35 Etsy Hacks To Help Increase Etsy Sales, Manage Your Time, & Etsy Marketing Strategies

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hi there welcome back to my youtube channel where i help you build an impactful online business i'm super excited about today's video because i'm going to be sharing with you guys 35 xe hacks to help increase your xc sales manage your time and scale your business to the next level so you want to make sure that you watch this video all the way to the end also don't forget to grab my free xc seo guide that will help you optimize your xc store and listings for seo i will leave the link in the text box below in addition to that if this is your first time visiting my youtube channel consider subscribing i do upload weekly videos to help you with your business and hit that notification bell so you'll be the first one notified of any new videos so let's head over to my computer and i will walk you through the 35 xi hacks so here we are on my store and i'm gonna cover all 35 xe hacks to help you with your time management help you save some money help you with customer service and much more so let's go ahead and get started so the first one i want to talk about is your meta description and whenever you create a listing you can actually preview your meta description which is a snippet that's shown to people that find you on google and other large search engines and your meta description is pulled from the first 160 characters of your listing description but you actually could see a preview of what it would look like when people find you on google so what you need to do is whenever you're creating your listings or you're editing a listing you will go all the way in the bottom right here and it says preview listing as a google search result and if you click here show preview it's going to show you your meta description so mine is hi i'm nancy nice to meet you get my xc shop critique and let me help you build a thriving exe business click to learn more and get yours today and this is pull like i said from the first 160 characters of your listing description um you definitely want to work on that on every single listing making sure that's not getting cut off that way when people do find your listings outside of etsy they feel enticed enough to want to go ahead and click to learn more about your products and services the second hack that i want to talk about is free xc listings and if you follow me already on youtube you have seen my previous videos where i have talked about this before now xc allows you to share a referral link and when you share that referral link to anyone family or friends and they actually open an etsy store you get 40 free listings and they get 40 free listings at the current moment i have on this particular store 40 000 free listings i think in total i'm over 90 000 or almost 100 000 on all of my stores and i actually use this on my social media on my blog on pinterest if anybody asks me for the link i always share it on signatures etc so using your link anywhere and everywhere you promote your store obviously i have a little bit of a following but when i first started um xe before i even did exe videos or anything i was actually promoting it and i was getting about 200 listings per month for free so you could start even if you don't have an audience for them just making sure that you just promote it anywhere and when people ask you about xe you know you could say to them um here's a link in case you do open a store and even if you got three new people to sign up with your link that's a 120 free listings i mean it really helps because right now every single time i either add a new listing or i renew a listing i don't pay for additional listings so it does help save me a lot of money the third hack that i want to talk about is hiding your xe sells history a lot of people don't know about this i have done videos previously before on this um especially as a new xc owner you might not know this but people can actually click right here on your sales and see your top listings and what's selling and what's not selling and they can actually also calculate your income based on your xe selling xc listing history so there's many reasons why i always recommend turning them off one you don't want your competitors to see your top listings two you don't want them to actually calculate how much money you made um three you don't want them to copy you so there's a lot of different reasons why um in order to turn this off all you're going to do is you're going to go to shop manager you're going to go to settings you're going to go to options and then you're going to go ahead and disable so you're going to say no hide them and you're going to press save now when people visit your actual xe store if they try to view it it won't give them a clickable link and they won't be able to see your exes history the fourth hack that i want to talk about is the auto reply so if you go to your messages and you go to the right corner up here it says auto reply you can actually turn this on and you could set an auto reply for anyone that messages your store i don't currently have mines on because i'm pretty good at responding however if you know you're going to be busy or it's a busy day you should have an auto reply you could just simply say hey thanks for the message and we'll get back to you by the end of the day or whatever you want to put but this is really great you could set the auto reply for one hour four hours one day after so let's say you closed out the sale and you want to do an auto reply um the day after like saying thank you for your service you could do that as well um but i think it works better with responding when people actually message because this is an automatic for when someone messages you so just use it for that better than what i just mentioned um and you could just select the time that you wanted to do it if you're gonna do out of reply i would say at least an hour i wouldn't reply like 12 hours later so one hour i think it's sufficient to send a message to a customer and say we'll get back to you as soon as possible hack number five is that you could share a coupon discount directly from your xe messages i don't know if you know this but if you're currently running