The Flash is Insufferably Inconsistent - Season 1

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[Music] to understand what i'm about to tell you you need to do something first you need to believe in the logical can you do that this is a film about space wizards intended for children in this series i will be demonstrating how poorly written and contrived the action scenes and their outcomes are in cw's the flash like they are so unbearably contrived and nonsensical that they absolutely ruined the show for me and i hope this video ruins it for you too anyway before i begin going scene by scene there are some things to remember all concepts brought up are entirely based on common sense and what's provided in the show super speed super speed is one of the most overpowered abilities to exist like way too overpowered so overpowered that it makes no sense to make a seven season show about a character that possesses it unless you do it right of course you run from point a to point b in the blink of an eye you can attack non-speedsters without them even seeing it coming but speedsters don't just have fast legs they have fast everything if you're gonna run super fast you're gonna need just as fast eyes and reaction time otherwise you would constantly run into everything a visual example of this is whenever everything around the speedster goes into slow motion so he can actually see what they are doing and reacting to the things around them you thought the world was slowing down it wasn't you were moving so fast it only looked like everyone else was standing still let's call this speed react so once you showcase how overpowered super speed and speed react are at any moment you must remain consistent with what you can do with them otherwise you will create plot holes or damage previous scenes in retrospect but cw's the flash constantly suffers from this problem each season and if this [ __ ] also happens in the comics then i would probably hate those as well people who even dislike the newer seasons claim that season 1 is amazing and top tier superhero television but they are laughably mistaken and i have a fun little criterion to measure why they're wrong enemies who should have been caught by now and people who should have been saved it's really gonna add up you might think i have no life for making this and you're absolutely right but i'd appreciate it if you'd watch the whole video before forming an opinion on my criticisms yep believe it or not the first action scene already has problems so this is the part where barry runs into martin's car and martin makes this face like he just smelled a dirty diaper acting he goes for his gun and then barry the fastest man alive instead of you know taking his gun away he turns the wheel and flips the car okay we'll let that slide it was a high stress moment and he made a mistake so the car just flipped over and martin is walking away a couple seconds later this is impossible as you can see here when the car comes to a full stop there's no one around so he's still in the car with barry also how the hell did he get out of the car to begin with this side is the driver's side where martin was we see as it's sliding the door is closed and the driver's window is still intact it's not until after the car stops that the driver's window breaks and we see barry crawl out of it seems like the director just wanted him to magically teleport out of the car to have this edgy cool guy moment where he walks away and looks back all pissed and pouty what are you doing just standing there and staring run up to him and punch him you have super speed he wouldn't be able to react to it grab a nearby brick and smash it against his [ __ ] head behind him actually [ __ ] the brick it doesn't even matter if barry doesn't know how to properly fight a fist going 200 miles per hour into someone's face would [ __ ] them up so he just backs up into the fog and disappears barry just lets him make a move like if this was a [ __ ] turn-based rpg [Music] hey [Music] really [ __ ] fight really [ __ ] [Music] but whatever we'll let this slide too maybe barry is a [ __ ] and went into shock because he saw fog car crashes behind him he runs out of the way whatever that's fine the blood from whoever died in that car is on barry's hands though but a few seconds later all the fog clears up martin is nowhere to be seen and it just moves on to the next scene oh maybe he ran away okay so why doesn't barry look around the area with his super speed how far away do you think martin a person with normal speed can run in a few seconds not more than a few meters also look around him there is nowhere to [ __ ] hide god barry just loses him for no reason so any future scenes with martin should not exist and are just gonna be a waste of time yeah so this entire final action sequence should never have happened because martin should have already been captured oh my god big epic tornado looks so cool so never mind all jokes aside why didn't barry just ko martin take joe's handcuffs and restrain him if he's able to run against a [ __ ] tornado surely he can just run through it and beat the [ __ ] out of martin knocking martin out would have instantly stopped the tornado and he wouldn't have had to do this counter tornado [ __ ] which caitlyn even says could kill barry your body may not be able to handle those feeds you'll die remember work smarter not harder oh but then harrison wells couldn't give him the words of inspiration you can do this now run barry don't care create a better scenario where he does it the tornado stops martin holds barry at gunpoint and barry just lets him and has a chat with him instead of you know do literally anything else with his super speed but i'm kind of glad he just stays there like a dumb ass because joe shoots martin dead so we won't have any more contrived and unnecessary scenes with him in the future so next