EVERY Magic Item Location in Act 1: Baldur's Gate 3

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every magic item location in balers Gate 3 act one this one's well known but the first item that you can get is from commander zul in the beginning tutorial the best strategy to get this weapon is to have Shadow hark equip the spell command before the fight and then use it on Zod to have him drop the blade then you can just take it a run or use it to beat him this item is completely missable so if you miss it at the start of the game you're not ever getting it there are two magic items that you can get at the very beginning of the game at the chapel after finding the secret sarcus where you get the withers there is a chest that contains the Amulet of lost voices continuing further you will find a sarcophagus that is heavily trapped inside it you will find the Watcher guide this one is hard to miss you get it at the beginning of the game after saving the grow from a few Goblins the gloves of power you can loot off of this Goblin and immediately wear on your Rogue or a marshal fighter and you can immediately put those gloves to use to get the next magic item the hell Rider's Pride if zevar the tlan gets knocked out during the altercation that follows you can pickpocket him for the hell Rider's Pride before you talk to him to make it really easy to get them you'll find the first traiter Aaron at the beginning of the emerald growth on top of an assortment of plus one gear and at later levels plus two gear you find a few unique magic items he carries the gloves of missile snaring the Ring of fleeing the Hedge Wanderer armor the rain dancer spell thief and dragon's grasp the Kellin Grace is one of the best early monk items and it is sold by Auntie Ethel who is a fairly easy to miss vendor but she will be here at the very start of the game as you enter the emerald Grove in the emerald Grove Daman is one of the most important traders in balers Gate 3 in act one he carries two unique items and both of them are very useful the Safeguard Shield gives you plus one to all saving throws which is just good but the best item here and argu the best option that you should buy at the very beginning of the game is the hunting short belt the whispering promise is a magic item that changes owners but the original and easiest to find owner is Volo simply interrupt his rant in order to trade and you'll be able to get the whispering promise extremely early and not have to track it down later in the emerald Gro up by a cliff there's a Bard right beside the Bard there's a chest once opened you will find the cap of curing this is the first magic item that I always give to Gail the ring of color spray allows you to cast color spray once for free and is really only good at low levels this item can be found in the Harpy's Nest right behind the emerald Grove there is an impostor among the livestock in the emerald Grove if you vote them out in a single hit you will find the shape shifter Boon ring this gives you the effect of a second guidance that is able to stack whenever you are using disguise self coincidentally if you buy the deluxe version of the game at Camp you will find the mask of the shape shifter this lets you cast shape shift as as many times as you want it's literally pay to win stop don't do that if you do that you going to miss out on loot that you get an act two so leave the cow alone if you save at least one of the tling children and then head over to The tling Hideout hidden in the emerald Grove there you will find Maul who is not happy with The Druids and wants you to steal their Idol from them now doing this will be very dangerous as there's a strong chance that it will lead to The Druids just murdering everybody however it does give you the best ring in act one which is the ring of protection I don't have footage of it but the ring will give you a plus one to your AC and plus one to all of your saving throw easy to miss you're going to need to climb the Rocks right beside the emerald Grove once you get to this area right on the skeleton is a pendant the silver pendant which gives you the ability to cast guidance this item is very easy to miss very useful and you get it at the start of the game don't miss it I actually missed both of these in my first play through at the cave right by the Emerald Grove once you defeat the enemies you can pickpocket fendal for the key of the Ancients and behind a trapped chest is the Nature's snare which allows you to ins snare enemies this might be really good but I haven't tested it let me know what you guys think of this weapon next up are the Goblins by the windmill in the blighted village the leader of these goblins carries the very heavy greatex the first plus one magic weapon that you get from an enemy and then inside are some really good boots for any Rogue you gain three lightning Chargers whenever you dash lightning Chargers make you hit things more often and you do a little bit more damage they're just good this one's very hard to find the fleet fingers are actually buried south of the flighted Village so if you miss your skill checks for all of your characters you can miss this entirely and I got a lot of comments saying that oh you can just