How to do TITLES and TAGS for Etsy Search (+ 5 mistakes to avoid!) | Etsy SEO Keyword Strategy 2021

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if you've been pulling your hair out trying to piece together the different bits and pieces of it see as you advance the internet is throwing at you to figure out what to do with your titles and your tags this is the video for you first I'll show you five very common mistakes many Etsy sellers make and why they might seriously be getting in the way of your products getting found in NC search then we'll look at what to do instead and help you create the three-step action plan to do your titles and tags the right way let's dive in hi I'm Deb founder of physical a membership community for makers and handmade shop owners just like your fantastic self and today we're chatting it's C SEO and I want to make clear that none of what I'm going to explain is stuff I made up or tricks to get you to hack the algorithm there is no such thing these are all facts learned directly from Etsy and I'll make sure to quote them and to link to further resources below that I strongly encourage you to take a look at as you learn more about it see su there is a lot of misguided information getting passed around online around Etsy SEO and the Etsy algorithm is also always changing so for these reasons I think you should always fact check what you learn rather than blindly follow a tactic that works for one person in isolation and that might not be right for you or adult speaking of let's dive straight into mistake number one the first mistake is so widespread and so many people will still recommend your duties even though it's years multiple-time said that this was not a good strategy it's the idea that your titles must match your tag this is not true and if you are trying to repeat all your keywords in your channels and in your tags you're going to one go crazy and two you're going to kill your chances at getting found on Etsy yet so many sellers do this now the reason this mistake is being made is because of this statement made by Etsy that has been taken out of context and misinterpreted by way too many people and it says the most descriptive and relevant keywords for your listings should appear in both your titles and your tags okay at this stage you're probably a bit confused Deb you just don't match them but then it see says if they should appear in both barrels and tax so which one is it and fair enough it is a little bit confusing but the simple answer is you should match only the most relevant keywords or phrase in your titles and tags but absolutely not all of them there are two main reason why repeating your tags in your titles is a bad idea one it's a missed opportunity to save space for a broader variety of keywords and phrases and to increase your chances at getting found if you don't repeat all your tags in your title then you have more space in your title for more keywords that you couldn't fit in before second is that you're going to end up doing what's called keyword stuffing your titles meaning they will look like they've been written to treat the algorithm or they've been written for computer rather than for actual shoppers actual human being or as its he says it given that you have 13 spaces for tags for each listing all of the keywords that you use as tags don't necessarily need to appear in your title to a long title stuff with a bunch of keywords might make it difficult for shoppers to quickly find the items that you're selling when the scanning search results instead for your Tero think about prioritizing the most descriptive phrases and keywords so remember you do not need to match all your tags to your title you will still be found in search for tags attributes and categories that are not repeated in your title and speaking of tags and attribute let's take a look at mistake number two another easy mistake to make is forgetting that the attributes and categories that you selected when you created your listing act as tags so when we think about tags and titles we often only think about the 13 tags you can manually peek when you create your listing but we forget about attributes and categories and that's a huge missed opportunity also meaning that if you have an item listed under the category stud earrings you don't need to repeat stud earrings as one of your 13 tags it's already in there and not only that but all the parent categories of the subcategory stud earrings will also act as tags for this listing so in this case jewelry and earrings will also act as tags for your listing you do not need to repeat them in your 13 tags same goes for attributes once you select your category in your list Etsy offers you a bunch of other options which will look different based on the category you picked that they will then use to help shoppers filter the results these are things like size material color and all these extra attributes also act as tax you don't need to repeat them in your 13 tags so if you have bronze or silver as an attribute you do not need to repeat silver or bronze in your tag or as it he says that search uses your title tags categories and attributes when trying to match youtubers so when a buyer enters a query we're looking at all the keywords that you've added across those four dimensions having the exact same phrases that appear in your categories and attributes is actually a missed opportunity to maybe add an additional tag that's unique to the item you're selling now aren't you mistake and number three and this one is also pretty widespread and it's a huge missed opportunity to use more keywords and add variety to your keywords to be found by more people imagine a title for a necklace that reads sterling silver minimalist necklace silver pine tree necklace minimalist necklace dainty silver pendant minimalist tree necklace at first it sounds okay but there is a lot of repetition in there let's highlight all the keywords that are repeated and chances are the tags are also repeating those same keywords this is all space you could use to have more variety and try more keywords like nature lover a $1 Montaigne inspired I'm making those up obviously