Five Nights at Freddy's 3: REVISITED

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one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four hello hi welcome to five nights at freddy's 3. sorry welcome back to five nights at freddy's this is five nights at freddy's 3. probably i would consider this to be it's not bad i don't want to go into this with negativity that's not what i want to do because i don't want to be about it i think when i went into this before i wasn't appreciating it for what it was because i was so enamored with like five nights at freddy's one and two and i was expecting the mechanics of those games so i wasn't ready to be immersed in this new game and i think a lot of people might have been in the same way again it's not bad i'm not going into this trying to on this game because in reality i think it was very interesting what it was trying to do with the whole idea that you only had one animatronic coming after you and your death was determined on keeping this particular animatronic away and also just because of how important springtrap is in relation to all the other characters and all the other facets of the lore of five nights at freddy's so as we do this know that i'm going into this with an open mind and i'm going to really learn the mechanics because i think that no matter what the last time that i was really playing this which is way back when i never really learned the mechanics too well i never really knew how to get springtrap to move i had like a rough idea i was trying to you know use the sound cues and whatnot but now it's time to try it for realsies for realsies and i i know what you're thinking dissolves to cruel ploy to promote the trailer for in space with markiplier how dare you how dare how dare you could you how could you dare how could you dare how dare could you just because there's a link to the trailer of in space with markiplier down in the description that's clickable upon any moment to see an incredible trailer for a show that is coming out on april 4th which is a monday the fact that you would think that i would do that for you just to do this i'm insulted at the prospect i'm insulted i'm insulted i'm insulted the idea that this is all just a promotion i shudder at the thought i shudder i'm shuddering right now i'm shuddering and weeping right now anyway let's play this game don't you dare insult me about the link in the description i forgot to replace it from last time that's all i forgot i forgot anyway fazbear fights the order of attraction right because this is in the future well that's a sound i am a listen to the calls again hey glad you came back for another night i promise it'll be a lot more interesting this time we found some great new relics over the weekend and we're out tracking down a new lead right now so uh let me just update you real quick then you can get to work like the attraction opens in like a week so we have to make sure everything works and nothing catches on fire uh when the place opens people will come in at the opposite end of the building and work their way toward you and pass you and help the exit yeah you've officially become part of the attraction you'll be starring as a security guard so not only will you be monitoring the people on the camera as they pass through you know to make sure no one steals anything or makes out in the corner but you'll also be a part of the show it'll make it feel really authentic i think uh now let me tell you about what's new we found another set of drawings always knives and a foxy head which we think could be authentic then again it might just be another crappy cosplay and we found a desk fan very old-school medal though watch the fingers uh right now the place is basically just you know flashing lights and spooky props but i honestly thought we'd have more by now uh if we don't have something really cool by next week so we may have to suit you up in a furry suit and make you walk around saying but you know like i said we're trying to track down a good lead right now the some guy who helped design one of the buildings says it was like an extra room that got boarded up or something like that so we're going to take a peek and see what we can find for now just get comfortable with the new setup um you can check the security cameras over to your right with the click of that blue button uh you can toggle between the hall cams and the event cam uh then over to your far left that you can flip up your maintenance panel you know use this to reboot any systems that may go offline so in trying to make the place feel vintage we may have overdone it a bit some of this equipment is barely functional yeah i wasn't joking about the fire that's that's that's a real risk the most important thing you want to watch for is the ventilation look this place will give you the spooks man and if you let that ventilation go off live then you'll start seeing some crazy stuff man keep that air flowing okay keep an eye on things and we'll try to have something new for you tomorrow night [Music] all right you got it buddy thank you don't worry about me i'll be part of the attraction i'll tell them boo anyway i'll tell them boo every day okay so this is uh i think this is one of the first five nights at freddy's games that you don't die or you can't die off the get-go because the only way to die in this game unless there's some secret that i'm forgetting about is from springtrap everything else is a hallucination right isn't that the case is there any hallucination that can kill you i've forgotten pretty much everything about this game so i don't know also i'm gonna time how long it takes one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve third about 12 seconds versus 2 3 there 5 6 7 maybe a 6 7 i don't know so it's probably like half as long to do one as opposed to doing them all three i think what i did before is i always tried to reset all of them because i was like hey there's got