Enshrouded - 10 Pro Tips! I Wish I Knew Sooner! Tips & Tricks

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and welcome back to another video survivors in today's video we're going to be diving back into some enshrouded and I'm going to be bringing you guys some must know tips and tricks these tips and tricks have been things that I have utilized and learned over my play time so far in the game that I think every single player needs to know to make your life a little bit easier diving right in and starting us off here on tip number one and that brings us to using the wand and the shield together a lot of times people overlook this combination and a lot of people don't even simply use the shield for most of the time either way here the wand is a superior one-handed weapon to use alongside the shield because if you check out this footage here you can simply block most incoming attacks as long as you have the stamina bar to block it while also still attacking with the wand it is very very handy and it even allows you to get off several attacks and potentially kill your target before it even gets to you either way here this is a really good combination and I did feature this in previous videos but I'm just sharing it again here because I think it is a very strong tip that every player needs to know now diving into tip number two and that brings us to sleeping in enshrouded a lot of players for whatever reason do not know this and have yet to attempt this but if you sleep at any time in any bed throughout the world it actually will speed up time by like 60% or at least it is here for me at 60% it doesn't matter what bed you sleep in whether it's your own bed at your own house or you just just you know run across the bed in the world randomly at an enemy's encampment or a tent you name it you can sleep in that bed if you are looking to speed up the day and night cycle it's a really easy way to convert you know night back to day if you guys are looking to go on an exploration and now speaking on adventuring that brings us to tip number three and that relates to loot farming and resetting if you guys don't know here in then shrouded you can you know go back and forth and loot areas that you've already looted right so things like you know chest big giant encampments you've got the capitol castle where there's a boss fight there you name it all of those Chest locations and all those enemies can be reformed over and over again well one easy way to actually Force this reset instead of waiting for you to phase out of the zone you know and back and forth you can actually just simply log out of the game and as you can see in this example here I'm going to make my way to this chest I'm going to loot it really quick and then as I loot it I'm not going to leave not going to go anywhere I'm just going to Simply log out of the game back to the main menu I'm going to go ahead and log back in now and then once you arrive look at this the chest is available to loot once again now this one does give you the exact same item every single time you loot this chest but just know throughout the world you can do this with pretty much every single treasure chest and enemy locations they will all respawn and then you can go ahead and Adventure once more and it's just an easy way to farm a lot of really good loot especially if you're looking for a full set of something just continue to do a full reset and then you will be able to instantly loot all the treasure chest again now the next tip I have for you relates to water and in shrouded I can tell you guys a easy way and it's currently still working in the game this might be patched in the future but it's still currently working where you guys can get infinite water if you go ahead and actually place down a water well go ahead and loot it to where you can't loot it anymore it only gives you the option to pick it up well if you go ahead and pick it up and then place it right back down on the ground it will immediately re-trigger the reset and then allow you to collect water once more you can literally do this over and over and over again until you get the proper amount of water that you're looking for I know it's kind of cheesy and like I said it might get hated here in the future but it is a very easy way to get water in the game and now for the next tip I want to talk about and that is searching everywhere and looking for odd things throughout the world on your adventures more often than not I see players just rushing through enemy zones and you know killing all the mobs and looing the more obvious chests you know that are out in plain sight however did you know that throughout and shrouded there are a lot of different things that are buried in the ground or hidden behind secret doors as you guys can see here if you're running through an encampment like this in the woods for instance there's a little bit of rubble a lot of times that is an indication that you can dig there and there is something buried underneath in this case this is going to be a treasure chest for instance that we can go ahead and loot and the first time I believe you loot this one is always it will give you a wand and then beyond that it's just randomized loot that you can get from it but either way here the tip is just literally make sure you are searching everywhere looking high and low and even terraforming and digging in the ground because by not doing that and rushing You're simply missing out on awesome loot now for the next tip I have for you relates to the NPC I would really stress that you guys work to get the huntress unlocked first as soon as possible the huntress NPC offers bag upgrades for your personal inventory you can equi bigger bags which will give you more slots to allow you to hold more items on your adventure this is very very important it makes a massive difference when it comes to your overall progression in the game having more storage space allows you to Simply carry more items and it allows you to Adventure for a longer period of times without having to come back to dump out your inv ventory again this one is going to require some dried fur so you're going to have to make sure you get the necessary requirements in order to make that but in general it is a very very good resource to get as early as possible and now speaking of early game that brings us to another really good