How High Can You Go in Enshrouded?

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hello everyone this is Eerie night of the suap posi here in in shrouded once again and in between all the slaying adventuring the thick fog and sometimes not so much that's an alpha for you I've had something pestering me in the back of my mind as i gaze at the beautiful landscapes and far off Places I cannot yet reach it made me wonder can we cheese away as I'm sure everyone knows by now that the best way to explore new places is to find the tallest point on the map usually Aspire and glide toward your destination or you know your own death I guess now we know why there are no birds in Ember Veil however the Spire has a fundamental problem it's too short you can only fly a few hundred meters and regularly reach the ground before consuming all your stamina look at all that wasted stamina what's the point of increasing your endurance if it can't be fully exploited I've decided the best course of action is to take matters into my own hands if the game won't give me a high enough jumping point I'll have to build one myself problem is the game restricts the region in which you can build to a 40x 40x40 region which means we have a height problem the Spire is decidedly larger than that so how can we measure ourselves against it Easy by doing exactly what the game allows fortunately structures and enshrouded have no stability meaning you can knock out supports and see it continues to float the spirit of all the Departed Birds must Empower them to stay airborn we can abuse this fact to lift our altars into the air see place an altar build something remove set alter place a new one attach to the existing structure now this is still grounded but the principle applies to the more extreme like here remove the bottom alter and place a new alter in the air so long as it has a floating platform supporting it the pressing question now is how many materials do I need to reach the top of the world yes I said the top because I don't do anything half measured so I'm thinking the top of the world equals lots of wood required to satisfy my curiosity so this is what I've gathered over 10,000 wood blocks and 1269 Stone hold on a sec I have more Stone than this excuse me there we go my extra 5,000 Stone now we're in business it should also be noted that each alter takes five Stone to craft and we've got 198 Stone here in our inventory which equates 239 Alters I think that should be more than enough I'm going to head on over to a level two alter we have elevated on the lower side of a mountain as you can see we are overlooking some trees but we are completely surrounded by tall mountains we can't allow that time for us to build towards bird Heaven the way we do this is pretty simple we build up as far as we can and with a level two alter that is within an 80x 80x 80 region so we can get a little head start and we poop down an alter the level one alter extends our build height further beyond the lower Alters range allowing us to build even higher and once we reach the maximum height we build out a flat area to plop down another alter afterwards we run back down our stairs to our first alter we placed and remove it why I remove it we need to do this as we have an alter cap of six and I already have four existing Alters used for other purposes so we need to climb up using two Alters by removing the lower one continuing to build from the higher alter till we reach the limits of our build area make another flat region Place Another alter run back down remove the old higher alter except maybe we can also remove some of the blocks before removing the alter so we can save on materials and with that frightening task complete remove the alter I'll need repeat this cycle over and over again no matter how long it takes it is my understanding that the alter is within the center of the 40x 40x40 region meaning each time we place an alter we can only build a maximum of 20 M higher each time and most of the time it is less than that as we hit the vertical edge of the region before reaching the ceiling so let's be generous and say with each cycle we can increase our height and average of 18 M at a time that's definitely not a lot so we are in this for the Long Haul and that's made longer by careless missteps and missing the edge and falling all the way back down we need to be more careful otherwise this painfully long process will become more so especially the higher we build fortunately we can fast travel back up but all of those precious seconds add up remind me who was the genius that said saving material would be a great idea like seriously who was that guy I'd certainly be humble enough to admit a mistake when I make one but it's really that other guy's fault let's remove him from any further executive decisions and instead lay down a new rule don't remove anything the cost savings versus time spent falling isn't worth it we've got a long ways to go and it isn't worth all the extra timer claiming all the materials and potentially falling which seems to happen with alarming regularity I mean look behind us the mountain peak still awaits us let alone the stupid tree standing there mocking me now as we continue to leave the ground behind I do need to be careful about one thing it is important to keep up the cycle of adding an alter at the top before