Everything GREAT About: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure | Phantom Blood + Battle Tendency

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[Applause] decent use of CGI that actually looks so decent that I genuinely thought for a moment there that they had managed to create one of the most smoothest hand-drawn animations I've seen to date [Music] well I've never seen that before no like in there simply no y'all kiss - the work come on I gotta for kicking the dog I'm removing ass in here don't hurt animals real or bloody otherwise come baba Zuk Zuk stop dear gosh Nicola oh my oh my gosh Peter no subtle tom boy a toaster hands cozy do you know so who are console actually feeling sorry for Joe Joe has sadly I to of known people like this where you can never do anything right without being compared to someone else the enemy actually making me feel stuff and remember things I'll give in easy to wins [Music] I like the fact that after he sexually assaulted her she actually did this cleaning her mouth straight away because she was so disgusted by what he did to her it was also likely to try and purify her lips for Joe Joe once again hats off to her take five wins for being a surprisingly cool character this early on in my book [Music] whoa I'm getting super strong super saiyan vibes coming from their scene and I very much like the manliness factor getting turned up to 11 [Music] holy it's for Joe Joe finally getting in some good hits because I must say I was starting to lose my temper seeing poor old Joe Joe getting bullied so horrific Lee like this and then worse not even being able to land a single hit against him in a fight I didn't expect this at all [Music] [Music] Wow go ahead and take another three wins for the continuation of awesome hits me with so much sticker - Shabana Christi dining you guys syndicate all my you does she night killing the dog equals two wins removed especially if how it was done god damn I love animals so much that it affects me right in this bloody videos this CD which contains interesting Aztec connections and I enjoyed how they ended up using the blood to connect everyone from the story which I've read a little bit about in terms of the time jumps all at all other than the dog issues I thought it was a good first episode than so deserving of three wins which also includes a win for the IDI an intro which makes fantastic use of its visuals with really compelling visuals some use of decent looking CGI in most cases a very strange but oddly good song and a fantastic comic book effect that dazzles the eyes as usual this will earn the anime five wins deal gaku not simply need kimi personal usually t take it off holistically owner I'm very confused but oddly very interested at the same time what combination aminosilane can look Hank I go I gotta vocally on your side so can I use or another face now captain so stitched in you emotes captain whilst I'm not a huge fan of the artwork one standout feature of this animate most definitely has to be the very convincing work of the voice actors so far everyone that's been introduced has had a very decent voice actor in my honest opinion [Music] Mukul to our deck you know yeah baby now this is what I'm talking about finally going to get some more Jojo kicking ass action and it doesn't matter how much of deere's ass is kicked it will never be enough for me after the last episode this whole scene is pretty damn awesome showing off for the first time the power of the mask in a really great way now this here is a brilliant scene containing outstanding voice acting from characters really having to belt out a few lines also visuals of deer getting his blood drained and finally with the Sun destroying well I can only assume as a vampire [Music] once again also looking effects and a shock murder of JoJo's father earns the anime two easy wins bokeh nasal Jojo was closed and luckily she wow this deaf scene was handled really nicely I mean none of the world's biggest fan of the Father and him making up a seamlessly never-ending amout of excuses for do up to and including I treated him so well and do so poorly there perhaps that's what made him want to kill me but overall the scene was still handled really nicely between a great soundtrack and once again some awesome visuals whatever too soon Akeno cast imagine what I do Kuya can she cook a psycho for a criminal this dude this ain't some insanely nice stuff about Jojo that's pretty much nice of compliments and anything anyone has ever given me bless his heart [Music] they are for the bloody scene that just happened not the British bloody outcomes but literal blood which I can't show because of YouTube censorship and for the first reveal of do as an annoyingly decent looking vampires son of a [ __ ] well this will sound random but that was some insanely real looking blood for an anime although the scene loses a few points in my book for having characters looking like they're falling so far it could be from the top of a skyscraper and still not be tall enough to finish their internal monologues I still very much like this and how Jojo saved himself from the flames here was excellent shooting now that was very awesome [Music] Jojo being extremely manly in the face of adversity against the anime a win [Music] Jojo