Enshrouded, Rebuilding the Town of Glenwoods End, All Moved in, and Thank you to all.

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[Music] if you would have told me four days ago that a video uploaded to a dead channel would have attracted over 1500 views in just 3 days I would not have believed you I uh put up that video with me wanting to rebuild this town more as kind of a thing for friends and family members to look at thinking that yeah it wouldn't never get any popularity out there imagine my surprise the amount of response and subscribers that I've gotten and uh comments on my section I am very honored that uh you appreciate the uh video I put up even though it's raw so in the meantime I have actually downloaded a video editor um I won't be using it for this video because I have to learn how to use it I decided to go with uh the da Vinci uh reveo can't pronounce the name of it anyways The Da Vinci one the free version um because it doesn't have a uh subscription fee that I have to keep paying to use it so uh it'll be a few weeks probably months before I figure out how to fully use that thing cuz as I said in my last video I am extremely out of practice in making YouTube videos so that being said I'll show you an update of what I have done with the town so far um I'll start with this I put down another flame alter thanks to those of you in the comment section who pointed out that you can put two down and have them overlap um because of this I decided to put it there because of this Get Up On Top of the Rock and uh get a pickaxe you can see the lines okay so I now have out to here all the way up to the Cliff face um and up the side Trail back here to build with and now that this is open I just thought of something else um I could turn this into the uh the horse path to get up to that back Courtyard and make like a stable back there assuming in shrouded ever puts horses or something into the game it be a perfect place for a stables um so now I can fully work on and repair this entire house out here and then as I go all the way back here okay here's where the edge of the new flame alter gets for this Garden here and the old one is right here I did not mean to fall down here did not need to fall down there at all but anyways that's where the flame alter for the old one is and I'm going to be moving that uh a little bit more forward and over so I can still keep most of the farm area um so it'll probably end up being right about here would be my guess would be the new line running this way but since the new flame has all this I don't have to worry about really losing much anything I'll just lose this little corner right here but I'm going to be gaining so much more and I really wish these Bandit bodies would stay despawned after I've looted them instead of respawning every time I come back into the game so in my blacksmith Workshop I patched up quite a bit here I took out all the uh the blacksmith tools cuz I'm going to move the flame Walter here uh pretty soon I need to get some more um H I forget the name of the blue orbs I need to get some more of those things so that I can upgrade it all the way to its max level again and I was worried that if I took it out um too early that uh all my stuff here would despawn and so I didn't want to tempt fate so I took everything out um but yeah I patched up the walls I've built up the floor to this little pedestal like thing so all the equipment's up on it and then I'm going to have the uh the charcoal maker out here because in real life you wouldn't want to have that thing inside your building it's smoldering all day and then I've got the courtyard pretty much cleaned up um filled in through here got the wall patched in lot of the grounds done and like I said this pillar right here I'm going to move over one whole square and then all the way up to the wall here and that's going to get give me what I need to work with for coming back here where I put up a back wall and this back wall here if I can get all the way up there was going to hide all of this stuff down here that was outside the area but now that I can push my flame alter all the way up I can get rid of it and tear down this wall so it's just natural Cliff face again and uh let's see here I'll have the I'll still have the um the church here that I can build back up as moving it over a block is only going to move it probably I mean that's where it is so it's probably going to be over here it could probably move two blocks over and still be here and then here's where the new flame alar is at so no matter what I did with the old one it's not going to affect this area at all like I said that's going to be might stable area the other thing thing that really annoys me except for the dead bodies that just won't stay uh decomposed is whenever I come here where I've put my Tanner cu the lore of the story she's a lone Huntress she don't like people I got a spider respond it's not a big deal it's easy to kill it's just you know I've claimed the town why does it keep respawning anyways this is where I put my Huntress she's out here all by her Lonesome just like likes it and then I've got a little thing I'm doing down here in the dungeon which is just going to be our straight up jail I'm going to wall this off right here so it'll be that only way in and out for the prisoners and then this right here I believe leads up into the uh the Castle Fort proper but I'm going to come down here below and I'm putting in a trap door here to go into a hidden passage that goes over into the Inn the only problem is is I have not unlocked all the secret passage doors so I can't get the one that matches the Flintstone which is kind of annoying so can't finish