How To Steal Your Etsy Competitors Keywords and Traffic (Etsy SEO Tools, Etsy SEO, & Much More!)

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hey everyone welcome back to my youtube channel where i help you build an impactful online business in today's video i'm going to be talking about the importance of having your own website for your exe business in addition to this i'm going to be showing you how to search for your top competitors that are making a killing on xc these are the top sellers on xc and how to take it one step further and seeing if they actually have a website and how you could steal their traffic and rank for their keywords so if you want to learn a little bit more about the strategy make sure that you watch this video all the way to the end now if this is your first time visiting my youtube channel consider subscribing today i do upload weekly videos don't forget to like this video hit that notification bell as well so you'll be the first one notified of any new videos that i upload so let's head over to my computer to get this video started all right so here we are in the back end of my computer and today we are using and we're using ubersuggest as two tools that you could use right now to see your competitors competition when it comes to their blog you're able to see all the data from their blog and you're able to see if you can use some of their tags to steal their traffic and drive some traffic to your website now keep in mind i always talk about having a website for your actual etsy store i highly recommend it if you look at any top sellers on on xc majority of them have a website on the side some of them have it linked to xc meaning that when people buy from their website it goes back to xc and then some people don't have it that way when they buy on their website they just buy directly on their website so they probably have like a woocommerce or something installed which is great as well but the benefit of having an established website and driving tons and tons of traffic is that you could build an authority on google you could dominate for a lot of search terms in addition to that you could grow a massive email so if you ever have like a special in your store or you want to send traffic not only from your website but maybe occasionally you might want to drive traffic back to your xc store you could do that in addition to all of these things that i just mentioned one of the seo criterias that xe requires everyone to do not require but you recommend for everyone to do is having inbound links that point back to xe and this is why having a blog or having um going into podcasting or being a guest blogger on other people's websites where you talk about your products and services maybe having someone do a youtube video like a review of your products is really important because the more links that point back to your exe store as well as the more links to point back to your website it helps you gain authority from seo and it will help you rank higher in the search results so you could use the strategy you could have a website where not only do you have your the same products that you sell directly from your website you could actually have a blog section where you talk about your products and services and you could create some articles in there that point back to your etsy store and if you have a website that has high authority that seo juice that's what they call it the juice will transfer to your exe store and that will give you more um ranking on the xy search feed this is just an seo thing um it's just how it works um it works the same for when you have like i just mentioned a website and um i will link in the comments below where xe tells you that having inbound links is beneficial for your exit store in case you want to read it because i know that there's so much information out there and what i've been trying to do a better job this year and last year is anytime i quote something so important i want to make sure that i provide you a link where you could go and verify and not verify because i wrote in my blog or someone else said it verify it directly from xc so just keep that in mind i will leave the link right below um so the first thing that i recommend is using craft count craft count you've probably seen videos before that i created is a great website you could go in here and you could see top sellers by summary by country by category so this is where you're gonna do your market research if you are currently selling jewelry or you're selling book bags or you're selling purses or you're selling t-shirts you could just go here top sellers by category and you could search here the top seller so if you sell art you could come here and you could look through these different stores and you know you could click on this one this is the top seller on art they have 129 000 sales and they've been open since 2015 they have beautiful prints and what you could do is what i recommend is going all the way in the bottom and seeing if they have their actual website a lot of people put their websites here a lot of people don't they leave it discreet the next step if i really wanted to beat these people they sell the same products like me or very similar products like me and i want to um see if they do have a website where i could potentially see their stats first and see if i could steal some traffic what i normally would do is i would go to google i would take their name and i would search to see if they have a website so i would put a website and then i would do a quick search to see if anything comes up so this is coming up lila and lola i think this is them so let's go ahead and click here just to see okay so this is it looks like it could be them let me see um let's check their instagram just in case you might have to do a little bit more research just to make sure it's starting to look like it is um let me go back yeah it's the same logo so this is them that's another way to check just in case look for the logo go to their instagram see if it looks the same as their website or their etsy store so this is the store that we're looking at right and one thing that you could do is you could just pick the store name right here grab the url and then you would go to uber suggest uber suggests um i think you could come out daily and they give you