Coronavirus Is Worse Than You Think - H3 Podcast #171

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Just wanna say what Ethan is saying about masks and protecting yourself from Corona virus isn't true in the slightest. Sure most of you know and it isnt really the place but you need an n95(the DR in the thumbnail is wearing one) or higher mask, a surgical mask will do nothing. Covering your mouth and nose isnt reducing the infection rate by 90% when its being transmitted through the eyes. Also its significantly less dangerous than SARS which had almost 4 times the death rate.

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/TheAtami 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yay fear mongering!

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/spebes 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sitting on a public toilet is such a problem but sleeping in a bed where your dog has puked his own shit on is not? I would rather sit on a public toilet then sleep in that bed again

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/saturndragomir 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

The constant misinformation of the corona virus and Ethan getting his facts from Twitter throughout the segment was sooooo not okay....

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/moldyzombie7 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

That's the worst episode I can remember listening to in a long time which is unfortunate. It was so unorganized and the topics were just repeats. Talking about poop, the dogs, etc. It seems as soon as Felix wasn't able to make the podcast they just said fuck it and winged the whole thing. They obviously get views, but they need to continue a structured format and stuck to it or else I fear all episodes will continue to be like this one. Can't wait for the papa episode!

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/jimbobwey 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

If the media was making a huge deal about the virus, he would be saying how the media is just a trying to scare everyone and are overreacting.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Rock_Carlos 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not sure if this is old news but are post malone and ethan still friends? That "did he win an award?" Then to a "who gives a fuck". Wasnt sure how to interpret that.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/RiskyDINGO 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

wait, how many of you are putting toilet paper down on public toilets?

I have never ever done that. I feel like being that worried about germs is abnormal, or am I the crazy one here?

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/nicholt 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2020 🗫︎ replies


Also Ethan: Let's make AI Ian.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Rave-light 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
- hey welcome everybody to the hippest coolest jessee's town and show town [Music] today's episode is sponsored by manscaped neon DS pewdiepie was supposed to be on the show today but due to got out scheduling issues he was unable to make it but we rescheduled to February 13th February 12 very well whoa thank you yeah now today is gonna be a really one of those episodes because I'll tell you what keep it going keep it going cut out Fredo has this problem where he makes a diarrhea he licks it all up right which is just so foul right but wait till you hear the second part keep it going don't beat it out where's the sound bites so he he laughs he laps up the diarrhea before bed outside and then at 4:00 a.m. he starts puking diarrhea and so first there was a big huge puke at the foot of our bed and I was just gonna okay you guys you can say that no it's fun right I told you I was just talking about how Alfredo puked diarrhea so first he pukes at the edge of the bed and it's just immediately it's brownish but you know you know whatever it's the stench it smells like [ __ ] so that's been puked out so it's also vomit yeah yeah it's on it's unbelievable and so he pukes at the foot of the bed then he then I I thought that was it are usually dogs puke twice so he puked up the foot of the bed I took him down and he puked on the floor and I thought that was it but then as I'm cleaning I'm just repulsed and I'm cleaning this pile of vomit [ __ ] at the foot of the bed he walks over to my corner of the bed and where the mattress meets that affect the frame there's like a tiny little gap you know where you tuck the sheet in and he starts digging there I'm like Alfredo what are you doing I've never seemed glad and he throws up in that corner but you can imagine it's just the most treacherous horrible place you can imagine cleaning and my trash now it's like it's got the fabric fabric you know like the it goes here how do you clean that he also got it on the fabric at the foot of the bed till it actually came out okay but I ended up picking he's kept puking and then went in the bathroom and he was like under he was hiding in our closet I picked on the rug - he must have puked like eight times and they all smelled like diarrhea bro but you know when dogs get really sick they'll like hide so he was he was hiding under a bench in the closet and he was panting and I don't know he looks so bad mm-hmm so I just cleaned this up because our whole room spent like diarrhea so I just cleaned this up and I throw out all the rags and opened the window and then I was just really worried about Alfredo so and then I got to take off the sheets yeah we just ended up putting a blanket down or um I hate that it was the worst I mean it was the worst and well then I was really worried about afraid of those four a.m. and then I took Alfredo outside just to see what was up it was funny I took him outside and he was like on the verge of death and shredder was trying to play with him shredder was running around the yard full speed at 4:00 a.m. just like lunging at Alfredo he didn't get it so I carry Alfredo upstairs and he it was really sweet he laid down he was basically against me the whole night but I was so scared because he was in just such bad shape that I kept checking to see if he was breathing so I didn't get much sleep I probably fell asleep at like 5 and then some suckers who were doing construction on our house came over at 8 I said they're doing construction right next to our bedroom I says to the the guy in charge don't just don't let him come till 9:30 and he goes ok called nobody's coming and then they come they comment 8 just do something really minor wake us up make a ton of noise and then they leave why'd you do that why do construction people always have to start so early I've always wondered that either I've always wondered that why do they have to start at 8 a.m. do they not value sleep start at 9 an hour later yeah start at 10 even I die now or later like they leave at 3 there's plenty of sunlight at 3 what's up most for most people work later than 3 it's not dark at 3 there's no reason for this it's outrageous but anyway at like 6 o'clock err heard Alfredo get up and go drink water finally which then I knew he was ok and I was relieved and this morning we made him some chicken and rice which is would they say to feed your dog when he has an upset stomach and he he ate it he ate it up he loved it so he's okay your poop but I was worried man he looked so bad he was like panting hard and just staring at us with like yeah he was all panicked he was feeling really bad poor baby mm-hmm but unfortunately I'm alpha get rid of him because he puked on her bed diarrhea so I'm putting him back up for adoption taking him back to the pound just the day before shredder pukes on our bed and we changed the sheets so thank you guys you know what I thought as I was cleaning up his diarrhea puke I was I was thinking maybe it was Alfredo nah those fell shudder yeah you can tell like on their breath who puked oh man is that why his breath so stinky stink got this special stink like unique this shredder that is just so foul and powerful but it when you smell it it's like you love it in a weird way because you've got your cuz you love your dog like only sweaters my name is shredder I think of his smell like stink his thing yeah he needs a shower though you need the shower a week ago they got the last hour now they're gonna get it are tomorrow they're getting [ __ ] groomed but man those guys little stink bombs to sleep in our bed and puke diarrhea where I put my head in nightmare Thank You Wendy Williams so that's that so it's gonna be one of those shows we have a lot of interesting topics to get to let me just show you some of our incredible topics we're going to talk about the Grammys or should I say the scam ease Kobe Bryant tragic I'm sure everybody's heard this absolutely tragic news we are going to talk about the mic coronavirus that I've been falling I have like one of the best write-ups I've ever done on the coronavirus I have so much incredible media here to share with you guys you're obsessed yes I'm very scared about it and I think people who are not talking about it and taking it seriously enough Jay station has as I predicted brought his girlfriend back from the dead and did a Ouija board through am i totally called that we also totally called that he was just doing that tomorrow his second channel we have all the answers on Jays station ninja the mixer deal we have the details on that and so much more you guys are so much more it's gonna be an incredible ride here today on the HD podcast experienced instance can I get a sound effect I don't have to do my own sound effects experience how do we get reverb on that since we never figured out anyway during it for you um then can you figure it out yeah why why do we never get reversed you did get reverb and then and I showed you how to do it and then you didn't want to have to deal with it and there was like there was a whole thing the whole thing on no no you tried to add a button on the stream deck but we couldn't make it work to make it happen and then I said I could set up a little iPad for you and you could control it that way and you were like oh this is too much yeah it sounds like a pain in the ass there's got to be easier way down I need to be able to say experience and thanks Dan okay so last episode this is actually great we had a heated debate here on the show about who was Philip defranco's chocolate baited youtubers yeah and I said I think I'm top 5 yeah I must be top 5 I see my face there all the time no and Dan was hating as usual I've seen I see you you've already got had dancing babies you've already rewritten history a little bit right there we were not debating the top youtubers click baited we were debating the top faces top faces Dan it doesn't matter I think I'm still top 4 well you're about to try and bust out some receipts and I'm telling you those receipts are irrelevant let's let the people a judge they're not your realm they're irrelevant that's only counted why are you hating so much why do you care you say your piece is that camera not covering me those can't the lenses are like touching it's crazy look at that oh [ __ ] you Dan [ __ ] you Dan hmm dan why do you care that much that you want to like burst my bubble like you're always hating on because I said you were probably in the top 10 which I still think is no you even said talk about rewriting history you started saying I didn't even think you're in top 10 really yeah because Ian if you could be so kind if you guys would turn your attention to the monitor both you said both we went to the archives okay go ahead let's let's see what is this why I think I must be one of the most click baited faces on the philip defranco show I said you take as a compliment I feel like I I got to be in top ten right Here I am again top ten can I have that title I think five I'm not giving you your top ten why are you so paranoid then you had to prepare that clip in secret because because we were arguing about it yesterday and I was like you know what I'm going into the archives final conversation but you first of all I haven't first of all even shown I know we got away so Ian first of all was hating the whole way through and II like you were also hating the whole