THIS is 100 YEARS OLD In The $1,200 Storage Unit! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back the treasure anyone Jesus guys and today we're going back to our $1,200 storage unit to get into even more of those boxes in the back wanted him has to have something it's more valuable than we can even imagine let's go get it all right we're back here in a $1,200 storage in it and they're stealing absolute ton of boxes an interesting antique you looking item in this unit it's been awesome so far but now we're getting to the back and you know what that means the back of the storage units were usually the best get back into it [Music] all right come on a slide this right here nothing upside down hopefully they packed it that way why I gotta walk it out all right let's see what we got box number one today eats not walking down clipboard that thing this looks interesting second clock looks like the entire like a reptile tank so it looks like to me at least like reform I have some new wood also tape look at this look at how piggy pots gonna be to get into we're gonna do that a second this is definitely a place but let's make sure it's not fine china or anything like that this is Corning microwaveable so I think it looks nice but I don't think it's gonna have no high china value if that that this means that's probably part of the same set we gotta make sure no see that's why you check this is stoneware from Thailand all right all right all right we have this big green vase I guess look in there there's the little dirty let's open one more up see what's in here really quick and then I want to open up those two tape packages this if that's part of the Thailand one right yep so you might have a mix of two different dish steps in there but let me rip it in this tape and see what that is I don't tape ones one school one stupid don't first dumpers really really that's one was in the smaller one just a piece of glass I guess it's a mirror maybe without a frame I don't know that was actually pretty cool someone that enjoys traveling historic route 66 clock huh turn a little bit damage to it that's okay well cool definitely pretty cool I don't know how my something like that goes for but I'm gonna I drove on that road before it's really peaceful really nice so that's just kind of cool to find definitely something somebody would want to buy all right this pictures the most of the leap down it says pictures has been nice-looking art one of them even last time I like a certificate of authenticity and everything was it so oh that was annoying I hope we have is that any part of it this supposed to be like peppers whatever it is is pretty gross it smells like chicken do something I destroyed but here I see more guitars more flour let's see some more stuff wrapped up on the side here which gives me gets feeling so these problem they're gonna be like I said like a home decor set nothing expensive if I had to guess this one's a different size I might be something different this unit is definitely gonna take some work unpacking setting up into groups oh yeah like selling this stuff is gonna be painful like all the glass stuff because as much as I love the eBay at our live auction it you know USPS is gonna break it you can't put it in enough padding to like take up dust look at this broken you just put it in enough padding just secure it like by gunshot and they still find a way to break it photo albums all pictures yeah we'll set this one back in the unit what we're done what about this one same thing and they'll get their pictures back of course one of these little lampshades definitely a weird box you can tell us was packed by somebody that didn't care about it like I think it was a moving company because I've always heard they get paid by the pound they move so they literally just throw everything in the Box they don't care take your drink your food your trash man we're taking it off either that or all they're first in the diet and the family just to clear out the house that's one of my getting one of those too but anyway there's nothing interesting in that box all right let's blow this one all right what is this stuff a branded juicer then error you take it out of the shipping box yet hmm little Shady we'll get into that it's taped well another one probably vitamins but there's a quite a few of them I don't want to know what is that I'm broken okay yeah already that one should chance to or one oh wow that's sex this kind of stuff - breaks of rates back in there what is that a messy board all right what's in all these we're gonna find out soon OxiClean and just a bunch of let's see what's in these little white boxes so what's another white boxes are so exciting guys look just really not for me I pull this little box I didn't realize it was open but it's not looking like very many interesting things like a pillow is that a camera it is jeez it's actually got an LCD screen so might not be as old as you think 400 times digital zoom that's crazy huh that's definite something we have to look up does it take like tape so it looks like it does doesn't it I don't know but look at this I show you how to play reading the stuff it looks nice maybe or something I don't know maybe all it might be wear something we'll find out probably the back for it well mostly Sharon probably exactly what that is let's see if the camera norsu alright let's get this big heavy box out of here Hercules Hercules whoo it's the Super Saiyan 2 power all right let's see you call this box spell thing oh there's no backs for super Sam - well like guys point something out do you think this person's house is like just literally a giant kitchen in the dining room that gets all that cooking stuff like where's the rest of your house century stoneware - so we found last time we found a whole set that were like this stuff it was chickens and roosters and stuff instead of cows but it was like a 75 80 dollar set for like 25 points so but I guess all that one again I don't have the piece of stuff out pretty meticulously like there's another chicken good stuff I know people would want annoys the crap out of me because I know like our live auction people love this kind of stuff but what can I do they're gonna break it I got this no whatever I sell in there I've already got to be refunded they're gonna break it whatever well you'd have to put insurance on like everything that would be the thing really it just sucks for the USPS is so brutal let's see what's in this one it looks the same kind of thing yeah another one of the same exact abstract this one's hand-painted it says it says Gibson on you've got all kinds of interesting kitchen steps I know I just want to know the size your kitchen just to fit this is any dish that they're there when do you never use them