Ethan Ruins the H3 Podcast - H3 Podcast #179

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On one hand, I think this drama was spiraled way out of control. On the other, I think it was a good check on some really unfunny goofs and gaffes.

Big character for the squad to address the issue openly.

Look forward to seeing where h3 goes from here

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 653 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/buzzardbitter ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Guys in the back enjoying the smell of rosey vagina.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 214 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/forks_and_spoons ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I wasnโ€™t that offended on the behalf of Ian for the whole of his segment I just assumed Ethans joke didnโ€™t land (again).


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 417 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/zuby__ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think a lot of people (including me) were more frustrated with the billionaire talk. It was that discussion along with their general trend of becoming more apathetic about issues non-rich people have.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 264 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BuccellatiExplainsIt ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This wasnโ€™t even about Ian... but the whole attitude theyโ€™ve (Hila and Ethan) had recently

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 112 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/knobferatu ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Give the video a chance, guys. Let him try to explain himself and then form your opinion, please.

Edit: Ethan (or anyone from the show), if you're reading this, please make like a one time spin-off episode with Zach, Ian and Dan hosting and you two at the back just for the goofs and the gaffs. That has potential to be such a funny gag imo.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 473 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/zzt_zf_thz_blzz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The outrage was about the billionaire thing, not the Ian least for me.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 334 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Dan went from the chosen one of the entire subreddit to sub-lic enemy in one sentence with that part at the end about deleting posts.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 44 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mediciii ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Why is Ethan the one taking the whole blame? We criticised them both yet Ethan is the one who apologises and takes the entire blame? Itโ€™s even in the title

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 126 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/damixx7 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
to welcome everybody to the h3 podcast the number one place to come get upset when you're trying to relax that is our pledge to you many of you may have noticed our last episode there was a lot of criticism for it it's sitting currently at 50% dislikes which is our second most disliked video of all time brutal very yeah brutal - I'm not gonna lie I feel very stupid and humiliated and bad for those that didn't notice or look in the comments or anything people were upset with how I was treating Ian that I was bullying him and berating him being mean to him yada yada not nice I was not nice to eat and I went back and watched the clip and I agree with you guys I feel very humiliated I feel very stupid that that you know I'm that I'm upset everybody so much he said his mom called him and was like what did your mom say in well she just thought I was like about to die from illness but you know she feels a little uncomfortable sometimes I suppose because the way she perceives it not actually what's happening but the way it comes across I suppose on air so the fact that I've I have upset Ian's mom Ethan Bradberry would not be happy good point I haven't been good tiens mother no so yeah I feel really stupid I feel really ashamed and just dump it I don't know that the thing is like these three guys back here I love them they're like my family and I guess sometimes that doesn't come across here but our conversations like when I'm on when I'm on the air I'm doing like I don't know why I'm doing this shtick where it's like maybe it goes back to like Ian the intern thing which was a long time ago he's in the cellar employee now but like sometimes we do this shtick where it's like I'm this crazy boss and I'm like ordering them around but I mean off-camera it's not like them know so I think I think that because people only only see into our world for that one two hours that were together here in the studio and they don't see that we're hanging out before and after the show that we're on what's up all the time chatting when we talk like every day all day on our what's up groups and we're always so immersed in everything but then the whole week doesn't translate into the episode the episode is just those two hours so but that being said I mean I washed it back and I I definitely was like I don't know why I the thing is I love in and I want him to be a part of the show so like I I think in my mind I was like I just wanted to include him but watching about I was like taking and digging and digging and digging and just going on for too long right but I want but like I want I guess I do wonder though because of the reaction like I second get second guess because I I know that I love you guys and I cherish you guys and I respect you guys and I would do anything to keep you guys happy and you know I think you're so important part of the show but I wonder if you guys think that I am at time to make you uncomfortable you wait for response sorry yes I mean uh no like you said it's I think a lot of it is just how it comes across on the air you know the point that you made about just people only having this like kind of short glimpse into what the dynamic actually is between us you know it kind of limits it limits the perspective in a way and so you know I want to say that like I do I do actually understand why people perceived it that way like when you when you take a step back and watch it and try and put yourself in the shoes of somebody that doesn't have the context of like what our working relationship is like you know when we're not on camera yeah I mean it did come across as as bullying and employee and you know like you said long-term Watchers of the show have known that that's been a shtick for a long time but I think in that particular you know last episode like you said it went on a little too long you know but on the other hand too you know I I do want to say that you know from my perspective and it's it ends the one that this is about so I'll let you speak to that but you know it was a little bit about you too don't know about our conversation with you too about the villainous I guess your perspective is also you know relevant yeah I mean I did see some of that too I feel like that one is less a hard to extract these things from each other because I think that almost as a separate conversation just because there are a lot of people that just and myself included felt like that conversation went on way too long and you know wasn't really productive and a lot of people you know we even talked about it right at the conclusion of the conversation that a lot of people you know they don't come here to hear about politics they hear about it from everywhere else all day and they come here to have a laugh and when the conversation gets bogged down in this debate for you know 35 40 minutes you know it's annoying to people and so but but yeah I mean at least based off of the reaction on the subject it seemed like