20 eRank Tools And Features | Etsy SEO | eRank Keyword Tool | Nancy Badillo

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Do you use #eRank for your Etsy business? If it's your first time hearing about eRank they offer the largest selection of tools to grow your Etsy shop.

In today's video, I'll show you 20 eRank tips and tricks to better understand their unique features. Check it out below!👇


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nbadillo1 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hi there welcome back to my youtube channel in today's request the video i'm going to be showing you 20 e-rank tips and tricks to help you understand all of the amazing features that they have to help you grow your xc business so if you want to learn all about the different tools that they offer make sure that you stick around and watch this video all the way to the end now if this is your first time visiting my youtube channel consider subscribing today i do upload weekly videos to help you build an impactful online business so don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to hit that notification bell so you are the first one notified of any new videos that i upload to the channel so let's go ahead and jump in right into the video and let's head over to my computer to get started all right so here we are on e-rank.com i actually have the e-rank pro version so if some of these features that i'm about to show you or some of these tips and tricks um you're not able to utilize that particular feature it might be that you will need to upgrade to the e-rank pro so just keep that in mind i do highly recommend upgrading because then you get access to all of their tools that ultimately helps you grow your exe business so just keep that in mind so let's go ahead and get started so the first tip that i wanted to give you is using the trend bus and this is really cool because it actually tells you what keywords are trending on xc what keywords are trending not only on xc but also on amazon on ebay on pinterest on google shopping and it's important to know what's trending because if you create products that are seasonal this might be a really great tool for you in addition to that i use both the keywords that are trending on xe as well as pinterest because as long as i find something that's trending that's related to my niche i can add it because it's catered to my audience and then what i do is i use the keywords are trending on pinterest and i use those keywords to optimize my pins for pinterest seo so it's kind of kind of helps me in both platforms not only optimize my listings on xe but also optimize my listings for seo on pinterest as well so it does have tons of value and you can go through the list here and see what's trending you could also click buy category especially if you want to look at your specific category category maybe jewelry or maybe pet supplies etc but this is a great tool that not too many people use or maybe not know about that they should be using on a daily basis just to see what's trending on the actual platform tip number two that we're going to be talking about is rank checker if you go to tools and you click on rent checker you can actually do this for any particular store whether it's your store or your competitor store and what you do is you put your store name here or your competitor store then you put the listing that you want to see how the listing is ranking so i'm going to do my own listing actually shop critique once you have the title here and you have the shop name you do a quick search and what's cool about this is that's going to give you information about that particular listing details like how long it was created how many favorites it has gotten what is the price for that listing um so you're able to go here you're able to see what page they rank so i rank particularly for number one for this particular listing um it gives you all of the tags that that person is using the price the views the daily views the hearts when it was created when it was um updated if it's vintage or not if it's handmade or not so it gives you a lot of details here and it's a really cool tool that you can start implementing when you're spying on your competitors just to kind of have an idea of okay that listing is ranking but how long have they had that listing right is it a listing that they just added yesterday or is it a listing that they have for a long time so they potentially rank for those keywords that are harder not to rank for because maybe now there's much more competition so just understanding those variables could definitely help you whether you want to add a listing to your store or not the next tip i have for you is e-ranks spell checker so if you go to shop spell checker and you click there it's gonna tell you um any keywords that you have misspelled on your actual listing so i went ahead and i misspelled this one so that you guys could see how it would look but basically you pick the language here so these are the different options that they give you you do um you could change it obviously it defaults in english but you could change it to spanish or french or german and you do uh you check again it's going to tell you all the keywords that are probably misspelled um this one i'm going to leave alone because it is spelled correctly um but this one obviously um i took the l out and as you can see is misspelled so it's important that you do this occasionally especially if you're adding listings all the time just to make sure that your tags are spelled correctly because if they're not you're not going to rank for that particular tag because it's not spelled right um so this is something that you know it happens to the best of us we might be up at two in the morning adding listings and unfortunately you're halfway