way through I always hate yeah yeah I think you're coming after me I was willing to give my meal to him let me open the damn thing because someone actually did the research wow they got a lot of what they got like six gold silver award six Gold's man people actually this girl did the research she's like I got nothing to do she said her name is miss Jackrabbit thank you to her just as Ethan we should get her on the call to actually settle this because let me let me read this just as either request that I went through Philip defranco's videos and tallied up the youtubers who appeared in the most thumbnails I made a few rules on the list no mainstream celebrities no politicians just youtubers this would look different if I included people like Donald Trump Jennifer Lawrence and none of us care about them after counting everything I'm happy to announce that a Sri Sri did in fact make the top five here are the statistics PewDiePie number one at sixty-one videos Logan poll number two at 44 Shane Dawson at 29 videos is number three and number four h3h3 at 26 videos fourth place I edged out even Jake Paul in fifth place at 24 videos but it I don't think first of all she doesn't ever claim that Jennifer Laurent why would Jennifer Lawrence being so many thumbnail it makes sense what is she doing but so newsworthy don't Donald Trump I can see him being in fifth yeah maybe Jennifer Lawrence how many times she being a thumbnail five yeah I thought that was weird too but maybe I mean was a lot of drama or a few years ago that uh the fat been happening okay but how many times you can put her in a thumbnail for Christ no I don't think it was just the last year I think this was the totality of there's no way that Jennifer Lawrence has more clickbait yeah I'm probably not thanked but I don't know but I don't know we don't you'll have the day popa clip we don't have the day okay fine but I'm in the top five why are you trying to take that away from me youtubers that wasn't the debate well then we need to get the evidence because dan is just being a little punk-ass I think that you'll be in the top ten overall I'm willing to give you that I feel like I feel like she understood the intention of well yo Yori go ahead yo speak I was proven wrong and I'm impressed thank you you even you even passed Jake Paul and I was just behind Shane Dawson if I'm being honest I mean I remember I was making videos Jake Paul was like the dad clickbait natan you know true Logan Paul's held on to the title pretty strongly though that's true and PewDiePie is far and away number one but nobody surprised by that but look at me how I feel so validated I feel so like relevant like I I do feel like my ego has been stroked a little bit but we haven't made videos and so long we just sit here doing this dumb podcast and yet here I am Here I am the boss talked about figure probably because I just say dumb [ __ ] all the time get in trouble you know it's just I'm in his show every time I say some stupid [ __ ] and I try to get so much as answer me some of them because we we call it you know clickbait a lot of it isn't click really click baby it is a story about the first minute but a lot of them with you genuinely is clickbait because the only appearance that you have in his whole video will be like and Ethan said this about this other story and thank you for pointing that out because I did notice a lot of people saying well it's not clickbait I don't know why they're saying that and well I agree and I'm not even using it in a negative term because clickbait like [ __ ] mad yes on are all the time I do that all the time would be like Trisha Paytas five minutes in the title that's just the nature of the game yeah you want to get those views baby you going I'll grade them and they think they're fighting click away they are create and click me you know I don't know what they're doing but yeah there you kind of have to click bait right now so true well I think in their mind I don't know what clickbait is in their mind I didn't know anything I don't know but to me I just find it funny and flattering frankly to that he thinks my name can pull views I think that's a but I think that's really flattering he goes like Dan said you know it's like anything uh look at this Nathan said that Trish's a cow next story and then and that he puts me in the thumbnail toilet yes Dan you see that filly replied in that row yeah yes let's find out he actually had a great question thanks Dan I can hate this new reddit I don't he was awful I only use old reddit Philip DeFranco he said this is impressive can you do the math and see who pulls in the best views of her average plus highs and lows actually I am quite curious about that too but Philly's actually just wants the data so he can improve his clickbait good but I'm glad that he acknowledged the hard work that this person put in in fact you guys should see ya what the hell we got to get a hold of this garage check and she actually went through the effort of downloading this I am she downloaded every thumbnail and then break break them by tears should do this for free so yeah I mean no she just with her free time reach up to her damn we got to put her on payroll okay we've got beauty pie Logan Shayne hdhd yeah like every episode fact check everything Ethan said that oh god what a nightmare no thank you so here let's try to guess what what we're talking about YouTube is broken I don't know Ethan I don't know I don't know I don't know be kpop I don't know I don't know okay so this game's not that fun it turns out you gotta admit though even ninjas down here then just got less clickbait power than your bar maybe he's just less in the news because my dumb ass is only same dumb [ __ ] savings over X below me Liza oh she's below me all right go ahead Guardiola take it and leafy so understand I guess my title doesn't mean that much hopefully if he's still on this list to do doesn't made a video in like three years I think it's time it's only in the last year no I think Dan was saying this is over the hole no no this isn't the last year wait this is all time yes that's what I was trying to say this is like that's why I mean sixty one videos for PewDiePie that would be insane if it wasn't sixty one and oh so maybe I shouldn't be that flattered cuz I I guess maybe I used to be more relevant now nobody cares about me I want to know the last year that's what I'm interested in even in the last year you were in a decent amount but but not in the time okay okay so it's all invalid we need we need her to put her we need to put her on payroll and get her yeah and get her doing more tearless okay okay even I don't [ __ ] in the morning for the Parkers it's the worst uh I always try to like chug coffee and squeeze it out before I leave because I know this will happen it's so annoying I don't want to lecture you right now but you gotta give yourself more time to get ready well I a little I don't know if you listen to the beginning of this there okay so I got a show to run we got nine minutes till brick can you hold it I can all work for nine minutes can you squeeze it out at the time of the break because no more important I'd like 20 minutes that's the problem Papa John posted this on his stories well I'll try to hold it but if I need to then we're just gonna have to I can't make a car okay asking for cowboy boots advice those look like um snakeskin those only good papa tweeted her shared this on Instagram should I wear these when I go on a stress free podcast in a couple weeks of 93 97% it actually went up to 98% yes because I restored it basic to legend I love I'm like Papa's like my best friend right now is your papa he's my actual my father figure he's my real dad I'm asking Phil adopt me week from Friday I just proved that Wendy ripped ass at least I can talk about it and like acknowledge what's going on but wendy is trying to be like it's my backbone get your backbone okay it's stinking in there right you smell it no oh man you guys got to see this this Dannan in somebody noticed something really interesting submitted it dan and Ian turned their heads at the same exact time on the podcast yeah I mean I guess yeah it's pretty [Laughter] [Music] is that these are cyborgs or lizard people or some [ __ ] people always say that they think that we're brothers well I know that's not true we're also not cyber I would say cyborgs above brothers well brothers implies you guys are human a lot of people think we're the same person - yeah don't know we're different I'm not sure how to support that theory you got greeted as Dan yeah I was at the movies and the guy came up where are you dairy podcast how do i casually watch they're not mega fans I think I'm I'm gonna hold it in but I think I gotta take a [ __ ] on the break ok it's alright I haven't used to wiping so long so it'll be interesting are you gonna make me rhymes you're gonna have to make it in time during the break I'm not gonna make it in time they're gonna have a car I can't you think I get [ __ ] in five minutes I could try I'll try I'll try it but I feel like I need to let my [ __ ] breathe well you know you told me I'm just explaining to you you asked me if I could make it in five minutes I don't think you can make in five minutes are you we're gonna have to do a cut second we're gonna have to do a cut do roll to the break we'll be back right now breaking news this important PSA is brought to you by manscaped comm this is your pubic service announcement the manscaped engineering team has spent 18 months perfecting the greatest ball hair trimmer ever created and just released the new and improved lawn mower 3.0 ILA's super excited because she knows I got my hands on this thing and God Lord knows I need it they're third-generation trimmer features a cutting edge ceramic blade to prevent manscaping accidents millions of balls are about to be knit free thanks to manscaped advanced skin safe technology now the balls are one problem but the shaft is actually where I always Nick myself do you guys find the shaft to be a issuer's it's as follows it's all dangerous yeah it's all bad I've done it so many times and I have to tell you I you don't believe that it's possible you just get you get like PTSD it's so difficult to manscape but yeah I know yeah it's horrific and but when you get a hold of this manscaped you're gonna understand what it feels like to clean and mow your pubic regions free of anxiety and fear and to come out looking fresh and and and beautiful like a freshly mowed lawn as they as they have said if you've ever used their lawn mower 2.0 it's an easy transition because the same replacement is the same replacement blade with a new improved skin-safe technology when I tell you this is premium I mean Premium I would put nothing less to my balls in shaft the battery will last up to 90 minutes and I need all 90 minutes of them to shave when the coolest features is the LED light which illuminates grooming areas for a closer and more precise trimming my genitals are a black hole I need all the light I can get they've also upgraded to a 7000 rpm motor with quiet stroke technology that's what I do when heel is sleeping when I need to take care of myself quite stroke technology let's not forget about the charging stand show your mower off loud and proud because this intelligently designed right that's why I put mine at the entrance of the house where I could proudly show everyone that I use it and tells you intelligently designed Stan is a rapid charging dock powered by USB if you are listening to me speak right now you are one of the first people to hear about this life-changing product and I want you to experience first hand for yourself trim that junk of yours get 20% off plus free shipping with the code h3h3 at man escapes calm and as always your balls will thank you 20% off free shipping with code h3h3 at manscape comm that's 20% off with free shipping and manscaped comm use code h3h3 love is in the air someone grab the Lysol just kidding even even though this is a made-up holiday it's still cute it's also the perfect time to show that special someone how much you care and say those three words everybody wants to hear sniff my balls I mean match my undies me undies has the most adorable Valentine's Day prints to get all lovey-dovey this year don't worry you don't have a boob mandis