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yeah they work great they can pack trash you put your uh and you hit the button eh how's it go glorious day we are in the heart of bel-air which is right next to Beverly Hills and we are going to look at this incredible 10,000 plus square foot I believe it's eight million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar mansion and it's spectacular it's kind of traditional Italian Mediterranean and very special let's go take a look [Music] the doors at back for here so here we go check this out would you call this a grand entrance this is quite the statement isn't it what thirty feet yeah gonna be right yeah especially if you so let's go in let's have a look this here is the obviously the entryway and then leading into what I'm thinking is like the general get-together area or is that that one there's a Cabana that's a general get-together area you see Dunning as well yeah well when we get to the outside there's some very special things that we're going to show you I want to keep that to lust or in the middle what do you think Adam oh you know last so this is a nothing get-together area no little bar over there what we call this area small I get to get the area yeah there's the bigger get to you neither of them feel like you're living like this doesn't have a TV in it right so you wouldn't sit here that yeah he's a bar and another get-together area rather nice I like it I love the views and Oliver look at these lights these are I believe in both Reno or Murano from Italy very nice oops come on the table gorgeous here we're coming to that way and this is also very very nice it's tile in between wood mahogany isn't it you said you know that well I know that when bodybuilders paint themselves they say that they look like they're made out of mahogany oh it's this kind of colors okay well then let's go along with that that's what I'm basing it on there is a TV look there's a TV this would be the main living room and if you set back there they give you binoculars to watch the TV yeah it is Wow where's the TV there it is there's a long way this is a big house do you see the ceilings so not definitely not necessarily my cup of tea as far as for me but very beautiful very ornate it is similar to that Tarzana home isn't it very much so very much so again everything is huge huge TV I've never seen them before that would be very easy to build one in look at the cooker this is spectacular if this in fact is a covering it looks like covered but this has been made wow that took some work dinner it did its thing alright let's play real fake that's fake yeah yeah you think it's fake real or fake real or fake you think no real or fake I'm gonna say real it is real it was meant to be I don't think anybody would ever make fake that stuff so again yeah gorgeous kitchen this is trash compactor trash compactor yeah they work right they can pack trash you put your trash in and we hit the button yeah yeah how does it go steaming drawer does its thing you draw a warming drawer I'm not sure in moist moist or dry so steaming warming this would be the butler's pantry it's a large butler's pantry which is accessible from the main area again huge one two three four five twelve people and this is so much worse this is like the conference room in the White House yeah this is incredible yeah amazing right look at the murals on the ceiling that's nice - yeah the fake I'm saying real yeah come on what's like here I'm gonna guess the maid's room I think no one's been in here for a while this is like a calf Kitson print what's up cat she's I don't know if she is English but in England its she's a designer and she's known for this kind of floral print this and that together has given me like camouflage and this would be the maid's room oh ha I'm looking any further let's just do a quick fashion check shoes in shoes and watch watch what we got a pea mmm it's the big 40-foot that's the one that was the big brother of the one that you saw so it's I made the right decision you made the registers I that that's good-looking get the watch give it to my shoes they have a blue cell police massage therapy again it's your lovely major of Leslie there's anything wrong with the maid's room this is close it now and then this an elevator they have seen it I thought that was someone there it's me I think okay elevator it's not here so we call that yeah I don't know my sister no no no okay we have done this we go in there no we didn't let's go in there Jesus call these floating staircases floating staircase is cost a fortune to build the engineering that goes into them or another staircase no shortage of another staircase Wow okay God look at this it looks like very ornate yeah there's a guy again two of them who got go check this 10 or 12 how many bedrooms seven right and twelve bathrooms what a great office beautiful outside area yeah that's good because when we go out special things to see crazy wild things to see come on apparently I say come on a lot but you have to do that come on here we go upstairs or downstairs ah let's do upstairs cuz then we can go out downstairs come and go outside but I wanted to show the upstairs I absolutely want to do my horrible okay so I came in here a little early it's not a quick walkthrough I do not remember nothing is lost over here that's very dangerous what's this little wine cellar this is wine cellar yeah Zack condition you'd be here look empty wow this is cool very cool so yeah this this is much more of where you would come and watch movies and things don't show the tennis court or anything like that we've got to surprise people about that and the basketball court and all that she's keeping the way do well let's switched off for real it's just that this is interesting in that you have to have the lesson on what's wrong very cool they're running it's different