any discount you can actually click on the on the person that you want to share it with and if you go down here it says coupons you could pick from the coupon that you're currently running and you can actually share the link with that individual and say hey save 10 on your next purchase using this discount thank you so much for your business so you could do this right after you close an order just to get a repeated customer but it's a really nice hack because it saves you a lot of time and you don't have to go back to the sales and marketing portion of the dashboard to find the actual link hack number six is creating safe replies to your most frequently asked questions and this is one that i use a lot as you guys could see i have all of these safe replies down here and how you could create them is you just click on click on all save replies add new and then from here you could do a safe reply you could add them into categories but the save replies will save you a lot of time because for me like i have the same thing that i i sell all the time so i already have like a set reply that all i do is change the name of the person and then you know tell them you know your order has been completed thank you so much for your order but it will save you a lot of time just doing this um really quick so if this was an order that i just completed i could just click on completed order and i already have all my details in there for them hack number seven is add a signature to your safe reply so i don't know if you know this but it's a really cool hack that i started using so whenever you're typing someone a message let's say you're just messaging this person and you say hey lucia thanks for reaching out um i will talk to you soon let's say that's your message for for whatever reason so instead of you having to write a signature every single time you could just have it save already and this is what i use it for as well um for random messages that i'm talking to customers so this is a really cool hack it will save you a lot of time and you could pretty much um write whatever you want you can say thank you for stopping by you can have your store name on the bottom and then have um feel free to reach out to us if you have any additional questions so for hack number eight we have a cool trick that i learned is that whenever you want to implement all your tags in your actual listing once you've done keyword research and you have all your tags the only thing you need to keep in mind is putting a comma in between every tag to separate them and once you're ready to add them to your listing you copy you paste right here you click add and they will be all added to your actual listing and this will save you a lot of time than having to enter them each manually hack number nine is how to check recent activity so if you go to your shop manager and you go to dashboard and you go all the way down it says recent activity and you can kind of go through here and see who has favor an item in your store who has favor your store and you could kind of take inventory of what people are reacting to are people favoring your shop are people favoring specific items you can see your reviews as well so this is really neat you get a lot of information on what's working and what's not working for you hack number 10 is how to view listing stats for any listing so if you have a particular listing that you want to check the stats you can actually click on the listing like this and it's going to open this window here and if you look here it says stats and then from here you're able to see um the income how many visits how many items you have sell your monthly revenue how people are finding you etc but this is really good information to start learning more about your listings your traffic um how they're doing how they're performing and everything else that you need to know in order to kind of scale your business to the next level and either add more of those listings or remove some of those listings hack number 11 is how to view who has favorite your shop so let's say you want to see who has favorite so you have 300 favors so you have 3 000 favors i have 1057 right now if i want to see who actually click here all i need to do is go down here says 1057 admirers if you click there it's going to open a new window where it shows you all the people that have favored your store and then if you click on their actual name you're going to be able to see what other stores or what items they have favors so you're able to see favorite items favorite shops this is really great for market research to understand your audience to see what else are they liking besides your store what are they looking for and this will help you understand more of your target audience more if you need to create additional products out there and kind of get an idea of what's happening with people that are visiting your actual store hack number 12 is it kind of goes with the first one that we talked about the first few ones that we talked about how to view so listing history without making it public so let's say you want to see your sold his listing history what you could do is you could go right here and click on 384 sales and you're the only person they could actually see this and you'll be able to come here and see what has been selling in your store but no one else could see it so you don't necessarily have to go back in enable it to to see it because then you give other people the opportunity to spy however if you just click right here you're the only person they could actually see hack number 13 how to view third party integrations that work with xe so if you go to shop manager and then you go to integrations right here these are all the tools that xe has approved that you could work with and obviously some of them are companies that we know of like pinterest but there's so many tools in here that you could use so if you're looking for places to market and promote your store you can see the the um the the list right here by clicking see all if you're looking for improving your listing and understanding buyer trends you can see the the approved list right here managing your book keeping and taxes these are all companies that they work with you can see right here understanding and managing your