like a certain amount of um searches that you could do eventually you do have to upgrade i upgraded because it's just a really great tool i use it a lot for to see my competitors see what they're writing about see how i could improve my website because for a while i was so busy doing so many other stuff i kind of let my website go down and now i'm trying to build that authority again so this website um lila and lola they get about 428 monthly traffic they have a domain score of 14 which is pretty low um you could hover on top of these and they'll give you an explanation of what you're looking at and the up this one is really important domain score so you'll get a score of zero to 100 and this is given to all sites by google and the higher the number the more authority as the site is and the higher it ranks on google so you want to work on your on improving your domain score because the more you rank higher when people are searching for whatever you promote you will rank higher and you will gain tons and tons of traffic and this is why i always mention the power of blogging is so important and as you can see they have they they're ranking for 2500 keywords i think this is pretty good and then backlinks they only have 62. so bank backlinks again are like inbound links like links that point back to this domain obviously like i mentioned a few minutes ago the more the more links you have pointing back the better it is for you so they only have 62 at the current moment and they get roughly about 428 monthly traffic which is not not a lot you know i mean it's pretty good if you're starting if you're getting that much but it's still pretty low it could be that maybe when they first started they were you know they they were building their store they were building their blog and then over time maybe they stopped adding more links and more articles in their website um this shows you if it has been shared on facebook on pinterest what i always recommend is when you have a website it's really crucial to have some sort of plugin that when people visit your website on top of the post it has would you like to share on facebook or pinterest and i'll show you what i'm talking about the reason why you want that is because social signals are really important and the more people that share your content and you make it easy for them to share your content but the more people that share your content the more more viral you could go so when you have a blog what i recommend is adding one of these and this is a plugin that you add and on your actual post what you could do is have it so this is a new post that i just wrote and you want to make sure that you have it available so when people wanna they're reading this article they could just go ahead like someone shared that on pinterest they could go ahead and share it on pinterest or share it on facebook and the issue with a lot of e-commerce stores is that they forget to add that they don't add any plug-ins so therefore people are not really sharing it and that's why when you look at it here in uber suggests it just looks like no one's really sharing it a couple people did maybe she does have it right but on facebook's not getting shared either so social signaling is really important it means that people are sharing people are liking whatever you're promoting and that actually helps you also with google so having plugins that make it easy for people to go ahead and share on their favorite platform actually benefits you and then keep in mind if they share it on facebook and other people see it then that's more traffic to your website um if they share it on pinterest if they have let's say 10 000 followers all 10 000 followers now see it as well so that could be potentially more traffic so having plug-ins like that actually do help you um get more views et cetera um but you know you could come here and you can look at you know their top this is their top pages right here so these are the if i was to copy anything from them it would be from these now i'm not saying to copy whatever they wrote what we're doing basically is seeing what other keywords that they're ranking for so if i sell also floral bunny prints in my store i would go here and i would click on view all and this is going to give me a list of keywords that they're ranking for so these are all the keywords that they they're using right now and what you could do is potentially grab all these keywords you could export them into a csv file you could grab all of these it gives you the volume like how much search value and the position you know if you use this keyword um they're ranking on position number 11 which means that they're on the second page of xe of google because the first page of google is one through ten the second page is 11 through 20 etc so that shows you that they're in the second page of google how many visas how much the cost per click the difficulty to rank for this one and then the seo difficulty so this is a very competitive keyword however if they optimize their their blog the correct way they could potentially be at a higher position but they they're they're not doing it fully so that's the reason why and what you do is essentially you copy all of these keywords by exporting it and then what you could do is one of the two you could write an article that you talk about your bunny print and you could either potentially have a link pointing back to your etsy store or you could sell your own products in your woocommerce store it really depends on on what you want um i think pointing back to your store makes sense if you're gonna depend on on traffic from xc as well like you want to build your etsy store um for now and then eventually i do recommend having a separate store from xc because god forbid your etsy store gets closed down for any reason now you have a backup plan you have your own website with your own products so that's my recommendation is to have your own website with your own products and then on the blogging area right on the blogging section having um articles that you write that point back to your etsy store that's my recommendation and you would grab all these keywords and you would put them in your q in your actual verbatim of what you're talking about which is bunny print now another thing you could do is if you don't if you're not a writer