I Made Resin Dumbbells for Ashville Using Aggregates and Junk

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so my man daniel from asheville contacted me to make him some crazy dumbbells oh man you want this in a dumbbell this guy has made an amazing  gym all that scaffold pulse   i have no idea at the moment what he's actually  asking but he's coming down to discuss the plan   hey how are you doing how are you doing you're  right i'm not batman not bad i bought a few bits   with me oh that's all right let's do it let's  see what you brought me what a cool workshop   loving excuse the lights excuse all the lights  i have some more outside but this is my bucket   of tricks and i also have some material with  me i brought some aggregates let's have a look and you want this in a set of dumbbells yes oh man you want this in a dumbbell yes  i thought it would make it weighty yes   and we've got these these are uh wheel nuts  off a lorry this is a piece of scaffold tube   um i have here some non-slip checker plate  i like to get this in as well if we can any   of these bolts now this came off the bucket of  a grab lorry so so this came off that and it's   here but the thickness of this is really good as  a handle to to pick dumbbells up and here i have   a decorative aggregate okay yeah if you wash this  off this is kind of like a purpley pink color now   if you want i can drop you off if you lorries  worth and you can do your driveway if you like   yeah yeah that would be cool so if we wash all of  this off this should be a this should be a nice   color and texture and if we manage to get it into  the mix and okay who are you thinking that you   want to keep these kind of rough and ready yeah  you don't want me to clean them up on the bathroom right so we are challenged to  make a set of dumbbells for daniel   asheville um i think this is quite good  this will be the the bar in the middle   so i reckon that will work quite  well daniel i'm going to need some   bits and more bolts need some more of that um he  wants me to chuck some metal in there as well turn   around show them the checker plate take a plate  rough side oh yes and some stones bits and pieces   i think it's gonna look pretty pretty  weird definitely never done this one before   so you're gonna just get what you're gonna get  right yeah no definitely definitely i'm looking   forward to it okay the crazier the better the  crazier the bear will be like crazy yes i think   i am gonna leave this in nick's capable hands i'm  going to get back to the yard i'm going to leave   him to it and then he's going to come to the yard  and he's going to bring us the finished product he just films it awkwardly  like he keeps filming awkwardly now what i'm thinking is we're  gonna need to make a mold of this   but first we need to make a mold for a mold in she goes so this mold doesn't have to be   uh you know very watertight resin type  because we're going to put another mold   in here which is going to mold this well  that's the plan anyway no i'm saying i they just love the way this stuff peels out that either looks really dummy or absolutely gross now before we go any further i just want  to talk to you about today's sponsor   skillshare this platform is just amazing for  learning everything now i know previously   we've talked about wood carving woodworking wood  turning and many other things that you can do   but this project has made me think about all the  other things that you can learn on skillshare   such as fitness videos those of you that don't  know i'm actually quite into my fitness go to   the gym for sometimes five days a week and what  i love about skillshare is they have classes   for fitness the one i particularly am interested  in i have been following is fitness nutrition 101   how to lose fat and build muscle i particularly  like this one by brian gura i mean it says it   on the tin how to lose fat and build muscle happy  days he's got tons of videos up here and they're   really really interesting so if you're interested  in a bit of fitness and nutrition check this one   out but there are tons and tons of videos just  like this it's not all about wood turning you know   skillshare has classes to fit your schedule  and skill level members get unlimited access to   thousands of inspiring classes of hands-on  projects and feedback from a community of   millions most classes are under 60 minutes with  short lessons to fit any schedule they've got   photography classes film and video classes fine  art classes and even graphic design classes   they got everything baby no matter what 2021  brings for everyone you can spend it creating   something meaningful with skillshare the skill  shares online classes because time is what we   make of it with skillshare you can find  inspiration in the moment and learn how to express   your creativity now folks check this out the  first 1 000 of you that click the link below   will get not only a free trial of this platform  which is amazing but of the premium membership   as well courtesy of me of course check this one  out folks it's really cool but remember the first   thousand of you will get premium membership check  out the link below trust me you'll love it yeah   right we have run out of mold so we have  to get some more and finish this off later   now i know daniel didn't want these cleaned up  much but we can't leave them dirty like this   because it would just cover the resin  in dirt and it would just look rubbish   so i'm going to give it a little bit of a  buff in the wheel using the buffing wheel see that all the dust coming off it no  i'm saying no i'm saying daniel's hung right so we've cleaned this up a bit we've  still left it a little bit rusty and musty   you know still