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I had hoped he'd revisit this game for a while now, since it properly released quite some time ago.

Thank yoooooooou!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/lady_ninane 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2015 🗫︎ replies

Mark needs to do audiobooks.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2015 🗫︎ replies

I sincerely find it funny that Mark and Jack are playing games that the other completed recently. (Fran Bow for Mark, One Chance for Jack).

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Weirdguy149 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2015 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to Fran bow now I played the demo for this game a long time ago and it really impressed me because it was a point-and-click style adventure horror game that had really surreal bizarre and grotesque environments and a lot of really weird things that were going on and it really impressed me in the demo and I'd been waiting for it forever everything's fine it feels like heaven doesn't look like heaven I see my parents they look so happy they have a present for me I wonder it's a cat so sweet and pretty dark is the deepest night it's mister midnight my best friend my only friend we're having dinner and I see Aunt Grace - I really like her a lot it's Friday my parents are going out on grace takes good care of me we are having so much fun it's Monday night I'm playing with mr. midnight but something feels real bad oh I a strange creature outside my window I don't like it it scares me suddenly I hear something it's mom screaming I want to know what's wrong a bright light shines from my parents room I go closer and closer mom dad please don't mommy daddy all righty then I can't quite rule Fran please follow my voice on the count of three you will wake up one two hey there we are okay three hello hi doc Fran how do you feel I feel terrible considering everything that I just saw I feel like dying probably be okay I feel like dying I don't understand why you make me do this try to calm down this is part of your recovery my parents are dead recovery don't you get it and my parents are dead oh poor thing everything will get better I promise better then let me go that would be better you should not tell me how to do my job well maybe you should do your job a little better but now I have something for you friend oh really I said to give a little sass on this one see the desk there's a little package for you it's from Aunt Grace take it okay cool this was my mother's purse what's inside your mother's purse open it there's something inside examine dearest Fran here's the purse you like so much I thought you would like to have it when I was thinking about you I remembered that you like to examine objects and combine them with other things so I hope you'll always keep this person give it and all the other things you find a good use never forget the creativity is absolutely the greatest gift you have loved on grace she is worried about you see I'm worried too because I'm not crazy and still here stop it you are out of control young lady can I leave now can I go to my room please yes you can leave but before you do it is time for your medicine I don't want to try more medicine it's called duo teen and it will make you feel very relaxed nurse we're ready oh hey nurse has given trusty very much anything new today dr. dear nothing actually same visions as before oh I see here Fran take a medicine I don't do women's voices very well I tend to give them all very very deep voices oh boy I remember this from the demo I don't feel good oh no take her back to a room and nurse don't let her take this ever again yeah she kind of had a bad experience from that but I get a feeling that I need to take a lot more of that medicines as the game progresses now I remember a lot of this from the demo but they did change around a few things beware Fran bow if you leave the house of madness I will hunt you down catch you and bring you back to insanity that's so sad Fran wake up oh the poor little kitty wants to help the medicine will help you escape I'll be waiting for you in the forest Thank You mr. midnight but why weren't you oh I love you as mr. midnight gonna secretly be the evil entity that's haunting my life mm-hmm chapter one my sober day see if there's a lot of interesting things about this game besides the grotesque misc of what the environments showing what the that what happens to Fran bow that is all fantastic about the game - I love that it's so like it makes you not well I have to get out of here okay I must have missed the first one something about getting out but I like I love this game because when I played the demo it was so interesting and interactive I mean I've played a lot of point-and-click before but this one took it to a different level because I don't know if I compared to Alice in Wonderland yet but I wanted to because it kind of had that feel of going down the rabbit hole and exploring an entire and in a world filled with madness where not everyone is mad in there the patient was found near the Oswald asylums showing signs of psychosis the bow dagger family tragedy details omitted treatment dr. Marcel Dean has tried different medications and all have been cancelled because of side effects psycho what I'm not that for sure and only 10 years old Nora diagnosed with psychosis locked good reason to get curious I will get your nose I was gonna be playful are you a happy clown can you make me laugh I'm having a hard time laughing again I will get you nose oh that's so kind of sad hopefully this won't fall on my head while I'm sleeping well that almost guarantees that's gonna happen I love out like everything is just grotesque it's awesome red and tiny you are hiding from me oh you want the medicine I hate the monster I have to find mr. midnight I have to find him now I miss my kitty he hides because he is afraid he told me that the medicine would show me where he is that leads me to think that you know I will find you mr. midnight oh boy don't be afraid my dear kitty everything will be just fine that makes me think more and more