also makes buddy bands so you can match with your pets which is honestly more important to people that's so depressing I love me undies it's soft it's incredible it's unbelievable it I'm voluptuous young man and I neat and I have curves and needs that most men don't so if your voluptuous like me this is gonna hug your Vil UPS if you're slender like ela then it's just gonna it's gonna you're gonna be embraced exactly you give me embrace by micro modal which is three times softer than cotton it's outrageous trust me mm en DS is the real deal happy Valentine's Day everyone to show how much they love you me Andes has not one but three new Valentine's Day prints this year this is the perfect opportunity to show that special someone you're ready to take to the next level with a matching bear match me so I know it's real is the Moto this year if you're matching your BFF or even your dog it still counts also someone told us that Mandy's has new loungewear rumor has its it's loungewear that you can wear out and about keep your eyes peeled on some cozy new additions here we go we got an offer for you guys Mandy's has a great offer for my listeners for any first-time purchaser you get 15% off and free shipping it's a no-brainer especially because they offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee that means if you don't like it you send your dirty on these back to them so please sniff some and then they throw them out that's 50% of your first pair free shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee go to me on DS comm slash h3 that's me on DS comm slash h32 we're back that what just happened was my worst nightmare come I wonder if I ate something that afraid it it cuz I just had like an explosive unrefined you know when your poop is like totally unrefined it's just a mound of waste it's just a mound of waste mm-hmm like what did I eat yesterday that could have cuz I didn't even eat out what today just a mound of waste at home I wish I had the bad day so badly but like yeah I do what it mm-hmm well at any rate I was in there I didn't have time to put down the paper on the toilet seat what no I was like I was like what Red Alert when I got in there no I'm telling you I didn't have time that there is no such thing you don't do that it looked like someone had just cleaned it so I was like [ __ ] it I'm going for it I didn't have time you're not hearing no you're not understanding me I am understanding you are not understanding what do you want to divorce me cuz I take a desperate [ __ ] is your phone vibrating you uh after all the [ __ ] you gave me vibrate can every kind of people please slam on either right now well I don't understand this phone it's what's his phone just put it on the table so it doesn't shake the whole room there what the [ __ ] I was talking about something important I didn't have time to clean I mean I sat I didn't clean I didn't put before anything do you understand that I was thinking about that corn being getting quarantined sounds kind of dumb like if I get caught or if like everyone starts getting coronavirus yeah I go from here straight to the shower you don't want to eat my ass sometimes I don't want you to even touch anything I can't believe you just set on the toilet I had no choice not an option for me I would like I would like you don't understand where I was I would [ __ ] standing and I would not say you wouldn't [ __ ] stand I would do anything in my power before I sit on an uncovered sit in a disgusting public ELA you're not hearing me I why are you judging and I didn't have an option did you see how sick of Fredo was last night that's I felt like we ate the same thing what the [ __ ] did we eat you think I want to sit on a public uncovered like I I would faint first before I do that okay well I didn't want to [ __ ] my pants on the floor of the bathroom yeah it's easy for you to sit there and uh you know talk about what if but when been there but when what when you're faced with a crisis you have to make decisions yeah I've been there this was the Cuban Missile Crisis I had to decide the Cuban colon crisis I'm just really horrified I've never had to do that is this a deal I don't know what you want from me I have you I'm not happy about it you know I'm not happy about the whole thing I was in there it was like a mound of [ __ ] and I was wiping with the baby wipes in the bottom of the baby horse we're getting dipped in [ __ ] you can see the bottom of the baby was [ __ ] disgusting hundred percent yes because the mound is so high but you know what I did learning things you know what I did I took I don't I hate the one thing I can't tolerate is the water splashing on my ass yeah the water in the toilet I don't want on me that's for sure so I took like what I took like probably a hundred because I was in so hurry I usually just take three to put it on the water so then splash I took like a hunch turret of the seat covers and I just threw it in there what could I do I flushed it all down they're not clogged no I thought I had to flush three times so I'm in there and then some old dude comes in and sits next to me you just clogged like the whole LA City no those are those are very um those things are so thin they disintegrate and well that's baby wipes the baby wipes those no I use too many though many objects that people touch every day are dirtier than a toilet seat said Dan mythbuster Dan I just like because I remembered you remember the show MythBusters right of course yeah well they I remembered an episode where they tested how like how many germs are on a toilet seat and it was less than a kitchen sponge money light switches phone computer keyboard Hotel remote shopping cart cell phone yeah and the toilet seat had the least amount of germs that are either you know what it's occurred to me and I've actually cuz I used to be paranoid to get like a STD from it but you can't catch it's it's not that bad the toilet seat I think it's just like if phobia that I have I it's not my preference bro usually I'll meticulously cover it and they'll be like little holes and I'll get like a squirt all the paper and fill in every oh like a plague Tetris on the toilet seat but anyway yeah I'm in there and I'm wrapping it up it's smells bro it's like sweet sick death like you know sometimes I imagine this what a dead body smells like cuz it's like it's like putrid but with a tinge of like sweet I've heard it described that's what a dead body's in this story some people know what I'm talking about yeah someone's like that I've heard corpse described as sweet smelling cuz it's like there's like I don't know there's like a edge to the decaying it's like a sharp not sweet but like it's the only way I can describe it it's like it's a heightened stink it's like it's heightened I know what you're talking about dead bodies give off a distinctive sickly sweet odor they're immediately recognizable hard to forget huh it's almost like a like a slight peppermint weird thank you see so it smells like a dead body I think my shits this one in particular anyway a guy walked in i immediately felt so bad because i could barely stand it and then i he finished before me and i was done basically the same time and i was just standing in the stall and sharing writing from dillio those so embarrassed to come out at the same time I feel like that's normal go you would you guys ever would you guys wait or would you just oh yeah I definitely wait yeah no is that interesting you don't want it to see you don't want them to see your face I was even hiding my feet I walked to the edge of the stall they wouldn't even see my feet I survived thankfully no I won't keep it I want you to eat my ass tonight our culture I'm wearing pants you know you're wearing shorts right yeah you think that it's all my like thighs or something come on we got mean we have a lot to get to maybe I'll save the memes cuz we're going out of extraordinarily slow pace the Grammys I don't care about that much should I talk about whatever I mean what am I gonna do here I don't really care about the ground missile guys tell you I mean no war shows are so stupid why are there so many I know it's like it doesn't stop how many what do we just have the Emmys the Academy Award the Grammys the Tony's I mean they're all for different things but it's all the same people but it's all the same people dead babies aren't I don't know I see the same I see the same people at every award show why is the same people at every award show if it's different things I'm not there's different ways for musicians right yeah is for music but there's more than a most Tony's for for theater okay but the same [ __ ] people there and then you have the Academy Awards the same people go there you're probably thinking like the Golden Globe there are too many movie war or too many movies you can't yeah anyway I agree that the Grammys suck so I'm not gonna argue with you on that Billy Eilish won every award she won the big four apparently whatever that is song record album of the Year and Best New Artist so congratulations to Billy I'm happy wish you know she deserves it you know but she wanted apparently she wanted ariana grande to win is that right in you're a fan of Ariana's what did they want her to win the best album or something I I guess I'll mother year I'm not sure I think so though so her fans were upset and they set the hashtag scam 'is going in honor of in honor of their girl Ariana Ian's downplaying how upset he was he about the scam ease that night no for different reasons hmm why did you okay you use the term scam 'is not going to work why are you withholding your thoughts why ours dang getting and but like I don't know anything about ariana grande like I just yeah in I'm serious you have to step it up here you have to talk you this is your [ __ ] you used to always hear from you people love hearing from you and now you're like Bing Dan now you just think you don't even want to be here what the [ __ ] touching this one man no ya don't mean to sell you out like this about scam I didn't watch I don't want I know because I asked I I messaged Dan you're right I messaged him saying oh did you see Tyler's performance or whatever he's like I am watching the scam ease go ahead he and what do you mean by that I said that as a joke just a goof on the people that are freaking out eyes I didn't watch I actually I know you heard her album about that I don't care about the Grammys I haven't watched in like five years I think they're terrible and out of touch I hate the Grammys okay but Ariana's nominated or not I don't give a [ __ ] cuz I don't care about that organization so are you downplaying Billy as sweep of the big four categories I don't care about any of the sweeps I just don't like the Grammys I think that they're usually wrong and they're all decent vote between Billy and Ariana who's winning best new album best album of the year I mean I like - Ariana's more but probably more than impact in the industry so I'd probably give it to her I suppose are you guys familiar with Christopher Cross do you know who that artist is now for cross no you know who he is he he's the last person that won the big four just like Billy Isla yeah good point and I don't think Billy what wait who is that I think that's what I said was that from from like the late 70s or something yes I do is he still active Oh what the hell look at this good is big but it's also I don't know I mean I don't want to take anything away from the legend bro how did I not hear about him looks like today looks like Kyle Gass what is he looking right he looks like a rock and roller it's like Yacht rock oh that's not awful like Jimmy Buffett or like wow there was a time when Jimmy Buffett was winning Rock yeah you never heard that term before it's like soft soft rock soft rock it's like it's for yuppies for white when they hit for white out on their yachts I love Yacht rock what are you talking Zach to be fair I haven't necessarily found anything you dislike okay that's true cream cheese well I do think Billy's talented and I don't think she will go the way of Yacht rock let me know it's different gross Christopher Cross it is a thing that the Best New Artist Award in particular is known to be cursed because most of the winners of it go on to be one-hit wonder right people I don't think that's gonna happen to