ETSY SEO 2022 | Etsy SEO tips and strategy to get SALES

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hey y'all do you ever feel like your etsy listings are just being completely hidden or just kind of like lost in a sea of other etsy products well in today's video i'm going to share with you guys some of my tips on how to actually be seen on etsy so if that sounds good to you just keep watching [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to my channel so glad you're here and if you're new here i'm kate i'm a mama to three precious kiddos and also a small business owner here on our channel we have a lot of different content we also want to help other small business owners specifically etsy sellers to have success working from home too so we put out a monthly sort of strategy video giving you guys tips and some tricks on what worked for us with our etsy businesses we owned two etsy shops one we started in 2015 which is now in the top one percent of all etsy shops and then we also just started our second etsy shop earlier this year so we really have a heart for helping people who are wanting to make that transition and work from home and be with their kiddos to be able to do that and have success make sure if you're not subscribed to our channel yet that you go ahead and subscribe and also hit the little bell icon so you can turn on your notifications and that way you won't miss any of our future content we upload videos each week also make sure to click over and follow us on instagram further ado let's hop into the topic of today's video which is etsy seo and this is the thing that's going to help you get seen on the etsy search seo stands for search engine optimization and what that basically means is that any search engine has an algorithm that it works on to bring up a match of whatever the person is searching for on that search engine so etsy is a search engine which means that people go on and they type in what they're looking for and then etsy has an algorithm that it's basically a formula that etsy works on to figure out what products should come up as a match and research has actually proven that when a shopper goes on to find a product they're looking for they actually do two searches they'll do one first main search which is kind of to narrow it down from a very broad spectrum of what they're looking for and then the second search is a more specialized or narrow search something that's a little more specific to find exactly the right item for them so i want to show you an example of this just so you can see what i'm talking about if we go on etsy let's say it's getting close to mother's day and so i want to look up a gift for my mom so i might type in mother's day gift let's see what comes up when i type that in you'll see a ton of different types of products like signs cutting boards pictures mugs we've got some jewelry some key chains so if i'm a shopper looking for a mother's day gift and i really don't have any clue yet what i want i might look at this first page and just scroll down and see everything and then oh i see a candle i really like this idea of giving my mom a candle but this one says grandma and i need one just for my mom so i might like that idea and then go back up to the search to do my second search to narrow it down even further so i'm gonna now type in candle for mom and when i type that in you can see this is a much more narrow and specialized search because the only things that are coming up now are candles that would work for a mom so then i'm going to if i'm a shopper i'm going to probably just go through these and choose which one i like the best so that's an example of how a shopper would do two searches and you definitely want to be found on that second more narrow search because that is the search where the shopper is actually going to click through and purchase something so how can you guarantee that you will be found on that second search is the question and the answer is to use long tail keywords which we'll talk about more in depth in just a little bit etsy seo works in two phases so the first phase is query matching and the second phase is ranking so let's talk about that first phase which is query matching this is basically the phase where the shopper will go on to the etsy search and type in a phrase or keyword for what they're looking for and then etsy will scan through all the tags and titles and information from all the different etsy shops and their listings to try to match that query or that search that the shopper typed in so the way that etsy does this is by looking through your tags your titles your attributes that you filled out for your listings your categories and it tries to make the closest match possible so when the shopper hits search and they get that results page that comes up or pages and pages of results those results have been run through the etsy algorithm and etsy has decided that these are the products that are closest to what the shopper is looking for so you want to definitely be found in that first phase of the search which is the query matching and the way to do this is just to make sure that for every product and every listing that you have you have all of your tags filled out which is 13 that etsy allows per listing 13 tags and then your title which we'll talk about in a minute how to know what to use for your tags and title but you want to make sure all 13 tags are used your title is really good and then also you want to make sure your categories are filled in for each listing and the attributes so sometimes you may have attributes or categories that are not really applicable for that specific product but you want to make sure that you fill out everything that is applicable for as many products and as many of your listings as possible because this gives etsy the most information possible in that query matching phase the second phase is called ranking and this comes after the query matching so etsy now has gone through all of the listings and brought up results that match the shoppers query or their search term but now it has to rank all of those listings that are in the results so it basically has to determine which of those maybe hundreds and hundreds of listings match that search most specifically so it's gonna wanna show the shopper on that