but the point is he will still show up for minimalist read necklace even if you Terrell doesn't have those exact words in this exact order for example you would still show up for it if your terror was sterling silver minimalist necklace pine tree pendant because the words are they're just not in the exact order so instead of repeating the same key words multiple times in a title and in your tags add different keywords to broaden your reach similarly and that's mistake number four for you you do not need to repeat the same keyword over and over again in your tags for example you don't need to write boho our floral wall art botanical wall art the key word wall art does not need to be in your tags three times you could instead again broaden the possibilities of getting found by using different keywords such as Boer War art with tango print floral home decor and give yourself more chances of getting found by more people because they are all using different search terms now mistake number five I don't see it all that often anymore but I thought it was still worth mentioning here it c is smart and it will account for misspelling and plural so you don't need to add misspelling or you know the US versus the UK variation for words like say jewelry and you also don't need to worry about plurals for your keywords if someone types in I think the example is he uses is Diaries and you have the keyword Diary singular in it your listing will still show up so you don't need to waste characters space to account for those okay so now that we've covered the most common mistakes let's move on to what you should do and how to think about your tags and titles instead there are many different factors that come into play in the Etsy search algorithm for HC to decide which items will show first when someone types in a few keywords in the search valve if you need a refresher on exactly how the se search algorithm works I do have a video called the complete guide to Etsy search that are linked below and strongly recommend you watch before now and for this video when it comes to picking your taralyn tags the most important criteria you need to keep in mind is what's called relevancy when a shopper types in keywords into the search bar on Etsy Etsy compares them to four things you terral's your tags your categories and your attributes and then it asked itself how relevant is this listing to this shoppers search the more closely your tattles tags attributes and categories match what this shopper typed in the search bar the more likely it is that your item will show up higher in the search results because it is more relevant now practically what does this mean it means that your listing can match a shopper search exactly or broadly let's look at an example imagine your listing title is black oversized jumper organic cotton sweater personalized hoodie sweatshirt and someone comes to Etsy and types in the search a black oversized jumper you have an exact match because this exact phrase appears in your listing with the words in this exact order this tells it see your listing is pretty relevant if someone types seen black oversized hoodie you will still show up in search because black oversize and hoodie are all keywords appearing in your listing except this time it isn't an exact match but a broad match this means that if another shop has black oversized hoodie as an exact match in their listing that listing is in the algorithm is more relevant Daniels this doesn't mean this listing will necessarily show up before yours because as I said there is more than relevancy that comes into play in the search ranking but this is one of the different points of that either Etsy looks at so why is this important because as we've seen looking at the top five mistake just before you can't possibly hope to be an exact match for all your keywords and phrases because to do that you'd have to repeat them and essentially in your Terrell's tags attributes and categories and as we saw this is a missed opportunity to diversify your keywords and to get more reach for your listing which is exactly what you're trying to do so instead one peak one or two phrases that best describe your item in are the most relevant the ones you must want to be found under peak phrases that are not too broad and not too specific here and more on that in a second to try to aim for exact match for those key phrases and you'll want to repeat them in your tattle and in your tags these are your one two to focus keywords keyword phrases exactly match in your title in tags and three after that use all the room left all the characters you've got left in your titles and tags to add different search terms different keywords so you have more variety and better chances of being found by more people now you're probably left with one very good question which is when I am picking my key focus phrases or focus keywords how do I know what's too broad and what's too specific I have a video just about this and the famous longtail keywords what they are how they work how to use them that explain this in great details and that's coming up in the next couple of weeks by the time you're watching this it's probably live already so click the Etsy SEO playlist thumbnail that you can see somewhere on the screen right now to watch it next I think you'll find it super helpful if you're watching this video as it's being released make sure to subscribe to my channel to get notified when this video comes out thanks for watching and over
Channel: Deborah Engelmajer
Views: 135,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tizzit, how to sell on etsy for beginners step by step, etsy shop for beginners, etsy tags, etsy shop tips and tricks, how to sell on etsy - on etsy ads needed, etsy listing videos, etsy seller tips, how to sell on etsy successfully, etsy seo secrets, etsy tags seo, how to do titles and tags on etsy, etsy titles and tags, how to rank on etsy, etsy listing creation, etsy seo 2021, etsy 2021, etsy seo tutorial, etsy seo for newbies, etsy seo hacks, etsy seo tips, etsy keywords
Id: IUbOQ_6rw40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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