Tom Hiddleston on Loki Premiere, Meeting Chris Hemsworth & Matt Damon Stealing His Part

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Don't worry, Tom, some of us are cultured enough to recognize that scarf. ;-)

Great interview.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/sodascouts 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
our first guest tonight as the asgardian god of mischief and brother to thor his highly anticipated new series loki premieres in like a few hours on disney plus please say hello to tom hiddleston hey tom good hi jimmy how you doing i'm doing well it's good to see you i i uh well we'll talk about the whole loki thing in a minute but where are you you're in london right now right i'm yes i'm in london it's um coming up for one o'clock in the morning oh um but i'm happy to be here i'm happy to talk to you it's it's this is an exciting day um you know it's wednesday for me and wednesday's we know loki the loki show comes out on wednesday so here we are it's loki wednesday and also is everyone buzzing about the royal baby you know it's ours right it belongs to us she's an american we already bought her a jet ski she's very [Laughter] you had a big premiere there tonight right is that that the case um yeah we did it was like um it was it was it was just so nice to be out of the house it's been a while uh we had it in the tate modern um the extraordinary building the museum on the on the south bank of the river thames and um everybody uh they they deck the whole place out the the screen was a four-sided blue cube like the tesseract the tesla yeah loki is uh like he's a fan of that of that object as you know yeah sure and it was kind of amazing to walk into i mean i haven't been around that many people in 18 months yeah you turned 40 this year i know that did you do you not celebrate was it a party or anything reminding me it's very young especially in asgard years it's very young yeah yeah that's what i thought i haven't quite made the calculation but um yeah 40. i was actually believe it or not the day i turned 40 i was on set as loki um and i was uh reflecting on the fact that uh when i turned 30 i was also on set smokey in the first thor movie so i've been playing this character for over a quarter of my life just kind of blew my mind will you be happy or upset if 50 happens and you're loki still on the set i'll be amazed i'd be amazed you may must have written the future there jimmy let's see let's wait and see what happened i'm glad you mentioned that because uh chris hemsworth posted on instagram a photograph of you guys meeting for the first time and you appear to have scripts in front of you so this was uh 10 basically 10 years ago right 11 years ago or something like that i mean that was two but basically 2009 and we just got cast and it was the first time i met chris and we were at kenneth browner's house in england and i all all i see when i look at that photo is inaccessible youth in acceptance um all i see is that chris is dressed like a valet parker at caesar's palace was this a costume attempt or what was going on here you know it was it was kind of it was interesting because we just met and christmas thor and i was loki and uh kenneth branagh had an idea i think he went into an old wardrobe and he pulled out these colors because thor's cape is red and loki's cape is green and i think those costumes are from his movies of henry v and hamlet but my abiding my abiding memory of that day was uh chris hamsworth walking through the door and my first thought was oh they cast the right actor because you had auditioned for thor as well as locally right and this is great too this is that same i think right around that same time marvel rolls dice casts no names for thor you know it's true they took a big gamble and um uh you know it i look look what happened you know look yeah it's somebody somebody somebody out there made it made a decision hollywood has a way of making you feel good i think that's the message yeah you know we had chris was on the show remotely as well and he was in his house in australia and he has two of thor's hammers he has i don't know if he's acquired or stolen or been gifted them from the set i've seen him oh you did um yeah yeah because we filmed ragnarok over there and i went i went to his house and um i thought it was right there did you take anything because mean loki has what knives sometimes and of course the he has horns he has nice he has the horns i'm ashamed to say i have nothing so quite so iconic as the horns i did i did have a look if you just wait one second i have this okay oh it's like oh look at that it was a chair he was sitting on the whole time that's uh a scarf i can't no i don't remember that was that in kenneth's closet too [Laughter] loki uh loki comes down to visit thor in the first movie and he's wearing this scarf oh um wow that's what i got that's what i got there you go that's all you got huh loki is worthy too you know why i hate to bring up an uncomfortable subject but matt damon also play matt damon plays an actor playing loki in uh thor ragnarok and i believe in this upcoming and look at oh my first of all i don't know who decided to put that up on screen but let's never do that again but while since we did let's take another look at it's a look of pure constipation were you disappointed that when when you found out he would be playing your character loki as we know contains multitudes and somehow contains matt damon uh yeah uh even in that suit yeah i think there's a thing where there's a thing where you like you always bump him from your show right that's it that's that's uh it's not a thing it's just a scheduling issue yeah but yeah yeah i mean it's not like well i'm not going to do it on purpose i mean it's it was like you know i feel kind of like matt's kind of trying to bump me from my own character yes that's right he's always taking things that don't