Everything GREAT About: Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun | Season 1 | Second Half

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

Wow, I’ve been waiting for this!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/hanhdung2706 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

I don't know if there are any differences between Iruma tv and blu ray release, but if they do exist i would like to see a video about that

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Industrialman96 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] very happy that they put this message at the bottom as starting off the second half video doing exactly the thing i praised him for several times during the first half that being his consistency to his personality and loyalty to herod absolutely adore her character that's so cute and funny in everything this was not getting a win until the end where the guy kept saying what's going on over and over again oh man comedy like that is ideal to me the fact that my waifu and not yours is still in this anime gets it a fat win look at her but not too much don't be disrespectful looking at my waifu you feel me two wins here firstly because he genuinely didn't know that that was heard the entire time i'd forgotten about that whilst away working on jojo's stone ocean and second win is for the unexpected art style change pleasantly reminding me of how varied this anime is also as always please be sure to hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe because i love you all okay once again i like her an unreasonable amount she's super cute in this instance too [Music] take a very rare additional win here for jotaro like i mentioned before i only just finished working on stone ocean part one and to say that i was thrilled to be back in the world of jojo again would be putting it very lightly glad to hear his voice here again essentially [Music] that wasn't in the first half [Music] his reactions to each of their battle group goals and i must admit i still really enjoy hearing astor's voices his character sudden beautiful looking art style changed with animation from black clover using this moment to introduce the fact that people are treated differently due to their amount of magic and how magical items can also come into play as a factor very much similar to black clover actually she is the source of like a solid 50 of the anime's comedy for me i swear [Music] this scene also gets a win for reminding me again that this is a school and that there are naturally school elements to it but with of course the demon related twist always keeps things refreshing in this way yes beyond brilliant that this has been introduced to the ring different levels allowing him to control differing amounts of power for the situation and already it comes into play balancing his actions a little not making everything so overpowered all the time it's an incredibly clever addition [Music] who going on without fear of rumor god she's cute [Music] an actual genuine reason why he didn't visit the student council president that day [Music] man i love the animation in this so clear and crisp the color palette never ceases to captivate my eager eyes [Music] weird wind but just like i mentioned during wind number 181 that looks really pleasing to my eyes again very brief and dealt with in a funny way but i do think it's decent that they keep reminding us of his prior much more difficult lot in life really helps to contrast his present day today [Music] animating everyone in this hallway for this one very quick scene dedication [Music] i adore the dynamic between them all music like this fits so nicely to the anime like it's nothing outstanding like you'd hear in re zero or vivi fluorite eyes song but it's still perfect for the vibe they're shooting for us even though he didn't join my waifu as i thought he would it's still nice that he's joined this dude and for numerous reasons mainly how it feeds into his lack of magic due to being a human which could come into play praised already once during the first half but why not again using a different written language for this new world that's just pure old dedication also praised already once during the first half but why not again using various items to really spruce up the demon vibe they're going for like the skull tie backs on the curtains the slightly webbed looking tablecloth and the symbol of the demons on the wall kind of looking like a bat shape introducing us all of a sudden to a bunch of new and powerful characters really opening up the door on this world's law unexpectedly firstly i love the change in style secondly this meeting has been a trove of law for pretty much everything outside of their school they went over dangers in the area trading food shortages and all sorts i hope clover [Music] their power on display right here just really got me thinking of nen from hunter hunter take a whim for the fond memories [Music] on top of loving the voice actors work like i mentioned in the previous video it's wonderful to see how much a rumor means to him worlds apart from his old life with his parents [Music] end of episode [Music] also they could take an end of episode final win here i like the idea that they misconstrue the meaning of the word date and go on an extra aggressive patrol each time yeah got one it's basically the same win as 199 but still it just gets one she's still in this anime too she's my second in rumor [ __ ] waifu and she's 100 not yours i lost reaction that made me laugh harder than likely intended i mean it's so over the top for losing a game i'm also enjoying how they're making it so that demons can't just do whatever they want they've introduced rules to the world and laws and i dig that just straight up awesome looking visuals right there unexpectedly