How To Start An Etsy Shop 2021 | How To Sell On Etsy 2021 | Etsy SEO 2021

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Hi there! I'm super excited about my latest YouTube video. I'm sharing 50 things I wish I knew before I started my #Etsy shop. If you're just starting your Etsy journey or maybe you are a seasoned seller this video is perfect for you. It's value-packed with a lot of tips, so make sure to grab a pen and paper, and head over to my YouTube channel to watch now!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nbadillo1 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone welcome welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video i'm going to be sharing with you guys 50 things i wish i knew before i started an etsy shop and this video is value packed with so much information so whether you are new on xc or you are a seasoned seller this is the video for you so make sure that you watch all the way till the end now if this is your first time visiting my youtube channel consider subscribing i do upload weekly videos to help you grow an impactful online business and don't forget to hit that notification bell so you'll be the first one notified of any new videos so let me know at the end of the video if you enjoyed it by liking and leaving a comment below so let's head over to my computer to get started all right so let's go ahead and talk about the 50 things i wish i knew before i started selling on xc so tip number one is you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great and the reason why i put this as number one is because many of us as xc sellers so first time business owners we start to overthink the process of starting a business and we start thinking about all the things that we need we need a license to sell we need a checking account for a business account we need this we need that we need an llc and then by the time we actually start the xc store it's like six months in so my biggest advice at least on the xe platform is get started and learn as you go you don't need a license to sell on xe you don't need a checking account to start an exit store now does it mean that you shouldn't get it no it means that you get it and you could get it eventually or during the process of starting your store but don't use that as a plateau for you not to continue the process of even getting started so make sure that you start and learn as you go tip number two it's okay to try different niches in the beginning so when you're first starting out there's three types of people the person that has too many ideas doesn't usually mean the person that has no idea what they want to sell and then there's usually the person that knows what they want to sell so they want to sell planners or they want to sell jewelry right so it depends on where you at but if you are number one or number two that you don't know what you want to sell or you have too many ideas it's okay to create a list of all the things that you potentially might want to sell on xc start selling on xe and once you find your winning products then it's okay to eliminate the additional products that you added to your store ultimately what you want to do is you want to have a store that's niched down that way you're creating products for an ideal customer and you become an industry leader in that particular niche that's how you you're able to grow a brand the right way when you have too many products too many ideas it is a lot harder for you to grow in the space so keep that in mind so if you want to stand out in a saturated market the best way is to create unique products for an ideal customer so you could grow a strong memorable brand number three is make sure that you add your unique selling proposition so no matter what you sell whether it's jewelries planners t-shirts what makes your product different from your competitors what makes your product outperform your competitors you want to make sure that you your product is different that way when people come across your products it makes it a no-brainer for that person to choose your product over other people's products keep in mind xc is saturated right and a lot of the problem with xc is that many people are creating very similar products so people are overwhelmed right with options but if your product is very different from everyone else's it will make it a lot easier for them to just buy from you and you could even charge premium pricing meaning you wouldn't have to compete with other stores and that's a plus plus for you so make sure that you add your unique selling proposition number four is understand who you serve this is important understanding who your products are for is going to help you build a robust line of additional products that they will buy from you over and over again and then also understanding who you serve is important because when you are using instagram or you using facebook ads it's a lot easier to target your demographic group of people if you don't know who you're serving or you just adding a whole bunch of different products and hoping you will make sales that's the wrong way to go about it you might get a sale here and there you might you know make a couple sales but you will never be able to scale the business to the next level and to the next level for everyone is different you might want to just make 500 a month maybe you want to make a thousand maybe you want to make 6 thousand a month is really depends on your goals everybody's goals are different however in order to increase your sales and have sales on a continuous basis you do have to ideally know who is your audience what problem do you solve for them what makes your product different from other people's products and why would they buy from you these are questions that you should be asking yourself that will make it easier for you to identify who is your ideal customer number five is your first photo listing description on your first try at xc seo will not be perfect the anything that you do your first time will be the the worst basically keep that in mind when i first created my etsy store because i'm not a graphic designer my exe photos were horrible um because i didn't really understand xc seo i didn't optimize my listings the proper way um my my listing description wasn't well written to be quite honest with you guys it's okay you're not gonna get everything perfect the first time around and to be quite honest you're going to be always changing stuff in your store i'm constantly changing my banner my branding the way i write certain things i start learning from my mistakes i start learning from my audience what they ask me all the time and i adjust and edit as i go so keep that in mind number six is optimize your xc listings for seo so when you are first starting out and you don't have an audience and you don't have an email list and you don't have a large following right what you have is xc seo this is the main reason why many people choose xc to sell on xc is because of the fact that they have a building traffic and that's amazing right because you're going to get traffic automatically so the best way to kick start your store and start getting brand visibility start driving traffic to your store is by making sure that you understand how to optimize your listing description so your title your listing description your tags your categories and your attributes these are the most important things when you're uploading a listing so understanding that learning it i have a course about it you can find the link right below this video i have free videos on xc seo in my youtube channel um there's tons of resources nowadays that you could learn xc seo but keep that in mind that's really important to manage this before you add 100 listings and all of them are not optimized the correct way number seven is optimize your shop for xc seo meaning that many people think all i have to optimize is my title my listing and that's it it doesn't stop there you also need to optimize your store for seo the right way as well so learning how to optimize your shop announcement learning how to optimize your shop sections with keywords is really important as well because that's going to drive you more traffic back to your exe store number eight it's okay to say no you're gonna get sometimes random requests from people they'll be like hey i want you to create this design but the design is from a different store if you know that that's going to be very time consuming and they're not willing to pay the price that you give you gave them don't just do it just to make a sale i used to do that before and what i learned from that mistake is that many people were taking advantage of me of the pricing i had to go buy a font or i had to go buy different clip art just to match whatever they wanted i ended up spending more money than i made right i was a negative by the time they paid me um make sure that if you know that it's going to be very time consuming or something that you really don't want to do it's okay it's okay to say no number nine is charge for more charge more for personalized items so if you know that you're going to be creating personalized items make sure that you charge more or somebody ask you make sure you say yeah i could add the name to the sign or i could add the name to that ring with an extra ten dollars an extra three dollars depending on what you sell make sure that you charge for more i actually did this when i opened my wedding store and this one strategy helped me make more money that year i ended up making my first year on xc 21 000. a lot of it was because i would charge more for personalized items transparent listing descriptions so what i mean by this is that when you're writing your listing description make sure that you are as transparent as possible include everything and anything the customer needs to know about that particular listing so make sure that you include what they will get um the size the color the shipping the refund if you offer any um if you sell digital products make sure that you include that the frames or the easel is not included these are just props make sure that you say nothing will be mailed right because a lot of people make the mistake thinking that they're going to get a physical item with digital products but make sure that you're very transparent it's really important to do that because it's going to help you with different reasons the reason number one is that it will avoid unnecessary messages to you asking you questions about