to be a thing there also i never really understood the mechanics behind the sounds because sometimes it would be like he wouldn't move at all what he i'm the best here's why i'm the king everybody this is why you gotta respect the crown flawless victory i come back after so many years still incredible still incredible oh god no oh good god i really did like they brought this back and like really embracing the whole follow me i've shut up shut up you know you don't know me i'm fast i'm fazzy fred pick i'm pretty fat where did you come from wait buddha boo click what is bbdbi bbdbl click what is that bbdb i or l i no l b b what is that click b b d i l click what is that oh wait you guys get it says capital b capital b lowercase d lowercase b l click balloon boy double click ah i don't know what that means what are you talking about balloon boy double click so double click on balloon boy sure okay okay don't worry i will i will yes i'm following you i thought i wasn't i was trying not to and yet here i am following you not that i have much a choice in the matter you just let me on a circus path you go eat your own ass and i'm gonna go back over here because i was trying to go somewhere else i was trying to go elsewhere sir i'm gonna go north i don't think i've ever really explored too much okay that's parts and services something about that oh my god i looked away i legitimately looked away right when that happened well i'll never know what when happened and this just goes to show if you don't look you don't know like if you don't look at a trailer for a show that's coming out april 4th i have some awesome news for you first of all we found some vintage audio training gazettes dude these are like prehistoric i think they were like training tapes for like other employees or something like that so about to like have them playing like over the speakers as people walk through the attraction it would then make this feel legit man but i have an even better surprise for it and you're not gonna believe that we found one a real one uh gotta go man uh well look it's in there somewhere i'm sure you'll see it okay i'll leave you with some of this great audio that i found talk to you later man uh hello hello hello uh welcome to your new career as a performer slash entertainer for freddy fazbear's pizza these taste will provide you with much needed information on how to handle slash climb into slash climb out of mascot costume right now we have two specially designed systems that double as both animatronic and zoom so please pay close attention while learning how to operate these suits such as accidents slash injuries slash deaths flash irreparable and grotesque naming can occur first we'll discuss how to operate the mascots when they're in animatronic form police of operations animatronics are set to turn and walk towards sound easy this is an easy and hands-free approach to making sure the animatronics stay where the children are for maximum entertainment splash crowds and values to change the animatronics to suit mode insert and turn firmly to hand crank provided by the manufacturer turning the crank will recoil and compress the animatronic parts around the sides of the suit providing room to climb inside please make sure the spring locks are fast and tight to ensure the animatronic devices remain fixed we will cover this in more detail in tomorrow's session remember to smile see what the face is really fast hello okay so clearly i don't know what the hell i'm doing what is balloon boy double click isn't this balloon boy i'm double clicking i remember there was some kind of a secret but i didn't actually figure out what it was wasn't really my department hi well there he is this oh [Music] huh interesting the law uh yeah do that night over again right okay so i remember going through this and getting the secrets but it's not like i discovered any of them what's that hot dog what am i looking at there i have no idea but either way spring trap is in the house which means that we got to be on our toes so there's probably like some kind of a secret in all of those i think i got killed by purple guy in the mini games before i was ever able to actually do anything oh well alas alas hi [Music] can you come here what was it what was the best room to keep him in i don't really remember probably room 8 is the best one to try to keep them in anyway and there's got to be a way to like like preemptively do stuff i can't remember if preemptive maintenance is a thing or if you just maintain when you maintain so he was there what happens when you play an audio when he's already in the room because he's in the room right now he's back there it's hard to see him especially with live stream probably not looking too good but he's right there so if i play it again he's right there but i think he was about to leave let me try what happens does he leave when hello you play it oh audio error who the hell do you think you are that's a good question me thank you me he explodes i don't know if that's true i think he might be lying about that i think he might be a bit of a liar okay he's gone will he come back he comes right back see sometimes does is that an indication of what room he just came from if he does that so if you press it when he's already in the room he leaves that is the thing i think that's just a base mechanic but if he's nearby and i think he has to be nearby oh i can't breathe i can't breathe but i think if he's nearby he'll go in right he must the only problem that didn't scare me is because balloon boy is a little well that's not a good sound what is happening pardon me what's going on hello hi oh god oh god where is he [Music] also isn't it a thing that i should just keep one of them sealed at all times i don't remember how to play this at all i don't remember how to play this at all oh hey oh that's problem you probably couldn't see him because my face was there but just trust me i died i don't remember