actually adding in a little bit of tension here and a dash of mystery by suggesting that there could be more to his arrest than obviously for story shenanigans this guy being so very over the top friendly with him all the time [Music] he's actually playing the game with her she's so funny i love her [Music] animating multiple characters moving within single shots like a bunch of legends [Music] things like this are handled so well where he mentions something clearly just from earth that confuses them all that could so easily have been brushed aside but instead they mention it several times to great effect [Music] she's the best [Music] just like in the first half credit where it's due for essentially creating the manga dedication [Music] that went from seriously wholesome to funny in less than 10 seconds that's some skill right there basically the entire brilliantly done pillow fight genuinely fantastic and unexpected plot twist right there in fact they can have a maximum two wins award like i knew something was coming but not that he'd be involved from the school blew me away [Music] [Music] the fact that they keep using variations on normal japanese school events [Music] if you know me and you know this channel you'll know i dig maps and this one counts it's just more cute and colorful than normal you feel me i know it's very unlikely but i don't even care i want a rumor to win this just for my own personal gratification korean it's a small thing but on top of already not walking on the spot meaning loads of extra frames needed and hard work from an animator or animators they even changed the position of his tail so many times like they didn't have to do that just dedication to the craft a small but decent example of mixing cgi and hand animation to great effect also though so very much not walking on the spot that i can't not shout it out not when they do it twice so close together [Music] adding a really dark and sinister turn to the story which up until this point has been incredibly light and happy-go-lucky for the most part [Music] just adding another one here for how sorry i feel for a rumor that this twist has occurred and because it was built upon so excellently dropping subtle little nods at how he sees them as kindred spirits [Music] there's so many rare examples of essentially double wins given by media in the second half but again man having jotaro is ideal in this and he's fantastic as this character the way he almost panics when saying stop is amazingly funny [Music] excellent character building in this episode and the last really fleshing out this part of the story i'm really impressed at how well it's been put together and how it's brushed aside the notion that aruma kunda's a story is basically episodic by nature and the dynamic between their trio just continues to draw me into an unreal degree really appealing very few times do i ever feel like this as normally something disrupts the harmony and most of the time for no reason [Music] it's still a win that they're still putting pictures in picture frames again just look at normal anime most of them be blank they can afford the frame but not the picture no family memories to display [Music] must be a sign of how much i'm loving the characters that i'm looking forward randomly to seeing their family members at this event [Music] it's been a long time since i enjoyed the style of anime animation so much well i say that jojo's stone ocean part one of three was the last video i created and i adored that but other than that it's very true it's her randomly deciding to poke them that makes the damn scene it's so random she's poking them out creator could have been understandably lazy here and merely focused on their own event maybe one other but instead has fleshed out about 10 different events in total all with a demon viable twist to it i don't think that was cgi and if it wasn't that was the height of scene dedication animating all of their classmates walking away tons of frames for such a small thing they're nuts [Music] that incredibly delayed oh yeah just made this [Music] it's really heartbreaking that aruma who has been nothing but a sweetheart this entire season ends up meeting someone like this someone who portrays that trust and kindness very brief but very detailed school scenery shot set against the setting sun [Music] i'll be honest i've been feeling tense the past couple of minutes in the build up that's a first so that's a single win on its own but also i didn't actually think it'd end up going through with any of it not any of the stages of the plan beyond taking the gunpowder anyway and yet he's done this column shocked and surprised it's incredibly brief but that's a straight-up work of art right there nice use of the sukima phrase right there which in fairness does also mean gap of which he just went through one [Applause] on top of this being an awesome display of his power and the strength of the barrier it then nicely led into a knowledge drop regarding how powerful it is rank wise which was appreciated [Applause] let's be real awesome animation on that as well gorgeously detailed coming up with this clever technique to calm down the students by making out like it's all a surprise and part of the festivities and nicely avoiding a plot hole about why the students didn't panic [Music] take a final well-deserved win for this plot twist never did i think they'd go down a route like this as i mentioned before it makes it a true arc not episodic it introduces world building factors as well as very likely character building from the main crew and has a darker element to the whole ordeal it's brilliant to me introducing this element as a means by which to also keep them separated from a rumour [Music] seeing them all work together is oddly wholesome and more importantly awesome both sums