your products two it will help build credibility with the customer when they're reading the listing description to make an informed decision of whether they want to buy from you or not and three it will help you in the future if you ever had any open cases against your store so just make sure that you take your time to be very detailed and explain everything they need to know number 11 is it's important to understand people don't read majority of people that have purchased from my store that have gave me a bad review is because they never read the listing description where i say i only sell digital products nothing will be mailed to you if you need to print it out you could do it here here and here i mean i have so much detail i explain how to buy it how to download the file where to get it printed out and i still get bad reviews occasionally because people don't read so don't take it personal don't feel like you're the only shop in the world that that's happening to it happens to many people whether they sell digital products or not it happens but the sooner you realize this the easier it will get when you get those people and the more you'll be able to defuse the situation talk to them in a calm you know manner way that you won't escalate like i used to so keep that in mind number 12 is open cases if you get an open case do not freak out i used to freak out i used to think this is the end of my shop my shop is going to get closed oh my god what should i do should i go ahead and give the credit don't do it if you know that you did everything in your part correctly you have helped the customer you have explained everything to them they have the particular item already but they still want to open the case against you make sure that you're very detailed on the case like you put in all the detail all the screenshots all the conversations you have tracking number if you're selling digital products send proof that you actually email them the product or google drive that they actually you know downloaded it through google dropbox or whatever software you're using make sure that you're very detailed with your answers and wait it's going to take a long time as well i know that some of my cases have taken almost a month for xc to close out the sale and i'll give you one thing a lot of times xc will close at the sale close out the case excuse me give the customer credit from their behalf they won't take it from my money because i didn't do anything wrong and that's it and end of the story um but just wait it out don't rush into giving a credit when you didn't do anything wrong from your end number 13 is keep all conversations on xe what i mean by this is that if you sell something to a customer and maybe they message you on instagram because sometimes that happens let them know hey by the way um please email me on xe if you sell digital products and you email them a file that was too large to upload on xe or maybe you did google dropbox and they're messaging you on your email make sure that you put in there please have let's have this conversation exe you want to keep all conversations on xc that's how xe wants it those are the rules are they against you emailing the customer no because i have asked this question personally because a lot of my files are over 20 megabytes and they're okay as long as you email them in lasse that's all you're doing after that all conversations have to be kept on xe so keep that in mind number 14 have a work life balance this is really important this is something that i personally have neglected in 11 years just recently last year i started doing more for myself and i started doing more personal things like doing 30 minute workouts making sure that i'm prepping food so i could eat healthier making sure i'm drinking more water making sure i'm taking more breaks making sure that i'm unplugging from social media and taking necessary breaks from there as well and understanding i can't answer every single question i used to stay up to four in the morning answering every dm every twitter every youtube comment and it was affecting my health and i had to realize that until i could afford a team of my own that people could run my social media that people could answer questions for me all the time if you are a solopreneur like myself meaning you do everything yourself you don't have help you are your customer service you are the product maker you are the crafter you are the ex-cseo everything right you do everything yourself you need to have a work-life balance you need to be okay with you know what i need a break i need to work out i need to spend time with my family and enjoy it and also be okay to say i need time for my business as well it's okay if you are a mom but you want to run a business there's a stigma on if you're a mom and you have a business you're neglecting your family no you're not it's okay for you to be a dad and want to run a business or a mom or whoever it doesn't matter who you are um i think my biggest advice is make sure that you're still taking time for yourself for your family right to enjoy things and unplug if you have to and then make sure that you have time for your business as well and that will make you happy on the long run especially if you're not making money or you're first starting out which can be very um hard in the beginning you know because it's something new you're trying to work it out and you're not making money and if you're not doing anything that makes you happy and then that's not working out it is almost like very overwhelming so keep that in mind i'm making sure that you balance it out you you set time you save you know from 11 to 3 in the afternoon i'm gonna work on my business and from three to seven i'm gonna dedicate it to my family and from like nine to eleven i'm gonna eat work out do some meditation whatever your form of meditation is right you could be working out you could be reading a book it could be taking a long nap it doesn't matter as long as you feel good inside and you're mentally healthy as well number 15 is get rid of the to-do list i used to have this problem where i would create a list of 50 things today's monday this is the 50 things i have to do and if i did 30 out of the 50 i would feel like a loser i would say well i didn't do everything i needed to do i wasn't productive well doing 30 things out of 50 is very productive so what i have realized the best thing that i do now is that i do a list of six things three are the three things that will propel my business what can i do every single day there are three things that will help me grow my business in general and what are three things that i could do every day that will help my personal goals like get in better shape or develop a better relationship with my husband or develop a better relationship with my son right depending on your goals three things that will help you for your personal everyday do those things you will have such more of a a healthy work balance lifestyle you'll be so much happier it's really has helped me a lot and i wish i could be the the person that invented that i wasn't i got it from a book and it is probably one of the best advices i have gotten in addition to that um anything i do extra that day if i happen to do more things those are bonuses i'm just happy like oh i was able to do a youtube video i did a reals i did a i don't know um an instagram story those are extra things um but i try to focus on the three things that are the most important things at that moment that's going to help me grow my business and everything else is a plus if i get to it number 16 is close out orders if you have orders that you already completed you already shipped out or you have orders for digital products that were personalized you completed make sure you close it out at the moment you finish that order because if you leave them there you forget they do count negatively against your store you have um a metric called the customer market needs i think it's called it's on the xc seller's handbook and what they do is based on your reviews based on your open cases against you based on um delays that you have on open orders all of that affects your placement in the search feed and how your listings show up so make sure that you close out orders as soon as you finish them number 17 is understand your conversion rate um this is something that many people don't understand or they don't take the time to learn i hadn't learned this this is not something that i knew about this when i first started doing business online but understanding your conversion rate is really important and it's very cool actually because if you know that for every 100 visits you get two orders that's two percent that's your two percent conversion rate now you know okay so every 100 visits i get two orders if i want to get um six orders a month then i need to have um one 300 visits so i could get three um six orders if i want to get eight orders a month i need to have 400 visits so once you have that data then you're able to go ahead and run a facebook ad and it will be more effective because then you'll be able to adjust your budget so you could get a certain amount of visits because you know once you get those visits you're gonna get two sales per every hundred so that's how you increase your sales that's how you effectively scale your xc ads or scale your facebook ads or any other type of ads you do in the future that's how you're able to start driving more traffic to your store whether it's through pinterest um instagram facebook whether it's organically right for free or paid traffic paid traffic will give you the quickest results obviously because um with organic traffic if you don't have a huge following it is going to be hard to drive a hundred people per day however with a facebook ad you could potentially drive a thousand people per day if you really wanted to by just spending money on the ad so this goes hand in hand understanding who your audience is that way when you do the facebook ad you're targeting the right people then understanding your conversion rate because now you're driving that traffic back to your store and if you keep that consistency you'll get sales on a consistent basis um so this is really important understanding your conversion rate number and 18 is data over the dream um drama i can't speak on data over drama what i mean by that um and i got this from someone else i can't even remember who but it was brilliant because i have done this before sometimes we