Etsy SEO 2021 | How Etsy Algorithm Works | Etsy SEO Explain | Increase Etsy Sales 2021

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Do you currently struggle with Etsy SEO? 🤔Do you understand how Etsy's algorithm works? If so, check out my latest #Etsy video. I share with you 11 Etsy SEO tips so you can rank higher in search results, gain more visibility, and increase your Etsy sales. Click below to watch and grab my FREE Etsy SEO guide!👇

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nbadillo1 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone welcome welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video i'm going to be going over the top xc seo tips and hacks to help you rank your listings higher in the search feed gain more visibility for your products and increase your overall sales so you want to make sure that you watch this video all the way to the end since it's going to be value packed with tons of tips that will help you understand how xc seo and the algorithm actually works now if this is your first time visiting my youtube channel consider subscribing today i do upload weekly videos to help you build an impactful online business and don't forget guys this is for everyone if you have not done so yet hit that notification bell so you'll be the first one notified of any new videos that i upload also if you would like to receive this free xc seo guide i will leave the link right below this video so make sure that you go ahead and grab it so let's head over my computer to go over the 10 tips that i have for you today alright so here we are in my computer and let's go ahead and get started with 10 xe seo tips and tricks that i have for you today so offering something unique and irresistible is the first step in drawing in shoppers making sure your exe photos are cropped in a complementary way and that you have amazing photos is a must now i think from for majority of us we already know this however there are many contributing factors that affect your search placement in the feed so understanding how xc's algorithm works are important since it determines where your listings will rank so you want to make sure that not only is your shop and listings are optimized for seo so prospective buyers can find your products but you also want your buyers to have an amazing experience when they shop and buy from you so you want to make sure that you have your about me section completed your shop policies completed that you have great reviews and that you have no cases open against your store all of these things do determine where your listings will rank so if you have bad reviews or you have a case open against your store or you've never completed your shop policies your listings will rank less keep that in mind it's really important that you have your store completely completely done the right way so you could have a higher chance of getting more traffic to your store and taking advantage of xe's building traffic and also google so tip number one is don't try to fix it if it's broke if it's not broken so if you have a listing that drives you a lot of traffic to your shop that's an indicator that xc seo is working if you want to test out different tags it's better if you duplicate the listing add the new tags and then do a b testing you always want to do data driven decisions always check your xc stats and see which listings are not driving you know traffic and then fix those listings you don't want to make the mistakes of changing all of your tags and ending up with you know your traffic gone and totally dead so make sure that you only fix the ones that you need to fix tip number two is that tag entitled relevancy does matter so exact phrase matches are stronger than matches on individual words so tags or phrases that appear in both the title and tag of listings are considered to you know to xe more relevant than a listing with that word or phrase in the tags or title alone now this doesn't mean that you should keyword stuff your title since xe does frown upon it just make sure it's optimized for xc seo but is user friendly for the prospective buyer to be able to read and understand what exactly you're selling so you want to make sure that you have a balance of both you're optimizing it for seo but it's very user friendly for the customer so make sure you have a balance of both tip number three is do not repeat attributes and categories in your title and tags and this is a common mistake that i see many xe sellers make is forgetting that the attributes and categories act like tags and they're missing on potential more traffic in general right so this is what i took from one of xe's articles this is what they say exactly search uses your title your tags your categories and attributes when trying to match you to buyers so when a buyer enters a query we are looking for all the keywords that you have added across those four dimensions so the four that we just talked about adding the exact phrase that appears in your category in attributes is actually a missed opportunity to maybe add an additional tag that's unique to the item that you're selling so if you see that one of your tags is the same as your category go back to the tag remove that one and replace it with a different tag that you could potentially rank for and you do the same with attributes as well tip number four is use long-tail keywords so focus right on using long-tail keywords they have less competition there they are better targeted traffic higher conversion rates and great for highly competitive niches now if the tag is longer than 20 characters which most likely they will be because it's usually three keywords or more just break them down into two or three tags when you use when you're uploading them in your listing and for example if someone is searching for shoes right they're probably just shopping around and not looking for something specific so somebody typed in on xe search feed shoes they're going to get all random things they're going to get shoes for toddlers shoes for men shoes for women etc however if someone is searching for red women running shoes right they're looking with an intent to buy they're looking for something specific and if you sell this product you have a higher chance of getting a sale because this person is searching for something that they need they might come across your listing and then if they like what you sell buy from you this is why long-tail keywords have a higher a higher conversion rate because people are searching with an intent to buy if somebody types in also let's say gold earrings right gold butterfly earrings that's what they're looking for versus if they type in earrings by itself so that's why long-tail keywords perform better than broader or competitive keywords tip number five is recency is important shows xc's algorithm reviews how recently an item was listed or relisted so if you have to fix the seo of an old listing duplicate the listing then fix it and publish it as a new listing this will give you a small boost in the search feed since it's considered now a new listing and you will have a better chance of getting a higher listing quality score so i'm going to explain that right now so every time whether you are a new store or you upload a new listing that particular listing gets a temporary boost in the search in the search results and xe's trying to see how many people interact with that listing how many people are