her no way beyond that but but most people that win it do kind of get screwed well there was one interesting take here Tyler the Creator who has been traditionally snubbed by mainstream media and awards won he won Best Rap Album of the year but he was not nominated for album of the Year category so he took he took he took kind of a as a backhanded compliment and here's what he said about it which is kind of an interesting take today I'm half in half on it on one side I'm very grateful that what I made could just be you know acknowledged in a world like this but also it sucks that whenever we and I mean guys that look like me do anything that genre-bending or that's anything they always put it in a rap or urban Khaled category which is and I don't like that urban word is just a politically correct way to say the inner word to me so when I hear that I'm just like why can't we just be in pop like a ninja you know what I mean so I felt like a half of me feels like the the rap nomination was a backhanded compliment like oh my little cousin wants to play the game let's give him the unplugged controllers so he could shut up and feel good about it that that's what it felt like a bit but another half of me is very grateful that the art that I mean could be acknowledged on a level like this when I don't do the radio stuff I'm not played in target I'm in a whole different world than what a lot of people here listening to so I'm grateful and like so what are your thoughts on that yeah yeah I agree yeah I think he's right I think the Grammys are always wrong about this time you think do you think that you know I I'm actually a big fan of Tyler's I would listen to flower boy a lot but I haven't listened to Igor that much just because I that's where he like changed his voice right he like pitch shifted down yeah he does a lot of times yeah I'm not I'm not a big fan of that I just I never been a fan of that style I want to hear his voice you know but so I didn't listen to it that much but would you consider Igor a rap album I wouldn't know definitely not I it's just weird like how do you define where would you put a post Milan then yeah I agree right although he was was he nominated post more was he nominated for rap or for that's not how many nominations for sunflower just that song yeah right okay it might have been like written one of the generic categories like record of the year was there a category for like rock and roll or why don't other is yeah there is so or if you look at like like God's plan by Drake one like best rap song last year that's like not a rap song I don't know it's pop that is really wack yeah and he's especially right about that urban thing like that just seems like everything's black yeah in the way that they use it just feels weird best urban album it's like that's never been a genre that anybody refers to like I listen to urban music like what it sounds racist yes said that I like herb imagine a white guy I like urban music what does that mean yeah I think he's got a really good point mm-hmm well so but apparently no yeah I'm glad he got acknowledged because I know that he always wanted to be acknowledged and played on the radio and such because he never was so it's cool that he was acknowledged but I I hear he's coming from you know do you see that he retweeted a tweet that he had saved from like 2012 of some dude talking [ __ ] to him on Twitter about how he'll never win a Grammy you know he had it ready to go I actually it's so good I find it I'll pull it up yeah thank you I did see that I want to show it though I wonder I guess what the Grahams are saying is that they didn't think it was album of the year are there ever any hip-hop albums in album of the year nominated they're very rarely I think only to have everyone Outkast and then Lauryn Hill in the 90s I think they only to ever know Kent liked to pimp a butterfly never know kendrick first well that was the first one where I kind of started checking out where he lost to Macklemore for best rap album what yes and then he lost again to pimp a butterfly lost to Taylor Swift and ha that's where I stopped watching oh my god I different followed this all this [ __ ] but I think everybody agrees that to pimp a butterfly is like album of the decade it yeah I did on what they win did he win wrap-up of the year with butterfly I think he did yeah I think you did but that to pimp a butterfly was reading also influenced David Bowie's last record before he died oh yeah that's pretty cool forget Rick wow that Macklemore beep to pimp a butterfly it that's not he'd be a good kid maad see yeah well that's another classic yeah that to me I can't even compute that so I guess I know you're coming from now again it seems crazy cuz it feels like um this stuff should be way past where we are today but I it's not like the what he said I think is really true interest right I think on Saturday night P Diddy did a speech at one of these Grammies events saying like this [ __ ] has been going on way too long I'm giving you guys one year and then the people in this room can definitely change the course of this it was like jay-z was there and Beyonce was there and stuff so I think it could be cool if after a year if he feels like change hasn't really happened they could go and make like a new award show I think I think P Diddy and jay-z and people like that could definitely pull something like that off so I think if yeah I think they should just stop giving awards to Taylor Swift and [ __ ] Oh big I I'm processing what you said I can't believe it Taylor Tyler said I favorited this nine years ago just for the moment to tell you I got one yes I'm petty as [ __ ] good day Mark Martin said don't be too excited you won't get one in 2011 in response to I don't even know why it's so old oh because what he changed his Twitter handle it said at [ __ ] Tyler oh maybe that's why the original and now it says Tyler the Creator nice good for you that's real street cred when you can change your Twitter handles good for Tyler though I'm a fan and I'm happy for him that guy that guy's a talent I mean he's such a talent he's a treasure he's an American treasure so good for him and good that he had a moment of speaking out what Zach did you guys listen to his odd future stuff I really I really honestly just really I've been following him I like the singles but the first oh my god to was flower boy which is still one which we listen to a lot I really like a great record yeah alrighty well very cool if did post Malone when anything at the Grammys in previous years who knows but maybe I think he did actually hmm Kobe Bryant Bryant as everybody knows has a suffered a tragic helicopter crash actually in our neck of the woods and so it was so weird that like I don't know if people outside LA I know he's like world famous but in LA where I grew up and still live to this day Kobe Bryant was like he was like a god here he played for the Lakers for 20 years the best years the Lakers ever had him in Shaq they were just winning championships it was like this such an exciting time to be in LA everybody's watching the Lakers but Kobe you know it's so rare that the player plays in a city his whole career 20 years he played in LA he was a Laker all the way so for me and and everybody here in LA they're used to seeing his name seeing him on the TV my dad's a hardcore Laker fan so he was always he was always on our TV at home at 41 years old but actually what's crazy is that when the news broke I was hearing that his family wasn't on there but then when you can ask 13 old daughter was on there with them [ __ ] I can't imagine losing your child in that way so you know everybody's talking about Kobe Bryant so I will instead of eulogizing him and the normal fashion you guys probably all seen I prepared some clips that we can watch actually in Memorial Kobe Bryant insane shots let's check it out oh yeah people were the night that the newt or the morning the news broke people went out to Staples Center which is where the Lakers play and they were just having a memorial service for him which is it was so weird cuz the Grammys happened at the Staples Center the same night so it was a strange just strange vibe down there [Applause] I'm just gonna say this one club because I'm afraid this will just go on for too long here with the best insane shots but this is one of the most epic Kobe Bryant moments in NBA history he was having this long drawn-out beef with his player Matt Barnes okay and it was getting really dirty between them lots of shoulders and elbows was getting you see them these are the two guys they were like that's the whole game just bumping chest he was getting in his head this guy Matt Barnes and Kobe was known for his head game cuz he was so cool he was like the best player one of like top three players ever just so dominant and he was getting in this head he was known for never losing his cool and getting in his head and there was this moment where he kind of came to a boiling point and this guy it has damn it feels good to be a gangster playing so you know but I'm not gonna play the music obviously because I but so he has a foul he gets the ball and he fakes it right at Kobe's face and Kobe doesn't flinch at all and people kept talking about like how could you not flinch how could you not even flinch it was awesome anyway beyond being a bat a great basketball player he was a role model to a lot of kids like excuse me I'm gonna say this guy's and uh it's going to say urban kids mm-hmm he ain't give me a call on that what give me a verdict can I say urban kids we just decided you can Oh in the last segment we didn't say you cut it we said it was it was racist I think a lot of people we didn't decide that dan how dare you a lot of people looked up to Kobe as a role model the guy was the king of LA he was a good guy he was always supporting charities and a good dad it's just crazy man you know so foggy that day people we don't really know what happened yet but people were just saying it was so foggy you could barely see it was like milk there when they crashed but it's kind of it's just so ironic I like if he wasn't so rich that he could afford a helicopter it's like you get so rich and you start doing all this [ __ ] like flying in your private plane and helicopters and theoretically it's not supposed to crash but he's kind of funny that like in a parallel universe where he's not as successful he survives Wow that just I don't know that could happen any other way you think car accident you think the UH I just I don't like even thinking about that stuff it's like yeah that was his life he was you had to travel a lot and he was using what so he was famous for flying his helicopter everywhere and he said that he was to be able to practice as much as he needed to to be good at basketball and to still have time for his family he started flying helicopters yeah I mean it would turn it's it's kind of crazy how convenient it was it would turn a drive from Calabasas downtown LA which would probably take an hour it's like a five-minute helicopter ride well who knows what happened but yeah that that news shocked shocked the city for sure we were trying to find Kobe jerseys it's like sold out everywhere I was cruising around the street I saw people like with drinks in their hand and a Kobe uniform no it's pretty wild his daughter though I just the whole story is so sad and even beyond them that there's another family that was like mom died and a kid it was his daughter's coach and his family but this said that stories is tragic as [ __ ] yeah it's the coach his wife and his daughter yeah the whole family got wiped out and they probably don't know if they have kids that survived them but can you imagine I just can't imagine like oh so tragic to be with I mean I only know because I have a son now but to be in that situation where to lose both of them from the wife's perspective and the other sisters unimaginable and also he was just about to retire he had retired or just retired he recently retired but basketball players have like really long careers after retirement and he I think he had a lot of a lot left to give you know at that young age of 41 yes crazy but the truth is that as you said you know damn it's like he was in perfect shape he had the perfect life he had it all but he still died and his