Woodturning - Crayon EPOXY RESIN Khaos !

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He looks like he about to kill some supes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Throwaway021614 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
uh welcome back folks it is roasting here in  the uk at the moment 32 degrees pretty hot   for over here you know so whilst i'm sweating  away in the workshop i thought we would make   a project or is it whilst i'm making a  project in the workshop i'm sweating away so look at these oh crayon  cases so these are all the cases   from the crayon table that we did ages ago  if you haven't seen that video i'll leave a   link below check these out so colorful and  they're so cool i just couldn't throw them   away so i reckon these mixed up in a little bit  of epoxy would be pretty neat and pretty colorful   if you know what i'm saying let's chuck  them all over the table so it looks cool so don't have loads and loads now how i got  these out if you didn't remember is i put   them in the fridge and then this is a good way of  getting these released from the crayons uh without   actually having to rip them apart so you put them  in the fridge and then boom they just kind of just   pop off which is quite cool so well there's one  here that's got a the crayon in it but you'll   see that you can't really get it out but if you  put that in the fridge it will just pop right out   so we're just gonna actually just use these  cases today um and see if we can make something   really cool with it i reckon these are going  to look quite smart actually crayola crayons   there's another one oh that's nearly out of there  no oh i'm gonna get it come on come on come on   yes all right we'll have that right  there we go ah i didn't take a picture   right knock up some entropy  epoxy resin and get started now it's always best to wear  gloves when using epoxies because it can be quite all right just a little bit more ready   there we go i reckon it's gonna look quite  smart we'll get this in the pressure pot now   leave that for a day or two probably a couple  of days actually because i did use a slow   hardener because i put quite a bit in there so   uh let's leave this for a few days and then  we come back and we get this on the lathe now i'm excited to tell you that today's  sponsor is surf shark vpn first of all   these guys are giving you 83 discount plus three months extra free now  surf sharks not only lightning fast it's also   really easy to use with a ton of benefits such  as keeping your data safe and secure by using   its two-factor authentication surfshark have over  3 200 servers across 65 countries ensuring that   you'll find a server wherever you are ever been on  holiday and wanted to catch up with your favorite   netflix programs but can't because you're not  in your country well with surf shop you can all   you got to do is click a few buttons and boom  you are in watching your own netflix account   checking out your favorite programs happy days  also surfshot vpn encrypts your data so if you're   on a public wi-fi nobody can snoop it back and  steal your data now that is pretty important   these days now just having one subscription to  stir sharp 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right so before we got interrupted   let's look what's in the pot right ready set oh look at that are we ready for this oh hmm well that's kind of interesting i'm  not too sure why i mean i suppose it is clear   it just doesn't look very clear  at the moment but i think it is i reckon that we could probably polish that  up and i reckon that would look quite cool   but the question is what do we make with this so right folks this is what we have so far of this  crayon uh what do you call them crayon lids crayon   covers from covers crayon cover project i think  initially i was going to go with like a sphere   um because what i don't want to do  is i don't want to kind of destroy   if i can help it like the you know  the effects you've got with the   with the openness of the covers if that makes any  sense um but i'm thinking now i'm going to turn   this into a bit more of a kind of like a a holy  grail kind of like pot i don't know that's kind   of where i'm going but we just need to pop the lid  off i'm going to polish this up pop the lid off   and then hollow out the inside shouldn't be long  now folks this is going to look pretty funkadelic so so do worth of two or no well i finished  it folks it is so hot i've been sweating   buckets in the workshop i hope you like this  one folks it was a project that i had left   over from the crayon table that i did if you  haven't seen that crayon table that i made   check it out here or here or here or here not  sure yet but it was a pretty cool crayon project   so if you haven't seen it please check it out  and these are the leftovers that we had we were   going to make a project with so so i saw those on  the side and that was it if you're not subscribed   to this channel folks please hit the subscribe  button and don't forget to smash the bell icon   in the top right hand corner of your youtube  channel and that will notify you of all the new   content and projects that i've put  up if you haven't got that bell   ticked unfortunately you will not get notified by  youtube when i put out a new video so please ring   my bell hair is definitely getting a bit  long i look more like jedward every day   thanks for joining me folks on this  uh crazy adventure with this project   i really appreciate all your support appreciate  all the patreons that are supporting me   and everyone else that kind of leaves me great  comments i do read them all well most of them   and i try to reply back to as many as i can as  well if you haven't checked me out on instagram   i'm still trying to get to 50 000 subscribers on  there i'm kind of finding it a little bit tricky   so if you're not following me on instagram  please head on over and check me out i'm also   on facebook as well and i put up some little  clips of videos that i've done in the past   little kind of three or four minute ones which  should be quite cool for you to watch and i'm   also on tik tok but i don't put any content on  there yet there are a few videos up there but i'm   kind of trying to figure out what to put on there  that's going to be funny well thanks for joining   me folks take care have a fantastic safe weekend  and i'll see you all really really soon love you you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 136,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, woodturning, Woodturner, nick zammeti, wood turning, crayola, crayola crayons, crayon project, crayons and resin, Crayola Crayon Grail, Woodturning - Crayola Crayon Illuminations!
Id: hI9lI1_k4yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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