Overwatch Streamer Tries A Real Game

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okay chat we're going to have a discussion and by discussion I mean I'm going to lay out some freaking ground rules all right WKA W first things first do not back seat at all that means don't tell him what class to play don't tell him what skills to take none of the things all of the things don't do it don't spoil so help me God that means don't talk about paths we didn't take or could have taken because there's a chance that if you say things he's not going to want to do a second playthrough and we want a second playthrough okay so don't say the things that we didn't do okay I have 930 hours played in this game since August 3rd we do not need chat help it's going to be okay no I'm not hungry oh [Music] no let's see are you a boy or a girl so I'm going to send you a flowchart okay for helping you uh decide what kind of class you want to play so you can bring that up on stream if you want it's a little bit more Nuance than what is in the flowchart but it's a good starting point okay okay so at the start we talk we have am I a furry play ruin yep it's pretty you know self right turn it into turn it into furry creatures we can roll that we can roll that one out I'm good do I want to support and also have the best dialogue options Play Bar okay you know what honestly I'm considering that one I like having good dialogue options do I want to hit stuff with a conscience wait do you want want to hit stuff but have a conscience yeah with a conscience okay play Paladin um do I want to get angry and hit stuff and also have the best dialogue options oh okay that that one's okay play Barbarian wait cleric doesn't exist because sh Shadow heart exists yep I don't know what that means Shadow heart's a companion character and she's a cleric and you pretty much just like you know you're just never allowed to change her for being a cleric but other people you can change okay okay it's between Bard and Barbarian for sure cuz I like having the dialogue options they both have incredible dialogue options so good uh Barbarian dialogue that makes it so good is like I'm going kill you if you don't do this thing right now intimidation check yeah B is like hey you're really [ __ ] sexy Charisma check I I relate more with number one all right we're doing Barbarian checks now second option I may have is there another flowchart I may have had some Cloud chocolate last night oh jez Jesus and gone into character creation and potentially created Chad Flats in character creation okay I'm listening or would you like to make your own I I'm totally down to see whatever you came up with all right now we have Chad Flats okay sounds good I don't know if I'm impressed or worried me and you both funny me and you PA I want to do Soldier I think Soldier will make the most sense for this play through okay so all I want you to do here actually is just take two points out of wisdom and put it in intelligence so you have 10 intelligence 10 wisdom 10 Charisma okay nothing else no other changes nope chat so help me God if you say anything in this next screen yep oh oh my guardian honestly I'm not picky about anything that's not my character I mean if you're happy with how this looks then you know Venture forth let's do it oh uh-oh the building goes crashing to the crowd and flat just goes uhoh well how do you fight the giant Sky tentacle wait there's actual [ __ ] dragons maybe I should have chose the dragon there do be actual dragons [Music] yeah I ain't going to lie I didn't think the first cut scene of Baldo's gate was going to be an Air Force battle between tentacle monsters and Dragons It's actually really nice to just actually watch this again cuz it's been about 900 hours since I uh actually didn't skip it rolled oh I'm on the tentacle ship all right you're going to explore and if we get off track anywhere for any reason then I will redirect us but you are party face skill [Laughter] checks we're off to a great start notice nothing more than meets the eye [ __ ] I'm reaching my hand in then I'm too stupid oh ah oh oh it's fine uh I'll go up the other way it's okay oh look at you take damage already I took damage yeah look at your health you lost two Health oh now you lost three health is that his brain oh you've come to save us from this place remove us from this body from this case free us please you know no creature like this one that is more brain than person I really killed it in the character creation you did what and how are we off to such a bad start the skull holds fast that's what good [ __ ] sounds like Abomination this is your end your head drops and your skin tingles Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes poises you are know all FL blesses me this day together we might survive we carry mindful of parasites unless we escape unless we are cleansed our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be G mind flers we can do nothing until we escape that must be our Priority First We exterminate the imps then we find the helm and take control of the ship all right could have been like a little sneakier about it I feel like combat you are a barbarian my good sir there is no such thing as a sneaky Barbarian and I missed that's good let's go we lived flute the bodies take his vest G Machinery oh no sense of it I want to have a word the man isn't dead but he's totally unresponsive let me out you get me out we have no time for stragglers grab the Pod LD and pull don't give up tear it open let's go [Music] finally we are strong we are HBO Flats oh oh my God I flat yeah Shadow heart one moment come with me what's that nothing trust me I don't trust you you picked up something and wouldn't tell me what it was okay didel the scpt oh oh oh I'm just stupid I hit button okay I hit button I think you killed the ball uh so there's two sphincters which one you want to go through first I want to open this box well it is currently locked so I don't know if we're going to be able to open it and it has toughness oh didn't too much key I don't right what could it open yeah I know what this opens gold POG nice let's go here we go you know what hang on I don't trust it now close that spinter going to the other one wait there's there's a chest at the back of this one you didn't get oh there was I didn't see oh nice could mean anything for what what is this slave mind bra take the brain with me why not what does this button do as you place your hand on the Pod you hear something the presence connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to [Music] change oh I killed her I mean Technically she's not dead I turned her into a tacal monster Kar changed at the pull of a lever how if we are not p terrified this may be Our Fate can I push it again I'm so happy you chose Barbarian I can't even imagine you playing this game any other way than just hitting literally every single thing that has a health bar we nearing the helm you're ready to enter the helm yes I really killed it in character creation oh he oh he ate him draw connect the nerves of the Transformer do it we will deal with the G after we escape what if we just let them kill each other we do be having 15 turns before the nautiloid crashes and we die oh I messed up ah a total Miss did I just [Music] miss so can I loot during this yep oh hell yeah I was in the middle of my looting sorry hurry before they strike wait how fire in the hole wait can I not go back to my other character oh oh I died you died I was too close to the barrels wait how do I can I like get you back up I think uh I can get her up I think oh [ __ ] wait he rolled him yep he did uh wait F it's fine it's fine it's fine are we dead Chang and still blows herself up in the tutorial AA never die just uh maybe try to get to here to you no to the to the transponder up here you might be able to Dash and reach it oh I got one shot by wait what happened wait what happened you took an opportunity attack how do I not make that happen uh when you're walking around around an enemy if you walk out of their range of melee they can try and hit you they can roll an attack to try and hit you if you're walking away from them oh well I'm dead now oh he's actually actively trying to finish you what the dude what is this hang on me I'm coming lel's got this L's got this what HP just click the thing what thing the transponder go go yeah go up here and click it with lelle is that just a random chunk of meat the doy chunk is it only her cuz we're all dead I guess we're going to find out how to this stay [Music] tuned feel going be more panicked seeing a giant flying tentacle Monster Ship coming down I mean maybe this is just a day in the life you know I don't want to be a part of that life then oh I'm alive oh never mind it was cool being Al alive at least for a little bit Co look at random chunks of [Music] me oh as you wake the tadp squirm in the chaos of the crash site confuses the landscape you'll need to find a settlement or landmark and you'll need to do it quickly the tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure oh hey you're alive wake up wake up Jesus Christ your character is massive I'm alive holy [ __ ] first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our head indeed I'd better get moving while ouch um also we have a level up more Health oink all more loot I must go get loot loot oh andon nice I thought that would do a little bit more but okay yeah get over there huge huge oh that's a lot of damage nice huge okay so uh bottom right there's a little campfire icon okay see that I want you to click that just once there you go yeah I want to go see what's in the big door all right we're going to the big door then I can crack that open uhoh a [ __ ] so uh you think you got a chance on that door or no I can try nope also you know I'm surprised you didn't do the Barbarian thing there which is try to just break the door down I can do [Music] that damn it door too strong door too strong what are you crunch the sigil on the stone touch it ow a hand anyone full hand wa let me buff you you oh God [ __ ] that's not good how do I keep failing this pull again as hard wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't don't click it all right we're good now yeah oh God oh my God wait we barely made it let's go [ __ ] that's it go on keep pulling never out how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together sounds like a plan come who who are you hurry I've got one of those brain things cornered there in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others that's suspicious that's weird I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry yeah I didn't trust you push yourself to your feet oh Ral crush him I saw you on the ship strutting about whilst I was trapped in that pot I haven't done anything to you yet you arrogant little what was that what's going on and to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your inits no I would decorate the ground with your inerts foreshadowing is a literary device in which introduce yourself here Balan too is that so we clearly move in different circles excuse me uh can he even travel with us I thought you only have four you can but you can send Gail to camp and wait for you if you want to bring a star in with you for now no who are you zoru was right yellow as a toad and twice as ugly oh a guest Dessa watch out time to roll them oh [ __ ] okay so one sec before you do anything on on your tab on Flats oops so as a barbarian typically what you want to do when you start combat is Rage no choice because it gives you bonuses to your attacks oh um and it costs a bonus action so you can rage and then you can still attack afterwards but there is a condition that you have to fulfill every time you do this okay every time you rage for the rest of the game hour many hours 90 hours it takes us I need you to say I would like to raage I would like to rage I would like to watery rage and then you can rage wait what out loud when you rage you have to say I would like to rage and then you can rage okay nice huge wait that was massive huge rolled might be useful are we uh we saving laselle from the trap or we leaving her there um we can save her why not The Scrambled all your senses we must find a crash our people possess the cure for this infection you are full up dismiss your weakest Warrior you camp yeah go to the [ __ ] Camp get out of here she ain't going to last longer I can already tell hey who are you you not another step hear me what's this then trying to creep around us and loot the Crypt not happening wrong walk now fing rolled holy sh oh farmed well uh in that case wooden crate yummies give a b everything all right out there your friends abandoned you yeah always were a bit soft but I've got plenty of friends who ain't soft come in here and you can meet them door open oh ow ow all right I'm going I want to rage nice I approve wait why can't I rage oh it's your turn wait when did we save last I don't know we ever saved the game I don't think so we are like poverty spell slots right now wait wait can you cast Mage hand and put it right here okay sweet we're going to let like the one of the guys come through the door and then you're going to use the Mage hand on that lever to turn it off to to close the door so we can try to filter them through oh boy I didn't get my other turn holy [ __ ] it's not your turn yet oh that's not good okay okay can you can you reach can you jump and reach here with your Barbarian I didn't get to rage yet yeah I don't you need to not rage right now we need to survive okay hit the lever hit the lever on the right here okay now we just got to kill this guy slowly uh-huh uh-huh a little help please what oh he came through the door my turn to can I rage yes yes yes rage rage rolled oh my God that was huge huge he's only got three HP left let's go damn I'm in the clutch again Gail come on hell yeah let's do it [ __ ] I got this HP nice hell yeah no I'm going to let you you can loot after the fight too should just die you did die I did die too getting rolled maybe should have not come in here with no spell slids yeah I didn't know that's how that worked okay now we're going to wait so go back over like here and we're open the door again oh [ __ ] oh God okay door open I'm going to get shot you are going to get shot probably yep uh or they'll shoot Shadow heart yeah oh Big M oh that's really bad holy [ __ ] that's so bad oh so you you screwed me why did you let let me get back in the corner wait what you're the one that messed up your footsteps yeah but just let me get back in the corner you'll be fine they have to come through the door first I know I'm going to get one shot no no no we're fine he dashed he can't he can't shoot you dashes in action oh why me he wants you uhoh okay they're all coming out the door okay door Strat is dead okay um wow okay oh my God that was awesome good job wait big I have three HP what the [ __ ] all right Gail it's your time roll time for some bloody work holy [ __ ] Big Damn huge damage oh I'm dead good [Music] luck eat this oh my God's rolling just absolutely annihilated beyond space and time this is it 10 damage I believe oh no we died okay okay wait get me up get me up [ __ ] okay there's a red scroll in your inventory you got to right click it and then click on my body there you go now I'll get Shadow heart you better not be looting me while I clicked by accident I didn't know I'd start looting saw it I didn't actually take anything okay we should uh we should long rest prob yeah cool all right now we're back here again yep let's uh get loting not over maybe go this one first no no handle how does it open no no handle how does it open no lock no handle how does it open why try to figure out puzzle just break down door me Smash all right insertion here watch how you go a TR oh the text on the plaque is a mystery to you oh did you do that nope hit hit F5 for me real quick okay thank you okay [Laughter] oh I understand now [Laughter] that did you loot the sarcophagus can I even who's got it maybe see if you can jump back over here to where where I am there's a door over here there is a door over there watch you go a truck H Gail has my key give me