Woodturning - a lighthouse from this hybrid burl blank

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it's not quite as good as heat but it's getting there so I made this a little while ago now and I took it to the DM tool show in Kempton Park with record power some of you may have seen it there and picked it up and had a little look at it but I wanted to do a Heath knuckle style Blanc East my mate across the pond and it's not quite as good as Heath but it's getting there he's is always perfect polished up perfect corners edges alright Eve so I want to try to make something less similar to what he makes as a as a hybrid Blanc mixed up with all sorts of resins in there a mixture of white in there as you can see and some dark purple which has got the some of the white in it in this section and then you've got more of a clear purple in there which you're going to be able to see through I'm not sure how much we're gonna be able to see of that oh no and then you've got the bottom bit there which has got bit of that but again you're probably not gonna see that a little bit anyway but you might see might see that it's hard to tell really because until we get it on the lathe and actually kind of decide what we're gonna do with it there's no rule telling of what bits you're gonna see in what bits you aren't gonna see so but I thought I'd make something of this fit for you today not too sure what again as always could be a pot could be a vars could even be a weird shaped bowl let's get it on the lathe and see what we can do with it okay so first of all we're gonna do is find our center on both ends of this blank so I've got this little sensor finder and that is what it's called center finder basically it does exactly what it says on the tin so we're just gonna mark this up with the center finder and I'm gonna go for each corner and just marking this up so they could just do in two corners because if your blank is out of shape it's not gonna find the right as you see here the line is different this side then it is that side and you'll find that this will also be the case on this side as well so pretty out of sync the square but we've now got our Center right there so what we're gonna do is we're gonna use this little step center which I picked up from Robert saw beat you probably see me use it on a fair few occasions this is going to go inside the chuck and that is gonna help us start getting this piece to round so now it's trying to establish which kind of side we want at the top or the bottom no idea really whether at which one would look better on the top of the bottom you'd go for that as the top actually so it's got a bit more wood in it [Music] [Music] okay it's as good as we're gonna get it make sure it's quite tight now we're gonna do is we're gonna put a tenon on the end of here so not too sure again what we're gonna go with this so maybe if maybe a pot of some kind possibly a pot I think but let's get it round first and then see what we're left with [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we've got this down to round now it's fairly skinny to be fair I'm not really too sure whether or not to turn this into a pot now or not definitely can't turn it into a bowl but yeah there it is I think it'd look quite nice whatever it might be Tony because of the resin and the mix with the fur and stuff but I just don't know what to make with it hmm I think can I carry on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] does anybody know what I'm making yet no nor do I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right can anyone guess what this is yet I'm gonna keep you guessing what I need now is I need another bit of resin in here but I need a clear piece of resin which I need to hollow out just a little piece that's gonna go in there and then this will sit on top of that any ideas yet though gonna knock up a little bit of resin only a tiny amount get it in the pressure pot leave it overnight and then get it on the lathe and sit hopefully nice and neatly in there and on top and this will sit on top of that [Music] okay so while we wait for that to dry and set overnight got to make a few more adjustments and amends to this I don't know yet what I do put on trying to keep you guessing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay this is what the piece looks like now and I've just used some Yorkshire grit on this and I've also just put a bit of yellow wax buffing cream on it unfortunately that wasn't recording at the time but this is some really awesome stuff all I've put on it is the chestnut sanding sealer first Yorkshire grit and the cello wax cream and that's what it's done so far so it's pretty neat still gonna need a little bit more buffing yet still some light scratches in there so what I might do is I might get the micro mesh pads out and give it a bit of a blast with them but this is looking pretty nice actually look at this in there lovely that is really nice so then if you guys know what it is yet but I'm hoping this is gonna turn out to be a little bit different so as you can see I have drilled also a hole all the way down the middle there so that's for you I haven't got all the way down there yet haven't got a long long enough drill but I'll get one and I'll make because I'm gonna make it go all the way to the end and needs to come out here the other side so I'll do that in a sec [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I never knew it was gonna be a lighthouse there it is folks I hope you enjoyed watching me make this I had no idea they was gonna be a lighthouse obviously but it kind of sort of started had this idea in my head that as time went on I thought no it's not gonna be this it's not gonna be there what it started to sort of take a bit of shape from