asleep and you you misspell the word it happens but just get on a regular basis maybe quarterly check your listings maybe once a month depending on how often you add new listings just make sure that you go in here and check your spelling another cool tool that i want to show you is the category tool so if you go under tools and you go to category let's say you have a new listing and you have no idea which category is most relevant to that particular product that you're selling this is a really cool tool because let's say i sell wedding invites right and i don't know where to put this i could just type in wedding invites here i do a quick look up and it's going to tell me what is the uh biggest percentage of people what are they using at the current moment so right now for wedding invites this is the category right here 37 use this category wedding invitations and paper and invitations you want to make sure that when you're uploading listings to xc that you're picking the right categories because if you place them in the wrong category that could actually prevent more less visibility for your listings basically so make sure that you always pick the right categories so therefore you could amplify your reach another cool tool that i want to show you is the profit calculator so if you go to tools and you go down to profit calculator this is really cool because you're able to come here and this tool is going to help you estimate your exe fees and profit so all you need to do is enter the price of the item the labor material shipping cost the time it took to create the product and this will help you estimate the fees you have to pay and the profit you expect to make so you could just come in here and include all of this and it also has right here um offsite ads fees if you do have ads running and then once you add all of this information you just click on calculate and it'll give you all the information as well the next tool that i want to share with you is the profit calculator and if you go under tools and you go to right here profit calculator this is a really cool tool for you it's going to help you estimate your exe fees and profit so all you need to do is enter the price of the item labor material shipping cost and it will produce the estimated fee that you will have to pay and the profit that you could expect to make in addition to that you're able to add off-site ads if you have any running rights right here as well which is pretty cool another cool feature i want to show you is the xc sales map i know you've probably seen them around on different facebook groups people show their map of how many sales they have gotten if you go to shop and you go to sales map and you click there this is how you get it and basically what you do is you click here view your sales map and then some people sell sales maps on xc that you could buy and then you could start coloring in some people do that they sell those but this is how you could get one you could print it out from your computer and have a like a little you know a little list of all the places that people purchase from you it's pretty neat to see this information about your store and where your customers are at you could also use this information for your demographics to understand your target audience to understand oh okay so a lot of my customers are from australia or a lot of my customers are from the us so this is really good information also to help you um narrow down who is your ideal customer where they live most likely um if you were to run let's say facebook ads you know for me if i was to run facebook ad it makes sense to run facebook ads on the us maybe on uk maybe canada um the english speaking countries because these tend to be the top three for me it's just everyone is going to be a little bit different but you can use this information not only to see how many cells you have gotten throughout different countries or states but also use that information to do to understand more of your ideal customer as well the next feature i want to talk about is the listing grades so if you go to listings and you click on grades it's going to take you to this window where it has all of your listings if you go here you're able to click let's say i click on this listing right here you're able to see your grading score now one thing that i see online a lot is that people feel like if i have an a that means i did everything right if i have a c that means that this listing is not done properly don't get mistaken by the grade the grade is just simply telling you that you have optimized this listing right you have follow xe's best practices you have added all 10 photos you have added a complete title you have a listing description with a certain amount of characters you have all 13 tags you have attributes added you have categories that you have selected the more of those things that you have in place the higher the grading system you get that doesn't mean that if you have an a that your seo is done perfectly because you can have a c right and still have a listing that performs really well so keep in mind that the grading system is based on did you do all the best practices that xc recommends also when you're using a grading system this is a great way to analyze your listings um see how many people are clicking on it the visibility score how many views how many daily views how many sales you have gotten your keywords etc if you have a listing that's performing well if you want to create another one just duplicate that one and experiment with the one that you duplicated do not do changes to listings that are performing well just do changes on the listings that are not performing another cool tool that i want to show you is the missing tags so if you go to listings and you go to missing tags you can actually see your listings