inventory and then analytics right here you can see all of them right here and this is really important because a lot of times people say well i can't use um e-rank how about if i get you know that's not approved by xc well it is a proof as you can see from here so these are all the companies that they work with that they're approved by by xe one of them being abwebber and male fold um and for your email marketing a lot of people say you can't do email marketing with xe it's not allowed yes it is this is your proof right here in case you do get that confusion you don't necessarily have to do it with these two companies that they integrated with you could choose any company you want however these are the two that they work with at the current moment so just keep that in mind and this is a great resource that you could go back to to learn about different tools that will help you scale your business to the next level hack number 15 is if you have connected any of these tools and let's say you say okay i don't know i no longer need that tool how can i remove it all you need to do is go to right here manage and then you could just go ahead and disconnect that specific tool that you're using for your exe store that you probably are no longer using and you want to go ahead and disconnect hack number 16 is how to check if you have claimed your pinterest on xe the right way so one of the things that i get a lot is that many people when they connect their pinterest store or their exe store to pinterest their rich pins are not active so if you want to make sure that your rich pins are active or or at least it's just taking longer for them to appear the quickest way is going into integrations and then going to manage and you should see that your pinterest account is actually connected if it's connected that means that you did integrate xc with pinterest so therefore you're good to go hack number 16 is adding your blog your website your facebook or any other social media platform that you would like to add to your actual etsy store all you need to do is in your home page you will click on edit and then from here you will go all the way down to your about me section which is oh i passed it right here and from here you could just add facebook twitter instagram pinterest website or your blog it will automatically save like this and when people actually click on it it will be a clickable link that will take them directly to that particular site or social media platform hack 17 is you actually could rearrange your items on your actual xc store so you would do the same you would click on edit shop and from there you will scroll down to right here rearrange items you will click there and this will actually let you rearrange stuff around in the order that you want a lot of times what i've seen a lot of xc stores do is that whatever they have is kind of like matching let's say they sell like a wedding sign a wedding invite table numbers and a sitting chart they put all the same color and design in the same row so when people are shopping they see all of the same colors with this the same design all across and that gives the appearance of someone like shopping to know oh okay they sell matching items that i would be interested in buying but you can rearrange it for whatever reason you want but that's the best one that i have seen is rearranging things that go together basically and once you're done let's say you rearranged it and you're happy with where is that you would just click on exit and that's all you need to do hack number 18 is that you can actually add a video to your about me story so you will click on edit shop i have not done one yet i am actually thinking of doing one for my store i have done it in my other store but not on this one and you can actually just go ahead and click here add a video um the limit is 300 megabytes so just keep that in mind you can also add up to five photos with captions if you want as well hack number 19 is adding a clickable link in your about me story so this one is basically you will click on edit shop and you will go down to your about me story which is this right here what i recommend is adding a link to your email so you can start collecting emails for your um website i wouldn't recommend adding a link to like oh follow me on instagram or follow me on facebook i say just grab just add one link to your actual um product or service like whatever you're offering them whether it's a lead magnet a discount for the first order or you're providing value through your products and services so you're asking them to join your email list once you have the email list right and you collect that email then you could cross promote hey by the way we are on instagram we are on facebook but you want to grab the email first that's more important than getting a follower because with the email you could do remarketing again and then you could cross promote and grow hack number 20 is that you could actually change your shop name so if you originally open your store and you're not happy with the name of your store you can actually go ahead and change it you would just go to shop manager you will go to settings you will go to info in appearance and then you will go up here shop name and then you will put your new name and see if it's available um keep in mind just read all of this right here this is important information however they will redirect your links from the old shop name to the new shop name hack number 21 message to buyers for digital items so this is more for people that sell digital products like myself one of the biggest um cons right of selling digital products is that a lot of people buy it and they didn't know that they were buying a digital product and they'll message you asking you i didn't know i don't know how to download it so one of the quickest way that will help you save time headache it will be more convenient for the customer as well is by adding a direct message to anyone that buys a digital product from your store so you will go to settings info and appearance and then down here you could include a little message to buyers for digital items so i have mine that says hey thank you so much for your purchase if you need help downloading your digital product please visit and then i have