focus on oh my god i don't got no sales or i got a lot of visits but no one's buying blah blah blah but we forget to check the data right we're not checking the data we're not seeing our xc stats to see why that's happening we're not looking at how many favorites we got versus sales we're not looking at our conversion rate we're not looking at google analytics to see where we're driving traffic where can we focus a little bit more time on oh pinterest is driving tons of traffic for me how about instead of 20 minutes a day i spend an extra i don't know 20 more minutes learning the platform or doing more on it to drive more traffic right and see what that does like we have to make sure that we're measuring the data if you don't have your data you don't know your numbers you're not going to grow your business you're going to just be putting stuff in your store and hoping for the best and you don't want to do that you want to make sure that you're measuring your data number 19 you have to spend money to make money this is really important a lot of people are like i'm on a budget i can't spend it that's fine but keep in mind you could do a dollar per day you could do 50 cents per day you don't necessarily have to be spending 100 per day you could start very very low that's how i started my business very very low but i'll give you an idea for one of my digital products this year i spent 18 000 on facebook ads and i have made a hundred and eighty six thousand and some change so for me that has been a good one however i have run ads right that i was maybe targeting different demographics targeting different ages of people targeting different um sites and competitors and i have lost money too and it's okay when you're first starting out especially when you're spending facebook ads um or any type of ads like pinterest or twitter etc you might spend a little bit more than you make because you're still trying to adjust you're still trying to learn and you have to do all of these analysis to see which one is your winning ad and then you scale that ad and continue running the ad and you make more money more money but in the beginning you might spend a little bit more than you make and it's okay and you don't have to be spending 100 a day like i do or 200 a day like i do sometimes you could start with as low right as low as a dollar there's people that are way bigger than me and they spend a thousand a day sometimes in my mind i can't even like wrap my head around that right but eventually i hope for 2021 that's what i'm doing like elevating myself to that level so baby steps baby steps this could be a dollar a day a dollar every other day etc number 20 is facebook group and forum advice um i'm saying this will all due respect i'm not perfect i'm human i have made the mistake even in my youtube channel or even having random conversations that i have said the wrong thing we all say the wrong thing once in a blue in the blue moon right but what i have learned in the last year and a half is that whenever i give advice to anyone especially the type of advice that is very contradicting like many people say don't do that if i know xe is saying yes you could do that i always provide a link i always say you could read more about it here the reason why is because even on my facebook group i have a facebook group that has 48 000 members um i have paid groups for my my students only as well some people will give wrong advice they say don't do that you're going to get your store shut down and what i try to do now is whenever i give advice i give the link i say you could read more about it here why that way the person is getting the right advice there's a lot of people in groups and forums giving better advice so if you ever go in there don't panic don't start changing everything in your store until you confirm if that advice that that person gave you is valid whether it's coming from me whether it's coming from another etsy coach or whether it's coming for a random person that you don't know make sure that you validate it you especially if you feel right in your gut that i think that's wrong always validate it there's nothing wrong with that and just ask them also hey you go ask me hey do you have that link and if i have it and i could find it i always provide it just be like yeah um do you have the link that i could verify it because i thought it was otherwise where i thought you know don't fight with the person don't argue with them um because sometimes you might be wrong too right you might be like no no no you can't do that and then you're like oh wow i've done that right i've i have learned lessons like that that someone showed me the link and i'm like oh wow this must be new i never knew about this or xc must have changed this or this is something that i've never read before right we don't know everything but try to get advice from people that are always providing you proof a link of some sort or have some a little bit of credibility but even with credibility we make mistakes right but this is what i have learned and i try my best now even in all my videos to provide a link to something if it's very contradicting and i know a lot of people are going to ask me otherwise so he's going to leave a comment saying no you can't do this i always leave a link just to be 100 sure that what i'm offering to people is what xe wants not what nancy wants not my opinion but something fact from xe so keep that in mind number 21 always learning you have to be adaptive when you have a business you have to be able to say um i'm always going to be learning new things i'm open to new ideas i'm open to new strategies i'm open to using tic tac or i'm open to using instagram or i'm open to do this type of marketing strategy email list etc you have to be willing to learn new things it's just being adaptive to things it's gonna happen unfortunately i'm very structured person i'm an introvert i don't like change when i'm you know even when i go to the same restaurants i order the same food because i don't want to order something else and be disappointed that's the type of person i am i'm very boring my husband tells me that in the sense of eating i'm very boring and um so i understand when it comes to learning new things it can be like god another feature another thing i got to learn but sometimes those things help you propel your business i know when instagram reels came out i was like oh i gotta do that now and then i started doing it and my post went from 300 likes and maybe 200 views to 3 000 views and like more likes and more comments and i was like okay it works i'm just gonna have to adapt to it and maybe i'm not a model and a dancer but i could do other things with it right and i'm an introvert and i'll have to do more videos of myself oh my god but it has helped my business so and it has made me get more confident and more comfortable so just remember that be willing to learn new things number two number 22 excuse me grab your 40 free listings before you open your store if you are watching this video and you haven't opened your store you could actually get 40 free listings for your new store or if you open in a second store if you're interested in getting the free listings right below this video i have a list of resources all types of things i have xc seo guide i have a pinterest guide i have my xe mastery course i have a whole bunch of resources how to grow your email et cetera down there you will find a link um that will have the 40 free listings click on it i get 40 free listings you get 40 free listings thank you for your help as well by the way um but if you need them it's down is down below this video number 23 is start an email list this is something that i started the second year on xc and it was like one of the biggest mistake i should have started the first year because i could have had more sales more repeated sales and even made more than 21 000 my first year this is how i was able to triple my income one of the reasons i was able to triple my income the second year on xe is by having an email list keep in mind with the email list you could either use xc's email providers they have adweber and mail fold those are the two companies that they work with that they have partnered up with that you could use or you could use any email provider that you want and i also have below the video a link to the email provider that i recommend it is up excuse me it is a referral link but they are amazing and that's the reason why i recommend them um so it's up to you it doesn't matter who you choose but make sure that you have an email list is so important a lot of people the reason why they don't start an email list is for two reasons one they feel overwhelmed with it they feel like it's a lot to learn and they feel um like they can't ask for an email for customers to enjoy to enroll in their email list and two they don't know the value of it right when you don't know the value of something you really could care less about it and this is just in general in life if you don't know the value of what you're getting then you're not going to really buy into it but email marketing i'm telling you it is one of the most important things you could do for your business and email marketing a lot of people say it's dead it's not dead there's times that i send an email and within that one email in one day i make a quick ten thousand dollars i'm not saying that to brag because let me tell you it has taken me 11 years to make money online enough to support my family is support my husband is fighting cancer and to quit my job so i don't say that to brag i say that because this is what i have learned and i have made the mistake that my first let's say nine years of my career as a digital marketing specialist even though i told everyone start your email list and i used to grow other people's brand i was very intimidated with it and i never did it because i'm like what am i going to say what am i going to promote who who am i blah blah blah all these you know self-sabotaging thoughts and not thinking of myself highly enough right so i want to tell you right now if you're listening to this email marketing is really important um make sure that you offer some sort of incentive so they could join your email list and there's many benefits of email marketing one is getting continuous sales like repeated sales two is growing your brand awareness three the great thing about email marketing too is that you could create remarketing campaigns so you could do an