here it will give you a list of all of your listings that are missing tags now this is a custom order listing that i have and i only use this for when somebody wants to do additional changes and i need to charge them extra it's not a particular listing that i could care for for it to rank so it doesn't have any keywords and that's the reason why or tags and that's the reason why it's showing up here but if you do an audit of your listings and you have multiple listings that have like missing tags you need to go back you need to do keyword research and you need to add additional tags keep in mind that you want to use all 13 tags because the more tags that you use the more you amplify your reach right the more people could find your products and services so make sure that every single listing you have have 13 tags the next tool that i want to share with you guys is called the keyword explorer um if you go to tools and you click on keyword explorer this is a really really great tool what i always recommend my students to do is that whenever you are doing keyword research for your particular products you need to look at your keywords you need oh excuse me you need to look at your products and you need to write down 10 to 15 keywords that accurately describes what you sell you could use the xc search bar to do additional research if you want you could use google to do additional keywords if you're stuck but you want to come up with 15 keywords at least 10 to 15 keywords that describes what you sell it does don't use keywords that are broad or keywords that are one word phase try to use keywords that that have either long tail keywords or like i just mentioned that that describes exactly what you sell so when your target audience is searching for it they find your product once you have those keywords then you want to do additional research on those keywords you want to see are people searching for these keywords on xe do i have a chance of ranking for these keywords what is the monthly search volume what is the competition etc so let's say one of the keywords that you came up with was digital planner right so digital planner stickers let's just do that one so this is what you sell now you come in here you do a quick search and this is going to give you data on that particular keyword that you put in and it's going to give you additional keywords that other xe sellers are currently using and then you'll be able to see the metrics and see if you want to use those keywords based on the data right not based on what your competitors are doing you're copying their keywords not based on what the xc search bar gave you based on data because you have to measure the data so for instance digital planner stickers monthly search volume is 1900 the click-through rate is pretty good it's 82 percent but the competition is very competitive it's over 50 000. so this wouldn't be one that i would particularly use because to rank organically it would be almost impossible um to do it doesn't mean it's not possible but it'll be really hard um it is trending you see as you see here it it is growing especially in january when digital planners stick or stuff like that kind of goes off it's like the season for it and then here you'll get additional keywords and you could do additional research so if i sold digital planner stickers if i sold stickers for good notes this would be a really great keyword right here it doesn't have that much competition the search volume is not as high as i would like it but 393 monthly search value is better than you're using a keyword that has zero search volume so it's not that bad sometimes you do have to make an informed decision on what keywords you're going to use based on the data that you see here so yeah so this would be a good one to use and then you could kind of come in here and see what all the keywords are doing good now you only want to use keywords that accurately describe what you sell so if you don't make stickers for good notes then even though this is a good keyword you wouldn't use it because what happens now is if you choose the wrong keywords and you start showing your products to the wrong people it does hurt your conversion rate so keyword research is a little tedious you have to go in here and keep doing research keep looking through the suggested lists that even gives you of additional terms until you maybe you find additional ones that you could use and then you want to go ahead and do the search for every single keyword that you came up with look at that particular one and then look at the suggested ones and this is how you properly do keyword research for your exe store this is one of the many tools right there's so many tools out there that you could use but this is one that you could use right now that you could get started another tip i want to show you is how to check for missing attributes so if you go to listings and you go to missing attributes this is really really important because attributes act like tags and there are certain niches that unfortunately not all the attributes in that particular niche apply and that's okay i have some of my listings here that are showing that have no attributes and then i have some that i do have so what you want to make sure that you do is when you're uploading a listing in your store you want to make sure that you pick relevant attributes that are that go with your product because they do act like tags some people do research or they when they're buying something they do research by keywords right they'll type in digital planner stickers they do a quick search and then they look at what came up other people do research by attributes and keywords they type in the keywords then they go to attributes and they say okay i'm looking for pink stickers under 25 and then some people just do