like myself if you're having a difficult time with seo or or just getting started with this is like too much for you you can actually hire someone to do the writing for you i will leave the link to the company that i work with and the reason why i like them because you'll find reputable writers it's not just anyone in there saying i'm a writer and you could put a project you could say hey i'm looking for an article of i don't know a thousand words i'm willing to pay twenty dollars and then you put in your criteria you give them the keywords you say these are the keywords i want it to be optimized for seo and that's it they write the article for you and then you upload it to your own website and you could do this two to four times a month to kind of build that momentum and you were given the keywords and now you're essentially kind of stealing their traffic a little bit and if this person writes a better article because what happens with e-commerce is that a lot of people we use like one or two three keywords they put the picture they say this is the price but they don't really write anything else and you have to have contents like you have to have an article that talks about your products and services even if you writing um let's say 400 words or something but just enough to kind of put all those keywords in there so you could rank higher and rank for more keywords so it's really easy to steal someone's traffic and you could do this for multiple stores to sell similar products like you you could find these stores and you don't essentially have to go with the first store you find you could do this store this um company here la la and lola and be like uh well they're not doing that great let me find a better right a better um store that sells similar products like me that have more search volume have they're ranking for more tags because then i could even rank for those as well and i found the store that i wanted to show you but i wanted to kind of give you an idea of how easy it is um as you can see they don't have their store there thereby was able to find it so that's what you want to do you want to go through the list of whatever your niche is and find your basically competitors see if they do have a website or blog these are top sellers that you know they're doing something right and then when you create your website or blog then you will go and find these top articles that they're getting tons of traffic from you write the same and you wait because seo does take time it's not gonna happen overnight um to rank for those keywords but then you add all these key and when you least suspect it you're driving so much traffic to your website that you could start collecting emails you could start promoting other products you could send them back to your etsy store if you wanted you could keep them in your store is really up to you with your ultimate goal um the store that i was gonna show you guys that i was really amazed by um is this one here it's called spoonflower and it's a top seller so this this page here gives you an overall of all the stores that are top sellers so this store today made um 808 sales um october 5th that's pretty good i wish i made that many sales in one day right um that's really really great and one thing i noticed about them they have tons of sales you see they've been on xc since 2008 they have 516 000 they're not stopping anytime soon because they're getting sales after sales it's not like they're dead so this is a good store to compare you could click on their sales because they don't have it closed out and you can see what's selling you can see what are their top products and you could take inventory and kind of go through this you know it might be a little tedious because they sell so much but you could see people have these in their car 10 3 people have this 12 people and this is a good indicator of what people like especially if you sell wallpaper then you could say okay well let's get rid of these that i don't sell that well and let's add more of these because this store is actually selling them like hot cakes right and then you kind of you know see what they're selling and you just want to make sure that your products are better more branding you write better articles you you know you go above and beyond but you could kind of see here what is trending in their store right now and what has sold then how many people have stuff in their cart and then what you could do is once you find a store that you kind of want to see their website if they do have one like i did earlier you will go all the way down and you will click here so this is their website i already have it open and this is a website and all i did was i grabbed the url i went to ubersuggest i typed it in and look at what i found they are doing a remarkable job with their website so whoever they hired to do their seo to do their content to fill up their website they are doing extremely extremely well they get over 500 000 we're almost 600 000 monthly traffic for free this is organic which means that people are typing keywords on google and they're going to their store for free no advertising i mean i'm sure if they pay for advertising they will get more traffic but this is showing you the data organically we can't see you know they're paid advertising this is how many keywords are ranking for i mean that's a lot of keywords the domain score is really high which is great this is an example of uh if you do sell wallpaper this is a great company to kind of like copy their model and their backlinks are incredible they have over 13 000 backlinks that's how many websites and other things are pointing back to their website which helps them rank higher and gain more authority now keep in mind backlinks could be um when you go when you have youtubers do a video review of your store of your products excuse me when you have um when you go to podcast right and you and you talk about what you sell your store name etc another backlink um example could be guest blogging like you're you're writing on other people's websites and then when they ask you what link did you want to use you are leveraging their traffic to send traffic to your website by adding your url so these are all different examples there's so many ways that you could gain backlinks but these are like the top ones and they're