10,000 Legos in EPOXY RESIN, Flowing WATERFALL RIVER TABLE ! Lights & TV Screen....

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That is so cool!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ObligatoryCreativity 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
so today we're gonna be doing something funkadelic  yeah baby yeah now we all like funkadelic   don't we no i'm gonna make the  craziest table you've ever seen   you're actually in the bin right now so  how about we make a table using this lot what this is gonna be fun so if you're wondering why i stuck a lot of tape  to the wood i said the resin doesn't stick to it   right the table is sealed and ready for  some resin so i've just knocked myself   up some entropy resins now what i'm going to do  first is i'm just going to seal around the edges   and just give it a little  bit of a seal around there   all around there and then we'll leave  that for a couple of days and then now my idea is kind of having some really cool  kind of scenes going on through a river table   a river table as such and then it coming  over with lego going over the table scenes   carrying on down splashing on the floor well  that's what i have thoughts about anyway   let's see if it works no that's sploshing splosh if you say a few times splash splash   sounds i'm sorry i literally have  no idea what you're talking about um so do do i think i finally nailed this let's take a look so far so good so we've just poured  the first layer of resin um and that's   come out pretty cool so this is  a kind of a scene in star wars kind of obviously he's lost his hat and he's got  it we've got han solo over here and chewie kind of   shooting these guys here obviously these guys are  pretty startled c3po and r2 then we've got a kind   of a breakthrough into a different scene uh where  we've got some firemen and some fire going on   um that looks pretty cool uh he's obviously  like i said stolen his hat so he's running   um and then we go into harley quinn who's just  broken into the safe let's go around this way   so harley quinn he's she's just broken into the  safe with loads of money having a bit of a bath   and they're loving that and then we've got  batman batman whoa you don't know why over here   trying to say today and he's chucked one of  his little bat meringues here and that's stuck   in the uh in the wood which looks pretty  cool where is it there it is there   um now we've got the um uh oh he's not the joker  is he what is he penguin penguin so i'm going to   add penguin in kind of after a couple of layers  of resin so somewhere like this possibly so he's   kind of like you know flying in i might get robin  actually i haven't got him yet but i might get   robin over here then we've got another scene of  uh thor and uh captain america having a bit of a   fight in the scene there we got iron man popping  through that looks quite cool and then we go into wonder woman and she's obviously fighting  the is it the catwoman i don't know i can't   remember now what her name was she's climbing  the rocks got a few more rocks to put in here   so that's going to look quite cool in  there is wonder woman trying to capture   her and then that fires through into  aquaman where's aquaman there he is   so aquaman's going to go here and he's going to be  bashing through these walls of bricks which will   then hopefully take us through into the river  of flowing brickwork down into another scene   oh well that's the way that i see it so  far sorry to waffle but we love it don't we my so so you didn't think i was gonna  make this without lights did you so so i've built this about six times already i  think i'm just going to show you the end result so well i don't know about you but that took ages this project did take me weeks to do folks  hence why i haven't put a video out because   it's just taken me quite some time uh to  finish no no no no no no no no no no no no no   but finally we are here and i really am tough with  it i love it i think it's pretty cool i love lego   anyways had this idea in my head for a while to  do this kind of river lego kind of crazy table and   there it is so the most important thing is i hope  that you folks like it and if you do please please   could you share this video for me uh maybe give me  a like and a comment below of what your thoughts   were it really does help the channel and me out  um there is a ton of lego in this um and obviously   the tv feature as well playing you know you could  change that whatever you want and i have allowed   for you to be able to change the usb as well so  that's kind of easy for you to do if you want   to stick a different film on it and also if the  light runs out you can change that fairly easily   as well so a lot of thought process has gone into  this didn't want to box everything in and then   you'd never be able to get to it again this will  go on my website folks if anyone's interested in   purchasing this table it's definitely gonna have  to be collection only but that means you get to   meet me happy days it's not something that  i can bring to make a central unfortunately   but i will make something that i can take to that  show this august one last thing folks before i   love you and leave you if you could check me  out on facebook i've got a facebook page where   i add some videos up shorten down videos of the  projects that i make which may be of interest to   some of you so if you wouldn't mind checking me  out on there also instagram i'm still trying to   get to 50 000 followers it's taking me a little  bit longer than i kind of originally thought   i just also wanted to chuck in there if you could  check out my son's channel charlie the maker link   below he's just put a really cool video out with  where he mixes up loads of millipe it's awesome   if you like what you see how about you give him a  little sub he would love it thanks folks i'll try   not to leave it too long before my next video  folks take care have a safe fantastic awesome   weekend stay funky and i'll see you for the  next one yeah mission accomplished that was fun   wait wait batman back in  forgot to drop the mic you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 255,807
Rating: 4.8829575 out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, wood turning, waterfall table, river table, lego river table, table with TV, river waterfall table, making a river table, lego art, lego table, zammeti lego table
Id: bNSy-heIzLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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