Hundreds of Shoe Laces set in Epoxy Resin - Turned on a Lathe - Success or Fail ? 🙄

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huh shoelaces look these were sent down to me a little  while ago from andrea andrea andrew   andrea two cool t-shirt quilts cheers  andrea now look at all of these shoelaces now there is some craziness in  this box of goodies up your game   oh i will so i think andrea wants me to  make something funkadelic with these laces   the question is what i reckon these would  be pretty cool actually in a project   i've no idea what kind of project but  i reckon we should get these in resin now i think first things first what we need  to do is pick out all the cool funky colors that looks pretty pretty cool i wonder how these  would turn on the lathe we filled this up with   resin could be kind of a bit like the handkerchief  bowl remember we made the handkerchief bowl if you   haven't seen that one i'll leave a link below but  this could be pretty similar right now a lot of   people ask me why i just pour the resin in and  don't use a blank now there's a reason for that   so if i put this blank in here as it is then yeah  that's fine it could potentially go in there like   that but it's not really going to save me a lot of  resin what you want to do is put the whole blank   right inside real chunky because if we're going  to hollow this out then you know we're not going   to see any of this so yeah it would be a waste of  resin but the problem is if this hits the bottom   or you know or if it hits the side and this will  move about you know think sometimes it does move   around so i tend to not bother really because  i don't want to disrupt the the actual you know   piece um in this case it might be all right so i  might be able to make myself a little pocket and   get the resin down under there and then we could  put something like this in there we probably want   a bigger piece than this so let's try this this  time right this will do us so what i'm going to do   is i'm going to try to create but i don't want  to go right down the bottom because we want to see all of these shoelaces but this  will definitely save us a good chunk of resin they might actually not need all these  shoelaces actually take some of these out now   put too much in it   right now for this crazy shoelace project  we're going to be using cement p a and entropy b mixed together not me not me okay i like it a lot   okay folks so this is the first paw with our  shoelaces now i've used the fast hardener again   i was kind of hoping i was gonna uh sort  of feel this to the top but it's still   gonna need some more but i don't really  wanna risk like i have done in the past   uh putting more resin in um and it going all  funny i want this to be really crystal crystal   clear and i think the only way to do that is  to leave this now put this in the pressure pot   it looks pretty cool um and then  we will come back and i will add   another load in afterwards i think that's the  best bet i think that's the safest bet anyway they just left that squeal okay folks we are back ready for the  first reveal of this shoelace project   there's a lot of wind in there just the same as it was when it went in right there we go so as predicted the  resin has not the resin but the shoelaces   they've just soaked up all the resin but  that's fine because then the next pour   will be just jubbly we won't need a  lot of doubt so uh let's get it mixing   right so just mixing up a little bit of  resin at the moment this is some entropy fast   so uh you won't need shouldn't need too much   although you never know with these projects so  i'll go and put it in it'll just disappear um no   my luck anyway so it's giving a good mix always  mix up your resin like really really well scrape   all the edges and even when you think it's  done do it a little bit more not insane so it shouldn't take too  much more but i don't know   this is looking like i might need some more yep oh yeah okay get a little bit more resin then looking looking at it now like well that resin's  gone i reckon i'm gonna need even more than that   and the size of the bowl is obviously quite  big but don't forget it's got a chunky piece of   wood in it let's bring it and all the other  resin i put in beginning is all soaked up okay i am gonna need some more resin but  i'm not too sure if i feel comfortable   putting in any more at this stage because it's  had quite a bit um and i don't want it to react   like it did before and has also  got some bubbles going on here   some white bubbles i don't really know  what that is i don't really want that in   the projects i'm hoping that the pressure  pot will take them out um as you can see as you can see we're pretty close  to the top to be honest do i risk   putting in a little bit more because it  probably doesn't need a huge amount more um i think we'll pop it in the pressure pot now  and then we'll get it filled up here because   that's probably going to take another 300 i  reckon and i just don't want to push my luck   i'm hoping the pressure is  going to take out the bubbles in this two days later right the laces are in the pot for the third  time i just don't want to take any chances   this time round last time we had all  sorts of problems with the project   let's hope this time we don't get tied up in knots i'm feeling kind of good about this project and  i reckon it's going to look really cool these   laces could create all sorts of funky effects  so stick around to see how this one turns out   and there it is spikes so let's just pop  this out the mold and see what we've got   should oh look at that drops out beautifully oh yes does look pretty crazy   it's a little bit wonky winky i'm not  sure we can sort that out on the lathe   now i'm excited to tell you that today's  sponsor is surfshark vpn first of all   these guys are giving you 83 percent discount plus  three months extra free now surf sharks not only   lightning fast it's also really easy to use with a  ton of benefits such as keeping your data safe and   secure 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nice and round now so i can sort of crank  up the old speed i reckon this is going to look   pretty wicked especially when we get right down  you know inside it and start hollowing it out   it is going to look pretty neat so i'm going to  keep on shaping this around get this ready to   flip over i'm really kind of intrigued to see  how this is going to look i hope you are too so you got me down right this is looking pretty  sick as the youngsters would say   i mean there's a few little niggles uh these  little holes around there which we could try   and get out obviously these uh shoelaces have  obviously created some bubbles along the way   uh i never make things easy for myself do i  there's always a drama in the zometti workshop   um but that's because i like to experiment  with different things and obviously   you guys send me this stuff down and you  know i've got to just chuck it on the lathe   know what i mean i mean look at this it does look  pretty cool so i think i'm going to try and get a   few more of these little these little niggles  out um try and smooth them off a little bit   um got that ready for my little emblem which  i'm going to pop in there and again anyone don't   know where i get these from i know i get lots of  questions about these these are from von hanken   uh he's on etsy google him uh and he provides me  with all these kind of things they're so cool um   that just sits in there nicely that's gonna