The Metal & Resin River Table 🙈

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[Music] so I've got these lovely slabs and I've been meaning to make a table and not just any table I know I've made one or two tables before but what I want to do with this is make a river table we've all seen those yeah there's quite a few of them about but obviously I want to make mine a little bit different so I'm not too sure what or how to kind of make them different initially I had a kind of a plan of making this one big table however I'm thinking now that I make maybe two smaller tables and today I'm gonna be using this glass cast resin from these guys got to check this stuff out it's pretty cool and I've got a hold of some of this stuff because this seems to be the stuff to use if you're gonna be doing large pause and I'm really quite excited to see how this turns out these guys should also be coming to make a central as well so they're gonna have some demos there or some pieces that they've already made and obviously some of their glass cast resin which would be pretty cool so this is the wood that I picked up and I've got this on eBay actually nice slabs pretty cool chunky pieces of wood really nice features in there as well so again this could be one great coffee table oh I may well change my mind back again yet I don't know once I kind of like got them out and sort of worked out what we want to do but I'm thinking that we chop it in half and make two smaller ones that'd be smaller coffee tables but pretty funky ones Derek I've got all the glass car stuff that I need from these guys tape the sheathing that you need to use obviously the resin and everything else this is gonna be quite challenging never done this one before Todd no idea how this is gonna turn out but stick with me because this could be funny [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're gonna keep this dust for later and I've got a funny feeling we're gonna need it [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we've got now our two smaller tables although they're still kind of large for a smaller table if that makes any sense so I'm not too sure whether to take a bit off it almost seems like a bit of a waste if I cut more off it I don't know I mean it's kind of a large small table if that's what I'm trying to get out it wasn't kind of imagined it to be still this big so I can either cut it down the middle there but then that's going to look a bit of a weird table isn't it that's gonna be more a rectangular ton of I was thinking more of a square table but to do that when it's chopped a piece off of here all the way along to puppy all the way along they're probably a bit off that end and then maybe cut a pillar that's gonna waste a lot of the table though oh I'll tell you what we make the tables as they are now like this and then once we've got the resin in and we sort of like sanded it all down with then work out what kind of shape table we were gonna go with yeah that's right maybe we could make it into a round one or just a really weird one yeah good idea Nick right let's get on and make these bases for these pieces of wood to sit in okay so we've got this stuff here which is called poly propylene plastic sheet and this is from also glass cast easy composites I'll leave a link below for these guys so you can see all the stuff that I bought from them this is really cool stuff so this is gonna form the base that we're gonna put these pieces of wood in it so what I've got now is I've just put these placed these pieces of wood on top of this poly propylene sheet and as you can see this is really shiny stuff the resin does not stick to this this is perfect for the job so I've also cut up some strips here as well got the same sheet and what I'm gonna do now is going to glue hot glue these all the way around to make a barrier because we don't want this resin to leak out so put it like that and then up against there like that seal that up tight with hot glue and then what are those wears I'm gonna got this baton here as well that's just gonna put that all the way around it just to give the the sides a bit of support so I'm gonna do that now and get all that ready and then that will this will be almost ready then for a pour which would be quite exciting not too sure what to put in it yet but we'll find out [Music] [Music] hey so I've now sealed this up so it's got all the hot glue all the way around as you can see I've sealed it all up and I put this fat and all the way around it as well just to sort push against here and just just give it a bit more security so that this is here not gonna pop off for any reason so that kind of goes the way around it's not you know the neatest job in the world but it's good enough happy days it's good enough for what we need so there we go and I've also put some more of this tape around here just in case that the hot glue doesn't hold for some reason and then this doesn't hold for some reason and then you've got this better backup as well so hopefully if it does seep through it just can't get past this tape anyway so got that in there as well okay so we are almost ready to do our first pour what we need to do is we need to pick a color and what we've got here is quite a few different colors from glass cast okay so now I'm not gonna just put a pigment color into this table because you know there's lots of river tables that have been made but I want to do something different and hopefully something that someone else hasn't done yep it's metal or swarf as they call it listen to this now how cool is this gonna look inside this table mixed in with a color I reckon that's gonna look pretty awesome so I'm gonna go because you've got two tables got one set up here one down there haven't set that one up yet but I will so I reckon we're gonna go with an orange I think an orange it's gonna look kind