and the girl actually caring about the well-being of the toad equals they win because I'm always on board of anime who showcase some love towards animals both big and small I always think it's a good message for younger people to be honest well that's a bloody fear coming right out of the horror books for me the idea that this I'm guessing we're agreeing at this point in time that they're vampires dives into the sea to continue after him that's horrible you can't good night George oh hi monkey horn Osheaga watch is Cindy Idol hey that's a guy you know cut 160th I have to say I'm really loving how this guy who was a violent criminal has just utterly turned his life around and seemingly is devoting it to helping him protecting Jojo the man whom he first met by attempted to kill him in London not only is it a nice twist but it's also kind of heartwarming for me to see how well he treats Jojo who ironically never really experienced much affection from his father during his later life [Music] my word this could so easily be a scene from mob cycle 100 the way it's animated and the visual cues and effects which pop up on screen to accentuate what's happening and what moves they're performing even the voice actors tones are pretty close to mob psycho 100 all the point of all of this is that I love that show a lot and so it's always nice to see that particular style as I must admit I don't get to see all that often [Music] well now wasn't that the height of Awesomeness so far this episode this had a great start with there being some team-building witnessing a bright and colorful new town with a brief history lesson on it we've also had some funny moments where they crossed the lake and now the mood has changed to become more serious in quite an expert fashion with the grand return of do all in all I think this deserves three wins for three great minutes [Music] well this was such a badass moment but for all the wrong reasons since dear has now become a lot more powerful than ever before and much more so than these two even fighting together and combining their power this for me at least oh there's quite a great moment of the episode this happens but though seriously it's cool to actually see Speedwagon being able to help the group out in some way considering he's not quite as gifted as the other two in combat and special abilities emo arm Akashi single I could ocuzi one angle you can see what a funny noise although you can study one toe it is a bit so you see the fact that the anime takes the time to pause the action and actually give us a brief history lesson to keep us in the loop is very much appreciated by this dumbass [Music] what I'm looking see this whole battle with some great music in the background also moves of visuals and a story language is really starting to pump me up now has to gain easy to wins here I have got to straight up admit that this scene right here was really badass it was one of those moments where I just didn't know what Jojo can actually do to go off the rock and a hard place situation he was in but then gaining one breath down there and being able to use his ability was just insane yeah honey it's so good stead so cuz they pay you're the homologue League whenever so before now I hadn't really thought about this anime style and how good it looked if I'm being honest at first I didn't like it much however as I left the screen open on my desktop and did some other things I saw this image and it was only after seeing the shading and strong contours of his hands and face that I realized that the anime is actually really nicely detailed [Music] haha now that little block and attack was awesome I don't go uh suck you know your character on each team in Uganda Cody won a Hoyo through Moscone yes Calvin I love this sentence so much it might sound silly but I actually genuinely found this seem to be quite sad I'm not entirely sure why but the art style and voice acting definitely helped make me feel this way I know that much [Music] wow what an awesome kid from his backstory to his bravery issues and then finally coming to the rescue despite being injured in a fantastic fashion what I seen you out boy ultimately to one of the adults so they were taking us in these snow and light effects together our next level considering this anime head in 2012 I must admit that I didn't think it would go down like this seeing him go out in such a way is horrible [Music] Jojo why does she not say man little geese [Music] [Music] Jojo turns up the manliness factor to 1000 even higher gear [Music] so you let up sir person genuinely a saddening moment for me I never thought I'd feel like this about a character I've only known for a few episodes on an animate I've just started but the feels are real here so I'm going to top the winds up to 85 in his memory what I'm doing or can you miss on another coat on you're just a model to you by another great example of mixing CGI with hand-drawn animations to great effect [Music] don't come of this movie do stuff okay I'm just going to straight-up say that Jojo is [ __ ] awesome to be honest deal book she wants yoga cafeteria since dusty has the veggie Kodaka so Gigi DiCaro Iman I love it hi Jojo okay so I'm going to quickly explain something here when I first started this series I was very