research just strictly through attributes only so you want to make sure that one you're using relevant attributes that accurately describe what you sell and two you don't just choose any attributes because they do act like tags and keep in mind the more people look at your listings and the less people buy it does hurt your conversion rate so you always want to make sure that you choose the right attributes for your listings another cool tool that they have is the xc top sellers if you go to tools i'm sorry if you go to competition and you go here top sellers you're able to see by volume of sales and you're able to see the top hundred shops for all different like category country year etc so you're able to see here the top sellers right now the top sellers from yesterday so this particular store is the jewelry store they had 1300 sales just yesterday that's crazy 1300 sales um so you're able to come in here and look at your competitors you're able to see here the top sellers by country you could change this here by country you could change this by category the year also you could look at previous years if you want you could look at last year just to see what competitors how stores did well last year compared to this year if you wanted to as well and there's more um categories here that you could choose from even though they're right here as well and then you could just look at this extensive list right here if you click on any of these it will open a new window and it will take you to that particular store so if i click here it will take me to this person store but this is a really great tool when you're doing market research you're trying to validate a a product idea that you have you're trying to see what your competitors are doing um and then kind of compare if you want to go ahead and proceed with that product but this is the store that we were just looking at you just click here and it will open the the new window for you for that particular seller that you're looking at another cool tool is the color pterosaurus um if you go to tools and you click right here color this is really great for branding purposes if you're trying to think of different colors let's say you like this color here you could just click here and it gives you different variations of that color so if you're trying to create a color palette for your store trying to come up with different colors that kind of go together you could come in here once you find a color that you like let's say you like this one here you just copy the hex number here and what whatever you go let's say you go to canva and you're creating a template or you're creating your xc mockups or whatever you're creating at that moment for your etsy store you could type in this this hex number in the color palette and it will pull up the exact color as well so this is really cool you could do this with any of these colors and it's just a great tool to have available in just in one place sometimes you know we're doing keyword research on one site we're doing branding research on another site we're doing we're checking out our top sellers in another site that's what makes erank special is that they put all of the colors and or all of the tools right in one place for us to be able to utilize and these are tools that i even use myself um when i'm looking for colors as well so this is a really really handy tool especially in the beginning of the stages when you're trying to create your brand identity and create your branding colors another tool that i want to show you is the return on investment calculator so if you go to tools and you go right here roi calculator and you click there this is really really cool you're able to click on your ad spend how many views how many clicks you got orders from the ads revenue for the ad and it kind of tells you your return on investment um and this is really important it's really important that when you're running ads or advertising that you understand is this ad performing the way it should be because maybe you got three sales but the cost of the ad was more so your return on investment is negative right because by the time you know you ran the ad 500 but you made 250 well you just lost to 50. so it really wasn't a good investment at that moment right you have to tweak it again and change it and test something different so this is really cool i highly recommend learning how to utilize tools like this obviously this is the one that erin provides there's many tools out there that you could use when it comes to calculating your return on investment but at least this one comes within the features of e-rank and i do recommend for you to start practicing using it especially if you're running advertising for your store another tool that i want to mention is called monitor if you go to shop and you go to monitor this is a really cool tool because you're able to track your keywords i don't have any at the current moment but i have done this in the past for my other stores and basically what this does is that you go to edit you put in your keyword and it's going to track it for the next 14 days and it's going to show you if your keywords are shown on the first two pages of xc search results you want to be on the first two pages because keep in mind a lot of people they either look at the first or second page they're not looking at third fourth fifth seven twenty five fifty right you don't wanna be on the bottom feed you wanna be in the first most like the first one is the best or the second if you have to so this is a really good tool because as soon as you update a new listing on your store or you upload a new listing you could take those keywords you can monitor them and see how well you do in the next 14 days and see which keywords are showing up on the first and second page which keywords are not