ad on facebook and say hey facebook i want to do a black friday sale 50 off everything and here's my list of customers please show my ads to these people and because they already purchased from you they're more prone to buying from you again in addition to that you could do look-alike audiences and this is one of my effective ways that i keep making sales on a continuous basis is that i tell facebook these are a thousand people or 500 people that purchase from my etsy store i want to create a look-alike audience an audience is very similar to them and i want to show my products to them and because those people have very similar habits of shopping a lot of them end up buying from my store as well that's how you get repeated sales this is why many stores you might see a lot of stores that like they have um horrible photos or they might not have the best seo strategy but you're like how are they getting sales on a continuous basis a lot of times they do have a strong email list so they're getting sales on those repeated customers over and over while you're still struggling with getting regular sales so keep that in mind email marketing is something that you shouldn't keep pushing off if you have just get it started the quicker you do it the easier it will get for you number 24 is use social media to expand your digital footprint and this is another huge thing because a lot of times we are so overwhelmed with the process of starting social media and that's okay i understand that what i recommend in the beginning when you're first starting out if you're spanking new or maybe you're a seasonal seller and you haven't done this yet is xc store your email marketing and pinterest those three are amazing pinterest because the reason why i recommend pinterest over instagram facebook and everyone else is the reason that pinterest is a search engine it's really easy for people to find your products on pinterest you could do it all organically you really don't have to even spend any money on facebook ads to be quite honest and the great thing about pinterest is that you start seeing results and start driving traffic right away intro when you use like instagram excuse me it takes a little bit more time you have to build your audience you have to build trust you have to provide more value in your feed pinterest you could promote your products all the time you just have to create searchable content because it's a search engine and you'll find people will find your products click on it visit your store and you'll get more traffic on a continuous basis faster so that's what i recommend and once you feel stable you feel like more comfortable you have master pinterest you got your your email marketing in place then you could proceed with instagram um facebook maybe having a facebook group i personally have facebook facebook fan page facebook um groups where i have like two groups and i have two of my student groups so i have four groups in total um i have reddit i have instagram i have um linkedin i have a linkedin xe group i have the little keys going i have twitter but the reason why i use all of these platforms is because the more platforms i use i have tick tock now even though i don't know what i'm doing i have tick time um i have all of these platforms because the more i use them one the more i understand them two the more i grow my brand the more traffic i drive back to my xc my courses my business my store etc so it does help me in the beginning it can be a quite overwhelming i won't lie to you but once you master one just go to the next one my xc mastery course i actually provide you with nine courses so i teach you not only how to grow an xc store the right way i teach you how to use pinterest how to use facebook how to create a facebook group how to create how to use instagram etc so my course you'll find the link right below this video you get online courses so when you're ready you could just start those additional bonus courses in the platform that you want to master at that moment but expanding your digital footprint is really important because the more reach or more people you reach the more traffic you get and the more sales you get and eventually once you grow you can always manage or have someone manage your social media and that will give you more time for you crafting and creating other things as well that's my goal for 2021 is to have people help me manage my brand so i could have more time to create better videos to create um to redo my course again right and add more stuff to it um etc but with time that comes as well right tip number 25 is stop giving discounts because you're not getting sales or you just open up like you open a new shop i think that i'm very guilty of this and i'm guilty of it because i am one of those people that i'm cast constantly over giving um and i have been told by many um coaches and other people that i admire that are way bigger than me tell me i'm doing too much um for example my youtube channel as an xc coach i have the biggest youtube channel i have over 600 videos on my youtube channel right now and if you were to look at my competitors they have like 60 30 40 and some of them are as big as me and i think for me is understanding that it's okay to provide a lot but then it's okay to also not give all you have and warn yourself out right and i don't mind providing value as much as i can and a lot of it is because you're learning so for me it was more of a learning curve i did videos i'm like oh i could make that better i could help more people i could do more free critiques i could do this i could do that and that's just who i am as a person and what i have learned is that i have shortchanged myself many times in my etsy coach career and before that and if i could give you one advice from what i have learned from what i plan to do differently next year is that stop giving discounts just because um because you're not valuing your work all the stuff that you're doing and ultimately all of us including myself we're running a business because we have to provide for our family um even if you don't have a family you're just yourself it's fine you're providing for yourself the ultimate reason why you created a business on xc is to be profitable is to make money and if you're constantly giving a discount lowering your prices because you didn't get a sale a lot of times that just leaves you with bad customers sometimes customers are complaining but you just reduce the price like 75 um on top of that sometimes you don't even get sales after you get discounts um the better strategy is how can i make my product unique and different that i don't have to give discounts and i could charge premium prices because i know that they can't find this product anywhere else what makes me different from everyone else from my brand my competition and on top of that right how can i make more sales in a way that why am i not getting sales excuse me that's what i meant to say so you need to evaluate your listing and see is it the photo do i need to improve the photo is it the listing description am i missing information in there or is it that maybe you didn't optimize your listing for xc seo so therefore you're not driving traffic and now you think that in order to get traffic you have to or in order to get sales you have to reduce your pricing but you never check if your xc seo is right or not or if you optimize it correctly do you have your tags and your title and tags so you have your tags in the actual listing description so do this first i you know make sure that you you look at your product and you'll be critical am i creating a product that's unique am i making sure that my xc seo is done correctly and once you fix all of that or you or let's say you know that you have all that fix then maybe consider okay maybe my prices are too high but before you do that or before you disqualify yourself and say i'm not good enough check because sometimes we are good enough it's just that we don't have that mind that mindset we don't believe it ourselves so it's easier for us to say my product is not good enough when it probably is better than other customers products other people's products right so stop giving discounts just because make sure that you you find the root of the issue first fix that first test it out and then go from there number 26 is when in doubt rely on xe's handbook um take it upon yourself as an exec seller as a business owner that if you need help especially if it's something very dedicated delicate it's okay like i said earlier to go to a facebook group and ask questions but be more diligent of using the xe handbook you'd be surprised how many valuable lessons are in there that many people don't even know about um so just make sure you go in there diving in there even if it's like once a week read one of the articles learn something new about xc the more you learn about xc and the platform um the better you will be as an exit seller and then you can actually even help other people as well when you're in these groups because you know these answers that other people are not actually looking into or they're not using the handbook to learn more about their business number 27 is get coaching or sign up for courses um i say this if you are able to do it right not everyone can but some coachings are are are cheap you know or you might get a sale sometimes but it's important that you get with the right people that are in the place that you want to be or they have been where you want to be and learn from them i personally um in the beginning of my career when i first started i didn't sign up for a lot of coaching it was very expensive back in the day like in 2009 just to get coaching from someone they would charge you like a thousand dollars for like three days i'm like what it was crazy back then but now there's coaching and courses for just about anything and some of them are relatively very cheap you could find courses in photoshop for only 24 you could find courses on how to take photography for like twenty dollars thirty dollars and a lot of times this is money that we're wasting on hulu on netflix on coffee on fast food including myself right fast food is one of the things i order a lot in chicago um but you could use that you could buy courses to help you become better at something you could buy my xc mastery course where you get nine courses for the price of one for right now i have a limited special you could click on the link below to find out um it is very worth it nine