Everything Wrong With A Bug's Life In 13 Minutes Or Less

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I still like this movie

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

More sins ...
ants not having mandibles
ants not having a venomous bite
ants not envenoming the grasshoppers, than eating them
ants not having larva or pupae
ants colonies don't have males ( except for the short lived 'king' ants )

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/RLS0812 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

Deep Impact and Armageddon. Independence Day and Mars Attacks. There were a lot of "similar movies with close releases" back then.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

Engine failure sound byte source?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Deltango 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

This sort of review is one of my favorites from CinemaSins. When I rather enjoyed the movie as a child; I still don't dislike the movie, but nearly every single sin given is pretty much undeniably true. I love that, "yeah but....yeah, but. Yeah, but!...DAMNIT, it's all true!! >_<" feeling.

Now to clarify, this is not to be confused with "...NO, JEREMY, UR WRONG, SHUT UP, THIS MOVIE IS INCREDIBLE, YOU OBVIOUSLY JUST DON'T GET IT, DID WE EVEN SEE THE SAME FILM??!?" feeling that I've seen many times in comments, but only experienced once from this channel....aaaaaaaand it turns out I'm still bitter about EWW Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

That said, it almost tears me in twain...On one hand, yeah, still ticked feeling like WFRR got a raw deal, on the other, maybe I long for my buttons to be pushed and my jimmies rustled like that again. It's kinda fun to rage against someone who is clearly wrong according to my inescapably subjective view of the world once in awhile.

Whatever, I enjoyed this one; I feel it an insta-classic :D

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/verdatum 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

Okay, I legit do not understand that "Reuben Kincaid" mention. What was that all about?

Also, again, I feel that Pixar theory would be a fair explanation as to several sins in this movie.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Castriff 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