that it's not good for you and that actually mr. midnight might be a bad influence oh holy moly something fell a handy hook I'll save him to play pirate later probably not oh sweet sweet melody I saw I kind of forgot that the character even though I just read that she was 10 years old I kind of forgot that she is just a 10 year old girl wandering through this weird place my legs are just fine that empty bottle empty glass is nothing useful towels towels I don't need towels let's see hello hi oh I want to know what she's writing I'm curious I guess the nurse would let him never let me touch anything excuse me sorry Oh Fran you're awake good how long was I asleep three days maybe was that the medicine that made me sleepy yes it was the medicine that's why you're not taking it anymore lady nurse I did something see you are nothing but trouble what is it hmm broke the curtains I was trying to look outside and I accidentally broke the curtains accidentally I have to fix this follow me I'm sorry I didn't mean to I don't feel like following you though see I better go and talk to her oh okay alright then hello something is missing have you seen the hook that holds the curtains seeing nothing no miss I haven't seen anything well I have to go and find something to fix this you little girl okay thank you I can feel the love pouring out from your cold stony heart alright fine then ooh whoa that is cool I also like the art style it's very simplistic but also it leads or it lends itself to the atmosphere that is trying to create tower-defense or is it defense tower I guess I that is my way up okay so now that she left I should be able to find something on her desk would it get here I'll keep these patches to stop blood because I plan on bleeding a whole lot later violent trauma can have a great impact on children totally changing their normal lives for example children damaged by trauma can have mild the severe deficits and some abilities such as trusting people near them seeing the world as a safe place making decisions etc because of these effects some traumas can lead to several symptoms of major mental illness for example not trusting other people are not feeling safe in the world this can be interpreted as paranoia okay traumas traumas traumas the word doctors love to say hehehe that brain looks like a turtle dang Puri is this a child is sad the patient has been sleeping almost all the time she only wakes up to drink water but I don't think she remembers that after drinking she goes back to sleep again she hasn't been social for three days either some kids have come around and asked about her and when she would come out and play okay justine 8'h is that a clue for something okay that his handwriting is awful no doubt okay pills pills hide oh I know what that is okay whoa why is there gun there seriously why is there a gun there all right good all right so eight eight so this is just saying that the numbers are the codes so I can open up that if I just assign the numbers to the thing okay examine it what pills are inside I know it I have to crack the code okay so hey CD obesity done done okay the pills Kitty told me these would help me alright cool then do I have an unlimited supply and do I actually want to take him is the question yep yes I do holy crap you got a little blood on your mouth are you okay oh my god oh my god that's so weird get out creepy creature what are you huh tell me okay empty bottle empty glass alright hello miss nurse how are you doing okay excuse me lady nurse this may be very useful oh man but I love it so much that love how grotesque it is it's so cool I just wondering if these show any different view well they do whoa there's a handprint ah the playground good night trees and moon I'm pretty sure the playground isn't a good escape route I like the bunny swing thing it makes me feel dizzy oh that is so weird okay let me try just this mirror or this window here and then I'll move on oh I'm not so easy to see through this good okay so now I can carry on oh my god how's it going there oh that's my head oh is that my head get me my head back please good god this is so weird oh this is so weird oh man I I adore this is so cool oh you're sleeping sweet bunny only wake up oh that's sad what happened to the clown where'd the clown go I hope he's not around here oh god no it looks like he escaped from the bay that's not good I don't want to meet the clown okay what does the say now who did it that's the good question who did it it was not me now there seems to be a way down oh hi - happiness Oh - happy it's full our secret box hey I'm the one who she's around here I don't know it meet any of the dark voices to shush me why are you looking at me like that you terrify me what is that black thing sitting next to you you can see the patient came to Oswald Asylum with his mother the boys developed paranoid behavior paranoid not yet diagnosed Oh wouldn't mr. horse are you having a good time I'm not having the best time the world oh your head I'll try to put your head back on oh well I'm sorry I can't help you mister dear I tried my best okay so that one's locked so there's bound to be something down here like the extent of the demo that I played kind of had some elements of what we're seeing here but not all no absolutely not you can't tell her that but she has to know you can't keep her away from me the reason is more than clear grace no it's not I've want to take her home now you can't Fran's mental condition is not appropriate yet I'm guessing that's Aunt Grace I have no idea what happened to me oh hi why am I here now was that real oh dear Aunt Grace I wonder what she has to tell me the doctor has no soul I'm going home tonight alright then what does this Fox say foxy Fox don't cry no use my hand as a tissue would you like a hug oh god that's so sad that's so weird alright let's see what we can do I was that doll there before I don't know see I used to have a blue dress like yours I can't play with you now I'm in a very secret mission okay so maybe I can use one of the items that I have if I combine combine the knitting loom knitting needle with the little box it won't do okay- okay alright then never mind I'm