of cool right let's get mixing up some of this resin okay so this is the easy composites glass cast 50 now you can mix this up by white as it says there or white volume now what I'm gonna do is I think I'm gonna mix it up by maybe by weight so that basically means a hundred of the hundred of this and 45 of this [Music] [Applause] [Music] now levels are done is I've my topic little patterns and I'll cover them in this flash release type just increasing the rows and get stuck on it and it's not gonna stick today's so they use days to hold down these piece of wood because always say just in case they float like we don't that happen so I'm gonna put these on top and here here and here and here and I need a baton going across it and I clamp them down yes ok so this is what we got I've no idea if this is gonna work out or not but I'm hoping it will and I hoping it look a little bit different so right let's get this poured in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so this is what we've got so far so what's happening here is the metal shavings are obviously you know floating down to the bottom which is kind of not really what I kind of wanted now in hindsight thinking about this now what I should have done is actually flip these this table over and filled it up upside down because the finish effect would have been all of the shavings on the surface but we can do that with this one so we've got that one to do anyway but what I'm gonna do is I think if I put some more in pack it right up and then I think we should still get a similar effect [Music] [Music] okay so this is what this looks like at the moment so I've had to do this a couple of times because I made a few mistakes here and the mistakes are this yeah unfortunately it leaked out my attempt to try to stop it from leaking I kept putting more tape in there and I've managed to seal it now but I did not seal this properly in the first place so I came back and this was all gone so rather than basically show you the whole process again I've just basically mixed up some more and filled it back up so that's what it looks like at the moment it's not quite dry just yet but it's looking quite cool I kind of like these metal shavings in this this is going to look quite also I think so definitely a mistake made there as you see it's leaked out all around the side what made it so much mess and it's also gone underneath as well and it's all over here as well I mean yeah a bit of a nightmare so this time obviously we're going to make this other table now I've really secured this one up I think so I've gone quite a lot all the way around the edges this time and what I've done is I've taken this out and I've also done the inside as well I'm pretty confident that this is sealed correctly this time but I am gonna put some of this flash tape around here as well just in case anything comes out but I have you know I've gone over this a few times and on the inside all at the edges up this edge and I tell what resin will just find its way out at wherever really it really does it just finds any gap possible so you need to make sure that you seal this up and don't make the same mistakes that I've done also we discussed about this scenario with this metal now what I want to do is I'd like to have the metal on the top but as you can see it all floated you know to the bottom up there so what I've done here is I've flip this over and I'm gonna fill the resin table up upside down so our top of the table is obviously underneath so when we put this metal in this one which we're gonna do again but I'm gonna do a different color I'm gonna get a different effect I think from the top I hope so this is ready now apart from my putting a bit more tape on to fill up again second time for the Tekken table in a different color not too sure what color I'm going to go for you but we will find out soon [Music] [Music] what do we think sorry reckon that this is gonna be alright in there now that's how you look quite dark but when it's in there now she comes out quite clear if you kind of get me right let's go and put this in with the shavings and see what we get from it a lot of this stuff pick this up from a friend look at it loads about to make loads of stuff for this so I'm going to stick some of this inside now it's all going to flow through the bottle anyway [Music] swab in there [Music] they push me duck although it looks quite dark on camera actually it is fairly clear you can see right through it so when you look like that it looks quite clear look at that swarf worm but when I smoked up some more and get this filled up I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay this has now been left for a few days and I reckon we are done this has taken a couple more days to set the normal kind of resin I don't know if that's just the type of resin or because it's quite a large port but I mean it's um it's dried pretty nicely though look at that pretty solid it's a little bit low but I think that's okay I filled this up a couple of times actually off camera but this is Daniel this is the underneath of the of the project but so we have to demolish now but it's held up well my second attempt to this project has held up the second one was good the first one not too good so I'm gonna demote the first one first this is this one up here so this one's looking pretty cool I'm liking that this is very sharp so we're gonna have to see if we can get this sanded down and not too sure how it's gonna turn out but we soon find out but this is solid now so when I get these out of these molds now and then we're gonna start sanding this down which is the exciting bit not okay so there's one we've taken out I did take a little bit of fashion about but it slipped off of that that sheeting really really nicely so it doesn't stick to that and the tape it doesn't stick to that either but it's a