Etsy SEO 2021 Title and Tags rewrite. How to write your title and tags.

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okay here we go etsy seo for 2021 and i'm gonna be doing a title and tag rewrite for this listing that just came up it did not sell and i can either just relist it and not worry about it or i could do a video showing how i would rewrite it so i decided to go ahead and do a video because a lot of people ask are your seo videos still accurate and the answer is yes because i haven't changed the way i've done seo for years because i it's you know you don't have to so i'm going to rewrite this and i will tell you what i was thinking when i first listed it and why i'm going to rewrite it now and the reason is it's not it doesn't really describe what it is and i want etsy to know what this thing is because it can show it to a wider audience than just to cake decorators who are looking for swag molds now when a cake decorator makes a cake hold on let me find one all right here's a good example i just pulled this up off of pinterest now when when cake decorators make cakes like this they use these molds that are architectural type of molds and then they paint them gold because that's the that's the big that's a specific look it's very specific so everybody refers to this shape as in a canthus leaf and this shape as a swag okay now it's not really a swag but it's it's hard to think of other terms for these shapes in these molds if you're thinking of them as cake decorating molds because that's the only terms that people ever use when they do cakes all right so let's go back over here and the the interesting thing about this is i i got this is actually a furniture detail it's a little metal just a an applique or a little metal piece that you screw onto the the furniture and you see that there are holes here for the screws to go in now i don't know if at this point this was at some point if it was a drawer pull or something like that it's just a little metal piece it's a vintage item from furniture but this could be something and if we look at this cake again it could very well go on a style of cake like this because that's that's what cake decorators do they use this kind of thing for cakes and then they paint it gold and it's fancy on the cake all right so that's where i was thinking when i first did this listing it's a scrollwork swag mold for cake decorating okay and then i just filled in the rest it's pop or polymer clay cake supplies and cake silicone molds for diy wedding cakes vintage pull and then the stock number now i think i just filled this in because i don't know what else to call this thing but i was only thinking in terms of cake so what you want to do in etsy seo for 2021 which is much more contextual based and personalized is you want to tell etsy exactly what your item is and what it's used for who would buy it that kind of thing so that it can make connections and show your listing to people who would be interested in your listing even if they're not 100 using the terminology that are in your title and tags because they have started they have started showing things that don't have all the keywords in it but if it's a semantically related search they might show your listing to someone who might be interested in it so let's go down here let's rewrite this i think i am still going to put scrollwork swag mold but what i did is i started thinking about this being a furniture detail right and i went into well let's go into google this is bing i went to google and i searched for um mold to make a this is what came up i think i put in multimaker vintage furniture and then appliques came up in the google search so i looked at that and i was like oh that's what you call them all right so if you just do a little research to find what this thing is called because i don't know that this is called a furniture applique we call we call lace pieces appliques and we call them on cakes appliques but i didn't know that it's used for furniture also so it makes sense it's a furniture detail okay but i'm looking see people make furniture appliques with clay molds apparently this is something i did not know so now we've got vintage art decor mold vintage art decor i like that one i could use that furniture applique so now i've got all these different keywords that i can use and i went and put some of these into marmalade and they do work okay but there's just not a whole lot of them on etsy which actually could work in my favor so i went to etsy and looked at furniture appliques and a lot of them are the actual finished pieces but let me put in mold and we'll see what happens so only 645 results so that's not bad i mean that's really really low competition wise so you know i don't know how much traffic this has but that's okay because i'm going to put exactly what it is and i'm going to see if i start getting traffic for it using those terms that i did not have in there before and it might work out it might not but hey you know why not let's try it out all right so let me actually take a quick look at the tags to see if if i have see i have ornate mold elegant mold i obviously did this listing a long time ago because i'm repeating mold a heck of a lot more than i would now all right so let's see yeah this i can tell when i do this i'm like i don't know what to call this thing i it's it's a swag mold what else is it but i'm going to think past cakes i'm going to think beyond that and we're going to put some furniture type keywords in there okay so i am going to do scroll work swag mold for cake decorating and polymer clay because that's