is the first scene with multiplying man they shoot at this cop and barry relocates him keep this part in mind barry can pick up a fully grown man and move him somewhere else without him even knowing what just happened [Music] because that'll be handy for later that's a surprise tool that can help us later so while barry moves the cop these guys start to turn to escape and holy [ __ ] are you seeing how [ __ ] fast barry is moving he just drops his ass off and immediately disappears and remember the last position we saw the multiplying man in yeah they just started turning around so they gotta still be there right wrong they're gone they're actually outside getting in a van even though it's pretty damn far away from where they just were is multiplying man a speedster too there is absolutely no possibility this could have happened if this made any logical sense barry would have been back and kick their ass but the writers really wanted them to escape so they put together this embarrassment of a scene this should go without saying but if you're gonna make a show where a character has super speed you need to be extra cautious about how you physically set up their encounters with others who do not have super speed so once again any future scenes with a multiplying man just serves to drag out the episode is it just me or does anyone else [ __ ] hate it when the fastest man alive shows up and just stands around to talk to his enemies am i the only one who would abuse the [ __ ] out of super speed and just immediately ko every criminal out there and run them to jail no honor among thieves eh oh god even these [ __ ] movies got the flash right anyway going back to the scene we'll give it a pass it's fine he's giving multiplying man a chance to surrender but what is unforgivable is when he doesn't surrender this idiot uses his super speed to knock back two of them and then he just stops why didn't barry knock back the third one too he just stops and lets him multiply and then he punches them at normal speed why use your [ __ ] superpower and then he gets ganged up on them for absolutely no reason he had every chance to beat up each clone and get out of this but of course the cw needed manufactured conflict because otherwise this scene they set up would have been over in two seconds with barry as the winner then barry runs away like a little [ __ ] because he got his ass handed to him and the scene is over that's it we just have to accept that multiplying man got away when barry could have just taken a breather and then run back inside to kick his ass once again any future scenes with multiplying man should not exist the title of this episode is fastest man alive kiss my ass [Music] good god finally this is the first fight scene where the show actually lets barry use his brain and speed this should have happened from the get-go at the bank so this scene and this scene should never have happened oh no this is concerning i mean the scene is excellent because this is the most effective thing barry could do with his speed running into a car picking up the driver and relocating him to the inside of another car and handcuff him but burn this scene into your brain because that's a surprise tool that can help us later why didn't why did you dash up to him and then punch him at normal speed you dimwit what happened to doing this he does it at the end of the episode for [ __ ] sake oh so you can speed react to a bullet getting shot at you but you couldn't react to this punch clearly about to get thrown at you okay oh great this idiot knows this is poison gas and yet he just stands there and stares at it as it moves closer to his nostrils there's nowhere to run okay buckle up because this episode is the worst thing i have ever seen hey past me it's future me i'm just here to tell you that you're a [ __ ] idiot for saying that for saying that this early because it only gets worse so barry actually does some good [ __ ] here until he doesn't he knocks these guys down and then he just runs away where the [ __ ] are you going you do realize you just push these guys they can still get up complete the robbery and escape again oh great yeah this guy just got shot because you have a [ __ ] peanut for her brain you knock this guy down but you let him keep his gun yeah what a [Music] call the hero tell them they have an incoming gsw what the actual [ __ ] why are you just watching them escape if you can relocate a man driving a car into another one surely you can just push or yank four guys off of a motorcycle look how slow they're driving away how is barry not back yet god damn it sorry captain i was at the hospital you spent multiple hours at the hospital no i want to know what the [ __ ] he was doing for several hours after delivering the injured man instead of immediately coming back to the crime scene and taking down these guys are you [ __ ] me how the hell were you not able to move joe out of the way in time why did you just stop in front of the blast a few seconds later we see you moving other people out of the way with no problem [Music] oh my god this is so embarrassing i swear nobody can defend this snart is gonna shoot these two people look at them they're not that close to him but before snart even pulls the trigger barry runs right past him to push them out of the way why didn't you just run up to snart and take the gun out of his hand or point it in another direction or tackle him for [ __ ] sake barry actually runs a further distance instead of disarming snart who's closer to him it's complete [ __ ] that barry is slower than the ice projectile in this shot because he's been shown to be faster than bullets and logistically bullets travel faster than this ice blast but after this scene barry's excuse for that is it's some kind of gun it froze things slowed me down enough that i wasn't in time to save someone but remember the ice blast should