how or what i did wrong probably because i was screaming in my office too super loud well that's how you go and that's how we do but that's why we got to keep going always moving forward always moving forward or backwards depending on where i'm calling them from i think room eight must be the best because then [Music] okay so he's in roommate can i draw him into room five i totally can't so he's in room five right now so the general idea [Music] is okay and now he's in room eight so it does work i just don't like it very much that's the thing is it more efficient to reboot all these are questions that i have no answers to these are questions that i would never be able to understand so you will have to help me understand room 10 sealed event that makes sense room 10 seal the vent ore oh hi i see you that that does make a lot of sense that makes a lot of sense that makes a you make sense you make a lot of sense uh oh i see him that's the other problem i never really noticed him wherever he was so he's moving but the vent is sealed so then if if i have him there maybe preemptive maintenance is a thing and i can actually get ahead of the game you know what i mean get ahead of the game you know what else is getting ahead of the game watching the trailer for in space with markiplier a fantastic show with a fantastic crew made by a fantastic person whoever made that must be some kind of a genius well or handsome and or beautiful take a pic anyway it would be great if there was like a convenient link in the description to this trailer so that people could watch it in all of its glory whenever they wants to whenever it's they wants to it would be incredible it would be astonishing it would be outstanding anyway link's in the description if you mayhaps may wants to see it are you still there he is still there now he's gonna move i just did that because i wanted to see for sure if that's what happened but the question is where did he go oh oh oh my god i thought i sealed that i thought i sealed that i thought i sealed that didn't i feel that does it not stay sealed did i not seal that all right that is the interesting thing it might also be a thing where if you play the noise when he's in the room if you play the noise while he's in that room that you're playing the noise of he gets kind of pissed [Music] okay so that is now actually sealed so he's right there what happens i just want to see what he does you you a you a coward come kill me try to kill me i dare you to kill me my breast is exposed i'm talking about my chest talking about my torso i i i it is weird that i was just shouting at springtrap about my breasts but i meant my like in old shakespeare terms you know right kill me in my breast my breasts you know you know what you know what i'm saying this is making sense if it's not making sense and it's on you not me what am i doing anyway springtrap got something to show you wherever you are i don't know where you went i think he just gets real peeved maybe it's a thing maybe it's a thing where he no longer listens to the cue if you play it in his face maybe he gets mad maybe he doesn't like that very much where the hell is he come back here well that doesn't sound good hmm come back here well he's not coming back there must be something wrong with the systems [Music] anyway it's too late springtrap my breast is no longer exposed you'll never find a weakness there try somewhere else anyway oh god no okay so that's the thing you gotta flip away when balloon boys looking at you but he's not here where is he [Music] hello are you here okay you're there i wonder if okay i'm i'm thinking that you can't get him to move unless you play the noise in a room he is adjacent to right so he's here i wonder how far away this works so like if i played it there he would not move and that makes sense why would he move but if i played it say here oh god well that was a problem i think he was there though right i think he was so in that time [Music] i've got to figure out a way because i remember when i was playing this i felt like it was super inconsistent but that seemed really consistent it seemed like it was working maybe because i was too stupid that i couldn't see where he was he's not there which means that he might be right outside my door could be very much could be hello so it's like as a safety precaution yeah okay he's there now but there any yeah there's one there look at him here and there he is he's in the back okay i wonder because cam 10 is technically in the adjacent room would it work nah it doesn't work it has to be right next to him okay i know this is all very obvious to you but i'm an idiot and i'm real dumb okay there he is he's over there he's in cam 9 now which is good because cam 10 vent is blocked up and if i get him over here audio air i know it's not efficient to reboot all but it it's like preventative maintenance i noticed that the other ones don't break as much as it did when i was playing just a bit ago if i just go ahead and reboot all of them why would they give you the option why would they give you the option just do it every time little a little prevent why i need to flip it well preventative doesn't really do anything if i'm doing that probably on that one i should probably only do the ventilation because then i'm i'm not breathing obviously and that's a problem and someone's crawling around the vents and that's also a problem well bumps today all right he got me he got me probably because when that happens i'm probably just like oh and there's a vent right to my right so it's just like a trumpet of breathing shuttling down towards me i got an event yeah he got me everybody he got me he got me i would never play tricks on you like that so cruel [Music] hello i feel like there's got to be a better i mean i feel like that's probably the strategy is just to do them then 10 shove them in there try to keep them in the back is that what that's what it would be but also it's