Making - a PSYCHEDELIC Guitar from 1000s of DVDs.. This one nearly broke me!

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huh now come on you don't think i'm gonna use  my actual cds for this project do you no we'll use these instead the grinch i don't watch dvds much anymore  anyway all right we're not using my dvds   all my cds but we will be using these  hey check these out folks check these out looking glorious so these are just blank  dvds uh and i thought that we would   try to make something funkadelic with all of  these today look at this i mean they do look   pretty cool and these are pretty cheap on  amazon or ebay loads of them hey oh oh yes   i see something crazy happening  today don't you remember this   so this was our mold that we made uh for our  lego guitar now if you haven't seen that project   yet please check out here here no don't do that  because then that will take you away from this   video we don't want to do that just yet i'll leave  a link below for that one if you didn't see it   anyway i digress so what we've got to try and do  this is going to be a little bit more tricky now   i don't want to go in just chucking the dvds  like that because that's kind of not this kind of   sort of thing that i'm going with no i'm saying  you don't know what i'm saying yet but you will do   so what i'm going to try and do is i've got to try  and figure out got to put a base in here no that's   not a bass guitar but it's got to be a skinny base  and it's got to be thinner around the edges as   well because i need to allow some room to put me  divdus no i'm saying now if you're not subscribed   to this channel please hit the subscribe button  also it's really important if you ring my bell it's up here top right hand side of your youtube   channel that way you'll know every  time i put a video out happy days well i'm gonna be using entropy resins fast   hardener for this bad boy because we  just need to form a little bit of a base so all right so i have put a couple of pores into  this i've left the first one overnight because i   use the fast hardener i've just done another fast  probably should have used slow actually to be fair   um but there we go i've done  another one i might actually need   need a bit more because i think i need to get  this resin just slightly over the top of this   and it's not quite there yet so i might have  to do this in three goes we'll get there   right there we go so that's it it took a few  pours we let that cure and then we've popped this   little sucker out of this mold now i'm excited  to tell you that this video is sponsored by raid   shadow legends check this out i feel  like it's a great time to rank raids best   halloween champions now they've got loads  but check these out brackets the shifter   he's a legendary champ from the skimwalkers  faction i chose this one because i think it just   looks absolutely insane little miss annie i mean  come on who wouldn't want her in your champions   she's another legendary champ and from the undead  horde's faction and harvest jack i mean this is   another amazing champ from the undead hordes  faction i mean look at him now if i'm gonna go   for a favor i'm gonna have to go with harvest jack  i mean come on then little miss annie then barakas   the shifter now what i love about raiders is you  can really get stuck into this game but if you   like challenging games and challenging your mates  this is perfect for you now come here if you want   a tip listen up if you're looking for the best  weekly rewards join a clan and fight a clan boss   plus the fastest way to level up your champions  is through farming the champion you grind xp   and get loads of silver and a few artifacts  as well so what's new well this month ray's   got a non-stop schedule of special events and  activities including an absolutely jam-packed   halloween lineup now we're talking big huge  tournaments against other players special fragment   events to get some brand new legendary champions  including one very spooky halloween champion   now raid's bigger and busier and there are some  giant updates coming very soon so there's really   never been a better time to get started now if you  want a huge head starting raid all you gotta do   is click the link in my description or you can  scan my qr code and you'll get one epic chin aura   silver one xp boost one energy refill and one  eight now this treasure will be waiting for you   here these rewards are only available for the  next 30 days and they're only for new clients   check out my links in the  description and i'll see you in there she is ready for the next stage right folks  so the next procedure now i've managed to   kind of build our base just full of kind of  like resin kind of like resin it is resin   so what i need to do is get this out of this mold hey bob is your right now uncle comes a tricky part   folks what i've got to try  and do is i've made this thin   so that's what we need to do because i need to put  this back in the mold later but i need to trim off   an edge all the way around here somehow not too  sure how yet but i don't know i'll work it out so right folks there we go just used my hand to  sort of guide myself