never have happened in the first place and captain colt should not even have his gun anymore [Music] [Applause] so this dude should still be alive [Music] homie more and later snart is running away you can still catch him take the gun out of his hand and shoot him in the leg so he can't move smash his head against a wall and knock him out the possibilities are endless if he escapes he could kill more people oh the scene's over i just have to accept that he escaped and it makes total sense sorry forgot to put a bullet in my brain so i can enjoy this show this has nothing to do with barry but i thought he was the only incompetent dumbass here let's play a quick game of kahoot fellas imagine the scenario you are an armed cop patrolling a museum after hours a crook with a gun shatters the front door you are now holding him at gunpoint while he has his weapon down the crook then threatens your life what do you do do you tell him to drop his gun or you will shoot or do you lower your gun and run away like a little [ __ ] [Music] let's see what this genius does freeze you want to end up like that door my disappointment is immeasurable oh [ __ ] hold on the crooks back is now facing you he is vulnerable you still have your gun what do you do do you tell him to drop his gun or you will shoot or do you continue being a [ __ ] and let him complete the robbery [Music] let's see what this genius does who wrote this there's nowhere to run acting i didn't see it before your mom know you're out past your bedtime if you wanted to get away you should have taken something faster than a train good got got it great good no no no no no no why did you stop take his [ __ ] gun for the love of god why are you talking to him why are you just standing there you're the fastest man alive you can literally take his gun and take him to joe you've done that before why is this situation any different snart is a normal guy with no powers how do you let him beat you multiple times drop it look even cisco knows he has the upper hand here but the [ __ ] trained cop that was in the same situation decided to run away this is a prototype cold gun four times the size four times the power why does that even matter a regular gun would still kill or seriously injure this guy it's not like a gun that shoots ice has an advantage over it your hands are shaking you've never killed anyone it's the first time for everything captain cold that's it they just let him walk away with the cold gun where the hell is joe and eddie they were actually at the train station if the star labs gang could just show up out of nowhere then surely joe and eddie should be here arresting snart right now if not barry could rest for a minute and then pluck the gun right out of snart's hand but ah [ __ ] it we'll have him walk away so we can continue to use him for future conflicts as stupid and contrived as that is nowhere to run wow barry's an [ __ ] he realizes there's a sniper laser dot on this chick but doesn't bother to move her out of the way so she gets shot and now you might be thinking oh well because of her power barry cannot touch her or else he'll explode don't touch me please nah cause he carries her to star labs a few seconds later she was shot with a tracker so if he saved her then the bad army men would not show up to star labs in the next scene why why didn't you use this trick why did you punch him you've relocated fully grown men before just do the same here for crying out loud [Music] don't just move her 10 feet away take her to the ccpd or at least outside of the building you idiot all these powers and look at you bully then bully now good good got it great let go of the [ __ ] pole and dodge it see he could have done this but taking iris with him again i don't know why he didn't just relocate colossus to the star labs prison but i guess we needed a fight scene over logic [Music] easy there zappy i don't know how many times i'm gonna have to say this but there should have been no way in hell he could have guessed where and when barry was gonna run and even if he made a lucky guess barry's speed react should have allowed him to dodge the lightning blast you know what i really don't understand why barry shows up to the more dangerous enemies completely empty-handed this dumbass really doesn't take advantage of super speed like he already doesn't instantly ko these criminals with a hundred mile per hour punch for whatever reason so another possibility is pulling a dexter and injecting his enemies with animal tranquilizer he can just run up to them and inject them without them even knowing he [ __ ] does this in episode 17 with like a hundred people i guarantee the star labs gang can make some for him they probably have animal tranquilizer because they were housing gorilla grot for a while [Music] jesus christ can you use your brain please stop running five feet away from his attacks and run up behind him instead once again i'm not sure how this guy knows where and when barry is going to run and why he didn't dodge this but this is [ __ ] he was literally fast enough to run in front of the lightning and then out of the way a few seconds ago okay to anyone who says oh maybe the flash does stupid [ __ ] cause he can't think when he runs fast listen here [ __ ] that is complete [ __ ] because in this scene he's running faster than a bullet and instead of pushing this dude out of the way which takes no brain power to know that that is the most effective way to save someone he went to go find whatever this thing is and made sure that this thin strip of metal was just at the right height to intercept the bullet how is he even sure that the bullet wouldn't just tear right through the strip of metal you can actually see it almost went through so yeah he had to think about all of this while speed reacting just to save a guy from a gunshot you're gonna run over there you're gonna come back at