daughter his porn that's the support that [ __ ] me up and I wish his daughter wasn't on there and all their videos together they're so cute he's so sweet and great dad yeah she was a basketball player and you she used to go to all the basketball games with him that's where they were traveling together I read a story that him and his wife had a pact that they would never fly on the helicopter together yeah interesting turned out to be recall is that like that just seems like they knew it was dangerous well my brother's because my brother flew in helicopters and he said that it's the most dangerous it's just a death trap there was no way when something goes wrong there's no way to it's like a you just follow the air like it doesn't fly like a airplane like an airplane if the engine dies you can glide yeah the helicopter is just like a bag of dirt falling to the earth but it sounds to me from what I have heard this morning as they get more details is that it was so foggy that the pilot didn't realize he was as low as he was and they just crashed into the side of a hill over the calabasas hills they were flying to Thousand Oaks for a basketball game for his daughter where do you land a helicopter in Thousand Oaks in the parking lot I'm sure is hot didn't we see a video where the CEO of like Budweiser took his helicopter all drunk and parked it remember that yeah yeah he went he was he was drunk helicopter driving okay I can't imagine it's easy to just Park a helicopter but well that's neither that's not really the subject of the debate right ela but anyway the Kobe story rest in peace is not without its gaffes a reporter on air talking about his death said what seems to sound like the n-word and YouTube YouTube censors before you do monetize my own video and banned me from YouTube for playing this she didn't say the n-word okay but judge for yourself so what she apparently said is that she mixed up the word vixen and Lakers and said nickers nickers so I'm emphasizing the K there the nickers but so I listen to it like a hundred times because at first I was like she said the n-word there's no way but I the more I listen the more I hear the K yeah oh you have to well and a star that was perfectly cast on the Los Angeles [ __ ] no it sounds like it's the best goof ever I mean are you I believe her explanation of like why she flubbed it but I don't hear okay listen carefully listen I feel like it's just hard to say but I I was hearing it last night but now I don't hear it I can't hear nickers she go there she doesn't pronunciate the K part so much it's just the nickers C gonna clip me saying that now like no I said knickers the knickers can you imagine what in her head is going in the video oh I thought he said something can you sound by isolate the knickers zackham can we pull it just listen to it a few times you know and then I think that's the best way because you can start to really feel what she's saying what is this I added this be Brian's daughter as Gianna was traveling with him oh yeah the BBC was running a memorial story on Kobe and they showed a picture of LeBron caught Ryan's daughter so I was traveling with him and also died that's were bribed his list of achievements is you're an all-star an NBA champion and a little bit gold medalist he was unashamedly competitive they're still showing LeBron James on a Jersey it was cut short by you Jason that's LeBron James the whole time Bryan's do you think like a big official company does something things like that won't happen Wow whoops they're British they they don't pay attention to basketball if they do well if you're doing a tribute to someone who died you better at least hit their face all around the world of course of course [ __ ] you Dan you got that knickers soundbite for me he's pulling it right now yeah okay I think this is one of the saddest stories you know you don't expect a celebrity death to like it's like you hate you like you always thought like oh well you know who cares I didn't know him but it just was so unexpected and he was so young I guess it's also and then the daughter here in LA it feels so close yeah it feels like personal like someone family member I think in LA I know in LA it hit really hard yeah I mean I grew up here too and I'm not really a basketball fan but it it's hard to overstate just how like ubiquitous Kobe was like just my entire life basically and when he start playing in like the mid 90s or something so I was like a little kid so pretty much from like elementary school on he's just always been present you know what I mean and so it's just surreal but he's just gone in an instant like that it's important to the city and like I said he's played his whole career here in LA right well so it's like such an awful way to go I can only imagine you know it probably was really well I'm hoping that it was sudden and quick if they crashed into the side of a mountain it kind of could have been that they didn't even know what hit what what happened yeah if that's what happened and he just seems like such a nice guy yeah he was a class act for sure total class act and obviously everyone on the board I mean we're all just focusing on him but there's nine people there yeah the other family got wiped off the face of the planet it's not crazy uh Zack ya think he's got it just now he's acting Zack Zack Zack Zack Zack Zack I'm ready to move on to the coronavirus so I'm waiting on you mieka Rona keep going I feel like I can't hear it keep going I tell ya I'm hearing the N word I heard the cake I'm starting I wasn't hearing the cake at all when he's spamming it like they're gonna hear it a little bit I thought that this would this would a little bit I thought this would help her but I'm not hearing it anymore go ahead take out the cut at the end cuz she tries to correct so I just want the clean take out the cut yeah knickers Neela's cleaner well there's no in no world even if she was like a mega racist Andrey actuallity would she ever no do that argument is a it's more about what was the the sub-conscience exactly but consciously that explanation makes sense but I think she was really just innocently what she said I think that's true yeah it's gotta be one of the best news flubs ever better than negative it's probably so so good like out of context I don't think we can play it cuz people would just think we're running the N word because we like to run these you know on sound bites go ahead just let me hear it this is the last time we'll ever be able to hear this so let me just take it in nickers nickers I don't know okay I'm gonna be like the blue and gold dress but with the worst word you can imagine okay Thank You Zack well you guys judge for yourself I think he was right I I pardon her we're clearing her yeah she's pardon okay go ahead with the UH with the sting guys we're moving on to our next topic the corona virus which is obsessed with I am the guys put this together at last minute last night we got a my Corona parody song and a dude sipping a Corona mixed with Chinese people dying go ahead one more time I gotta joy that again here's the virus and that is AK thing yeah that was Zack Zack the [ __ ] the magician musician thank you through that together where can people will listen to your music Zack I'm just on Instagram yeah what is it Z underscore vinyl Z underscore vine and change it to sound like I can probably get you didn't I know someone Instagram that can change your handle that'd be cool Zack sound lad Zack this online what about Zack the mayo eating sound laughs I know a Scottish fan emailed me and pointed out that sound lad is slang in Scotland for like a good guy like a good dude oh it sounds loud oh I like that he's a sound laughs thank you that's cool Ian did the Edit by the way too I want to give all credit I and you can follow Ian on instagram at the plugs and the credits for this well dance well Dan didn't do anything but I'll give credit Dan he produces the show dance word love and I got a handle on screen right now oh my god you guys are getting lots of followers I noticed you guys all have like 10 thousand followers now right you know what it primarily was was the day that we went to Disneyland Oh put us all in all your stories over and over yeah that's awesome though it's probably fun to have some followers I guess yeah you've got fans come on it's awesome Dan go what do you go private if you don't care no I I guess I appreciate it yeah I shouldn't say that I don't care Ian's trying to get verified for real for what's trying to give back because I got on the train I can get you guys verified you guys want verified I'll take it verification if you quit ever though if you ever walk bozo I'll make sure it gets removed and I'll change your handle back I think we need at least one power point for the check mark the verified thing is I kind of the check marks it it seems like a scam because he and said he applied a couple times and got rejected I see people with like way less followers in him with check marks all the time what's up yeah probably because they have connections to larger larger organizations because really like my guy on Instagram probably can get all you guys verified so it's just a matter of knowing someone couldn't okay good yeah I have a task for each of you mmm-hmm yes to earn their check mark yeah no but then we already gave him one for next week which I'm very excited about yeah I'm excited about that for sure Ian we are desperately in need of a PowerPoint mmm desperate do we give them a topic or two let him decide you can't decide that's always happened to organic it's just not a lot of interesting stuff but I figured two P key B is very picky I agree sometimes you know necessity is the mother of creation in we just want something you cannot wait all the time for perfect inspiration to be a creative artist you should know that hint you should know that by now okay and what's always acts assignment it's to make a little segment of us all talking and it's also known by its okay so wait wait you want a segment where nobody's talking can I talk well you I should be able to stop to be part of the plan I should be able to talk well I think no the idea was to just make one we're in I can have a conversation verse a ssin with an yeah I think it's too it's too ambitious right now okay well we should do one person what do you think Zack I mean the AI n yeah let's do a I n okay I wanted to build a robots in the likeness of man so we can always cut day I ant because he doesn't like when when you can't tell that it's not him talking we could it just cost like fifty thousand dollars fifty thousand or even a hundred so what waiting they did sure we can do a hundred robots make a [ __ ] doll of one of your employees and then have sex with it that is so [ __ ] up oh my god that's got to be sexual yeah but that's actually like would you rather Harvey Weinstein make a sex doll of you alright we remove that whole need fire Ian hire the dolls no it's not effect I mean if it just needs to look like you know what I don't need to be able to [ __ ] it yeah and anyway I don't need much to be able to [ __ ] it like I just put a role father yeah yeah you know put a roll of toilet paper put some I don't know petroleum jelly in there call it a day I don't know I'm improvising on the cheap budget here damn we don't budget for this Ethan is gonna have to let you go that's a funny idea maybe funny idea for a sketch you like trick your employee and to get molds of their face because because it's entertainment right and you say oh we're doing this thing and then it turns out it's a full-scale [ __ ] robot super super disturbing and then like at the end of the day you're like well okay I'm gonna I'm going home and you take your taking the robot with you it's like why are you taking the [ __ ] robot home with you maintenance yeah just doing some maintenance on it that it turned up it comes out you're having an intimate relationship Wow at when VR sex becomes a thing without fall under me - or is that that's what I was gonna ask me I me I I mean me I hmm got me thinking you look asking tough questions if I have sex with an employee and VR is that sexual harassment yes are you sure because I can masturbate of to I can think about an employee and masturbate to the thought of them so what's the difference between that and VR if you