dangerous because vent nine vent nine seems to be a precocious situation because vent nine kind of leads straight to me and that's a problem that's a bit of an issue so if you can keep him there why not keep him in roommate where is he he's gone he's disappeared is that him no that's not him i'm i'm dead i'm a dead man i might be dead where are you there he is roommate i'm telling you guys roommate is where it's at all these old strategies they didn't count on our advances in technology which is what i got i got a computer cranking this out at a whopping 24 frames per second this uh oh i might be dead hang on hold hold hold where oh god that's that's what you call bad [Music] uh oh did i make it that probably didn't well let's just go ahead and put this here i'm probably dead i think i am dead i'm probably dead i don't know what i'm doing oh good okay he's there which is interesting so he was looking at my door so go there now where can you get him from hither to tither oh god are you looking at me right now are you looking at me right now not anymore i'm just going to reboot everything profoundly and then you're not going to be looking at me much longer if you know what i'm saying do you know what i'm saying yeah i think you do i think you do well this is taking a while oh oh that's not good oh my god well i might be oh so how do you get him to move i wonder if you do like cam this one would he go he can't go back into the vents right you can't put him back in the vents once once the cat's out of the bag the bunny's out of the bag you can't stuff the bunny back in the bag is he looking at me right now is he he's looking at me right now isn't he hey you want to look at that hello oh you're not uh oh skedios hello peekaboo i just gotta reboot this real quick don't mind me oh hi all right so see that's the thing right that's the thing it's the thing right i i there's a way there's a way i keep looking over thank you mods by the way for posting a link to the space trailer but as you might have known and i think a lot of people have noticed by now the url for in space with markiplier is so special i did not choose that it's randomly assigned but right at the end of the url it says come and so every time i look over at chat i just see in capital letters and i'm like what is chat talking about oh yeah that's me that's my bad right i'm wondering i'm wondering i'm wondering if the better strategy is to keep them over in cam three or four wouldn't that be the best strategy would that not be the best strategy would would would it not oh there you are see sometimes i don't see him i got to check the spots okay if i call him here he's going to go over here and then if i just keep oh did he he must have he must so then if i slam him over to three he ain't gonna know there he is and then i keep him over in four and then he can't escape if he don't come back for four oh [Applause] what what fun man that's bad that's bad oh god uh listen hey buddy you gotta go over here older you're a horse you're a horse hold it tight how old it hold the horse i don't remember having this much trouble last time i played it i really don't remember i don't remember at all well i'm flying blind but by the judging by the way the video went i'm assuming that it's fine go hither he did he took the bait that dumb he's so stupid and i'm so smart yeah no that url it's i swear it's not a virus or anything or whatever i don't know is he here i don't know get over here there he is there he is there's our there there there's our boy there's our boy come here are you damn it well shoot oh my god i am big brain i am absolutely big brain i'm not lying about that url by the way uh you can go check it out for yourself i i don't know how to lie about that i know how to lie extremely well as you guys know and never believe but i do i wonder if positionally where he is on this is an indication of where he's more willing to go because he was kind of leaning in this doorway before so is his position in the mini-map in any way relating to where he might want to go later down the road if you call him so like if he's at the opposite end of the hallway that does have an effect would that not make sense would that not make sense tell me it wouldn't you can't tell me it wouldn't make sense cause it would so he's not here now he is here but he's on this side so what if i i'm gonna do just to see if i can shovel him around he comes here very clearly he's on that side over there i could keep him in six but why not bring him to eight he's moving very nicely he's moving lovingly but i don't want him here i want him here and then i want him in four [Music] hello oops well i'm in trouble something like that something like that something like that there's something like that okay this is this is oddly much more stressful than i remember i don't know where he is at the moment that's a bad idea oh boy i might be dead oh god oh goodness gracious where did he go huh [Music] it was balloon boy but where did he go and why is it about to be a bad day all right let's just test it i shouldn't just randomly slam things right okay he's back there he must have been in four that's interesting so if he's back there let me see something he would come here because it makes sense he was close he could come here because that's what he heard and that's what he saw i'm about to die but that's okay i feel good about myself and my choices that i've made this is i i think i mean i never looked up like the strategies of how to beat it clearly but this is why i need to reboot on all of it i'm just going to reboot all from now on this is what's going to kill me i guarantee you that i would have been fine if i hadn't done this exact move that i'm doing right now i would have been able to go home happy with a smile on my face now i'm gonna die spam all right is he in two he is in two let me bring him to four there he is he's in four now so four is interesting because four does