courses for the price of one and you have um support for me also because when you joined the course you would join the group and you can ask questions there and i always answer the questions that people ask me personally so you're good to go like you'll have support from an amazing group including myself but get coaching whether it's for me from someone else doesn't matter we could always learn from other people i used to be skeptic about learning from people that were younger than me and i have learned that people are wise at all type of ages i'm a late bloomer unfortunately but i have learned from people that are like 21 and i'm 38 right people that are 29 they're a lot younger than me and they're a lot wiser a lot of them have taken more coaching and done more programs that i have ever done and that have helped them propel their business to the next level and when i started taking um or signing up for a lot of courses online courses a lot of summits etc going to summits as well before the covent that's when my my career kind of started taking off a little bit more and faster because i started learning a lot of things that i wasn't getting online or a lot of stuff was like fluff material so it's important to do this i'm not saying you have to do it every single month maybe start with one course a year right you don't necessarily have to buy every course you come across but just you know buy those courses that you know you need help with don't just buy courses to buy courses and if you buy them if you buy one that costs 47 or if you buy one that costs 397 stick to it you know a lot of times people buy cheap courses and because the price is cheaper but they don't even complete the course they never open it make sure you do that's what you're paying for it doesn't matter what price you paid number 28 is validate your product ideas so whenever you're creating a product and you think you want to sell a product on xc you need to validate it you need to do market research you need to find out do people make money on this on xc is it profitable am i going to make money um is it easy to make is it something that i'm going to enjoy doing um etc but you need to validate your product ideas one of the worst mistakes you could do is create a store just add a whole bunch of different products wing it and hope for the best don't do that treat it as a real business treating it as a real business is doing market research is doing keyword research is validating does this product sell it's looking at it and understanding is this a seasonal product or this is an evergreen product does it sell year-round or does it sell three times a year you need to know this information because that's what will determine how much income you will make how much effort you have to work when is the busiest time you have to work etc so validate your product ideas number 29 always upsell products to increase sales this is a strategy that helped me also with along with the email marketing to make or triple my income the second year so i sell one of my stores i sell wedding wedding invites printables table numbers etc so one strategy that i started doing is that anytime somebody messaged me and said hey i want to buy this sign do you have pink flowers let's say right so i will respond to that person provide excellent i mean try to go above and beyond i would say hey emily yes i could do the sign for you in pink flowers these are actually the pink flowers that i have you could see them on this listing and by the way i have additional items that go with this particular product here's the link and then what i did was i created um i put a sku number on the end of my title that when somebody clicks on a specific link all of those all of those listings come in one place and they see all the matching items so every item has like 80 additional products right so it has like if you buy the wedding sign you could get the table number you could get the seating chart you could get the um the rsbp card you could get the banner that goes in the background that you could take pictures in front of you could get the instagram banner you could get this you could i mean just a whole bunch of products you get with it so what happened now is that the customer went from buying one sign to buying six additional things why because when you sell um items for weddings or parties or jewelry people want to buy those matching items people want to buy the earrings to go with the necklace to go with the bracelet so when you give them that option you say by the way i have all of these options one they buy more from you two they feel like well i could get everything in the store i'm done shopping i don't have to shop around and make sure all of them look the same i have everything already done that's what made me different from my store that's what helped me increase my sales drastically and i'm not saying every single person you tell them hey by the way i have more products they're going to buy but i would say out of one through let's say out of 10 people that i send them the link six purchase more even if it was one more item even if it's one more item that's one more sale you didn't have and a lot of times they even asked hey if i buy seven products i'm interested in buying this this and this and this can i get a discount i would say yeah why not right they're buying six seven more products yeah i could give you a 10 discount what's that gonna kill me you're making me more money especially because i sell digital products so it's a lot easier i know that with tangible products it's a little bit harder to give discounts but if they're buying multiple things you might want to consider it but always up sale products that will help you increase sales number 30 is download the xc seller app this is a big one i mean for majority of us i'm not saying every single person in the world has a smartphone but for most of us that are fortunate enough to have a smartphone downloaded um you not you're not going to be able to do every single thing with the phone but for me the purpose of downloading it is is answering customers right away i have it on i get the notification when somebody says hey i want to order this i have a question i could answer them right away and people buy from me one of the things i have learned is that the faster i respond to people the quicker they buy from me if you take too long um they'll they'll send you a message and five other people message and then whoever answers first gets the message so instead of doing that make sure that you respond right away so you could take advantage of that sale and it does help you get more sales tip number 31 is provide excellent customer service even as stressful times this is so important um it will help you get repeated sales it will help you diffuse situations if the customer is already upset but you provide excellent customer service you you make it your mission to fix the issue and then you give something addition to that on top of that just because that usually helps them turn around from mad customer to happy customer it is worth it you don't want bad reviews when you respond to people somebody says hey do you have this in blue don't just say yes i could do that in blue make sure that you say hey um tiffany yes i could offer that in blue these are the colors that i offer however you can send me a screenshot of the color that you want and i could match it exactly if you want as well let me know if you have any other questions thanks for asking and thank you in advance for your business i always thank them even if they didn't do business with me why because it's just nice it's just nice to be nice you know now in days everybody's upset at something everybody has an attitude problem right like majority people do it's just nice to be nice i can't tell you how many times i walk by someone and i say good morning and they just ignore me right or they're just upset at the world and then you get the occasional person you say good morning and they say good morning back and you just make their day they're like surprised that you even say hi to them that's how i try to do in my business i try to always acknowledge them by the first name i try to listen recap what they want and offer a solution tell them yes you could order if there's a particular link i'll put it and say hey you can order by clicking here just give them to them right away so they can't change their opinion they click and buy from you right away and if you're upset they upset you because it's normal i get upset too um if you need to take a breather before you respond to a customer that's getting on your nerves they're not understanding your rules they're being disrespectful too right because it happens take a breather and then respond i've made the mistake in the past that i get really upset because i got a bad review because they didn't read right and then i respond back rude and it doesn't really help you in the long run so it's better to keep a cool head i have learned that the hard way i'm not perfect i just want to make sure that i share these tips with you because if it's going to help you why not right tip number 32 is pay attention to your reviews um this is something i have learned the hard way as well i never did this before and then i started paying attention a lot of the reviews were like i love this i gave it a four because it didn't it wasn't easy to edit or it didn't give it didn't have different colors like i wish it did so then i started creating products based on what my reviews what my audience was telling me and or i gave this a four because when i tried to edit it on photoshop it was really hard and i wish she had a cheat sheet guide so learn re listening to the reviews helped me create now when i do photoshop files that i do sell on some of my stores i do a shishi guide in there some of them come with a video tutorial i do a little quick video that is only they could see it with the link and it shows them step by step how to edit and a lot of people are like oh my god that was so easy because of the video and it helps avoid frustrated customers customers that want to give you a bad review because they couldn't figure it out um and it helped me get better reviews also so pay attention to your reviews number 33 getting lots of favors but no sales so if you're getting this if this is one of your problems you see a lot of people favoring it not buying so the photo is not the problem because when you're getting favorites that's an