the key if that key worked on that door then it would have pulled it from Gail's inventory automatically oh that key just doesn't work on that door there sered to be more things to maybe loot what there also a lot of fire there is a lot of fire I also see some buttons on the walls Yale How brave you feeling excellent choice I can maintain the button yeah that's that would be good let's get going h no more fire loot let's have a look there you go strange coin I'll give it a shot like the inscription is in a language unknown to you oh I'm too stupid the inscription is in a language unknown to that's a suspicious looking button I like pressing buttons happy I made it in time to watch you start bg3 flat hope you're enjoying it so far oh boy oh we may have made a great mistake wait you didn't do this on purpose you didn't want to angro the entire room of Dead skeletons want to rage yes I'm raging I would like to reach nice holy [ __ ] that guy got smoked that's what I'm talking about the magic Missile survival is all that matters big slam big slam incoming big slam ow it was two damage you're fine I'm not fine though oh my God no I missed oh no chug chug oh come on finally they're not hitting me oh mother insane holy [ __ ] God clapped on on getting rolled that's what I'm talking about there we go Gail time to push my luck again oh not enough mement rib yeah you have your movement reduced cuz of RA Frost um can you reach the other ones hope this ends well you oh huge that guy oh ow that actually kind of hurt we're kidding king roll nothing okay we're owning now actually remember like 5 seconds ago and I said we're getting owned yep now we're owning them big slam this big slam time holy [ __ ] y clapped on absolutely rolled yeah I'm already addicted this game is fun yes see you in 900 hours sagus you get some loot through knowledge comes atonement okay but does he have anything in his body oh uhoh yep we made a mistake did we yep so he has spoken and so thou standest before me it's covered in blood this way to aw as a barbarian should be now I have a question for thee what is the worth of a single mortal's life spooked by crawling out of the Tomb bit who are you I am not the same as those thou Hast slain if that is what thou askest wilt thou answer my question um she's one death that is so very well I am satisfied we will see each other again at the proper time and place hi Withers everybody say hi Withers he's only got one HP though I'm going to just let you know right now he's a bro my accuracy would be lorded [Laughter] Just sh oh he let us to loot holy [ __ ] I'm sorry dude I told you he's a bro this book is far lighter than it should be with such a massive lock lock is bre begging to be smashed oh fly [ __ ] wait let me let me let me oh let me boost you one sec rolled nice let's go me Smash [Laughter] book magic Pulses from the parchment what was once script is now an obliterated scroll you have a sense these are names a list but of what examine the book more closely mostly oh me Barbarian M me don't know how to read I could roll again no okay well if he wants it go for it one more one more okay okay one more copium [ __ ] me no me only no smash me know read stare at the dark and decimated words the more your head aches there is no meaning to literally getting a headache from trying to read so I found a thing over here I am on my way I'm going up poop ladder oh we're back at the surface we are indeed wasn't there more stuff we were supposed to get down there though I thought there was one more room or path I didn't check down there but I might be wrong so oh there is there is one room we can go back down if you want let's go here we go can I go through the hole in the ground oh can we go through the hole I haven't made up my mind about you yet oh yeah it was this room yeah seem to do it again what's that what is that it's a lever heard screams and then okay so this is not going to actually do anything because you actually broke the door that is is intended to open oh to Barbarian brain over here is like oh I'm just going to smash it you smash door I hear shouting yeah it's probably that guy over there I saw earlier open the bloody gate nobody gets in zor's orders goblins are on our tail open the gate zor now you let goblins here please there's no time uh-oh open the gates uh-oh spaghettio guys take too long to make decisions and you're dead glad I killed your people oh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] former line damnable roach provoke the blade suffer it sting and suffer it sting I can't help it I had to say it I want to rage yes I would like to rage Reckless attack holy [ __ ] I rolled his ass oh my God H yeah o I do just be missing I do just be missing drink nice now it's my turn crush him big slam thanks for the loop buddy we're really going to do this whole play through where every time you kill someone you loot them yes I believe oh my dude Gail is clutching he's just clutching it right now nice oh he healed me he did heal you what a bro myard big slam Rush oh my goodness he's got one HP Destroyer stop him snip that was the last of them inside all of you more follow loot everything oh wait it's already been looted not everything keep your hands to yourself you're being watch a lot of things I'm being watched wait don't loot the good guys but it's not like he needs it anymore we go this way you want to check up the hill uh I looked up there it didn't look like I saw anything wait a minute oh enemies are surprised and cannot take actions reactions are moving the first round of combat oh holy [ __ ] wait you rolled that guy I get rolled him you can take me on holy get smoked God dang end him you got him yeah level up there was a sub class MH wild Hearts so you go Berserker Barb which is just you are just a barbarian you're just hidden [ __ ] and you're a barbarian all right go Berserker and this will allow you to use your bonus action to make a second attack oh that's great yeah I need a quick word you have good timing never been much of a fighter so wrestling a bug bear would have gone poorly but you're not here for heroics are you aes's stench is all over your skin let me guess your devil mistress sent you to get her soul coin back too bad I earned it fair and square I be a to crush your skull and this is the thanks I get why thank you dread Slayer of bug Bears you shall live forever in my memory now take my regards back to that pouting iranies and leave leave me alone coin or death now oh I need a roll a five right like this should be surely this should be fine don't jinx yourself yeah we're fine we're fine considering you turned that bug bear into paste that's a fair trade here take this soul back to I just steal from you came from it's a soul coin Soul coin true to its name holds a mortal Soul inside it serves in the nine Hills as very valuable currency yink oh yoink thanks for the stuff dude that's the dead guy that was over there right oh yeah that guy's Dead who cares children there are children here you fool we is running for our lives you can cough up my payment anytime now tell that to the dead at the gate shut it horns I'd be lying Dead next to the Goblins if you'd stall any longer my duty is to this camp Oh God forbid you risk your precious tail but I shouldn't be surprised F Bloods ain't known for courage yeah he's kind of out of line for that oh I'll try to step in why why not oh yeey you're right there's too much at stake can't see him I'm in giant enough squabbling is pointless the Goblins have found us time to pack we need to leave now going to talk to him I saw loot oh you're looting my bed right oh I'm encumbered you're literally encumbered forgive that display I am well met I should warn you visitors are no longer welcome in this Grove why are they forcing you out there have been several attacks by different monsters The Druids blame us Outsiders for drawing them here they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside there no way to convince them I've tried corga their new first druid won't even see me you though what are you offering for my Aid we'd owe you a great debt what little we have we'll scrape together it isn't coin we need it's time I'll see what I can do I think you should please make them see sense before more lives are lost oh a traitor what are you selling bits and Bobs I no longer need okay okay that doesn't matter of course it does moving in what you guys fighting about strangers over us Bells we can't just leave they're kin I'll not gamble Our lives our futures on people who are as good as dead we must leave for Boulder's Gate at once only cowards run from a fight how dare you prove him wrong then if you think you're able to that is Sir fine we'll stay if we survive it'll make for a good story I suppose thank you Roland all it took was just some big guy walking by and going coward there's another vendor up here you didn't talk this guy yeah oh no I didn't hold out your hand Mister let me show you something go on Take This Ring it's lucky I don't trust you slight of hand mimic his trick and make the ring disappear oh oh not POG almost [Laughter] POG hard luck Mister but like I said we can change that watch I don't know if I trust this kid I don't trust him for [ __ ] n he wants to give me the ring so then he can take my money he's a little a little what a little what he's a little thief he's a little thief leave wow you're not talking to him just cuz he's a tling that's racist please us through it is forbidden friend let my daughter go right now she's a thief hell spawn let me through is racist he just hates Kids facts okay he's a furry move your furry ass out of the way I'm not afraid of you oh your ass I do wish I could understand you hell this guy's trying to get your attention what do you want furry ah my good friend you were at the gates just now no when the Goblins came you saw them up close a few questions if you please there's no overstating my interest oh boy how would you describe that particular batch of goblins you search your mind successfully recalling various details of goblin Behavior the exact description goblins were of rare gem colored Hue and wielded magic blow guns and the dragon they had marching in the rear was it of the brass or silver variety Dragon there wasn't any dragon oh he's going to hit me with the dragy nuts Witnesses fail wish did what's going on up here Sac pool remind me no that doesn't work damn it excuse me a chest locked um how do you get a DND D player to go out with you you asked them for a d8 what leave me be I'm in the middle of something yeah I may have pissed off the squirrel lady wait let me talk to her oh no you pissed her off ruined the song I pissed off the squirrel lady oh no there was a chest in the back and I tried to open it she didn't like that please I'm sorry this is madness kga she's just a a what wrath a thief a poison a threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger oh my the snake's hiss of approval reveals its intentions should the child struggle it is poised to strike call off your worm there we go oh God okay I very well all right okay wait uh wait hit Tab and then look in my character's inventory there's an item there called a half torn note p and scribbled so much as slash kaga swamp do tree meet me alone hold onine we got a quest update says investigate the swamp we found a note addressed to kaga the mentioned meting in the swamp what is she up to where do you see that hit J let's do that one there's no marking it or anything it's just if you hit M you'll see a bunch of little markers all over the map for things that we have to do got it got it make it there eventually what's down here there was a this guy was fighting at the gate if you want to talk to him which guy oh oh yeah it is that guy he healed me he did heal you well met the blade of Frontiers at your the man's smile bends downward and his thoughts become yours you with a blade of Frontiers racing through the Wast of a verus just ahead a diabolical figure red skin single curled horn blazes with flame blooded great ax held high will chases the fiend ignited with ranker she is an infernal War devil a threat to the living evil incarnate [ __ ] you saw her wait what her name is carlac an archdevil Soldier I swore my good eye to kill a plan we'll talk more there wants to talk again why don't we take a little break H gives me a chance to talk to you about something make it brief As You Wish what it comes down to is this every so often I need to get my hands on a powerful magical item and absorb the weave inside what so like any magic item he needs to eat it yep I'm going to have to keep shitty items on hand just to feed them every once in a while God damn it f p there isn't a bit of color in those cheeks P are you harsh cool old feverish atile will search out I've lotions and Potions Galore okay see to trade hey bother he was going to help you oh maybe talk to her again and see if she can still offer you the potion she was going to give you yeah we'll see Hello P oh who the starts a conversation like that I just sat down I feel like I shouldn't tell her as you recount your adventure Auntie Ethel nods along her eyes wide I've never a potion a lotion here that could do it but yes I may have something at home I don't believe you let me mark it on your map I'll be heading back soon so I can meet you there didn't get the potion we got to take got to take every chance we can get healer opportunity you know time to get out of here I think so we could probably maybe do a long rest first if you want oh yeah let's do that get some spell slots back cuz like there's a lot of people in Camp that want to talk I'll talk to Shadow H and you can handle everybody else you know I've been thinking reflecting on what tomorrow might bring will this little adventure of ours be over what will you miss me why not I'm not easily impressed by people but you're stronger than I gave you credit for you're too close I thought you didn't like me you have your charms more than you think I'll back up buddy watch yourself you don't have fun Intergalactic virgin playthrough will not be ruined not on this night there's uh one more thing in the dro Camp real quick we got to check out oh there's a pathway that we didn't [Music] take shh [Music] listen a sweet melon beckons you it vibrates with magic a harpies charm Roar over the voice hell yeah Roar let's [Music] go there's so many of them all failed we all failed failed the check oh sweet Jesus wait like we got stunned yeah we're all Charmed right now uhoh oh you forgot to do the Mage Armor on Gale oh [ __ ] okay we'll do it after this surely will'll be fineit where am I going uh you got lured you can't control your character I can't do anything nope oh oh God I'm so dead holy [ __ ] oh my god oh no ow this is fine nice holy [ __ ] off me oh I'm Lord too run kid run away good luck come to test me again I'm Lord again oh no okay luck ow we God really I'm Lord again dude I haven't been able to control myself at all okay okay okay okay see I get my character real quick nice did it fog wait kill one POG I got lured again holy [ __ ] what is my wisdom I literally haven't got to attack once yet stop killing me I need medium armor stay out of my head now I'm dead oh no it's okay it's okay okay okay okay nice okay okay you are I we going to need a long rest again before we fight holy yeah oh God death can't have me not yet it's a big mess we are in aing struggle bus right now don't miss miss miss okay 5050 oh man we are really going to I'm out of should I go heal or go Frenzy no I got you I got you oh frenzy time then finally it's time good look time to [ __ ] your ass up hey what up let's go oh the kid's talking to me find a boy called Donnie tell him you want want to see the Dragon's Lair seems moment talk he stares right past you as if you're invisible or boring he nods then reaches for a concealed hatch okay there's M well look who's come to visit my kids say you've been busy since you got here we're saving up for a better Hideout when we get to Boulder's Gate why you planning on telling me stealing is wrong say I want to invest in the newest thieves guilds on the sword Coast yeah [ __ ] it dude won't turn down free money I've