Enshrouded Tips | How to Permanent Fire!

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all right welcome back so today we are going to show you how to do this this is a relative term um this cooking pot is not actually cooking at the moment if I go to craft you can see there's nothing going but it's lit we're going to show you how to do that I'm going to try to get it to work with the Alchemy Station so it looks like that pot is cooking some stew or something and then one more item I'm going to try or I'm going to show you cuz I know how to do this is that show you how to make it look like the Kiln is constantly going but do you have anything in there or not so we're going to head over here to the test facility and uh we're do a little testy test all right so now we are here and I am on a darker side of it because we don't actually want the sun in this bothering us the whole time so some of the things you're going to need you're going to need a fireplace if you want to do the Alchemy Station again I we're going to test to see if I can get it to work a Kil if you choose to do that some kind of a wall torch it doesn't have to be a wall torch it could actually be a standing torch if you want to go down further but I have a bunch of these so we're going to do that it could be the basic uh torch that you get right from the beginning it's totally up to you so what we don't want to see is we don't want to see that because just like that it it's it's boring it doesn't do anything it's not lit up so instead take out your Hammer if I can figure out how buttons work go up here and you take your little one and we're going to place we're going to take it out right there should be all right now how many of these you use is up to you how bright you want it how how dim you want it it's all totally up to you so you want to get it down to where it's about like that I think that'll work just fine and then we're going to if I can find it there it is we're going to place this directly over it like that so now 24/7 it's going to have a light fire under it it actually would be a little better if I had two had one side by side so let's do that there it is so now we got two side by side this is also how you can literally build your own fireplace like from scratch your fireplace it's yours you built it I didn't place that very well you get the idea I'll let you deal with the mechanisms of setting it in there right now for this next one the Kil what I suggest you do is set this first because you want to see where your placing it so I'm going to actually set it in a wrong spot I don't actually want it over here but we'll put it right there and this gives you the height so you don't actually want this any higher than what this is you want it just a touch lower so like I could do it maybe right there and you want to put a no one right next to it like like dead on right next to it move that out pick this bad boy up of course it didn't put it back in its spot all right so I got it facing me now we're going to come we're going to clip it in the wall just a bit oh that's too far right like that now it looks like this kill is lit 24 hours a day it's a really cool feature and I really like it so now let's see if we can do the Alchemy Station now I realize the Alchemy Station you can't actually cook with I get it but it looks cool and it looks like you can cook with it so that's why we're going to do it and the way you go is about like that you see that last bottle right there that's about as far as you can go into before you clip to the other side of the wall I am doing this for reference so you can see we're on a line about centered okay but we'll we'll do this we'll go ahead and do this for reference we put it right there and now we get out of our number one again and you can see this is about the line for it so I'm going to take I think this one should be a more subtle fire let's try just one on this one cuz I I think it looks like a a just a just a you know a simmering fire cuz we we don't want the stew to go nuts this one actually can come up higher so maybe that nope that's going to be too high no way that's not too high let's try this again maybe maybe right there all right so let's grab this bad boy take you back and now we're going to stick her back on the wall but this time we're going to go over that so we're trying to center it roughly and we get it to where just the one bottle is sticking out about like that right there right there and look at that how cool is that so you've got a an Alchemy Station which looks like it's a uh pot cooking the the the stew for tonight fire lit permanently awesome oh and another thing you can do go back into one you can do this with each one so just hit Y and it removes that little bit so that it looks like it was never there now I can't do this over and over well actually I might still be able to let's find out there you go so now I got rid of the extra little pieces and it looks like it was never there and you've got fire permanent fire now you can do this to actually build a real fireplace like you can go and stack your blocks and all that set these in the ground and have a real genuine quote unquote fireplace that you have in there that isn't a pre-made 3 3D asset but that's what you do it's really cool it adds bit of flare to your base and I hope you like it thanks for watching
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 1,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, crafting, howto, how to, tutorial, base, building, decorations, fire, fireplace
Id: C87Q9tZEQhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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