Everything Wrong With Toy Story 2 In 14 Minutes Or Less

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[Music] 45 seconds of logos again awesome did Disney buy DC as well is it Superman even though this movie is great like a solid a that doesn't change the fact that it's the third best Toy Story film super short fluff sequel finds time for over three goddamn minutes of imaginary Buzz Lightyear video game Adventure bull seriously Buzz breathes like a discount Darth Vader and he's white [Music] too I know Gary rystrom is a big part of the sound of this movie but damn dude how many times you going to go to that Star Wars well hey this will be the first year I miss Cowboy Camp all because of my stupid hat what he has lost his hat has anyone checked with that prankster shark the boy who wrote that would take you to Camp with or without your hat does he have any reason to think he can't go to Camp without the Hat cuz if not what he needs a psychiatrist more than he needs Andy where'd you find it Well that's the bad news so wait did slink steal the hat back from the dog and then manage to outrun said dog because you know slink is a slinky with very poor motor skills right okay have a good week I see the humans in this house continue to give the toys extremely helpful warnings before anyone walks into a room and has their world change forever 5 minutes H it would take 15 minutes bare minimum to set up all these army men that's probably the joke they're making but 5 minutes is 5 minutes somehow this hasn't happened before now also a small tear will somehow me and Andy can't take this toy he's been taking to Cowboy camp for years to Cowboy Camp Candy Land mous strap twister guess who life where's theing Shoots and Ladders [ __ ] Andy's mom has had some work done no she looks nothing like she did in the last movie is what I'm saying you know I feel like Andy continued his love of Woody simply because the first movie demanded a happy ending this kid would have moved on from Woody 2 weeks after they moved into the new house with that Woody drops his dead arm but then also has a perfect view of Andy getting into the G Super Nintendo let's play some bomber man right fing now you know if you're going to make a joke about cousin AJ Joe Jim Bob writing a book about the real real big trucks you might want to make that thing 300 Pages lighter you know what I mean nearly every board game in this stack is also a movie with the same name like Guess Who movie really went off the rails when it came to adapting The Source material I send a whole bunch of stuff and the whole thing turned out to be a dream sequence but the movie is a [ __ ] for spending its first 12 minutes on video game footage and dream sequences also even toys have disturbing dream sequences now what if this happened while Andy was in the room nah she just told him that to calm him down and then put me on the Shelf yeah but you guys are living toys right why have you never made your presence known since you were put on the Shelf does the Shelf have some sort of magical properties as we aren't aware of no one can hear me yeah your squeaker is broken but not your voice yard sale all the toys freak out about a yard sale sign the mom is hammering into the front lawn but I'm much more concerned about a mother who opens a yard sale on her property without even so much as a hint about which toys her son is willing to part with and while I'm at it how convenient is it that Andy's not home right now okay boy to the yard sale what that dog understands English or you already taught at the command for two the yard sale I mean I can suspend my disbelief with the best of them but you're stretching it here man these toys move in the the presence of humans so damn often it's a wonder they ever even try to pretend they're non-animated toys back to Andy's room after all that trouble hiding Woody will now ride the back of a dog in full view of anyone who cares to look up super wellt trained toy friendly dog is utterly clueless when his best toy friend falls off in the front yard because the script called for conflict perhaps the least believable thing about any of the Toy Story movies is that Al from Al's Toy Barn would be lurking at this exact yard sale at this exact temporary moment when Woody finds himself trapped and that Woody falling on the table would accidentally trigger his voice prompt which is the only reason Al even found out he was here I mean godamn oh he's stealing Woody Al who is a known local celebrity featured in tons of commercials thinks he can steal Woody no problem right after being a pushy bastard about buying it and don't give me that he dresses like a chicken stuff either because his face is clearly visible Buzz's hand somehow punches this trunk open which I'd normally s but I'm going to take the sent back for all the detail the animators put in to show scratches all around its Keyhole a nice touch indeed he didn't have a beard like that did you guys see this dude or not how does a zezy top beard ever become part of the equation the kidnapper was bigger than that oh picky picky picky slink would be amazing at cinema sins but ham would be amazing at being our critics I can't believe I have to drive all the way to work on a Saturday all the way to work this [ __ ] dresses in his chicken costume before driving to the commercial shoe if Al comes bursting back into the room right now these living toys are all busted as hell there's no way they can all get back into place in time not to mention how many Styrofoam peanuts they've strewn around the room at this point but toys play dead when humans are around thing really loses its luster when you just scrip the humans out of the way whenever you need it say hello to the prospector do you get the sense that Joan qak signed up for this because she thought it was the sequel to toys oh wait nobody would do that stupid question why the prodigal son has return you know he's evil because the voice is sideo Bob wow what the hell why does collector alude have Priceless Woody magazines strewn across the floor answer he doesn't just made a cool shot so they did it every single one of these tapes is episodes 4 through 6 nothing prospector I reckon we ought to get out of here they've been sitting here dumb Ed watching TV for hours and even if Al somehow ended up doing 100 takes on his chicken soup commercial across the street there's no way these fers knew that was happening so they should be