tell them it yeah either way if you thought if you just go home and you're like I won't have sex with this employee in VR but how do you do it like what's in the privacy of your home you know but what's the software that would allow that it's like a deep fake thing I'm just thinking future wise I guess that's fine if it's like a deep fake kind of thing so so but to get the deep fake you have to take and discrete photos of them that's where I'm going that's why I was asking that's that would be fun yeah that's really [ __ ] up hmm these are the kinds of I like these are the questions this coronavirus highlight is gonna be [ __ ] lit by the way oh you broke will cut around this let's start over that's right I thought okay let's get back to the coronavirus go ahead and hit me with that sting again for the highlight what about me I can see me is it on me what's happened yeah come on you guys there's a sound stop it start it over what happened to the sound what come on off the rails it keeps getting muted for some reason why did you I'm not doing anything okay here we go [Music] there you go that's our little I'm gonna be talking about the coronavirus a lot so I figured we'd make a sting for it so the coronavirus I have been putting together I've been following this very closely all the development since last we spoke on it now I personally think from what I've seen again obviously I'm not a scientist but I follow of scientists on Twitter does that qualify me nope I personally think that this is a huge problem I think this can run out of control and I think that I wish that people were taking it more seriously like the World Health Organization is not declaring an emergency I feel like even hearing in the United States people are not preparing for the amount of illnesses that could be coming up but anyway that listen that's just my conspiracy theory this is Alex Jones and you are watching Infowars but I actually just have media I want to show you guys so going back a few days is when I started taking the footage here is pictures Chinese authorities are cutting off roads to prevent people from traveling outside of wool on as you guys know these there's 50 million people quarantined at this point and China and they're just piling 15 or 50 55 zero mil uses yeah crazy and they're just you cannot get out every single road is covered over you know only in China could you do something this insane but it's actually a great thing it's so good I am deeply concerned for the people of Wuhan though there's a there's 11 million people just in that city alone and as you'll see I was having that exact discussion with somebody this past weekend about how it's like good and bad this is happening in China not obviously it's not good that it's happening but if there's any country that will like pull out all the stops oh yeah they don't give a [ __ ] about human rights or human decency in this one instance that maybe is an advantage well it's seeing it does seem the thing is what's with China it's like it's the same thing with the USSR these people are so protective of their reputation and and they're so authoritarian that's they played down the severity of it and really on that and and and they kind of missed the opportunity to keep it from spreading but they're doing their best now these are bodies on the floor are allegedly deceased people who remains failed to get removed the original video was reportedly removed by the Chinese government so this is what the hospitals look like and again this was posted days ago and every day it's getting exponentially worse some people saying they're just sleeping so I don't it could be either one let's take it as a whole okay get me one of those suits man that the doctor then walk around the house I need them and if I throw out virus outbreak I don't want to be here you know I mean I wouldn't be like alone somewhere streets are deserted in Wuhan as people are ordered not to leave the house there's a capital of Wuhan 11 million people empty streets 11 million people this is like more just New York has like 9 million this is more than the entirety of LA County yeah City of LA there's one of the most densely populated cities in the whole world just completely deserted pretty crazy frightening yeah the only magic this was bustling just a week ago so there you have it when you doing food and stuff that's part of the concerns that they have got this quarantine yeah all these people and they're trying to get supplies in from less I heard they have food and supplies but the one thing that they don't have they've run out of masks and you look really beautiful you know I had to say you're just really struck me in the middle of this Wuhan segment thank you I just was overcome by admiration anyway you did you were looking at me like I was like wow look at me I got this this wife is incredible anyway they've got they've running out of medical masks and hazmat suits things that you actually need to prevent the spread of the infection as you'll see I have some I have some media on that later I thought of everything this is a little info graph a gif highlighting the spread of the infection look at that whoa January 3rd 14 20 21 23 it's the same day no now what's what's scary - is that so scientists thought it originated in sometime in November at this seafood market where they were they sell Bush me they sell wild animals which by the way SAR started them [ __ ] China from these psychos eating feral meat yeah isn't the current maybe there's been an update but isn't the current theory that it's a bat virus from that yeah yeah that has it's basically from bats you know UCP there's a video of someone eating a bat and soup can you pull that image up it's so gross just find wild bats and then eat them I mean what cut that's like and apparently I also write that the feral musics are more expensive than farmed meats because it's a delicacy so they're actually paying a premium to end humanity over there just the Google image this is what yeah it looks like this that's why everybody's dying because someone wanted to put ten wild potentially I don't think it's a hundred percent confirmed where but this is the kind of thing by the way people do like you don't even like fillet it or prepare it it's just a boiled back what I mean man people can look it's not my taste for damn I don't know how you can just be small to bat like that mmm cream cheese I don't know sack would you rather use cream cheese or a bat I'll take the bat you [ __ ] you ended the world with that so what I was saying is originally they thought it came from this market which would mean which mean it started in November but actually they figured out that seven people from the original outbreak had never been to the market so it's point of origin now they're trying to figure out predates the market and that's bad news because one they don't have it figured out and two it means the the virus has been spreading for longer mmm-hmm the virus has like a 10-day incubation period where you're not showing symptoms but what's dangerous about this particular virus were for example SARS did not have this characteristic is that it can be contagious during the incubation period so while there are no symptoms you can pass the virus on that's what's so insidious about it here's a video of people just falling down sick and China watch the street that's down on the streets in the hospital they're just collapsing no yeah it's terrifying I'm scared for these people man the problem is people I see people downplaying it they go it's just the flu well that's true but the problem is is that nobody has resistance nobody's body has ever seen this so the problem is that everybody catches it and then we are medical professionals and abilities become so overstrained from the volume of sick people that nobody can get medical attention for example people like me and HeLa would probably be fine it's like having the flu it sucks you get over in a week but our son if he got sick from this that could be life-threatening and then when you try to go to the hospital to get him treatment to save his life there's thousands of people there and no one can give him medical attention nobody can give him medicine nobody can treat him there's nothing that's that's the danger set in LA with a population of 5 million you have a million people who are sick old people and young people and people with immune system deficiencies are gonna die by the tens of thousands for those millions yeah I mean it'll be it well right now it's uh they're saying it's like about 2 to 3% it's estimated it's like 2 to 3 percent fatality rate which you know that means two or three out of a hundred people what is huge what I read is it's it's hard to say yet because it can take a while to die from this so right now they're saying whatever 40,000 people have the virus who and then you know it takes a couple of weeks before you actually find out the mortality rate so what I read is it's somewhere between two and ten percent mortality rate ma'am it's hard to tell but even at 2% with a million people infected that's 20,000 deaths so if you go up to if with the population united states you've got 300 million people if a third gets sick which would probably be even more if it was a pandemic then 2 percent of 100 million is 20 million people that's a big deal it's not good that's more than every war we've ever fought combined I think the Chinese are actually is there audio playing back there I hear something or is it our neighbor it might be the neighbor I don't hear anything so weird that China I just clicked this one sorry the Chinese are actually their industrial capabilities are so incredible they are building a thousand bed hospital in six days look at this it's just a field of hundreds of cranes just digging look at the I mean that's unbelievable that Chinese industrial capabilities so they're building one mega hospital and they're already building another one that's even bigger that should be done in a week it's unbelievable that shot is crazy I know a movie or something yeah I mean it looks like ants they look just looking bugs it's like a hundred mega machines just look at all the materials it seriously reminds me of like a disaster movie when they're enacting the plan to save everybody totally I'm moving yeah that's crazy yeah so that's what's going on in there right now to try to provide more beds but I'm afraid it's not even gonna be close to enough people working in China I don't know what that means that's here oh here's people in their office look oh thank you yeah this is what people in their office are doing you see this you know they have their own station covering Plateau my god so they're working at their computer and their whole station they're in like their own bubbles of plastic wrap probably yeah I saw a thing this morning that uh what do you like surgical masks are selling out like crazy here in the States yeah you can't buy him anymore at like well Walgreens really they're they're trying to tell people it literally does nothing I would not do anything to prevent you from you that's not true that's not what I heard if you use it correctly it can really help is what I heard no not the surgical mask things not the surgical masks you need like a infectious man yeah like a respirator yeah something like that not a respirator but I'm saying the surgical masks are the things that people are rushing out to buy and that that literally you might as well just not wear so there's one that's like waterproof on the outside and absorbent on the inside those are the ones you want for infectious diseases well those are probably flying off the shelf so here someone this guy found the cure yeah he's smoking a cigarette with the mask but this I was watching a video of a Chinese doctor explaining this is the one you want it's blue on the outside which is waterproof lining and on the inside there's some kind of absorbent material the cigarette I'm not sure on how that affects the viability of the mask but god bless him so here this is when it gets really scary you start to see oh no somebody removed it oh man I can't believe the Chinese government is actually removing these videos from YouTube oh let me try to find a reflow real fast this video was incredible I have to find it which one was that's I was like no way that