basically what you know that's what i always had in there and that's my intention is that my molds are used for cake decorators because they're food safe in the whole thing and i don't really know i mean there's a lot of different types of materials like uv resin epoxy i don't know if those would work in these molds i know that my molds are good for fondant and gum paste and that's what they're intended to be used for so i'm going to go back over here to google and see what keywords these were furniture appliques um vintage art decor mold i like that one let's do vintage art decor i want to do this right vintage art decor mold for furniture applique okay and see i'm just writing sentences i'm putting my keywords in there i'm not worried about you know trying to write one long sentence and someone in the public facebook group which you can join there's a link in the description um had said something about it used to be that you had to put all of your tags in your title and that never really was a thing i you know and whether you do titles first or tags first it doesn't matter you just want to put the main keywords that you want etsy to think are more relevant in the title and tags because that sends edc a signal that if you took the time to put it in both places then that must be a really good way to describe this thing okay so i think i'll put in scrollwork swag mold in the tags because i like that i'm going to put scrollwork and i don't think i have that anywhere else okay i already have it i already have it here okay so i'm going to take that out so it's already here scroll work swag mold i'm actually just going to get rid of all these hold on [Music] i will put diy wedding cakes i don't i don't you know anybody who's doing this on a diy wedding cake that's an ambitious project um cake silicone molds i'll leave that cake decorating i can take that out cake supplies i think i had we'll we'll look at that okay but i am okay here's scroll work swag wall that's there that's matched in the title and tags i'm going to do vintage art decor mold and furniture appliques and i'm going to put those in the tags okay and that might be too long but we will find out too long okay vintage art comma decor mold now you know what i'll put vintage art decor and i'm just going to take mold out because the competition for that is so low i don't need the the exact word order match it's so low that there are only well look let's see vintage arctic hormone i'm assuming it's going to be kind of similar to the furniture applique mold 3 600 results so maybe it's a little higher but look this is not a vintage art decor mold that's that's to make shortbread that's a that's a shortbread mold so i'm not worried about it um okay so let's go back to the listing vintage art decor furniture appliques scroll work swag mold very good now i'm not worried about matching more things that's it i've matched three keywords and you see that i'm not actually doing any keyword research looking up search and engagement because the competition is low for this so i'm not concerned about that it when the competition drops the exact word order match is not that it's not as important it can give you a little leg up on the competition but you know the competition's super low so i'm not going to concern myself with it i just like those terms for it and it apparently is something that people search for that i did not know about so there you go let's go back to google and just look around i'm going to i'm going to poke around a little bit let's see make your own furniture appliques mold making this is i've already got the mold so we're not looking to make the molds here so i'm not putting that in um you know what i'll do i'll put in the and you cannot use shabby chic that is trademarked or copyrighted i'm not sure which one but they protect that all right so let's let's look on here let's look on etsy and see they've they've stripped out vintage and taken that that drives me crazy i want to have the see that's 10 900 results if they take out the vintage what is this premium old redesign vintage art decor silicon mold food safe ah you know i could put food safe in there uh there's only 29 characters left let's see food safe silicone okay food safe silicone that's all all right i'm done done with the title so let's scroll down here now you notice that i'm not going crazy okay you don't have to go crazy with seo it's not that hard people put people make it hard we tend to make things hard because we're looking for things to be hard it's not that hard okay so this is let's see um let me think of other things so polymer clay what can you use in it fondant i'll just do all my typical tags fondant gum paste polymer clay pmc because i know that fits on a tag i use these tags all the time font gun paste polymer clay pmc what else can you use in this mold i'm thinking about like the detail on it for some for some of my molds let me look at the picture for some of these i don't want to put specific materials that will break easily like chocolate might work in this mold and it might not but because it's got so many little cutout pieces i i don't recommend it because people tend to break the chocolate pieces and then they get mad at me if they are not handling the mold carefully and the putty that i use is stiffer than other types of silicones so it's not like super flexible and bendy and you can't release things that aren't really stiff from it easily it either has to be like a clay or something that just really will hold its shape like isomalt which is a cooked sugar or resin so i'm going to put things like that