doing exceptional for the month of june look how much traffic they got um more than five than 600 730 000 it just looks like it keeps going up probably on the holiday season it might go back up to 700 800 who knows maybe a million a month i mean just imagine if 581 000 people went to your actual website today right and even a frac even if a small fraction of them purchase your wallpaper your printable your planner your t-shirt your mask whatever you sell it is pretty amazing and this is one of the main reasons why even i personally i'm taking an effort in revamping my x my xe blog because for years my blog was about digital marketing blogging affiliate marketing and the last two years i switched it to xe and i haven't done everything i could to have numbers like this but i do understand the value of it because i used to create websites and flip them and sell them i did that for years and i used to rank websites that people would just i buy and start making money through affiliate marketing through amazon through google advertising they were making like a thousands a month just from that because i was ranking them so i do understand the benefit of having a website and i wanted to show you guys this little strategy because it will really open you up to the idea of like wow i need a website or maybe you have a website but you're not putting all these things in practice like you don't really know this and this is a great example um it shows you here every month like how many keywords are ranking for like position one two three four to ten eleven to fifty and fifty one to a hundred how many of those keywords and what that means position is this when you go to google and you type in um let me see if any of their keywords actually come up um i'm gonna do this one here right let's see so this is their keywords rose pink fabric wallpaper and home decor so when you do a search let's say somebody's doing a search do you rank for that keyword in the first page of google this is the first page here this is the second this is the third this is the fourth you want to be in the first or second because you know it's almost like when you have your etsy store you want to be in the first or second you don't want to be like on the page 11th because it doesn't mean that you won't get the traffic but you wanted you want to be on page one because that's where the traffic is so uber suggest is telling me that this keyword their ranking um well listen cause it doesn't say it there yeah it doesn't tell me what they're ranking for here but i did notice that she is ranking number one for that you see how she came up here so she is ranking for one um she has this other one here pink fl pink rose blu blush excuse me fabric sorry about that like 1 30 in the morning you can't even talk um do you see how she's ranking for two keywords up here she's beating out uh which is a huge company uh there's pinterest amazon she's beating out home depot i mean that's amazing that she's beating out home depot which is a a bigger company than she is right or he or she whoever owns this company but um you see she has two tags right here so that's what you want you want to be on the first page and this shows you that she does have a lot of keywords i mean she has in let's say for the month of september over 27 000 keywords that rank on the first to third page so imagine like how much traffic she's getting and this is how most likely she's been able to be so successful with her store because she has so much traffic coming every single day and people are buying even if a small percentage buys she's making tons of money and then once you know you have this much excessive traffic to your store you know you're gonna have coupons and you're gonna have little pop-ups like she has you see she she's no he or she knows what they're doing they have you know yes please let me you know they have this little coupon thing that pops up this popped up for me earlier when i was in here and this is great because who doesn't want a discount right they go in there they put their email now they're gonna get a discount and then from there you know they could remark it to them all the time they could run an ad they could you know send them to their etsy store if they wanted to they could do whatever they want basically after that and get continuous sales but look how much much traffic they get and then what you would do is if you're happy with this like if i was selling wallpaper this would be the company that i would want to create articles with the same keywords because they're doing a great job so keep in mind that the more traffic they have the more backlinks they have the more authority it will take you a while to reach them it's not going to happen in a year um unless you're like writing tens of thousands of articles or something but it does take time because to outrank them you will need to have more backlinks than them you will need to have a better domain score than them you need to drive more traffic than them so can you imagine trying to like catch up to this is is it's big numbers but it is a great place to start with because their numbers are so good that you could potentially take some of their traffic back to your store and all you need to do is when you go here these are the top pages that drive traffic to their store and look at how crazy this is so when somebody found this listing 62 000 people share that on facebook so more people are more engaged on facebook for some reason than they are on pinterest which maybe they don't pin as much on pinterest but this could be this facebook and pinterest could be two ways it could be people sharing from their website to facebook and pinterest or it could be maybe they posted the listing on facebook right and maybe they have a large following on facebook and a lot of these people shared it and that's why you see those numbers um doesn't really tell you here but just the fact that you see these big numbers i mean that shows you that their stuff is getting seen by a lot of people so that's another reason why putting all these pieces together having an exe store having um a facebook page having a pinterest is so essential because like i mentioned a few minutes ago social signaling is really important and if a lot of people if you put something on your facebook page or you have