Entire VINTAGE Store In Storage Unit! $75,000+ Profit! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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are you ready to see one of the most exciting abandoned storage units on YouTube ever bought at a storage auction 13 years 40,000 in rent only eats you pay there could be tens of thousands of dollars in with the profit let me show you this [Music] alright slowly just turn out a bunch of boxes for the unit but going here we got a pile here a pile there in what looks like a bouquet switch you all get into that let's just start cutting open some boxes and see what kind of stuff we got here - all you naysayers we got a knife totally didn't borrow it it's mine I brought it let's see if we can cut some hate see what's in the first box what do you guys think no they don't like crazy they bring a knife they put so much tape on every side that doesn't even matter look at that see what that is brand-new still seal Lionel accessories if you don't know anything about Lionel trains they're pretty expensive and that's about all I know about them is it they're decently expensive but that's brand-new in the box now we don't know how much it goes for this says engine - lets see engine might be more trains oh yeah looks like the boost of a train is in the kabuto be red but this is Atlantic coast line it says on the side of it for you train people I don't want to take it out of the bubble wrap because it looks like it's nicely preserved but it landed Coast lines that must be what they all are probably look at that s two ends and that's the front of the Train eight six zero two over up taking away from the car I know I don't want to unwrap it though but it's an engine let's get the other one at either off the bubble wrap to really go through and that says Atlantic coastline on it as well another priority mailbox that literally has not been open I just sliced it this math box is still near look at that you even still got your little heroin it's called packing slip packing so they were a bunch of peanuts and they also ordered what is that another part of a train this is a Lionel to another piece of a Lionel Train and probably means us that this is gonna be as well that is also Lionel these might all go together as part of a train under how long they are or what but that's all it's in there so we just cut open a bunch more steel boxes let's see we can get into newspaper from let's see you can find a date in the newspaper that it's something wrapped in here what it is I'll have to Lionel to look at that can you like no bits opened I think yeah let's see what's in there it doesn't really give us a hit Lionel well we know it's a Lionel Train but Lionel what that over wow thanks box cut it open let's see these whoa what looks like a freaking missile it says you guys Navy on it don't say that no no and yes so for I'm guessing missiles a Lionel rocket in the controller so this doesn't really launch missiles well look at this in town - oh it's fire it just gives you zero to nine instantly huh that's metal though you don't see toys me like this no more it's all cheap plastic now so I guess missile launcher what is that that is a rocket launching her boys all right what is this that looks like it every pad yeah I guess but the missiles not fitting in there baby baby alright let's see what this is well that looks like the for the people to go up to go to the top of the missile it's also by the way if you didn't see it Lionel look at that the whole floor see the missile we're not the Commission right here they don't go in on the way there's like something in there blocking it you see that nothing the missile there's something in there blocking the missile going down doesn't fire one of the creepier things I saw in the ever seen an old authentic a Ouija board let's see what it looks like in there that oh we do maybe I don't know Oh II G look at that you mercy if we could talk to somebody what are you gonna talk to someone alright guys put your hands on it let's ask them and add a question is this the best YouTube channel on YouTube oh my gosh I'm not doing that oh no at least dad knows something and I just probably got 3 million views but this is what channels really need when people really watch it and believe it another sealed usps box only kind of blasts whoa whoa it's ready to get this stuff everywhere oh it's everywhere but this looks like a maybe a tow car let's get it out let's see it's like a tow truck hook on the end of it and everything look at that that's pretty cool again we got us another Lionel next sealed box that's not sure there's gene Simmons a kiss freaking James figure from 1997 kiss catalog how much you think that's were I don't know why they put in that box look at the top now people that collect this stuff they're not gonna want to buy it like that I don't know why would you send something like that that's just messed up just to save you 50 cents on shipping but anyway that's pretty sweet right there look at the tongue do it in this one now I think we seen for this unit somebody nice to have like an old toy store some of this stuff is old and expensive Rio Grande a grande and looks like a lumber truck is a Western I don't know that's cool this one here this is a let's see Brasco I don't know how to do that oh yeah that was easy let's cut this tape really quick and we got look at that that's like an old bills metal train and this thing has a little pieces