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[Music] [Music] we are in bel-air which is right in between Beverly Hills and Santa Monica in California on a very muggy day it's hot and humid it's about 90 degrees for some crazy reason and we're here to see a spectacular house this house is brand new that's 5,400 square feet it's just under 6 million it's at these 5.8 million and it is spectacular so let's go take a look inside beautiful big front door we love these big front doors and it's a pivot door no it's not a pivot door Wow [Music] [Music] I want to jump in the pool doesn't it Adam it does yeah this is spectacular nice and bright and open so I guess I start at the beginning what do we have over here a guest bathroom with a very high ceiling that's huge yeah easily well maybe not where do you switch you oh yeah gotta love that right beautiful you can almost have like a double-decker bathroom in here put some stairs in the corner say that maybe it did okay so can't get over this way do you find a piece of land like that that's incredible look how big these trees are as well I can't what you go I say yeah beautiful it's nice when they build these houses for us you know if a brand-new check the concept because things are changing up everything is open it used to be small rooms and lots of them and now this big room is very open so what do we have here we have the famous German German Malay and look at that listen I'm assuming frigerator own freezer or the other way around what do you think we're having a bet go on then what's the bet I'll have $5 on it with you okay so which is which is this you bet and if you get it wrong I win $5 I get it wrong I'm gonna say this is the freezer five dollars five dollars if I if it is the freezer you give me five dollars yeah you have five dollars on you yeah you're gonna pay me yeah all right here we go let me look first you owe me five dollars no that's a fridge yeah it's not the fridge that's the freezer this isn't freezer yeah I mean that's a freezer that's the phrase I'm not gonna freeze your vegetables and that's a freezer see I called that is that is a freezer oops Deary me oh hello mr. sparkles ah that's cool in that cool so you can replace the faces on these right the bezel yeah sorry the bezel you just press these two buttons and it comes off and you change it nice cool yeah that's very blingy there's the time that's awesome 10:56 it's nicer that it is very nice so I 85 bucks you do I'll pay you later so let's get out of here this beautiful kitchen really nice this is nice as well the kind of breakfast well I guess this would you call this a breakfast bar you would this is an island just nice entertaining space open and delicious wine bar pantry is something every house should have you realize how useful entry is could you get stuck in here it's very useful for storage mr. Pete Patrick nice and little wine bar and more wine bar and white thirty disease is empty so you looked at how these work thirteen oh right okay that's really neat cool I like it it's very impressive isn't it very impressive very very no complaint under these are these just these aren't fridges right no it's beautiful very well-equipped and then that would be your formal living area over there right and your dining room really tastefully done I mean as we look at these houses they're getting better and better you know I mean the drawings are incredible you could put I mean this is a big table there's eight people but you could make it oh you could sink at channel 12 each table person table in here no problem easily let's continue I think this would be a little cozy family yes you know where's the TV you would put out there when you you'd get rid of that mirror staircase we're gonna go down there soon let's continue with this four and just for people that don't necessarily have a formal living area and the snug the beauty of this type of setup is that this is the ceilings are lower it's much cozier yeah and so this would be a nice place to kind of kick back in and evening and watch a film whereas out there it's still cozy and plush but it's big ceilings and it's more liquid vine wanna just hang in that big area with like two people you feel a bit weird this is perfect for that it's beautifully done and again you get a fabulous view onto the back yard area spectacular we have a little bathroom an office which I'm assuming could also double up as a bedroom if you wanted like a small guest bedroom yeah easy you got some closet space in the back there as well I like utilizing it as an office it's nice but your computer there it's out of the way very very nice and then so according to what we've been told there are two master suites this would be one of them I don't know with one's bigger than the other but this is very appetizing you lay in bed you look out of that really pretty really pretty I hope the camera just how pretty this really is okay shall we go through here or through there um let's go through the closet let's go through the closet okay so good this is like an exercise baby yeah you bench press on it nicely done the doors are specifically to keep dust off your clothing and keep them fresh turn your phone outside you press this switch - I am impressed Wow that's it first let me switch the ringer off who could possibly want me on a Saturday morning so yes god this is beautiful it really is isn't that it's the first time I've seen a plant in a shower before but I don't think that's necessarily practical but I think for decoration purposes it looks lovely doesn't it does yeah and it has the showerhead bodyshell and rain head beautiful very nice indeed I'm liking lovely bathtub look at our garden and but that's a this is a big store but covered in Wow it's a big source of very thin toilet see it's actually very sweet I like it alright let's continue and again lovely in private out here yes no okay it's very private except if you have like people in the house that want to UM peek through the bathroom window but it would be very easy to tint on the other side to stop people looking in they would I think that it's fabulous and the press okay let let us continue on the tour we've been everywhere else we have we've done everything downstairs okay staircase sure we hold on before we go upstairs are you just go down here cuz I have a feeling this is gonna be garage downstairs we'll be yeah hard to park a car upstairs is it I think you know how to do that that's a whole nother story automation of the house this is how everything is controlled so that tells me that this is a smart house and that tells me that this is not a smart man take that back echoes in here echo echo how many cars - you could do the roly-poly again here wouldn't it yeah the door behind me every time hmm but two-car garage look it's a bird not often do we see these mega birds and safe houses come on a big fan of these really high ceilings yeah which is I guess another guest bedroom I would say this is probably the same size as the office downstairs I think this is a little bigger but not like that you might be right I like this woman tiny - detected early and I don't know if the camera will show look it's Muhammad Ali I think it is it is okay let's continue the good stuff is coming laundry room so yeah you put them in here I guess there's not gonna fit it this year water fitting he means by um in here a washer and dryer sorry that's what you meant right I did something else okay this is like a split-level so we went up half a level to these rooms and then we're up