it was much more about your dynamic with Ian yeah and to that I mean you know we're all we're all adults here like you know I know people think that they want to speak up and you know Ian can speak to this but he's been getting messages from a lot of hands like are you okay man and it's just like you know you don't have to do that you don't like we're okay we're doing pretty good over here actually so but I definitely am egga fail yes right no yeah yeah I think I think and I think it's big of you to understand that and accept that that you know not trying making excuses for it like we we do appreciate that it's not coming off well and you know so we should probably knock it off I mean I can tell when we're doing that kind of stuff that our intention is to try to create some kind of funny drama or you know some goofing around drama between us all cuz it's usually it's pretty fun but I think in this case that some of the lines get blurred of like what's real what's a stick when yeah who's kidding who is not kidding right I do like I found that I find like the inner office drama was like really compelling and entertaining yes my favorite stuff from the podcast so like I'm trying to play it up but like an effort to draw it out and it's something I just like was beating the [ __ ] out of a dead maimed horse but I I asked I mean I asked in you know because like I said I was second-guess myself as it Ian I mean I'll ask you in do I I mean how did you react to that segment when we were on there um I mean afterwards it didn't really feel like anything different from normal it felt I didn't think twice about it I was fine I didn't even really revisit it in my mind at all I was like okay another day of work maybe people will just say I have Stockholm Syndrome or so but then I was getting messages and then seeing the subreddit and it made it seemed like like you just slapped me on air and clap those cheeks or something without the clap those cheeks yeah right in the middle of the podcast room and I actually watched it back and then it felt even less of a big deal than I remembered it being it didn't seem that bad to me I do see how people could perceive it that way though in the way we do engage cuz like you know I was goofing back it wasn't yeah it wasn't a huge thing to me but you were asking like personal questions and I could see how people could be offended on my behalf in case on the off chance I was upset I wasn't but I could see how people could think that way it makes sense to me it makes sense to me too I washed it back I was like I was telling myself to just shut up and move on my you know what I mean it's like so frustrating to watch myself and be like why do you keep going on and on about this but like when I so the thing is when we're in this office and I'm looking at the monitor I see you guys and in here people are I see like Dan and Zach are smiling and laughing having fun and when I see in when I wash back the segment he was joking around and having what I felt I thought looked like fun - I just seemed like a douche who wouldn't [ __ ] move on but it seemed like I mean you were making the best of it you were goofing a gaffe it and having a laugh which is good I mean that's the that's my hope from it but obviously I look like a massive I mean I I don't know I mean I'm just I am on one other hand surprised at how far people took it because I think III would think that people who have been watching the show long enough with no but maybe I think maybe just that there was something off about the tone where I don't know what it was but maybe like use Ian we were talking about this before we went on the air and had suggested that maybe it was the personal nature of the questions I was asking him to I just I personally I loved in I think he's Bonnie I think he's talented and I like to include him in the show as much as I can so I mean oh all three of you guys we yeah you know but I guess it's not obvious to people who are watching because they don't see our normal interactions so all they see is like the yelling it in I mean am i a my shitty boss is they everyone thinks I'm the boss from hell and I don't know I also think that maybe it's the framing you create a framing that I am in a position of like you are bullying me and then you create that kind of structure around it and then dig into it yeah like for example I'm kind of sick I don't know I maybe I have the flu or something but then you created like are you depressed are you not eating are you like having a chronic illness suddenly my mom thinks I have a chronic illness and then everyone reading that put me in a position of being like so helpless I go and then dig into it and then people feel even more empathetic to me when really I just you know have a have a cold or something but I think that might be the contributing thing is the way that you're framing it yeah it didn't look good because you made a comment about me um and I bought some teddy fresh that you were kind of like mentioning and it became this whole thing even about that and about just both of us being like I got a I got to say something about that because I saw people trashing ela she didn't even say anything all right like I was ringing with you and stuff like that so even that alone people were like why is he lying okay would it do no but people were saying I made a reference to you be like a badass a hard-ass boss yeah and first of all even even say anything I said that about her cuz I was trying to make her sound cool ela let me just say you don't speak for yourself is over at Teddy fresh she is a she is a respected she there the relationship because with her deploys is amazing and she has an incredible team of people with mutual respect for each other and what I was building up to be like ela being a badass reprimanding someone was just like a perfectly normal conversation of healer just giving someone feedback and I was trying to make her sound cool and everything just [ __ ] like that combined with with the Ian part combined with the billionaire conversation is like and I don't know somehow I came off as like I'm I don't know I mean there's it all came off so wrong I guess I don't know am I possibly can attest that we all really love working here it's a lot of fun it's great and you know you're very you're always checking in with us you're very present you're always making sure we're all good yeah no it's great I think people are getting this perception that we all just are like trapped here when we're not we do actually like it yeah it's actually the irony of that is is wild because I mean the the whole perception of being like a tyrannical boss it's really I mean we have like the most autonomy I've ever had in any job in my life here I mean like you guys we we all make our own hours you know I mean like you guys give us a company card say just buy whatever you want for the office like it's always stocked up with like I trust you guys totally yeah exactly and so like it literally is like the most laid-back work environment I've ever had in my life so it couldn't be more the opposite of that but again people don't see that so you know when we're you're doing the schtick that you're like the Iron Fist boss or whatever that just comes across is like that's what Ethan's like see I felt like such a [ __ ] idiot because like I gave off that oppression and people believe that and but I'm like I just I hate that because I just I actually love you guys and respect you all through you guys so much that really you know everyone that we work with even at Eddie fresh I it's totally like did these are the people we spend most of our time here and I tell you friends like we talk all day we are here the whole week between this office that office and it's just everything it's our life well when something comes up I go immediately today she podcast whatsapp group right yeah when I get them five trillion crit and I just have to say like you know I'm so grateful and thankful to be