Bowling Ball Vs Woodturning Lathe = Forbidden Fruit Bowl

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welcome back folks boo I was gonna say [Music] bolin anyone yes it's a real bowling ball it hasn't got the holes in it yet you're supposed to kind of put those in it but I picked this out the other day so thought it might make a really cool funky video basically saw a fellow Turner's Carl Jacobson turn one of these and made it into a bowl which I thought was pretty weird and obviously pretty funky now after Washington video I thought to myself hmm I wonder if I could make one of these into a cool-looking pot that might be pretty cool I pick myself up a bowling ball from the bowling boy alley to see if we can make something pretty funky it's so heavy the thing weighs a ton well after all it is a bowling ball now I'm unsure if all bowling balls are kind of like one color inside I know when Kyle did his I think it was just one color inside but then again I think it was kind of a bluey kind of color anyway but as you can see with this one it's got so many really cool colors on the outside but I'm unsure if those colors are gonna come through on the inside and again I don't know if that's with every bowling ball some bowling balls no idea but I guess we're about to find out [Music] so so far so good so you can see at the moment the color is still running inside the ball which is pretty cool that's what we want want to try and keep and hope that this color all these features in here you're going to stay peace they'll be quite nice with it so this ship be okay now just turn this over and put this in a Chuck oh don't try that I think with every secure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] surprisingly enough this is turning pretty well but it is pretty messy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay folks so this is running fairly true now so that's quite good happy days is what we wanted I've got rid of the white kind of lines and marks and you know names that are on there and stuff we don't really want those on there it's a little bit sort of like you know bumpy but we can get that out with some sandpaper so we're gonna try and do now is I'm going to try and cut the lid off right about sort of here ish well I don't know maybe maybe so here is some of that and then we're gonna put a nice finger on it and stuff it should look quite cool actually I really think it forward to doing this I think it's gonna be really really weird [Music] right that wasn't good for some reason add a bit of a chip out cut my fingers not really good and smashed up the whole of this as well mmm a little bit of a pain that is I think we can try and fix that I don't know though it has taken out some serious chunks hmm bummer right let's carry on see what we can do [Music] so folks this is what we've got so far looks pretty good Ashley I'm still unsure whether or not this goes all the way through or not I don't know looks like it does but I don't know yet we've drilled out a hole for our finial so we put a nice pin you in there I've managed to salvage this a little bit of a blowout earlier one if you saw it where I kind of put the carbide into it just a try and I sort of get it back a bit and then it just just exploded everywhere which kind of ruined a bit the lid made the little bit smaller than I needed it to be but you know we still might better work round there yet I don't know but we'll see but I'm gonna take the lids took kind of almost ready now I have to finish the lid first that's ready I'm going to put some Yorkshire grit on this now and then we're gonna take and part this off and then we can hollow this bad boy out it's definitely a bad ball badger [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies oh right so we were unsure as to whether or not this kind of color runs through the inside but it kind of looks like it does at the moment although at least the red part of it a pink part of it does I'm sure if the yellow and the green is going to come through or gold or whatever that is in there but that looks at the moment like it's just kind of all gonna be kind of quite red in there I'm not too sure what this little bit is it seems to me like I don't know it's just so like an anomaly kind of white patch in there I'm not too sure what that is but that looks pretty cool so now inside a closer look and see if we can finish this little oh wow she's quite big it's quite a large pot actually but as you can see there I've kind of a sort of caught a little Ridge here which should be you know this will sit inside so ideally this will sit inside there kind of nicely I don't know how we're gonna work that yet but we'll figure that out in a minute when we get this sort of slot it in and then we need to need to find some kind of a finial for that but yeah this is looking pretty funky Magnum [Music] so as we are getting deeper into this ball it's clear to see that the inner side is made up of a different type of material so I think that the outside is like a resin and the inside is I don't actually know that the name of it but I kind of I've got it in my head but I'm just thinking I can't think what it is so the the inside is not gonna finish as as well as the outside is gonna finish the outside is gonna come out really really nice as you can see from there from the lid but the inside is not gonna have the same effect unfortunately but I think we can still get to a reasonable kind of like looking you know finish inside this is quite cool because when the lids on you know I think it's gonna look a little bit