unimpressed with the animation drop to the pitchforks let me finish however having now watched a few episodes I can happily state that it's more than growing on me I can see that there's great attention to detail with the square faces looking more human-like than any other anime I can think of for this I'll show my appreciation with five wins now that was [ __ ] awesome albeit brief I've really gotta hand it to them they've come up with some fantastic voice actors who've been performing their roles with true professionalism they just seem to each fit the character they're portraying expertly [Music] for this scene giving us outstanding voice acting tremendous visual effects and for being overall totally badass I'll give five wins healed of it moody money touch the bunny none emotion do papagaio stick stand up for a brilliant end to a brilliant episode was that you [ __ ] case it at all modded or mortgage or who were it Kemp your need know you're someone of that the fact that the animators took the time to write out the first part of a newspaper all in very well written English to fit the narrative of the story and where it's taking place the fact that previously this man who tried to kill Jojo as now this good a friend of theirs his excellent reaction to having almost miss seeing them off and finally for the voice actors awesome portrayal of the character I'm also adding another win here for the continuation of wealth building because sometimes it can be tiring to see the same characters interact in the exact same locations time and time again an obvious exception that comes to mind is of course steins gate which before you comment has already been sent but my point here is that only nine episodes in and we've seen lots of different locations one after another doing this keeps it fresh and adds a level of realism that ends up making it stick in your head is a great anime long after you've finished it or do I it's about the more interesting come on don't they were packets get it yeah I see a mother gonna that's impossible dude you'd never been the way in my eyes [Music] I kept open nuts damn you anime for making me care so much about Jojo already why until trip despite foster pistols it's nice to see that one of those evil plans didn't actually go according to plan otherwise it would start to become a little predictable man he really was a bloody hero right till the very last second this is genuinely incredibly sad for me to say shindaita [Music] r.i.p Jojo all right be kickin them in yeah ha ha ha ha I'm liking this guy a lot already wow that was such an awesome scene clearly an awesome kid [Music] all my [ __ ] word I can't believe they just killed off Speedwagon I feel genuinely sad oh what's that see how lucky do I look this Helen III Taylor to you Caldwell well you need the King cast extol the scene showing off JoJo's excellent deduction skills you could assist or a year ago who really know what an ad Casa tano are you loosen a phobia that economist it's about Raja Raja I've got to say it was quite shocking to see Jojo react in such a weight like this it must be one of the first times I've seen something like that in an action anime you know someone actually caring so much about their family that had even want to just protect her from knowing the truth about Speedwagon I thought that was really nice actually showing off his gentle side aunt ah he's in shock tonight Kanna now that was absolutely brilliant and highly unexpected well for a young guy this Jojo is an absolute badass I love this scene although I will say I'm very confused about how the use of mirrors made it look as though Jojo had a hole in his neck and head after that attack Jesus can Christ dude that was absolutely brilliant I think it's great how the first Jojo was a man of nothing but honour and pure strength by physically and of principle come to his grandson and Jojo whilst being physically strong has a short fuse but has incredible intellect and strategy it's just awesome how they gave these two very different characteristics I think you oughta go with a juice or the Huckle Philippa Gordon mousse to your caboose wassup you know that's all for keeping Speedwagon alive I must simply add five wins here baby dog though it's the good mayor tyranny don't know minyak sorry Tito Katrina Rita steer so state Kokomo heck reading about a new a go me Rhonda person genuinely heartwarming stuff okay now that was both unexpected and absolutely hilarious [Music] oh wow now this is a really sick but awesome way of displaying this new foes under inabilities to us the viewer and it was done so well in this instance got to give some love to them actually using accurate German weapons from the world war two era a fantastic end to a fantastic episode [Music] Joe Joe being Joe Joe I'm giving four wins for that that was great total 24 Tokyo Montoya all righty I have to give five wins for that little trick and my goodness what a thing of beauty it was with the special effects in such vivid looking colors [Music] that was bloody brilliant the entire scene the end of the episode is getting three wins not just because of the great voice acting and the awesome finale to this ultra vampire but also because once again the anime is doing some great world building we've now been told that the next