China's gonna start removing this bro and [ __ ] China's removing this that's so scary that they can do that I think I found it it's got all these watermarks and shit's so corny there's like WorldStarHipHop com Malaysia like the one I had didn't have any watermark so how did these guys are douches like imagining your watermarks are well I imagine putting your watermark on my video like this did you hear that allegedly TMZ broke then Kobe Bryant knows news even to the family I'm not surprised those guys I don't know what's up with them but they I don't know how they always do that but I did I know they broke the story I was gonna be here I was talking to ABC News I was listening to ABC News and they go it was reported today by TMZ that Kobe Bryant died in a plane crash like they're even giving them credit I know I think you're like if you just heard it happen and I got at least make sure the family knows as if you're at Ian's that's classic media shenanigans you know what I mean they want to be the first to break the story and they don't care about anything so she's speaking Mandarin so I'm gonna have to read the subtitles so you guys you know can you turn it up a little bit real quick I should I was curious because I got removed if it might have been because people were saying it's fake and there is some dispute as to the validity of this video so we should probably say that might have been why it got taken off YouTube why would it why wouldn't you - apparently the this is a BBC article about it and says the woman who does not identify herself is wearing protective suit in an unknown location however her suit and mask do not match the ones worn by any medical staff in the province of hoobie who by well you know there's such a shortage I don't I don't know that that qualifies I mean you've got 11 million people there you've got no medical stuff I feel like that are you I don't think that is enough to discredit it but you guys judge for yourself here sure obviously in China you can't speak out against the government so the that she's not identifying herself and in Anna yes location sure like for them to cite that as somehow disputing the videos it's just stupid it's insulting but regardless here's the video you guys judge for yourself dear friends my name is Jin here she just identified herself I think it was a fake name maybe I don't know because in the original one the subtitle said something like the name was like censored up I don't know anyway dear friends my name is Jin Hume I'm currently at the infected encode district in Wuhan let me brief you on the current situation of Hubei Province in China so far more than 90,000 people by the way this is several days ago so it's much worse now have been affected by the corona virus what is the infection rate not media quarantine or effective treatment one infected person can pass the virus to 14 or more nearby the infection rate is extremely high that was the Chinese New Year holiday season family members friends sons and daughters are all on their way rushing home for a family reunion for a family dinner together however this is a grave moment I urge you not to go out do not attend any party do not visit anyone there's always another Chinese New Year as long as you stay safe and well we have many opportunities to catch up so this was actually the Chinese government issued statements similar to what she just said which was they urging everyone to stay at home and not go out by the way the timing of this virus couldn't be worse with the Chinese New Year make people traveling they're traveling within China you know in China they they take off work a whole month during the New Year's to celebrate so everyone's on vacation they're traveling around all around the world I mean the timing truly could not be worse for this thing I don't see why someone would fake that I mean they didn't even it all seems pretty congruent with the fact except she says it has a 17 person infection rate so that's not exactly what mom who knows but here I mean I have one that's even more frightening this guy by the way is someone I've been following closely dr. Eric dink he's a harvard-educated doctor I actually I'm gonna look like an idiot but he's an epidemiologist which is someone who studies viruses right epidemics epidemiologists correct he's a PhD at Harvard and this guy has been freaking out about this virus document how the World Health Organization used to be calling it an emergency now he says holy mother of God the new corona virus is a 3.8 that's the infectious scale that means one person infects 3.8 other people it is thermonuclear pandemic level bad never seen an actual virility coefficient outside of Twitter and my entire career I'm not exaggerating we estimate the basic reproduction number of the infection to be 3.8 indicating that 72 to 75% of transmissions must be prevented by control measures trying to find one that actually it makes sense and isn't science lingo that what makes sense he's saying that if in order to stop the trend of more more people getting it they need to be able to stop about 75% of the transmissions like you need to cut down transmissions by three-quarters of what's currently happening for it to slow down at all says travel restrictions from and to Wuhan City are unlikely to be effective in halting transmission against China with a 99% effective reduction travel the size of the epidemic outside Wuhan may only be reduced by twenty four point nine percent our findings are critically dependent on the assumption underpinning our model and the timing and reporting of confirmed cases there's considerable uncertainty associated with the outbreak at the early stages someone asked them do you think China is reporting actual numbers or do you think they're suppressing information he said by all reports I highly doubt the cases and deaths counts are accurate authorities already admit the numbers are too low but knowing Chinese media it's always worse than they admit I predict numbers will soar in the next two five figures he said over the weekend and six figures within the next two weeks worldwide ooh this guy has been freaking me out dr. Aric ding he's my guy I've been going to for updates let's see what he's been if he's tweeting anything recently he's so what he's been saying is that it's way worse than SARS it's contagious before symptoms appear making it hard to isolate and quarantine in the sense of it spreads much more easily than SARS right well if you know because you you don't know you're sick so you cannot quarantine the virus you don't know you're for two weeks yeah well it's in LA now so good luck though yeah it's in USC which is [ __ ] really close in Orange County which is really close I'm trying to let see because so far everywhere outside of China where they have a few people got it they seem to be in a stable position they're not dying but they're if they're passed that's the that's not the problem isn't if they're dying the problem is it if they're passing it and you don't know if they passed it for a week and then a lot of people were speculating well so far you know we haven't seen everyone who's got it overseas in Japan and Germany and the United States whatever they're all people that were went to Wuhan China came back from Milan China but it just broke just today five hours ago that someone who was sick in Germany and someone who's in sick in Japan never went to Wuhan which means that the virus was transmitted they were in contact and some with someone who was yes Edward themselves but they were so people were waiting to see if the virus was going to make a jump to people who hadn't directly visited Wuhan and so that confirmed the fear the hope people had that it wouldn't transmit like that building and China saying to stay at home here's up here check this out the government these buildings are lit up with public service announcement saying promise me stay at home during Chinese New Year's is that okay be a healthy little fatty it says go to the hospital if you have any symptoms ASAP so the building's all have like these red alert PSA warnings a little fatty yeah I like that that's funny that's a it's a team term of endearment this one was a bit contested because its market this guy says there's gunshots but people are setting off firecrackers I guess because it's the new year he was saying that people were trying to escape the quarantine and there was gunfire I don't I think it's firecrackers but you could just see people on the ground now is not the time for firecrackers they sound like firecrackers but yeah that seems like a weird here's the time to be here's the police in China are throwing suspected infected people in a quarantine van watch this [ __ ] you can hear the firecrackers in this club but watch this is horrifying he didn't want to get in the van in the police so forced him in the choking him out and they're forcing him in it was a new kind of like never seen him before disaster going on 20 20 do a scary [ __ ] body police throwing infected people in a van more photo of people trying to escape Wuhan here's someone trying to get out some other way blocked off there was a story by the way some Chinese traveler she was on social media bragging about how she came from Wuhan she had a trip to Paris plan she was bragging about how she went around the quarantine and made it to Paris and then people on social media reported to police and she got deported but that just goes to show you know it just takes a couple of people like that says this photo was sent to me a few hours ago by someone I know who won they haven't yet got the virus and they tried to leave the city to take their family to safety every road out was blocked [Music] here so this one this one really scared me this is a leaked voice message you can see came through on whatsapp I will read the subtitles for you as well but it's from a whatsapp chat here or something like it I've been working all day long now I am off duty I took off around 4:00 p.m. I haven't crying my eyes out indeed the affection is much more horrible than what's reported on TV there are so many cases doctors have estimated about a hundred thousand and fifty and we have more than ten doctors here and each doctor has treated more than ten a hundred infected people in just one day many of them will not make it no hospital bed the relatives complained and insist on being treated in our hospital and they quoted the government's promise and the hospital should treat those infected with the preneur voice however the government didn't support us with medical supplies we don't have enough resources to hospitalized patients it won't work if the situation's worsens like this we have been slammed all day long we are called breaking down we cannot take it anymore the patients were begging us desperately but we couldn't do anything you're dying right in front of our eyes therefore please take every measure to protect yourself at home don't ever trust the government we are on our own now that seems I mean I don't know that seems real to me do like someone said the translations have been confirmed by Chinese speakers mono thought but yeah so that does [ __ ] I don't know ma'am here is footage in Wuhan of people just public officials just spraying disinfectants on the street good [ __ ] government health employees are spraying chemical disinfectant on the streets of Chinese cities under quarantine an effect in an effort to combat the deadly virus does that work fill my room up with that [ __ ] yeah you want to walk in a bubble though with that [ __ ] so according to dr. Eric dink the guy I was telling you about he was saying how long ago did the corona virus emerge and start spreading the atom virus from all others are descended first appeared no earlier than October 30th and no later than November 29th which means 1.5 to 2.5 months of unconfined proliferation oh this the corona virus arrives in Orange County I'm reading like the bullet points from the what's that infection game role play game yeah I'm giving like plague update coronavirus arrives in Orange County yeah oh here's a good one the government was planning a quarantine zone in Hong Kong and the protesters burned it down set it fire check it out group of protesters set fire to plant quarantine building in Hong Kong I thought there was a video well they