I Turned My Old Vintage Vinyl Records on a Lathe 😬

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That’s a lot of effort to make a piece of junk like that

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Spencerharr21 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GrandTheftSausage 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] huh [Music] welcome back to the channel so yes today we're going to be making a world record no we will probably not make a world record however i'm looking to try and make something out of all these records now i've not seen a project done like this yet maybe there is i'm not too sure but i got all these records sat around in my loft and i got them all out and i thought to myself i don't play these anymore they're not really worth anything they're called 45s i think and there's loads of different colors in there as well which i thought was kind of funkadelic derrick and quite fitting for a project now what i'm saying if you're not subscribed to the channel please hit the subscribe button and also more importantly if you haven't clicked the little bell icon in the top right hand corner you won't know if i'm putting a video up so if you wouldn't mind sticking that bell on that would be much appreciated and then youtube will tell you that i'm here well i hope you like this one folks let's get stuck in [Music] i'm using the clear plastic today just to add to the experience folks here we go so we've made a nice little mold out of some clear acrylic i've done it out of clear this time so you could see and watch the resin go in around the records i thought it might be yeah interesting so let's see if the records fit in oh okay so for this next procedure we're going to be using the entropy fast because you want it done like [Music] yesterday [Music] [Applause] in goes hot chocolate right folks in goes the resin [Applause] [Music] okay so it turns out we're going to need a lot more resin than that and i can't put any more fast resin in there because well it's just too much so i'm gonna have to leave this to set then come back tomorrow and then we'll have to put in some slow resin and then i can feel that bad boy right up to the brim know what i'm saying [Music] oh that's all in there snug in a bug in a rug if you know what i mean uh that's actually looking pretty cool see the green record underneath the black record a bit of an odd effect going on there pretty cool and you can see my reflection hello now this video is brought to you by manscape.com now mansgate have just hooked me up again with a bunch of really cool stuff just for you it's their all-in-one performance package this time they've included their new lawnmower 4.0 check this out look at this bad boy it's almost as chiseled as me i use this baby every day to trim up my beard and it's waterproof so if i want to do it in the swimming pool i can [Music] ha ha looking sharp is a medium well that's what my mum says anyway not only this all this look at the new charging station this is manscape's fourth generation mower and it still comes with its advanced skin safe technology which reduces nicks and cuts on the most sensitive regions now these just aren't any old led lights this shows you how much charge you got in the baby up to 90 minutes of use with just one charge one thing i do really love about this bad boy it's got a cheeky little travel lock on it tap it three times activation of the safety lock which means you can't turn it on when it's on the plane and nobody can steal it and shave themself without you knowing tap it three more times and she unlocks [Music] don't forget the wii whacker manscape really have you covered from head to toe because for a limited time you're gonna get my wife they're not mine they're theirs but they could be yours and your very own fanny pack i forgot to mention these are actually anti-chafing chafers now all you've got to do to get all of this stuff is click the link in the description below you'll also get 20 off plus free international shipping plus the funny pack and the anti-chief and chaffer briefs just don't forget to use my promo code zamedy on check out remember mansgate always use the right tools for the right job okay let's get this out of here there's our first record poor i think it's all right i don't think it leaked oh look at that that looks so cool in there oh look what's happened so the records have kind of like melted in there that is so cool so they've melted and gone all wibbly wobbly so funky i love it all right let's get some more resin in here [Music] a few bubbles dad you like bubbles it's been a few days so let's see what we got in there ready hey it didn't leak it didn't leak oh yes look at this look at this [Music] i'm so chuffed that this mold didn't leak normally i'm not so lucky with my moulds but that actually turned out pretty well all right let's demold this and look at this in a bit more detail so there's our records d molded folks it does look pretty neat i love the way that these ones down here have kind of all gone wavy but the other ones didn't do that which is strange i was kind of hoping that the rest of them would do it but it still looks pretty cool so uh let's get this on the lathe and see what [Music] happens right folks so this is what we've got so far so i'm just kind of got out the danger zone from turning a a square blank a record square blank um and now i'm getting it to round i can pop up the speed uh and that obviously helps us as well a bit of chip out going on but that's fine we'll get rid of that in a second but um yeah looking pretty cool pretty neat actually i like this so we keep on turning this to round and try and get it all nice and round everywhere and then we will try to put a tenon in the back here so we can flip it over i reckon we're going to make a really cool record break-in so i didn't know how these records were gonna turn but i've just started to cut in to one here you can just see you can see it flipping up with the camera hopefully when i'm turning it but look at that actually you