working here I mean this goes for Ian to I mean we both sent in emails you know just immigrant fans of the show and you know it's just been an amazing opportunity and I love working for you guys it's been amazing sex the best isn't he's my golden boy Thank You Zach but so just to just to recap none of you are being held hostage there's no gun off screen and all of you guys are happy here right as happy as as we could be yeah Wow no I know just again I do want to say it's just like I mean I want to Nestle anybody out but the people making like a trillion [ __ ] threads about this on the subreddit you know defend Ian and kind of like turning him into a martyr hmm it's a smart guy just chill just chill like please like it's it's not that big a deal I mean you know you can you know you don't have to you have to love everything on the show absolutely and like your feedback is fine but I don't know what other word to call some of it not all of it but some of it is quite frankly hysterical like it's like people are being hysterical about this and it you know just take a step back it's a it's a podcast on YouTube you know what I mean like it's not that big a deal would you say it's just a podcast okay to quote ninja well you know but ultimately I failed once again as a host you know it's I feel I get frustrated because it's like I feel like we claw back we always have like these epic downfalls and then I we claw back to Iams epic downfalls nobody who I claw back to a good place I'm feeling good I feel like the shows on track and then it's like I just had a nowhere again like everybody it's just like chaos and and pandemonium mm-hmm then it's like crawl back so I guess in five months or something expect me to what can I court early trauma it's not good drama though it's awful drama that makes my eye you know where places will have like this many days since the last injury that's a really good you should put on the calendar like today Ethan canceled so that we can do perhaps on it yeah that's good yeah that's a great idea but I I do want to apologize in if I've ever put you in a weird spot or forced you to speak out Dan I do want to apologize for steamrolling you I guess during that debate although I thought we had a nice discussion I mean maybe I was I don't know I just I just regret allowing it to go on like you know I I I personally love having spirit discussions about politics but again like I said earlier it's people don't necessarily come here for that and so you know a long extended diatribe about that kind of stuff it's just it's not the right it's not the content people are looking to see and so we are not we are out on politics we are in on corona memes which have a lot of we are out on bullying port Ian who is no longer in turn he is a salaried employee he has health insurance in a 401k and I have to treat him like that right Ian that's right right baby and that's the other thing too people go easy on Ethan because if he gets like too upset about this and then just cancels the podcast and we're all out of the job so like help us out here like give him a little encouragement for some job security for for your boy in Zack and myself well I saw people saying they want you three to go make a show and leave know about it nobody wants to watch that show I appreciate that that is that is humbling thank you but it would be a train wreck yeah absolutely well now I don't want to see you even like your you know for for for your many numerous flaws oh no I mean the show there would be no show without you you you're you're the anchor you you have the the extroverted you know frantic energy that that makes it something yeah and we're just bouncing off of you if we didn't have you that this would not be the same thing so now I really want this for me I whenever I even just try to do my segment on when I need to show a few clips I go in like full panic mode I don't ever want to do this again so I don't know how you do this and I think it's easy to take it for granted and you also end up taking all the [ __ ] usually because you're the one you're the face of it but I mean we're all it's a team effort I'm always on board with what everything is doing we're always planning everything and it's not just eating you know but he ends up taking the heat it feels so bad i but but it's not your guy's fault it's always me that does it like but at any rate thank you guys I do now more than ever want to watch you three do a show and me Neela does switching and sound effects what if you guys are better than me that would be a disaster I'll have to pull the plug no [ __ ] come in halfway through pull the plug turn that off so I don't know is there anything else to say about it no probably not again do you have anything else to add are you good is everyone happy is everything been said mo good okay yeah it's good I feel vindicated I mean I was watching it back in yield pulls out a Corona we were all laughing I didn't know where the dew pulls out of Corona and that was a great bit that we had no idea but I didn't see I mean I was sneaky sneaky god bless wait a minute so now that we have relitigated all this mm-hmm you were being so evasive the other day how the [ __ ] did you know that he was feeling bad over the weekend did you guys hear now I can't disclose that I can't disclose it but I will say that I am sorry for prying you know the thing is like I got the Intel and for me I just I love the dialogue with you guys so I was trying to create a conversation is all I didn't think of it as like prying or anything but it turned it into that and so once again I love iane I love you I'm so thankful you know people say in your superfan you reached out we gave you the job and now I am the boss from hell and I've ruined your life you still are you still a super fan I do like to show you yeah yeah he's not super fan anymore but I don't blame me once you get closer I don't think if you if you worked for Kanye I don't think he'd be a super fan well it's the difference between like I see you every day to be a fan right is odd like I I know you that would be strange okay I think we've said I mean I don't want to I don't want to drag it out yeah yeah we're dragon dragon but the thing they actually upset me the most was people [ __ ] on ela cuz I was like dude she didn't do angry I said about her not everyone's been like oh she's so proud of being a shitty boss it's like he was an awesome boss you think that Teddy fresh would get where it was without her working respectfully with people I mean she works with a lot of super talented people in a really respectful way and there's a lot of camaraderie and like really good synergy in that office that's all I have to say about that he is the greatest and how dare anybody know I said I don't know that's what I'd say thank you thank you speaking of Corona I've got a bunch of Corona memes here you know we were we were debating if Corona beer stock would go up or down as a result just thinking that I had a corona yesterday that's true you did it's totally feels I liked it you feel okay I felt refreshed I like that one w epic if they were just putting coronavirus and corona beer it's a club well you know you got to put the antidote like there instead of getting a shot sorry good yeah what video positive when they figure out how to prevent it instead of giving it through a shot they should put it in a corona oh that's awesome that's the best marketing ever if the beer company got ahold of the antidote yeah just by Corona beer baby that's a good PR move so we were saying well maybe it will help with the brand recognition maybe it will hurt well here the the the facts are in owners of Corona report 132 million pound loss for Corona guys are getting hammered I was shared that it would go up but here if you want proof you thought it would go up just from like the amount of like name yeah but then you realize actually help dumb people are and here's a headline I saw 38% of Americans wouldn't buy Corona