different anyway no you guys it's gonna sit something like that it's gonna look quite funky actually let's get a literary weird certainly not finished yet obviously but um yeah I just thought I would tell you that cuz I thought it was pretty interesting to see I guess [Music] [Music] so pull it this out now I think that is as deep because I'm gonna go with it I mean you can go a bit deeper but for what it is the serves a purpose as a pot I think anyways I think we'll leave it like that so I'm going to put some York should quit on this now Sanders this back a bit I did a little bit of that off camera so I'm sure you're not really gonna miss too much there so I sending this back to about 400 grit it's got these little holes in it because I said I think this is a type of a resin but but it's not quite the same resin obviously as this so it's little little bit of a different type of resin but if anyone knows and what this material is then please feel free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] boo yeah baby this actually looks pretty awesome I'm really loving this now actually this has come up really nice it just popped on a little bit of a shallow wax super friction polish this is pretty cool stuff and this really does look at this look at it shine yeah I love it I love it absolutely love it so what we're gonna do now is we're going to this it's on there it's not a tight fit it's just gonna sit like nicely on there like that I think that looks quite cool Ashley and I like the pink around here now got used to that it's quite cos wondering mmm not too sure but now yes I'm loving it no that wasn't a promotion some that go nuts okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this off take this off now I think I think we're done with this yeah take this off we've obviously got to finish the bottom up first fire you just put that through this and clean that up put my emblem in there that should be fairly easy what we need to do is find a little finial of some sorts to fit in here I've got various kind of different bits and piece of wood I mean we could put a bit of this this wood in it is now African Blackwood I think could put a piece of that in there or we could funk it up a little bit more than that maybe put some think what's this oh it's the pencil finger know that matchsticks I might um there is a pencil one there no no no about that I don't know that what we've got what we got I don't know I know I find something okay I have sanded this down I basically just put that on the belt sander and then just use the orbital sander to just move it off and what we're gonna do now is go fry a bit of Yorkshire grit to the top of this I will this up I think finally when I've finished on the buffing wheel because it will really bring this right out shine in properly it's just just a temporary buff up there you go you see that's turned out pretty nice but we will buffer up a bit later on as well that's nice and I like those features in that's pretty cool I'm sure that is and obviously that's something to do with the the ball itself originally though I'm not too sure it's still pretty heavy as well there's that word again heavy why are you so heavy in the future is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull [Music] [Music] [Music] okay folks we need to find a cool looking finial for this bowling ball pot I guess now only only toyed with the idea of maybe using some of this african blackwood we've got some ball goq here I don't think these are gonna work so that's not really gonna be ideal oh oh oh oh yes hang on a minute hang on a minute I can remember these that we did for the little necklaces that that actually might work actually because it's got a bit of pink in it isn't it it's bulb so I'm wondering whether or not this might work quite nicely in there that might be quite cool actually because the pink in there is gonna complement the you know the piece because it's got pink inside it isn't it yes let's see if we can do this that is gonna look pretty strange but cool change [Music] okay so that just snapped off the lathe I knew it was gonna happen I really did they're not very strong quite brittle I had it into it between centers and it just popped off so I'll try and finish this another way I still like to try and use this if I can so I've got an idea bear with me yeah what as much as this looks kind of cool I think it's actually too small for this piece I think we need something much bigger for an even bigger approach I reckon this will do the job I think you look quite nice actually [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I definitely think this venue looks a lot better than that little one because it just didn't work like the pink but it was too small this one's a little bit itty-bitty because obviously I finished it kind of on the sander and not obviously and it's not perfectly round but like the 18s don't you well I'm gonna steal this down with a bit of epoxy now I probably push it down a bit further than that but I'll squeeze it in nice and tight and then we'll put my emblem on also with a bit of epoxy then Vaalu actually I think is voila [Music] [Music] it's a bowling ball pot well you won't be doing any bowling with this anymore what do you reckon I had to do this I saw this obviously as I said to you earlier on Kyle's channel so please go and check out his one that he did I'll leave the link below for the one that he did he was so cool and I thought this is pretty funky car I've just got to try this and I think actually it turned out pretty well I probably could have gone