removing the lower One removing the lower one for first before placing a new one has an inherent danger if I were to fall down there would be no active alter to get back up thus erasing all of my progress I can't emphasize how tragic that would be which is why this bone head here is making me squirm with no backup in place right now it wouldn't hurt too much at this point as we are only like 13 minutes into this but if we even get like 30 40 or 60 plus minutes in I will lose my mind at least we can finally celebrate passing that tree who's taller now but buddy night is now approaching which makes me a bit nervous that it'll get too dark and I'll misstep and fall not that I fear the falling part no it's when he nearly makes costly mistakes again removing our only active alter at least this guy remembered this time around to place an alter before tragedy strikes get your head in the game the mountain peak is sure getting closer I wonder how much higher the game will let us go I figure the devs would account for people building on top of a mountain so if a level one alter has a 40x 40x 40 region and level two is 80 level three is 120 by my estimate that would mean 240 for level six that would mean 120 below the alter and 120 above so I would reason we'd be able to go a minimum of 120 additional meters higher though that would be disappointing to me as I want to touch the sky now take a moment of silence for the end of our stone blocks rest in peace my friends and then something interesting happened for what feels like the millionth time I've repeated a cycle running down the stairs to remove an alter running back up and what's this this devilry cannot build here nobody can tell me that we haven't even passed this mountain peak yet that's baloney clearly our altar is there I'm not imagining things it isn't a mirage clearly I can build that high but not that high have we reached the end is the rest of the video padded with filler to hide the fact we came to the top too soon perhaps let's try a different block and go higher I feel like stacking these is higher than the stairs then why does this not work well this is the top of the world and thanks for watching please like And subscribe shout out to all of our patreons this is Eerie night signing off just kidding as it turns out we must have hit a border going over the mountains we can continue to go higher in a different direction the sun is coming up now God that's blinding from up here we're nearly half hour into this little experiment and I think we hit our stride through the night how are we still hearing wolves this High I did come up with a new innovation earlier I was making an extended platform to place my altar but to save on materials to get to the top I'm now placing a full platform with uses 64 blocks plus 32 additional ones no need to place threefold platforms like a wasteful schlub we can save 64 * 3 3 * 4 is 12 carry the one 192 that is 192 versus 96 we are placing now nearly 100 blocks per alter saved we definitely wasted a lot earlier on as I excuse me that other guy was more Reckless back in those days remember how humble I said I was when I make a mistake I can easy usually admit to it case in point I nearly blamed myself for those mistakes no no no it was that other guy that's my mistake see fully admitted I think it may be the change in Direction but the building flow feels off keep forgetting to delete the lower alter before building again see look what that other guy gets for bragging about being in our stride typical wow we've really come a long way look at that long Stone path way down there it's pretty cool you can see structures like that from a long distance and look at that we've completely past those spires look how tiny they are not bad for only 35 minutes or so of building so it seems this is high above we can clearly tell what part of the map is unfinished here in Alpha we've got some snow grassy Plains and some checkered putrid green blob to our left just speculating but I would absolutely think if this Barren land mass which stretches out pretty far as included in the game then at some point we'll get to go there as the devs add more to the game hopefully some cool new biomes maybe the future green blob could be a swamp or Marsh of sorts I don't know I'm just rambling at this point the repetition is slowly driving me more insane than normal so I'm looking to distract myself any way I can and it looks like we've consumed all the stone in our inventory save for three remaining I definitely thought we would have enough apparently that other guy was wrong again we are getting low on wood as well probably should refill that too wow we've come such a long distance we started there down at home level two I think at the end we finally reached the top we should go all the way way back down this path before I log out and it disappears forever sadly only structures within our Altra range will be saved and that majority of the path is decidedly out of range let's get back home and refill our supply there 597 Stone and back up to 5,000 wood I'm a bit nervous teleporting back asz I'm afraid the game loading me that high will cause some weird glitch and either make my platforms disappear or me to fall through it but alas my fears were for not and we can continue building I've come up with another another Innovation instead of placing