the xc link where it shows you step by step how to download a digital product for further instructions thank you you don't have to necessarily say how i have it but it does help you save some time especially because customers can actually click on the link go to that page and and see how they could download it i actually did a bitly on this link and i'm able to track how many people click on it and i get a lot of clicks so that actually helps me manage my time with unnecessary messages hack number 22 is that you can market message as spam so if you receive an xd message and you know that is spam um what you could do is report it to xe um all you would need to go do is go to that particular message and then click on spam and it will directly send that message to xe and they will be notified and they will take care of it from their end hack number 23 is automatic listing translation and adding translations allows your shop to be seen by a wider audience of potential buyers so what you could do is have automatically your shop be translated in different languages automatically and you need to set that on if you don't have it on so all you need to do is go to shop manager you'll go to settings you'll go to options and from there you will click on this one right here where is that right here automatic listing translation turn it on and this will automatically translate your listings to other languages for other people to buy from you and it will definitely help you increase your sales adding google analytics to your xc store a lot of people don't know that they could actually connect their xc store to google analytics it's really important to do so because you get so much information about who's visiting your store where they came from outside of xc um how they found you whether it's pinterest what social media platform what actual link they found you through um you can see real-time people shopping in your store the top times and days that people are shopping and much more so in order to connect your store to google analytics all you need to do is click on shop manager and you will go to settings options web analytics i took my link out just for this video because you want you have to be careful with who you share that information with and this video is going to be seen by a lot of people but what you would do is you will go to google analytics you will create an account with them is very simple process to do and then it's going to give you a property id number you take that property id number you put it in here you click save you wait 24 to 48 hours to start pulling data and then you'll start seeing data automatically at google analytics hack number 25 is downloading csv sells listings so if you need to do so all you need to do is go to shop manager once again you will go to settings um you will go to info excuse me options and then you will go to download data now from here you're able to go ahead and pull current for sale listing so this is going to pull the title the description the price the currency code quantity tax material image urls for everything a lot of people use this to open shops on other different platforms so this is where you will go to download this spreadsheet now hack number 27 that follows this one is how to do a download of all your orders so this is where you will go if you ever need to download something especially for your taxes this is where you would go you could do yearly whatever year you're looking for whatever month and then you would just download the information and hack number 27 is how to download your reviews i actually like that one a lot because if you want to do like social media postings and you want to have a spreadsheet of all your reviews all you need to do is download your reviews and then you could just copy and paste that to the social media posting that you're doing to promote your store so it's really simple and easy to grab all your reviews from your store especially if you have tons of reviews hack number 29 is vacation mode reply so you could actually send out an auto reply to anyone who sent you a message when on vacation mode i highly recommend doing this i actually did this when the only time i ever put my store on vacation mode when i was having my son jordan in 2018 and what i did was i was saying hey you know i'm having a baby feel free to order from me if you want i'll be able to complete your order by this date if you if you're still interested but the store is opening by this date and then i kind of gave them an outline of when i was coming back so if you ever go on vacation put the auto reply for anyone that messages you so that way they know okay she's gonna be back on the 15 i'll just come back on the 15. it's just really cool to inform especially your repeated customers when you'll be back so what you do is you go back to shop manager you go to settings options and then you will go to vacation mode and then right here you will add the actual auto reply message to anyone that actually messages your store while you are on vacation hack number 30 is make sure to ask people to favor your listing so when people are visiting your store and they're already engaging with whatever they're looking at let's say they're looking at this review this etsy shop reveal have something like this pointing right here there should be a heart you don't see it because i'm actually logged in in my store but if you're at my store right now and you click or you go to a store that's not yours you will see a heart right here and i'm actually telling people don't forget to like this listing right the reason why you want that is because every single time somebody likes a listing in the future if i put this listing on sale and i say okay i'm going to put this at 50 off every single person that like that listing is going to get a free alert from xc automatically you don't have to do anything from your end saying this listing is on sale and this is the alert that you get these are alerts that i get from things that i have favored in axi i actually had planned to purchase this invite here for my son's birthday in april because of the pandemic we had to cancel the birthday party of course and i received the notification 10 weeks ago that this item was on sale the reason why i received