got operating costs you wouldn't believe come see me in the city sometime huh I'll repay this and then some investing in the future all right you ready to head out of the encampment I think we're good here yeah I'm I'm down open up uh did a person just spawn as I open that my my what manner of place is this what I have to say merits some privacy as well as some more let's call it refin ment this quaint little scene is decidedly too middle of nowhere for my tastes [Music] come uh there middle of somewhere this is the House of Hope where the tired come to rest and the famished come to feed lavishly go on partake enjoy your supper after all it might just be your last get the food not easily rattled I see good makes the next part that much more straightforward oh what's my reaction's so good a devil you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but a savior that's for certain why would you help me because my compassion is boundless I stride among the needy giving Comfort where I can and you're in dire need one skull two tenants and no solution in sight I could fix it all like that yeah I don't know if I want to make a deal with the devil I'm good all those pretty little symptoms suering skin in dissolving guts they haven't manifested yet have they one might say you're a paragan of luck I'll be there when it runs out did we get the food um still have the Raphael music do you still have the Raphael music yeah I do I was going to say is that it's kind of spooky it is I was like wow the whole atmosphere's kind of changed a little bit it's it's good as but it's also spooky as hell um where should we go first should we go north I just got a perception check over here that showed me a stone door in the side of the wall oh [ __ ] we can check that out on Gail you can make it down right hell yeah Gail so if you ever need to jump Gail yourself um hit G and it'll ungroup Gail from you so that way your character doesn't go running back to where you were before and then you can hit G again to group him up stone door oh glowing [ __ ] Rune of the eagle yep that's what I need to go [Music] for girl what the f holy [ __ ] funny well met I am a magical projection of Gale of water deep and if you see this manifestation that means I have prematurely perished I have upon my deceased person a magical item that can accomplish my return but such is the value and Rarity that it is protected by a multi-layered security protocol I will now explain the protocol tree from my person of pouch I wear over my heart you must unthread the purple seam that seals it in a counterclockwise fashion inside the pouch you will find a folded letter and a tiny flute unfold the letter and note the ma in the top and bottom corners these are the notes you will need to play starting from the bottom right play the notes in correct order clockwise this time upon completion of June a magma method will appear which will poose the following question the answer is correctly and the will bre on the words will appear on SC bro can I just pay to life now repeat my instructions back to me please all right I hope you're paying attention I was not and next purple stream right you then have access to the letter and the flute go on remember to play them clockwise and after that what nice correct but pay attention to the tra part is back of the throat and so we have gone through the necessary steps again it is gratifying to see your memory does not fail you best of luck with the protocol may my cold dead hand soon be refilled with the warmth of life I only guessed that once like we now P the purple thread as the purple thread becomes undone the pouch opens to reveal a letter and flute inside P just blank for four letters on every corner in the top left corner is an a right corner is a d the bottom right corner another d the bottom left corner an e so it's e d d a a faint magical Aura envelops come I'm going to forget come on the flute awaits with baited breath that wasn't the right note you'll have to stop wait what hang on going to die oh I read it wrong oh the bottom left why why would it Go bottom why would it tell you what's the top left top right bottom right then bottom left wouldn't it go boom boom boom boom who the reads the clock who reads clockwise who the [ __ ] reads [Laughter] clockwise okay so it's top left is a so that's last top right is D second to last bottom right is another d bottom left is okay so it's e wait no bottom left is [ __ ] E so bottom right is so it's d e d a d okay d e d a that's so [ __ ] stupid can't breathe I'm with baed bre you're going to throw yourself off a cliff after this [ __ ] clock for months how you enjoying bg3 so far yeah got read clockwise what what what okay I'm going to give you I'm going to give you a little hint so that you don't literally just kill yourself okay look at the letters that you're given and think about what word they make and what position Gail is in right now he's dead uhhuh what's counter oh my fcking God it's counterclock it's counterclockwise so it goes jumps off theing page and it's not like reading from right to left it's literally jumping the [ __ ] page don't you love Gail I [ __ ] hate Gail now the flute away Gail's getting [ __ ] executed after this I don't care don't forget the name that you have to give the meth now yeah it's gone no Gail got me killed Megan I jumped this stupid [ __ ] thing and he followed me and the eagle shoots at him okay wait you technically got Gail killed actually how don't I get Gail killed because you just walked in front of the eagle and you could have just used sneak oh I dodged it though Gail didn't Gail's attached to you after I liter just told you 5 Seconds earlier that you can detach man but that's worth 300 gold right right um I need to resurrect someone then thou must return with the proper payment all right here's gold well counted welcome back Gil at least we got the Druid to keep ourselves ENT did some bleeding Arts show up to save the Druid I'll cut you to pieces kill them R ain't no shot I'm making that jump holy stone door oh it's like a poison library or something there's definitely stuff up here wait this is the back of the H oh wait a minute I get rid of the poison clads though can I throw something at it some barrels I could throw a barrel at it this well that didn't work now it's fire and poison okay let let's get the [ __ ] out of here somehow made it worse it another stone door that's curious okay this is also the back side of the oh oh this is interesting you just pick up a rotting fish yeah Jesus Christ what if I want to throw a fish at somebody holy loots [Music] yies stop this place is off limit leave but study your face and try to read the emotions you note her Grimace of pain something is wrong with her legs she can't come after you take her bag and leave oh my God from the old lady in the cave the one with the lotions and potions to her credit it worked of course she also warned of side effects should have listened the sooner this wears off the better kind of want her stuff but I got it nice wait can we knock with the door uh that's a good question oh maybe run this is a restricted area talk your way out of it my which one's your highest intimidation is probably my highest okay go for it 15 oh no I can't see your thingy I can't bump you wait it's it it's let's go oh easy got it get smoked them holy [ __ ] your conviction is enough easy okay DN it I didn't get out quick enough you didn't get out quick enough time to explain yourself for this will be restricting wait now am I watching you oh no no Shadow's going to prison boys impressive your little speech was unconvincing uh oh Jesus [ __ ] okay okay we're good we're fine I just got to wait 16 turns to not be a fugitive anymore 16 turns yeah oh that looks like like a dead guy people up ahead hang on something's wrong you're a true Soul you can't die you not a step closer what a haircut what are you going to do a strange symbol glows marked on their flesh oh and something within you stirs in response list Ed oh what does that mean what does it say my worm my worm talk to him so did you see did did you read what it said when you M over it uh said something about the Mind flare being worse than death easy wisdom check I'm so so sorry it's our brother true Soul Edwin a shiver runs across your mind you feel SED the injured man locks eyes with you the parasite rides in your head stare intertwine protect them Edwin Ed please he's with the absolute now what happened to your brothers bear it had him on the ground before we had a chance to react I told Edward not to look in that cave it was filthy with o Bear Tracks find this beast and avenge your brother what it killed one of us it killed Edwin it's an enemy of the absolute you're right sir the Beast must be destroyed the cave is just ahead it was too much for us before but but if you could help us true Soul we may stand a chance okay let's go see what's down here oh it's the crazy people yeah we told them to go font the owl bearest must beby all right here you go you guys go in first all right you draw its fire and draw its attack and then we will watch hey guys why you why you guys standing here the beasts ahead you need to get closer oh that's a big boy he is huge holy [ __ ] I'll speak with animals you feel the Quake of its heavy footsteps before you see it an owl bear its beaked face looming out of the darkness what's this something weak something tender won't even have to chew you before I feed you to my son get first one wow that's tough we got wow I'll tear you in half before you touch a feather on his head uh uh okay uh sure this game has saved you from I hope it will give you some relief I think you just saved the out be no I made it roll its attack or roll it save oh oh it's not frightened anymore a oh boy oh damn she got slayed she got slapped all right let's do this I didn't do much wait it's attacking me wait he attacked me why did he attack you I'm confused [ __ ] dick take this wait maybe let's focus our damage on the gigantic owl bear first that guy hit me I'm [ __ ] his ass up Miss critical Miss rolled um we didn't do any damage to them so I'm not sure why they're attacking us wait kill the owl bear freny strike on the ow there hello team what are you doing I'm fing not do it upy why did you fry strike you have a bonus action attack now you're level oh I do yeah oh I didn't know that don't worry I got this oh my God you're still hitting the dude look at that guy that guy sucks we're going to die we're going to die we're dead we're going to die oh no I'm dead you killed me there you go don't you dare hit that baby I will fight you in real life if you hit that baby what am I supposed to do with that oh man his ass up yeah get him all right now I got to put you down though unfortunately your time has C looks from you to his dead mother a single strike will end his suffering let it live let it live don't do it it's just a baby it hurt Gail it just it did know better it was just trying to save it mommy let it live for the best the would have died anyway did you kill it nature might oh my God to late now it's going to grow off and attack us later Megan's actually out here about to cancel every OverWatch sponsorship you ever going to get for the rest of your life one later I can't let it grow up and attack us later he up is that a wolf hey you want me to talk to it cuz I speak with animals yeah no he's a doggy keep moving stranger quietly oh what happened here I told you to go I'm not the enemy huge there's death in your scent but not in your words what's your name he calls me scratch you can do the the same well you can travel with me if you'd like no I won't leave him if he doesn't wake up follow my scent I have a camp yes if it comes to that I may thank you okay we must find anything in the area that's dangerous and now kill it get over there surround him like Roar yes no you should have waited I could have buffed you oh oh there was aing Barrel ohoh that's not good you'll be fine out there right have no spell slots left nice rushed looing of course that's going to get you in trouble one of these days you're going to dur in combat you're going to be get over encumbered and then you're not going to be able to move after did that happen yeah oh I missed one damage Wonka oh mother rolled crushed o High Ground their worse nightmare huge head kill let's go massive and I can Reckless attack wait you didn't you didn't you didn't say you wanted to rage before you raged oh I we honestly should hit the fan so fast I forgot my bad I am currently raging another Goblin showed up over here what did I just do oh I hit space my mistake I'm so dumb oh all right it's just you good luck nice rolled H crush them nice Crush oh God then frenzy strike yep crushed that's what I'm talking about save us my I died but you can get Shadow heart and then Shadow heart can res me nice and then maybe we long rest cuz I can't wait you don't even have any rage charges left yeah no we definitely want to go back I can't we made it out Al alive Barbarian taking half damage during rage op true you don't sleep well flitting between say come back insane comeback if I wasn't upset about the cup up something is wrong or maybe you just get lucky what the [ __ ] oh no no no it's not what it looks like I swear I I wasn't going to hurt you I I just needed well blood blood blood a vampire a slave to sanguin hunger yeah I can't I can't accept someone attacking me when I sleep in my own Camp I'm sorry dude your Chad is going to fing murder you oh no the Pokemon got a rude treating from those spikes holy [ __ ] there is no attacking me in my sleep that is not acceptable so where was his campsite does he have loot I got it you got his loot doggy hi scratch at him hi uh did me a favor real quick actually see if he can drag and drop his body into the chest and then do this like drag it over click on the yeah I put him in there hell yeah all right we bringing him along for the ride let's go as you approach a gutteral scream a succession of quick bangs rattle the door then a low moan someone or something is having a bit of fun not opening that door what I don't want to open the door there's an ogre in there if it's worse there's two ogres engaging in Friendly adult times why would that be worse that sounds like a fun time open the door no it doesn't open the door it's part of the experience you can't just run away from things muffled cry the two inside are still in the throws of passion hello go away he said go away I feel like we should listen oh my God what the hell are you doing I'm laughing at your puny running you almost skipped this you know just say you know you almost skip this I am strong I am file I am a enough moment ruined passion squished like slow goats underfoot we leave you almost didn't open the door motherucker I mean uh break lever break release lever what do those doas lever what our bird just flew away cool haven't seen that game in years bloody amulet I've uh I've speak with the dead and talk to him since we uh sent him flying across cross oral the corpse regards you lifelessly what happened to you you know what happens what happened to you what caught by goblins killed in Frey wait what he was attached to the windmill and we sent topling off the windmill but he doesn't know it was us that did it questions yeah he said he was caught by goblins but I thought he was a goblin no he's a holy [ __ ] that's racist as hell I thought everybody in here was goblins what you mean no he's a deep gnome he was caught by the go deep gnome it's it's a it's a it's a gnome from the end the who ow you literally didn't even give it time for the perception check to go off before you clicked it and got us exploded uh found a blueprint I spy with my little a wall and here we have a local Barbarian once again using all braw and no brains to break a wall with a hammer I see nothing wrong with this uh while you search this I just realized there's a little spot up there in check I jump up there no what are you a wall what do we do to walls ladies and gentlemen we break them the down Whispering deaths should we rest actually cuz we're not feeling too hot you mean you're not feeling too hot because you rocked the Gale