looks rough and ready but it's  just not got a lot of dirt all over it now   okay now i need to cut this in off  because this is going to be our bar to use in the middle of the dumbbells  now what's how we need about eight inches   each dumbbell i'm going to cut the ends off  and then cut it enough now what i'm saying right so the mold is ready to be demolded   from the mold so i thought you're wondering  now what we're gonna be able to do uh how   we're gonna be able to get all the resin into  this to make the shape but i don't know either   right let's we'll take this off because we  don't need this on there at the moment but we   probably will need this later on but this should  be quite a nice little moldage so what i'm going   to do is i'm going to slit this open because  that is going to be the only way to get this out oh right now all we got to  do now is seal this back up oh yes cut up and a minion well we've got some  pea shingle i'm gonna give this a bit of a wash   then we've bung some of that in there as well and some decorative stone so here's the ingredients now this is the full  ingredients that daniel wanted in this dumbbells   so i've got the aggregate now which i  forgot earlier on i've got the metal   which i've chopped up just doubly i've got the  nuts and bolts which we've cleaned up a little bit   still looks rusty looks pretty cool and we've  chopped up our handlebars right now all we've   got to do is wait for the aggregate to dry it's  too wet to put in the mold as you've noticed   i've taken all them back out again because now  we've got to mix all this up and put it in there   now what i'm going to do is make up a piece  of wood for this i think to slot that in there   because we don't want any of this metal inside  here blocking the way for these bad boys   and i can't stick them in there now because  they'll end up kind of like like that i expect   so that all the resin needs to be set in there and  then we'll add them in afterwards i think that's   that's kind of my idea no i'm saying that  is my idea right let's knock out some chunk now daniel wants this looking rough and ready all   right can we add a bit of  color stick a few pencils he's gonna see this video i think he might find out well we won't put pencils in it  then we will just put a knot in it   all right so squeeze all this stuff in here now  just go in here then we got a bit of aggregates now we want a good old mixture of all  sorts in here so we're gonna stick   a bit of metal in here as well no idea  how this is gonna turn out really don't   um we got this chunk of bolt to stick in  there so we'll have that in there as well another bolt a little thread thing oh look at that what a shot now what we're going to do is we've  got to be able to put this in here as well um   somehow so we need we probably need to open this  up a bit more actually no i'm saying okay i made   the hole bigger that took me ages um i had to  make that bigger so that we could slot this   kind of fairly neatly in place  and we need this to go down so far   because i'm going to be taking this out  obviously later on um to replace it with   this what i'm also going to do  is add in a cheeky little emblem right time to knock up some rhythm  i'm not sure why i said it like that okay so as you can see i've wrapped  this up in a plastic bag because   i don't trust my molds as you probably  already know um it's in a mold in a mold   in a another mold really so um because i'm  going to put this in the pressure pot and   i've got to take out the center chamber because  it's too big so if it leaks it's going to ruin   my whole pot so i've got it in this just in  case if it does leak or the bags will catch it so the first piece of this challenge is  in the pot if this works out all right   we've got three more to make if it doesn't  then daniel is never gonna be as big as me right let's look at what we have here it is the truth i got my little logo in there that is pretty cool okay so here we go i've drilled this out now  unfortunately i couldn't get all the wood out   so some of it's gonna have to stay in there  but that's cool daniel wants it all rough and   ready anyway so bit of wood happy days plus is my  marking a bit of wood in there um start to sand   it back it's coming up all right i'm just sort of  going through the grits at the moment it's taking   quite a while started on 80 grit look at that  the only thing is is i've sanded my name off   man let's try and get the next one if i put  another one in i'll try and get it in a bit deeper   but um because by the time i finish sanding  and polishing this you're probably going to   lose that bit but maybe he's trying to keep the  face so it's still a little bit soft because   it's quite cold out at the moment very damp  no sun just rain um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this in the oven it's  a good way to kind of you know get it cured   pretty quickly really so so i've gone to 100 grit  so far got to go right up to 1000 on this and then   polish it up nicely we're going to need to fill  in that hole as well uh and then once all that's   done and polished we can then insert our bar but  uh yeah long way to go but it's looking kind of weird i feel like a doctor doctor  of resin yeah i like that ah right now some more sanding that is looking pretty funkadelic magnum now i've got plans for this bit because i can't  really get in there very well and sand it and   polish it so what i'm going to do is just  put a little thin layer of resin over that   and that will look just jubbly right we're nearly there we've  got one more dumbbell to resin   up and for this one i've got something  special to smash in there a number nine it's not a number nine number six either way