Man, this animation did not age well.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sothotheroth 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2016 🗫︎ replies
disney uses the same logo intro they use for toy story giving me a nostalgic owner for a much better movie movie takes place on an island on what appears to be a dried up riverbed which makes me wonder where the river is is there a drought if so why is the surrounding foliage still so green and why didn't pixar just make this an island on an actual [ __ ] river the late 90s was a weird era when there were basically two different movies for every story dante's peak and volcano the truman show and ed tv without limits and pre-fontaine i mean two [ __ ] movies about steve prefontaine well here's a bug's life not ants based on what i saw a few seconds ago there's plenty of grain the climber ant could have avoided the berries altogether and they are logistically much harder to carry all in all this seems like a dick move ants of course are an absolute nightmare there's a reason this story takes place outdoors if it was set in the house the viewer would definitely want all of them dead take that baby hayden peneteer instead of just piling up the offering on the ground in front of the anthill the ants decide to precariously stack the grains onto a leaf held up by one large rock that's held up by nine small rocks right next to a cliff i'm lost a real ant would not get lost in this situation ants use pheromones to make their paths so this guy should just be able to walk around the sleeve to get back on track no hesitation are those freckles liver spots a weird infection this is nothing compared to the twig of 93. island ants somehow measure time by human scales and no a special time known as 1993. also are all the minor obstructions revered as natural disasters even though they only take a few seconds to overcome blizzard that makes this ants so much smarter than all the other ants carrying grain and berries and the ant colony seems to have some sort of educational inequality problem that can in no way be tied to socioeconomics or racial inequality because they are [ __ ] ants she's got enough on a plate already training her daughter oh yes princess edda the poor deer aggressive expositional emphasis your highness i can't count when you hover like that the princess could have easily stood behind him without hovering at all and aphids actually do have a mutual relationship and even though that is delightfully accurate part of this movie the ants should treat the aphids more like colleagues and less like pets what did i tell you about trying to fly not until my wings grow in i'm impressed her wings weren't able to lift her off the ground at all these ants are so iridescent they look like drugstore eyeshadow flicks machine is powered by movie magic this is my new idea for harvesting grain flicks invention bypassed thousands of years of harvesting innovation and jumped right to the industrial revolution he's basically a witch telescope a spherical drop of dew couldn't telescope if you don't believe me just look through a clear marble i'm beginning to think nothing i do works no your inventions all work it's just that no one gives a i need to see flick doesn't say hey dot can you grab a seed out of my machine's blade of grass okay everyone single file food to the offering stone these ants didn't just do this to begin with instead they resorted to chaos and ran around like a bunch of dumb humans these ants have discovered the illuminating power of fluorescent mushrooms that definitely exist old contraption somehow has the strength to knock out a rock weighted down by two heavier rocks since this was so easy to knock down it's amazing that this poorly constructed pedestal stayed up as long as it did there must be a wormhole in this puddle because the grain seems to vanish as soon as it enters the puddle i can see the bottom of the puddle but i can't see any of the grain also whose genius idea was it to put the offering stone next to a cliff it's convenient for the grasshoppers that the ant's large gathering room isn't any deeper into the earth one of those circle of life kind of things a little disney cross promotion for you the birds eat the grasshoppers hey like the one that nearly ate you you remember bumbling idiot bad guy lackey saying things at inappropriate times that are expositional ultimately helpful to the audience cliche they're still a few months till the rains come yeah they're still a few months until the rains come the ants will still be able to collect more food for the grasshoppers who will be dead by then because of their two-month life cycle as an adult also are they saying this happens every year they are the oldest living grasshoppers ever be back at the end of the season when the last leaf falls we'll just be sitting around for months waiting for that last leaf to fall which will be hard to verify but sounds great i'm starting to think this movie is some kind of bizarre retelling of aesop's the ant and the grasshopper fable but the only thing the stories have in common is they both involve ants and grasshoppers nobody asked you your royal shortness the proles are a little too comfortable sassing off to the monarchy a violent revolution overthrowing the royal family is definitely on the way oh yeah but you're an ant right you have those wicked claws where you can climb up and down everything without a problem and you need a giant backpack anyway the contents of your pack are literally all around you this scene is brought to you by cartoon physics cartoon physics bending the lines of reality to conveniently serve the movie's plot bye apparently flick has much greater mass than i am accustomed to ants having your dad's right he's gonna die yeah but wasn't it your dad that said he was gonna die my dad doesn't think that he doesn't huh no he's betting you're gonna die i have been in our houses that didn't stink that bad don't flies like stinky things if the show really did stink they should have enjoyed it you always cast me as the broom the pole the stick that's racist you parasite that's right oh it's a flea please hey cutie wanna pollinate with a real bug this is one of those moments that i didn't realize i should be disgusted by until i became an adult so being a ladybug automatically makes me a girl is that it flyboy it's also amazing that the insect kingdom even uses the word ladybug but hey funny joke yo francis is so bothered with the other bugs thinking he looks like a girl he could at least try and look a little less like betty boo this movie was way out of the curve on minions what if they were all blindfolded it seems like this is the only thing they actually had planned pt survives this i wonder what came first the circus or the red and white umbrella and the animal cookie box i guess it's technically still an easter egg even if they just tilt up and show it to you so beautiful movie pretends like bugs don't really die when they're set on fire or get electrocuted so why are we worried about hopper again is anyone gonna help the fireflies and pj's bottle they're clearly stuck this poor bastard has to do this for hours maybe even days maybe his whole life who wanted the poo-poo platter poo-poo bladder hi i said no salt this slug missed the giant pieces of salt on top of his food now he's going to die fired by a flea how humiliating to be fair you were employed by a fleet so it's hard for me to believe you didn't see this as a possibility this cannot be the first time this bar has come loose and rolled away i'm sure this establishment has seen plenty of fights that could cause the same result given that it seems pretty seedy just to make sure i understand are they standing on a pile of dead bodies right now a talent scout hilarious misunderstanding cliche they're putting the food right next to the [ __ ] cliff again did they not learn anything from the last time also this tells me that the ants are still propping up their offering rock pile with that tiny rock that was the cause of the problem earlier he's our