very different you could she easily the rock can you do magic records yeah they're diagnose dominoes have you ever seen a very cool table no I haven't now guys you can't see this to you it probably just looks great but it is in fact furry that's weird yes it's definitely a longer pile than a regular one it look the ball doesn't go very far well that would ya gonna work Oh interesting oh I know this awesome trick yeah you can roll it roll it down the plane down I did this way really okay suddenly do with the Ferb now you saw that it went down here the engine came out cut that pie out where do the balls go in that it's just rude I just got salami well to worry yeah refrigerators and freezers to stock for everybody that needs stuff when in the party room you know what I said the refrigerators and stuff to have lots of drinks fill all the guests in case the bar is too far for them right there's pictures of me everywhere okay so in fact is there a refrigerator it's gonna be nice machine that was pretty read it yeah that's explains Balaji refrigerator this is cute aren't you nice oh yeah utility I know what is it I got let's continue squish the elevator was working I know it's a long way a lot of steps okay really would you recommend we use the main staircase or let's use the main sink it would be be rude not to okay so I'm going up this side all right go I got this set all right this is very majestic it is in whoo baby isn't it now is a compliment [Music] we have not very much little something closet Wow three guests that come to visit the master I'm big enough your belt collection yeah sure we we can have a look at the view without showing the back garden let's do it here first okay Michael then what come and do the view you Shepherd big house so I guess Isis here's why you guess well let's do for both people I mean it would but I imagine that this is maybe to also a scary got creepy that is maybe a horror movie last night oh yeah I like these these are my me of your you know your loop-de-loop tap one of these in your bathroom yes oh you see one of that yeah what is that I'm gonna say like a thing for ice I think they're to put your feet in and have somebody brush them at us I don't know I have to do something have to show you how picked about this this is enormous okay say if I wash it's a big bath yeah right we are on the end of your legs that's like weird that is a strange question right yeah so what happens if I turn into W but really this is this is huge yeah again with a lovely view spectacular view so that right there is my home and ride well that was called road that goes up there it is my Holland and then you can't see it but like down there is the 405 freeway look at you doing that what's through there toilet and another mini toilet BJ it's called to be day okay well they for did you wash your belly button other parts is most people you never little closet okay so there's a few of these look they've got your little dangle hooks that's are so useful but your Omega [Music] yes is smaller so the way hey it's not the size of it it's how you use it accounts all right by someone with the experience of it of is exactly what's this belt laugh about it's nice everybody have a fire a buck hinge on it with the ghost door I do like the fact I do like to do that they use this like beveled edge at the pass I don't yes Michael just so you know that wasn't me did she's normal right open it please okay this is not open it yeah that's done that this is perspex I know the dressing room and the sauna oh wow John this place is huge good good the wood it smells so good oh yeah I would like a sauna I think if I ever got a house big enough to have one do you prefer a sauna or steam rig you should have both because you come out of the sauna which is dry heat hmm and then getting the steam room which is wet and then you jump in a cold tub mmm all roaming the snow don't show them the tennis court okay you have to wait to see the tennis court question you can give me a quick glimpse ooh questions yes this is a huge dressing room yes the closets and I'm sounding a bit like you not very big no I don't think that this is even a dressing room I think this is some kind of a chilled room to understand it I would make this all into a dressing room right I know it'd make the access point for that from back there we could have a steam and it's very easy to do but I'm not quite sure why they did it this way I guess they had a reason I do like this room though I like the lighting this is a huge master suite and they think about this entire thing yeah yeah it is all master suite yes I don't think we've ever been to a house that's had a corridor in no masters we have we know don't think we have yes we have in Vegas do you remember I've run up and down oh yeah yeah yeah but this is pretty spectacular let's get this way Siddalee thick what so we go out yeah it's awesome but what is it no no he's a hairy boy not only is he hairy he's got lots of colors on him and he will eat you look at that my god that's amazing Kiko dude are you mad if you know type of spider it is yeah what is a big one wow what is that it's a spider a big one seriously though alright in the comments guys there's no what kind of spider this is look at him he's turning around Michael he's turning around to face us oh my god that's so cool I have to take a picture of that show yeah picture picture or video ok again really close you're horrible this spiders webs all over us so there is I feel it yeah I just got one off your head yeah frightening but yeah beautiful views if we want to have a peek over here with the camera or what should we go down we can give him a little peek it's actually better than they thought it was cuz it I found an extra piece look that view isn't this cool there's pathways I'll show you them but yeah give them a quick peek before we go down look at that