beer under any circumstance because of the cone coronavirus because of corona virus or because because they just don't like Corona that's a funny thought they're like do you like beer do like under no circumstance right a lot of people hate on Corona they go like this beer and [ __ ] yeah it's kind of I like it I'd like for that kind of be like I think I like I like it I like it I like I like her on a bad day I like it I like it I'm trying to find I want to get to the heart here they had here's a headline that I saw trending this morning four hours ago Corona beard does not cause coronavirus but a survey shows that the u.s. purchase intent is down oh it's fine even need to say that well it says here they specifically say a widely cited statistic that 38% of Americans won't buy the Mexican lager because of the coronavirus oh it's saying that's misleading it's what am I doing here is it because it is it what I said that it might be don't like ya know ever since this coronavirus thing people I've been seeing a lot of people jokingly saying like I would never buy corona boy or Corona anyways cuz it sucks yeah a lot of people like to hate it at the same time here we were talking about corona virus Corona ian's showing a corona off screen I like Corona I'm gonna say that for the record but I guess there is such thing as bad PR if that what if there was a virus called like the Ethan virus yeah that would probably ruin my life I mean Corona is like the ultimate like good happy time beer like if you sit on a beach I agree I love it you put a lime in there I see people go got to have that Leno though I agree the lime X video signal critical they are beer doesn't need a lime think I don't angry about it but the Mexicans man I've spent a lot of time in Mexico my parents lived there for a while those I mean they just they they drink Corona there it's not like marketing like they love Corona I guess like Americans of Budweiser and that's what I'm like give me the choice between those two I'll take the Corona every time well there you go so apparently it is hurting the brand and speaking of Corona this is the best thing I've ever seen this was on Fox News so you know how I was telling you guys that there was people who got a straw it's for the best thing to you cannot believe this video you're gonna freak they brought a bunch of Americans over from from like China or from the cruise ship I don't know I don't know from where they came but they returned home after going through a corona virus quarantine for two weeks okay now enjoy this guy was daughter it's like a communist he goes forward hopefully doctors and scientists will get it better better handle on the whole situation fortunately from what I understand you know it isn't ages but the death rate is is pretty low I understand fear yeah well we can see you still have a coughing what did the doctors say about your own condition moving forward as we wrap this up they share the water with my daughter I think you put twice negative both times the cough probably just some assuming they have like some kind of slant towards like cuz trumps like we got it under control it's all good and in the beginning he's like wow the mortality late rates pretty low so not a big deal is this the best thing you've ever seen it's like comedy sketch yeah takes the water from his daughter drinks and then gives it back to her he's coughing awesome does coughing is does nerves cause coughing I mean you're the coffee expert I think I think Corona causes coughing it's awesome moving forward as we wrap this or so far let me get some of that yeah I'm fine I got tested twice negative both times is the best cough probably just like getting out of here not there no just get another kid out to them oh this is the best it's so good so yeah I think I personally think we're I think it's out I think we're [ __ ] I think we're gonna have a pandemic on our hands and we are we're just gonna have to deal with it write it out scary Mike Pence was named head of coronavirus prevention which is excellent considering that he's best quipped to deal with it right now he is a praying or the God to take care of it and that's about as good as anybody can do so I'm so I'm feeling much better since uh I knew that Mike Pence was praying for good hands um stockmarket man it's taking a big one Dan you got out you got out at a good time yeah me and me and a lot of other people apparently cuz that's part of why it's crashing is everybody's panicking but uh oh wow bounce back bounce back up today it's only down eight point eight percent today oh that's not too bad it's bouncing around a lot like it was down yeah it's just very volatile uh yeah no I mean I was seeing a lot of news over the weekend so I went ahead and I pulled out completely and just in the nick of time congratulations I don't have to but I feel I mean God it's just it's such a it seems like such a gamble to put your money in there and you just like so emotional from day-to-day ups and downs you know it's like hello and I think that keys to not look at it daily right yeah I generally although you know in circumstances like this where see the writing on the wall that you know something big was probably coming you know I wasn't about to just write this out but but yeah I'll keep an eye on it and when things settle down if they settle down like that again yeah exactly dance a day trader man he's a slick trader yeah it's exaggeration mm-hmm quite a day trader you thinking I'm not I'm not on a daily basis buying and selling you made a killing on beyond me right I did pretty good with beyond me honestly so that's that exact means you guys trade it all or is this a little bit oh yeah I have some penny stocks I own and I have some Amgen Apple stuff like that do you don't do check it like you've messed with it or you just sit on it I just let it ride yeah let it ride baby I don't really touch any of that stuff yeah it's tough I'm pretty smooth brain smooth brain oh is that like yeah I'm operating at sea level Oh a smooth brain is like what they is like an army thing oh really am I right or am I the the it's because the wrinkles in your gray matter or theoretically Oh where'd your intelligence comes from so beings oh yeah that's a great insult yeah I probably look so out of touch because I've heard that before it was brain you thought it was a compliment no I know it I know it yeah is it like numb school would it be the same thing numb school that's a smooth brain so okay that's that now let's move on to what really matters here I felt we talked about the role patrol let me show you the original video we were all enjoying it for this so if somebody emailed me and said yo this guy's got a YouTube channel check him out and I started looking at his content and I could not believe what I was seeing some of these videos are so amazing I can't believe they don't have 20 million views in here I am watching them with like 4000 views mind blown I'm in the office Heelys they're with me I'm working and I'm dying and I refuse to show her because I wanted to show it to her on the show yeah so here I mean for those who didn't see here's the original video roll patrol we call them dude sniffs a roll puts it back in at the grocery store sniffs that wrong I've seen it you specially use the wax paper when you touch the rolls I'm roll Patrol dude seriously need the wax paper and you're sniffing them and then you're touching them and you're putting them back [Music] they smell like [ __ ] just do me a favor just pick up the ones you touched and buy them because I don't want I don't want to I don't know where your dick beaters been yeah yeah I mean [Music] let's pick them the [ __ ] off and put them in your bag or I'm gonna even you up I'm Tony right now I'm gonna even you to [ __ ] off I'm not kidding yeah disgusting I know it's like the greatest video everything I thought it was a one-off so I thought this was a one-off but it turns out this guy's a vigilante all over the