click on the shovel guys that's only a thing on PC consoles don't get that luxury right before the blighted village you'll find Edwin and his two companions Edwin is going to be carrying half of a magic weapon the other half is embedded in the head of the AL bear in the nearby cave once you kill the AL bear make sure to loot the oak father's Embrace and then fuse the two halves together this will give you a spear that does insane damage to enemies that have too many eyes like spiders you can reach the spider cave in the blighted village by either going through the well or through the building there are three magic items inside you'll find the spurred band on a skeleton right here up in this chest is the spider boots which will keep you from getting stuck in webs which will matter because there's a spider boss right up ahead on its body is the poisoner's robe and near it is the dark Amethyst in the blighted village down a hatch you will find a potion shop look for a secret lover and find the secret area then get to the other secret area behind the Talking Mirror along with the main attraction there are the bracers of Defense in this chest here Braes of the fence are one of the best items in DND D everyone wants them and this is at the beginning of Act One do not missed us in the middle of the blighted village there's a chest containing the haste helmet near that are three ogres one of them is wearing the headband of intellect and he's kind of a talker because of it you can choose to manipulate these guys into working for you but I do not recommend it I personally did find a glitch where I was not able to get the reward after summoning him using the warhorn just take these guys out and take the headband of intellect which raises your intelligence The Smuggler's ring can be found right near carlac on the rising Road right here on this skeleton be careful with it because it's good for getting you into trouble but not out of it there's only one way to get the infernal rope you have to go to the ryen road and kill carlac one of your available companions now there used to be a glitch where you could actually get both carlac and the infernal robes in one playthrough but unfortunately they did patch it those of you who got the robes got to keep them but those of you who are late to the party well you miss out on the ryen road to Carle you'll find a toll collector ctor key grab that for later take the sword from the Paladin and then look for a hatch nearby First you'll use the key and then after you use the key or break down the doors you will be able to find a secret room inside the secret room is a large stash of gold and other things such as the plus one great Axe and more importantly the gloves of heroism after the null encounter to the north of the ryzen road you can get two magic items from bodies and that is going to be the speed ply and the shattered flail up just north from that as far up north as you can you will find the reason grass which is a really good item for barbarians now there is a shipment that contains the iron flask inside but if you get into this point you're already missing out on magic items and the iron flask is not as good as it seems make sure you're letting rugan leave with his shipment intact in order to get all the magic items that you can from this interum at walking's rest there's a time sensitive event that involves saving an NPC once you save her you will be given the option of three magic weapons all of these use lightning charges which increase your chance to hit so I recommend the spell sparkler because you are able to attack more enemies at once also in this chest here there's a magic weapon it's not that great so if you missed out on it I wouldn't worry about it and apparently one of the fists here do have a decent magic weapon but it's so terrible even in act one that it's better just to let them keep it because it's more useful in their hands than in your bag I missed out on this magic item multiple times and I was looking specifically for magic items at the Nan encounter make sure you let the two guys actually deliver their own shipment when the zum actually receive this shipment they will reward you with Harold a magic crossbow which allows you to inflict Bane on a hit once you get on the zam's good side the trader will be accessible and you will be able to buy Six magic items the giant breaker the Titan string bow the gloves of hail of thorns the jolty vest the gloves of thievery and the rupturing blade if you miss out on this some of them will be available in Merchants later on but some some of them will not in the stash in the back of this interum Hideout you will find the best Beckers so despite this being a very rare item act one they're actually pretty terrible your familiar is going to have to make a wisdom saving thrower become mad and this works outside of combat too so it will happen if you suon familiar the only way this actually can be used is on a cleric and that's for Spiritual weapon you could also put it on a wizard for flaming sphere but flaming sphere is pretty terrible but you can find infernal iron nearby so at least that's worth it you can actually get the strongest weapon in the game in Act One the silver sword of the astop