Epoxy Resin Floating Effect- Suspension Illusion - Woodturning

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that's gorgeous hey folks welcome back to the science workshop so  today we're going to be attempting something that   i've never ever done before and that's a kind of a  floating epoxy wood project i've no idea what kind   of floating epoxy wood project i'm gonna do yet  but it's an idea and that is good enough for me it's done folks there we go look at that i've  no idea why i stuck the sticker stuff on it um   i kind of had a plan and then as i was as it  started to peel off i just thought well that's   that's not really any good anyway so anyway  so we're going to d-mold this not de-molded   it what about i've done too much molding um  take this off of here and then we're gonna get   some entropy out and then we're gonna mix up  some epoxy and have some fun now before we get   more crazy with this floating square bowl this  video is sponsored by raid shadow legends these   guys just keep on upping their game rage shadow  legends have taken over and gaming will never be   the same again fade is the first game to bring  a true console level experience to your phone i died you could explore millions of champion  combinations and master countless tactics   as you take on raids bosses dungeon runs campaign  battles and pvp arena matches with hundreds   of artifacts to equip and over 500 champions  blessed with unique skills you can build your   team develop your champions and raid your way if  you haven't got raid yet check out my links below   and download the game now you can download it for  mobile or pc now i've been playing rage for a long   time now and these are some of the champions  that i've been using check them out brackus the   shifter is the perfect example of attack champion  brackets is all about hitting hard and repeatedly   archmage helmet this guy is good  everywhere he fills up your own turn meter   stuns enemies and boosts spd and damage  on your team he's on my teams just about   everywhere and battle sage look at her hey  she's a perfect champion for faction wars   doom tower and dragon lair and spider's den  dungeons she's the only champion with aoe   attack as a default skill so what's new in raid  well this month raid have released an insane   amount of new content and loads of new things to  do first up they released 11 amazing new champions   and also released almost 200 brand new missions  to complete and five tough new levels to almost   every single dungeon if you haven't got this game  already check out the links in the description   trust me when i say that you'll love this plus  you'll be supporting me and my channel again   just check the link in the description folks  and i'll see you in there don't get scared now okay there we go she is sealed up beautifully  just put a bit of tape around here what i   did use is use this tape as well which is  really good tape uh get some easy composites   uh and that stops any leaks and it's bound to  leak you just know it will put some blue tape on   there as well just a bit of painters tape just to  give it that extra protection know what i'm saying   so what i thought i would do as well is we'll use  this as well maybe we can make like the opposite   of this obviously because it's the opposite  of that i mean anyway let's make this mold okay folks so this is what we have created so far  that looks so cool doesn't it so we've obviously   got the squares and then we've got the opposite  i thought about used to this because you know   we don't want to waste that that's perfectly  cool piece of wood and it looks pretty smart   so what we're going to do now is mix up some  entropy resins fill that with one color probably   mix it with maybe a darker shade of something  and the same with this one and leave these to set   and i've no idea what i'm gonna be making  from this yet at this point in time   it probably says it on the thumbnail maybe now  i don't know but uh something floating in resin   i'm thinking i'm thinking that these pieces are  gonna be look really cool they're gonna look   really floating in there i mean that's  going to create such a cool effect so   let's see if i'm right of course i could be  wrong and it could be an absolute disaster but   you don't make cool things without making rubbish  things first and sometimes the rubbish things   turn out to be cool anyway yeah baby yeah  all right i'm gonna add some green apple   uh mixed with another bit  of green from aluminium so gonna add a little bit of silver pearl probably want more of the green to be honest all right let's do this uh we've got a little bit of  red orange or whatever it is yes okay folks we are back after a  night and a bit let's check this out oh yes look at these folks look at these i reckon they're  going to come up pretty nice let's get de-molding right there we go folks that's  what we've got we just need to   have a good old clean up get these on the lathe i've gone down to about 180 grit so far  so that's not too bad kind of uh i will   go down to probably about 400 just to finish  the base and watch this pop when i pop this on oh look at that you can just tell that this  is going to come up looking really sweet   it's just sand and sealer so we've got  some more finishes to put on this yet   for the yorkshire grit i'll finish this off with  some uh shallow wax i reckon hopefully this will   have a really nice effect to it that obviously all  the squares ideally are sort of floating around   kind of inside the resin