caught dead to rides as living toys by all measure of logic and Sanity they are at the very least some of the stupidest toys to ever forget to pretend not to be alive now it's on to the museum museum and now you learn the movie Set this whole record player thing up just for a cheap record scratch gag at the sound of something shocking I was coming go go on Jesse yes go and somehow clean up all those Styrofoam peanuts on the floor and put away the vide tapes and turn off the TV and Jesus this is hopeless isn't it we have a friend in need and unnecessary patriotism and that concludes our broadcast day what [ __ ] TV channels haven't been signing off this way since decades before this fcking movie takes place but whatever makes the parental Nostalgia Bell go ring a dingding right I see that cheese all over his fingers but how'd it get there this bowl is completely full he fell asleep before he had time to eat any of it I'm blind as Woody to have not seen any of this prior to stepping on the first cheese puff [Music] py just like in real life horses are so worried about being helpful they don't realize how much noise they're making wait well lucky Bullseye decided to wake up and join Woody then because I don't think he could have climbed the couch without it let's just say Al wakes up now by chance is there some kind of toy Court where woody would face charges of failing to pretend to not be alive Bullseye ignores hundreds of actual cheese puffs in order to lick the dust off the fingers of a dude I'm pretty sure didn't even eat any himself yep toys can smell who knew no officer I swear somehow Pixar thought this would be hilarious dialogue for a suddenly awoken creepy guy to say no idea where they were going with that but it's creepy as hell super serious toy collector dude pays no heed to his cheesy fingers while picking up a Priceless toy what you think I did that he accuses Jesse of turning on the TV when he tried to take back his arm but somehow she didn't see Stinky Pete do it why are there spikes on this road when there's no boom barrier blocking it massive Miracle also apparently no one not no is these cones moving by themselves road that was pretty much abandoned a minute ago will decide to be the hardest level of Frogger ever so the heroes have a challenge also I'm pretty sure these toys caused a 14 car accident where many many people were killed we just didn't see it because the movie is rated Jeep this pipe fell off a truck that had to haul all sorts of momentum to stop and yet it rolls like a gang of nerdy guys are pushing it uphill toy fixer dude turns out to be the old man from the Pixar chest short which I suppose Thrills and delights me to no end right you can't rush art you hear that Marvel why is the automatic door open and working but the clo sign is still in the window someone didn't do their job all the way these toys all just saw a human worker come in here but now they're spreading out just openly wandering around shouting Woody as though no humans could be nearby while I admit it would be weird to see an aisle full of other 's Buzz already experienced the whole I'm not unique and I'm a toy thing last movie Overstock this raises an interesting philosophical question though at what point do toys in this universe become self-aware you know they make it so you can't defeat Zerg unless you buy this book it's extortion that's what it is wait until you get to the era of DLC and in-game purchases T-Rex you've got it good right now trust me this thing has working gas and brake pedals get the [ __ ] out of here movie these guys are in a car driving around a toy store where there are no helpful warnings from Andy's mom that someone's about to come into the room movie thinks that if it swaps in a second buzz in place of Woody then I'll Overlook the fact that it's literally repeating an entire scene from the first movie you know how the rest of this goes at this point right movie is wrong these Barbies know how to party one question though why didn't they let any of the Ken dolls join the bash they'd be in the same aisle right also no other toy sold in this store is stupid enough to be awake at this point but all the Barbie stuff is having a pool party right now what do toys do in the age of security cameras by the I feel sad for this Barbie because she's cooking a steak that will never get cooked enough dinosaur overboard back in 1995 shortsighted retailers did not order enough dolls to meet demand Disney complaining about not getting enough money also I guess they've more than made up for it by over buying on the next go round see how that works Tiny Tim can still get his operation after all no if this guy was the true collector he's been made out to be he'd know better than to put his greasy fingers all over the Priceless toy just to take an obscene number of posed phot photos in order to then sell said Priceless toy oils dust potential damage this guy is ignoring all the obsessive collector Basics it's like printing my own money what serious toy collector or serious eBay seller would take and use Polaroids of the merchandise sure it looks better for this shot to have him holding physical pcks but it's dumb as hell on my way to the office to fax them to you and he's going to fax them to the buyer take too many pictures use Polaroid instant film and then facts results this guy has never sold a high value item in his life Lov me damn this scene's going to appeal to my soft side and make me remove sins isn't it every one of these transitions suggests this girl outgrew her love of horses for stuff like makeup and music but what's going to outgrow her love of being a stereotype huh this suggests that Emily grew up during the 60s and70s what with the record player and the posters but she has a poster for a concert at Pixar studio for the Lemur on November 25th 1999 the day after the release of this movie something's fishy about that I don't know why and this donation center is out in the middle ofing nowhere Buzz just managed to escape at the perfect time and sees Rex's tail hanging out of this bag so he knows where to go next Buzz somehow knew these particular toys in this order would lead to him flying toward the door Zerg toy just happened to be mixed in with the Bargain Bin I guess because no one likes to buy the buzzl your villain but no one wants to buy Buzz Lightyear either according to the shelves in this place imposter Buzz is able to pull this vent out you know I think