clicking how many people are buying etc based on how people interact with it it could last for a few hours to a few days this is exactly from xe what they say based on how people interact with that listing it could it could have a higher listing quality score it could have a lower listing quality score it could become a best seller it just depends on how people engage with the listing and that's why you get that temporary boost because they will put you in the first page of etsy to see how people interact with it so doing it this way is better because if you have a listing that's completely dead and you haven't gotten any traction from it it's going to be better if you just duplicate it fix the listing and then let you know the temporary boost help you and see how people actually do the second time around right interact with that listing and hopefully you'll have a higher listing quality score and then place higher in the search feed as well tip number six is stop repeating keywords in tags so the 13 tags you add should all be unique as possible for example having tags such as bird art print and animal wall decor will get that listing in front of more potential buyers than bird print and bird art so make sure that that you're using diverse tags to amplify your reach so you're not being redundant and repeating the same tags over and over tip number seven include your focus tag in your title so the listing title is crucial right to xc seo and it helps you find your products in not only on the xe search feed but also on google so the most important tag should be placed at the beginning of your title since it holds the most way for seo and lead with the keywords that best describe what your item is since that's what shoppers see when they're browsing especially on mobile devices that it does get uh truncated tip number eight is focus on your meta description as well this is one thing that many people don't do or don't realize that they have to do the first 150 to 160 characters of your listing description will be used for your meta description you will need to make sure to include the same tag that you use in your title and this this will be the snippet shown to people when they search for your products on google so this is really important because when you optimize your meta description the right way this is what's shown on people on google so that way you could drive traffic from google and what i always recommend make sure that you include an enticing description of your product include the focus tag and add a call to action this is really important the call to action will help increase your click-through rate and drive more traffic from google to your shop and the call to action could be click to learn more click to shop now click to get yours today whatever type of call to action but you want to tell that prospective buyer what type of action you want them to take and that will increase your click-through rate they'll go back to your store engage with that listing and hopefully buy from you tip number nine is optimize your listing description with tags and this is another big mistake i see many etsy sellers make is not add the tags in the actual listing description so they focus maybe on the meta description and they forget all about the rest of the description so search engines look at the page full content so make sure to craft a well-written listing description using your tags and providing everything and anything the customer needs to know about your product make sure to include your tags as naturally as possible throughout your listing description because google does not does not like keyword stuffing so keep that in mind tip number 10 is make sure to optimize your shop sections so another best proactive way right to boost your shop's seo is by naming your shop sections every section has its own landing page with a page title that is pulled from that section name so therefore you need to briefly describe the products in each specific section make sure to name your sections with keywords you want to rank for and it will help your shoppers navigate your shop but also get your products found on google so we're trying to optimize it for the customer but also trying to optimize it for seo to drive more traffic from google to your store and bonus tip number eleven this is one that i don't see too many people talking about or telling people that they need to do this one i wanted to make sure to include it in here is inbound links so i recommend that you eventually unless you have one now have a website along with your etsy shop xe recommends getting inbound links to your xc shop so you could gain higher placement in search results the more people write about your shop and listings online it helps the search engines know that people are interested in your products and it does help your rankings overall so you could also if you don't want to have your own website you can also become a guest blogger on other people's sites and then link back to your shop you could do that that way as well obviously the higher the quality of the blog the more seo juice you're passing through the link so make sure that you just don't do guest blogging on any anybody's website make sure that you do it on high quality websites that get a lot of traffic and have a high authority and keep in mind that xc seo should be and absolutely be a part of your marketing plan but not the entirety of it when you're first starting out on xc especially if you don't have an online presence you don't have um an email list you don't have anything else xc seo is amazing that's why a lot of people like selling on xc because they have already a building traffic but eventually because there's many people there's so much competition it can be saturated depending on the niche that you're in you need to expand your digital footprint by using other platforms by doing email marketing and other things as well if you're interested in signing up on my xc mastery course i will leave a link right below this video where i teach you how to use pinterest where i teach you how to use other social media platforms to grow your exe business but definitely start with xc seo and once you have that down pack try to expand your business by having a website by having email marketing and even like pinterest is a great starting point if you don't want to feel overwhelmed using other platforms like instagram facebook etc but pinterest email marketing and a blog are the best ones to start with and then later on you can expand as you start feel more confident in using these platforms let me know if you have any questions about everything that i just talked about in the comments below and i'll be more than happy to answer them and thank you everyone for watching
Channel: Nancy Badillo
Views: 31,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etsy seo 2021, etsy long tail keywords, etsy long tail focus keywords, Etsy algorithm 2021, Etsy SEO Explain, Etsy seo tips 2021, how to rank on Etsy, etsy ranking, etsy seller tips 2021, Increase Etsy sales 2021, Increase Etsy Sales, how to increase Etsy shop sales, selling on Etsy for beginners 2021, Etsy 2021, How to sell on Etsy successfully, how etsy algorithm works, etsy algorithm, how to shop up in etsy search rank etsy, etsy ranking algorithm, etsy algorithm change
Id: yCX63f2h7Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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