there's a whole slew of waterfall waterfalls on there where you can go in them or or if these are like cuz this is obviously a hot tub and this is obviously a pool but I wonder if these are swimmable or if they're more for just like fountains over there I see a barbecue area we'll go visit all of that student let's do the rest of the house I'm really excited about this back on I've got I just bite it with them yeah what's that's part of that what it is it's a dead spider okay very nice-sized yes room with lots of speakers look oh wow yeah there's a lot of speakers overkill hmm there's a sound guy three four five six seven eight nine all right tell me this though the eight yeah so you just spotted it that my OCD yeah not allowed for that yeah we're actually seven so it has one two and then nothing there no interesting little uneven bathroom well this closet there's more of these this house is enormous enormous enormous is another staircase crazy that's crazy and here we have here we have well there's a nice-sized closet for a guest room this is wow it's a guest suite bedroom how many speakers are here okay I go along with that there's a nice bathroom as well wow that's right what look at this so I imagine you can talk this so when you sat on the pot you can watch the TV like really close really close okay questionable trying to make it straight no nothing we have cool right I mean you could it is absolutely spectacular I mean the proportions are enormous yeah absolutely enormous I love that every room how about you me how I understand something this one appears to have new speakers the only room in the house so far without speakers so the speakers that were destined for here together why your eyes how do you get in the shower and climb over I guess oh no they oh yeah over mm-hmm bang yeah that's gonna go come on I thought they were candies for seconds try you want you can't be gamma can be back garden now place you'll do it so we get there we have to go all the way down let's do these these are prettier I'm covered in spider slam to is quite uncomfortable how do we get down we go go down one more fair yeah there's like less doing this door I know I am okay here we go do that make sure it's really hot outside it is hot really hot okay this is a CI lizard we're always just run around the corner I don't give out lizards I care about spiders how does this open you just have to push that by the spider the lizard is right in that a promise a Wimbledon size full size I mean it's huge yeah absolutely specked I mean seriously like just look this is real estate enough for another house look at this and take a look back in the house [Music] [Music] the lights the nails that's to keep the little birdies away from doing poopoo yeah yeah another lizard is another lizard where is he Darius he's in here I was expecting this to be all equipment but in fact it's brick plenty of room to add stuff should anybody want stuff like a beer machine or ice or any of those things that one needs in a barbecue area outside this is very very very nice it's alight how cool is this Nate this might be one of my favorite houses that we've done okay I think it's amazing too I wouldn't want to live in it because it's not my taste I agreed but it's spectacular yeah that's a majestic out I think if you took odds if you took all of the ornate furnishings and modernized it you know white walls that's nice this place would be phenomenal yeah it really would that pool looks really nice yeah got if anyone had someone that we could make jump in there guys I know you want to see Caroline jump in the pool so do I so does Adam and we're working on it she said she would I've asked her four or five times we hit the 50,000 likes thank you so hit her Instagram page jump in the pool jump in the pool jump in the pool spam it go crazy go nuts tell her that you'll all unfollow her and all of that stuff if she doesn't jump in the pool cause she said she would right I didn't link in description yeah okay this is nice it's solid so what I'm gonna say this isn't for swimming no it's not for swimming that's for decoration but these are decoration that one to your left is a hot tub yeah I think that yeah that's the hot tub for sure and then these are just like their I bet this is gorgeous at night all lit up with the water running - there he is buddy look well water so pretty Besant backyard of any area from the office table your business phone calls do you know what else you can do if you are so inclined what could you do if you wanted an extra because we've not look to the garage because it's full of stuff right right but it's a substantial three-car garage there I put Drive with the fountain and all of us lookers imagine if this was all driveway yeah you could put another six cars here easy well guys this has been extraordinary I hope you liked it as much as we do and oh my goodness me look at that the height have you he's laughing hey what's the deal is this the spiders well it's enormous it's bigger than me Josh can you see that look how big that is I'm not sure oh sure it's no I was just a fountain I chose your sights I genuinely wondered what you would see me like oh my God look up there boy look at that Adam day it's a enormous spider web and the construction methods are insane there's one little oh my gosh there's another one there and another one that I don't want to be here anymore in it to win it guy see ya [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 439,388
Rating: 4.9198117 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, mansion, bel air, house tour, celebrity home, mega mansion, mtv cribs, real estate, architecture, interior design, celebrity, millionaire, billionaire, lifestyles of the rich and famous, luxury, lifestyle
Id: ydp3XJjNdnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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