that buzz out went to his head these idiots still haven't figured out they've got the wrong Buzz elevator XM actually Buzz then decides not to use the elevator but then yeah elevator XM hello that looks like a thing I can't see since my eyes are covered wait a minute are you saying Mr potatoe head's eye works even when it's not attached to it him this guy was blind in the last movie when they knocked out his eyes so you're filthy cheaters Pixar you're a child's play thing you are a toy symmetry you got a in retro version of Randy Newman's song from the first movie gives Woody the idea he needs to advance the plot I thought the guy did a really professional job fixing Woody but apparently he can just scrape the paint off with a couple of swipes right no one heard or saw him exit the box and walk over here and do this totally also Stinky Pete tightens the screws on this vent the only method Andy have for escape but didn't do this anytime earlier when he knew everyone was asleep buzz and gang react to Zerg before Zerg is even visible Zerg took his sweet nice time finding Buzz didn't he although maybe he had complications involving getting into this floor but I'm still sending it because of this perfect timing this should mean Mr potatoe head lost all his body parts to the Elevator Shaft but nope it doesn't you killed my father no buzz I am your father no parity not also this line of toys is a serious ripoff of Star Wars from the story to their sound effects I know this just another Newman Dennis nedre character Wayne Knight is playing here and he's evil and dumb but can he seriously not hear the slinky behind him I finally defeated Zurg Rex thinks pushing the toy Zerg off an elevator is the same as defeating him in the video game and as a guy who actually killed a number of motherb brains in real life I can tell you that my inability to beat them in video games left my frustration intact Mr Potato hat somehow stops these heavy double doors from closing which is some Bullit Pizza anyone Pizza truck from the first movie XM strangers from the outside I didn't realize until rewatching this how much lip service this movie pays to the first one I guess I should be glad that these toys are somehow finding a way to drive this car but this really goes against all the rules and general stuff they needed to worry about in the first movie and plus it's toys driving a car somehow coordination between all these idiot toys on their first time driving makes me kind of angry drive angry there he is how did Al Park his car and get to check in so fast how are Buzz's feet protruding through this pet carrier's floor in order to propel it along the carpet a puppy barkk bark barkk this works it's not a Pixar movie unless there's a giant Factory or M of conveyor bels to navigate Pixar goes for that classic but joke which is something beas and Butthead du America did 2 years earlier and everyone did whenever but Montana was founded it's amazing what transpires to make Woody look exactly the same when he finally gets back into the arms of Andy Toy Story 2 steals the flashing camera weapon from rear window and that Itchy and Scratchy Land episode of The Simpsons toy horse with no real Hooves will catch up to this gas powered vehicle American Airlines wow that toy horse was running at the same speed as in about to take off jumbo jet I'm not even mad that's amazing these toor put great faith in the fact that Andy's mom won't find it weird when Andy mentions this tour oh wow new toys yeah a horsey and a girly doll what's not to love when you like exclusively dude toys and only use Bow Peep when you need a female for Woody to save welcome to Al's Toy Barn it's good that Al approved an ad where he was so sad we could see the results of his come upins Mr shark looked in the toy box and found me an extra squeaker which means there's another toy with its squeaker completely ripped out either that or this toy comes with a spare squeaker of some sort which I'm not buying for 1 minute when did all these Barbies make it into the household Andy's little sister is like 2 years old she's not playing with multiple Barbies yet is sheo I don't remember eating that cut I can't now let's think about this for a second this is an animated movie about toys coming to life when humans aren't around but these outakes tell us they're actually actors pretending to be toys that only come to life when the humans aren't around or behind the scenes toys are filming this no it's humans filming living toy actors all right I think my existentialism just threw me a left uppercut isn't this exciting heck Pixar accidentally puts ants in Toy Story too DreamWorks is going to be pissed when they find out now we're going to take some pictures and we're going to have another little sip of wine and we're going to take some more [Music] pictures space a final frontier Mania collab collab hey everybody Andy's back presents the m i w Mirror Mirror football [Applause] [Music] practice he hey this is our on get out of here no no no listen you got to give me the time I did a test run on this thing it took me 20 minutes I thought it maybe pushed 18 but you got to give me at least 15 minutes give me the 15 minutes Bart Simpson the spirited little Scamp who twice foiled my evil schemes and sent me to this dank urine soaked hell hole my name is Darth Vader I am an extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan the Red Zone has always been for loading and unloading there's never stopping in a white zone don't tell me which zone is for stopping and which zone is for [Applause] loing I think I'm getting The Black Lung [Music] pop it's Christmas time so what are you going to do when you're tired of watching the usual holiday movie reruns besides watch Cinema of course I'll be watching some wholesome anime on crunchy roll crunchy roll is an anime streaming service that offers the largest most diverse collection of anime series that you can watch in HD with no ads and crunchy roll gets you new shows as soon as 1 hour after they air in Japan with subtitles it's 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Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 6,209,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy story 2, everything wrong with, eww, cinema sins, cinemasins, movie sins, review, movie review, wave jockey job
Id: 9iuWpq61dsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2015
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