stage of the journey will take Jojo to Rome and again I'm reminded of what they said earlier on in this video about loving how the anime takes place in so many different locations always keeping it fresh Tim Ava how did he say cutter in his hat URI here we're going to add a few wins and it's because it's Speedwagon and the grandsons of both the original Jojo and sapele and to me that's worth three big fat wins [Music] okay that's enough Toby told Matty cuz of you I see what you Thomas they always managed to do such a fine job of sending off characters in style and trying their very best to ensure the viewer feel something of their passing we didn't know this character long but there's interactions where the others made us feel even the tiniest bit sorry for him and that's a big deal again considering how long he was in the anime for well can you hum one no no come over you know yildiz mmm I love Jojo moments like this just speak to his awesome funny character so much even when things look incredibly dire he's still there to make us laugh and hopefully pull off something great Elmo saw him in a speedo a suntan I showed up should I color custody both if Anita I must admit I do like how this anime often mixes things up because up until now these kinds of special moves have been met with victory for the good guys however now both special moves have been smashed away by the insane power of these new bad guys on the scene so basically I'll give a win here for them making it not so obvious as to how this fight was gonna go down [Music] see mixed it up yet again with Jojo landing a huge hit on the bad guy when he honestly thought he was gonna get knocked out and that would be the end of the battle for the time being Caravaggio Rosa this entire [ __ ] scene had me laughing so damn hard it's insane I'm just a daughter fact he keeps laying down and pretending to be dead and yet it's moving further and further away each time it's so funny limited indecent usage of CGI bingo no knock on your door clearing a High Tea Room seriously descoteaux at 18 I wouldn't you treat us all to stay baccarat to you money every don't ruin us this was such an awesome and clever idea to ensure that Jojo must train to be him very nice indeed you know two boxes another I know Cindy say no broth me c'mon no CEO needs gyoza and thus and also and great pairing for the anime was born dichotomies Anna Boch artist under discussion whatever kono yume no saki II think erotic a homo for sister he takes you to a bit of a random time for me to mention it but I'm gonna give a win here for the music in the background it's very different from the normal music and I think it nicely fits the same very niche up dinner a Concorde Oceania no God cannot Oh groggy I'm almost insanity yoga yet again another location on this epic journey I love how they keep showing us new places and always tried to make it seem realistic these 30 subtle you're better to you owe me so no way that's okay another come on go meet Jenny hi Mona hmm cut this but I know how cou kurios they even know where jump Wow King insanely awesome finish to the climb that was [Music] civil suit o hanasanai old juice and ke patte Oh totally sicko now that was a nice touch Sumida see hundreds of products targeted Ami's you wanted Oh God now that in spite of its core was absolutely bloody beautiful what a great singing mr Turner I guess it would be a crying shame to not give five wins for the entire awesome battle between these two great foes it pulls out excellent music artwork and consistently surprising strategies and secret attacks and it's led by two fantastic voice actors work see you Hyundai I'm swapping touch today or use it productive Lorenzen a great end to the battle showcasing JoJo's continued rise to the top in terms of raw power and high intellect kind of having once again beaten another insanely powerful foe this battle was a joy to watch overall and I think it all went down in the brilliant and great fashion son just do you notice cut uneasy sounds of the mutts in the lot the Saudis are not here no door no my dear muscle Naga pistol does my word this voice actor is absolutely perfect for JoJo's character mostly you've in between have any chocolate Estonian or Celica cocoa I can't quote you check out your dog or god I love you very much I'm going to give five wins here for the crazy amount of detail that went into creating short scenes like this where we get a few with the city in my experience it's insanely rare for these shots to end up looking this good so I can only imagine how much effort must have gone into this [Music] no good an area once again very indicative of JoJo's character to try and pull off such a bluff and then make it so damn funny when he doesn't follow through honestly I think at this point in time I actually prefer this character to all of the others I just love his style saving the dog equals two wins [Music] cocuwa Europe Boccaccio snake is Hindu is Siddhartha cut it out on anyone Seoul Korea demonstrating in a good amount of detail what was actually happening at that point in time in Europe and being accurate okay now this revelation is straight up king awesome I can't believe that they not only kept this character alive but then they went as far as to cyborg his ass up to make a