tip and that relates to all the Rangers out there if you guys are looking to play a bow class that requires a lot of arrows I can show you guys an easy way to get Twigs in the game whether you guys are in the starting zone here and there's these little wolf dens as you can see if you go into inside one of them you have to kill some wolves to get in there but once you get inside the entire bottom bed is filled with Twigs if you pull out your pickaxe start hacking away you can see you can get tons of Twigs very easily by doing this versus running around and picking up a bunch of bushes they also were in The Nomad Highlands as well so they're shaped a little bit differently but once again the same principle applies you can go inside kill some of the hyenas and stuff that are there and then you know just pick pickaxe away at the bottom bed here or even the walls in this case and you'll get a bnch bunch of Twigs again I think this is probably the easiest way to farm arrows in the game now moving on to the next tip and that brings us to using the rake tool now I know the rake tool for the longest time was actually bugged for a lot of players but in a most recent update here they did patch it so everybody should have the ability to craft a rake at their crafting bench or their workbench and either way go ahead and craft one and then make sure you have it selected on your hot bar from here select any terrain piece that you would like to manipulate in this case I'm going to show you guys utilizing it for dirt you can see I've Got Dirt placed here on the ground I have zero dirt in my inventory but if I go ahead and right click making sure that the rake is at a flat position and then I use the left click and I continue to walk forward it will literally make infinite dirt all the way across this section I can just continue walking until my heart's content without having any dirt in my inventory the same thing goes for other terrain types if I go ahead and click here for instance on this flower bed once again we right click we hold left click make sure the tool is flat and we can just continue walking right over top of this dirt path and as you can see we now have an infinite amount of the flower soil so you could place as much as you possibly want again this goes along with pretty much almost every single terrain material in the game that you can place using your terrain tool just get out the rake it's a easy way to do it no need to farm this material over and over again including even something like Farm soil you can go ahead and plant one Farm soil and then utilize The Rake to just extend it out as far as you want now speaking of terraforming the next tip I have for you guys will save you a lot of time when it comes to building things especially in the ground and that relates actually to using building block pieces so like the biggest you know Square Foundation pieces that you can find under use if you go ahead and pull one of those out like you're going to place it you know all the way down in the ground place it right click on it here to destroy that piece look at this it makes a perfect square on the ground now again this is a really good terraforming trick to use when it comes to building building especially if you guys are doing builds underground or even building like a basement or something you know over underneath one of your other bases go ahead and just keep on placing these all the way through deleting all of them and look at that in no time we created a massive hole that is even symmetrical again just utilize it to your advantage and I think it's going to help out a lot of Builders out there clear out the land versus pickaxing everything to death now the next tip I have relates to getting resin in the game early on this was a really big crutch for me it took me a while to learn exactly how to get it yes you can get resid random L for chopping down you know any tree in the game and you can randomly find it you know throughout encampments however one of the best ways I have found to get it is actually the little orange trees the further north you go from the spawn location as you discover these orange trees chop them down and they seem to give you a lot more resin compared to the other ones this made the resin Farm a lot faster than just chopping down random trees or discovering it randomly and now diving into the last tip I have for you guys and that relates to bringing a campfire with you at all times as you you guys will be adventuring you'll discover random campfires that you guys can pick up from enemy campsites and if you don't have one in your inventory I highly suggest that you always keep one reason why this is very important is to maintain your rested bonus as you guys know that you get a rested bonus by sitting somewhere comfy like at your main base well if you happen to be adventuring over time that rested bonus will run out and you can then simply use a campfire place it down on the ground to rejuvenate some sort of rested bonus because I'm telling you right now trying to utilize stamina and running out and waiting for it to recharge without a rested bonus is really tough in this game it's way easier to manage by bringing a campfire in your inventory on your adventure and with that being said that's going to wrap up our video for today on tips and tricks that every player needs to know for enshrouded if you guys enjoyed the video don't forget to like comment and subscribe here on the channel for everything in shrouded related also I do have a Discord of almost 7,000 members if you guys are looking to join you can find that link Down Below in the description with that being said as always guys I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Kodeations
Views: 4,188
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Keywords: kodeations, Kodenation, Survival games 2024, enshrouded tips & tricks, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded tips, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded need to know, enshrouded starter guide, enshrouded news, keen games, enshrouded new player guide, enshrouded update, enshrouded how to, enshrouded pc tips, how to get water enshrouded, enshrouded rake, enshrouded glitch, enshrouded hack, enshrouded farming
Id: CJu4JsEGGfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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