me sort of like when I was shaping the main blank I started to sort of shape it up was decided to get thinner at one end I thought you know what it kind of looks a little bit like a lighthouse so I thought yes I'm gonna make a lighthouse but I thought I'd keep it a little bit of a secret from you guys see if you can keep you guessing for a little bit longer I've got a little bit of different wood for the top a little bit of bog oak for the little kind of finial they're all lighthouse top and then obviously you've got this piece and it's got a little light built into it as well and you've got a bit of burr so you saw the light just then it comes on via a sensor so I've got a sensor don't you see that built in here so the light basically comes on at night or if I cover up the sensor you can just about see it coming on you turn the light out there we go not a bad little LED like that isn't and then obviously it just turns off when the light comes on it's not fixed in here properly so that's why I'm kind of holding it kind of steady because this will fall now is it's fairly wobbly in there I could glue it in the bottom but if I ever need to access the wires because there's the wire there look or for some reason need to get in there be a bit of a pain but I suppose I could glue it but I haven't really decided which kind of part of this this blank bird that I want to see yes I think this is the front as you see it there but I mean I could like turn it around so you see that bit or I could turn it around so you can see a little bit more of the of the blue not too sure I haven't made up my mind I think once I made up my mind of where I where it's supposed to be where it looks best then I might sort of fix this to this this just comes off of here like that again not fixed because just in case I need to change the bulb and then you've got the bulb inside there or a little LED bulb a little piece of wood on the bottom just obviously give it a little bit more of a fancy look so and there we go so so I don't know it looks better like that that way with this is the front or this I think this way probably looks better as in front this the the burr here and then maybe a little bit of the purple one and some of that Burwood oh there it is so I hope you enjoyed watching that put it down for the moment there I think it probably does look better like that with a bit of the burr showing in some of the purple so once I say get that agree in my head that that's where it's gonna go I'll I'll glue it up a little bit more making it a bit more secure but I mean once it's kind of sat there and it's doing its thing what really needs to be moved so and again the light just kicks in when it gets dark I've got the little LED from I got it from this company small scale lights by Jennifer Smith I'll leave a link below for our channel or website do you want to do something similar grab some lights from them pretty cool lights no I've covered up the sensor where their card the lights kicked in at least we know the centre works so that is it that's predation project again had no idea that I was gonna be doing and I kind of initially when I pick that up I thought I was just gonna make a little pop from it but as time went on things start to change and that's generally what happens in my channel but most importantly I hope you guys enjoyed watching it I'll obviously leave steals up at the end as always and if you've got any comments please put them below if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet please hit the subscribe button and if you wouldn't mind sharing the video that really does help again thanks very much for everyone that's come over to my channel recently the channel was still growing really well and and if you've missed it I did a little bit of a giveaway on my Wednesday waffle last week for three tins of Yorkshire grit not one not two but three three tins of Yorkshire grit up for grabs and three hats Yorkshire grit ones you go over there and check out the Wednesday waffle there's gonna be some more giveaways coming up soon we'll be announcing three winners for those Yorkshire grits next Wednesday and I'll also be doing another giveaway soon because we're getting close now to 55,000 subscribers which is crazy again part thank you guys enough for coming over to the channel and hanging around so I'm gonna be doing another giveaway for that not too sure what yet but I've got a couple of ideas in mind thanks for all the messages that I've got sorry if I ever replied back to you but please bear in mind I get hundreds and hundreds of emails every day somebody asked me to do a bit of a review on the pressure pot the other day but I've done that I did that last Wednesday so hope 3 that's alright and I did leave links below where I've got the pressure pot from yeah and also with my emblems I get asked quite a lot of questions about my emblems the company that I'm dealing with at the moment that got my current emblem stone and not really interested in selling anyone any year emblems don't really know why but they must be billionaires all it really is is an engineering company that can make little brass little little tiny brass emblems and you give them your design logo speak to an engineering firm and they should be able to make these little disks for you hopefully that helps well again thanks very much guys to all my new subscribers obviously thanks very much to all my old ones for sticking around I hope you enjoyed the project have a fantastic weekend don't forget us you at Harrods next week Harrogate take care [Music] you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 475,779
Rating: 4.9239812 out of 5
Id: LbVqjg-lglQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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