survival realistic within the confines of the anime I always liked his character ever since he worked alongside Jojo to destroy the first pillar man so I'm really pleased he's still alive this here is easily where five wins in my honest opinion dr. Stephen settled some of the sit down oopy are you stress eat up rusty though party tonight it's really excellent for us to finally get to see Caesar and Jojo start to actually work together is it me or was this actually an incredibly subtle way of letting us the viewer know that this guy places importance on living things firstly we see it with the dog where he went out of his way to ensure it would be safe and now he's done the same with the flower if this is in fact true then it's a brilliant storytelling trick that I love because it's not so obvious and in-your-face very cool more so get done okay all Mortimer don't know be stay kept in it this gets to winds removed don't be a dick to animals bro door more use a lot of got that are you man all their little snuggle da da da da same on here as anime sends corresponding episode I'll add back one win from just now for acknowledging that he was being an auntie to the poor kitty finally getting the chance to find out more about Cesar's background a great character whom up until now hasn't had very much time in the limelight a sad story as well all the same someone sees your chin a fifth or high your paw same acoustic fourth a car though he's taken a moment do you know this is a really clever way of allowing for a fight to take place during the day and also I love how it's properly explained so it makes sense to a dumbass like me [Music] when we get to see Caesar in top form taking on a foe that was previously so out of his league I feel like I just have to add a couple of wins this battle is really utilizing some incredible looking visuals I swear the animators seem to get better and better as the series went on by my standards then Caesar finishing off this great battle with yet again some more brilliant looking visuals and also voice acting from the pair of them young Moodle I've got to give mad props to the guy for how he dealt with Caesar being in such bad shape at the end say what you want about him but he does have pride in not wanting to shame him after the fight he put up against him [Music] Sena [Music] for yet another incredibly sad end to a great character I'm going to award ten wins r.i.p caesar or any dr. Zeko so Cindy you Chaka Sotomayor is some case Runa will mine a little windy kokkinakis minute allow me to order she'sa see this is what I was saying before about him showing respect to Caesar I just have to add a final five wins for the scene and how he dealt with the death it was really respectful to the very end my god the end of that episode cuts me to the very bone I'm not ashamed to admit that tears flowed freely as I saw the reaction of Jojo and Lisa Lisa to the death of their beloved Caesar the music in the background fit is Italian heritage and personal tastes the animation itself was on top form and the voice actors truly managed to portray the utter devastation that the two felt at the loss of their comrade for how the final part of this episode was handled I'm adding an additional ten wins and please keep in mind I don't do this often but only when an anime really hits and affects me [Music] [Applause] I'd love to this moment I think the voice actor had a tough job but managed to pull it off in an epic fashion in terms of making it legitimately sounds as though you're burning alive on top of that the animation made it look just as good finally it's nice to see another step up the ladder of jamon power when we see senpai Lisa Lisa do some funky move and easily beat this powerful vampire so three wins here in total he studies her aunt Augusta not talking are they covering him up to the coroner guy I could well be wrong but if I'm not this was a really cool way of giving us a hint into the future relationship between these two animators taking the time to make this look legitimately like 100 soldiers rather than just a copy and paste job of one over and over again I mean you can see subtle color differences and different types of helmets and armor present among them I like it when the effort is made for things like this that would likely just go unnoticed nankatsu boom look at Congo each tick tock do you not need army dr. Rock you know what they could of course what's your the mixture of the music the sight of Cesar's place of death and now the carrying of an ally away from the castle all makes for a huge amount of character progression on top of this Joe Joe then goes on to search through his feelings and validate them to us the viewer so we know without a doubt how all of this has affected him he did indeed begin as someone who cared little for others even to some degree speedwagon than his grandmother purely in terms of how he dealt with potentially lethal scenarios that they were involved in like the plane crash of speedwagon for example I love her when an anime is able to push character progression within a relatively short amount of time by using simple expressions like a grimace at Caesar's grave I'll give five wins here I think mom did you thought he's like a shoe or drawing this so well that it actually looks