look  neat uh and he can make anything for you anything   he makes lots of stuff i've got these from him  um some more stuff in here uh which she's made me   oh look at the goodies in here um you can make  these these are really cool look at that nice   upside down nice and then these ones as well with  numbers on them which i have been using i sort of   stopped a little bit at the moment so yeah want  an emblem go to him i'll leave a link below right   let's carry on with this i want a little  bit of a little shoelace metal in there   um and uh see where we go with it i thought it  kind of curved it a little bit around here to make   it a little bit different because sort of getting  a bit bored of the old original bowl look um   obviously this just looks like it's turning into  a bowl so far um so but um hey i reckon it's going   to be a pretty funkadelic bowl at that magnum  right now what i'm going to do is a little trick   uh for you uh some of you will know this already  it's got these little holes in there where these   little bubbles have formed what i'm going to do is  i'm just going to pop a little bit of super glue   ca glue in the holes and i'm going  to use a bit of accelerator on that get it to set pretty quick let's  zoom you out a bit there we go   um and this will just kind of just disguise  really the little baby bubbles that are in there   that we can't really get rid of because if i  keep cutting into it to get rid of them then you   just create more of them because they're  all over the place in this type of project   right there we go there's all my ca glue in  there now you might do this a couple of times   um but uh it really does work   just gets rid of those little little niggles  only it's only really for tiny holes really   you know you want to be filling the massive hole  with the ca glue trust me it just won't work right there we go folks no more little holes well a couple but  pretty much we've got rid of most of them   and you can keep on putting the ca glue on if  you want to keep on getting rid of the holes but there's a couple of little tiny ones there little  one there so i might put a couple of more bits in   there couple more bits i might squish a little  bit more ca glue inside and then look at this and then we'll get on with some yorkshire oh yes well now we're done with the mocha  machine we're going to be sticking some flies chilliwax kareem all over the place oh look at this now this project is tying together nicely i have sanded this inside now and i'm  just using some avalon pads for the inside until we get on to our moroccan meshing  again to finish this little puppy off uh yes   so ready for this now i'm fine turn it off it's enough wow the shoelace bow closer look look  at the detail in this now that   does it pretty groovy so there it is  folks thank you to andrea andrew two sex andrea from two cool for school  t-shirts www.twocoolt-shirt dot com abby days well i hope you like  this one folks these were sent down to   me a little while ago uh with a little note in  there saying hope you can make something fun   i think we had a bit of fun with this one uh  and i'm pretty pleased with the way this one   turned out uh could have made the bowl maybe  a little bit deeper maybe but i don't know i   was getting a little bit kind of paranoid that  the thing was gonna fly off the lake i don't   know sometimes with resin projects and it is more  with the resin projects that you know they can get   caught up uh in the tools sometimes and  if it gets caught up you know it will just   kind of rip it off the lathe i've had a couple of  instant incidents instance that happened to me um   and also especially when like the record project  that we did that obviously the glue uh the resin   not the glue well it's kind of a glue is it um  was kind of not really sealed didn't take to the   records very well in one part of it and then  that when it just just blew off as you saw it so do you think that this come out pretty well  so i hope you like it there we go look at that   by now most of you have left uh the  channel because that's what kind of happens   and what happens is kind of like i do  tend to capture the audience quite well   during the project and the moment  i start talking at the end it goes that's basically what it does and you're not  supposed to like me waffling so thank you for   watching this one if you did like this video  please could you share the video that really   really does help me out and this channel and  i'm really kind of fighting now to get to that   one million subscribers uh hit 850 k the  other day so thank you to everyone that has   helped support me and still watches me i know not  everyone watches me anymore it's difficult really   because you see all these youtube channels they've  got all these millions and millions of followers   but you only generally get kind of like a  very small uh kind of percentage watching   um unfortunately that's just the way kind of like  that it is really i mean if you think about all   the accounts that you follow on instagram and all  the accounts that you follow on youtube you don't   get to watch every single one of them um so  it's it's a little bit kind of disheartening   sometimes when you've got so many people that  obviously came on board because of what you do um   and then no longer watch anymore basically  they've forgotten about you they no longer know   that you produce cool things so that means they  don't want you or can even remember what you did   they probably don't even remember your name yeah  that's me i'm talking about but there we go i   try and capture as many uh of the old audience  as i can that's why when you share the video   it kind of gets a little bit further down the  food chain as such that's the right word or   not probably isn't it kind of gets a little  bit further down the chain of the belt of the i don't know uh so if you could do  that that would be really helpful   anyway please check out all the links below  there's loads of links in there that help   you out where i get my music from my sponsor grab  yourself a ticket to make it central i'll be there   if you're still watching me by then that is and  loads of other things that might be useful to you   please follow me on instagram i'll be doing a  giveaway soon i managed to get to the 50 000 yes   i would have been trying to get there for six  years six years uh finally got to 50 000 so i'll   be doing some giveaways i'm just trying to work  out you know what to do i'll probably do a couple   of giveaways on there but you have to be following  me on here obviously and you have to be following   me on instagram and on facebook to be eligible  oh someone made me this hello my name's nick   yeah oh before i forget eric eric clecker clicker happy birthday from carolyn and  me and a little hello to skyler   skyler sound like something out of  star wars skyler you are my father skyler i am your father  right enough of the weirdness   i love you and leave you and if i don't see you  good afternoon good evening and good night you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 312,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, woodturning, Woodturner, how to woodturn, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, wood turning, shoelaces, shoelaces in resin, laces in resin, shoe lace project, epoxy show lace, turned bowl, how to, resin crafts, epoxy resin, resin casting
Id: wOgU-W4NvME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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