were saying apparently that they had some reason they thought it was some stupid thing that like it didn't make sense where they put it earlier afternoon 100 of regular Hong Kong citizens had blocked roads leading to buildings with bricks and other debris as anger cruise towards government plant to convert the building into a quarantine zone as the number of confirmed cases in the city climbed to 6 on Sunday 50,000 residents within 500 meters how can a quarantine can't be built here oh I guess they were saying it's too densely populated here for a quarantine building say how can a quarantine camp bill built here [ __ ] government they wrote this on the I guess PC culture hasn't reached China yet don't they know you can't say [ __ ] we have to cancel China well what can we do hold on I got more eula what can we do about it Oh coronavirus arrived in Israel that shocked me here's this footage from a hospital in Israel this actually is really interesting footage they look how they've got it all locked up they taking her out of the back of a ambulance and uh like crazy quarantine box they're not [ __ ] around you see that's he so just imagine in China there's a hundred thousand people walking around and and then but this is how dangerous it is what I know I was impressed a lick hockey I did these guys have too many threats everywhere to deal with the corona and World Wars World War Z Israel was the only country that survived that's right that's awesome I'm proud of that what was the explanation for that well it's fiction first of all don't stop it yeah that's real don't take this away from me what how did they survive because they built a wall because there you had the one exactly right and they they like immediately closed off the entire country oh that's good for them you see it works they're like secretly being like the walls dump you guys well again real fictional zombie there was a case caught here we go everybody get ready Oh people are going to masks factories in China and begging outside the gate for mass because they're sold out you can't get them going directly to the factory look at it like a concentration camp is begging for mass a [ __ ] crazy this one is pretty strange to me this work what I don't know what is the mouse gonna do so much that it's worth like begging here like that well actually there's a really good video I'll show you of a doctor explaining it cuz apparently there's some misunderstandings about it Chinese doctor explains mask it was really good it was uh where was I was seeing it all over Twitter can you guys sure mmm I wish I saved it no but he it is very effective he says if you as long as you cover your nose all the way down who's showing how to proper use it if you have the right one it can like 90% help reduce your exposure to the virus okay so it is very effective because I always thought it's more to protect from you infecting people you put the mask on I guess it depends on the type of mask but I think that's probably just because you've never been in it like when you go to like Urgent Care they give you a mask no way if you're a sick yeah but we've never been in the situation where we had a pandemic to deal with but he was saying these are very effective outsides waterproof inside has padding it's very good it's got to cover your whole mouth and nose like from here to here so I thought that was interesting video which had it for you did she see but anyway there was this case confirmed in Germany a case confirmed in San Diego a case confirmed at USC campus they sent an email to the students last night at 3 a.m. I was up cleaning that was right before Alfredo puked [ __ ] and this just happened last night you can see it went out oh it says 10:40 p.m. so they say attention residents the health of our community is a top priority for us tonight a resident was transported to a local hospital for treatment and diagnosed with the corona virus out of China there's currently no reason to believe the virus has spread beyond this isolated incident however we take this very seriously and keep the community posted as new information becomes available USC not far what do you want to do anything I don't know I just think that though I think that the government and the World Health Organization need to start taking this more seriously like nobody's acts everybody like is just acting like it's all good I don't know I don't see people really worried about this I like in government I don't see ID on the news I don't see the president I don't see officials talk to you and the World Health Organization has not yet declared an emergency I don't understand how that's possible huh they keep saying like the World Health Organization they say the rate the risk to you they say in China it's very high in the region it's medium and outside of the region it's low so they're saying it's not an emergency but I just don't I don't understand taking all the information into account I know that there are scientists and professionals and I hope I'm wrong but it seems to me that I don't know I don't know I mean what can we do nothing there's nothing we can do except just hope that I'm wrong and if I'm not wrong I'd like to see the more preparation for this yeah people are not taking it seriously also in America I don't think that they're not taking it seriously it just seems like if you're over there yes I don't see them on TV talking about it seems like here it's different I don't see any preparation happening but also it there needs to be some public discourse because in China if you get a fever you're gonna know oh I probably have this thing I need to go see a doctor but in America or outside the region people who are getting sick is flu season after all are not gonna think about it and they're not gonna consider this possibility so it's gonna make the situation even worse mm-hmm without some kind of public education I hope I'm wrong because everyone was saying you know SARS came and went and nobody and it wasn't a big deal and nothing happened but from what I understand this is more dangerous than SARS and I hope I'm wrong and I look like an idiot for like panicking about this and making a whole hub up about it but I do find it very concerning and I'm not I don't know you know I don't like it I don't like it I like it I don't like it I like it soundbite that say I like it I don't like it perfect we'll get that I like it I like I like it I like it I like it I like it you said it's been two hours down yeah just about its I'm waiting to see how it's gonna affect all the businesses who do business with China because everything is made in China I'm afraid China is going to be so [ __ ] by this yeah they're gonna be so [ __ ] by this because well China it's so populist and it's so densely populated it's a perfect place for virus like this to spread and they eat and it's where they all start because these crazy people are eating bats now China has the resources and they have wealth to deal with it on to a degree if this virus hits a place like India they will be destroyed by it because they have a huge population they have dense population but they do not have the resources to combat this there's a ton of poverty there people [ __ ] on the street there you know what I mean no it is going on it will destroy it will be so dangerous in a country like India that's like the worst case scenario I feel like we'll see well no well no you know in the coming days how bad this thing's gonna be I hope I'm wrong start praying you can pray you can know that I'll be following it though you want your Corona my Corona updates you know where to find them dr. Moses they follow dr. Dean you dingus you ding-dong well there's so much more I wanted to talk about but I guess we have for life outside the podcast don't we you have to work I've to go get the baby dude in our babysitter living on three no not today oh thank god I just panicked thirty five my Corona so that rap that concludes our report on the corona virus go ahead Ian with the my Corona crack open a fresh one well I wanted to talk about Jase station I wanted to talk about ninja mixer deal do tells I wanted to talk about so many other things left to save them for later Jane qualified eight percent nationally he's already on the next stage and of course Dan is hating like a coward on yank friends our yeah well cowardly about what's cowardly about it is that you don't have the strength or resolve to even understand what you're talking about it it's cowardly it's yellow okay we're going to talk about that on Friday though Friday we have a guest as I write them we do the the great Gus Johnson will be joining us Eddie will also be joining us Oh Willie yes how exciting cool so Gus and Eddie that's it Gus and Eddie podcast go seddie seddie seddie years oh they michael avenatti trial has started really does anyone else excited any news just that it started he's in it started he's in federal prison now i said you want to say can you still believe that he tried to bribe nike twenty million dollars awesome nike immediately went to that yeah guys like hire you [ __ ] dumb i feel unbelievably vindicated by all of this because when he first likes sure the senior now you are early adopter i was just like this guy scum like just yeah saw right through it and turns out I was right my parent my family got taken with him they thought he was the [ __ ] tell me yeah he needs to run for president we need somebody like shows like that how on so there they are the same has Trump supporters that they so despise if you are ready to vote from avenatti you are Trump supporter you know you are what you despise I must you know how American go okay well so Friday we can we'll talk about these things with the Dustin Eddie yeah the J station stuff for sure I'm sure they're up to date on all that so how was my coverage of corona Thoreau uh it's kind of dark very dark and I like it I like it yeah I mean I don't like it I like it I don't like it I like I don't like it well let's wrap it up then we'll be back on Friday guys I want to go spend some time with Theodore my son my one and only son eight months old and just about one week Wow Theodore my one and only son I can't wait to talk to him I can't wait for him to start talking you got any updates he starts going dad dad dad dad dad I think he's saying that he loves his dad dad or like you know in Hebrew you say die like stop no he's not saying die he hasn't heard us saying die enough he's saying dad why does he love his dad so much I feel like I don't deserve it well he's always reaching out for me and happy to see me and it's just crazy well you you it's just it's crazy that it's just it's really cool when he will see us it's like ah he's stoked yeah my throat is it Jim what your [ __ ] mic dude it's funny I'm scratching my throat you never done that no that's done that right Zach honestly I've never done yeah wow you sound like a pig in mud with boys uh-huh I know of other people that do that I guess it's like an allergy thing where your throat it's itchy inside here so I don't know why that bothers me are his headphones off dance such a [ __ ] a seder you should have saw this conversation we had about gang last night he was pissing me off he's talking [ __ ] on Yang and I was like bro you mean no I wasn't talking [ __ ] I'm realistic about his electoral you know you were saying that anyone who supports the end is basically a Nazi let's wrap it up you'll be here on Friday I had a great time here today and I had a great time here today what can I say what else can I say it was a good time yeah we had a great time lots of tragedies yeah actually I don't give that chicken 12:00 Fredo because I had diarrhea Annie as I read I wonder if it's that chicken maybe I'll boil it I don't even know I was talking about tragedy yeah no we're wrapping it up I'm just talking about I've moved on I'm not in the podcast it okay I'm always the show yeah the show's over do you want to fall not yes sure bye everybody see you on Friday with God's amazing Saturday [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 919,076
Rating: 4.67101 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: XbeULz7ekV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 29sec (7529 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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