Enshrouded: Simple Building Tips For Better Roofs

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greetings Flame born this is Eerie night of the pseudo posi and we're back in in shrouded with some more tips this time we are focusing purely on roofs sure you can just use the prefab Roofing shapes and call it a day but that's no way to live by the end of this video I'll show you some super easy designs you can do to make your roofs the Envy of all your friends or if you are just playing solo you can at least feel the pride in your Superior roofs which can also help distract you from the fact that you are playing alone just like this boo here so if we are not limiting ourselves to the 2 M 4 M Roofing shape variance what the hell are we doing well pretty much anything we want fun fact you can build a roof of any shape even different slopes from the aforementioned 2 m or 4 M prefabs even different slopes instead of the 2 m or 4 meter prefabs if you are willing to put in a bit of extra work not so much that you'll hate life but just a bit more than placing the prefabs I think the results are worth it to get yourself started I recommend just building building a simple outline of your roof Contour this will make your life loads [Music] [Music] easier here I am choosing to place two horizontal blocks for every vertical such that I'm creating a shallower sloped roof than the prefabs allow naturally you could go even for a more gently slope or the reverse go steeper in any case the principle is the same once You' framed out your outline the next thing you can do to make your life easier is to place guide beams along the length of your roof this is optional but it makes placing the roof later much easier as I've done in my previous videos the reason being placing the roofing material can quickly become difficult as it tends to form a cohesive surface and sometimes a decorative pattern which while nice can make it difficult to see where you are placing the roofing blocks so guide beams are the [Music] way [Music] filling in part is the relatively most timec consuming aspect of this but even a roof of this size took me only about 10 minutes-ish to cover all the blocks one by one it would be great if they'd add some single 1x4 or 1x8 horizontal Roofing prefabs which would speed this up dramatically but for now this will [Music] do blue blue is my truck sometimes get stuck push and push and pull hurry up get my sto once it's out I start to bounce up and down up and down make a sound we go left we go right both hands to the my do woo [Music] bring after you're finished you could remove the guide beams but I like the beam look a lot as it adds a nice amount of detail to the build so I'm keeping it what did you say you think I kept them only because I'm lazy little column a little column B another thing you could do if the little pieces of wood poking through the roof drive you nuts is to put another Roofing layer down I did that in my Treehouse build to make the roof thicker to hide all of that depending on the materials you use the protrusion can vary but the simple solution is to Simply cover it up now what to do about the Gap you've got some options here you could make it solid which you can put a window in as I did in my starter home or even multiple windows as in my Treehouse that should look good but another option if you are looking for something different are fences to get those centered I recommend placing some temporary columns for reference next place your [Music] fences now you can't build a fence on top of another fence normally however if you place some blocks on top of the first fence and subsequently position another row of fences on top you can later remove the blocks between the fences and your left with stacked fences then of course you can fill in the gaps and add some additional detail like a border around your window at this juncture the front is looking way too flat for my tastes time to add some attractive Contours easiest way to do that is a roof overhang just like in my previous builds but we're going to do something a bit different here instead of a un form overhang we're going to taper it let's start with extending our guide beams through the wall and making them increasing length as they go higher the length of these is all up to personal taste so if you don't want a drastic overhang make it more subtle and each beam [Music] shorter [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music] and as we we did before we fill in the overhang with roofing [Music] [Music] material [Music] [Music] [Music] e one thing we can do on the edges however is to put in a single roof block over the beam to create a nice [Music] aesthetic on this side if we remove the block we place next to the beams we can achieve that effect all the way down the edge now those that know me know I tend to go a bit overboard from time to time correction I tend to go overboard all the time and it may have made my overhang a bit too pronounced it is scratching my structural stability OCD and we need to do something about it when making a large overhang add some pillars it makes structural sense and fixes the visual ickiness making it look much better of course it does help to count right and place the pillar symmetrically in the correct spot another OCD Taco bear didn't include my shame at all in editing right right [Music] taco [Music] glossing over that our final touch is to use wall decorations for our roof namely one of the trophies to place up at the tippy top gives is it a distinctive look I hope all or some of these suggestions can make your roofs look more striking even just implementing one of these tips can make your roofs pop way more none of what I did here was very timec consuming which is really impressive for me making myself rather proud of myself the best recommendation I can make for all of you is to just have fun and experiment don't tie yourself down to the prefab roof shapes give your roof some alternative Contours and it'll look much more distinctive and allow you the flexibility to make roofs that fit any building shape and give you the desired look you are trying to achieve anyways hope this all inspires you to go forth and tear down your roofs and rebuild them thanks for watching everyone if you've got your own Roofing tidbits to share and want to show off for the rest of us drop a comment and tell us how amazing you are also while you're at it smash that like button and subscribe it means a lot to us and really helps us out I'd like to extend a shout out to all of our amazing patreon supporters whose generosity is funneled back into the channel thank you all so much on that note this is Erie Knight signing off see you all in the next [Music] one
Channel: Pseudo Posse
Views: 743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Building Tips, DIY
Id: Hnw-z50FVKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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