great city of Philadelphia where else could somebody like this be from his YouTube channel is called the Philly offensive so here we go I am veiled to you today he doesn't need milk all right enjoy [Music] [Music] [ __ ] dude who just [ __ ] saved your life no I was like what he doesn't need milk good he doesn't need milk I mean I mean unpack that this video has 40,000 views wow that was like a movie yeah I hate to be this guy are we a hundred percent sure these are real cuz that was like so I think it's really makes me skeptical those kids that they actually hand it to people for this situation yeah yeah I was fully with it until he got up and kicked the dude in pause this is just so great I mean I I I cannot believe that the kid know how amazing it just works like it brings her back and yeah because I saw a 60 Minutes on it and um right I saw that too yeah it's amazing you put it in the nose and it Sobers them immediately yeah it's awesome looking you know for like a bad like a bad weed hi you know sometimes I smoke too much weed and you're like I'm so over this just sniff some [ __ ] that'd be so awesome don't know better do you remember the name yep amazing it's like it's like magic you're literally dying and brings you back cause this guy's dick chaney if you can they're in the right time but was the milk like putting milk in it was kicking him after he brought him back kayo ding and they're pouring milk in his mouth that's amazing that's a masterpiece yeah yeah I was blown away absolutely blown away the Philly offensive but hold on that's just one video the next one welcome to Philly let's see what's up this guy he just keeps throwing trash out as how does car window but he doesn't even care he doesn't even [ __ ] care just guys like the real Batman yeah that's what he said in the comment of the role the choice that I'm half man who does that what's this can go buddy I noticed you get weight from Florida and there's the place yeah Tampa yeah what are you [ __ ] lost why are you throwing your weight on your trash all over the ground on sale Street there's trash can right there what the hell does that mean yeah you like hospital food do you like hospital food good look I don't think you're trash to put in the trash can that's all you're gonna be [ __ ] eat I can't believe he actually gets this table to comply comply isn't any forces they always look like they're gonna fight it but they don't he must be a huge scary guy wow this videos and this forty five thousand yeah these are his most viewed videos because I just sort of by popular thoughts thoughts and prayers like I hope I hope to god it's not fake that's all I gotta say yeah like it's usually my fake router is pretty accurate and I don't think these are hey that's true you are really good at and I mean like the video with the narcan I mean those two put it like I mean those look like real junkies yeah you know I mean like it didn't seem like a sketch but if it is the acting is so good it's like when I was funny either way absolutely if I watch Jerry Springer I know people always say it's fake and I know it is fake but the thing that always trip me out about Jerry Springer is like how these people are really good actors then and I've never seen them anywhere else cuz they sell it yeah well yeah on things like Jerry Springer I mean it's fake to the extent that it's like it's a set up scenario but I think the people are real you know what I mean like they're not actors in the sense like they're they're trained actors they're like they're yelling they're real where does yeah yeah and then they're like told like get into a fight you know like play it up kind of thing so here's another line I mean I've got several more this one I couldn't believe you know I mean this one's called this one's called steak is for taxpayers and this is one of them situations yeah dude yeah yeah I noticed you bought your groceries with a with a welfare car but then you use cash to buy lottery tickets what I noticed you you [ __ ] you use the access card to buy your groceries and then you bought scratch offices with cash you think it's right whoa so what [Music] why why are you using a welfare car to buy food but then you're buying scratch-off lottery tickets with cash it is my [ __ ] business I pay taxes my business it is it is my business because I work for a living and I pay taxes Wow pregnant smoking and pajama pants you like a [ __ ] triple [ __ ] up steak is for [ __ ] taxpayers Wow up and I was with it until they took their stuff come on you can't dude steak is for taxpayers dance the students the biggest balls I mean what is going on he must be ten feet tall what is gonna win in Philadelphia like it's a beautiful dude it's beautiful Philadelphia you've got the richest characters in the world I mean that guy was like dozing off in the background right Linnea on dakar we must live in a rough like Nick I don't think all affiliate but yeah Billy's got a reputation it's kind of a rough town yeah it's a rough town I know that about it you get characters you know eight come on you've actually been there and it looks pretty nice well we were i agree like the center yeah look you know if there's a city of people walk around eating Philly cheesesteaks you know it's a rough city and then finally this one caught he goes and saves a dog I'm on Livingston Street I got a call friends called me and said that the whoever owns this [ __ ] dog leaves it out all the time and I just knocked for like 10 minutes no answer so wherever it is it's probably [ __ ] drunk and this dog was left out and during the storm for hours and I got three people from a rescue I'm afraid to do alright okay alright if you just want to play you just want to play and is this your dog why is the dog left now 24 hours a day when in this weather they're BOTS to sleep on what are you doing on my property the door gets cold the dog gets why I got three I'm just letting you know so I got three people coming here and they're taking this [ __ ] dog my [ __ ] dog yeah they are no not why don't you there's nothing out here to [ __ ] protect it don't you know don't you know that dogs you call Bay a cold it's a dog dude it's a dog they get caught can I tell you this one fella spoke it was cool I got a call that it was out here in the storm it wasn't out here in the storm no so several people lied to me yeah alright well I just want you to know three I got three friends coming right now they're taking that [ __ ] dog yeah they are big and they're taking that [ __ ] E they're taking that [ __ ] dog you piece of [ __ ] so fight no I just petted her she ain't doing [ __ ] ya know if you're too [ __ ] stupid to realize that the dog gets cold and your to stop [ __ ] stupid to realize you should know the dog right I'll be back I'll be back come on so ela you said you think this one's fake big guy felt like it was that thing dog yeah I could see that a little bit I think real patrols fake oh yeah it's calling it anyone else have an put I want to believe well I talked briefly with the roll patrol an email they are all staged he's a comedian based in Philly what and he's been staged he does these are comedy sketches oh my he's got see the guy's a genius how did it do the one with the I think I don't know I must he must have recruited a real pie maybe it gets people yeah on it but like it's so perfectly orchestrated yeah yeah there's matches little things like no one says why are you filming me for example I feel like that's a big thing yeah that was I had that thought as well they're amazing I'm so impressed with this guy he's such a legend to Philly offensive only four thousand subscribers Wow a suti uploaded three days ago one day ago so I joke around a lot that's our bad as him you know making videos and having fun but I want to get serious for a moment I love his voice yeah a lot of people don't know this but I was uh I was adopted and [Music] I finally tracked down my biological mother she's actually sitting