a full 4 M platform plus 32 extra blocks now I just do the full platform to save that 32 blocks plus I drag two flame Alters down to my action bar just the kind of great ideas I am full of on a regular basis now that is new the sky seems to be revolting against our presence perhaps that is indication of us reaching the top of the world no matter that won't stop me and really we are hitting our stride now I've sped up the process now that you can actually finish a cycle before the bottom alter is deleted truly a inspiring look at that got this aler in place before the very bottom one is gone that is the kind of efficiency I can be proud of apparently when I grabbed another 3,000 or so wood that was not nearly enough time to go back for more but wow look at that view truly spectacular everything is starting to look quite tiny and I can see all the spies from up here can't believe I used to be jealous of them I was right to mock their size okay so time to spam away and make a bunch more wood blocks there over 8,000 that should be enough and still good on Stone I think let's head back uh coming up on night number two pretty exciting I think we're getting closer to the height of the mountain peak off in the distance that seems like the highest point so perhaps my earlier logic holds maybe the absolute height is 120 m above the mountain I've been doing this about an hour now and I feel that guy is coming back again removing an altar without an active alter in place rookie mistake I thought we were done with this so nervous right now if I fall down I have to start all over again but apparently it was not the last of mistakes here we forget to delete the bottom Altar and again with leaving ourselves with no active alter as I cautiously inch closer to place the Altar for fear of falling down and ruining everything I'm reminded by that stupid other guy again here is log I've been building for about an hour now and I think I'm going crazy but once we manage to collect ourselves and settle again we can take a moment to enjoy the view and Marvel how high we've traveled that stone path is looking mighty small now we've come a long way got to keep the end goal in mind and limit mistakes cannot fail now but I think we're definitely meeting one of our initial goals we can literally see everywhere and reach everything it is amazing the game allows us but since they do it's hard to tell but I think we are nearly leveled with the highest mountain peak in the game if we can try to make the step parallel at I level it looks like we're about even but it's got to be pretty close we are however very short on wood once again so need to restock there 10,000 do it sorry trees as we push aside the atrocious crimes against trees we've committed here I still need to find the top of the world about 10 minutes later the world has a slightly reddish tint the game has been remarkably stable as I've continued to build are we finally about to glitch out before reaching the top well into the red we go hold up need build area I haven't exactly traveled far enough to need another alter we are still in alter range jumping at this point makes things even redder have we reached the top I'm going to make our alter up here just to confirm we can't continue building and nope we can't while jumping in this region I can clearly see a red line passing over me and jumping above the altar gives us a for boating message something about threatening us from continuing it is not a direction issue this time as it won't let me go in any new Direction and stacking some cubes only works too high I think we've done it we've reached the top wow after 90 minutes of building we did it I think our assumption about building 120 m above the highest point is close to being accurate well done me so now what well what goes up must go down taking some well-deserved rest oh I'm ready to drop this drop it I yeah I can't Glide [Music] anymore oh that hurt yeah I've got a new plan let's try try again but this time we drop down a waste before gliding we are too high up to Glide the entire way so let's try that instead ooh that looks interesting and apparently that's off limits too now I guess a bit of a preview for how we'll enter the next region when it becomes [Music] available that was absolutely exhilarating now to keep a promise we need to go down the entire structure we built all the way to the start let's see how long this takes it's nuts to think we built that far in 90 minutes so there you have it top of the world if you want to break the game two just spend a solid hour and a half and build your way to the top let me know if you'd like to see me build a base at the top of the world and give me your best suggestions for what I should do up there thanks for watching everyone please like And subscribe if you found the adventure entertaining and want to see some more Shenanigans I'd also like to thank our awesome patreons whose support allows us to funnel more into our channel to improve its quality on that note this is Eerie Knight signing off for real this time see you all in the next [Applause] [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah
Channel: Pseudo Posse
Views: 5,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Build It Out
Id: y064XLL7AOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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