Enshrouded Showcase - 30+ hours building project

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hello everyone and welcome back to oud it this is not my normal stream or gameplay video but more like a showcase uh I really enjoy the game and I'm now over 70 hours in took me about 40 hours to get to max level and start farming for end gear and materials and the last 30 hours I created something um and this is a video about what I created and yeah I hope you enjoyed so let's have a look we start over here on a hill which I searched for and a nice location to build I have some environment over here like a little shed to the right and over here we have a little well surrounded by vegetation and this is the whole starting point to my project which is on the hill nice little castle which I carved into the mountain as you can see on the right side there's even some parts missing kind of like broke away so let's get into it and head upstairs nice little staircase over here and look at this view so here we are at the main entrance we have small Towers balconies and the main gate which leads to the main hall there's an opening already and we can see another balcony which leads exactly to the opposite side there we have two towers and another big castle in the distance also a small village lot of scenery to enjoy the few also as you can see we are quite close to another biome over there where you can get other materials I also plant some flowers for decoration so let's see what we have in here so let's go to the first floor and here we have a little dining area and this one leads to the flame or core of the castle this is basically the center room it's also our trophy room as you can see to the left and right we have all the trophies on the walls from all the bosses this our flame our spawn point and also our teleport point this is a little balcony above our main door big ceiling over here and I really like the light and Lighting in here on the other side we have our throne room of course with our Throne so we can rule our world so this is basically the upper part of the castle and let's head back down here there we have another little door which leads to the basement but before we go down we have doors to the left and right so let's check this out here we have a little bathroom and on the other side another room with a bathtub nice warm fire and a [Music] shower so if we go down we have a door on the right which we check later and here we are at the basement with two more doors one to the left so let's say hello to the huntress right there here we can find all the crafting stations for closes leather armor Etc each room has also the corresponding storage areas with magical chests so I don't have to search for all the stuff and on the opposite side we have our Alchemist laboratory there's a nice little window back there all the crafting stations in here which we need for Alchemy stuff and wizard stuff also storage and little clue down here we have an extra storage area just for Alchemy and magical stuff it's still a little bare bone but does its job it's no magical chest so it's storage which is safe uh and not used up in crafting let's close this back again and if we head into the next room we have a large opening I really like the lighting in this one and there's our blacksmith with the smoothy and over here we have our farming area I mean farmer and uh blacksmith stuff I combined this because there's a lot of fire and it needs an opening so I place it on here so here we have the stoves the oven where we can cook and craft also there's another balcony which is carved inside between two mountain tops a castle with the big [Music] tower and again this awesome fewu outside so let's head back in and here we have the next room which is a library a lot of books and bookshelves and this room alone took me about 4 hours to create each book you see is handcrafted and hand placed also took a lot of time to create this wall pattern and to get this nice cozy feeling in here this is absolutely my favorite room in the whole castle over here next store we have our Carpenter say hello with the Sawmill and also crafting table and little bed for him also some reip books I think also storage and on the right side we have a staircase I wonder where this will lead to but we will come back here later first of all let's head back over here because we were we missing one door which is over here leads outside to a ledge and as you can see this is right below this giant hole in the mountain there's our little shed down there so let's follow this pass as you can see there's our staircase and here's a little hidden walkway which leads to another balcony over here on this side and also we have a hidden entrance on this site which leads directly to our little private room here we have our bed some storage space an [Music] oven little dining table and this also leads into the library with a little secret entrance fits perfectly and we really have to search for it to see it [Music] okay let's go back upstairs because there's more to show as you can see we have the entrance to the basement in this door and of course there's also on door on the opposite side which is over here and and this is my private storage area with another bed and a lot of storages these are basically all the storages for materials which are not used in crafting but for General crafting like materials Etc I mentioned it already but this build took me about 30 hours and 10 hours of it just farming for materials I don't know how many thousand pieces of stone and stuff went into this okay there's even more so let's head back outside and let's have a look downstairs there's this little shed next to a bell oh textures are not loading so let me [Music] quickly change this so it's loading again it's a own bug all right yeah there's a little shed with a little flower patch over here also some storage and a crafting bench I used this shed to get started on this castle and I left it because I really like it little cozy fireplace and this shed also leads to another area which is over here pretty hidden but I like hidden stuff so here we have an abandoned mine with all the Firefly lamps which I really like and this leads to our gardening area we have all the workstations over here to create our saplings we have some beehives to the right all the Buzzing Bees and a lot of flowers and bushes also there's a goat running around all the time and on the left side we have another Well and all the patches with vegetables flowers mushrooms all the stuff I found along the way also small little shed for storing items I really like this area it's hidden down in this valy and at night time it's so amazing we will come back here later on so the sun is still up but we will visit at night time what else have we here to discover well let's get back over here when I started forming the castle I accidentally walked into like an space where I can reach like over here so I created a little thingy over here to get up here and then to my surprise there was a little natural cave which is over here so I opened up the entrance and thought it would be nice to have another viewport over here into the Eastern Area turns out really nice so what do you think you expect Morts C of course so to get access quickly to the gardening area I thought it would be cool not to run all the way back into the castle but to have a shortcut so I cre created another secret way right in this shed which leads also into the mountain and up here so we come back into the castle right at the entrance to our basement so if I was farming so I came back here and had all the materials on me to cook and to craft so since we are already down here let's head back and see where this staircase leads to surprise surprise it's a secret entrance from the throne room to the library so we have another passage way down here hidden behind the Drone which we can use to uh quickly Traverse inside the castle okay what else do we have this is the trophy room as mentioned before but there's one door we didn't visit yet so let's check it out and this door is in the main hall to the right this is actually our Tower entrance so let's see what's up there and this leads directly above the flame and I really really love the lighting in here and over here we have another entrance which gives us access to the roof and all the small Towers over here oh perfect timing Sun is setting down so we can enjoy the castle at nighttime but first let's have a look in the distance from up here and this is why I've chosen this place it's so nice so much to [Music] see and as you can see these towers are kind of fake Towers they have little lights in it so they glow at night and you can see them from the distance and this is the only downside when I builded it I wasn't able to make curved roofs because you can only rotate in 90° angles but it is what it is and I worked around it I still think it came out really nice so here we go nighttime and the land becomes dark so let's head back down and see how the castle looks at night here we go in all its Glory all the lanterns oh there was Little Star I really like the lighting in this game it's amazing also the indirect lighting from the flame you can see the throne room all the little fireflies which are buzzing around over here it's really cozy and just let's have a look at the Garden which is amazing at night look at this so here you have it my 30-hour building project in Ed and this was just the first iteration can't wait to see what tools we get to hands and where this game will go to and evolve into so I hope you enjoyed this little sseeing toour and yeah if you want I can create a tutorial video on how I created all this and a lot of the tips and tricks I experienced in these 30 hours um but it depends on how you like the video so if you like it leave a like or subscription and if you want we can see each other next time
Channel: TheOrigin79
Views: 60,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Game, theorigin, timelapse, pixelart, pixart, title, tutorial, showcase
Id: uwZU95AQd3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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