getting another look even briefly at another part of this demon world [Music] [Laughter] starting off the process of exploring why he's taking the actions he is also injecting an element of empathy from the viewer or trying to draw out of us which helps us to see him as more than just a simple villain and is how the best ones are built [Music] brilliant scene for so many reasons but chief among them has to be a rumors understanding that he really is in another world and this is a demon before him that's so poetic but also taking his character in this direction totally blindsided me seriously impressed at how they didn't go for a cliche sounding sob story [Music] and then this here is another epically wild twist there were a group of demons who hate the way things are now really peaceful and wish for things to go back to their violent past never expected this and great world building is a result too i felt like this was a pure comedy for the most part i'm so shocked it's insane the things he is saying like i said dark this is not how i thought this would go down [Music] [Music] oh okay that's excellent seriously poetic again how the story and characters opposing each other were formed too so nicely done by the writer also though credit to a rumor as a character he's showing a level of determination and courage that strikes me as being in the same vein that's gone from hunter hunter loving it okay [Music] even though it ends briefly without breaking through the barrier take two wins for the mixture here of the music and his actions and to top it all off that stunningly gorgeous looking animation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] unreal that was stupidly fantastic as you can imagine another two wins are in order for that and for pretty much exactly the same reason as the previous double wins award but also for mixing in a rumor essentially firing off the fireworks he wanted to the entire time and potentially him being made a hero for saving people and finally for displaying what looks to be godlike magic powers again to impress the student body i loved that so much you have no idea [Music] take one here as well for that music probably the most outstanding i've heard in the series if only because it stands out to my ears and also for their reactions ranging from relief to anger to blissful joy depending on who is witnessing it unexpected he actually saved him from falling showing this more to him than first anticipated since the reveal of his true nature what an episode this has been good morning grand papa is back yosh my goodness they really aren't messing about with some of the awesome looking magic are they [Music] this brief scene once again showing different areas of the world and it's all so varied [Music] uh it's like i could hear chasma fighting some street games when he's like this in case you're watching this and didn't see the first half he voices the main character in most of the yakuza games by the way [Music] his grandpa being a straight up legend not only making the effects look even better but at the same time legit saving everyone again [Music] [Music] if you thought with all of them heading there like a bunch of badasses arriving and throwing up several incredibly sick looking magical skills whilst that music played wasn't getting them another maximum two wins award you're full in yourself [Music] adding in this statement serving as a way to tell us that this isn't over yet and also that he's very likely to reappear again in the future this is great because he deserves some credit for what happened even if it wasn't a full acknowledgement of how he saved all of their lives [Music] i really do like her i'm gonna miss her when the season's over hopefully this does well views wise and i can comfortably do the second season without worrying about how i'm going to pay my bills [Music] the valid family in their amazing introduction they they went and animated a song again i don't know if it's the same as the one during the first half video but i'll assume it's not but even if it is they get a win for brand new visuals a lot of work goes into a song like that also the family is crazy [Music] not only is this hilarious as he actively fights her off so that's one win [Music] but also kawaii [Music] showing the families having fun slowly lowering the music down and highlighting how he's alone with a spotlight was beautifully done [Music] ah man then you go and contrast that with the bright and happy looking visuals as his grandfather picks him up literally and figuratively so wholesome huh uh not sure how many times i can explain how crazy good of a fit he is for this particular anime and especially character hmm can't withstand the wholesomeness it's too strong what's a stunningly well detailed building [Music] i don't really see how it's possible for her to end up being even more attractive than usual here but they somehow managed it i'm not a scientist so i don't get these things [Music] that was unexpected and perhaps because it was unexpected that's for the best i really didn't think that they would end up with nothing though [Music] meanwhile masterfully circumventing our expectations right there like the best stories can often do whilst showing real appreciation for his actions on the slide [Music] how his statement nicely links into a prior one questioning why a rumor didn't call upon him when faced with that giant beast during the first half [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't think i shouted out yet during the second half so take one here similar to the first half in that i really enjoy the creativity behind these little segments they're like art style changes basically and they're used to great effect all the time [Music] the fact that this is happening again and it's by a part of the same family i just want to