around and do a kind of a   rough edge all the way around  it doesn't have to be perfect   which you'll see why in a minute but i just need  to take a little shimmy off the edge of this   now i've got to try and work out how to cut it so we don't need that bit though right so the guitar bass it's not a bass blank is sanded now it doesn't need to be  a perfect sanding just enough to make it   smooth looks pretty cool like that actually  didn't it kinda now on to the next steps now i've got this little idea of this project   from the positive couple these guys are  amazing i would definitely check them   out they've made a really cool dvd project as  well so i'll leave a link below for that one   now i've got a mixed bag here these are dvds and  these are actually cds see the difference in color   and i think we're going to mix these up because  i reckon they will look really funky mixed in look at this oh what a beauty now i'm  just debating i've just laid all these   out and i'm just debating the fact that  the cds are not cutting as nice as the dvds   so just sort of laying it out to  kind of look so when you cut the dvd   you're kind of left with a little bit of a shimmer  which looks quite cool and the edges aren't too   bad that one's not really a good example um like  the edges that one's not a good example either   i'll clean up the edges um there we go  so the edges are all right look at that   that is absolutely unbelievable so but when you  look at the the cds so look at the cd so the cds   tend to cut like with a bit more kind of jagged a  bit more a bit more rough um like that see i don't   really want that in the project really although it  does look quite cool when you look at it like that   that just looks insane absolutely insane i am  absolutely loving that that's gonna look so cool   um so i don't know really i don't  know whether to just just do the dvds   um because look look they're just a bit see that  it's a bit scruffy but the the the dvds they don't   they got this little shimmer in when you cut it  it creates this this sort of warpiness in it there   look you can just see but it doesn't the edges  cut kind of come on zoom in zoom in focus focus do you know what i'm saying am i  boring you all right let's get on   i'll make a decision halfway through oh yes this is looking groovy baby right this is how far i've got it's been like  about three hours it's taken me absolutely ages   uh but it's looking pretty cool now obviously  there's a lot of finger prints all over this but   i'm i'm pretty confident that when i pour the  final resin on this which i obviously need to   do you won't see the fingerprint prints i'm  kind of hoping anyway i'm really am hoping   because it's just resin fingerprints so  i'm hoping that you know you're not going   to see it now obviously i should be wearing  gloves when i'm using this but it's really   fiddly and i don't want to get any of the  black gloves sort of stuck all over it and   make marks and stuff so it's not great not  a good example don't use your fingers i'm   not using my fingers i mean i'm you know do you  know what i'm you know what i'm saying i'm just   i'm fit it's fiddly you know to try and not get  the resin on your hands and i don't really want   to wear gloves because it sticks to everything so  anyway i'll stop waffling uh so there we go that's   we've got so far so what i'm going to do is i'm  going to do the rest of this all the way up there   and then i'll come back to you because i'm  sure you don't want to see me put these dvd   bits all over this guitar because it's going  to take hours days probably weeks 2 000 years   later okay folks now it's as far as i've got it's  looking pretty cool however um what i decided to   do initially was use super glue just stick these  down but that was kind of making a bit of a mess   so i decided to use resin and that's done a really  good job but unfortunately it's got you know a few   finger marks all over it which i'm kind of was  thinking that you know you weren't really going   to see those once i put the final coat of resin  in which you won't see a lot of but there are   going to be some markings i think where there are  little bits of i don't know maybe just blobs of   rubbish that i've got on top of the dvds but um so  i've got another plan and unfortunately i'm going   to have to take this off of here and start again  i don't want to do all this again but i'll go   otherwise it's gonna look rubbish and i want  it to look really cool you know what i'm saying listen oh right let's start again shall we right so plan b so plan b is this so what  i'm going to try and do that didn't really   work out for me really i didn't really  like the the look of how that was that   was coming out so what i've got is i've got  some double-sided um paperage um so i reckon   we peel off this there we go we've got a little  bit of double-sided clear um there we go look   at that boom so we're going to stick this all  over it and then stick the cds dvds to that   we have another issue now uh where the cds  the dvds are made up of like two layers   so you've got like this kind of top  layer um sat underneath the actual   the cd layer and and what's