little bit messy but actually it's not not too bad I think we can definitely do something quite cool here and if you look underneath as well do where the resin is kind of like gone underneath the table chassis it's actually quite cold actually after a really nice kind of like even resin layer all the way around and then this is what I'm talking about with this where it's going all the way down to the bottom I'm not too sure which one is gonna look better or not actually the underneath or the top but you know when we start saying it we're find out so so that's what we got I got to do quite a bit of sanding so that's that one now I'm going to D mold this one [Applause] hmm interesting and I might have quite funky okay so this is the black one with the metal in it which looks kind of cool I like that kind of pattern there so I'm hoping and there's not gonna be a lot of sanding down to do with that one but that's gonna give a different effect that's actually really cool that's actually gonna give a quite different effect than this one I think because this one we did frontways up so this is gonna have a different look but that's gonna be quite cool all right that's gonna be good so what we're gonna do now is quite a lot of sanding back of the mold at these so let's get on and do that okay for this I'm gonna start off by using sixty grit [Music] [Music] okay that's the underneath of the first one we did sort of the light shining it wasn't like shining it why is the light shine in there no it's a strip light in it okay let's get shiny so I'm probably gonna give this a light sand down and then we can then get that ready for the legs [Music] I had done a lot of sanding on this this actually come out quite well really I was quite surprised how they sanded back so the metal in there hasn't really caused any issues there's no nothing sticking out or any lumps and all that so it's pretty cool so I've gone right back to 600 quid on this probably could do with a bit more sanding but it's kind of a rough ii kind of sort of title anyway so i'm not gonna go too mad with it you know it's it just looks as it does really you know it's got a bit of character with it with some light indentations and stuff so see it goes all the way around collect all the light veggies around here and stuff so yeah pretty cool I kinda like it so what are the two of I'm not too sure but I'm thinking what I'm gonna do is coat it with resin again on the top to make that at the finish haven't done that before and I think that that might be what I want to do because I always like to try and do something different than what I did before so kind of not it's not big enough to be a coffee table really but it kind of could be stop walking on it anyway so that is ready now for the resin and I'm gonna coat that up I'm gonna need to look at the other one I'm not sure if I'm gonna do the other one or not because this took absolutely ages to sand back I mean hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and the other one has got quite a lot of resin on it and I'm not too sure what to do with it at the moment because we did it upside down and the whole table is coated in resin so that all really needs to come off in order to get all kind of finish like this so I don't really know what to do with it another another sort Ruki mistake but there we go but once we've done the resin on this this will be ready for putting my emblem on which not too thick somewhere in the corner and then the legs so let's go and look at the other one first this is our second table that we did slightly differently where we've got all of the metal shavings on the top which I kind of like that it doesn't look quite a cool however really what we do need to do is grind this back a bit and get rid of this resonance on here because obviously we've got all this metal shavings in here we don't really want that so I'm gonna use I'm gonna use a grinder for that with this big abrasive pad on it which will get it off fairly quickly but it is going to cause an absolute carnage of mess [Music] okay this is taken absolutely ages creating such a mess and the batteries are running out in the makita this every five minutes again another mistake where I've got too much resin underneath and I don't really need all that on there so I'm gonna have to try and get it out so I had another thought I'm gonna try I'm gonna try and use this to cut through the resin now ideally I could do with having a sled Derek so I could slide this up and down and I can take nice fine cuts but I don't have a sled and at the moment I don't really have any wood that I can make it with I know it sounds strange right so I'm gonna give this a go and see if I can just take take the resin off with this might be a little bit easier and less messy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coming up quite well with this technique so just gonna take a little bit longer to get that bit finished but yeah we are almost there I want to do is I am going to mix it up a little bit because it is a little bit rough as you can see but I think that's gonna make it really funky looking anyway that's gonna make it look a little bit different so I'm going to put a few crews it with this and we're not gonna send it back a bit obviously there's not going to be that bumpy but yeah I reckon it's doing that alright and much quicker and much less mess [Music] Makita has done a great stone job taking the top of this off for me happy days so it was made like a lot easier this is really wicked look at this now it's so awesome I think I'm gonna make a few more projects out of this war because that it's pretty cool that's why I'm finished yet so it's taken off the top of layer of this which is really good so we're gonna do now is just kind of like trying to battle fit with the grinder just get rid of the 5 spots then start sanding this right