like an old photo [Music] Limited them very decent use of cgi holiday are you doing a monolith picture you can item this is yet another great moment further cementing the idea that sees a meant a lot to Jojo and him using his headbands the lovely visual symbol to demonstrate this to us the viewer in short it's a really nice way of remembering his friend who gave his life to help save JoJo's life by getting the bring back for him before his death I think this deserves a further five wins to be honest as I didn't think they'd be able to make me feel sadness for Ceaser just as I did for his grandfather when he died protecting Joseph Jojo once again being up against the in terms of the odds of the situation going in his favor and using his street sense kind of intelligence to outwit his opponents and gain the upper hand I love seeing stuff like this go down and it's great that he's so different from his grandfather in this scene as it gives us two entirely different main kinds of arrows for 2012 this is some sick-ass usage of CGI that actually really improves the scene in a big bloody way I'm sure that would have been really difficult for them to animate using handle and techniques so for them to use CGI make it look just as good as an awesome improvement for me this beautiful and smooth animation deserves mad props or how good it looks [Music] come easy women come on you cuddly once again another situation that makes you feel like there's no possible way that the good guys could get the upper hand and once again they managed to trick us and excite the hell out of me personally well okay well you're well I mean I've seen no [ __ ] tools I forgot about you it might seem like a small detail but then make sure the animating the dudes arm to move whilst he's resting his hand on it and talking is a big deal they didn't have to do that but they chose the route that once again looks more realistic overall she's little to iPoker has made hater Jordan or Hamas or more salary out Custer more Candy's not sure who's United that order this is absolutely [ __ ] brilliant not only is it extremely well thought out and animated and voice but it's just insanely entertaining for a battle to go on like this where you're never sure what's actually about to happen next wow just wow never did I think they would be able to make me feel something even slightly similar for the death of this great warrior when compared to Caesars death it's not obviously on the same level but I fell for this guy at the very end how he went out with true honour just like he allowed Caesar to do I'm giving straight up five wins here for the anime giving me a bad case of the fields all my words and then they go and pull this the ultimate reward for Jojo having treated them as a fellow warrior and were honored to the very end where this previous enemy actually goes on to defend Jojo against his own kind absolutely brilliant and well worth two wins well my any day of Domenici months who's hidden them was some autonomous [ __ ] son duh Jew joke between the action of the drinking of the antidote at the behest of the fallen warrior his fantastic voice acting to the very end and the soulful music to accompany what is actually a very sad scene and giving three last wins in honor of this ancient and proud vampire don't let's go well I guess my whole marriage prediction didn't really pan out in the end of it all right Pisan say this is seriously so [ __ ] awesome never been so happy to see my boy Speedwagon I adore moments like this where the show gets his use of CGI absolutely bang-on and then uses that to create some wildly vivid looking and entertaining scenes here we see his blades look amazing and smooth during his attacks which admittedly likely wouldn't have looked as good if they were hand-drawn [Music] this amazing backing music to this dude it's got such a cool track hey you know what she's gonna do [ __ ] oh you suck at all them all do you guys everyday she's nowhere Connelly Kristallnacht the connoisseur get your okay so I guess I was very much wrong when I saw the ring and thought this was a precursor to what Bay occurred later on so yes since she says mother and everything I guess I'll point out a wedding is now unlikely to happen so just go ahead and giggle to yourselves this whole flashback sequence is expertly told to help us relive one of the animes characters lives who had previously gone almost entirely unmentioned instead now we get a few minutes of sheer past joy which builds upon Jojo his father and then his mother their lives and their tragedy I think five wins are needed here for how well it was put together to weave the threads of the timeline from history to the present day oh my god I don't think I've laughed so long in forever that was just absolutely unbelievably funny not only did I genuinely think there was some plan involved but then the voice actor just carried the line perfectly take three wins for that I'm going to give five wins here for the Speedwagon and how he acted during this scene it was like a mixture of a doting and caring father but also an amazing friend chosen by his own world to look out for Jojo as much as possible the voice actor did an awesome job of conveying not just concerned but genuine panic at a time where he couldn't come up with any