in the tags but not things like chocolate which could break um what else i want to avoid that let me let me put in resin um i don't even i don't even know let's see people have i'm gonna put ceramics people tell me that they use these with different types of pottery clay but i don't know anything about those so i'm going to avoid that and i'm oh and soap and beds that's another time sometimes i use soap and beds i'm not going to do that because i don't know how hard the soap is when it solidifies and it again it's like the same thing as the chocolate it might break causes problems i don't want to do that because i don't want problems with customers who get mad at me because their project did not work okay so um now what i'm going to do is describe it because i've said what it is it's a scroll work swag mold to make furniture appliques and vintage art decor okay you can use it with fondant gum paste polymer clay pmc resin and ceramics okay and now i'm going to describe the style and i am going to put in like i've had ornate elegant and those are the kinds of things that people will search when they're looking for this kind of wedding cake okay um let me see because there's lots of see like there's lots of case like this with this here's another good example right here uh let's see ancient roman theme let's look at this one see and this this is a really good example of this type of mold being used on a cake and they they put it on there they paint them gold and there you go so let's look at what terms are using classic classical romantic that's a good one i'm gonna put uh nate romantic and i'm gonna put wedding okay i've got wedding cakes i have diy wedding cakes there oh romantic oh yeah yeah yeah it's this is this is the hard part because you know it's it's style you have to put style words in and sometimes your mind just goes blank so i'm going to pause this for a minute while i think about it and then when i figure out the tags i'll come back because you guys don't need to sit here and watch me go i don't know i can't figure it out all right so i went and poked around pinterest for a while i poked around google for a while i found some more suggestions and ideas and i came up with romantic paper clay not that paper clay is romantic but you don't have to have tags make sense they just have to be there to give etsy more words to figure out what your item is and you can use this you can use these molds with paper clay so i thought of paper clay and then also air dry same thing air dry classical is the style um rococo which i'm not even sure if i'm pronouncing that correctly rococo there's different pronunciations and baroque now i don't know if that's the actual style of this but it goes along with the idea okay so i'm not going to get too specific about that i'm not worried about it and then the last one is detail design ideas because if someone says they want a romantic detail romantic design mold you know whatever then etsy is going to come in here and pick up these words that are in the different tags it's going to fill it in and it's going to match that for that search and based on how i had this listing and how i have it now i think that i'm going to be found for a heck of a lot more keyword phrases i'm going to be included in a lot more searches and because i've added the furniture stuff in here it's actually going to bring in different viewers as opposed to people who are just looking for cake decorations which is really where i was focused oh and i just got a sale but the cake decorations is really where i tend to focus because that's what i'm thinking my molds are used for but i have to go and look in other places to see who else could be using this specific mold and what would they be using it for so that's how i would do this mold um you know the title and tags for this mold but that's the process you don't have to overthink this and yes the competition on this is very low so let me hit publish i'm going to hit renew all right the competition for this is very low however it's it's going to um let me put let's see what's newest most recent here it is um it's it's the same process for something that's more competitive what you want to do is match your best title and tags your best keywords in your title and tags match the best keywords in your titles and tags and then fill in the rest with the details tell etsy what it is tell etsy who it's for tell etsy what style it is and let etsy figure out who to show it to because we don't know who etsy showing it to anymore it just it we don't know all right so that's it and please post any questions give this video a thumbs up and if you have um yeah just post any questions or comments that you have and if you have a listing you would like me to look at now you know what i'm not going to do that if you want to join the public facebook group and post a listing there for people to look at if you have a specific question about it you can do that i will talk to you guys later
Channel: Kara Buntin
Views: 14,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kara buntin youtube, kara buntin etsy, etsy seller tips, is etsy worth it, how to sell on etsy for beginners, etsy seo tips, etsy tutorials, etsy titles and tags, how to sell on etsy, how to start an etsy shop, Etsy success stories, how to get sales on etsy, how to increase sales on etsy, home based creative business, handmade entrepreneurs, etsy SEO 2021, title and tags, etsy title and tags, etsy 2021, etsy shop for beginners
Id: 4Ze0noBNoek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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