and yourself into a gigantic eag statue that blew fire damage at you and blew up barrels yeah oh look at that there's no more tent good it's gone look at all the blood oh no look at all the blood that's all he wanted was a little blood that's all it took and he killed him well he had so much over there he should have used that one that's his blood from when you staked him through the chest shouldn't have attacked me in my sleep what's on your mind nothing Gail I don't want to talk to you okay holy [ __ ] little bit little bit rude this morning huh I was trying to click on some some items and he's like what do you want to talk about like nothing dude get away from me poor Gil man you supposed to have a conversation conversation someone else we're on demon time today technology oh um something jumped out something did indeed jump out ow ow oh my God you're getting rolled big four heals four listen hey then follow up frenzied oh yeah well huge loed you better run need healing good Lord Giga flax is here to save the day all right all right this one hits right 50% oh y going to clutch this no I got it first I got it God damn I got the loot that's all I care about okay loot I found this thing I'm going to use it what the H toag never summon shovel never feed sh shovel now cool shovel and you slab of beef with nipples moo What talk to the mirror and remember balom good for FS so now this thing follows us follows me oh okay I had to specify all right I understand I know my Master's face you are are not ill to if you are his ally step forward and declare it straight thick up rock smash mirror smash mirror wait yes smash mirror a well guarded laboratory I can't believe that worked loot the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth f it uhoh [Laughter] are we good are they just going to they just endlessly going okay fair enough yep did uh did you trigger the turnbas or no the game did it automatically because it knew you were going to die plus the ogres in this house the ogres are the scary one I mean you can talk to the ogres first and see if they are friendly think they're friendly I don't think they're friendly I mean you never know until you find out [Music] right oh my God you quick saved I'm so proud of you holy [ __ ] I've never been so proud of anybody in my whole life T face brothers look here I have eyed yet another prize fortune favors our [Laughter] bellies oh my Smack being annihilated food no not food too tough for your digestion I fear perhaps friend then boss Goblin give gold we check brand good deal no talk you're fighting for me make me an offer tempt me oh oh could be huge oh huge let's go come now take my bone horn one blow and the ground will Quake with my family name ogre kill everyone around then okre eats them we not eat the loot broken indeed ogre kill everyone around we will keep close when you ready Sound the Horn I'm in all right do you do you want to go investigate the swamp or do you want to go over to the go defeat the goblins and search for Druid hsen that one I want to go fight the Goblins Bears we could imp pict his humans you got him good Ando are you another pest humans fer rule the world you better learn your place go on kiss more foot the average Goblin foot is host to some two dozen toe curling diseases thanks Gale no kiss my foot oh my oh my God he's going to be kissing the toes the goblin stares mouth a gape then he sets his jaw and falls to his knees there I've done it arrogant swine it it kissed your feet what was it like just just curious grown in Delight that good oh you're lucky I get excited just thinking about it FL what the [ __ ] your scouting party has not returned and half of The Intruders escaped your guards sorry mistress we mocked up silence now creature or I will silence you forever hey what's going on a true Soul praise be are you here to join my hunt you have any leads one we captured a human who knows exactly where it is he's been resilient but he'll talk excellent be sure not to kill him before he talks bolo's in here don't go my pigeon it's mine can we stealth kill to you um should I think as long as the door is closed we might be okay what was that noise oh hey there oh good sir so about that can we like hide her body or something [Laughter] go smashing soon my friend soon we can share the flag of something liquid at a tale of Daring Do I'll slip away you just stuff two people in a pack friend I simply can't they're goblins they're smaller so it's like one person okay go in here first we'll talk to the prisoner greetings child I've met few aside from goblins here it is Little Wonder you bear scars of pain and anguish let me alleviate this pain no I'm good what touch me and you'll lose your hand is that a promise I'm doing it you re are you I was in pain without what are you doing terrible what are you doing know do it what are you doing you're in need of a simply face the wall and we can begin what do you mean face the wall back shovel you don't need to see this what the your voice sounds so sweet dear one keep going don't wear her out entirely priest I might have use for her yet what what the is happening is proof that we live I'm [ __ ] terrified what do you mean should I take over how is he no where's theing that one when you need it wonderful you want more I'll give it to you not the worst technique priest good wrist movement lot of what are you talking about run run kale run run Sweet Child you bore the pain like a True Believer and on a personal note thank you that was positively divine hey what up run run oh what the oh come on PO L from one room to the other oh Jesus see it squealed hit it again keep your Ang steady three how dare you I'm slaying [Laughter] them we're on the same side buddy he knows it's fting [Music] time no we must stop him Gail stop the child magic Missile his [ __ ] ass I'm not entirely sure you need to level two spell slot the magic Missile on the 7 HP Goblin child he was not escaping No Escape for you he's [ __ ] dead another one Gale stop him that little shit's got to go but first I want a rage he wants a rage I need someone to make a compilation of this after we get through this playthrough of just every time you say I want to rage and then me going you're going to rage oh crushed looted you will die by my hand Crush get looted big slame poog and then that bone shell is actually pretty nice actually oh I didn't I didn't mean to move you little you tenacity it's a three damage when you miss see easy crush him oh 23 holy sh 23 damage Oh look The Cave Bear he not a not a bear anymore should cherish all of Nature's bouny but goblin guts are quite far down the list you hated a bear without knowing if it would Savage you oh yeah we had no idea you were a bear perhaps a lunatic I feel like the last option is just great I'm doing that ah lunatic then I truly am grateful so I'm actually going to side rail us a little bit on the goblin Camp um and take us to the swamp all right we can long rest we'll long rest and then we'll head to the swamp the air is heavy moisture drips down your forehead pain shoots through your fingers link away the discomfort the world swims as you close re open your eyes how long have you been waiting here a moment a night a 10 day let me see what you have vth maoc Can you feel it crawling through you tendril squirm in your chest gripping your heart piercing your belly yeah you just made a big mistake your flesh swelling you you up should have done that bad idea there's one rule in this camp do not attack me in my sleep sleepy time yeah how how are you guys surprised I I have one rule do not attack me in my Camp if you attack me in my Camp your life is forfeit oh who's dead next who's this I came just in time oh you are transforming I saved you [Music] before what is that oh it's you and I'm here to save you again there is great potential within you it comes from that parasite your instinct is to resist the power it gives but you must accept it nurur it oh that's a big ask [Music] is that a fight for the fate of fyon a fight we are losing I have to go the enemy is closing in I will be back wake now you'll feel better I promise what do you want ah my good fellow I'll just make myself comfortable thank you so much up anything my research turned up a rather brilliant technique that seems quite actionable it's not too deep just behind the orbital socket I could attempt an extraction I a needle in my tunic after all follow you going to ask First Trust just trust trust him trust do it Volo carefully holds one of your eyes open and begins to prod uncertainly with the needle rust pain shoots through your body as the needle snags what what do you mean trust trust I think I have it the needle seesaws back and forth plucking the nerve like a harp string oh bother there's some obstacle in the way I shall need a more robust Implement then reaching into his bag he produces an an ice pick trust Vol slowly brings the ice pick closer to your eyes what are you doing to me now trust don't cold metal presses against the skin beneath your brow and then tap tap stab do you feel that H I think we have the fighter on the Run I agree it's a feisty Critter just a little further Volo tears the pick from your brain with a violent jerk your eye plops down into the mud TR he pauses looks down at your eye and recoils slightly as it sinks into the mud trust what did you do to me us there appears to be an amount of cosmetic damage please try not to overexert yourself you're in a rather fragile state at present I can't help but feel partly responsible perhaps there is something more I can do take this a far superior Relic to that old jelly you were trained to try it on for size and um it was very nice to have met you what okay what look it look it beside your character profile picture you see you have a buff there now little little blue eye see invisibility what but I lost mying eye but now you can see permanently invisible things but I lost my fing eye I would like to rage you would like to rage nice rushed rolled can maybe get this one next if you can Swift as my feet can carry me huge finish him holy [ __ ] he exploded o all the babies exploded huge I need to not die die here or else I'm going to lose my buff come here you little [ __ ] crushed [ __ ] it magic Missile his ass nice let's go H must be the tree from the no to Gorga what's that CLE there read second Note Pro that kaga isn't leave with the shadow jhood this could complain why she wants the tiffs gone oh so maybe we should uh take a little detour back to the Grove and have a little conversation with kaga huh I'm down away I have no more need of you ah but I have need of you what what what what I don't know why they had to give Allin such great tits am I wrong no what's in there cloak word kga have you lost your mind the choice is made kga Burn the tainted away start with a snitch as you say Allan all right well we're in now probably not a good time for me to not have spells slots huh yeah same I haven't used this yet let's use this oh you're in it uh it hurts you I thought it was a gun so it canceled itself immediately Oh I thought it was like uh oh I want a rage he wants a rage I shall Crush you I will crush my enemies turn to a wolf they're all furries kill and crush the furries crush the furry crush the furry can I throw him off the cliff try try and throw him at Allin here I will crush you all he huge from here that was me too oh I'm sorry oh my God huge I to crush you Rush huge nice big okay kaga's got an amulet on her that you're going to want to equip and probably never take off is that the blood mother or brood mothers of Revenge yep now since we killed kaga the ritual has stopped so we can go ahead head and uh maybe snag the uh snag that Idol for Maul oh we could do that mm can't believe now what you're going to do is we're going to do a couple things in kind of quick succession here all right okay I'm going to get you to First cast fog and after you cast fog you're going to click on the box to open it and then you're going to click and drag the statue into the box okay okay and then as soon as that's done you're going to right click on the box and pick it up and then you're going to teleport to C okay right now left click box move statue into box yeah now pick up the box and go to Camp good job we did woo in Boulder's Gate seems like a good moment to talk I had a feeling you'd be back thanks see you in Boulder's Gate I hope now scram before I get emotional did you get a ring yes ring of protection hell yeah equip that sucker big all right uh let's go back to Goblin Camp sounds good okay was the priest one of the people that we have to murder mhm oh good we got her in her room all alone too um there exploding noises kind of alert people can die please help me wow gaale took a lot lot of damage on that oh I I forgot to rage I don't have myed parasite in that corpse you should take a look this one is a true Soul parasite it can enhance you well the the nice lady did tell me to eat more of the tadpoles your mind swells as it sub assumes everything the tadpole has to offer everything it was and everything it was done destined to be pure potential pure power good you have grown your power and improved your chances of survival oh wow if I knew it was that deep I do not think I would have went that's what he [Music] said right um f we got the we got the Waypoint down here so we should probably head back up okay to uh deal with the rest of the goblin leaders and we can come back down here after sounds good the hell is that thing I went back up the ladder I have no idea what's going on uh my advice will be care and caution oh damn it I think it's just a hole I can't go in there oh with that though also what he said go this way don't know what's over here go this way this is where the Dr is menar something B hello it's not our concern your time on this Mortal plane has come to an end your violence hasn't gone unnoticed it's about to be returned in kind nice first we Crush and then throw him throw him at his friend a guard has been killed him wink your next little eyeball ow motherucker I don't have take this any damage that can hurt this thing wait do I have any Scrolls I'm sick of you screaming okay wait is it Gail's turn wait wait wait wait oh God there's no way there's no way solve with I can't believe that work I did not actually think that the game would let you do that holy [ __ ] this is my playthrough and I will play it the way I want oh my God report to the D menar is the name wait look you you guys have so many barrels already oh this is going to be easy go go go you took aive now yours will be taken in turn oh god oh now he wants to rage oh no bye Gail goodbye Gail dude what the get up buddy you're good he really wants Gil huh he really does leave him alone G will be fine for a turn right I got finish him frenzi strike oh rolled looted oh my God nice moving in hello the ring bleeders have to die feers are you're dead you did it you actually did it return to the Grove I'll make my own way there cool now what do we uh what do you want to do before we long rest talk to him or no no no uh uh go to the bladed Village hello there uh hey me never been better I'm carlac and you are well met Soldier now that we're old Pals how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards Compass need something to little smile so you already know I fought in the blood War get yes they cornered me outside the toll housee just up the hill doubt they've gone far after the scorching I gave them she's uh perhaps a little rough around the edges shut up but I suppose I can be smooth enough for two shut the up carlac there you are greetings [ __ ] ready to die rage all you want carlac burn with the might of the hells zarel will find you and she will bring you back in pieces aice was never my home it was my prison I'm free now and I'm never going okay [Laughter] time theing love shovel I would die for Shou you just got one shot I did indeed I would like to rage he like to rage excuse me IG holy holy sh what good luck good luck good are you [ __ ] looting the vendor right now no I mean I not bad idea I swear to God oh my fuing God which one you want me to Res you or uh whichever carlac will do more damage probably