indicator that people are liking that photo or they like that product but if you're not getting a sale it could be one of the two one you're lacking information on the listing description it could be two that you're showing that to the wrong people maybe you're not targeting your target audience through your xc seo and the third thing that i should mention also is that a lot of times people are overwhelmed i said this in the beginning when i was talking about your unique selling proposition people might like your product but they might be like well i saw this somewhere else for cheaper let me like it and go over there and see if i find it they have options we have options right nowadays when we buy a computer let's say i'm buying a a mac i might go to best buy see the price there i might go to apple see the price there i might go to micro center that's a store in chicago see how much they sell it there and see where they give me the best price and then i go there and buy it right we have options people are overwhelmed with options so they might favor it and not buy at that moment so it's your job to make your product very different and have something very unique that when they see it they'll buy right away and it's also your job to capture the person's email that's why it's important to have an email list because not every single person that goes to your store is gonna buy the first time around they might go to your store look at your products and leave and then you will never see them again but if you capture their email then you could re repurpose that email right or not repurpose excuse me you could remark it to them again that product or all the products in your store and get them to buy from you the second time around or the third time maybe the first time dating by not every single person i wish that for instance i have a webinar for the month of november i had i want to say over 5000 people register i wish 5000 people would have purchased from me out of 5 000 excuse me 5000 view the page i think i want to say i'm thinking on top of my head but when i say 900 people register and i had like 252 people to join but imagine if all 5 000 people that actually clicked on on the ad or the link or whether they found me once took the webinar and signed up imagine i'd be a millionaire right now i wish but not everyone is going to do that but the people that did register i captured their email right so if they don't buy now i could remark it to them later or maybe build trust with them and eventually in the future they buy from me you have to do the same for your store keep that in mind you have to do the same for your store number oh that's the same one i apologize number 35 stop asking for followers this is a big one i think that i see a lot of people saying follow me on instagram follow me on twitter they have the little link but it's more important if you ask for an email a follower is great but i need a follower you know a like is not going to pay the bills and it's not going to make you sales so it's better if you tell the people hey by the way um join my email list you get incentives um stay updated with new listings updates sales etc get that email once you have the email then you could cross-promote your instagram account then you could cross-promote your facebook account then you could say hey by the way we are on instagram please follow us here or we are on facebook please give us a like that's what i do once i get the email then i say i'm on youtube i'm here i'm there and even sometimes i don't tell people right away i'm on youtube unless they know me that i'm on youtube i give them resources and tools and try to build that trust before i push them off to like something and they don't even know you they don't know you and like you most likely they're not gonna give you a follow unfortunately if they like you they know you they trust you they know that you provide value on whatever niche and topic you talk about they're more prone to follow you right i'm the same way if you like my content and i see you always interacting with my content i'm gonna give you a follow back for the most for the most part to be quite honest with you a lot of them are the same people that been following me for a very long time and i'm so thankful there's one lady mary mary mooney everywhere i go she leaves me comments on youtube all my ins i mean i feel like she's my number one fan and i love that about her she's so giving to me and if she ever asks me for anything and he questioned it i'd be quick to answer to her why because you tend to do that right you you will do that probably as well so keep that in mind people are not necessarily going to follow you out of bad especially if you're first starting out i mean if you have something very unique different great content and they happen to click on it they might right but um in the beginning try to provide more value and try to get that email the email is better it's way better number 36 is beware of sites like fiber i'm not saying don't buy in fiber i buy in fiber i have bought music from there um intros all these little things like that that are great but one thing i have noticed lately a lot especially in my facebook group is random people going in there promoting their fiber services saying oh i could get you a thousand targeted traffic it's really scammy in my opinion if you're paying only five dollars for a thousand that means that you're probably buying just random traffic that's like one cent from world third countries because you could do that on facebook very low cost effective but you want to drive people that are gonna buy from you not just random people so if you're gonna buy in fiverr make sure that you read the reviews make sure that you ask the right questions make sure that the reviews are from legit people right because people write fake reviews um if it sounds to be too good to be true it probably is um just be careful just be careful if people promise you um for five dollars a thousand in traffic that's crazy i mean i pay a lot more than that you know i pay like three four sometimes even five dollars per customer not a thousand in traffic so keep that in mind number 37 is um thank your customers right after a purchase so this is on the xc's handbook i want to clarify right away they have the do's and don'ts of communicating with xe buyers that's the name of the article and they suggest and i agree this is a strategy that i use because of that they suggest every time you get an order from a customer you send them a quick message and you say hey melissa just wanted to say thank you for buying um my earrings or whatever they bought from you thank you for buying this your order should be approximately shipped on the 9th let me know if you have any questions i'll talk to you soon simple you don't need to upsell them don't sell them anything just thanking them this is going to help you get repeated customers it's going to be a very pressingly surprise for them but xc recommends it i do it and it actually works for me i know many people are going to argue with me and say no you shouldn't do that it's spam it's annoying yeah for some people it can be annoying there are going to be customers that might not like it right but you're not doing anything wrong it's not against six policy they actually encourage you to do it and on top of that you're gonna get those customers that love that i'm one of those people i'm an introvert i don't like i like small talk i don't like long talks however if you send me a thank you message i'm okay with that that's actually nicer than the average companies now they don't do that so i suggest to do that right after a purchase number 38 always send a thank you card so if you sell digital products do a digital card if you sell tangible products put in a thank you card let them know hey we value your service with us or your purchase with us your business with us i can't talk your business with us thank you so much for buying from us um please leave us a review um have your social media handles etc that's where you promote all that have a little thank you card i sell them on my etsy store you can find the link below or you could create your own it doesn't matter you could do a hand written card as well which is beautiful nine days um but make sure that you send a thank you card i can't tell you i still send thank you cards to people i still send um christmas cards thanksgiving cards i can't tell you i might get three cards per year i send this christmas i send 50 cards out i love doing that i feel like it's a personal touch everybody now they're quick to like like you on facebook or like you hear like you there i think it's more genuine when you actually take the time to do it and for business i think it's a superb thing to do number 39 many people have the belief the market is too saturated to make a real income as a seller on xc and i wanted to say that it is it is saturated i'm not gonna lie to you but they are the one percent of people that come create unique products and is their first year in 2020 or the first year on xc right and they're making a killing but it's because they understand that they need to make a product that's unique different from everyone else if you open this etsy store and you just open something and you just create the same products that everyone else who is creating and you don't make them unique then you're competing with a saturated market and it's going to be way harder for you to take off so you have to have that understanding that in order for you to succeed and hopefully right build something you need to make sure that you're creating a product that is unique that outbeats your competitors that solves a problem that you know who is your target audience and that alone right there and your niching down will help you separate yourself from everyone else and win even if you are in a saturated market so keep that in mind tip number 40 is optimizing your shop for google um this is another thing a lot of people they think about xc seo but they forget about google keep in mind when you upload a listing on xe is shown to people on xe and is also shown to people on google so you need to make sure that you add your meta description which is the first 155 characters of your listing description you need to include your focus keyword a description of what you're selling and you need to make it enticing for someone to want to click from google and head over back to your store and you also need to optimize