give me enough time to reboot all the systems because he would have to move two rooms to be able to get to me which hopefully is not good and there's no vents by it i think four is the true he didn't even move i think four it's the best strategy of all because if you're up at nine and ten he could kill your ass two ways to sunday i don't even know what that expression means i don't know what half the expressions mean that we use all right let's see where we're going anything here peekaboo i'm not going to follow you i refuse i refuse okay what is this so this has got to be a clue now four cupcakes so was it a thing that i had to click on all four cupcakes is that is that what the thing is i feel like i feel like i just wan i i watched a walkthrough or something of it follow me i will not i will not follow you four cupcakes that's bonnie who's bonnie i have no idea who bonnie is who's bonnie oh you mean uh you mean chica this is chica clearly clearly obviously trust me i know what i say goes around here and what i say is you guys should listen to the amazing new trailer linking in the description of space with me oh my god oh oh god i i've i i really do pride myself on being able to promote things and that time you know at that time that was a bad one you don't have to listen to any word i said because i did not i didn't promote it good so don't listen to what i was saying there's no link in the description there's no space there's no trailer don't worry about it it's fine all right where are you leading me buddy i'm going this way oh that just leads back there all right fine time to die i suppose hmm is that freddy peculiar [Applause] [Music] all right let's listen uh hello hello uh for today's lesson we will be continuing our training on proper handling techniques with using an animatronic as a system please ensure that the animatronic parts are tightly compressed and fastened by the spring locks located around the inside of the suit it may take a few moments to position your head and torso between these parts in a manner where you can move and seat try not to nudge or press against any of the spring locks inside the tube do not touch the spring locks at any time do not breathe on the spring locks as moisture may loosen them and cause them to break loose in the case that the spring locks come loose while you are wearing a suit please try to maneuver away from populated areas before bleeding out as to not ruin your customer experience as always if there is ever an emergency please go to the designated space room every location [Music] [Music] face of pretty fast parenting [Music] uh oh that's oh my god hi bro hey bud hey hello my baby hello all right okay hang on i'm finding a cupcake i can handle it i can handle a little wooz little ooze where's that last cupcake where's that deliciousness oh hey you're my cupcake all right uh so all right so what i need to do is there are cupcakes i did not know that oh sorry the volume was very loud i apologize i apologize i don't apologize for anything you should apologize to me for not having ears strong enough to sustain the volume of my stream somehow it's your fault all right where's this last cupcake i got three here oh that was old oh i thought she had a gun i literally thought that was a gun chica's rampage is this the shotgun of 87. [Music] wow chica look at her go wow oh boink there you go kids [Music] oh anyway [Music] we are you crying what are you some kind of a baby these are big cakes [Music] oh exit [Music] oh right this was all for like the happy ending wasn't there supposed to be like a happy ending or something like that wasn't that the whole deal wasn't that something i remember that as being something where are you hello ugly [Music] so you're there so one when you come down here and there you are okay good to see you good to see you so you're there i think that must have been what the general objective was right the general objective of this game in particular was to [Music] embrace the idea that was uh kind of like brought up in the previous two games which was that people weren't looking at the cameras so this one requires that you look at the cameras all over the place the whole concept is about that so when you have you have like a game that is centered around looking at the cameras he's gone he's here but why was he there oh was he still on three i just didn't see him well then why didn't he go to four why didn't he go to four he's in three right there because uh that was what i was even saying when i was revisiting five nights at freddy's 2 right is that it was a tragedy that you had all of this environment and you weren't looking at any of it because since the game gets harder really you're only supposed to look at two places but i bet i wonder i really wonder why buddy [Music] i really wonder like what like what is there about this game maybe actually it would be better to keep it in five because even if he comes over here i can kind of like catch him in a loop where did he go come back come back to me well don't come back to me oh god oh oh well that ain't good hello i'm probably dead oh god why oh that's not good that's what you call not good i seem to be much worse at this game than i remember being and i don't really remember being good at all you hear you're not can you come over here please oh i'm dead aren't i well one can hope one can hope well this is a problem hello oh you're not there strange where are you where is thou well damn it there thou is thou oh my god okay why did freddie attack i don't really remember how any of the other ones worked i don't really remember it's uh what it is about this game this one in particular is that the direct connection from action to result is not as clear as it has been in five nights at freddy's one and two in five nights at freddy's one and two the inputs are so responsive everything you do is so obvious that it makes it very hard for you to not understand what you did