plane is carried by kith Voss and you can use command to make him drop it before you begin combat he will leave at the beginning of the encounter and leave you to fight the other gith but if your relationship with laselle is not good enough she will side with the gith Yankee instead of you and the fight will be unwinable as it is it's possible at level four but extremely difficult so I recommend being level five if you do this but the main reason I recommend you not do this is because afterwards it triggers dialogue with lasel which contains spoilers for The Story So if this is your first playthrough do not do this glitch instead just loot the ganki and you'll get the weaker version of this weapon there is only one way to get the brood mothers Revenge by killing kaga pickpocketing does not work so if you don't want your playthrough to be ruined by kaga's death there are two options first you can investigate kaga and do the shadow Druid quest line and then not convince her to see the error of her ways or if you get rid of the Goblins kaga will just be kind of by herself Crusher can be found right near the portal at the goblin Camp you can interact with him and get his ring during the interaction or you can make him angry and he'll walk off in which case you can just take it from him go up the hill near the river by the goblin Camp over here you'll find a chest this chest contains the glowing Shield a weapon that I use in pretty much every single play through you can find grab the Traer in the goblin Camp outside he sells the swiy shoes the Doom Hammer the returning Pike and the gloves of archery and if you missed it before he will also sell the whispering promise which he stole from Volo if you're friendly with the goblins you'll find Roa moonglove inside their Camp she's a trador who carries five really good magic items but only in act one so don't miss out on them she carries the blooded great Axe the monster Slayer glaive the gold wormling staff the Hunter's dagger and the bow of awareness if you miss out on these you're probably not seeing them until act three in which case they're just could be useless to you I can almost guarantee you have not found this one in the northeast of the shattered stanum on this specific skeleton you will find the Ring of poison resistance while it's not a magic item per se I just had to include this before you start fighting the Goblins you can find abira within the shattered sanum he's going to want to hit you a lot and if you succeed all of your either performance or intimidation checks you will get a permanent buff also you can get the litar scourge if you trade with them during this interaction there are three magic items you can find within the ward pins in the goblin camp in a chest you will find the Beast Master's chain on one of the Goblins you will find the line Breer boots and on a pile of bones within the war pan itself you will find the war fan which is good against goblins to use some of these magic items to their fullest extent you'll need to get branded by Priestess gun She carries two such items on her person the absolutes Talisman and the absolute Lo's warboard in our personal quarters you'll also find The Amulet of Misty step which has no such requirement you can find the water sparklers in a chest right beside manthara and if you kill her you can take her tadpole along with three magic items but you don't have to kill her even if you're doing a good play through there used to be a glitch where you have to turn her into a sheep in order to get her into a good playthrough but apparently it's just normal now if you just knock her out it's fine in the back of the shattered sanctum is an undefended Vault inside are three magic items The Amulet of salon's chosen the gloves of the growling Underdog and the Spring Step boots you can grab these before the boss fight without any issue you can find the boss Hob Goblin towards the back of the goblin Camp make sure you do everything you want to before you begin this fight and once you do beat him he will drop the faith breaker once you save Volo and then meet him again at your Camp he will give you the Blazer of benevolence but if you decide to talk to him again he will offer to try to extract the tap from your eye it's a terrible idea it doesn't work and you lose your eye in the process but he does give you a better eye which will allow you to see invisible enemies this isn't the only time doing the dumb decision gives you the biggest reward so feel free to be as dumb as you want you can find gandel right near the Riverside te house he carries a pretty good crossbow gandel's aspiration but be careful about this one his death or lack thereof will have consequences in the story later on if you find and kill the hag in act one there are five magic items you can get and a permanent buff without giving spoilers The Bitter of divorce is a magic wand that is associated with this Quest and you can find it in the loot room right beside the ever seeeing eye and the staff of Crohn's additionally if you kill or knock out the hag you will get the tarnish charm and if you didn't buy it earlier the corob alien's Grace but if you bring her down to low HP she will try to negotiate offering you a magic hair