monkey size Oh weird we're going to leave that there I think all right right up there cellar hole probably here the rivers right down there apologizing all the winds blowing [Music] 8686 all around look like a copper what do we got let's see like a large e nice like I had a peek bitten out of it see if I can get a date quick well there's one down there but hope to wait till I get home once said awesome alright I've been digging on this for a while and giving me a solid 61 60 Q signal I've been digging them at digging and it's super deep and man I don't know what I got here but it seems like it's round and big see if we can get it the rest of the way out oh my god do you think that what I think it is ah I don't know it's got a nub on it here that is a big iron ball we get out of the Sun here a little bit I don't know actually you know what yep that was a rock stuck to it and it's for sure a frickin cannonball why would there be a can ball up in here in the middle of the woods oh my god wrecking cannonball right I don't know I assume so it looks like a cannonball I'll measure it with my calipers throw the number up on the screen and maybe you guys that know something about this this has got to be pre pre Civil War I'm in southern Vermont there wasn't a ton of Civil War activity up here but uh that's amazing amazing all right I don't know it was a really scratchy signal I dug it anyways and it looks like a coin whoa whoa I don't know what this is you date at the bottom though got a ship on it 1841 this day had it's an awesome condition if I should show you guys check it out to ship obviously it was under root so I think I actually dinged it on this side oh all right we've got 1841 credit Webster current and on this side I recognize it says Targa read not one cent for tribute millions for defense around the outside there's a hard time soaking beautiful it's an awesome condition it must not be the same stuff large sensor made out of amazing all right well if that was a pretty good use of my time I've been here I know a few hours was close and we got three coppers a whole bunch of button and it's pected freaking cannonball so we're going to move down river to where the stonework was right on the river and we're going to get in which I'm probably going to regret and see if we can find something in the water alright I know the river is loud to return to this stonework along the river one of two spots were going to get in I'm going to check down in there down there and right above this fall the last time I went in the water people got really upset that I took my shoes off I'll leave my shoes on this time make everybody happy I'm going to get down in here all right well not a single target in this area pretty nice view though move on upstream all right well here's the second spot we're going to check it was a building along the river here we're going to walk up this whole river detecting is a big pool up there you can probably see and see if we can get any signals here oh what a day nothing in the river lef a bullet book what you know agent super-surprising as I've said in many of my videos are little streams here in southern Vermont when it rained they come up feet and everything gets washed down the drain so I'm not super surprised but something to do is fun so here's the haul for today large cent I know now that's the george ii i can see a little roman numeral two and a hard-times token 15 buttons a little cuff button cuff link and the until proven otherwise cannonball which which I'm still shaking from so even if it's not just feeling I've got right now is worth it man what a perfect day beautiful weather on the river leaves are starting to really come on the best the best so I hope you had as much fun as I did thank you for watching [Music] Oh you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 142,034
Rating: 4.961844 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure, treasure hunting, treasure hunter, garrett, garrett at pro, at pro, cannonball, old coins, coins, buried treasure, water detecting
Id: oCWUaR-cYoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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