after you don't maybe they just like to put four animal-themed that's what it's against every cent gonna be a set nice so we're gonna might have a chicken set in a Cal set in there either which way I bet you they're good money again cuz people really do like love this stuff it's just again I hate selling they break it super heavy box holy crap usually Oh something that heavy it usually only means one thing I know what it is - I got a guess hey this most important thing when people say selling for five hundred dollars on eBay filter - sold I can put this on eBay for ten million dollars that does not mean it's telling for ten million dollars that means one idiot out there trying to see if there's another idiot out there then would pay that much for not usually the price there's some Stephen King in there some of his stuff really collectible look at that book this is way for America let's see you find a copyright date in 1943 mhm so it's definitely older there's definitely some more interesting books in here but I could be honest with you I don't know the difference between a good one and the bad one because I'm not a book person at all so until we get home and we can start scanning that's definitely trash I know that much it so we get home and start scanning looking through them it's not gonna really do any of us any good because we don't know what we're looking at alright guys so we got Boxey big one I'll see what's in it this one's different than the rest of them now yeah moving company so maybe this is falling into some household stuff nah more books please not more books well this is literally a bag a bag like every storage unit in California has this because they want to charge it for get out of here nothing 10 cents for your bag yeah calculator more bucks interesting one tear away bit Maryland Diaries any Nikki Sixx that was that um moose Aldous CD okay great the one that was signed maybe I don't recognize people like that alright let me keep moving stuff around yesterday one EDC so trans behind you there's an iron what is this big black thing with other George Foreman that we can't sell it's been sitting for months now come on I gotta move this box and get that thing out let's find out what it is it looks just like a rotisserie cooker type things cooked with chicken make more mystery chicken or what is that boring no it's good that's probably good stuff like again I said before flea market supposed to open up two weeks yeah yeah this stuff is good stuff for the flea market it's just not worth shooting at eBay because the ship is that has cost more than tomorrow all right guys we got another box it looks like that one let's see a jewelry box it's got to be in here somewhere right yeah what the heck all right we got all right what's in this one whoa this will look definitely who art yeah gotta be careful though don't wanna damage nothing look at that one definitely amazing so that's like dumb that Park in Canada after I think I've seen the image of a hunter chives I forgot the name of it mmm no see another no but it's a good pan an older frame to set them right here for now that's quite a few in here let's pull out this I don't know what this is they had a real obsession with it a lot they always know what time it is there is a class that has a humidity meter in a temperature meter it is not no 70 degrees you are way off buddy it's hot it's hot what else we got in here it's just what I've been waiting for Scarface Nutty Professor Oh return the special edition that could be worth money some of these Star Wars media testers I don't know which ones some of them are worth money money money let's hope it's one of them pull out some of these frames let's see hmm not a surprise it's got a signature on it a chicken or rooster hmm again guys if you're into art and you know artists please let us know what these signatures say because it's gonna take us ages to sort through and list the stuff ages the more you guys help them quicker we get through it - we really appreciate it let's fall the next one that does look like a morgue at a good decorative one now if I had to guess but they have like decorative pieces mixed in with professionally done art with certificates of authenticity so that's definitely a live canvas look at that ollie good job ollie - good framing job - how they pull out another one decorative decorative we get tell the frame is like flimsy I think that's what this one is - to be honest with you yeah looks like the same frames these are like flimsy frames so once it had actual canvases are heavy expensive frames like this one's probably gonna be why didn't think that the modern oh no probably another clock about it again oh there's chocolate sculpture let's see it it's got a good amount of weight to it let's see look at that whoa that's pretty cool for sure that's got to be copper right here Victor hmm that's really cool though not on the back either nothing hey that's really nicely done I think that's gonna have some value most definitely set that aside that might have been the last one in here let me make sure there's like a window in here too no joke like that's cool it's got a tag on it they bought this just like that oh look at it though it's vintage antique no price on it there's one more thing in here come here this let's see what that is put the window away first it's the last thing in the box right here why don't you wrap him up we got what from parents with love wishing you to lose everything in there a deep deep out in here huh Valentine's Day Black Swan V for Vendetta five people you meet in heaven that and that in DVD so that was definitely one of the better boxes are to be worth a lot of money all right I don't once again I really do hate to do this to you but we're gonna have to stop this video but there's still a lot of boxes left in this Union a lot of interesting stuff and a lot of antique looking pieces so make sure you come back tomorrow we're gonna go through more boxes and also don't make sure or that I can't talk make sure you also check out storage stalkers channel cuz we split this unit he's gonna have at least I think one video of this unit so go check that out come back tomorrow we'll finish it off thanks for watching leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 26,661
Rating: 4.914484 out of 5
Keywords: finding money in storage unit, finding money in storage, finding money in storage lockers, i bought an abandoned storage unit, money found in storage unit, most money found in storage unit, storage unit, storage unit money find, breaking bad storage unit money, money, storage, unit, storage auction, storage wars, storage unit finds
Id: UIn9OzXvrGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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