resident best men last year he played the lead in picnic even though i love this pun if i know anything kids sure do love obscure broadway references insect guernica also i realize this is all ridiculous but even a second string pixar movie is pretty good minus one sin for the genuinely amusing murder mural oh look at the beautiful colors of the blood do the bugs have red human blood in their universe pixar had some trouble finding the anthropomorphism line with this movie we are the warriors here to defend you holy sh i just realized this movie is the three amigos jesus what are these ants teaching their kid ants after this in the mural from before i feel like these ant kids have been watching nothing but quentin tarantino that rolled up blade of grass just had a feedback issue also with this kind of technology they could have built a bomb out of twigs in the urine from a horse line circus are circumventing they can trapeze trap them with ease a guy caught in a lie that almost reveals his lie with puns cliche is what america said after hearing the silly love songs [ __ ] me he's cutting off the circulation to my foot circulation might be a strong word hungrybird ex machina nobody really believes i can do this job i thought all ant queens had to do was reproduce which to me sounds like a pretty sweet gig how would you like to be the queen's official aide to the warrior bug that seems like a given since he found them discount batman the ants are able to find twigs that are the perfect bird torso shape these twigs must have fallen off of a rubber tree otherwise they would have snapped by them did he just say reuben kincaid the manager on the partridge family between this and that super topical picnic shout out i can't imagine why this film isn't more beloved by 90s kids they still have to gather food for the winner right as caterpillar is destroying their rations also congratulations to augustus gloop for changing the pop culture stereotype of germans from murderers into cottons it's less horrifying by several degrees of deadly sins look i'm a beautiful butterfly i was about to let them get away with the ant literally windsurfing on a leaf but that compounded with heimlich using leaves to float down when we all know he would drop like a hot rock is just too much to overlook these grasshoppers are drunk on grain you know i'm sure this is supposed to be evil on some level but mosquitoes those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one does hopper not know there are hundreds of thousands of other ant colonies he can terrorize who cares if they rise up the grasshoppers can literally just go anywhere else why doesn't the black widow and the circus gang eat any of the ants she's already trapping them in webs eating them is the next logical step for spiders i feel 70 again geez how long do these ants live if he's 70 then the queen has to be like 400 years old right i'll get it this is like second base for ants cricket taking jiminy cricket's name in vain um don't you have to fly to get here at the very least they had to haul this two-car animal cracker wagon down a steep hill and up another one right how the [ __ ] did he drive this thing through that huge ravine meanwhile in the [ __ ] ravine pt couldn't have possibly navigated safely down into and get back out of paradoxes duke it out with catch-22s and a no-holds-barred battle holding bars how far does hopper and his gang have to go before they're back at this particular ant colony this really seems like more trouble than it's worth the first time hopper and his gang showed up they all hid in the ant hill but this time they just stand around i guess they don't want to have to fix the roof again didn't you hear hopper he's going to squish the queen to remind him who's grasshopper 1 reminds grasshopper 2 of this conveniently within your shot of dog this creature has been on a leash all the other times we've seen him in this movie excluding this moment i guess that's because we needed one additional moment of tension with doc well what do you know dot can fly at the last second just before she felt her death who knew that was coming harper moved into the ant hill and this gang's eating everything but i heard a grasshopper say that when they're finished hopper's gonna squash my mom shouldn't you leave with the mom squishing we gotta do something oh come on you guys think i know the bird yeah our original plan how can she lift anything she's basically marcel the shell pretend it's a seed okay that worked must be an ant thing no it's just a dumb thing i know flick doesn't have much of a choice at this point but he seems confident that this team of second graders will be able to fly this bird we're going to isolate the music here does anyone else hear them playing the music from the opening sequence from aladdin during this bit this is like the third reference to another disney movie we've seen how much synergy do they need where is she i'm sorry a magician never reveals his secrets the circus bugs seem to expect hopper to just accept that the queen is gone the fake bird flies in front of the moon revealing that it's fake yet none of the grasshoppers look up in enough time to see that this bird is made of leaves swigs and is being suspended by a threat yeah no whose idea was this who cares you're killing everybody anyway right flick is all bruised up because you know ants bruise right i hate it when someone gives away the ending he gets eaten by birds the ants use flicks inventions and live happily ever after ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers he's right but no one even questioned that until this movie was made ants don't serve grasshoppers it's you who need us actually no they can apparently live it up in mexico according to this movie the only reason they're here right now is that hopper wants to teach them a lesson so this proclamation has lost some of its power in light of the new evidence hands yeah but 30 minutes ago you were warning against this very thing hopper forgot how to fly apparently you as ants should have been able to detect that long before visual proof was necessary i'll get more grasshoppers and be back next season because i was apparently created in a lab and possess a tortoise gene of some sort that keeps me alive for years and years oh hello bird ex machina coming in twice now i see say hi to the eagles for me will you isn't it customary for the mother bird to chew up the food before giving it to her baby birds this technique here promises to shove this big grasshopper down the middle chick's beak leaving the other two hungry and this one in need of surgery imagine some russians playing with hitler's index finger like a toy shortly after the end of world war ii that's basically what's going on here they didn't do this before and this may explain how they navigated that ravine but it doesn't explain why they were driving on the ground in the middle of it if tim could do this all along and besides he can't that noise well this seems like yet another colossal waste of food you didn't know you didn't know you didn't hear me when i said very important this morning what good are you do you have a brain do you want to keep this job shut up listen learn you need to [ __ ] off and go back to westworld but you need to [ __ ] off but man [ __ ] off you're out it is true what many of you have heard the machines have gathered an army and as i speak that army is drawing nearer to our home down look down what do they got there apes but they're not so big we got five minutes max what happens in five minutes it's no big deal just engine failure good thing i only need three never give up never surrender wherever there is injustice you will find us wherever there is suffering we'll be there
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 5,420,731
Rating: 4.8879523 out of 5
Keywords: a bug's life, cinema sins, cinemasins, pixar, everything wrong with, wave jockey job, movie review, review, eww
Id: WKOoa5qcG_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2016
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