Enshrouded Tips | Toilet TRICKS!!

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all right welcome back in so today we are talking about toilets uh this is in response to kall's recent video about how to make the uh planter boxes under the Windows using toilets he also made a little French balcony fantastic uh got me thinking H what else can we do with toilets you know both him I and uh even chisel Chip have come up with quite a a few unique things that we can do with toilets but I thought what about a mam cuz they kind of look like gravestones right so why not I I thought this was a pretty cool idea I even set one out a little bit further kind of looks like I don't know maybe they didn't put their family back in there uh close it up quite as well you could even have these angled a little bit so that they're it looks like someone's trying to open it I'm unclear whether I think the pictures look good cuz we can't put like writing right we don't have any way to put a text on to anything here so you know to each their own but I think this I think this looks great this is outstanding for those of you building tombs and crypts and all that stuff and I'm going show you to do that and then also actual shutters like real proper actual wooden shutters yes they don't actually function but I this works great and both of these are toilets we we can have real proper wooden shutters on our side instead of having uh if I go over here the way I did it on the build a better town is I use these which is what a lot of us do and we have them sitting out there and that looks just fine but it doesn't quite look give that shutter look cuz you got this open you know so this over here really gives you a nice shutter look and yeah you can angle them now I put this hedge here on purpose because when you angle them you can see the toilet so if you're going to do some kind of an angle to give a better look I would suggest have some have this like a corner or a dead end or something where the part that you angle is less visible uh when you're walking around that way you're not seeing the toilet sticking out which okay that doesn't look that sightly so I'm going to show you how to do both right now it's actually super easy the toilets are just like incredibly easy you just take out a couple pieces like this just pick your spots it doesn't matter where you put them we're going to grab some of the stone toilet rotate it and then the reason I pulled it out is because if you notice it has to sit on a horizontal plane it can't sit on a vertical plane and and obviously I want to get it in there and that's not in far enough for what my taste is so we're going to do this again we're watching the little white circle by the way if I didn't say it I'm going to put kall's video down in the description for the planner boxes where he uses toilets go check it out he has some great ideas he's given me ideas to do other things uh by watching his videos so uh check it out give him some love like subscribe comment on his Channel show that algorithm that uh has a he's channel that you want to check out so here's what I'm trying to do uh this is weathered Stone by the way I am trying to if you look at the top where the circle is you see how it starts to olude into the wall and then it kind of comes back now it's up to you you could go into where it just like that right so let let's do that one just like that and then this one will come out just a little bit so this one I'm going to go I'm going to go to it AUD and then I'm going to come out kind of kind of like that now we're going to go into our one hit Y twice and you can see how it looks so this one sticks out just a little bit this one's very tight against and I think both look great and if you want to do the top let's say we just want to do one in the center let's do a double up there it's a there there's a family and uh or sorry like a uh two partners next to each other why did I close that out let's get get ourselves a little Landing to stand on right there all right so let's get a couple toilets we're going to put these side by side this time so now this one if you look there is a center where where the right hand Edge is is the center of these two so I'm going to come in and I this one I'm going to do to where it cludes and then just pops out make sure I'm centered like that and we're going to do two of these now this is the little bit hard part at least with my OCD it's a little hard to get these just how you want them because hey Keen our characters are in the way please please please give us a way to make our character go away when we're building thank you okay so you could do it here to where they're separate a little bit or you can do it till it cludes like that and then getting these Pixel Perfect is uh yeah it's challenge but that's yeah I like that that works so we're going to one we're going to hit Y three times and there you go so this is how you can uh build out the tomb of your dreams your Mausoleum if you want to build something like this works great decorate all you like and using toilets so now we got a window and we want to put uh shutters sorry I was trying to call them Shades in my head for some reason so all you need on this is you need to take one block out one block right there one block right there that's it that's all you need to take out now the trick is you need a shelf so we're going to angle the Shelf like that and we're going to come up to where there's not that much left about maybe maybe maybe right there yeah let's find out now we're going to grab the wooden lavatory we're going to come up here yeah that's about where I like it so what I want to do is I want to so if you look over here there's a little bit of stone on both sides that makes sense because when you shut it you're shutting the shutters to where it's centered like that so I'm going to leave just a little bit on each side let's go so look up at the stone piece right the mantle or lentil excuse me and you see how I'm right at the edge right now I'm going to clip just a hair like nothing special and come till it just comes out right there and I think that'll work now I'm going to take this away because I need to do a second one and I didn't bring enough well look at me I'll have take one from that other one so then I'm going to come here now getting these Pixel Perfect is also a pain in the butt damn that looks freaking fantastic let me take one from this I'll cannibalize I am a cannibal today all right so we're come over here we're going to get back to our Shelf first once again we're going to come in from the side we're going to come down till it's about there I think that's right grab our wooden lav and that is too high so this time I am definitely going to fix this because I want to have this just right by the way there was a tip I was told if you do not have selected the spot you want the thing to go back to it'll go back to it but if you do have it selected it won't go back into your inventory there and go back to your bag so let's see I had it about there let's go just a little bit down let's try that somehow I made it worse I just I just what all right so I'm on one now let's see if this goes back in two hey there we go all right let's give it more room then I mean that's more room right come on now let's get this there we go all right so once again we're going to come right to this Edge we're going to come in just a touch just boom make sure we're getting the right thing which can be a problem sometimes I wish they would make it so that like I don't know it was glowing or something or is glowing and even had the tool tip of the item me that'd be great all right so we're come out just ever so slightly perfect perfect there we go and we have shutters yes you can see the toilet a little bit um you could go in a little further to make it nice and tight against it but I I'm not I don't think it really matters that much because it gets the point across it it showcases what you're trying to do with it you do the little angle it looks great and and I think it works so that is two more things you can do with toilets make toilet your art all right thanks for watching everybody
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, crafting, howto, how to, tutorial, base, building, decorations, furniture, toilet, toilets, loo, shutters, graves
Id: J7aeoe-FSMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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