wrong and also even in terms of like the actual gameplay and preventative of you dying let's say it's still pretty clear at the end of the day what you're doing right in those two games in this one it doesn't because it's all like tangential mechanics you have the audio cue right what does the audio cue really do you know what i mean how does the audio queue move him you kind of have a general understanding of it and you you you know that you need to have him get away from you but you do an audioq and then a a second later it kind of goes fuzzy and then a few seconds later you kind of hunt around like okay he's here i'm good this is okay as opposed to say for example uh in five nights at freddy's 2 flashlight there click wind up you're good if you didn't check the vent bat you didn't put the mask down you're dead like he was all very clear of what you did even if you didn't know it at first and you had to learn that mechanic you still got the general idea that that was good also i think i remember when i was playing before i kind of stuck to uh i thought i sealed that i think i stuck him i tried to stick him in number seven because i felt like i was better equipped to be able to do that i might be dying very very soon and so that i think that's why this game out of all of them feels the most off is because it's not even just that it feels off it kind of legitimately is different there's the mechanics of looking at the cameras and like trying to keep track of animatronics and and that's all there it really is however and i hesitate to say that something is a core experience of five nights at freddy's but i think cameras can safely be considered like the uh oh oh god where is he i heard that i i heard that oh did he just pop out of oh he just popped out of it didn't he he just popped out of it didn't he where is he where are you where are you oh this is a problem well i might be dead i think i might be dead oh boy that's a problem it's like that fundamental connection action and response you know what i mean like action response i say there's a trailer to in space with markiplier that if you haven't seen it you definitely should because the show is coming out april 4th and your response is [Music] holy crap that sounds amazing i'll go watch it where's the link ah the link is in the description below you can find it in the description thank you thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much it's almost 4 million views very good uh oh i'm in trouble i forgot you could just click the camera again but also i'm in trouble i'm in trouble oh oh i thought he would go here you know you know but maybe when he's made eyeball contact with me maybe when he's maybe when destined death is breathing down my neck i don't have much of a chance i'm just gonna reboot everything you know i'm real bad at this god i'm bad at this how did i get so bad at this i swear i didn't used to be so bad i think what it is is the way i always like to play games is i like to play games either the most flexibly or the most brute force you know and they're kind of two sides of the same coin i think the truest true of the true would be to have a general mental picture of where he is at all times right so he's at five where could he go at five he could go in this vent i seal that off that way i know that i'm good to check this because if he doesn't go in that vent i'm not going to die and if i don't hear the vent then he moves somewhere else and then i can know that when i go back to the cameras he's not at five so he's still at five this is interesting i thought i sealed that it helps if i actually do the things that i say so he's there i don't necessarily need to look at him i wish i could hear him moving in the hallway i don't think you can can you oh what do i do about that what do i do about that oh he went an event so he must have gone in the five vent okay i heard that what do i do about freddie here i don't remember oh god he just climbed out of the vent i heard that he just climbed out of the vent i have to pay attention to those cues and i think a lot of the game is about creating noises that block you from hearing those cues so if he went into five and he's not in the five vent he would be here he's supposed to be here why is he not here because he's here but i closed that vent how did you get there how did he get there [Music] hello i know he's looking at me no he's not where is he that doesn't make any sense right god damn it and he's looking at me now isn't he nope what i heard footsteps there he is goodbye hello whip oh boy that's interesting well okay i feel look guys look you shush your faces you shush your faces you know what you are you are guide look up people you are sheeple i'm sorry i didn't mean that what you are is you go for the easiest route and you don't even explore the possibilities of what else was intended there is no way there is no way this is a game that was designed by mr coffin to be just played of shoving him in a corner this is what i was always saying about the five nights at freddy's games and no one ever understood or respected my opinion about it is that just because there is the easiest way to cheese it does not mean that that was the right way to play sometimes dissecting the actual mechanics of what is happening and understanding it to the point where you break the game isn't fun what is fun is beating it psychologically getting in springtrap's rotting brain understanding how to manipulate him and counter him at every move you know why because one is fear the other is dominance right i want to dominate springtrap i want to devastate his entire being i want to annihilate him psychologically and physically i want him to know that every time he looks at himself in the mirror i was better at him at every turn at every turn in every way i dominated him i absolutely dominated him and there was nothing nothing that he could do to withstand my power you know what i mean you