another half level so it's still only two storey a little bit my level three here we have another bedroom slightly larger makes me go let me cause it's look at the way that they're finished very nice a smelter - and old bricks thanks Rick so yeah that's an impressive looking toe you'll get it I would yeah I'll hold the camera I would like to get in with mice in there right now it's so hot in here guys you have no idea how humid it is it's I don't want to say like Florida that it's humid it's so unusual and uncomfortable this is the second master suite well maybe it's the first I'm not quite sure but this is gorgeous it is I am all about that garden have your little coffee here in the morning or a big coffee if you choose and look out over your serene backyard so it's very interesting as well that I haven't pointed out but we're going to point out here the outside structure is stucco and also aluminum this is actually metal so aluminium for you British aluminium for British aluminum for anybody else and I don't know what it is languages but it's very different and fun there's ceiling the same it's cool isn't it it is very nice it's modern without being too kind of just cold and contrast this is not called the choice I don't find it to be cold do you no no no no and not even just because it's a thousand degrees right this I expected it to be soft it's hard as a rock Josie on it so hold on this is a alright okay so this is another closet then so so we have been asked not to go in this closet because it's full of all the working tools well they finish off that final details of the house but apparently that's very large so this is just like an add-on closet this could be your shoe room couldn't it no it's too small and this is the bathroom it's very very nice very nice I'm liking the way the juveniles they're all textured and it just gives you a little yeah that is nice in there very nice again has a redhead most of you here see neighbors can see you in the nude well you tint it right nothing the window oh you don't want your neighbors to sit what maybe you do I mean who knows hey I'm proud of what I got you are one sick puppy oh I think everybody already knew that so let's go outside and explore the beautiful exotic [Music] this is a lot a lot a lot of house for the money yeah let me explain where we are exactly in Bel Air so Bel Air as I said earlier in between Beverly Hills and Santa Monica technically in between Beverly Hills and Brentwood which then connects to Santa Monica will high up in the hills nearly at the top very close to Mulholland Drive which is the ridge between the valley and the West basin fabulous place to be it's a little bit of a drive to get here but not horrible maybe 15 20 minutes away from you know the action but it's very serene very quiet and many many people love that I love it and when you consider that a 15 minute drive could potentially save you 10 million dollars yeah if this was in Beverly Hills in fact the agent that represents this house that it would be triple so this is 5.8 so you'd be pushing 1718 million dollars just by changing the zip code no no to one out crazy crazy crazy going this way so this section is gonna be very difficult to film because Adam is sweating profusely let's go explore is it humid i I mean I know it's not turn the camera around so they can see how can you do this yeah this is how humid is bike I'm actually soaking wet sweating it's so hot yeah and I've lived in California for many many years I've never experienced a day like today it's so humid they understand why because it's there's no reason it was roasting hot yesterday and dryer ugly anyway so here we have a how long would you say that pool is Adam 40 feet yeah probably 40 by 16 I'm guessing something like that and of course a a spa looks very appetizing right now it does though he might even jump in for free so well I'm not gonna be any wetter than I currently am that's true so don't bother let's go this way little seating area the stuff you see on the chairs is just little bits ambassador fallin off the trees they are actually spotless and this is real grass this is fake grass do you know why they have these I do know why they have those and I said it once before you argued with me but now you know it's actually law you have to have separators between the flags outside so that the water can drink not that there's ever any water but they got Michael Blakey law it is in its real google it I don't know what you search for actually my contractor told me that so I'm blaming him Lance that's the name of my contractor it's your fault I'm sitting on one of these chairs and tell me if it's comfortable because I really want it to because it looks awesome why don't we do it this way give me the camera okay you get in how do I do this without messing everything up okay I got it okay there you go mr. sweaty how is it is it really it's really cool it's very strange it's actually nowhere near as bad as I thought it would no that's quite nice would I want to spend hours setting this no but it is fun it is not and I love how they look they would actually be quite easy to make me be maybe fun this is fun little patio sitting area around a fire pit roasting marshmellows did you almost say most your allies there it didn't come out right whatever it was it didn't come out right so you edit that part and you know that this is all me yeah there's no beer dispenser there is a fridge there though a chopping board under that okay you've already been here no I just saw you open it okay oh yeah fancy stones inside there yeah this is perfect look how clean that is yeah it's never been used would you like to take a closer yeah whoo look at that shiny boy one usin it won't look like that this is great what an amazing outdoor area you've got your dining table needs a little buff but God Italy is credible absolutely do you know what I would do if I lived here I would just drink you know the festoon lights the little like fairy lights from this tree to this tree to this tree and then back to that tree and it would give you such a gorgeous light in the evenings especially at Christmas time I guess yeah you could actually wrap these tree oh they have lights on them look and they like oh yeah this would look spectacular I wonder if after like 5 or 10 years that light tree Adam as the lights let's see do you think there are 5 or 10 years that light there would be like 3 feet higher than it is right now that's a very good point if achill to change the bulbs that's it so this lot I believe is 20,000 square feet or half an acre and you just don't find properties like this so this is you know gonna be great for someone for me it's a little too far out of the city and the other big thing for me as the garage space but it's gorgeous absolutely gorgeous and wow what a great house [Music] hope you've enjoyed this house would show you more but I'm so hot and Adams complaining all the time there's some humid we're gonna cut it here go to producer Michaels comms forward slash giveaway and enter to win horn enter to win we wish you the best of luck in it to win it see you [Music] you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 1,105,458
Rating: 4.9055562 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, real estate, house tour, mansion, celebrity home, mtv cribs, bel air, california, luxury living, realtor, interior design, architecture, house goals, adam swords
Id: Oz8ip-viXyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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