that gives you one to any of your stats for the rest of the game after you save the druid's Grove or otherwise get the Rune of the wolf you will have access to the druid Vault inside are two magic items sorrow the first polar arm magic weapon you can find and the robe of Summer once you reach the under dark you'll find yourself near or at the Lite Outpost behind a locked gate you'll find a locked chest which contains the helmet of smiting beside that chest you'll find a secret door and inside there you'll find a chest that is both trapped and locked which contains the Luminous armor if you don't go out the window of The slite Outpost you're going to miss out on three important magic items here you will find the spectat tor's eyes a magic necklace the blast pendant and in the backpack is the freay drought Hood it's not good at all but it can be eaten by Gail making it the worst item that can possibly be used by Gail additionally here you can find the icy heal which is onethird of a powerful magic item this magic item is really good for optimizing which ones you're going to give up the Gil since you're going to be using three of them in act one unless you speed the plot along you can find the Amulet of the Unworthy from beating these two minotaurs and it's really close to the other terrible magic item that you should be giving the Gail if you head to the island South of the swamp you'll find a few enemies along with two magic items on one of the enemies you'll find the wood w shield and in a chest nearby you will find the sparkle hands which is a must-have item for any monk as you explore the underd dark you're just bound to fight the bulette and if you beat it you'll get the blood gusler guard if you continue past where you fought The Spectator if you cut down these webs you'll get access to a chest which contains the Dr studded leather armor outside near the Arcane Tower in a chest you can find the skybreaker and then once you go into the Wizard's Arcane Tower you will find a chest called the chest of the mundane filled with basically nothing but once you loot all of this you'll find a magic item along with some other good loot the magic item is called Mist Grace which is a pair of boots which will allow you to cast feather fall most of the magic items in the Arcane Tower are hard to find and have some secret behind them but the uncovered Mysteries is not one of them it's just in a chest on the second floor you can power the Arcane Tower by grabbing a ccer flow down on the bottom floor and putting the ccer flow into the furnace this will allow you to reach the top floors and on the fifth floor you will find a chest that contains the magor's friend also bonus points to anyone who knows what this button is for and the story behind it there are two ways to get the magic ring The Guiding Light I recommend being at least level five if you decide to go the hard way if you do decide to go the hard way you will also get the light of creation which is a very highrisk high reward polar AR but if you don't want to fight what you'll need to do is find two books to get not murdered you need to read the road to darkness which is on the fifth floor and to have Bernard give you the ring you need to read the threadbear book on the third floor once Bernard does give you the ring immediately equip it you'll need it for the next item this magic item is very easy to miss but it's also not all that great right beside Bernard you will find a stool of Hill giant strength if you sit in the stool you'll be stronger which is complet completely worthless and if you break the stool you will be able to use one of its legs as a magic item but if you happen to have 18 strength already at the time this item will already be outclassed by a simple plus one magic weapon equip The Guiding Light and head to the secret room in the Arcane Tower using the elevator here alongside fancy tables you will also find a staff of the Arcane blessing immediately put that on Shadow heart because it is by far the best staff in act one and loot a nearby chest to get the Sparks wall and a magic ring that prevents you from being electrocuted and gives you resistance to lightning damage this magic item is very easy to miss go to the area right of the Arcane Tower and then jump over this Ledge in order to get to this area right here also make sure to be careful about the explosive fruit here or you'll fall into the abyss but one way or another on this skeleton you'll find a Helm of autonomy which will give you proficiency and wisdom saving throws starting at where you found the Helm of autonomy go down to the festering Cove there you will find some creatures doing a ritual you can either kill or convince their leader in order to gain the sickle of boal boal's blessing only works if there's kuoa able to worship so if you kill everyone here this magic item is kind of useless what's not useless is the armor that's hidden up in a chest behind them there you will find a slippery chain shirt you can find this weapon right to the northwest of The slai Outpost Once you pull this weapon out of the stone it comes with two unique abilities which you can use shriek pretty much makes any damage that you do do a tiny bit more damage and sing is basically