guys understand what i'm saying right you see how my method is better and should be respected more and deeper and harder than all these other ones saying like you putting me okay i'm not i'll put him in the it doesn't matter because you know why i dominate everything [Music] get out of there get out of there get out of there get out of there i'm also not joking about that i legit this is legitimately a pet peeve of mine is everyone that goes for the cheesiest strategy because i feel like that robs the intention of the game and especially when i'm going back to this game and revisiting it the last thing i want to do is just be like oh let's beat it no i'm trying to put myself in the mindset of someone that's playing this for the first time and going about in a way that understand there is no cheesy way to do it what was the intention what was the original core intention behind it and how do you use that to your advantage and are there new ideas that people have not explored and how better can i absolutely dominate springtrap in every way in every way you know what i mean i think we i think we have a deeper understanding of each other now i think we have a deeper understanding of each other i think we might have the deepest understanding of each other that's what i always appreciated most about our relationship you and i as if we understand each other so intimately just like me and springtrap here perfect unmistakable understanding of one another pure that's what it is that's what it's always been anyway there's a new trailer for space with markiplier it's slightly different than it was before so if you've seen it before you gotta see it again where is he he's not here he's back here okay i have not heard anything about him being in the vents so if i pull him back to eight there he is that was quick so see this is what i'm talking about and then responding to threats that's what i like most because there's being preventative i don't really like being preventative it it kind of like feels like it lessens the experience i like the counter punches you know i like knowing that oh i see your moves i do that i've been playing a lot of eldridge like that oh oh he's an event which vent is he in he's in this vent seal it right he's mobile i've got to be mobile as well what that didn't work out so good for you there did it does it loser you're a loser a loser you get what i'm saying everybody you understand what i mean anyway links in the description you guys should check it out i think you'll like it it's going to be a good show april 4th it comes out come back to my channel on the 4th of april if you never come back at all i think you'll see something you like i think eight actually might be the best strategy because odds are from eight he can't go too far and he does tend to come back to eight what do i do about mr freddie man what do i do about the fred mann what am i supposed to do about the fred man i forget what i'm supposed to do about the fred man i have no idea where are you sir there you are get back here just keep your camera up nah don't seem right i don't think you know what you're talking about that doesn't seem right i wonder if he never goes in a vent that's closed right i don't think he does that does he go an event that's closed i have no idea i should do preventative but i'm waiting for him to move oh never mind see [Music] to me that was more interesting and i think you know the reason why whoa hello so what is the easter egg for this one no i shouldn't you see i think you guys are starting to understand why but no all jokes aside i legitimately do try to approach games that way three nine five oh i remember this three nine five two four eight three okay three ninety five two four eight perfectly memory three nine five two four eight got it perfect three nine five two four eight three nine five two four eight three nine five two four eight three nine five two four eight three nine five two four eight three five nine four two eight three eight nine five four two three i've forgotten now i've actually thrown myself off three four two eight five nine three five nine four eight two three two four nine five eight eight two five nine four three got it perfectly perfect every time did i confuse you error er three two five four eight nine five nine four two three eight well i can't go that way apparently ow and i think i know what that is i think i think i remember this one i think i do remember this one all right everyone put it in your brain right now the uh call hello hello uh slight change of company policy concerning the use of the suit um don't after learning of an unfortunate incident at the sister location involving multiple and simultaneous spring-locked failures the company has seen systems temporarily unfit for employees safety is top priority and free fast fair's pizza which is why the classic students are being retired to an appropriate location while being looked at by our technicians until replacements arrive you will be expected to wear the temporary costumes provided to you keep in mind that they were found on very short notice so questions about appropriateness relevance should be deflected i [Music] did i just hear footsteps i can't remember if that was just something in the recording or if i thought i heard his footy steps which is interesting because i've never oh god because i've never heard his footy steps i don't think that's a that's something about this game is like i really well that's problem oh hello hi i don't remember you hey hello hey hey hey [Applause] okay [Music] i forget what is it that i need to do to avoid that i've completely forgotten where i don't know ah there you are that's very handy thank you um so yeah generally flipping around the camera will no that's not good did you go on the vents nope well come back well damn it hello my baby this game is a lot more stressful than i remember and i i do kind of like it more than i think i did back