showing up and maybe later on when you start doing your xc seo and you start fixing it you know okay these keywords didn't performance great i'm going to remove these but i'm going to leave these because these are actually ranking so that's what i would recommend is using this tool and i don't recommend changing your xc seo all the time i recommend doing it quarterly if you want to do it a little bit more often at least 30 days you could collect enough data to make an educated guess if that keyword is working for you or not but this is a really good tool to start using to just to start seeing okay so these keywords actually performing but these are not another cool tool that i want to show you is called the listing audit tool so if you go to listing and you click on listing audit you'll have a list of all of your listings here and what's cool about this is that you're able to click on listing audit and it's going to give you more information on that particular listing that you have and this is going to help you analyze your listing and see what you need to change what's working so it'll give you everything from your grading score i'll give you some tips here if your title is too long i'll give you some tips about your listing description it'll tell you listing stats everything about it the visibility of it how many people favor it um when it was the last time was modified um when it was created what is the pricing you're able to see your tags your attributes your description everything here and it really really does help you analyze your listing to make the appropriate changes that you need to do in order for this listing to perform better another tool that i want to show you is the one word tag so if you go to listings and you go to right here one word tags is going to show you the listings in your store that has one word tag now i don't recommend using one word tag sometimes you can use them based on the competition but majority of the times if the competition is very very high then using single word tags don't really help you it's stronger when you pair them together so when you have two keywords or more that's why long tail keywords tend to perform better so for some of these i definitely will have to go back and change some of my tags because they have one keyword and then i know some of these the reason why it shows up as one keyword is because i'm using long tail keywords i had to break down my keywords and one happened to be by itself so if that's the case then just ignore that one just fix the ones that have like one keyword like this one here if i will have to go back analyze my tags make sure this is not part of my long tail keyword but if it is not and it's by itself then planner by itself is very very competitive so it's better for me to go back and edit my listing and use a longer word whether it's two keywords or more to make it a stronger word because planner by itself one is very competitive so therefore i'm probably not ranking for this keyword in addition to that planner could be just pretty much any type of planner so i will have to be very specific to what i sell so therefore i could target my or so i could show my products to my target audience another really cool tool that not too many people know about is the shortcut button so if you go to tools and you go right here shortcut button and you click there make sure that you are under your e-rank account using chrome or firefox because this only works for chrome or firefox this is actually like a little extension and what you do is because i'm logged in right now using chrome so what you do is you you click down you drag this to your browser bookmark up here and you see how it showed up right here so now um let's say i wanted to do this is my competitor here and i wanted to do an audit on this listing here i want to see more information about this listing i can actually click on it and it's going to open that particular listing on e-rank and it's going to give me the listing audit of this listing it's going to tell me information that i want to find out so this listing how many favorite it has gotten the visibility how many total views right when was this listing created how many daily views they get they get a lot um listing age is 149 days so it's like about six months open it gives me all of their keywords it gives me all of this information so this is a really cool little extension that you should have in your browser so therefore whenever you're doing um research on other people's competit um competitors um listings or even doing research on your own listings you could just use it and it's a quick fix to entering back on e-rank another tool that i want to talk about is keyword tool it's similar to like the keyword explorer that we just looked at you just go to tools keyword tool i use this one a lot as well whenever i'm doing keyword research so all you need to do is just basically type in the keyword so we're going to stick with digital planner stickers i'm going to do a quick search and this is going to give me or it's going to analyze this keyword and it's going to show me the top 100 listings found on xc with keywords that are very similar to this so if you're stuck on keyword research and you're trying to come up with additional keywords this is a really great tool as well to use so it gives you data on that particular keyword here so it tells you um again the average search volume we already knew it was 1900 average um click-through rate 82 which is pretty good competition is pretty high it tells you the top countries for this keyword as you can see here us is the top one it's in blue it gives you more detail here like the average price so if you're stuck on how to price something this gives you the pricing here so this is a tool that could help you with different things