a bit deeper in there but you know it serves a purpose oh it smells beautiful kind of like sweets strawberries and obviously it's not got the same resin all the way through which we kind of why to try and establish you know they've only obviously done it on the outside so that might be the case for every bowling ball I don't know but it does seem a little bit that way and it makes sense because you don't really want to use this resin for the whole ball because it is quite expensive and we went with this thing on the end I'm gonna put this down it's heavy but so we got them at this venue in the end because I thought that was a better kind of fit really with with the piece because the other one although it had a bit of pink in it and which would have kind of gone well with this I just think it was just too small it didn't really work for me hopefully it'd work you and hopefully this one is a better pic I think this is african blackwood if um Roy and I kind of like the fact that you know I just done this on the [Music] spinning sandpaper thingy mobile and kind of shaped it round that way and use the bit of the Dremel in there as well just to kind of shape it so it's not perfectly round and up but I think that kind of gives it just a little bit more character I like it got my emblem in the bottom there this is zero zero eight notes right nine zero zero nine that fits in there quite nicely actually and a lot of people are asking me about these emblems these ones with the numbers on them and obviously I've got the smaller ones and I've got these big ones now and I get these from Vaughn Hank he's on Etsy his name's Martin go and check him out and just make it inquiry I guess but he does the small ones little ones you can do the numbers all sorts of stuff ready so they're pretty cool I do like them seem to give you a closer view now this is turned out quite well it's just a bit dusty that's all but I love that the features and the colors in this and obviously yes I know that they were already there so it's not something that we really created or anything but it just looks quite cool I think I'm not too sure I know what to call it I don't know it kind of looks like a bit of a genie type of pot doesn't it I don't know maybe the hot rod genie pot the hot rod bowling ball genie pop oh then I'll think of a cool name for it but it does look kind of I don't know Genie kind of type of that type of sort look you know what I mean so there we go yeah that's my first bowling ball and as you know if you haven't seen my other project that I did with pork balls I did do some turning with pork balls quite some time ago now actually I'll put it somewhere up here little card here with something that you can maybe go and check it out when I maybe put it on the end as well on the credits so you can go and check that one out I did there that turned out quite well actually as well and that smell kind of like like an anise any kind of sweet like this like a sweet smell which is quite weird it's like kind of the resin there must be something they put in there well give us a thumbs up guys maybe you could share this video for me just to because that really does help the channel and I really would appreciate it I'm gonna put this down because it's really heavy well I think overall happy days I will get this one up on my website and if anyone's interested that's where it will be I just want to say thanks to everyone that's come over to my channel recently I really do appreciate the support and you know it's pretty overwhelming really how the channel has grown so thank you for that thank you for to my patreon supporters as well I really do appreciate the support that you guys give me as well if you haven't checked out my patreon please check it out link is below in there you'll also find other links in there one of them to my little boys channel who's also got a YouTube channel Charlie the maker please go and check him out the links below my website few other bits and pieces I've also got a little blogging channel if you want to check that out and a few other links in there that might be of interest oh also where I get my music on well I hope you enjoyed this one folks oh I'm sorry I haven't done a waffle yet if you haven't if you don't know what a waffle is it's where I kind of jump in doing it a video and this is me talking really which some people like something to do but I do have one coming up and I've got a few things I want to show you a few things that I've bought for the shop and stuff of that and also want to include a shop tour as well and so I will do that for you very soon also I do have a highlights video for make a central which I haven't put out there yet that will be coming as well so yes they tune if you're interested in listen to me listening to me waffle on about stuff weird things but then I am being weird but that's why you're here right oh happy days well thanks guys for joining me I really do hope you like this one it was a bit of a weird one I know but we like weird they tuned for some more funkiness coming your way soon thanks again for watching take care [Music]
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 198,419
Rating: 4.8169713 out of 5
Keywords: Woodturning, Woodworking, crafts making, hobby crafting, lathes, bowling ball, turning a bawling ball, bowling ball pot, bowling ball vs lathe, the bowling ball pot, bowling ball vs woodturning lathe, what's inside a bowling ball, how to woodturn a bowling ball
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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