very first page what etsy thinks are the top listings that are a perfect match for that search now etsy has come out and said that there are seven specific factors that contribute to ranking in the search so if you want to rank in that first page and be found higher up in the search results you really need to pay attention to these seven factors the first factor that contributes to the ranking process is relevancy and what this basically means is how relevant is your listing compared to what that shopper has typed in so an exact match of that phrase that the shopper typed in and a tag or a title is going to appear first and appear higher in the search it's going to be considered more relevant for the shopper let's use our example of the mother's day candle from earlier so if a shopper went on and typed in candle for mom and i had a listing that had that same exact phrase candle for mom listed in maybe my tags and my title and my description then etsy is going to consider my listing more relevant than maybe a listing that says mother's day candle because even though it's the same idea my phrase was an exact match for what that shopper typed in so it would be considered more relevant and it would be shown higher up on the search results the second factor that contributes to ranking is called the listing quality score this is a score that etsy gives to every listing based on how well that listing converts which means what is the percentage of times that a shopper clicks on it and actually follows through to complete the transaction that's called a conversion when a listing actually makes a sale so what percentage does this listing actually make a sale in the end the higher that percentage is the higher quality score that listing will have and therefore the higher up in the search results it will be shown etsy has specified that brand new listings start out with a neutral quality score which means they're not high or low until it's had a little time to figure out if it's going to convert well or not scs also said that when a new listing comes out it does get a very small temporary boost in the search results so that etsy can go ahead and determine what the quality score should be the third factor that contributes to ranking is recency so this means how recently an item was listed now a lot of people think if they're just constantly coming out with new products and new listings and renewing their older listings that it'll just boost them right up to the top and that's not exactly how it works etsy has said that brand new listings do get a very small temporary boost in the search results just because they haven't had time to assign it a quality score yet so it does give it a little boost just for the purpose of getting that listing seen a few times and to go ahead and see what kind of quality score it should be assigned in the beginning but that temporary boost is very small and it only lasts from a few hours to a few days at best so etsy has said it's not really worth it as a strategy to think that you need to constantly be listing new things every day or trying to renew your items all the time etsy has said not to do that and that it's not really for that purpose but of course as an etsy seller you do want to always be thinking ahead and be thinking about what your next products and what your next product lines will be and don't shy away from trying to list new things on a consistent basis because that really can naturally help your shoppers to be coming back and looking at your new things but as a strategy for just for the sake of recency i wouldn't put too much effort in trying to just be like constantly listing new products every day all right the fourth factor that contributes to the ranking phase is the customer and market experience score this is basically your shop score overall as a shop this is how well your shop has done as far as reviews that you've received and how well your customers have enjoyed their interaction with you there's a few things you can do to boost this score for your shop one is making sure that you have your about section filled out and giving the customer as much information about you and your shop as possible this also includes having all of your shop policies filled out etsy has said that they will give a higher score to shops that have these sections filled out and then you also of course want to make sure that your reviews are top-notch so you're doing everything you can to get your buyer to leave you that five-star review the more great reviews you have and the more people are raving about how much they love your shop the higher your shop score will be okay we're on to number five the fifth factor that contributes to ranking is shipping now i've mentioned this before and the importance of offering free shipping if you can i cannot stress it enough as etsy has come out and been very open with the fact that they favor shops in the search that have free shipping options and research actually shows that buyers are 50 percent more likely to complete the transaction and buy a product with free shipping available even if the cost of the item is a little bit higher shipping is a very important factor to shoppers and so i would encourage you if you're able to offer free shipping across the board for your shop to do that and the way that you can do that is to factor in whatever you're going to have to pay in shipping into the price of the item so that you're not losing out but it's just built into the cost etsy has said that listings that ship free to the us and have a us free shipping guarantee will appear higher in the search results for u.s shoppers in the app and they also get priority in being shown everywhere that etsy advertises in the us your listings are also going to be prioritized in being shown in etsy's marketing campaigns wherever they market in the us so this includes their email marketing their tv ads and their social media so you're more likely to be featured on one of those if you have free shipping available all right number six is translations and language so this is super easy and simple it basically just means that your tags and your titles for every listing should be in the same language that you chose for your overall etsy shop language so you don't want to in the beginning set your shop up