on the steps next to me I've been here about for a half hour I'm super nervous I had to go through spend five I mean eight thousand dollars took about 15 years to find her and here we go like this what an unsung genius a palm do yeah hi Karen are you Karen are you Karen my name is Tim I'm your son [Applause] yeah she's wearing a forehead I track you down through no it's I'm serious it took me 15 years to find you how do you want well looking open like your father yeah that looks like a dick are you serious I came here become here for you no Tim Tim can I can I get a hug at least he's still up to his high jinks one it reminds me of like yeah that's a good comparison so how did you find out you just asked him yeah why I was like dude you're awesome we want we want to call in and hear from you and he's like hey just so you know he was very upfront and he's like just so you know I'm a comedian in Philly these are all staged there you go that's amazing he told me right up front those videos masterpieces yeah that milk one masterpiece yeah that one is like a short film yeah I mean oh my god I love the milk that you doesn't need milk dude like he thought of that detail of a bomb pouring milk in his mouth that's epic so awesome also you know what throws it off what what junkie has milk on him when I roll with milk mm-hmm I'm a little I mean it's still funny but I am disappointed that roll Patrol isn't real just because I all right I really I want to do well there's a dirt just no take comfort in knowing that there is a real roll patrol out there he's just not filming you know I mean he's out there living the life he doesn't need the accolades he doesn't need that clays he's just there to patrol the rolls I'm another colliding world's big Edie was who puts mayonnaise in his hair from TLC we enjoyed his video I'm not going to show it because they claim us everytime TLC is a relentless man but we have made contact here I'll show picture of Big Ed we talk about them so much I mean can we get a little I mean they should be paying me at this one not taking my revenue this is big Edie look at the film oh my god props to whoever is doing took me a minute to understand what what a wise he's guess her pros man look at that that's big ad what the male in the hair and we got ahold of him Zach did some incredible legwork and forgot her got in touch with big Edie and we're working on getting him on the show because what I would like to do should I say it I mean I'll say I have a great idea let's keep it a surprise keep it close to the chest I think so but here I am very excited that he's coming on here um this is from his Twitter oh he's got a dog named Teddy and a back now with the bubble what though with an observatory yeah yeah that's real that's him this is him on a moped and his dog Teddy look at this he drives a Vespa with his dog and a glass war on his back this guy his dogs astronaut awesome shredder would never sit still can you imagine no but Alfredo would yeah Alfredo would he's on Twitter even he's a twitch streamer curious vacuuming glitter off cookies I just dumped I realize oh he's so cute so I kind of yeah hold on a second hold on there's someone filming [Music] too much sprinkles and then he vacuumed it off what how do I get the sprinkles off yeah again yeah making moves the goat yeah big add the goat here he is showing proper sword stance have a view that's a deep cut throw eight and we watched it a couple of times that the beat Steve cut I love how that overlay covers his head but you know this is you needed to use baby and by that while she straps to the samurai sword not cheeto because that's due to strapping a sword to his way a straight up samurai sword I wonder thing will cruise around Japan the man and then there's a one other one a look at young bit bigger I was so impressed what a honky is look at Ed good-looking guy damn handsome devil he's still handsome he's got beautiful moisturised hair where's the picture of him doing the tutu I dropped it in here oh here it is I got it good and then finally just to set the stage for big Ed's appearance here on the podcast [Laughter] he's wearing a ballerina tutu he's all tatted okay folks I missed my sales goal okay I did a million 50,000 and I said I would do 1.5 million stickers what happens so yay dude yeah I was so impressed by that jump that jump is perfectly I got a positive anytime before look at that wow I don't think I could do that no it's pretty good what is he selling that he's his sales I was 1.5 million dollars that's a lot I'm very intrigued by that as well it looks like he's in a trailer park community maybe sells RVs or something maybe that would maybe add up to so he did a million in sales that's pretty good yeah I mean how much commission you make on that I don't know I don't know how much RV people make but uh I'm car car salesman make really good Commission so he did this so perfect I can't believe that that's incredible with the two - I mean the air was perfect the form was perfect flawless big add the goat give that guy a samurai sword he'll lead a country let's be good so we're excited to have made contact with big Edie of TLC the man he's in the hair guy Zach tell me I mean you're the one that got a hold of him tell me about the conversation well I guess I got to give credit to Ian because he did find the phone number oh that was yeah Wow thank you thank you same work but Zach really brought it home really yeah so I called him and it went straight to voicemail this was a few days ago and then moving forward I called him and I think it was three days ago something like that and he picked up the phone and he was like just like not super friendly and not you know he wasn't willing to communicate what did he say he's I'll talk to my people and he gave me an email address talk to my people but he's big ed big he's got people he's got people for that so I shot them in email and then the day after that I get a call at 8 o'clock in the morning and it's big at himself and Wow super like apologetic yeah he's all like yeah you know I know h3h3 and like you know I saw the clips and like it's awesome and even retweeted the clip from the podcast Oh so hopefully he didn't see me being mean day in don't want to come on anymore but like yeah we're we're getting it all set up wow that's so cool yeah it's crazy like the worlds are colliding we got the Philly offensive we got Big Ed we've got I wasn't there another one yes Casey who lost oh my God all the way Casey from TLC the guy who was bathing in the trough with dishsoap and Carl's jr. cobbb mm-hmm then he lost a bunch away actually do I have that video so we're not gonna watch that video let's watch it I guess this is like the whole this is everything's coming together here episode Oh memes I lined oh maybe we'll watch it next week yeah but we got ahold of him he lost a bunch of weight he saw us cuz yes we could like use a van yeah I'm a fan of his because he's lost a ton of weight he's looking really good I'm so happy for him I have weight problems I struggle with my weight it's so hard for me to lose weight but someone that size to Glu's as much weight as he has is amazing love it love to see it he's gonna call him we're gonna find out I'm so curious about people who have worked with TLC me too and I want to know it sounds almost like he regrets doing the show I don't know if it motivated him what was it like we're going to producers like how they set up that shot right in his crotch like what is it like working with those midnight those people are just evil geniuses right yeah so I have a lot to ask reality show producers are there there there's a certain breed I mean dude they set up the camera right here it was crazy that shot how do you even like have the the balls to do that they've got it you know what I mean think they've got it all they've got the balls so that's exciting let's see they did this was a highly asked or this question on Twitter got a lot of traction he said hey