that's kind  of the idea that i'm going with there   it is so far i'm gonna give that a bit more  sand finish this back and then flip it over   look at this folks i can't wait to finish  this now this is gonna look so cool   especially with all that see it being able to  see through it as well it's gonna look wicked   so i'm just gonna put my emblem in here  real quick i'm gonna get this flipped over   um and then we can get this finished but  look at that that is wicked i love it oh and there we go folks it's a little bit flatter  than i kind of would have probably preferred but   oh the concept of having like the squares floating  around in the resin is kind of what i was going   for um sort of an experiment for me really so next  time i'll make this a bit thicker so that we can   probably make the the bowl a bit more bowlier  but my i didn't really know i was going to make   a bowl anyway it was just kind of this stuff  just sort of comes to me as i'm going along   um but i think the effects in this do look pretty  cool i do like it actually but i say it is a   fairly flat platter and so it's not really a bowl  actually it's more like a platter but it looks   pretty cool this project did take me a little  bit longer than expected so i'm not going to do   this one for you today but look at that that is so  cool and and i don't want to do the similar thing   i don't want to cut it out because it's it seems  like such a shame to waste everything in here so   um i'm not too sure what to do with that yet but  what i'll do is i will make a separate video up   just on this um and i'll put it up just like a  quick kind of video so you can see what i did with   it i don't know what to do with it yet maybe you  have some suggestions for me of what to do with   this let me know in the comments below well i just  want to say a massive thank you to all my patreons   for supporting me in the channel thank you so much  it's uh overwhelming so if you want to check me   out on patreon uh the link is below thanks to rage  for today's sponsor as i said before if you check   out the link below you'll be supporting me and  this channel it's a cool game so it's definitely   worth a look thanks for bearing with me folks  with my videos at the moment i know they're not   coming out as regularly as they used to be um i  am trying but i kind of want to try and bring out   a bit more of a i don't know a better project um  and i kind of found myself a little bit rushing   sometimes on some projects to get them out for  you every friday and that kind of wasn't really   working because i wasn't really happy with some  of the results um and you know i'm conscious that   obviously i don't want to disappoint you folks  as well that you know making rubbish projects oh   my apologies i probably am making rubbish projects  anyway but you know i just i just kind of wanted   to sort of step back a little bit and kind of  concentrate and focus a bit more on kind of   making some cooler projects um i know this one  isn't exactly amazing but you know it was a bit   of an experiment but i've got a couple of really  really bigger projects in the pipeline which have   taken a lot longer um and i was conscious that i  didn't put up a video last week so you know what   to make sure i get this one done for you anyway  i'm waffling i'll do that you know now i know a   lot of you have dropped off by now but i know  some of you are still hanging around so thanks   for staying to the end to hear me waffle and  talk about the projects and things going on   um loads of links down below folks where i get  my music from facebook i'm still trying to get   to uh 50 000 followers on instagram which is  taking ages um and if you haven't heard i will   be making a separate video for this but if you  haven't heard maker central have just made an app   they've been working on it now for about two  years since the first show that they did um   and um so in the background this app  is being built social media kind of   app for makers so it's kind of a bit like  instagram mixed with a bit of sort of uh   youtube and a bit of twitter all kind of bundled  into one it's all about projects and inspiring   others um it's a free app and it's coming out  later on this year so check that out i'll leave   a link below for what that's going to look like  and you can put your email address in there um   to kind of for the team to email you once the app  is live and you can download it from the app store   check it out and and we'd love to see you  on there i'll be on there loads of other   uh huge influencers will be on there um so please  check it out we're really excited to be launching   it right folks i will love you and leave you have  a fantastic weekend i say thank you for supporting   me in the channel i'm really excited to get to 1  million subscribers i know we're a little bit away   but we're getting there so uh thanks for  your support and if you're not subscribed   please hit the subscribe button and stick around  take care and i'll see you all really soon you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 176,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, woodturning, Woodturner, how to woodturn, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, wood turning, floating squares in resin, epoxy resin art, magical epoxy resin squares, makerscentral app, The new MC App, makers app, raid shadow legends, suspension illusion
Id: mxrefwk7zzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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