happening is is  that obviously when i'm cutting them too small   and every now and again they just start  like popping off so we're left so we're   left with kind of just that bit i mean that's the  coolest bit anyway that's the bit that we want   um but you can see the difference slightly there  so this these two here haven't got the layer on   top and these ones have so you can just but i  think would be right without that layer i think   it might even look a bit better um so i'm gonna  end up taking these off because if you look   the actual there you go look see two layers  so we kind of don't really need that layer   i suppose i mean it's gonna fall off  anyway so there we go more problems   uh uh this is taking ages but look at the funk in that this may be taking  a while but it's looking pretty crazy magnum   ah i finally finished one side this come on this is looking pretty insane  right right just look at the the things the   camera's flicking because there's just so much  kind of cool and funkiness coming out of it   that does look cool i mean  it's taken me absolutely   ages like absolutely ages just to do this  i'm definitely not doing another one of these   i'm so tough with it so far so obviously now  what we've got to do is we've got to do the edges   we've got to turn it over and do that as well  so i'll do that what i'll do is i'll do that   on a time lapse so it's not so so it doesn't take  absolutely ages but look at this folks i mean when   we start putting the resin in this i'm so kind of  curious now as to what and how this is gonna look   when we dunk this back in resin because obviously  resin has an effect on you know everything that it   touches i'm really hoping that this is gonna  kind of still look as cool as it does now um   because we can't obviously leave it like this  it has to be sealed in resin um but obviously   i've made this blank smaller so when we put it  back in the other blank uh it will be bigger right i'm gonna have a break and  then i'm gonna get right back on it uh so it's just mesmerizing right now onto the edges oh funky i hear you say i hadn't appreciated actually how long this  took me but the intricacy of actually laying   all these dvds into this was just insane so  oh man i really can't stop looking at it look   so what i've got to try and do now is a bit dusty  uh so i'm gonna have to try and clean off uh   the the dvds before we put it back into the  mold to pour more resin to seal these puppies in   right now before we move on to the next stage  we need to clean up all of this mess that'll do right i think that that is in there as far as  i can get it i think actually because obviously   what we did is we put a base in the bottom  there so it's already got its face as such   to to the guitar uh so we don't have to worry  about the bomb piece because that's the resin's   already there so we just got a cover in the  side and the top now i think the side's fine   because we've got quite a bit of gap around the  sides and that's not problems we chop that out   um but i'm wondering whether or not i put too much  resin in the bottom which has basically now made   it too thick which has now given me not enough  room up here i don't think but i could shape   that so what i'm going to probably do is i'm going  to have to put a bead of silicone uh not silicone   but glue around here because i think i'm going  to have to come up i'm going to need to at least   come up to here with the resin just to stop it  from coming over and then because i need a good   you know a good layer of resin over  the top of this so let's do that   there's really only one way to go you  need to crawl back on your feet and keep don't ever stop don't  look over your shoulders two days later i think  we're ready to pull this out   right now this is dried overnight it's a few  little bubbles but you know we're obviously   going to sound this back anyway and now i'm not  expecting this to be perfect at any means but you know because i think i've got to think  i'm going to have a little bit of a problem up   here but i've got an idea to solve it but let's  see what happens when we pull this bad boy out ah i've chopped off me nubbin so this is where we've got  so far and i've basically nibbed off me nub in there so there should  be a little kind of as you can see little   little nibble there and that's kind of just broken  off when i was sanding a bit of a pain um but i'm   probably gonna try and take this up a little bit  and just put a little tiny bit of resin in there   so it's looking pretty cool pretty  pretty cool i like it i'm liking it   this is down now to 400 grit so what i'm  going to do now is i'm going to use some   abalone pads on this then some micro mesh and  then polish but this has taken me so long so far   i can't begin to tell you how many issues i've had  lots um hence why i haven't put a video out for a   few weeks because this one this baby was supposed  to be coming at you last week and the week before   but i've had a few issues where i tried  to sort of pour some resin as you saw   um and then there wasn't enough so i had to  pour some more and then it wasn't dry enough   so i couldn't sand it so i had to leave it