Ethan why the sensitive is a drawing do you see that yes hey Ethan and Eli would like to know if there's three windows for Zach dan and Ian - looking through I've been wondering this and this my wife is a lie even did a sketch so yeah I love this it's so funny to me basically this is what we wish we had but then basically did his magic here and what we have is a laptop where he has the windows drawn we have a laptop and it's a split screen of the cameras so we can see there the dense camera right now for example it's a preview monitor it's a preview monitor yeah and so we see Ian's life switching and we see we have to show it we have to show it can we show it Dan yeah give me a sec okay go ahead so yeah let's just go handheld on this paper so I don't think anyone expected there's a wall here it's just a wall but then the real crazy one is can you see how you guys see from back there right can you just show your webcam flip your webcam around yeah good hey and so here's the big reveal the truth is there are no windows yeah there's a giant TV screen right in front of them and here's Zach and Ian and Dan is obviously the point of view and they look at this television and they see everything that's happening through there because there is actually a room between us which is something you wouldn't expect right we had to make it work with this office well it's not really like an office for dance the Dan is the we call him de Medicis we call them the wizard and the magician for a reason also his backpack is like the magic bus there's always like whatever you're gonna need it hasn't really there's anything I give tweezers yeah I think I have some pair literally dan do you have a spermicidal Lube yeah I think I got that just whatever you need you know but but just to put in perspective I'm staring at the guys the three guys there's Ian there's Ian is that I'm sorry yeah Ian Zak is right behind here and Dan is right here but there is a room between our room between us yeah it's all movie magic in here Dan it's all movie magic so maybe one day we could get to that but I think it's pretty cool what we've configured because you don't need a window right you guys do you guys need a window you feel like are you happy with the setup I personally I'm very happy with the setup long term I would love to do that yeah yeah I mean we I don't know if we'll ever move into a new studio it's not really something we can do in the space but if we ever moved I would definitely set it up in such a way that we had an actual window like that just put a giant glass window so yeah that'd be cool I mean that's that's very typical like on most radio shows and everything the producers are looking through glass like that but um but this isn't bad you know this this works yeah it's better than when we first were doing we didn't have anything like this yeah it was ghetto man there was a desk right outside the door in the corner that weren't you sitting at that at one point Dan so you could see in at me yeah exactly yeah that was weird but we prefer to close the door so basically we wouldn't see each other unless we left it open because the reality is this whole show like when you guys were first starting it you didn't know how long you'd do it yeah we were it so it's been built up over time you know if if we were coming into it and just trying to do it at the level that we do now from funding right it would be done in a different way but this has kind of been like a it's it's evolved over time I love it I love where it's at it's a shame that it's got that come to an end because and frankly I blame you in for for provoking me to bully us right as we come to the close here Trisha Paytas I'm so excited that's gonna be by the way I have to say podcasting Russians calm get your applications in because we're coming to a close here right the deadline what is uh-oh we actually know we have more time we had said March 7th which is not this Sunday but the following Sunday March 7th okay so it's like a week you have one week we have one more than the following we wanted to have her on that Friday cuz that would be before that week is over you know it would not you know that's coming Friday it would be than their next week yeah exactly so she's gonna come another 13th we're going to review the applications that we've received which according to these guys are incredible I've I knew it would be pretty good you people that have submitted your really you're bringing it it's we've got so exciting there's and what let me just say that since the competition is highs if you want to win this girl's heart you better come hard with your video you have one week left you guys and she said that she is intending to marry this is what I wanted to say she tweeted please only apply to ht3 if you tend to marry me in the following 30 days okay so I mean hello only 30 days that's a third of what 90-day fiance gives you is there gonna be a prenup because that could be a huge landfall that's insane right no prenup now we're cooking hmm so there you go we have that look sounds like it's negotiable the 30 days the brain up is negotiable yeah we learned that from watching 90 day the newest episode there's this guy or the newest season there's this guy who's like 45 and he scoops up some like 18 year old model from Brazil she's 20 about 20 excuse me she's so much more mature than I give her credit for and then the guy has some money actually for the first time in 90 day fiancรฉ history yeah he doesn't live in a one-room apartment the and FISA dude that was a drug dealer I mean it was yeah no that guy was broke it was broke that was the whole friction was that a problem they portray themselves as rich and they're like yeah come here I'm gonna spend money on you that guy was in like a one-room apartment and they all are they always do that and so this guy actually has money although I have to get this guy's money and then so he's gonna marry her and he wants her to sign a prenup which makes sense to me but I don't know if to hurt doesn't make sense because she says that dude this whole thing was crazy she was I'm an independent woman I don't need no man I need to figure out my own life and all this and yada yada yada but at the same time she says she's not going through with it if she doesn't get the prenup or removed it was a beautiful thing though it was great to follow because I went to a lawyer and the lawyer was like railing on him like dude you can't just and the lawyer was right she's like you can't just throw her out on the street if it doesn't work out mm-hmm so they got rid of prenup no prenup no prenup and then did she take I stalked them a little bit on Instagram they're still together I don't know how long's it's been but does he's always pretty boring so yeah we balanced on that unfortunately but that's why I'm excited for big Edie bigad is the the promise of a great new season of 90 day fiancรฉ man easy hair baby I want to see if he's with that girl well I think it all happens live so he's in the process of waiting for the 90 day now oh my god Oh crazy our worlds are really colliding and finally ela does this make you hungry Burger King's new burger he's trying to sell us a burger I think was this a Super Bowl ad uh no it came out a little bit after the Super Bowl right it came out like a week ago oh yeah so they are showing off their showing a time-lapse of the burger molding and rowdy I'm supposing an effort to make you appreciate that their food is not have preservatives in it but I don't want to eat this hamburger ever that's disgusting like right I mean this is putrid no this is absolutely awful I don't know what the [ __ ] they were they don't even the beauty of no artificial preservatives you've just permanently like associated rotten meat with Burger King to my mind they should have at least showed the jute like it looks good here they should have at least showed it like hey this is what it actually looks like I mean who's gonna want to eat