notifications for these two items is because these are two items that i have been looking at that have favorite the listing i barely ever do this because if not i'll get a whole bunch of notifications however for the random person that buys on xc they don't mind favoring things especially if they're interested in buying if they're not interested in buying they're not going to click on favorite however if they are maybe they can't do it at that moment but they will later when they have the money by them getting that alert from xc it will definitely increase the likelihood of somebody buying from you so adding that little picture on every image that on every item that you sell or at least high ticket items um that you make a lot of money from i highly recommend doing so because it would one drive more traffic back to your store every time you run a sale automatically for free hack number 31 how to share listing to pinterest so let's say i wanted to share this listing right here to pinterest all i need to do is go to the actual listing i will click right here on pinterest and then it will automatically open my boards i will select where i want to put it at and i'll be able to go ahead and share automatically to pinterest now keep in mind that you can also share on facebook and you can also share on twitter hack number 32 how to add a video to your products so i haven't done this yet on this particular store but if you want to add a video all you need to do is if you are one of the better testers you will be able to see it because when you edit a listing or you add a new listing you're going to have this little box here this little section here and then you will upload a video it has to be under 100 m megabytes and keep in mind it's no audio so unfortunately you can't talk so you will have to just do a video that's like actually silent but i do recommend trying it out and seeing if this actually helps you a lot of times it's just trying different things to see what works for your products and services hack number 33 is how to zoom in on a photo on your xc listing um primarily the main one so let's say i did this listing here and for some reason it's off center or i want to zoom in when you're actually editing your listing i don't know if you know this but you can actually click on the listing oh right here excuse me this is the listing it's only going to work on the main picture and what you could do is you could adjust the thumbnail so you could zoom in if you wanted to and just like if i just wanted that part of the picture to show up i could do that or i could zoom out and get the whole thing so let's say i wanted to zoom in and do that once you're happy with how it looks or maybe your picture looks um not center you could use this to kind of center it around because you could ultimately save it like that too you see so you want to make sure it's in the middle once you have it you just press save and it automatically will be updated from the back end and when people look at the listing it will be updated this way instead of the way that you had it before i wanted to show you something really cool as we are doing this video and i'm going through all the different hacks hack number 34 how to use personalization to let customers know that they're buying a digital product so this is more if you sell digital products what you could do is go to the actual listing and you could edit the listing if you have it already made or when you added a new listing and all the way on the bottom of your listing it's going to say personalize station and if you turn it on you could actually put a note like this please note this listing is for an instant download no print will be mail type agree below and then this is what people will see before they buy this will probably save you a lot of headaches when people buy stuff and they didn't know right that they were actually buying a product that is not something that they're going to get through mail is it's a digital product so the signature will pop up here it doesn't show it for me right now because i'm logged in into the actual store but what you will see is what we just looked at the person will have this little box where they have to type in i agree in order to go ahead and add the item to the cart and proceed with the purchase so let's go ahead and talk about hack number 35 which is make quick edits so if i wanted to go ahead and change the pricing on all of my listings an easy hack that you could do is go to listings or any other changes it's not just pricing you could just click individually if you want or you could pick everything in your in your first page right here all 40 listings and you could either renew deactivate delete you could edit all of the titles on this tags description pricing this is great for anyone that wants to add that personalization message telling people they're buying digital products you could edit all your listings at once and it will save you a lot of headache or you could do any of these changes so let's say i wanted to change the pricing and increase it by one dollar i want to increase all of my stuff by one dollar as you can see the ones on the top are 15 when i click apply they all automatically change to 16 so this is how simple it is to make edits at a quick pace for multiple listings if you want to so these are my hacks um for today 35 different hacks that you could start using let me know in the comments below if you learned something new which hack was your favorite what are you going to be trying and if you enjoyed the video let me know that way i could make more of these videos and thank you for watching
Channel: Nancy Badillo
Views: 122,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etsy Hacks, Nancy Badillo, Etsy SEO, Etsy SEO Secrets, Etsy tips, how to sell on Etsy, selling on Etsy 2020, Etsy hacks 2020, etsy tricks, Etsy SEO 2020, etsy marketing, Etsy tags, how to Etsy, make money on Etsy, selling on Etsy for beginners 2020, Etsy shop tips, Etsy Selling tips, etsy sales, etsy 2020, etsy business tips, etsy tags 2020, etsy shop hacks, etsy tips 2020, how to sell on Etsy successfully, Etsy for beginners, how to get etsy traffic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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