me and you're gonna get hit with an arrow [Music] no i'm not yes you are fine i will humor you i like how barry has the audacity to mock oliver when he says he's gonna shoot him with an arrow when this has happened and this has happened and this has happened and this has happened and this has happened there's nowhere to run remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend and you came right and she touched your leg it was me barry i jerked you off at super speed so it'd seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch finally a fight scene that actually makes sense you get it because it's two speedsters now you understand why this show pisses me the [ __ ] off there's nowhere to run captain cold is back for a non-metahuman leonard snart is proving to be quite the nemesis wrong barry the fastest man alive is just [ __ ] brain dead and let him escape multiple times i'm just happy to help the police catch snark joe barry might be able to help too i think cisco's heat shield why is everyone making snart such a big deal he's a normal guy with a gun oh but it's a gun that shoots ice oh okay yes yeah that explains why he has unlimited plot armor with weapons like these no one can stand against us no one except the flash what he's still a mortal man with no protective gear if he gets shot by the police he's done for for this woman died no don't come for me stay away don't come for me these two bozos just have guns it's literally nothing barry hasn't dealt with before [Music] the scarlet speedster you already know what i'm going to say about this and i should have turned this into a drinking game long ago you can apply this to any season as well take a shot every time the flash runs over to a bad guy and stops to talk or do nothing you'll probably have to get your stomach pumped after one season so barry sees the explosion of ice right in front of him he even reacts to it so why doesn't he just stop or [ __ ] run the other way he literally did this a few seconds ago you know what you have to do yeah get them to cross their beams and cancel their guns out i know god forgive me i can't get them to cross streams speed isn't getting it done yes it can just run up to them and take away their guns there's nowhere to run i can [Music] shut [Music] shut [Music] [Music] shut [Music] he left me what in the actual [ __ ] he was in the car three seconds ago how far do you think this normal man can run i know it's dark now but you could still listen for footsteps and know where he is wait hold the [ __ ] up he produces quite a bit of light when he runs can't he just use that look at this dumbass he looks over now he's probably thinking oh well he's probably 10 feet away by now i guess there's no way i can catch up to him or find him why do you give up so easily [Music] okay first of all why would you beat up these men and make your presence known which now puts you and ronnie in danger instead of just running straight through this alley and taking ronnie with you second of all these are trained military soldiers with assault rifles and barry can knock all of them down without a problem as he should because he has super speed but now that makes this scene where he can't even take down these two clowns even more pathetic third of all why the [ __ ] does he stop after that run away with ronnie he even sees the mean army guy pull out this cube and toss it in the air and he just [ __ ] stares at it he even cowers in fear when he sees it deploy these needles instead of oh i don't know running away with ronnie you have super speed [ __ ] use it when it's needed did you think this glowing qb pulled out was harmless like a giant dice to play giant monopoly [ __ ] you we have to get them back easy eiling has already demonstrated he has the weaponry to disable the flash or worse oh you mean the [ __ ] cube he has to toss up in the air and wait for it to drop needles no just remind barry he has super speed and to not be a dumb [ __ ] by standing there and staring at what is obviously a weapon he's about to pull the trigger [Music] oh so he was able to run in and steal dr stein right the second before getting shot in the head but he couldn't do the same with ronnie god forgive me why are you standing there for the love of god barry just stares until the truck stops and someone pops out with a bazooka [ __ ] grab ronnie and stein and take them somewhere else you did this five seconds ago why are you going for the missile you can easily move them out of the way [Music] that's it we just have to accept that martin number two who was right there managed to escape when the fastest man alive is right here are you telling me barry decided it's impossible for him to just run up to the truck that's a few meters away and do this i'm actually gonna cry gonna cry yes barry stops the storm with the sonic screwdriver martin number two is still there then he makes a run for the elevator and barry is still there ko him handcuff him run him to the star labs prison he even does this with no problem in the next episode jesus there's nowhere to run many times we gonna go through this snark until the best win win drop the gun what the [ __ ] why do you have to threaten her life you just ran up to her while she was holding the gold gun and successfully restrained her why can't you do the same thing with snart you dumbass no no no no no he just lets them go look at him look at his [ __ ] face he's acting like if there's absolutely nothing he can do about this somebody please [ __ ] shoot me end my suffering please there's nowhere to run it's over bri is that like a personal attack or something don't [ __ ] stand there and talk to her catch her by surprise for once and take her to star labs please with super speed you literally never have to make your presence be known before taking someone down it's amazing please try it sometime you think you understand the sting