it out inside my house here or I should they be in here I got all my stuff like I said I can't find the the Flint door I want so I got this in his place it's the only trap door I've got unlocked and I've got a little chest back here I'm using as my food pantry for right now and then um go upstairs here and I've moved my bed over from my old house put it here I've got a little table I store my extra armor in the fireplace keep me warm at night I've uh redone the roof here except for a little patch right there I'm still working at getting that got a new wall up um got to get doors made put up up here in front I've got this whole front area completely filled back in uh I got new stairwell walls filled in uh stairs repaired put in a little uh Stone bench to if you could sit I'd like to sit here but you know you can't sit this is all you can do you can sit through it this is like a little resting area you know you walk your way all the way up the hill to get here you're probably a little tired by this point you know you sit there and rest so all this is filled in got this filled in patched in I've put up some uh brazers for light around out front out here little torch on the side down there to see what I'm doing down there all this is filled in put new new grass in here instead of the hole in the ground so this has got new stairwell through here the chain link fence that you climbed up and down I've ripped that out of there and the only thing that I have to go back in and touch up is down here there is still Mud terrain somehow peeking through even though I dug it down with a pitch ax and um flattened it out with a rake and then put new sod down it's still kind of Kit me it just two or three different spots here and like I said the bodies just will not stay decomposed of course my inventory is full so I can't get rid of it put in a little field for flax needed that to make what I'm wearing my hat I got some of this stuff in there put my little seedling starter stations in here in case any wild animals come in they can't come in and eat it you know how deer are little uh in here I put a quick bed to nap in little fireplace this is where my uh my Cook's at my Farmer this where she hangs out my blacksmith you already saw where he is up there and then I get back over there this if I don't overshoot it is my workshop for my Carpenter so my Carpenter's got his own little workshop he's got his own little bed upstairs I really wish they put pathing into the game for the NPC so they weren't just stck standing in one place all day every day so I know some of you were were commenting about Amber and um the new patch has changed things up a little bit so if you haven't found Amber yet if you fly straight out this way uh from the town there is a graveyard uh with a uh catacombs underneath of it it's buried in rubble that that uh some of you might have found but I found originally the Amber would have been right underneath it so here's the graveyard there's the catacombs and then the Amber used to be straight down here and they ripped it out completely this is no longer Amber Amber instead is now found here and this is what it looks like it looks a lot like clay but I think it's a little bit more orange and shiny but yeah it's just all Amber through here now now so if you ever come down here to mine it and you're like well now I'm stuck in the Shroud how do you get out of here easiest way to do it is just hop back up here white YouTubers can't jump Okay jump up here jump up here and and one more jump and there you're outside okay I was outside of the triout but I keep overshooting everything I jump at today guess I'm a little to too energetic get back up here don't you oh come on get back up there you know what it is there you know what it is it's all that Moss it's slimy I'm slepping on the slimy Moss so I moved everything over there uh my old place used to be here I had it built up I ripped it ripped down my flame Shrine so that I could put the new one up at the uh the base here since I'm already moved into it and uh yeah I've got to go Harvest a lot more uh fungus juice and go get some more of those little meaning modes to turn them into the big big uh orb thingies I don't know why my mind is drawing a blank on the name of the uh the things you need I'm standing right by it what are they called you're not going to see it there I got it Max upgraded where they at shroud cores they're called shroud cores so I need some more of these little shroud spores to turn into shroud cores so that I can uh move my Flame alter and max out its level again but that's what I've gotten done so far with this thing um that's going to be a nightmare to place cuz it is probably four stories tall and all the floors are ripped out of it so all the way up there but the worst one to fix cuz that one doesn't look as damag the worst one to fix out of all these houses and probably the last one I will work on is going to be the manor house it is absolutely devastated inside and out this thing looks like like uh well this thing looks like a drone bomb stroke Struck it in multiple places inside and out it is completely collapsed it looks to be about four stories tall with no floors just completely gutted and ripped out so this is going to take the most time and patience out of everything to repair so um I received a comment that's uh gave me a couple of uh pointers on uh how to build and I've discovered some of this myself so if any none of you have figured this one out yet uh get some space here to do it some Flint blocks uh get some roofs uh where is get so you're out here working um on some of this stuff you don't have to do this one block at a time so you don't have to use just