I might just die again when it's his turn turn or Gail's dead we'll see well or he goes for you instead B my turn for Revenge nice crushed huge nice oh look out run she just goes around attacks everything she's angry had to let off a little steam after facing off with those ignots granted the fire is lasting a little longer than it should how do I look don't worry Chad I got you careful Soldier if I burn any hotter I might explode do the long rest and then maybe call it there for the day or what do you want to do yeah that sounds good to me shadow heart looks like she can be talked to everyone seems to be in High Spirits I thought you might have wanted to mingle with the others that so I'm sure there's plenty of people who'll be Keen to celebrate most thoroughly with you maybe you would but I'm not cruel enough to get your hopes up in spite of what some might believe dog just runs by I didn't do enough talking she doesn't like me enough a that's tough I bet Gail wants to talk to you he doesn't have a thing over his head I don't know see what he wants see what he has to say beautiful night don't you think sadly not I'm being entirely honest my Social Circle is rather small it's tough dude acquaintances I wonder why Gail I wonder why I hope though we've only known each other for a short time I might be able to count you among that number I'd be loathed to waste the time of someone who's become rather important to me right understood you'll hear no more on the subject from me iy thought he was going to break the intergalactic virgin playthrough that's fing hilarious your inner Galactic virgin playr rubbed off on me and I didn't get to R anyone as you approach okay I'll get sh later on picked up a few pleasant memories on your journey amongst your struggles go to bed alone sleep alone uplifted by memories of your recent triumphs of course I would like to join your Camp if you'll allow me I can offer my skills my counsel I long sought to return to moonrise Towers cool are we done at the goblin Camp uh we can just teleport in and kill the rest of the things that are there the rest of the Goblins yep let's go I'm in holy [ __ ] that's a lot of enemies the do be enemies Haya Haya oh huge actually gigantic wait freaking wreck ow ow oh come on Gail rolled rolled uh-oh it's fine it's fine fine fine ow you're fine like I'm being lied to what the I'm a monk baby it's only bad right now Gooser because goblins are high dexterity creatures and it's a DE save easy peasy lemon squeezy oh yes I forgot that these all get looted as combat is going on you have earned the honor of getting the rest while I go warm up my food real quick I'll be back in 2 minutes yeah of course I'm going to loot everything The Spoils of War go to the Victor I've clean this guy out holy [ __ ] there gold re uh resets every time you long rest oh that's good they prepared for people like you what is that supposed to mean huh um let's go back to the bladed Village there was a a perception check over here that we had earlier apart from an overgrowth of moss the well looks unremarkable going in better be careful those webs carry vibrations loot more loot more loot what where okay that's terrifying would have liked to rage but I got all the way up here yeah it I would like to rage I would like to rage I can't use Reckless attack so I'll just do this I guess well you can also use Reckless attack as a as a reaction so you can just hit stuff and then it'll say like do you want this attack to be Reckless the L board is set oh H it'll pick me up that looks like a lot of eggs over there that do be looking like a lot of eggs also a shiny thing oh Jesus holy that thing's fing massive um what are you trying to hit Bridge the spider web man take this oh what the f oh that's not cool dude it's almost like you were hitting the webs I didn't know he could teleport oh jeez oh oh no ow look at all my afflictions oh my God all right Gail I need you to clutch the up right here okay IM missiles yeah that didn't do a lot huge not huge oh ow oh ow that hurt that hurt lot that hurt a lot all right Gail time to clutch up with cloud of daggers huge we're dead goodbye what what did it just do it attacked Boys on our faces Gail I need you to get over there and save my ass I assure you there's nothing Gail would rather do than save your ass your ass holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] God dang oh that's huge all right I believe you eight damage eight damage and it's prone just unload a level two magic Missile into it we're not even ready risking anything Tor that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking [Music] about hug easily easily I would like five gifted in the chat for the people that didn't believe after you oh what's that Quest update the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole here you go eat this open the book The book's pull is irresistible glyphs shift gently before your eyes words slip into your mind onto your lips forming words you don't understand and something is trying to reply turn to the next page page hold there you go huge massive the symbols Dart Beneath Your Eyes warping and twisting another page let's go hey you feel claws moving in the shadows they pull at you dragging you closer oh one more [Music] page this is not fine are we inspired I think we are inspired I must know what's on the other side [ __ ] again [ __ ] singularly inspired oh there's no way we get [ __ ] again right single inspiration last one here we go surely oh my God oh my God no we only got a two oh my [ __ ] the books closed you've seen too much GS inspired wait so we just got can we never open it again uh well look at your hot bar there's a new button there speak with the dead nor there yeah now you can speak with the dead didn't we already be able to do that yeah but we had to put a necklace on before now we can just do it fun game but uh you know hold on to the book for like 90 hours and we'll see what happens that she's coming uh oh well you've been naughty and you know what happens when you're naughty what two two two two no what time to let the Hellcat out of the bag I have one of those call me maora I'm Will's Patron the Fountain of his power My Pet's been unruly and his leash Needs A Yank I'm a leash we had a deal but carlac still breathing you told me Devil's only she's a teethling not a monster how precious the little pupsters found his bark Clause G section 9 Target shall be limited to The Infernal the Demonic the heartless and the soulless carlac meets the criteria by stopping by and watching Big Sister shade guiding Flats is amazing and perfect will Burns in the fires of a verus the lightning storms of disc strike his flesh his soul passes through each layer of the hells gaining their Essence and their torment Break Free oh that's not good oh that's that's bad God's damn her straight back to the helles just look at me I did what was right and maora made me pay for it every thrust of my blade and every flame I sparked was for the good of the coast I believe him the moment I ped myself to maora I have not regretted for a heartbeat it was my proudest deed okay that's weird sacrifice the [ __ ] are you Geniuses doing get over here and help tell me what to do if we don't deal with them NS none of us are getting out of here alive oh I'll get out of here alive whoops what I stole oops I stole a thing and they okay well I was hiding I didn't think they would see me I mean if it makes you feel any better they're slave Traders I still would have took their money I mean we can take their money just off of their dead bodies this time I guess it's fair did you forget to do something what you had a condition you failed to meet the condition oh you you interrupted the conversation that's fair I'm just saying you raged and you didn't say that you were going to rage somebody could get hurt like that not me cuz I'm already raging worth a CR yeah I am now raging he's [Music] raging holy Lord H H hello I am an open-hand monk nice to meet you [ __ ] what the wait he he R back into it what an idiot ow definitely Focus yeah this this thank you did I kill him I did nice oops there's a parasite in that corpse brimming with potent magic wa I said that that one of these guys had a thing in him a worm I got it um if you want you can get psionic overload adds extra 1 D4 to all your attacks that's pretty good with Hast oh see I crouched [Applause] nope oh come on that is rough nice well done well done hang on I'll right back one second I need your help imagine if life was just like this where it's like oh guys hold on stop the war someone has to take a [ __ ] bat flat sent me a message on Discord that says it was an emergency [ __ ] and I said I know I told them smile and he goes how did you know all caps and I said cuz you sounded stressed AF like you were about to [ __ ] yourself when you left he says LMO very true oh my God that was awful probably have to stop after this fight heads up probably dead he's dead cool moving in I'll feel that one later I had a really intrusive thought this morning yeah I thought balance I wonder what would happen if I killed Aaron would you loot less things if you didn't have a vendor to sell to those other vendors not right now wait there isn't the people down the hill uh you mean the teelings that left the Grove to go they're all gone wait they're all gone that's why we killed the goblin leader so that the road would be safe for them to go to Boulders gate oh I shouldn't have killed them oh no wait so is there anyone even here to see me steal all this loot someone your chat just said I worked on this game for eight months what wait POG wait real real question mark proof real proof that's me Al this person's name is Santa Claus 2022 what's wrong with that I don't know that makes it less believable you know Santa Claus isn't real D I can't say that of course he's real nine-year-old's in your chat of course he's real what do you mean how dare you don't listen to our chat she's just B humbug can't keep me out what are you stealing I don't know there's just a chest here I figured I'd open it try again I Ain good why are you using all the thief tools what the heck what the heck what the heck how do I roll three fours in a row just stop one more one more pick up pick up the chest and send it to me let's go holy [ __ ] that was like six Steve tools that was three that was like six theve tools it was three mother [ __ ] that's who you Romancing nobody this is called The Intergalactic virgin playthrough yeah and it [ __ ] rubbed off on [Laughter] me and so is it oh those look like some interesting people hello you surely won't hurt me right he of the unsleeping eyes grant me the might to carry this burden looks like he wasn't kind out to be a flaming fist only a coward would got the Flaming power right would that the arrow had pierced your heart instead no it wouldn't have please just leave me be okay where are all these people that are just ravengard could be inside don't just stand there push get out of the way strength time go crushed ins smile we don't have much time inspiration can you hear me oh potato porridge break the door down get this thing off me strength Berserker fling it aside throw [Music] beam yes holy [ __ ] me being strong you did it bad BLS wa entering turn base mode yeah cuz the building run is oning fire don't worry I'll save the main character that we're supposed to be in here for very well is this not him no does that look like P A Duke daddy do I look I don't know he's kind of got no clothes on hard to tell think Duke would have clothes on probably I don't know if he's in the fire might have lost him I can get in the bunk bed yay in the building that's on fire I'm on fire in the F guess I'll loot all the food in the Kitchen come on Gail he jump dud bl's love of Gail is so wholesome he's literally forced to love Gail at this point because he's killed too many of her other companions that like if he just doesn't appreciate Gail at this point you mean he's literally not going to have anyone to travel with I don't need companions I need pack mules hi the ox tenses horns lowered in your D do it buddy I know you're scared hold hold I don't want to hurt you yeah he only wants to hurt owl Bear Cubs and companions that the mom attacked Mees muscle the baby didn't do anything wrong he he tried to kill us what do you mean no he didn't yes he did peacefully persuasion check that one yes damn it why do you want me to hurt the bull listen you you got to keep it linear all right if you're going to kill the AL bear cub you got to kill all the other [ __ ] too that's not how that works this guy threatened you and you're okay with it yeah but he's scared he's hiding in a corner he didn't attack us the AL bear cub was all scared no the AL bear cub attacked us and then we have literal video proof of him attacking us and then when M goes oh no I'm so scared now mom is dead nah [ __ ] you should have made that decision before you attacked us fake footage holy B A man crouching between the shelves hels I thought you were flaming fist well down you go then they'll be honest soon so if you're looking to trade you best be quick thanks bro nice you are not picking up all of these barrels by the way no stop it there's like 30 Barrels in this room the of someone nearby I'm getting downstairs immediately you're going to set this whole place on fire on accident oh mother this guy I thought it was a I was trying to be quick cuz I thought it was a regular barrel and I wasn't trying to take too much time this fing guy I'm going downstairs see you later wait I'm doing stuff you can do stuff I'm going to go loot downstairs isn't there people there down there not in this first part wait I'm doing stuff a this time fny oh I know I am aware this is this is my enjoyable Place why why I was on the verge of literally having you install a mod that AOE loots as you walk oh jug uh yeah let's just long rest real quick then long rest I should speak what do you want Grand Duke ravengard is my father oh boy I'm going to lead here a little bit because there's something that I need from this area and it's easy to mess it up not many can talk their way into a zenim Outpost I could use someone with your skills keep scrapping your character over mine what's happening cuz I I want to talk to her because there's something that I want from this area that I could only get if I talk to her in a specific way some of our people are missing more importantly so is their cargo find them God damn it what about the shipment if you want after this we can kill them and take it back's black bones you did it I'm still sealed come and see me what did they even take from us our Trader can show I gave her the chest that we found where the the Gomes and those guys were nope but because we brought it to her now their vendor is going to sell us special stuff that he wouldn't normally sell us otherwise and one of those things is a pair of gloves that gives advantage on slight of hand chicks free me now and I'll see that my Patron rewards you you talk to me only you need to buy me selling my I am an artist and my Patron will reward you for my rescue but there will be time for questions later please speak to brm I need to see the sun again if you have the golds my pet artist will make you a most heroical likeness just want to trade of course okay are we done with these guys yep so unless you want to save the artist yeah I want I do want to save the artist I doubt you've got that kind of DH line about lower the price or die good luck holy [ __ ] my God rolled go on then anything low it would be criminal 600's still a lot I'm trying to think if there's any reason to even keep them alive but it sounds like they're like part of a big Network right maybe we can get deeper in by not killing them and then we can kill them all later she did tell us that we could meet up with her in balers gate if we I'm going to keep them alive I will keep them alive for now then don't forget to feed him he BS something proper I can't say I've ever been bought before I am the Oscar FAS At Your Service Jesus Christ a genuine pleasure I'm in your debt as is my Patron my patrol I should say assuming lady Jan still wishes to marry me