like a second bless if you're using this weapon alongside with the staff of Arcane blessing you get to find it very difficult to miss your attacks this traiter you can find right near the entrance to the miked Colony he carries the life ringer the circlet of blasting the banful the sun Walker's gift the boots of genial striding the cinder shoes the psychic spark and Mel's first staff lots of great items here so don't miss out in the mik colony you will find a gnome that has been poisoned by some nearby dragar if you offer her an antidote she will give you the boots of speed which is part of a quest line so hold on to the you can have blur summon another Traer and surprisingly he does not bite instead he offers Five magic items the crean echo the shade spell ciret the Ring of salving which is really good the boots of Stormy clamor which is surprisingly just as good if not better and the pearl of power ulet which just gives you spells back and if you let him brew a potion for you it won't work but you can mug him out of his ring of Mind shielding afterwards when you reach the miket colony the leader will give you a mission but feel free to ignore it completely and just bust down the door they do not care here inside you'll find the shadow of the Hat of invisibility and the icy metal the second of three parts of a magic item in the Northwest section of the map you will find Biber bang but the Explorer's ring is actually not in that mess it's around it up on a Ledge and while you're at it make sure you grab the noble stock which can be used to give someone back their Memories the last traitor in the Mike and colony is an herbalist who gives you a quest in order to find her husband upon her husband's return you will receive the gloves of inhibited cusido she also sells for magic items the corros of flail the CTIC band which is very good the herbalist gloves and the Amulet of restoration in the blighted village you will find a forge which have some blueprints nearby which ask you to find ccer bark ccer bark can be found at the ccer tree in the underd dark bring that CER bark to the forge in the blighted village and you will be able to craft either a Greatsword a sickle or a dagger which will silence enemies on a hit I was going to recommend the dagger because you can throw it at enemies and silence them that way that way you don't have to actually have it equipped to use it but when I went to collect footage and actually implement this the dagger just vanished so be careful I guess you can find fero that forgotten near the CER tree in the underdog he doesn't carry any magic items but he does carry the Ice Crystal which which is the third of three parts of a magic item if you've been paying attention you already know where the other two parts are but you can fuse the icy Crystal the icy he and the icy metal together to create the morning Frost you can find two magic items in an under AR near the duar the short sword of first blood can be found on an executed deep known and you can get the Exterminator axe from get Cole just make sure you use him to progress whatever Quest you want to First once you're done exploring the underd dark you can head to the beats and then set sail there you'll meet a duar Who you have a choice to either fight or trade with on his boat in a chest is the inst stringent Warhammer which can only be gotten by fighting with him otherwise you can get a plus one great club by trading with him and the rest of his stuff the bow of the bansy joro's gry sword and The Shining saer of skulls you can all get by looting him as soon as you find the area near the Grim Forge you'll find two dwar who are throwing deep gnes into the water if you notice to check them for loot first you'll find that they have a ring that can let you turn invisible in the Northwest part of the Grim Forge you'll find a ledge which has a chest on it inside you will find the real Sparky Sparks wall which is really good for any lightning builds additionally once you keep heading to the north you will find right by a skeleton one of the devil foil masks in the west section of the Grim Forge there is a fake dead end if you climb down the ledge you will find three Treasure Chest to Loop along with the secret chest one of these three chests contains the wondrous gloves once you reach the upper area of the Grim Forge you will find what I call The Bridge of Death if you get past all the traps and reach the other side of this gate you will find not only a lever to turn off all the traps but also a chest containing the protect the Sparks fall which is one of the very first shirts that you can find that will increase your wizard spell save DC upstairs in the western part of the Grim Forge you will find not only a shield mold on a skeleton but inside you'll find a few enems and here you can find the fire stoer along with a few devil foil masks you can find the final magic item in the upper part of the Grim Forge to the southeast along with the skimmar mold you can find the dark justi here Helm on this skeleton here to get this next magic item you'll need the boots of speed that you get from this gnome you can find Sergeant thin in the Grim Forge who just has no shoes as funny as it is to just leave her Barefoot