these one there you don't have to use just these one blocks to fill in uh find some place I can get at to work out to show you oh yeah I did what I said I put some stairs to get in back here cuz I tired of going through the maze to get back here this is a true Fortress town it's built like a maze so if I can find some big empty area to work on here here there's a wall so instead of having to fill all this stuff in one block at a time what you can do is go to one of these wall units like this big one here and notice how I can't seem to get it right where I want it oh I guess I did but um you can use the x button to turn off the snapping so instead of jumping big squares like this it'll move a lot easier so you can put it right where you want it and then the whole wall is just filled in in one go and it actually doesn't um take up your whole block count because if you notice when you put one down and see the little it says 509 39 as I move it around it goes to zero goes up it'll only put down as many little mini blocks as you need to fit fill in whatever you're trying to do so you can come over here and you don't have to fill in the whole wall like this one you can actually just go cheap with it and put it right about there there you go and it's got that whole area filled in so that makes it a lot easier a lot faster to fill things in like that and uh when you're doing these roofs if I can find a roof to do here still got a big hole in it like now I don't have the s roof on me uh get in here I know there's a roof I haven't patched yet there we go I haven't patched that one if I can get up to it see there's where the old one I wouldn't have been able to do this uh wall at all had I not uh put down that second flame alter so thank you for letting me know I can put two down anyways here's the roof up here oh you are kidding me I cannot jump today can I okay so you get up here on this roof and you bring out the tile set for the roofs and uh try to get it into position so this is with the snapping on sometimes it is hard to get it where you want it you just can't seem to get it down there if you turn the snapping off now you can put it right in place so you see how it just sinks in and then you turn the snapping on and it just doesn't want it drop down in there so that's how you get it in there the x button will turn your snapping on and off and you just put it exactly where you want it and then uh you got to make sure you got the right angle with it and then kind of match it up I don't think I put it in quite the right spot and I'm on the wrong wrong shingle kind there we go wrong shingle kind and then I got to try to get it into the right spot there we go see I've got that all matched up there you do the same with this once you get it's like the other houses once you get one down the rest will pretty much snap right into place and then uh the little Q thing is supposed to stretch it out but I struggle with that dang Q I don't know why the q key to get it to go in and out but now you got the whole roof here here and one go can't seem to get it down there to come this way I guess there we go there and then this one probably I'm going to have to get a couple of special pieces out to make it work together but you get how how it all goes together here those of you that are looking for Flint have pointed out some areas around here but I found a good place for both flint and Clay you don't have to go very far from this place there's clay right down here straight on down there's this little cave in inside of it is a pretty good uh pretty good nest of clay down here right here and it goes pretty deep in get a bunch of clay right here and then uh if you come on out and keep on going this way there's a road out here and you can follow this road a little bit and uh here's more Flint right here and there's some more clay along here as well so made some piggy m they weren't happy with me and it's pitch blackout I don't have a torch on me go figure so that's what I've uh I kind of worked on here like I said I've got a video editor now and uh it's going to take me some time to get used to it um I'm going to start watching some videos on how to use it uh like I said I am a long time out of practice here I think my last video was up six years ago and uh I haven't been making making videos because my channel originally never really took off um the game I was making it for originally has really started to make a lot of progress and that was Star Citizen um I'm going to try to get back into that a little bit but uh life happened to me uh lost a job I had to pretty much get another one for half the wages I was making before was putting in lots of overtime it was a struggle making ends meet got a better job but the new job is in construction and uh during the uh nicer months of the year it it takes a good chunk out of my daylight hours so when I get home it's pretty much eat sleep shower go back to work so I will try to keep this channel a little bit more up to date than I have in the past um thank you all so much for the words of encouragement and the comments the subscriptions um like I said I was utterly shocked to see just how popular my raw original video really was so with any luck this will be the last time I make a raw video all my rest will be uh edited and uh hopefully I won't be snuffling and clearing my throat half the time through the video so again thank you all have a good day and I will see you around for the next video later
Channel: Dracuss Darkweave
Views: 6,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Glenwoods End
Id: 0wodHulwTIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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