after a little falling out what happened she offered me a future and so in a fit of Madness I told her of my past of the woman I'd loved before she found me love still oh my God can I can I return you she was less than pleased yeah I don't care getting I could Harden My Heart sir until bould is gate then was that face at the end yeah I don't I don't think I'm ever getting that money [Music] back oh bye oh I thought you already went down the elevator log are coming what in the nine Hells is that they're coming they're coming be oh [ __ ] this place is traed let's see what I'm just going to St him real quick and then you can come in okay it didn't work I'm going to stun him real quick okay okay perfect now come on in and just wail on him fog I would like to rage you would like to rage can I not hit us with this is that this will this still do damage to them this Fireball yeah but it won't do damage to us because you're an evocation wizard oh so like I can just nail both of them right now and be fine yep sick see no damage maybe I'll try and stun the raging one wait why is it big and then guess I just do a regular main hand attack I don't think yeah so reckless covers your entire turn so any attacks that you do at also Reckless can be a reaction right so like you may be be able to hit the target without recklessly attacking all Reckless does it gives you advantage on the attack so what I would do is always just regular attack each turn and then if you were going to miss the little popup will say like oh do you want to make this Reckless instead cuz you're going to miss otherwise okay and then you can just click yes or no cuz if you Reckless attack it also gives the enemies advantage against you so sometimes you don't need it that makes sense wait what wait what um I'd rather be St cusing it oh [ __ ] oh I just I walked okay oh that's not good good luck okay I just got hit off the cff I like how as your character went flying off the cliff and Gail died at the same time your character was like Gail no nice big damn bigger damn no wait so he just left he ran he said no one left we go there's some yellow guys up here do you see these what some dudes some mushroom dudes the [ __ ] are those you were swallowed by a chorus of turbulent music oh no through one creature sing many voices the harmony of an entire Collective Sovereign he has come he is here the choir Fades a single Melody rises above the others Rassy and commanding I am Sovereign you see a vision your lifeless body wrapped in fungal tendrils The Sovereign is threatening you oh are you purpose oh boy World descend to me let us speak in flesh the persistent music coaxes you forward the Sovereign expects you mushroom people what do you want Gil oh my condition likes being ignored as little as I do dinner time thank you for get m just let him explode bro good Gods listen I need to speak to you to all of you it would be unconscionable of me to remain silent oh no I'm what one might call a wizard Prodigy such was my skill that it earned me the attention of the mother of magic herself the goddess mistra she revealed herself to me and she became my teacher in time she became my muse later even my lover wizard Jesus Christ also says that groom wait what she became my friend my teacher and then my lover oh that's a this nees blight this orb for lack of a better word is bowled up inside my chest as long as I absorb traces of the weave from potent enough sources remains quiet or it ever to fully destabilize however I will erupt I don't know the exact magnitude of the eruption but given my studies of nether magic i''s say even a fragment as small as the one I carry it at level a city the size of Water Deep so I have a nuke my chance a king's collect I like Gail even more now um ah a visitor you're a welcome sight it's curious to find a surface dweller here what has brought you down so deep you were infected by an elth tadpole I have a friend who may be able to assist orium I hope this is important plur this Adventurer has an elith tadpole inside his head but he hasn't turned no ceremorphosis um that's impossible but intriguing um uh I have broken free from the Elder brains yoke I no longer serve The Grand Design would you like a diagnosis as the melan's Mind pierces yours the tple pulses with power it feels 10 times its size alive a Wait Almost smug this is most unusual the incubation period should be complete as should your transformation but the lava is infused with Strange Magic it appears to be in some form of stasis I need only bypass the interference that prevents me from communicating with the lava a tin Ure distilled from a collection of rare mushrooms they have subtle psionic influence I would require a fresh tongue of Madness and timusk spes my formula will hamper the more harmful effects once the mushrooms are brewed into a potion your sanity however much you possess should Mar like a stab at me that is a lot of dead people holy [ __ ] you sovereign's thick fingers stroke the corpse at its feet a droning Melody greets you as the creature turns its gaze to you flesh talker I show you a memory watch and listen her violent Vision grip you dwga dark dwarves chopping mikid remains they broke our peace they killed our young I sense your resolve you will find dwar Invaders near lakes's Edge cleanse the rot destroy them The Sovereign gifts you one more Vision a wall of vins parting to reveal glowing life Riches of magic and mind cleanse the rot and they are yours you do the circle of service we will await word I don't want to know what he did to the corpse don't her condition is familiar poison derived from a wild weed common to the underd dark good you go hope this helps that cure did the trick quick shot too I thank you for your help but I got to get moving oh Call's garters I need you to rescue my kin we can pay thank you only wish I could go with you but here I these boots from the grav when I run I'll feel better now you using them to kick some dagger ass put those boots on your Barb and never take them off boots of speed heck yeah let's you Dash as a bonus action flesh Walker I walk too far talker D God destroyed my people I am a Sovereign with no Circle this circle does not welcome me that's a good question I don't want to know heard the song you mean to cleanse the dwar rot I mean to join you yeah do I have to replace him with a companion nope all right f it these flowers what is this feeling what does that do silence aa oh you should not pick that up you should drop that immediately you should throw that over the edge you should not have that oh my God uh said anti- magic field and you have a wizard oh hello big demon thingy nice easy oh there another one [ __ ] oh that's oh oh it's you you little Gil magic missiles damn dude uh boy Gail I cannot take much more I would like to rage he wants a rage nice it's not my first turn it's his first R that's why I we're Ona no keep [Applause] going where is he he's way up top breathe deep I see him and move nice I got the plans add the susak now I need somewhere to oh it's that thing from way earlier mhm the Waring furnace awaits an offering the candy sweet scent wafts forth the s the bark infuses the weapon from within the Flames the Flames sputter away the sword is complete look at that you saw things with your eye that is invisible that was a bad idea matched Ed what oh [ __ ] rolled he counter spelled your Mage Armor what a boss I would like to rage he would like to rage it's a good Fireball right there holy [ __ ] it's a nice Fireball yeah that's what I thought what a dick all right Gail let's try this again watch the up oh that's rough he just does nothing but cancel me it's so annoying sometimes the only way out is through big crit a damn we're getting that eye surgery now nope it's been working out I might look a little weird with two colored eyes but it's okay I topel this [ __ ] son the tumor is excised my song will fill The Grotto eliminate the other Sovereign excuse me choose smooth mind help me gr a might Circle and reap the reward you want to fight him for his the answer you shall never again know home no you didn't just see what we did to all of them realize Gil's on the fight come on can't stay idle going to make a assumption that where I'm about to take you is a place that probably 75 to 80% of chat has never seen in any of their playthroughs there's immediately people in chat like well I have not seen this you can just walk in you're good they're uh yellow when you click on them they're not aggressive creature is lost in devotion you might as well not exist uh talk to fill your oceans oh blessed Bal words priest trise say your God watch Pro once blood you don't recognize the creatures but this voice seems to have a hold over them you our lord of murder demands sacrifice you will be an offering for the great God Bal me another offer oh what's that then see you got me to spare hold the what oh my God that sounds like a lot more more blood a lot more mess good go then chosen tell the surface world who all is coming and so you don't forget here this blade is my tongue and I want a taste of every life you hey what is this C of Bal the realer has an advantage on attack rolls against bleeding creatures as long as there's NOA to worship B for a bleed build oh that went very differently from how I was anticipating it too do you think I was just going to murder everybody yeah that was kind of the plan and then he was just like I like you and I was like oh thanks we also still have one more Overworld thing that we haven't done yet actually now that I think about it yeah we never went to go talk to Ethel who's eth Ethel mon Ethel oh the little like the witch lady yeah yeah you're right is anything real down here all right going in the circle oh oo is this is this where aunti eth lives this is where aunti eth lives ow okay go ahead better be cautious you don't have to sneak it's okay even I want to steal her stuff just Ying all of her [ __ ] still up and then we talk want a crumb left on that plate girl anti please if it isn't the cheekiest pop of them all you best have one Hells of an apology for me young man I could crush you like a bird's nest how shocking another Barbarian with all rwn and no brains you know I was going to give you you a kick up the hours and show you the door but I think you and I could have a bit of fun together Gods grant me patience eat up Marina I won't say it again you said you something for the parasite of course what do you say want me to take care of the little bugger depends on the price well it depends on the job a RI moving a parasite is no small feish but I like you pet so I'll only ask for something small one of your pretty little peepers I only have one left you don't have one to spare terribly sorry pet but no deal for you these boots Marina do you do you want her ey thing or should I just continue I mean I don't know if I really want to trust that oh I don't trust her at all I'm just still waiting for someone with the spare eye I'm here to trade all right eth your time has come your violence hasn't gone unnoticed it's about to be returned in kind I miss she went invisible so we probably got her killed more for me I don't know have to go through the fireplace and find out oh now now I can just steal all of her [ __ ] it's fine you are as thick as they come sweetness hey it's kind of mean leave oh you'll end up in tonight's stew we'll go nicely with Merina she's already marinating you edge closer to the mirror a pale face appears contorted in fear fists Slam against the mirror's surface again and again attack what the heck I freed whoever was in the mirror this place you're cursed now though I am you feel crushing waves of fear as the presence within the door recoils it can't let people through not again what happened last time you opened spash a man cowering a bag open at his feet gold coin spilling onto the floor his cries for Mercy are cut short as the hag slices into him dismembering him painstakingly limb by limb she cackles man's remaining flesh twisted and contorted a tree growing out of a becoming the Twisted surface of the door before you not afid appears in your mind two paladins and a cleric marching through the door shrouded in the glow of the Divine weapons brandished they charge into the hag Slayer screams of Terror pierce the air you let them in naughty that's a decade for each you're mine for 30 more years peka is another way see an image of blue skies and sunshine as the door shutters a warning run Roar nice big the door shutters imagining its wooden frame cracking and splintering in a raging Inferno you see the hag she walks through the door it's form shimmering with a jerk you're pulled from the vision you feel the presence within shrink terrified you come to my home interfere in my business and now have the goal to face me in the heart of my Lair you petulent bollocks I'll rip your spy not your [ __ ] I'll use your blood to spice my stew I'll keep you alive until I've sucked the marrow from your bones and then I'll bring you back and do it all over again just get out of here [Music] please so wait what the hell a does Gail have rare Frost I do have rare Frost okay yeah use that on the cage and then I'm going to go down here and try and deal with this one I would like to rage he would like to rage I would probably not crit unless you know it's the right one that was not the r oh they disappear oh that makes things easier yeah yeah oh I missed that's not good a someone put a giraff as will the chat it makes me happy oh oh that's really really really bad oh she's going to crit me she's going to crit you no stop please ah good luck oh my God that's a big crit Jesus we're still stuck yeah I'm trying to get the next one okay concentration hold the person go oh that's really bad huge huge I got one I got one I got one I got one my rage ended my rage a it's not good nice and then there's one behind behind you yeah oh we haven't even actually done damage to her yet Jesus Christ okay all right Gail this is this is the real one this is the real one I'm going to stun I'm going to stun hiya oh sh but you're okay now right I'm I'm held oh [ __ ] okay let me uh wait Gail can magic Missile her right magic Missile this one yes yeah yeah so just hit it once with one magic Miss oh I can't I can't reach the other one anyways okay okay okay nice crit crit crit yeah big crit e she's stunned she can't do anything holy [ __ ] I'm going to try to St her again no again level two magic Missile oh she sto Bab egg okay wait maybe don't hit her again oh [ __ ] it's fine why wouldn't we have wanted to hit her again it's fine don't worry about it you bastard you ruined it you ruined everything what just a bit longer and my child would have been born and this all this would have been over you're going to give me your baby don't judge me I have nothing my baby would have been raised in rags antie Ethel promised to give this child a good life teach them magic even more than I could have done want to throw you off a cliff like what the's wrong with you I hope you're happy I'm I I want to throw you off a cliff I'm going to be honest with you she she just wanted her husband she didn't think she was going to be a good mom cuz she's never husband anymore I don't give a you you're going to you literally were going to throw your life away and your baby's life away for the potential her life away she was in a cage what do you mean yeah after before that she was being housed and fed she was being fed rotten food to the point where she was going to die and her brothers wereing worried and thought she was going to die she didn't think that she was going to be a good mom because she didn't have her husband and Ethel promised her that she would take care of her child at teacher met no I don't buy it Gods didn't hear you coming what you feel a surge of power from the wand the air suddenly tastes ACD it wants to be used bring it back bring Conor back please if he comes back as a zombie that's on you what what's happening why is he still dead he's a fuing decomposing corpse what do you mean you feel promis she would bring him back the creature yearns for a master but this isn't what she promised I wanted him back back the way he was not