your shop section and add keywords in there that you want to rank for because those keywords become the page title that's shown on google as well so this is just understanding how to optimize your shop for google seo basically and this is something that many people don't really understand or they haven't taken the time to learn more about it um i know it can be a little overwhelming just a lot of information to learn but you know trust me the more you do it the more you take time to learn these things the easier it will get for you the easier it will get for you to understand how to properly optimize your store not just for xc seo but for also for google so keep that in mind tip number 41 is stay focused i know it's so hard to to say oh i want to add this product and i want to do what they're doing and i want to add this and you see another person that maybe opened a store and they're doing really well and you want to do that as well i i go through that i have a youtube channel sometimes i'm like oh i want to talk about personal development and i want to talk about this and that and then i always have to say okay if i do create a video i have to make sure that it serves my audience right now which is equity sellers i can't just do a video about amazon because that's my that's not my audience and even though i want to do one because i've done amazon before and i know a lot of tips about it um maybe majority of my my followers are not going to watch it so i always have to stay on my lane and be like one day i will expand my youtube channel but as of now it's important for me to stay focused and the same for you you got to stay focused and stay in your lane i know it's really easy to get distracted and want to do like 20 different projects open five different stores but it gets really overwhelming to run one shop imagine running five shops only do it if you know that you know already that the other stores are gonna lack some of your time because eventually one would be like the main store and the other ones would be like maybe you're making a little money here and there but they're not going to propel as much because you can only stress yourself so much number 42 is give it time um a lot of times we've been on xc for two weeks and we're about to quit we're ready to quit this doesn't work i'm making sales only my family purchase or no one has purchased not even my family give it time i was saying in my opinion 6 to 12 months before you give up an idea give it six to 12 months of consistent work not six months but you only did five hours in the six months six to 12 months of consistent work and if it doesn't work then you go to the next idea and then whatever you learn there you apply towards your next door or your next business etc but give it six to 12 months number 43 is take time to understand xc's algorithm this is really important understanding what wherever you promote if you're promoting on instagram understanding instagram's algorithm every platform has a different algorithm some some of it is very similar and some of it is very different and xl's algorithm is understanding when you list a new listing it gets a listing quality score and based on how people interact with that listing whether they like buy and purchase that's how you get a higher listing quality score if no one buys that's how you get a low listing quality score and your listing kits vary in the search results understanding that if you don't have your shop policy completed your about me completed your store does lose search ranking in the search results this is how the algorithm works these are stuff that xc talks about this is stuff that i cover in my course but these are stuff that many people don't know understanding how it works a lot of people all they do is list new products all the time because they know that they're going to get that little temporary boost of xc seo so they feel like that's a strategy to always get sales but ultimately they get burned out and then they don't get no more sales a better strategy is fixing your xc seo a better strategy is building a memorable brand a better strategy is using social media to kind of scale your business so just understanding how x's algorithm works is really important um so whether you take my course and i teach you there or whether you go and look it up yourself make sure that you are diligent enough to learn how it works number 44 stop comparing your shop yourself etc um this is a a topic that i could relate to a lot um i'm guilty of comparing myself i'm hispanic as you probably know i have an accent and one of the most comments i get is always about my accent on youtube on instagram on i get messages too like people email me stuff and some people are very lovely they're like i love your accent i'm from i'm hispanic too or i'm from the uk or i'm british or i'm whatever right i love that they they relate to me they understand some people don't have an accent and they still say um i love your accent some people are able to bypass my accent and pronouncing certain words that i can't pronounce or that i try to right and but they might not come off the right way and some people you know still say you know regardless of your accent i love your content you help people you help me etc and then there's people that are really mean go back to puerto rico this is america or you know i get a lot of hateful stuff too that that could potentially hinder that person hinder me to stop creating content to stop running my business because you get self-conscious but i'm only sharing this not to get pity from anyone it's just to share with you that we all have doubts of ourselves we all could compare ourselves to someone else and say oh my god their store is bigger they make more sales their products look better their photos look better um when they do videos oh my god they're so pretty whatever it is stop comparing yourself stop comparing your store maybe it's not something like that like physical or the way you sound maybe you're comparing yourself based on sales right well maybe they have more budget maybe they're doing pinterest ads maybe they have an email list maybe they have a website already established maybe they had their business established already and they came to xc to just make more money right you didn't we don't know that unless you do extensive research on that person a lot of times when i get people tell me this is my competitor how come they get more sales than me i do extensive research i'll go and do research on that company and i come back and tell them did you know they have a youtube channel with 50 000 members did you know they have a facebook group with 30 000 members did you know um they have a pinterest account they get 1 million impressions per month did you and then they're like wow i didn't know all of this i'm like that's why they're driving so much because they're they're kind of established a little bit more than you are so of course they're gonna be driving more than you that doesn't mean that you can't get there so stop comparing yourself do the research um it's okay to look at other stores it's okay to get inspired but don't don't doubt your ability okay don't doubt your ability number five is don't treat social media as a giant billboard provide value educate share your story and inspire um what i mean by this is that your facebook or your instagram account excuse me shouldn't be every post something that you're selling think of it as a place that people go to find information and when people like there's something called the journeys um buyer purchase right and it's it's three stages one is awareness the second one is evaluate and the third one is purchase so when people are first finding um for a maybe they're they have a problem right at first they don't know what their problem is they're in the awareness stage the second stage is evaluate they know their problem now they're trying to research and find a solution for the problem the third one is they already done all the research and now they're ready to buy you need to understand that so in order like for me in order for me to sell on a continuous basis every month my course in order for me to sell um products in my store i have to provide content to solve a solution so i try to provide content that people are searching how to increase your sales i don't always every post on my instagram is not buy my course buy my course again buy my course again buy my is not every core is not buy my course do i promote it of course but if you go to my instagram account i have one post that says 10 ways to increase your sales i have another post free critique i have another post hey guys i reach 40 000 members thank you so much i have another post that talks about a customer review i have another post that i provide something inspirational i have another post that i teach something of value something that i have learned through my ex journey i have another post where i talk about who i am how i got started all the mistakes i have made um more a little bit more personal i have another post maybe i'm sharing a picture of my son jordan i have another post maybe then i say hey by the way i have an exec course this is what you get you see but every post is not a billboard to what i'm selling and you have to kind of do the same for social media you have to provide value and value could be if you sell digital prints for weddings let's say you sell wedding printables you could provide value by doing a checklist 10 things you need to do before your wedding that could be a checklist that people could download now you're getting emails for free people that are downloading that that means that they're getting married so you could promote your wedding products to them that's providing value and also getting an email list for your business so that's what i mean by providing value educate people right share your story who you are who's your brand what you started maybe you have health conditions and that's why maybe you have a story behind i knew a lady that sold necklaces after her son that had passed away it was a beautiful story that she shared with me and i was telling her you should add that to your about me story because that makes it more personal and when she did that it helped her grow her business so just things like that um inspiration right we all need inspiration adding inspiration stuff whether it's about your business things you have learned maybe it's a quote that's relevant to your business right um there's