other plan to dissuade him I think this was done beautifully to be honest and was just a great character building same for Speedwagon in my eyes [Music] absolutely brilliant I can't think of any way that this moment could have gone down any better they managed to in my eyes of course raise the stakes over and over again and shocked us with how the episodes long battle would go over and over take three wins for this Eddie no water you'd see that okay woodsy tourniquet or harness tickle it again Eddie no bottoms coming tsukitachi do Toto neat I say on it stud yet another really touching memory that truly shows Jojo his love for his grandmother and how she's cared for him over the years it was really sweet actually oh my [ __ ] word they just made it even better and then once again there's that epic von stroheim badass music filter the very brim of absolute badassery you sir just straight-up bloody awesome [Music] take a final five wins for this episode for their epic and badass landing by von stroheim and the killing of the greatest foe mankind has ever known I cannot now wait to watch the final episode i fking love how they took the time to actually show us a detailed explanation of not only how cars survived the heat but then also gave us a pretty awesome looking visual demonstration of what saved his life how could I cut it up and some even had five looking butts and eve's such thick shineth I thought the machine in a naughty so long cows were Hungarian all yarmulke a really awesome and fitting into an insanely powerful creature whom in the end was beaten by mere human but one that was intelligent an incredibly inventive ways and who had honor to the very end unlike his cheating foe I think this is highly deserving a five wins for the entire lead-up to this moment and the moment itself this entire scene was an absolute joy to watch with Jojo returning with that classic carefree attitude and lights you me he's so well known for I was smiling pretty much the entire way through up to and including him having a little fight with a couple of dudes who didn't know he was in fact the not to dead Jojo for this lovely surprise I'm giving yet another five wins and for how well it was done from start to finish [Music] lemarchal a or Speedwagon one secure side a necessity to escape suddenly American oak is a kite you got guy you're hot dense a savanna sink you Chicago Jew and you neck chin soulful sadistic you oh man there's genuinely affecting me these past 26 episodes with him have meant a lot he's been through so much and it just feels so ultimate he finally passed away at age 89 I know this is just an anime and everything but my god making me feel sad like this is a gift that should not go unrewarded for this I'm adding 10 wins and in memory of the amazing character Speedwagon I'm adding another five as well r.i.p old man you'll be missed by this youtuber da da da phone store oh hi noir Giorgione's cycle circuit unlucky Thank You Jackie on Geo Sunday no star in gyrados insane day poker etiquette we don't see guns interstate mayor no sense you forget I know this dude was a Nazi and everything and many of you in the comments on my various videos have said that you love him regardless and I'm very much the same in this regard I thought it was a brilliant character and it's genuinely sad to see that he died as well and much earlier than everyone else even worse was that he never got a chance to see Jojo again due to the war but I'm sure if they did they'd have shared some great moments together and had a beer for him I'm adding 10 wins I'm going to add a final 5 wins here for how they finished up the series going through everyone's journey song of which would end and others which would continue onwards they also did some great foreshadowing of future events coming in the next anime thanks so much for watching everyone and if you enjoyed please be sure to hit the like button and leave a comment you can also share the video to on social media and if you're not subscribed hit that button and the bell icon to ensure you never miss a new video [Music] rious Ali bar even white PK fan a d50 idli Rob Israel caldera oh man Joe Suja Chris Harris Jonas Cobb and Lulu saucedo Minos bananas may Yuki Ali Manuel Mireles dr. old buddy salt sentiment Oh silver master tank hoodie and Eva pay our Aurora Kevin Delta sepia John Roosevelt Brenton Korea Gustavo Gomez canario storm 970 you go Delia truck mr. waffle 64 theodore questions carnivores on my job and Sammy's dead easy I'm your home yet crimson shadows
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 431,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animewins, anime wins, wins, jojo, jojos bizarre adventure, phantom blood, battle tendency, everything great about, EGA, everything right with, everything great about jojo, everything great about jojo season 1, everything great about jojo phantom blood, dio, giorno, joestar, joseph joestar, jojo all, every jojo, everything great about jojos bizarre adventure, jojo OP, jojo ED, jojo compilation, jojo wins, anime wins jojo, cinemawins, cinema wins, cinema wins parody
Id: 4UayEN_y2us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 37sec (2917 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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