this don't worry I have the wand I'll make use of him he's mine now you bastard give him back I thought you were Steal This Woman's dead husband she was just going to get up anyways you don't know that yeah so now I have a zombie pet how do I use the zombie pet this the wand I've I've never taken her husband from her so I actually have no clue oh yeah I can just I can spawn him let's go what's going on buddy now I got a too her [ __ ] husband to away you have shovel I have I have fing Connor go back to Camp long R holy Luke Goblin so H you stole someone's husband I don't know what you could quite possibly mean by that yoink my husband now husband now ah a fellow Wanderer I hunt a vampire spawn called asarian oh you're in luck to bring him back to Boulder's Gate alive yeah I'm going to be real with you my dude you know him not too well I think if you believe he's so easily slain he could be stalking your Camp is definitely stalking the camp from a box you could tell me where to look and I could ensure peace of mind for us both like I can tell you the exact chest he's in if you'd like all right I think we're good here we could probably maybe head back to the underd dark I see a frogy we need to find I see a froggy okay let's go to the froggy Ribbit hi frog croaks a friendly Eep Eep hey hi froggy is gone happy yay happy happy happy Come presents presents for me here shiny bye bye there it is oh I bugged it showed me two thanks little froggy you're nice little froggy I'm going to let you live mind my step do you hear a New Harmony I name you peacebringer H that doesn't seem like a fitting name SPS you have cut out the dwar light but not its source oh in your mind's eye spor shows you a Dr striding among miked dead near this one is called he hunted US hunt him in turn bring me his head and I will know my circle is safe this is a lot of oh that guy doesn't look like he has too much HP if I break these it's going to kill him right maybe you should save stop I couldn't stop just hit F5 there you go my bag please I've dropped it somewhere yes that's yes strength oh no wait saved huh bro oh I just have to and then here for you your trouble good going do something here need you to back up whoop owie I got it apples survived the Misty steps survived sausages survived I'm going to send you the thing that I picked up but just uh leave it in your inventory for now did you bring the noble stock the what Noble stock the mushroom look at that got my useless old man back I suppose that's your doing collecting Noble stock valuable mushroom we have a shop in Boulder's Gate the locals go mad for it nothing it can't cure blindness poison hair loss probably but bin in his right mind wasn't worth half a half of noble stock I know him better than anyone got the scars to prove it wait what so you could you can give her the noble stock to sell in her shop or you can give it a bailin to cure his memory loss or you can keep it for yourself that old idiot yeah I'm going to keep it I'm going to keep this item she seems a little she's kind of mean she just kind of like wants to to farm down here anyways and then he might be kind of up cuz she said that she has the scars to prove it talking about him so like maybe he's abusive so I sounds like I don't like either of them I'll keep it for myself there is you know someone in our camp actually who uh is having some memory problems should eat this Noble stock Shadow heart perhaps it could restore your memories I can't oh my memories are being withheld for a reasonless we roll a one I think we're going to be good right it three two three yeah I didn't think it was possible so many Buffs all right give it here I remember something I was upset about something there was another a tling boy with short horns and purple hair I think he was my friend perhaps he's still there in Boulder's Gate why the wound on my hand it never quite heals I don't think so but you're sweet to ask just be patient the next time you see hey I wasn't I didn't mean it I was just trying to be I was just trying to be nice hey I was pain is I don't want it of Lady it's watch watch this is an intern this is an Intergalactic version playr watch yourself you can tolerate a great deal of suffering so long as it has meaning home record stop it I'm not I'll just I'll just leave I'll just leave I I'll just leave I'm sorry watch yourself hey look Tim ask spores we need for aium for who remember Ellum the Mind flare he was like oh yeah yeah hey I'll help you but I need you to bring me these things and we got them nice what was this oink button strange place for a button especially one that doesn't work what happens if I press it again strange place for button especially theous for me not for blood and come on secret what you POG well well well new button popped up after G put the ring on that's crazy one day I'll catch a what's going on over here what you guys got could make for a fine weapon I broke a chair and I found a club of Hell giant strength one oh why did he just you couldn't just leave it alone could you you had to keep talking to him I thought I could make him my pet now he needs to die I just wanted to know what his name was what do you want his name is Bernard nice good stuff see we're fine all right we can teleport back to the mikid Colony and bring these um things to AUM the it just goes back upstairs oh all right um down a TP I greet you child of the Sun how has your search for the mushrooms fared these are fine specimens it will only take me a moment to brew them to proper potency you must drink the entire draft I can make no promises as to its taste all right down the hatch the potion is disgusting description succeeded Constitution throw is that it goes down quickly the temple spasms ceases it's fighting the potion even harder than you are fear pierces your mind like knives of ice the parasite digs deeper as if it means to hollow out your skull holy [ __ ] there's no fear in this dojo holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] let's go not 20 the cold blades lose their Edge you are stalwart turning that tide of fear against itself the parasite swells with power more power than you have ever felt before the parasite in your mind quiets pleased with itself oh Oman are you well that lava is like nothing I have ever observed before its power is unsettling more power is better than less yet that power May grow beyond your control I have another intermediate solution a ring of Mind shielding it will not remove the lava but it will limit its influence here it is yours nice cool all right let's go guess we're getting on that boat time to boat a vessel wobbles on the Lake's murky Waters I love boats into the darkness you ever play rap no I have not oh [ __ ] it's a good one uh who are you oh human what are you doing on G ra you want to go for a swim I kind of want to just eat his ass into the I don't want to intimidate him I just want toing send his ass over for let's go pick his ass up and throw him in the water that's soing funny I want to rage but I got to jump across I'm probably not worth a rage there's only a couple of them Rush him rush him again he push he pushed me off rip no away see you later that's so cringe can't believe I [ __ ] died so sad I can believe it oh come on resing Gil again resing Gale again Gail has been resed again maybe Gail should eat a health potion instead of shoving this person shall be done trying to push him [Laughter] off K's getting spawn killed no way you just this isn't good this is bad this is really bad so cursed uhoh oh we're dead we when was the last time you saved um you don't want to know I'm concerned i' I'd be very concerned actually I'm very concerned about when you saved last yeah I I don't remember the last time I saw quick save it was a long time ago how long uh the tower what part of the tower we're about to find out why did I let you control the save file oh my God I thought there was Auto saes did you we went really far back in time actually I think we're like an hour behind now what oh yeah we're really far back where is this oh my God holy [ __ ] uh it's fine it was about the memories we made along the way okay that's oh [Music] you so look this fing memories holy [ __ ] dude oh man oh my God you are not looting a single thing we are speed running this [ __ ] all right I'm at the top oh I'm glad I can't wait to do this again oh I haven't found the book to oh no amazing amazing you didn't let me loot I get to go looting [ __ ] safe I'm reloading it I'm reloading oh my God all this is what happens why you let me loot you got to let me do my looting we wouldn't be in this place to begin with if you didn't get shoved off aing bow you should have just I don't know resed me right away or something I don't know I didn't think we were going to have to go back to hours yeah well you didn't you didn't res me that's that's not on me holy I res SC like four times and he still died and I just got two shot every time what do you I'm going to punch you in the arm I did nothing wrong elus deletus I love he just rolls d got him okay save the game after we load please thank you weon at ready L company's calling what do we got here dead Hoon walking seems like got any reason I shouldn't sever your head and toss it to the RO can you reach that high let's not get into another scrape sh you'll work through it jar no pay up don't gut all day I don't think you understand I'm gutting you here and now choke the life out of you [ __ ] for brains I would like to rage he would like to rage my throat came out at the end of that one little bit of Meatball there little bit of me slay him slayed next one slay silenced POG get on in the action Gail H him with your staff yeah yeah violence is usually the answer month on this oh great a where do you think you're going I don't even think they moved oh Huck roll what a snipe all right maybe just uh hit F5 and then immediately long rest before we do literally anything else I'm just going to loot their stuff Rogue is not typically something that you play as a regular spec like as a as a solo spec you typically just uh multiclass into Rogue to go Thief Rog on zone is not very good oh oh oh Jesus the chest looked at me it's a mimic what the what the [ __ ] it's got to a loot is turned on me it's trying to eat me monster honestly deserved eily chilling scene this I suspect many were present at this blight ging on food and drink killing disgusting don't you dare pick up every single knife and fork on the table I swear to God I have to who's this child what the heck hold it I swear is not a child one more step I could tell from there you want to barter with Rune powder look you have no idea what you're dealing with any true iron hand would trade their life for a grain of this stuff I'll spare you a vile don't be sh oh my God what are you doing she was being nice up to you in many pieces I Want It All no she's nice a to be fair I I quick I quick saved early in that cuz I wanted to see what would happen I wanted to see what would happen now we get none oh what the your safe scum me I did that on purpose what do you mean oh my I wanted to see if I could actually take it or she would blow us all up we're save scummers I'm sorry Chad I can't control him a barel of this so nice she's just scared poor W know me BL is not chaotic neutral at all have to keep going wait wait wait wait wait holy [ __ ] she's fast yeah she wants to get out she's scared why are you turn basting I wonder what would happen if I oh don't youing I will kill you I don't have anything they can Target an [Music] LA I don't have any actions left save the Save The Gnome she's dead already killed her I don't have anym here I don't have anything left shovel trouble get him what the [ __ ] is happening Justice for philine oh boy what is this this looks like a smoke powder Barrel situation why did we see their feet why why did we get a shot of that because you have her boots on I do remember the gnome that we cured with the antidote she said she stole the boots oh you're wearing her boots that's why it showed you her feet one did you hear do I need to rip the extra flesh of your ears F out of the way one spot everybody runs I would move back though to be eat this what are you waiting for Bel can you hear me oh it might have pulled me might oh yeah finally you're too far away oh worthless slaves your incompetence has been my ruin you still choose any not fail you care for the weak true Soul let her blood prove your devotion okay Buckle in all right so what happens if I cast the spell it should tell you whether or not casting it does cost an action all right Connor let's see what you got dude let's go dude yeah this is his first play Let's Go Conor huge uh 911 I would like to report a murder oh oh you what the that was big headit Conner let's go big hit Conner my turn hard to find IRL groups where I am got him you looted near in combat so you missed so you missed the Cinematic what's in here I I missed a cinematic cuz I looted have been combat yeah that's funny I'll just do this hey come here when you together that's what matters why is he an invalid Target cuz he has no head so no head oh I oh how's he going to talk to you if he has no head oh I really took his head yeah no like he's his head is literally an object in your inventory oh that's awesome um cuz we we're supposed to bring it to the Sovereign remember oh you're right I was going to toss off this Cliff good call Peace Brer be at home oh my God sought to shatter our circle now his flesh May feed its growth and just a final quick reminder to everybody to uh please use the balers gate Discord chat channel in Flat's Discord if you have questions about stuff we did or didn't do wait what are they doing I think they're cheering you oh yay voice of the circle Ace mold scal Mill mold medium there actually stuff back here what oh are you in combat yeah get wrecked holy [ __ ] they got owned imagine trying to hit carlac jeez Louise ow oh my goodness absolutely rolled how to hit this big giant Stone H or sounds pretty good survival failed maybe just try to use a shovel like right here or something I think that's where my check list any luck did you sell your only shovel did I sell my only shovel oh so while you're at the Mike Colony you should bring ne's head to the Sovereign cuz that is one of our quests as well [Music] I have a shovel don't worry bless can't use this right now can't use the shovel no here I'll send chees if it works luck only throw it and drop it I think it's just bugged to Al or F5 and then f8 yeah try nothing oh it's a it's the wrong shovel it's not a real shovel what it's shovel shovel holy [ __ ] th has come the amulet is heavy but holds a subtle warmth like it was left under the sun suddenly the metal surges with heat you feel great power and overwhelming urge to laugh kill resist beg sheer unbridled rage floods your veins obliterating the urge to laugh thou Hast done well for what is a laugh if not one step toward Madness th art the [Music] one return me take me home and th shal glow with blessings oh Thou shalt be blessed indeed happens I just thrown in the lava maybe don't do that cuz it could be cool could be like a cool item you know maybe don't toss [Music] it would it could be kind of funny it also seems like maybe it has a quest attached to it that maybe we don't want to get rid of you know will he scream if I throw him in the lava I don't know someone in chat wants to know what your favorite part of the game is so far the ability to choose whatever the I want whenever the I want wouldn't be useful to me oh I so did you have the mold for I heavy armor is in my I will take your heavy mold heavy mold yeah it's in there now and then it looks like there's something we got to do with the center one here too maybe that's what the mythal or is for mhm very well time to go to what that's an injection P the lever wrong level see emper really I think so holy crap man that did the trick all right you might be worse than Brandon with having not seen [ __ ] honestly I didn't think it'd be worse than not seeing Star Wars lava makes sense you know you need to heat metal in order to make it into something oh [ __ ] that thing looks pissed who this new foone oh boy