gonna use this try to use it on that almost but there's another hole I need something else okay so the hook combined with this little box oh it's open okay Oh oh cool I have a key I didn't know that I could just that easily get a key Oh was this drawer locked was that the thing I think I'm room yeah okay so this key must go to this yeah there's something inside oh bobby pin oh god that's so disturbing I'm not okay with that I am NOT okay with that alright let's carry on so now that we have the bobby pin we should be able to do something with it combine it with this yeah there we go okay so you use this on the door and apparently a ten-year-old can pick locks let's go Fran wait okay I snapped out of it hello are you leaving tonight yeah maybe I will if you help me I will if you help me the only thing I know is that the office is the key the key is there a key inside the office I saw the doctor write a secret code a secret code to open the yellow door he doesn't want me to tell you who who him you mean the blow all doors are closed you are prisoner of my games and nobody will help you escape okay cool that's interesting leave me alone I hate you all that's so sad mommy daddy I need you so much right now no I won't let that monster snobby you go girl you show them who's boss you show that nurse who's boss you know what's going on okay I think this is just about the extent of the demo but things are still radically different than what the demo actually was portraying the maze we never get to play there whoa tonight the fog is pretty thick how can you tell it's barely crossed the horizon okay wish I could get lost in there so there's another door open here hi you look fun another clown oh boy hello you see them you do right what see what the creatures that follow everyone the shadows you mean the shadows uh-huh I can't see them but I know they're there see I wish I didn't see them you like to draw I love to draw let me just change the subject on everything I love it too but tell me more about the shadows crayon a crayon I want to find a crayon I draw all the time you have crayons right next to you little girl I wanted what are you drawing something that's very helpful thank you what is it my dreams go now okay fine then if you could try to find something else around there a real flowers they smell so sweet the patient was a victim of sexual abuse by an unknown person which almost killed her this event created auditory hallucinations and thought disorder office so horrible oh this is one of those mute clowns how do you know it's a mute clown how can you even tell I mean a mine okay oh let me see red puppet and a serpent a Teddy and many other things okay so what about these crayons here that's mine my crayons can I have it I just like this green crayon so much can I have it no it won't be able to grow a green then that's ridiculous I can't give it to you but you have so many come on yes many colors but you know they don't like me drawing wait well why do you draw so much who who does who the nurses they tie me up and what I want to draw I can't the nurses are crazy when I can't draw I hurt myself then comes the red milk look no no oh God so horrible oh man please cure me yes and stop the red milk I'll see what I can do whoa let's take a pop a pill why do you look like a fabric doll oh god it's so horrible tiny tiny hands all over you eating your soul that's a rather dark thing to say what the clown go I don't know maybe somewhere even the purest things die in this place I think I found the clown go on maybe if I touch it he will jump and scare me a lot more right nothing happened it must be dead Oh what was that oh no daddy was not there mommy would not care that's weird as hell could God hello this wasn't blocked up before okay hi you're my beloved friend okay if you want to hug me try to catch me if you can't catch me it's because you haven't found me murder okay oh this is weird okay the King likes drawing who's the king Oh alrighty then somebody wrote something here interesting what this wasn't here before you damn right it wasn't so did the pills just wear off after a while or do they do I have to actually like sit here for a while or do I actually have to take another or something oh man okay so I gotta make the pill we're off I think and that way I'll be able to go down the staircase that was there before guys so horrific alright so let me try oh oh okay so all I do is I closed the pill bottle and that does that oh hey there you are you should be in your room the door was closed but you left it open I'm sure it was not open I know because I locked it how did I get out then it was open old lady don't try to trick me Oh charge of room would wait for the doctor okay I think I looked at everything I needed to I don't have time for this you need to find my way out oh I thought oh oh okay all right I get it so there's another piece of the puzzle oh hey how's it going never mind did you break out free middle room that's not a nice friend but I'm hungry sir I haven't eaten in days I won't listen to any of your excuses young lady no food for the rest of your life see mister doctor please just let me go out and eat something you have to learn how to listen to those in charge of course sir lesson learnt just don't do it again Fran don't we need now then get back to bed thanks doctor this is almost abuse but I love you or something whatever you want to hear go screw yourself alright we'll see if I can get done with cafeteria this actually let me see what's in this first still spoopy the throne is empty I didn't realize that anyone could see me poofy gross oh this is the only one hello hi sir Oswald Harrison a bearded old man the skate is very locked I wonder what that blinking light is for that signs show where things are in the hospital the reception room you always find a nurse in there okay hello sir how's it going I'll get with you in just a second hey you turned off the office door let's see Annie Shultz Daniel Gosselin phil was here today phil was here today that seems to be the only thing that she cares about phil was here who's Filmore Bronston then hi sir how you doing sir the key hanging up there can I have it here