say i like where all of this is going it's fantastic do carry on please and thank you [Laughter] yes yes that's perfect why do the glasses keep breaking oh my god that's such a good line who seriously would have thought you'd get another win for comedy right there oh dear lord that was one of the funniest moments i've ever seen in any anime [Music] take one more here for just the culmination of his character arc here going from wanting to return home to just being unsure of things back and forth to now being incredibly happy with his friends and family suddenly and unexpectedly introducing a new piece of world building to the anime that being a devil idol and the place where she played a concert but also the other half of this win is finding out how as rationalized as the things that aruma should really know about this world but doesn't finding out how they began a better and less evil and violent life as a people by inventing ways to entertain themselves and draining their evil nature very creative way of dealing with a logical issue since their demons and all i mean yui from snafu i could hear that immediately don't even need to check it she's got a great voice [Music] didn't anticipate suddenly getting another character's backstory whilst nearing the end of the season hopefully season two carries this on as well seriously shocked at how there's been to my count three individual songs accompanied by three long sets of animation required for each of them that's a tremendous amount of time and effort that goes into that and so all the praise in the world to the team who worked on this [Music] oh it's so random she handles this scene perfectly she's amazing this is one of those anime where the misunderstandings are dealt with terrifically what an oddly incredibly well detailed clock up on that wall [Music] [Applause] [Music] i didn't think i'd see him dressed as a girl but yeah here we are it's oddly intriguing that over the course of the previous five episodes or so they've been routinely warping backwards and forwards through time during the episodes it's quite a unique way of forming the episodes and not at all unwarranted [Music] [Music] foreign that's actually an amazing way of phrasing his character in this new world to be honest because it's true he just wants to remain hidden born out of him being a human in a world that seemingly may want to eat him if he's found out but yes he does act in this way for others not because he's asked but because he's kind and wants to help says so much about him [Music] are you freaking kidding me a fourth song with loads of animation in it again are you crazy [Music] in all honesty not only was the song actually catchy but the visuals were beyond stunning take a rare two wins here for that looked gorgeous i mean look at it [Music] a well fitting nice and warm end to that part of the story ending on a much more positive note this start to the final episode just really contrasting the first episode where he was a fish out of water feels like we've come very very fast since [Music] [Applause] i actually was going to hold off on giving her any other win since i think it's fair to say your boy has done it on her this video but that was cute and awesome [Music] [Applause] just as i mentioned in wind number 318 this is contrasted by his reaction upon first waking up in this new world i believe in episode one that's two nice callbacks [Music] for the final time of this season have one for how they act it's been crazy consistent all the way through every single episode they've been a comedy duo they've doted on their friend supported him at every turn and treated him the same as always it's been a joy to witness such steady writing throughout foreign they just do comedy so damn well [Music] [Music] i'm gonna genuinely miss all of their characters and especially her i think it's that randomness she does so well and the voice actor is beyond perfect thank you wait what epic level end of episode plot twist what's going on that end of episode plot twist was god level what an epic way to end the series with a cliffhanger i so enjoyed that they can take a grateful final win here for a bright and positive well written and acted out anime with fantastic animation and stories truly loved that and i very much hope in the future that i get to cover season two but obviously that would depend on the patrons voting in down the line so if you'd like to see it please consider using the link in the description and if you pledge at least four dollars per month you can vote in everything i cover i very much hope that you all enjoyed this video and as always a like and a comment is very much appreciated plus sharing it around to anyone you think may want to see it and of course i'll see you in whatever video you choose to watch next and hopefully one day in season two [Music] 64 kieran robinson chris harris yo natal manolo munoz steelers matthew blanchett kim munt emmanuel mireles conito dark lord bloody soul blitz cloud or keeper kepler jeffers6263 magnus kevin delter brendan crea conjured warzone sean graves the epic commander galaxy boss 22 leaf on hammer sentimento kitchen 2000 storm 917
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 47,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, wins, animewins, anime wins, welcome to demon school, EGA, everything great about, everything great about welcome to demon school, iruma-kun, iruma kun, welcome to demon school iruma-kun, iruma-kun OP, iruma-kun ED, iruma kun OP, iruma kun ED, everything great about iruma-kun, everything great about iruma kun, anime wins demon school, anime wins iruma kun, anime wins iruma-kun, anime wins welcome to demon school, aniwins, animation wins
Id: ufxsxv03MRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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