back that's gonna take me quite some time still but I was certainly knocked off a lot of time by using this yes I know it would have been better using a sled oh maybe not but I don't have one so right I'm fearing that this might go into two parts or either that it's a really long video they're ready for a nice topcoat of resin initially I kind of thought that this way was maybe the better way but now looking at this and looking at how cool this looks that is just absolutely awesome I love it so hopefully they say I could normally put would put on here is some of this stuff which is that Osmo aisle which you know i did on my last table but again I want to try and try something different so I'm gonna coat this with the resin so I'm going to use a glass cast resin again as well for this I'm gonna mix it up and just put a light coat of resin on top and all around the edges as well and see how that's gonna turn out I reckon it's gonna look pretty cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so there's the first one done now this won't dry this shiny so it will dry you know so that you can really sort of see it and it'll be quite nice actually turned out quite well isn't it so far so good so that was it's gonna take about 48 hours for that to cure maybe less actually 24 because it's only a thin coat so but we're gonna leave that now so that's the first one done and that's not bad actually I quite like that especially with that metal in it alright so let's get on and do the other one [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so this is the underneath of each table finished so we just need to wait for these to dry and then once a drive we can stick the legs on and we will be done finally [Music] [Music] [Applause] now that took ages this project did take me a lot longer than I kind of thought I love doing it and I definitely love using this swarf so I hope you enjoyed it I definitely want to use this stuff again I've got loads and loads of it and I'm thinking about making definitely something else for this I don't know if you've seen Peter Browns murder bowl for this absolutely awesome check it out if you haven't because he did a project with using this swarf and it's pretty pretty cool I leave a link below for that because it is really cool and definitely worth her watch I got given this for quite some time ago now actually probably about a year ago from a friend of mine and I thought to myself that would make a cool project at some point but it just never really got around to using it and I wanted to do this River table for you guys I was using this glass cast product which is really cool and I think when you're doing these really big paws with these types of tables and I think this stuff works perfectly for it and I haven't really done a river table before this is kind of a river metal table I guess and I definitely think it turned out pretty funky looking too so you got the black one and the kind of orange one but it's kind of more silver and gold I think it kind of goes fairly well I didn't really have much trouble sanding it down I kind of did think that it wasn't really gonna work um actually turned out alright really with the sanding I'm not convinced entirely about the resin finish because it is quite shiny and although I don't mind shiny stuff I think maybe it would have been better with a different kind of finish but I did that before and I wanted to try something different so went with the resin finish it's okay but it might be a little bit too shiny for my liking well I'm certainly conscious that this has been a really long video and I was debating or not whether or not to put it into two parts or not I thought I'd just run with it and go with it it's probably about 40 minutes maybe even 45 minutes long now and so I apologize for those of you that don't like long videos but I know a lot of you do and I hope that you've enjoyed watching it it kind of makes up for not putting a video up right sweet I guess I am working on some other funky stuff for you guys I don't know whether I get that up next Friday or not I'm not sure but I'll try my best but if you don't see a video up please don't worry I will be back please check out the links below guys there's a lot of useful and helpful information in there I update my kit list which is a load of kit that I've kind of compiled together for you if you are interested in the some of the things that I use and work with it in my shop and if you use those links that help support the channel I'm also open up a patreon account so if you fancy supporting me over there I really appreciate it I'm going to be doing a few exclusive pictures maybe even some live streams all those things are below I'll also leave the linked below for glass cast which is easy composites so if you fancy do it yourself your own River table because all the kid I used is from there well thanks for watching guys I really appreciate all your support thank you so much for coming over to the channel and welcome to my new subscribers I hope you all stick around we do some funky stuff on here some waffles and bits and pieces it's kind of a weird you never really know what you're gonna get with me to be fair but I try my best to entertain as much as I can thanks to all my old subscribers for sticking around I hope you all have a fantastic funky fabulous weekend and I'll see you all really soon take care [Music] you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 724,838
Rating: 4.7942452 out of 5
Keywords: MAKERSCENTRAL2019 #mc2019, woodturning, woodworking, makers, makingstuff, mc2019, nickzammeti, makersgonnamake, woodturners, glass cast, glasscast resin, river tables, making a river table, resin and metal, metal shavings, swarf, swarf and resin
Id: 7kHx6zTedGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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