to it you see that mm-hmm see little train pieces and things like that but I don't think that's Lionel that looks like a little collector stuff but it's definitely metal of some sort so probably has some fool value put that over here at the rest of it Lionel no yeah look at that that's what you saw yeah and then owners Auto Select Club will see house it opens like this lean forward moving it into it sticker again let's lift up the styrofoam ooh nice look at that brand-spanking-new never taken out of the package that's the whole cartoon yeah that's really really nice all right let's go to the next box there just kind of hold another section of open big it's Lionel again should we get it out of the pot it's really quick and that is another well I know look at that peanuts been everywhere made in America let's see if we get out the bubble wrap yeah can you see that Hey look at that Lionel large that is a very nice train this time I got a much smaller box so let's see what's in this loop he's packing peanuts how fabulous all right so you finally start to see that we have yet another hand going nowhere Lionel six four five seven train car that is pretty nice as well I can't believe how much Lionel's in here I've always been told to look for Lionel nine years is that a green lantern it's the Green Lantern guys in his real form that's what he actually looks like mhm the superhero form is just the trick but realistically seeing is how this guy's so much train stuff it's probably something that was used on a rail yard once upon a time years ago so it probably actually does have some historical value to it try to change the Inglot the camera out of the wind but let's see what's in here we've got paper and styrofoam to my favorites looks like another part of a train isn't it 100% part of a train again this one's a BL 187 401 Lionel again in the back and everything so I'm wondering if all the carts we're getting actually go together some big train which is probably pretty cool alright here's the biggest box so far we pull it out I'll see what's in this one oh wow look at that a box full of a lot of other boxes that's always a good sign just like a bag in a bag a box in a box same kind of thing I hear something in there cut it open what are these like little mini missiles alright alright missiles yeah I love missiles missiles are always good missiles are always good so this might be more the same no that's definitely not the same thing in that one let's see this is more missiles all right then we found quite a few missiles in here I'm gonna take a random guess yeah this one's the missiles we're not and why not open the last one let's see how you ended isn't allowed to cut the shipping label they used to just tape kind of smart let's see this one is you see that you know what missiles looks like we have more Lionel in here though this box says allow two let's see if we can get into it they're labeled right here now we have to get into it let's see what's in there and look at that this is a Lionel electric train western Pacific cards still in there I don't know why that one was in its own box but it looks like we have a lot more of these oh look they don't allow you to see through so I don't have to open these they don't want to make it too easy now let's see look at that it's got like a boat on it yes yeah Lionel train has a little boat on the top of it this was 62 dollars back in 2013 I mean these things have probably definitely gone up in value this individual one without the whole set sixty-two dollars let's see it oh that one lets you see Acme hey is it yeah it is look at that can you see it meet me there out there the glare some of that why you can see Roadrunner alright but again look at the price I wanted back then 50 bucks and it's probably going up significantly since then this one is a NATO it's a missile on it that's pretty cool this is what I favorite collection so far this box this one works look at that $49 $40 $30 I don't know how much it was very much it's worth now but that's pretty sweet danger explosives written on it another one hand or they know this one that's just Western shock something cool stuff the last one it's a Lionel another one it has a missile in it United States Navy that's pretty cool I think this box is probably my favorite one so far I think you know as well as I know what this is now if there's anything inside of it that's another question we definitely got a bow case let's see you ready Oh three two one zero in a bow yeah that is pretty sick actually I think we should test it out of the storage facility probably not what greater that's a poit it's a white us a bow and quite a few little arrows whoo that was suck to get it but that is really really nice how does it come out let me look at this thing trying to show you know look at that scope on it and stuff over here you can set your I guess that's probably like an elevation I've never gone both hunting in my life signature or something many you guys recognize that let us know I've gone hunting with rifles and shotguns and I would never bow in my life so it's been interested in learning how to shoot one well but that's pretty cool see it right there pull it back probably holding it all wrong but go ahead and laugh mates okay we also got this baseball hoping you guys can help with on the front it says Oakland Athletics frequent a fan car 1999 but it looks like it's time but the signature it obviously looks probably a