can just see it there how this is gonna look i think this is gonna look really really quite unique actually just cutting into that record there so we need to try and get a little tenon on here so we can get this mounted onto the chuck that that is looking from what i can see it's gonna look quite quite funkadelic if i'm saying so myself now what i'm saying [Music] this is looking good this is looking good see look we've got rid of all the chip out now um because we'd be able to spin this a lot faster because we got it round like a record yeah enough with the jokes nick okay so um so what i've done is i've put a little tenon on the back there um so we can get that into the chuck and then i'm gonna put a mortise in there so we can flip that over because i want this to be the top and this to be the bomb so i like the warped records um to be on the top and i think that's going to look quite neat oh yes baby let's do this [Music] alright folks now we're going to apply some of yorkshire's to finest [Music] we had a needle we can place on these records look at this this is coming on just [Music] jubbly looking good [Music] so i really did think this project was going to be really cool it just basically exploded uh on me on the lathe i mean you look at that look at look at the inside of that i mean i might be able to make maybe a a small dish from it possibly folks i am pretty devastated really wanted to make this such a cool project for you folks out there turning records i thought was a good idea turns out it's not such a good idea after all material must not be very good for sticking resin to it [Music] that's kind of cool no we will not be defeated i am going to continue with this project and it will be epic trust me one thing i can say is that we're definitely breaking records in here today [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there we go just with a bit of sanding sealer and some yorkshire right check out this next step i'm gonna stick some sheila wax all over the place here's the sheila wax or shallow wax depends on where you come from know what i'm saying watch this baby pop out now with this all over it you're gonna love this shiny [Music] oh yes look at this folks now that is what i'm talking about i'm actually quite loving using this wood yeah i need to do a few more wooden projects let's flip this baby over [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we made it finally i actually did think at one point a few points actually that this project was a complete failure and i was i was still going to show you but i was just going to leave it i was going to leave it at that because i worked quite hard on trying to get it to that point and it just exploded don't try this at home but there is the end result i hope that you'll still love this project because i think that that does look pretty cool and knowing that these are all little records in there 45s i think they call them now i know not a lot of you stick around for this endless i will keep it short and sweet i just want to say if you're not subscribed to this channel please if you could smash that subscribe button and also more importantly is to hit the bell icon in the top right hand corner so that you get notified of my projects that i put up i know recently i've been putting up a few kind of like shorts and stuff it's youtube's new kind of like way of getting some short clips up there i'm not sure if you like those or not i've got a few tips for you and bits and pieces i don't have to put them up i just thought it was kind of funny that was all but i really did enjoy actually making this piece with the wood in it so i think that what i'm going to do is i'm going to do it a bit more kind of wooden projects i have missed the wood projects uh i do do quite a bit of resin stuff i still use the resin but i think what we'll do is we'll try and make it more wood and a little tinkle of resin know what i'm saying because i really did enjoy kind of like sanding it down putting the sanding sealer on it put a little couple of little grooves in here uh with my emblem on there i don't know i just really enjoyed that and it sort of brought me back to kind of like what i used to do as well a lot more wooden projects i think that is what you're going to be seeing a bit more of so please stick around uh thanks to all my new subscribers that have come over to the channel really appreciate you coming over stick around please uh look back at all the other old videos that i've got out there and with all sorts of stuff going on in them if you are not following me on instagram please check me out and also lately i've been putting some more little clips up on tik tok i'm kind of enjoying myself and if you fancy kind of a bit of a laugh check me out on tiktok as well all the links for my instagram facebook and tick tock stuff is down below and also if you're wondering where i get these emblems from there's also a link down below for you as well and if you're a member of maker central you get a cheeky little discount off these well thanks again folks for watching i will love you and leave you i hope you all have a fab weekend and everyone stays safe and well please check out my next video coming out next week uh i think you'll like that one too and please let me know in the comments if you fancy some more short clips shorts they call them on youtube or not if you're not interested in them that's fine i don't have to do them i'll stick with tick-tock know what i'm saying take care folks i'll see you for the next one [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 87,185
Rating: 4.9359217 out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, woodturning, Woodturner, how to woodturn, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, wood turning, woodturning records, vinyl records, vinyl record project, turning my records, HOW TO TURN RECORDS, can you turn records, crafting my old records, record turning
Id: cMD0pXFRv8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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