you can give her the boots of speed back and she will give you one of two magic items the armor of an inhibited Kush youo is good for monks and the bracing band is really good for shoving builds sooner or later in the Grim Forge you're going to want to save Mir and commence the ensuing blood bath I recommend Sting with the dwar first for an easier fight and then betraying them later for all of the loot after everything is said and done near drops 1,000 gold Dort of Screams and the disintegrating night Walkers meanwhile Sergeant thin will drop the Ring of absolute force and you can get your boots of speed back from her once you kill the duar you can get the cap of Wrath and the Deep Delver once you reach the Grim Forge you can take a quick detour and you'll find a lava infested area with a magma Elemental patrolling here you'll find a chest that contains the Santia amulet it's got a hard lock so you might need to bring it to camp for a Starion to pick it and looting it will start a quest line that will last until act three there are two mythal ores that you can use to make Adam menting items make sure you bring the two molds that you want to use and then head over to the adamen te Forge before you're able to get the first item you're going to have to fight a Golem and beating him will give you the Grim skull helth the armors will reduce damage alongside with stopping crits from happening and the weapons will ignore damage resistances that occur these weapons are one of the few that ignore magical resistance and there are plenty of enemies that do have that once you're done with all the time sensitive events in act one you can p through the mountain pass and get to the final area in act one here you will find Lady Esther a traitor who specializes in gear for monks She carries the graceful cloth the gloves of Cinder and sizzle the best item in act one that Perry yup of wound closure a unique plus one pickaxe the boots of Elemental momentum the gloves of banful striking and the Winter's clutches which is really good on a monk if you also have morning Frost there are four magic ceremonial weapons that you can find at the rosy Mo Monastery the Warhammer is on the roof in the Giant Eagle's Nest the mace is carried by one of the Cobalts on the bottom floor the battle ax is guarded by a guardian of Fate spell on the top floor and on the same floor near nearby you can find a ceremonial long sword as for how to actually perform the ceremony I'll let you figure it out but the rewards are worth it so this one actually requires you to backtrack a bit once you've defeated near in the Grim Forge head on back to the Mike and colony and bring them his head the envoy amulet allows you to add plus two to a persuasion roll once per long rest for Best Value put this on one of your allies and just forget about it and it'll come up when it comes up the only other magic item outside in the rosy Monastery is the Holy Land Helm you find it in a chest in the east side of the map in the Geth yanki Tres you can find a traitor who is surrounded by only a few guards you can use Fain death to pickpocket her item she carries the gloves of dexterity the knife of the undermountain king the Daredevil gloves the vital conduit Boots the defender flail lorian's wrath one of the best weapons in Act One the Unseen Menace and the witch breaker is the last magic item that she sells however killing her will give you the Amulet of branding which is is one of the strongest amulets especially for a character like Lazelle other than the traitor there are two gith Yankee near the true entrances that carry magic items near the back entrance one of the guards carries the crossbow of Arcane force and the leaders of the guards at the front entrance carries the Ring of Arcane Synergy compared to the other kinky that are around the front guards are actually one of the tougher fights so be wary of that strangely enough once you defeat the boss at the G Yan crash there are actually a lot of hidden magic items in the area from the blood bath you get the diod of Arcane Synergy the circlet of psionic Revenge and the two elegant chests in the area you'll get the Strange conduit ring and the gloves of belligerent Skies just laying around you'll find the skin burster which does exactly the opposite of what the name implies defensively it's the best weapon you'll find and in two easy to miss so-called display cases you'll find the hor Frost boots and in the other Wing the necklace of Elemental augmentation and finally there is but one magic item in act one but don't head there too quickly otherwise LEL is going to get mad at you make sure you do the main quest stuff and then head through the Secret Door and because I know you've been following along you've probably already completed the ceremonial weapon puzzle and now you can simply put in the token and retrieve the blood of Leander this mace is the only legendary weapon in act one and it is one of the best weapons for act two oh and collect the soul breaker Grace sword on your way out of the crash
Channel: Elven Ring
Views: 71,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qD_AdCWsfR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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