little faded they're quite a bit faded looks like it's signed again there and maybe even again then I'd be printed I just don't know but hmm see the front here it says frequent 8th card not too sure on a value on that I can't really find anything like it I don't know what those signatures are that could increase or decrease the value a lot we just don't know right now guys our storage unit some of our friends actually bought this one and they looking at huge huge money with this one but they told us we had to come up and get a look at some of this stuff all right so you guys seen the unit that we bought the other day at the auction and I'll tell you we that door got maybe two feet high and I saw right away I'm like oh I'm in this one that was my first thought I'm in this one second thought was dang it why did Mike have to come today so we there's a squid quick scramble going on because we knew that we're all gonna go this is a kind that we always look for and you can see right away train stuff you could tell dust collectibles and so we just saw I think maybe I was the last guy I brought in but basically said let's not kill each other let's just team up on this one and split it up is is more than any of us can handle very easily on our own anyway so just made sense awesome what have you found here so far I mean bunch of the same stuff or what more the same kind of stuff like right here I've got some trades just look this one up I think this is like 150 to 200 bucks right here hey I am look these ones up yet but they're all like good condition decent value this is kind of a surprise that brought these two out these were in a big bag of junk mail I threw them in the garbage and then I thought you know I should probably skin it this one sells for 50 bucks and this one 40 bucks maybe the condition is gonna knock this down but yeah forty and fifty bucks right there that's crazy in a bag of junk bills you got it this one we have to go slow on yeah sure guys go check out Locker now since he's gonna have buku videos out of this unit organized hi my name's storage stalker just playing what's up amber what's going on glad to be on you guys to charity guys channels excellent any way to blow up like you guys want like that shirt thank you I got it I got you know where I got it from these people that were so nice when Christmas you're like a god you summon it was this in a cycle haven't took it off since one of you those people haven't even washed it since 30 million lockers since then and it's still the same alright so why'd you get in on this unit um I don't know look good alright now that was the main reason because it looked good and a while back wild while back before I started recording me a little more body unit and it was like trained galore and we made some good cash for literally 15 boxes of trains and then when they open up and he's seen at the least a hundred boxes with just trains to the front I said ooh hmm maybe mama I'm in I don't care whatever then I wasn't there you weren't there I was thinking never she's always on my mind can I help it but yeah I was a good unit I'm happy you guys are here to see some of the good stuff and hopefully we get a lots of lots of money and uh Jim is cherish to subscribers with me what have you found good stuff so far yeah we have honestly i we're finding a lot more stuff than i thought other than trains i thought it was gonna be all trains but honestly it's a mixture of everything a little bit of everything and i'm telling you everything everything everything right all you got to do is go to all these channels and you'll see it yeah go guys go to storage talker and little mama check her out too but they're gonna have a lot of videos coming out of this you tell me if my interview was awkward well the walk was kind of awkward reason why i got this unit or we teamed up it was very simple the reason we teamed up it was either compete and pay a lot and be kind of a jerk and not let anybody else get some or you team up and you made it simple we paid eighteen hundred versus what I think this unit would have cost eight to ten thousand if I was gonna get it by myself I would have spent eight thousand like that reason being you looking at unit total gold mine you could see nothing but toys expensive stuff one two three four five hundred our items sitting in the front was all in if you want to see the rest of this some of the other videos in once again you'll see them on all that every base channel are not storage doctor baby cheapest little mamas talker of course you're already onto the treasure hunting channel but you go to my channel [Music] thank you guys for watching the video so much we recorded our own video baby Jeep it's actually two videos from this unit coming out but don't forget to go check out the other guys cuz I think they hit a gold mine with this unit I think the profits gonna be 1500 maybe even a hundred thousand dollars trust me well we showed you is not even the tip of the iceberg of what's in that thing so if you want to see more go check it out thank you for watching don't forget to leave the video like subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 60,363
Rating: 4.8449965 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, lunkerstv i bought a storage unit, storage hunters, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 53p45i_HXl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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