I would like to rage you like a rage I'm assuming maybe we probably don't want to touch the lava uh let's give haste to our guy here you go that's some haste me I'm [Music] run uh oh spooky oh that's I don't know if that's good all right okay it's should health potion okay so I have haste right yeah so you can attack four times he seems like he does a lot of damage oh all right I guess I got to do it for this one now oh oh I missed oh I don't think that was was worth it got couple some some attacks off looking good can I reach him from here I can if I try why did I jump in I don't know why did you jump in oh you're dead you're so dead oh my [ __ ] god oh perfect okay I'm going to hit the thingy nice huge 120 damage let's go I hit him again holy crap oh you got rolled I'm just a god honestly okay we kill these stupid oh can you stop walking into the LV I have my arrows equipped and then it's just like oh you want to attack with arrows yeah actually we'll run at him this time yeah we got the we're going to help the Amulet the spear amulet we dealt with the forge we helped the uh slave gnomes we helped the mikids think we're good um we have a another Quest that says find the GI Yankee Crush I make this jum I can't that girl sound super cute let me get them to I am [Laughter] married I'll give it a sh uh shock's the prime sure dude uh you're about to progress your adventure make sure to tie any Loose Ends before advancing whoa wait what we we are good we're good we did we got everything yep we are not at the end of B one yet we're kind of at like yeah one point .5 is pretty accurate what I thought we were close hello hello who are you a friendly face am I a friendly face I'm look over there do you see that wretched little Hive it is swarming with brutish stupid rude gith Yan I was doing them a favor offering to buy of their eggs and how am I repaid wait you Tred to buy one of their children wait what what no of course not I was merely well the society believes a gith yanki raised in a peaceful nurturing environment can overcome its violent nature they I would like us to agree to help but surely the GI would welcome a person with such sympathetic you want us to steal of their babies no I want us to tell her that we're going to and then I want to try and convince her that an owl bear egg is actually a GI yane egg and then get the money from me out compated of course persuasion check sure that's a g egg pre chat pre yug wait poed off what the Society doesn't know won't hurt it and we're left handsomely leged either way POG hi bird I've got nothing left to take so you might as well shove off someone steal something from you steal Eagles are bigger they just take Nest prey everything that's how it works here that doesn't sound very fair it's not bloody fair I got there first the Eagles don't even need it attack the whiny bird no you want deal with the Eagles you kill an eagle but if you think you can I'll see what I can do little bird oh the [ __ ] was that oh that's enough one your feet whoa hey where are you taking us silence move no no no no I'm not going in there I won't n don't you dare n now you're dying now the captain is expecting you I see a giant eagle what up BB Intruder in my Nest this area was meant to be safe Savor get behind mommy persuasion oh my God fine Xavier Xavier don't talk to they might have germs the hell excuse me speak up please get out of my Nest you give save your ideas a no way they let you steal their Warhammer it's not your nest you took from save your ideas you would accuse me of a crime in my own home outrageous oh you would accuse me of crime in our own home I'm going to wreck this bird holy [ __ ] Jesus carlac Xavier about to getu up they have families not anymore kill the child don't push me off the edge oh my God you got I don't think I need to rage this why do I always keep getting pushed off of bigs M almost strike then regular hit regular hit oh POG it's tough okay let let me grab the hammer wait you already got the hammer did I little BB's here hold up I got to talk to the little B oh nice glorious fe's bloody everywhere mate feels good to be home in my Nest thanks little BB enjoy your nest I found a door halt we were not expecting visitors kin you are infected fine report to the infirmary quickly going to the [Music] doctor going to get tadpole cured is this guy this imposing portrait depicts a powerful GI Yankee Warrior undeniably Regal in her mean draw a face oh you're going to draw a face on the GI Yankee goddess in front of everyone this will be fine uhoh holy [ __ ] I can't believe you're doing this in front of the entire crash you slip oh we're so dead perhaps you should oh we're so dead I'm running away good luck you should run you should run run FL I'm running I'm running I'm running run into the room holy [ __ ] bro you are fing psycho decision if you require treatment take a seat kin go to the sais I will ensure you're cured hog time is of the essence I'm going to get tadpool cured most of our never get to experience your body grows cold it's warmth sapped by the cold metal seat the machine awakens yeah it looks fine this is fine you must focus on the parasite at all times the zisk will do the rest layers of magic weave themselves tightly around your head the tple squirms and contracts it's trying to hide you realize the device is hunting your parasite but it's doing so blindly without Direction your faculties could be permanently damaged your skull groans and bends under the pressure then I oh no good luck oh no oh no no buff oh no uhoh uh luck wait wait oh no not the minus one intelligence I'm inspired oh god oh what the [ __ ] what all of our inspirations [ __ ] I actually really want this H oh my God oh my Inspirations are gone it's fine it's fine surely they won't be all intelligent chicks lurking presence the device searches too you sense its hunger its craving it wants the tadpole but maybe something more keep going my child the gake spawn will soon be gone this can't be right that thing's going to kill you move no the parasite Burrows deeper sinking its teeth into your brain's exposed tissue it sucks greedily this is fine feel yourself ebing away while the parasite only grows stronger this is fine oh it's wisdom it's wisdom it's wisd wisdom it's fine it's wisdom it's wisdom oh I could get myself Advantage I think I'm going to do that Holy shits okay okay okay it'll be fine PR give me some prees in the chat give be a three and a seven shut the [ __ ] up what's wrong with you PRD thank you thank you get that was a little close that's it soon your suffering will be over again the device yearns for the creature for every part of you tainted by its presence you will be consumed the a different magic is building within it this is F this one is rotten no no more what are where are they saving throw cleric saving throw oh cleric saving throw for sure oh boy oh that's a big one oh it's fine can you give we have one more inspiration we yeah I did I gave myself Advantage already oh Jesus it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's not fine it's not fine it's it's okay we're inspired we're inspired you di you dead no we're inspired oh my inspires are gone trust me trust me this was worth all of the inspiration magic it strength multiplied it unleashes on the machine the two forces fuse violently together your brain their conduit it your body and mind mind drift apart you are being undone enough holy [ __ ] it exploded the room swims back into Focus your mind is intact yet unfamiliar inside it the tadpole lives on and you feel different no no the a dis what have you done wait here I will gather my tools that was too close Okay so the reason why that was so important is because by succeeding all of those checks I got a buff a permanent buff called yes yes yes yes I got a permanent buff called awakened and it says you can use all of your elith powers as a bonus action so basically now because you are going to always use your bonus actions to rage and to attack yeah but I usually don't use my bonus action for anything unless I'm healing something so now I can use lith powers as a bonus action to buff you and the rest of us so are we ready to get out here well the door is locked so we'll have to see if I can actually unlock it first I can break it down well there is people on the other side okay there we go oh okay so uh uh we're fighting our way out I guess I'm guessing they don't like us I would like to rage he would like to rage nice massive what the [ __ ] they missed guys suck there you go ni show enjoy your haste hey now hide run hide away you might want to kill the girl at the door so that she doesn't break Gil's haste nice nice now you're locked in here with me I think she can probably just Open theing Door nope no door unlocking for you she's one HP love it nice sweet all right now hopefully the rest of the crush isn't also going to try to kill us while we're here we will kill them all probably should long rest anyways I'm not sure if it even matter the chest just squealed at me I saw that who the [ __ ] are you ow motherucker all right F5 long rest time yes please we have much to discuss oh boy you will readily witness our silver swords cleave putrid gake flesh if you do but one thing give me the weapon now yeah see you up you fed up then your illustrious Adventure ends here PF H I think you're hitting him at the same time I am and you're throwing me back I don't know I've never seen that happen before that's kind of hilarious though why is he getting knocked down every time holy [ __ ] we owned that guy swords meet sorcery wrecked oh [ __ ] uh mag so uh to the D I appreciate it you didn't hear that though why did that not go off that's weird who the are you I was kind of hoping my character would get this you are invited to KNE yeah okay there's a very important option here we have to [Laughter] [Music] choose also hit F5 real quick yeah this is the lady that which is painting or you on her painting but are you friend or are you Thief I didn't hear you what you say you drew you drew on her painting earlier oh yeah oh whoops the astral prism it is corrupted there is someone inside as long as they live the prism is complete sounds like a you problem cuz as long as they live I Stay Alive find the one inside and kill be aware they are not alone and they will appeal to your trust they are not to be believed you must accept refuse and know my Fury oh so you're you're either accept or I threaten you that's that you should have been learning the whole way through this is not the way I will be obeyed okay you know what do it yourself wish to godhood I wish you to end did I just die yeah she used wish on us what the [ __ ] is what the [ __ ] is wish the ninth level spell that lets you wish anything and she wished us to die what all right I'm done don't do it heat pulses out of the astral prism as it begins to flower your mind Burns hot with excitement pretty a Timeless space bounded compressed in a intelligence a pocket of astral plane can't believe what I'm seeing this place is would be gushing over the astral plane right now no instead she's gushing blood on the ground in our camp true loot must Lo all the loot I don't like that I picked up a bone and then the recipe wait okay wait wait wait I got to show you this uh open up open up your uh Alchemy pouch and look for the the Divine bone or whatever you just picked up okay right click examine it what do it what does it look like what what is what does it look like not giving you it not giving it you're not going to get me in nope going in okay I may have made a mistake trusting you I told you to stay away from the gith Yankee but you just couldn't help yourself could you well actually I did try to listen to you were you really I'm just like you an adventurer from Boulders gate that was infected with an elith tadpole and seeks to be free oh yeah the dialog history vth warned you that I would try to deceive you but consider this what reason have I to deceive you I want the same thing as you Freedom it seems I was right to put my faith in you after all I'll give dream dream girl a chance will be furious she feels nothing more than the Los of Empire the knowledge I have of her deception will bring that about I have delayed long enough the next attack is overd and I can't risk you being caught in the middle of it I need you out there searching for the absolute you were on the right path to moonrise Towers return to it I hope you are ready to face laith's wroth the entire Crush stands ready to kill you in her name good luck you look like you've seen a we will crush them all and then yeah I guess we can teleport back back into the crush yeah might as well okay so go to the crush actually should we be in here I feel like everyone might want to trying to kill us well do we want to kill everybody or do we want to just leave uh the the blood thirst is real step forward how is she holding concentration on that one what what what a [ __ ] she's dead now holy [ __ ] life clear is so broken uh Gail what's up he just wanted to go on a trip around the world you know all right buddy you [ __ ] nice another step forward did you just loot the vendor of course I did nice B uh I think I'm good I definitely need a Sal though when Adventure calls I now I'm good now all right we'll head back up this way and we'll head to act two nice can't believe we made it to get act two it's crazy you should uh hit F5 and then once it's done loading look and see how long our our save file is so far 26 hours 49 minutes damn B oh a rabbit oh he empty who the [ __ ] are you who there wonderer elminster the very same Gail meet elminster Omar a good friend of mine but rather more significantly he's the most famed and respected wizard in the Realms and I indeed she sent me Gail you know of whom I speak but why out with it elminster to your camp Oh don't tole now lad we did it congratulations on leaving Act One woo got go talk to the wizard and then we're good mhm got 204 heal Dam there you are now I hope you don't mind I having ingratiated myself into the most God I hate Elman places your Provisions I'm here on behalf of mistra you know where you went wrong Gail no we need dwell on that here and now but even so you're to be given a chance of redemption mistra would consider forgiveness she would consider what she considers to be forgiveness you must know that the absolute is more dangerous than you can possibly conceive that is why I have come here to charge you Gail with its destruction it is mistress belief but only you can yeah I think you're barking up the wrong tree I got it though I will be the absolute Destroyer I doubt not your conviction but Gail has an unnatural Advantage mistra has granted me the power to stop the clock as it were on the orbs rush to overpower you instead you will be able to unleash its leful combustion wait so you're telling me do I get the keys to the nuke why are you acting like this is a good thing this is awful when win what do you mean M is literally telling oh I'll forgive you if youing kill yourself me too it brings me after I groomed you as a child friend oh I [ __ ] her too but I if I have keys to the nuke that's [ __ ] awesome yours must be the sacrifice oh nether re orb blast yes please take that off of the hot bar for the time being so I just I just saved right R yeah run sure yeah yeah run running makes a difference here for sure run I I don't want to watch this part I just want to see what happens what what kind of weapon am I working with here it's so [Music] sad oh that's a little more graphic than I was expecting [Music] n [Music] la
Channel: Flats
Views: 280,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flats, Flats Overwatch, FlatsOW, Flats_OW, flats bronzes, overwatch, Overwatch streamer, Florida mayhem Flats, overwatch 2, Overwatch 2, flats, florida mayhem flats, Overwatch, flats overwatch, flats overwatch 2, overwatch 2 flats, flats baldur's gate 3, flats bg3, bg3, BG3, baldur's gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3
Id: vmtMCzYhoGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 252min 47sec (15167 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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