when i first played it because there are a lot of moving pieces and there's like both fast-paced timing and like slow timing things that you have to nail down with this guy you know maybe i should just keep this locked off because that is really a death hello he's there and i do think preventative maintenance fixes the random errors that you get it doesn't fix the incidental errors which are things that you should fix individually i think that is the rule you should routinely do a reboot all when you get him he just won an event which vent did he go in i heard that hi i wish it wasn't double click to seal beat you feature a to a pulp to a pope i say to a goddamn pulp why does no one ever like my messages in elder ring i re i put some really funny ones out there i feel like i'm hilarious and no one votes up my messages in elden ring god i love elden ring god i love elton ring anyway sorry i just had to go on a rant there why does no one vote on my messages i just don't understand oh yeah three nine five two four eight i'll go ahead and do that now i think it's it's like this um it's this grid on the wall right isn't it i'm about to win so what it's uh this one right three no oh god [Applause] hold on i can work on the pressure okay what is it this is the grid okay three nine five two four eight hey well well time to go crowd surfer he's just flattened wow my hand just got freaking annihilated he just pops like cherry bombs damn bam was that the stomp of 82 anyway [Music] was that the smooch of 74 wham was that the wall slam of 1928 [Music] anyway what do i do here i've completely forgotten well looks like uh we've uh beaten the game everybody looks like we beat the game well actually i i didn't have time to play through the whole one today i actually do have to leave now uh i've i i never intended to play the whole game on this one i don't want to set a present with five nights at freddy's too i was enjoying myself with that one and i'm kind of enjoying myself on this one um but i will say in retrospect i think that this one because i remember how it was received i think it was i think it deserved more i do like what's going on here but it's always the thing with video games people get into these loops they get into the meta of it and they they just try to min max it and they forget that the whole point is the struggle is that's the point of these things because then you accomplish it's not about like trying to find oh the cheesiest way the most efficient way it's like beating my zone game i'm not saying i'm uh innocent of not doing that i do it sometimes too but i have to shake myself and remember like hey it's a game it's supposed to be played it's supposed to be supposed to lose you know and alden ring has kind of been reminding of that but yeah this isn't about elden ring i love elvering but this isn't about that so yeah i do like what is set up here and people did really like springtrap as a character afterwards for some reason yeah anyway i have to leave but remember in space with markiplier is coming out april 4th april 4th and guess what it's free you guys deserve it you guys deserve it to be free and so it's free for you everything that we've poured our blood sweat and tears into is free for you just like all the i put on my channel and if you like ties you'll like this so go check out the trailer link is in the description thank you so much for watching hope you have a wonderful day thanks for tuning in to another revisited i'm sure we'll be playing five nights at freddy's 4 very soon and then after that one of my favorites sister location i'll see you soon probably sometime next week we'll do this or maybe sooner rather than later i know i haven't been doing regular videos but because there's a lot of work to be done before in space with markiplier comes out so stay tuned subscribe and be ready okay goodbye [Music] link in this in there is a link link link is in the description do it i'm still here do it it's right down there i haven't left yet you know why because you're still here and if you're still here you didn't click the link in the description why you gotta make this awkward man why you gotta make it awkward it's right down there why are you still here huh i just you know expect me to dance or something to entertain you i'm done i put in my time i put in my time entertainment's done more entertainment comes if you click the link in the description but you're still here are you enjoying this you're sick you're sick you know you disgust me you disgust me and you won't discuss me the moment you click that link down there but here you are here you are still watching this you know how i know you're still here because i'm still here if i'm still here then you're still here and that means there's like a space-time continuum thing where you and all me it's like a what are they saying quantum physics is it's entangled it's entanglement we're entangled and so the moment that you look away it's like schrodinger's markiplier the moment you wake away i i cease to exist but here we are why don't you click the link huh it's right there right there it's down there it's good video it's right there don't click the link in the down there why would you do that who knows what could happen you better not it's dangerous it's dangerous don't do it don't click the link in the description why would you who knows what could happen could be viruses could be something nice but it's not worth the risk right yeah yeah yeah don't all right i'm gonna leave now i'm tired all right bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,028,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birthday, in space with markiplier, same video 100 times, five nights at freddy's, fnaf, fnaf 2, fnaf 3, five nights at freddy's 3
Id: 0TA7q4U0g6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 24sec (4164 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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