a lot of quotes for wedding brides there's a lot of quotes for children so there's a lot of quotes for me as a next equal seller so business quotes do stuff like that make it different um don't just sell sell sell provide value first and then sell second number 46 it takes time to grow business this kind of goes back to the first one i said before you're not gonna grow a business overnight it's gonna take time it has taken me three years to have forty six thousand subscribers in my youtube channel i know other people have done that in a year lucky them right i learned a little bit slower it takes me a little bit longer but i'm very proud of that it takes time eventually i'll get to a hundred thousand eventually i'll get to the 500 000 that i really want but it's going to take time if it happens sooner better but if it doesn't as long as i'm growing and i see the numbers going up and i see that consistency that's what i look at and that's how you should look at your business as long as you're growing every month you're learning new things and you're projecting in a good way then just give it time give it time number 47 make your content more search friendly so if you're promoting on insta excuse me for promoting on pinterest and if you're promoting on youtube because these two platforms um are search engine like people find your products through seo make sure that you create content that's more search friendly so i would create a content on pinterest that would say how to increase your xc sales in in 2021 why because people are searching for that but if i just created the title um exe sales only that's not that search friendly i want to create content that people are searching for so how um so if you're doing wedding invites like i just mentioned and you're creating content that provides value you could say how to start your wedding registry in in five steps that's what people are searching for then when they find your products they they read your blog they read your content whatever you're providing they might sign up for your email list and then you could send them to your exe store or maybe you have um maybe you created a pin and you say your your your pin title says um 10 top wedding invites for 2021. i could see people typing that in on google right and searching for that or typing it in on pinterest or typing it in maybe even on youtube right but more on pinterest than anything if they search for that content and your pin pops up you could put your 10 invites in the picture they click on it it takes them to your store or they click on it it takes them to your to your blog and from there they could click and it takes them to your exe store keep that in mind search friendly content is what you want to be doing because that's what's going to drive you more traffic to your business um number 48 make passive income with digital products if you are thinking of creating digital products i love digital products i wanted to include it in here because i have sold digital products now on xc since 2016. it is pretty amazing to create a product that i don't have to ship out and i didn't have to worry about all the nonsense that's happening now with usps and the postal office is such a nightmare to deal with that getting bad reviews because of a it's really nice to create digital products many people are scared or they feel like it's hard it's not really that hard to be quite honest in my course i have a whole section where i teach you how to make digital products as well i teach you how to create 11 do-it-yourself digital products plus another three more i teach you everything you need to know about licensing how to create it step by step how to save the files file ratios everything so if you're serious about making passive income maybe you want to try it out i recommend my course you will find the link right below number 49 start a website i can't tell you how important this is i recommend wordpress out of everything because wordpress is the number one platform they have all the plugins you could customize it any way you want you could add anything you want and that's why i recommend it a lot of free websites um they don't give you a domain that's that you could pick from a lot of times they do their own advertising on your website which i don't like and a lot of them eventually like wix is a great starting platform but eventually you run out of room because they're very um limited in in certain things and then you have to transition to wordpress and that's a headache having to migrate it's just easier just to start with wordpress and i know that it could be time consuming you're like oh my god that's something else it is um it does have a learning curve i won't lie to you however it is worth learning it if you if you're willing to have a a profitable business on top of that i have a company i work with it's right below this video they actually built your wordpress for you and the prices are very cheap so and they work with xc sellers so keep that in mind so if you're interested you will find that right below this video if you can't find the link leave a comment i will give you the link you could go to their site you could read their reviews you could read everything and decide from your own but if i had to recommend do wordpress whether you do it with them you do it yourself or you hire someone but start a website is many benefits one of the main benefits to not to be negative but if your store ever got shut down on xc you have your own website with your products in there you don't have to start from scratch and it's a good practice to have your own website it does make you look more professional and you could drive more traffic through blogging amplify your reach you could grow your email list a lot easier than it is on xc because you could do little pop-ups you could add it to all of your articles um it's a lot easier to to grow your business so start a website as soon as possible and the last one is you either win or learn i wanted to leave you with this because whatever you do whatever you decide to do passive income with digital products you create a store selling jewelry you create a store selling candles it doesn't matter even if you don't win meaning like you don't build a successful store right away you learn there's no failure everything you're learning right now eventually when you have that successful store you're gonna say wow i am here today because of all the stuff i did wrong or all the mistakes i made or all the tribulations i went through this has been the story of my life if you only knew my background everything i've been through in life you will be like wow i amaze myself sometimes not to brag but just as a person in general i i have you have to right you have to think about yourself that way sometimes because if you don't think of yourself that way no one else will and a lot of times you don't get the support that you really need from your family and members because they don't know what you do they don't understand it they don't understand that for instance right now i'm sitting in a car recording this video because i was in my mother's in-laws house and they came from a walk and they decided to ring the doorbell to let me know that they're coming in so i had to restart this whole video again my son is crying because he doesn't want to wash his hands my father-in-law goes to the bathroom right next to the office flushes the toilet i could hear everything while i was recording and guess what i had to do come back outside my car sit in the car put the window down because in georgia right now it's a little hot and record a video that has taken me another hour whatever change i've been doing this now my throat is dry but if i explain this to them they don't get it they probably think i'm just having fun out here by myself right so you have to think about yourself that way and you have to think okay this didn't work out for me but i learned a lot i learned a lot how can i apply everything i learned to my next business how can i apply everything i just learned and failed and not necessarily failed right because i hate using that word but everything i it didn't work out how can i apply this to my next business and make it better whether it's an xc business whether it is a business you decide to do on your own uh maybe it's a business you decide to do in your website maybe you decide to do youtube uh become a youtuber like me or you decide to do website and sell your products through there it doesn't matter you either win or learn so all i ask of you guys if you enjoy this video please give me a thumbs up um share this video on your favorite platform below you'll find like facebook instagram twitter i know i don't think twitter you can but facebook facebook twitter linkedin and other channels please promote it and leave leave me a comment below what did you learn on this video because the more comments i get and the more likes i get it helps my channel but also helps me know and understand that these type of videos are valuable to you guys and if they're valuable i plan to do more of these but not just for xc but maybe teach you 50 lessons on instagram 50 lessons on i don't know pinterest that i learned and i could show you step by step so if you enjoyed this video let me know because that way i could create more videos similar to this that will help you guys propel in different areas of your exe business and i just want to say if you watch this all the way to the end thank you for taking the time to watch it if you did take a screenshot of this picture right now tag me on instagram which is nancy badillo and then number one three and i will re-share that in my instagram story um if you made it all the way to the end um thanks again for watching bye
Channel: Nancy Badillo
Views: 220,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to start an etsy shop 2021, Nancy Badillo, Increase Etsy Sales 2021, Etsy SEO 2021, how to increase Etsy sales 2021, how to sell on Etsy 2021, how to make money on Etsy, etsy tips for beginners, Etsy tips 2021, Etsy tips for beginners 2021, Etsy shop tips, Etsy advice, Etsy 2021, Etsy for beginners 2021, pinterest marketing tips 2021, pinterest content strategy, pinterest etsy sales 2021, pinterest 2021, etsy tags 2021, Etsy algorithm 2021, etsy long tail tags, etsy
Id: zqUAZ-M80po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 21sec (5481 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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