it's going in this is our  last mold folks i know you've seen this   a couple of times this is the last one i'm gonna  speed this bit up gonna chuck in the old asheville   six nine sign get that in there hopefully we  can get that somewhere around the top maybe   i don't know i might just try and put it at the  bottom actually yeah let's try and get it at the   bottom um put a few more of these in there  we've got loads more massive washers look at   the size of this have you seen a washer this  big before me neither so i'll speed this one   up get it all out sand it polish it and then  we're almost done so try and get that in there oh where are you right so if you can see  what i've done is i've got a big washer in   there in the middle i don't know if you can  see that in the middle of the asheville sign   no not in the middle or the outside of the  asheville sign let's zoom in there we go   so hopefully that will stay there when it's dry 2 000 years later and the last one is done look a little bit of a shame got my logo in there  looks quite cool actually but there's a stone   over the word nick and the bottom boom not too  bad you can just about see it but there are some   stones that unfortunately have got in the way  there not really much i can do about that but   now let's get this cleaned up  and then we can put these badges together that looks pretty cool but unfortunately  the asheville sign is hard to make out sorry danny boy it looks pretty cool we are getting somewhere now that's a little added bonus to this  project daniel also dropped this off so i   thought it was only fair but i added a little  bit of zometic to this project yeah baby yeah oh so this looks yummy oh yeah so i don't really like the blue so  i'm going to change the color oh okay a little special edition for the asheville   gym now i know what you're thinking  what was the point in that nick i don't know what about this is ah there's that word again heavy why are they so  heavy in the future is there a problem with   the earth's gravitational pull i like them  kind of little ice having from the future now as daniel's just up the  road i'm gonna drop these off daniel how are we nick how are we doing how's  things you brought it you brought the right   vehicle for it i have i thought i better bring  something because i knew it was gonna be messy   here so i thought i'd bring the truck out today's  an exciting day no this has taken me a while so   but i've finally managed to  finish these dumbbells for you   and i really do hope that you like these uh i  can't wait are we ready we're ready we're ready wow oh look at those dumbbells full of aggregate  there's checker plate in there there's a screws   i'm going to show this to now because i knicked  all of these out the repair bay look at these   these are great look at them nick can we take  these into their new home the asheville gym we   can we can if i give you this though i do have a  little surprise for you oh we like a surprise it's   not my birthday this week there's loads coming  in well so i had to mix this up a little bit and   add a little bit of zametti into this project yes  yes all right now i know you gave me a little bar   to play with i did well stay there i don't  know what he's got this is a complete surprise   i know i was getting dumbbells because i  popped down to see him with this badger upright rows we love an upright row now this  has got lego in here it's got pencils in it   it's got beads in it funny that and we can use  this for upright rows and some asheville trucks   and spare national truck tires are if they're  actual truck tires they'd be punctured so yeah   so yeah little addition to the asheville  gym thanks nick these are ready oh yes let's bring this in here the asheville gym   work in progress for a long while nick we  are getting there get this this is amazing   here's the home here's the home the rest  of my dumbbells aren't here and oh yeah   they look really cool though don't they of course  they do yeah i love them nick thank you so much   well that all went pretty well and it seems that  daniel from asheville is pretty happy with his new   set of dumbbells don't forget to head on over  and subscribe to daniel's channel asheville   i'll leave a link below for his channel and his  instagram as well i really did enjoy doing this   collaboration with him it was quite a different  project for me to make so i hope all of you   enjoyed it too this has been a long video so i  won't waffle on i just want to say thanks to all   my new subscribers that have come over to the  channel thank you to all of asheville's viewers   please stick around and smash the subscribe button  if you haven't done already we would love for you   to stick around here on this channel and obviously  thanks to all my old subscribers for sticking   with me and watching this video if you could  share this video with your friends and family   that would be pretty awesome one last thing if you  could check me out on instagram and facebook i do   add up lots of different pictures and videos on  both platforms if you fancy follow me on facebook   and instagram that would be much obliged right  i'll see you for the next one take care folks you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 334,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, woodturning, Woodturner, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, wood turning, ashville aggregates, ashville aggregates gym, making dumbbells, resin dumbbells, can you make dumbbells, how to make dumbbell, diy dumbbells, home gym, ashville gym, ashville, daniel louisy, dumbbells workout
Id: b7V7IGEeDv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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