longer  um just a numerous kind of barrage of of issues   but we've got to this stage now i'm sort of well  i don't know three or four weeks things i started   this way before the other project that i was  doing so we're about four or five weeks in now   um so i'm hoping i'm hoping to get this one out to  you soon and if you like this video please share   it because it would really help me out so anyway  i dug rest again this air balloon this guitar oh look at this billy ray right i got my nib back it's  not perfect but what nibs are oh so   yes oh me i like it a lot do rock and roll we made it it only took me like four  weeks well thank you or should i say sorry   uh for not putting a project up uh over the last  few weeks uh this one has it's just taken me   it's just taken me a while longer than i kind  of anticipated the the the first obviously   kind of like me putting the dvds and cds on  that didn't work and obviously you only saw   like a little snippet of that but that actually  took me it took me hours hours um to get it off   put it on and get it off um you know so cleaning  it all up again ready for the next kind of like   plan b always need a plan b know what i'm saying  so uh yeah i mean it was interesting a kind of i   say i got this kind of idea of using the the cds  and dvds from the positive couple so please check   them out they do amazing projects as you probably  already know um so i kind of looked and watched   watching one of their projects i thought wow look  at this this looks amazing i think that would   look cool in a project that i could do but what  could i do and i thought no what about dvd guitar   obviously so there it is i hope you like it  folks uh before you go if you could share this   video that would be absolutely amazing it would  really help me out in the channel to get kind   of a bit further along to that one million one  million subscribers that i'm kind of aiming for   so i hope that this project was worthy of a like  a share and a comment it's definitely not perfect   there's loads of flaws in it but it's handmade  no i'm saying you'll notice that i've got a new   banner on my youtube uh channel station thing and  a new logo kind of just been playing around with   things sort of trying to get something different  out there let me know what your thoughts are on   that i just wanted it to change i think this one  looks a little bit better know what i'm saying   now i also just want a quick mention as well to  our latest sponsor for maker central gorilla glue   that kind of wasn't really a good impression of  a gorilla but the good thing is gorilla glue are   our maker central's latest main sponsor for the  2022 show so if you don't know about make central   head on over have a look check out the links  below and i'd love to meet some of you folks there   i also want to mention i've just opened up my  channel memberships as well so if you fancy   supporting me on here um i am going to be sort of  migrating or kind of like moving over my patreons   thank you so much my patreons uh moving over my  patreons over to channel memberships because i   think the memberships is you'll get much  more out of me by me being on youtube   rather than patreon i love all the support i get  from patreon but i appreciate i don't really do   much on there um and it's just kind of you to just  support me anyway but i've decided to sort of like   close that down and not close it down but get the  people and the supporters from patreon over to   youtube channel memberships and that way  i can give you actual real perks which   will be quite cool and one of them is i'm  going to be doing or starting to do live   streams one a month just a bit of a waffle catch  up have a bit of a you know chat with you folks   out there i think that maybe some of you not  all of you because most of you have left now   some of you might enjoy that more so check out my  channel memberships and if you fancy supporting me   happy days no i'm saying well that's it folks  uh thanks to all my sponsors uh for this video   and i really appreciate all the support that  everyone gives me and i really do appreciate   everyone watching uh these videos that i put  out sorry they've taken so long but thank   you for your support and your continued support  throughout the whole of my youtube journey so far   but honestly folks sharing the video really does  help me out and obviously if you want to follow me   on my other platforms like like facebook and  twitter and instagram i do put up some bits and   pieces on there as well now and again i am also on  tiktok and i do put some strange things on there   so if you don't like strange don't go over there  well that's it for this one folks take care   thanks for watching stay safe and hopefully you  won't have to wait too long for the next project you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 364,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, dvdguitar, dvd guitar, making a guitar, resin guitar, cd guitar, dvd project, cd project, dvds and resin, epoxy resin and DVDs, incredible guitar build, PSYCHEDELIC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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