understanding the demographics understanding the trends understanding the pricing point right um and then it gives you additional keywords here but you could just look down here this is easier and it gives you all of these keywords so good no stickers is something that if i knew how to do i would go into that category good notes because is a new product is not oversaturated many people are searching for it um it's something fairly new that you could potentially start making money from right away um so this would be a okay keyword it doesn't have a large search volume but the good thing about this keyword is to click the raise high doesn't have that much competition and 166 is okay because sometimes you do have to pick keywords that have a little bit lower here um you know this one is a great one right here good note planners 1300 monthly search in the competition i would prefer 30 000 or less but it's not too bad so as you can see it also could give you ideas for your market research and what are people searching for what is on demand right now what are people not there's not too much competition that maybe you could you know go into so and then you could go down here see the price range processing time etc um look at some top listings down here that sell those products as well so this is a really really good tool that i highly recommend using for many different things like i just mentioned keyword research for demographic research to see what's trending to see um to find additional keywords or additional um ideas that maybe you could start implementing on your xc store another tool that i want to recommend is the tag report so if you go to shop and you click on tag report it's going to open this page here and this is really cool because if you ever wanted to a lot of people like i want to do a spreadsheet of all of my keywords you could actually go ahead and print your keywords you could do a pdf you could transfer them as an excel you could download them as a csv or you could copy and paste them on your own like word document or wherever else you want to use but this is a good place you could come in here and it shows you all of your tags how often you're using your own tags you could do you can see how often people search for these tags on google you can see the competition on google and you can also see the cost per click on google so if you in the future if you wanted to run let's say some sort of google advertising it will tell you how much per click it will cost so it has a lot of great information for you and you can also download this if you want to have them on a spreadsheet for your own records and the last hack or tool that i wanted to show you is called date so if you go to listings and you click on dates this is going to give you all of the listings in your store it's going to show you when the listing was originally created when was the last update that you created and when it expires so this is really cool like if you're ever wondering okay when does this listing expire instead of you calculating it or going to your listing dashboard on xc you could just come here and it gives you the information right away it's going to show you the most recent ones so you know it's going to show you this one is coming on the 8th this one's coming up on the 6th the 17th april 3rd so it kind of puts it in order for you and then you're able to see here the last updates that you did on that particular listing in case you forget if you did an update or not if you're wondering did i change this listing i can't remember you could come here and you can actually see if you did or not but this is a really great tool um just to see those different changes um on your listings and also in case maybe you don't want to renew a listing maybe you have a listing that is not performing well it's not suited for your target audience and you're like uh i think i'm going to turn it off at least you're able to come in here and say okay i'm paid off to march 17. let me put in my calendar on march 16 to turn it off or let me go ahead and edit the listing and turn off the automatic renew so on march 17 it doesn't run you just depending on your preference i prefer just doing it automatic or non-automatic because then you don't tend to forget and you won't get charged another four months but these are all the tips and tricks that i had for you for using e-rank i hope that you enjoyed this video i hope that you learned some new awesome tools that you could use with e-rank let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this video if you would like more of these type of videos this was actually a request to video from like four months ago i apologize i have a massive list of all of the videos that you guys asked i create a spreadsheet i put it in there and based on how many people vote for what video that's the next video i create so if you have any type of videos that you want me to create leave them in the comments below because then i could add it to the spreadsheet and more people vote the higher the probability your video will be done the next time i create a request a video so let me know and thank you for watching
Channel: Nancy Badillo
Views: 24,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eRank, eRank keyword tool, eRank tools, Etsy SEO Tool free, Etsy SEO, Etsy SEO Tool, etsyrank pro, Nancy Badillo, etsy seller tips 2021, Etsy algorithm, Etsy seo tips 2021, increase Etsy sales 2021, Etsy 2021, Etsy algorithm change, Etsy ranking algorithm, erank review 2021, is erank worth it, erank pro review, etsy for beginners 2021, etsy tags 2021, Etsy shop tips, how to start an Etsy shop 2021, Etsy tips for beginners 2021, etsy, etsy seo 2021, Etsy SEO explain
Id: YNX-2z_a8ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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