a facebook group and many people share it on their page or you say please share and people actually actually do it that's gonna help you that's gonna help you with google it's gonna send signals and say wow like um you know a lot of people are interacting with the store it kind of essentially is the same with xc the more people engage with your new listings they like they buy the higher the probability that you might become a best seller and it kind of works the same way the more people share um click etc the higher you will rank for that keyword and what you would do is you would just go here let's say you do have a wallpaper that's rose pink fabric you could copy this word by word because that's nothing wrong keep copying tags there's nothing wrong what you don't want to do is copy the verbatim whatever they wrote on that page you do not copy that you could look at it for inspiration to kind of see how they format it so you could get an idea but you will not copy that and then what you do is you go here and you say view all and then this is going to show you how many keywords they're currently using to help them drive traffic right so this particular page gets them an estimated of 2 300 visits a month from google so here are the the keywords that generated those visits and you would take these keywords you export it and then you will hire a writer let's say you don't want to do it yourself and you will say hey this is my main keyword rose pink fabric wallpaper and home decor and these are the additional keywords please add them to the blog article and i want my article to be i always recommend i mean i should change my write my blog articles and now i'm trying to write longer articles google prefers longer articles so if i was to tell you the right way to do it and not the lazy way like i've been taking i would say do at least a thousand words and you could pay somebody for that like i mentioned earlier and you will give them all these keywords and you would say please have these in the actual headlines of the blog in the actual article and then once they do it and you're happy with it you will upload it to your website you can add pictures of your wallpaper and you could like i mentioned earlier either redirect them to xc and that will give you an inbound link pointing back to xc or you could just redirect them to your actual store and not send them to axis really up to you um but once you grow a blog this big um you'll start understanding how to leverage also xe as well everything all everything will come in circles to you you'll be like oh my god why why didn't i do this earlier and you know i won't say having a blog is like the easiest thing but does it really help you yes it does it will drive tons of traffic when you do it correctly um but this is a prime example here of how easy it is you could look at your competitors see what they're writing about come in here take their main keyword click here view all see what tags are using copy those tags by just clicking here exports to csv file it gives you like a little excel sheet with all the keywords the cost per click it gives you all this information on the little excel sheet you download that to the person that's going to write the article and you could just set a budget for yourself you could say okay i'm going to spend 40 a month have two articles written and call it a day if you have more money maybe you could do you know five per month 100 you know you are gonna have to spend money to make money unfortunately i mean that's something that that's why i have all these tools you know not only do i have oversuggests i have keywords everywhere i have video iq for my youtube channel i have a whole bunch of tools i mean i probably spend anywhere from 700 to 800 a month and eventually when you first start you don't have to spend that much money but as you make more money you can actually invest in more products and tools to help you grow so just keep that in mind i want to scare you but you do you will have to budget something to hire a writer if you don't want to do it yourself and like i said with uber suggest you could try them out for free i think they give you like a cap on how many searches you could do per day and then craft count you don't have to pay anything for craft count which is great so you already have two tools that you could potentially use one for free and one is guarantee free to kind of get you starting and i mean how great is that imagine if you know you were getting the traffic that you know this potential store has i mean it would just be remarkable to get that traffic from spoonflower um and kind of steal some other traffic to your actual etsy store so if you have any questions i know i i just went over so much please leave them in the comment below i'll be more than happy to answer them i hope that you enjoyed this video gave you like an insight on how to do a little bit more research on your competitors and how you could take your website to the next level using amazing tools like uber suggest and also keep in mind that everything i recommend i have either tried um i'm using at the current moment i'm not going to suggest something that i don't recommend and craft count is great and then uber suggests by neil patel if you don't know who he is i highly recommend searching him on youtube he has amazing videos like he provides so much value for free that i get inspired and i hope that one day i could be the same like him provide provide provide for free because he is truly amazing and i wouldn't recommend something that i don't necessarily use or don't know about so just keep that in mind and if you have any questions like i said leave them below and thank you guys for watching
Channel: Nancy Badillo
Views: 28,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etsy competitors, Nancy Badillo, etsy traffic, etsy website, Etsy seo, Etsy seo tools, Etsy seo tips, etsy keywords, etsy keywords tool, etsy tags, etsy tags that sell, etsy for beginners, etsy success, etsy tips, etsy review, etsy business, how to etsy success, Etsy shop for beginners, Etsy, etsy ideas for selling, etsy selling, etsy branding, etsy business ideas, etsy best selling products, etsy top seller, etsy crafts, etsy help, etsy shop tips, etsy blog
Id: RMn5F0mUmKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.