belong to him and trying to get into places where he's unwelcome that's exactly right thank you well all i can say is is you know next time there's a new jason bourne movie you know maybe in in another reality there's another there's another jason bourne it might show up around the corner you know what you'd be a much you'd be a million times better as jason bourne but for now you're loki tom hiddleston is with us we're gonna see a clip from loki after this we'll be right back on behalf of the time variants authority i hereby arrest you for crimes against the sacred timeline hands up you're coming with us i'm sorry who's us last chance variant [Laughter] it's been a very long day and i think i've had my fill of idiots in armoured suits telling me what to do so if you don't mind this is actually your last chance [Music] now get out of my way [Music] that is tom hiddleston as loki which premieres in just a few hours on disney plus first of all i have to tell you i love this loki and i you know what i just love these marvel shows and you are so great in this role and i wonder how like how did that happen i know this is a dumb question but how did that happen to your face so yeah a little kind of like uh insight into that there's a there was definitely a special camera which was like super super slow-mo a certain number of frames per second ah and um uh basically i had to do like special slow-mo acting like slow-motion acting and i think you could probably you might even be able to do it on your phone but if you i don't know i can't remember when i learned this but i wanted to recreate that thing when you sometimes see like a super slow-motion thing and because the impact would be it would like make enough there you go so yeah to see them to explain so what i did was i i basically just blew a raspberry with my mouth oh like if you go if you get a slow-motion camera and you go like like that oh i can't explain it but i always knew that oh wow the tricks of the trade are there you go man you know three years three years at drama school classical training but in the end they just blow a raspberry and it'll look great it did look great and the show is great and i have to be honest i feel so dumb watching these shows because it's just like i'm seven years old and i'm saying things to my wife like telling my wife about loki and she doesn't care at all i mean she just couldn't care less about it i'm like yeah no loki's a norse god he's the god of mischief and uh like you know he's a real god it's from norse mythology and she's like what the hell are you talking about did like when you went to shoot this did everyone on set know were they familiar with the story of loki yes some were somewhere um and some some were familiar with some aspects and let's meet with other aspects um there was there was a moment where in order to kind of synchronize watches and get everyone on the same page the director kate herron asked me to to kind of give her a low-key lecture um or what we call a sort of like a little sort of really shambolic um amateur powerpoint presentation um uh with sort of reader clips and and a whiteboard and a few pens and i sat down actually with with owen wilson who plays mobius on the show yeah um and uh he kind of has to mobius knows everything about loki and probably knows loki better than loki so um so yeah uh owen i think was was uh a keen student of loki school um owen doesn't strike me as a comic book guy just in general yeah i mean i don't you'd have to ask him i think he was uh he was he was definitely you know he listened very very attentively but i don't know if that's that's his that was his anchor for sure yeah although owen always seems like he's listening very attentively and then sometimes you find out that he wasn't he's going to be here next week i'll i'll you'll see as i talk to him he'll be like yeah yeah yeah okay okay well it's great i'm sure you're pretty happy with the reaction that you've been getting it uh we get into the multiverse which i almost kind of understand now it's like um yeah do you understand it fully absolutely not i think correct me if i'm wrong but the basic idea is if you screw with the path of time it has to be corrected and there is an organization the tva that will um correct that for the good of the world or the universe i guess 10 out of 10. thank you very much thank you you see that i am listening you graduate from loki's school jimmy yes you're exactly right so there's a yeah time is not linear there are ma there are many different timelines where different characters do different things and they and so this organization the tva they're kind of like the gardeners of time or that's how they call themselves a sort of you know if a branch grows off it's not supposed to be there they just step in and prune it you know they're like keeping the garden of time tidy but then you're into questions like well hang on who gets to choose what reality is the one that we see so are the tva something that's a good force in the universe or they yeah maybe something well i would just recommend that if you're staying up all night tonight as many people do for the so you can watch it right when it premieres get good and baked and enjoy the tva there you go loki disney plus it's coming in just a couple hours tom hiddleston thank you tom thank you very much hi i'm jimmy kimmel i hope you enjoyed that video hit subscribe and all your dreams will come true assuming your dreams are to watch more youtube videos
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,170,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, Tom Hiddleston, Thor, Loki, MCU, Marvel, Disney +, Actor, Chris Hemsworth, Vulture Article, Matt Damon, London, Royal Baby, Premiere, Tesseract, 40th Birthday, England, Superhero, Owen Wilson, Multiverse
Id: icIQPnecgnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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