Unveiling the Easiest End Game Gear Farm for Underpowered Players

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yo what's up boys we're back again I've got another gear farming guide for you and I think this will be a pretty good one too um it's a gold chest Farm one of uh my viewers in chat told me about the uh s Temple over by where my last video was um but it required you to like activate three separate you know stones or whatever to open the main door to the sun Temple but I managed to find my way around that so I can only like go to the gold chest loot it reset loot it reset loot it reset and I'll show you guys exactly how I done that so you don't have to continuously press you know each button in each different you know location so and this is the sun Temple I'm talking about and this is the the starting zone the cinder Vault over here in the desert biome you got the sun Temple and this is where my last video was is over by the deep cut camp now this sun Temple requires you to hit a button in that area hit a button in there hit a button in there to open the door here but in the position I'm in I'm able to just Glide down and as you can tell boom I'm in and there's the chest right here boys H Shield of light that's not really what I was expecting the first run around we'll run it again um my first Loot on this was not recorded and I got it's actually the wand that I'm using right now it's um yeah it's the Luminous wand it's pretty G pretty nice it's not too bad it's one of my favorite models that's for sure but uh we'll shoot this again see what we get you can get the radiant Paladin stuff out of this stuff of course okay let's try it again cuz I haven't done this chest enough to know exactly what comes out of it but I'm pretty sure you know judging off of what I've gotten so far it's got to be Clos or similar to the same stuff as the um the boss and the chest over there at that camp yeah it's got about the same stuff over here I wouldn't say the drop chances any more or any less than so so I think this would actually be viable because like I actually take my comment back to that guy um I didn't think it would be viable because I thought you had to open all these other doors and I thought you had to you know continuously lockpick that and I just thought about well what if I put an altar up here and I just flew down and then boom it's viable now you can just rinse and repeat and I got my Elder boots dude I completed my set so all dude in the comments thank you that's uh that's pretty nice nice dude finally completed the set sweet all right let's run one more I'm going to run one more and we'll we'll just end it there we'll just call it there I think this is viable guys this is probably one of the better ones as well it's a really good farm right here especially if you're underpowered like if you can't kill that acid boss over there see look inflamed sword nice like I gave a buddy of mine this sword the other day um but yeah like if you're underpowered I would stay away from that camp and I would just do this Farm until you can get enough power to do the other one but then again I mean if you just want to kick back and chillax you know and just loot a chest I don't see the harm in that I think that's a win in my book too but anyways I appreciate it guys thank you for watching and again thank you guys so much for the continuous support like you guys have no idea like how much joy it brings me to see you know the community coming together and you know getting things active man like I I really love this game and it's it it looks like it's going to be a great one so I'm going to hang in there I'm going to see what uh in shrouded has to offer in the future but until then guys I appreciate it uh don't forget that thumbs up thumbs down whatever you like to do on videos doesn't matter and if I should cover anything at all please feel free to put it down in the comments also any constructive criticism you know that's also nice too I I do want to improve as a Creator as well so anything you guys have to say just let me know and I'll be quite open-minded about it till next time guys thanks
Channel: Dekaru
Views: 30,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, endgamegear, legendaries, farming, crafting, legendaryfarmingguides, elixir well, altar of the elixir well, level 25 legendary farming, shrouded legendary farming, best strategies for leveling up, ultimate farming guide, leveling up guide, acquiring rare legendary items, unbelievable farming guide, rare legendary items, end game legendary farm, game strategies, game secrets, game tips and tricks, level 25 farming tips, legendary items guide
Id: 6clA6OxbP28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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