for a certain language and then have your tags with titles in a different language don't worry about translations etsy will translate for you if the shopper is searching in a different language all right the seventh and final factor that contributes to ranking is the shoppers habits so etsy has a really smart algorithm that can see what the shopper has actually searched for the types of products and items they've looked for in the past and they use something called context specific ranking which basically means that when a shopper types in a certain phrase they will show results to that shopper that they think the shopper will be most likely to purchase based on their history so knowing this i would encourage you don't go on to etsy and search to see where your result pops up and then base your idea of how well your listing is doing on that search result because most likely it'll be somewhere in the top because it's your listing and most likely you've searched for something similar to that before or you viewed that listing before and so etsy's going to use your own search history to then pull it up so it's not really as accurate of a reflection of how well your listing is doing overall because it's going to look different for every shopper so instead of using that method to determine how well a listing is doing use your analytics you can actually go into your etsy analytics and see which of your listings are converting the most which tags and titles are being searched the most and what phrases people are actually using to find your listings and that way you can see which of your tags and titles and listings are really set up well with your seo and what things maybe you should go in and change around or take off or add in just to give your listings a little refresh so those are the seven factors that contribute to that second phase of etsy seo which is the ranking phase so remember we want to have the query matching we want to be found in the first search but then we also want to be ranked very highly among those search results so those are the seven factors but there's actually a lot of information on how to optimize your tags and your titles and your description so if you're interested in taking a deeper dive into that i actually talked more about it in the last etsy video that i did but for now i will leave you with two pro tips for your description number one is that you want to include your tags and whatever keyword phrases you've decided on in the first line of your description so etsy not only uses your tags and titles but your description as well for seo and for those ranking purposes so the more times you can fit in those specific keyword phrases that you're trying to rank for in your tags in your titles in the first lines of your description the more likely it is that etsy is going to see oh this is a really good match i see this phrase over and over again so not only in your tags and titles but also include it in your description as much as possible without just keyword stuffing you know you don't want to just make it like a big jumble of random keywords it still needs to flow and it still needs to be something that the shopper can read through easily and have really beautiful descriptive words in there too but you definitely don't want to forget to include those tags in your description and the second tip for your description that i have found has really helped my listings perform better is to actually include a lot of inbound links to your other listings so let's say maybe a shopper finds this listing but it's not exactly what they're looking for they might want a different color or a different style and it's something that you offer but it's in a separate listing you want to have a list of links that go to some of your other listings so the shopper can click through if they want to there are two purposes for this one is to keep the shopper on your page and your shop looking at your items and to give them different options but the most important purpose for this it actually helps listings to perform better if there are inbound links that are embedded in other pages so the more your link is shared on facebook or in a blog or even yes your own other listings that will help boost those listings in the search for every one of my wreath listings in the description after i share the actual information about the wreath i have a whole section that says check out our other wreaths here and i have all the links to all of my different other wreath listings in case they might be looking for something just slightly different or they want to just explore what we have available those are two extra tips that i think can really help you in getting your listings to convert better and to be seen higher in the search results okay friends well that brings us to the end of our talk on etsy seo so i hope that information was helpful for you and again in the comments below i want to know what your biggest frustration is or your pain point with running your own small business i know there's a huge learning curve for most of us and especially on etsy as things change it takes a while to sort of figure out how things work and what you can do to optimize your shop and get things running smoothly so let me know we would love to have these ideas for future content and future videos to really know what we can help you with and we would also love if you'd subscribe if you're not already again we have a lot of different content on our channel and make sure to give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it and if it was a help to you thanks so much for watching and we'll talk again very soon
Channel: Kate Hayes
Views: 58,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy seo, etsy seo 2020, how to do etsy seo, what is etsy seo, etsy search engine optimization, etsy listing seo, etsy seo 101, etsy seo algorithm, etsy seo erank, etsy shop seo, understanding etsy seo, etsy seo for beginners, etsy sales, etsy boost sales, etsy more sales, etsy no sales, etsy sales 101, making etsy sales, kate hayes, increase etsy sales, etsy seo tools, etsy tags, how to sell on etsy, selling on etsy, etsy tips, etsy 2020, etsy shop, etsy seo tips
Id: aDV5KhOv_qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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