this to close up on the mold growing it's just like no one wants to see that let's see what the Komets are some of us we either be fired or promoted I'm not eating that [ __ ] ever I don't I'm never going to Burger King and for those reasons I'm out that's it we have said it all we have we've said it all have we not we've said it all I think but also but yet so that's that's the podcast I hope you all enjoyed it somehow I feel like people are gonna be even more angry at me than before do you feel work in progress we're trying stuff I mean we're always like trying to keep evolving this show and not do the same thing and so a lot of this stuff or like attempts and something mmm and like you know the whole interaction and relationship with Ian on camera it's just kind of like an attempt at being funny really and it just didn't really work definitely did not work but I do want to take the criticism and learn from it I don't want people to think that we're not and I just have to stop doing this shtick where I'm like angry like I go - yeah because for some reason that seems like the funny thing to do but it's not yeah it's not I guess and because it's really not like that our relationship is not like that well that would be insane of course yeah yeah I mean that kind of like humor works on a TV show but I think you know on the podcast people like the podcast because they feel like it's a group of people just hanging out casually or whatever and so when it like Ana day I'm like kind of like wrestler fake reality comes down to it not everybody gets it so it's just a weird mix cuz it is real and we aren't having real conversations you know so well it was bad who's bad stupid but I do honestly truly think that I know we've done like 180 episodes almost maybe this is 180 but to me in my mind this is still like the beginning of the podcast for me we're still figuring it out yeah I'm still feeling oh I want to do a thousand episodes so we're about a fifth bill away there I want to do more than a thousand Dan I want to keep you guys locked up forever do you guys have any final words anybody before we wrap this up yeah to the people who's reddit threads are deleted and you got pissed off deal with it I'm sorry your karma got lost but there's people freaking out about that and I don't care I'll delete it again thank you Dan I appreciate that uh I'll just say I mean in these four walls it's it's all love and it always has been so that's that's the reality of the situation so I love you too you didn't say you love me but I love you too it's all and Zach my golden boy boy where would I be without you again thank you guys for this opportunity and I mean now people are just gonna make make me a theme like I'm making yourself very great in the Bahamas yeah major key I mean it's just amazing I love working here thank you thank you I love having you dropped out of [ __ ] call it you should come work here yeah oh that's see that doesn't sound good for me it's cool I said look I don't want you to drop out of school Zac you know but if you're gonna do it you've always got a full-time job here with us because he was just doing freely I left college to Jake good for me such a hypocrite anything whatever man you go to school get a job all you get offer for full-time job I mean if I if I got a full-time job I probably would drop out because college was you end up spending all this money and the B pray to God you could find a job afterward right yeah I'm gonna take it when the opportunity comes it's [ __ ] you guys will always have a job here thank you unless you cross me all right so that's the weekend hell yeah and I do apologize to the audience because I'm I don't want anyone to come out feeling I mean I want everyone it should be coming here having fun this is a toxic work environment yeah I guess people were concerned for us and okay good but I'm but people were very upset so I'm sorry about that and apologies to ends mom as well yeah oh wow I never meant to hurt you I never meant to make you cry well that's up what what song is that I'm just the jealous guy Oh see that's actually wasn't what I was singing but it's not it's go ahead and sing it I don't remember the rest sorry mom that's not ever meant to hurt that's what I see that's how we just got claimed I never made to make you cry cuz tonight I'm sniffing you what is he saying I'm cleaning out my clothes out and out my closet I thought you were singing jealous guy by John it did some more like right yeah that was a way to remix addition mom are you guys good singers most are kids that zach has a beautiful voice thank you I knew that about him already thank you Ian do you sing no no no no no no no no you know what sucks is I have a terrible singing voice and both of my parents especially my mom is like a fantastic singer like naturally like really really gifted you got yeah yeah like what the [ __ ] where those jeans being a good singers the coolest thing I know always and I'm so bad it's like I don't know if it's like if you either can sing or you can't but when you can't boy boy boy boy no no but that's like you don't understand the effort it took like I'm not it's not effortless yes some people are just gifted many people okay I can't do anything like not even close to where you can do I did like 30 takes okay and then they cut together the pieces they wasn't even one day of takes that I could do okay I'm not a good singer don't stroke me I like it okay I'll take it I think you need to do another album a new song I like it I do want to we have to work with my friend Isaac who's he's a family man that'd be really cool I'd like to hear that you should get on it hmm get some we should get some like we should do like the acoustic cuz we've kind of lucked into full music and then get Zach shredding it or just like a solo a guitar solo song he's sick it'd be cool alright well let's have a let's have a good weekend everybody yeah all right everybody all right thank you guys for the nice words by the way I appreciate you guys come into my support I appreciate it and I do genuinely love you mean you guys like my family I mean I it's embarrassing but I do love you guys sweetly and genuinely I would be devastated if you ever left me seriously heartbroken you always got a job at Teddy fresh if this doesn't work on you gonna I'm gonna fire them and you're gonna hire them it's getting it's getting sad alright alright guys thank you so much have a blessed weekend well we have a guest uh next right Andrew sands and Santino Santino I believe I just I get confused cuz his name is like cheeto run Andrew Santino hilarious comedian he rolls with Bobby Lee and Chris D'Elia and Theo von he's part of that Comedy Store gang of comedians super funny guy he's actually in this season of curb which is crazy it's so cool I booked him and then that night saw the episode with him in it I didn't know he was on there and was like what the [ __ ] I know he was in the presence of Larry David awesome he has good luck for eternity shake his hand yeah just push hands shake Larry's now let me shake you and then the episode after that we have PewDiePie coming right PewDiePie is scheduled for well PewDiePie was originally scheduled for Tuesday but he had to reschedule to Friday right he just let us know so PewDiePie will be on Friday thank you for reminding me and look forward to speaking with him so much stuff to talk about can't wait yeah can't wait alright that's about it guys so thank you very much have a great weekend and stay blessed appreciate you all very much in see you next up bye [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 974,741
Rating: 4.2569504 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan & hila, ethan and hila, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, h3h3producitons
Id: 39jND-GYG34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 41sec (4841 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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