if I could give you the key if you could give me Oh God now God what a bastard you can kiss your butt that is really weird I can't reach those tiny windows okay then if I call emergency I don't think they would help me this table isn't interesting at all fine I'll go get something to eat then hello hi hello are you all right what is that supposed to mean I wanted to know I just wanted to know if you feel okay I don't want to tell the doctor will cut your head open if you don't leave he likes to eat brains he already took mine he ate all my thoughts create your brain he will eat yours too I saw you inside the doctors office you were dead Oh No if I have to go I hope you find new thoughts oh boy okay a little weird but not the weirdest thing and I've seen so far hello Isabelle would you like to help me escape good night shiny toys elephant sir you are very pink and soft clowns on the walls in the house of madness your tiny hat is but sometimes she says things that are actually quite profound and interesting and then other times very much not what are you doing kid I've no idea what you're doing hello what are you doing it doesn't work the papers not working what do you mean the paper should be working like they told me what does the paper do I need the paper to show me what's on the television RC but why isn't it working the waves must be powerful Jesus channel please okay I'll try my best clickety-click how about that one OOP boink human testing approved oh good how about that one that one seems like a fun one it works it works a miracle thank you paper vision positive grade can I see no this mine if you want you can take the papers that didn't work I suppose I can use it oh thank you for your Grace's help I'm busy paper vision revision in action okay thank you a little paper boat take me to the sea and beyond the action men could either of you help me find my kitty I don't know I imagine when I take this pill it's not gonna help very much pink sash is now mine let me examine this while I'm not on the pill well that looks borderline nice oh no they did it all wrong they get you ready two little visas please take me out of here please take me out of here oh my god that's so weird oh I see that I see that oh you can't fool me oh that is so creepy okay let's see you look at me I say I care while you're dying of hunger and thirst what hello how's it going Isabel wake up Isabel the black shadow is touching you it says that you're going to die soon are you afraid of death I hope not because it may happen even if you don't like it I will laugh at you why I will lie to you I will hide you inside the shadows Oh No Teddy what are you doing here do you want your way to meet another teddy I don't think so say hello from me when you get there oh oh so dark and creepy so dark and creepy oh no the lady nurse died I wonder who did this it wasn't me the grandfather clock is big and grand on that big what have we here chocolate mmm yummy I don't like the bitter coffee many of the days pasta it's weird mommy loved to paint roses I don't like this painting it feels like mr. Oswalt is staring mr. midnight are you here they hired you because they love you I don't know what that means they harm you because they hate you a little boy everyone feels ashamed of you is that the shadow speaking to me or is mi mi she is speaking to the shadow there oh hi how's it going they are dead birdie-bird and like you the holy man took all your clothes off oh how pretty all the roses are right your mommy doesn't believe you oh god please tell me if you can hear me why do you have this creature next to you he's staring at you maybe he wants to eat you oh god it's so gross this door is always locked at night I can't go out and play let's let's oh okay everything's back to normal now goody goody gumdrops and he loves to drink the milk like a kitten don't touch my sward okay I didn't know was yours you should bow and speak clearly to me I'm your king I bow to you sir very well my child what is the purpose of your visit I want your cane Sarah what walking cane do you mean my sword yes your highness your sward what would you give me in exchange anything you need your highness maybe a crayon because the King likes to drink bring me a castle and a horse only then when I grant you my sward but don't you like to draw maybe you'd like to draw I thought you were hungry okay then there has to be another way around first let me see if I can look out the windows first and he clues this is the playground okay so if I carry on over here oh hey everyone's here hello hello are you new here I haven't seen you before no are you from downstairs uh-huh they think I'm better now what's your name could you please kill me whoa okay that's a bit of a Donoho I have to go bye bye bye bye bye now hello hey Annie how are you aren't you afraid of me not particularly why because I can do magical tricks and make you sleepy I didn't know you could magic tricks show me show you but it's very scary it's better if you do it I can't I'm not a magician I can give you the magical stuff really whoa yes the magical stuff that will make anyone fall asleep that's amazing powerful and grand here is a gift take it slowly oh okay how does it work I'm guessing I sprinkle in this in someone's food and they go to sleep magical fairy dust and all that okay bye Annie stop looking so permanently shocked all the time okay so that's all the time that I have for this episode I hope you guys are enjoying this is so intriguing like just the level of detail in the story I know it it like is a point-and-click adventure so that kind of leads itself to what the thing that it is but it's just so interesting to see so let me know what you think of this game down in the comments below let me know if you're enjoying it and thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 10,593,191
Rating: 4.9440441 out of 5
Keywords: Fran Bow, Video Game Culture, markiplier, gameplay, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, fran bow let's play, scary game, neverending nightmares, fran bow part 1
Id: seT7wHorSQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2015
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