of betrayal i'll show you what it means to be stung [Music] wow it was that easy to stop her so why didn't you do this as soon as you got here earlier you could have prevented her from doing more harm isn't that what the hero is supposed to do i know you like to flap your lips but you can still do that after you've completely compromised her once again this dumb [ __ ] stops to talk to the bad guy whatever it happened and then this guy transforms barry sees this happen and this guy even turns to look at him and give him a salute then he turns the corner what was barry doing while the bad guy was preparing to escape oh yeah he was just watching him prepare to escape instead of taking him to star labs whatever it happened so now what barry turns the corner looks around normally and decides it's impossible to find the bad guy why exactly why does he give up when all he has to do is find a repeated person why doesn't he run up to everyone in this crowd and look at each one of their faces and close to find two identical people he's run up to each person in a big crowd before why can he not do it now shut the [ __ ] up you god damn idiot it's a movie about space wizards nowhere to run you picked a bad day for this pal uh can you just observe this villain put some kind of vision in barry's head that brings him a lot of pain and disables him for a few seconds but then the vision stops and barry is no longer disabled but then the villain turns around and runs the other way at a rather slow pace and then the scene ends which i'm just supposed to accept without asking why didn't you do anything else after [Music] that yeah this is what you should have done the first time around but no i'm gonna show up and let the bad guy make a move look at this [ __ ] even iris does something to knock out a metahuman take notes barry once again flash tart is dodging the projectiles instead of running up to these guys and tackling them or relocating them dumbass gets struck by a little bit of lightning and is out for the count for the rest of the whole scene [Music] my disappointment excuse me what the dude is made of lightning he [ __ ] emits lightning don't tell me he can't do jack [ __ ] now because he got zapped [Music] i finally rest and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe oh [ __ ] finally made it to the end i know i said this was gonna be a series but covering one season already broke me let's take a look at the results oh man look at how many times the baddie should have been caught if the writers had a brain and were consistent and our fallen civilians okay there were less than i imagined i should have made the bar smaller but they either died or were injured in an unnatural way because the writers failed at creating genuine stakes cause there are none your protagonist is a [ __ ] speedster except reverse flash like i said before i jerked you off alright now take a look at the first bar again now imagine all the scenes that would have been cut out if these crooks were arrested at their first encounter with the flash like they should have scenes with them scenes talking about them etc yeah that's a [ __ ] ton of scenes entire episodes would probably have been five minutes long thank you cw thank you so much so so much for wasting my [ __ ] time i [ __ ] appreciate it my [ __ ] good [ __ ] like sure to an objective omniscient viewer it would make logical sense for the flash to immediately knock out his enemies and take their weapons away or relocate them to the star labs prison every single time and then there will be no conflict and no drama his enemies would never get away he would never face hardships and he would never grow and there would be no story your job as a writer is to solve problems that prevent you from having the payoffs you want you're not supposed to give up and appeal to the idea that you had no choice that's a terrible argument and you should feel bad look i get it it's extremely difficult to make a really long show about a guy who moved several hundred times faster than his enemies without creating tons of plot holes and contrivances to give the enemies an advantage so what is my solution you may be asking it's simple the show should never have been made that's my answer like with a lot of things it just shouldn't exist if you're gonna [ __ ] it up this bad the only season i haven't watched is six so i already know they never improve on the fight scenes it's always this incredibly contrived [ __ ] so yeah if it's bad at the beginning and five seasons later it's still not good then it definitely shouldn't exist dc took the already impossible task of making super speed logistically consistent while giving the flash a challenge and gave it to the cw to make 15 hours of content per season i think people get tired of the big bad villain of each season being a speedster but realistically that's almost the only kind of power the flash could lose against so can we just cancel this show and make movies about the flash instead i wanna like the character but they keep making this overpowered hero look like the most incompetent person on the planet i haven't seen supergirl but i'm assuming she also has super speed and she's bulletproof so if she also constantly loses to cheesy small time crooks then i would probably cry while watching that too i just want some [ __ ] consistency guys is that too much to ask for to follow the rules you established in your own universe
Channel: Madvocate
Views: 5,491,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: criticism, critique, review, bad, sucks, fight, scenes, terrible, action, poor, cw, reverse flash, captain cold, never, good, season 7, trailer, spoiler, ending, release, speed, running, inconsistent, contrived, worst, superhero, inconsistencies, force
Id: c9Xh7_XvnFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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