Enshrouded ULTIMATE Ranger Class & Build Guide - EVERYTHING You Want to Know!

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since the release of enshrouded I've almost exclusively played Archer or Ranger builds combined with amazing maneuverability and surviveability a sweet combo of hitting enemies like a track from afar with heavy bows and dance around on the battlefield I still think it's one of the most if not the most fun and efficient build to take out enemies and just make your adventures so much more fun in a shrouded so yeah after clocking like over 124 hours in the game I thought like why not share my build with with you guys today share everything you need to know about my Swiss army knife of Archer builds let's say not only some gameplay and the skill tree like you see on most channels but also essential Farm spots to get your hands on Arrow resources in no time as well as top tier snacks to make this build even more powerful where to pick up the gear which bow is best including the ammo so without further Ado let's get right to it I quickly want to say a huge thanks to every single one of you guys for the amazing support on the Channel all the positive feedback on my previous videos as we made it check it out all the counter we have 150,000 subscribers so I quickly wanted to say that thank you guys as usual it would mean world to me if you can spare one second of your time and hit that like button you have no idea how much it helps out the channel and of course also other people searching for a guide like this one if you have thoughts suggestions to make this build even better you are always very welcome to leave these in the comment section as well as ideas for future guides this versatile Ranger build is a Swiss army knife among builds for Archers as it first of all comes with very high raw damage with the absolute highest hitting Longbow in the game which already makes your sniper game very satisfying by one-shotting enemies from afar well it also comes with a lot of survivability especially because of our increased maneuverability which I think is a very nice trick in this build this also happens to be an improved version of my unlimited updraft glider build which I shared a couple days ago but yeah this is just only one of the many tricks the build has in store for you so let's begin with the armor I use for this build it's pretty straightforward but let's go over all the details as well as I find these pretty important so first off as you can see we have a full eagley set this one comes with amazing ranged benefits like Critical Strike damage range Critical Strike chance which make this one very interesting while chests usually come with a lot of HP and stamina we get more range damage on gloves right here more stamina and Sprint speed stamina regeneration and stamina regen delay next to that I also use the rings of rapacity I still have two of these as I think the Mana regen is still insane if you use it in combination with some talents which I use to have an infinite glider updraft build well yeah man it still works amazingly well to basically reach any height in the game but yeah as I already shared in a video a couple days ago there is an insane legendary Farm which I could do pretty much every 2 to 3 seconds get your hands on some new loot which we're going to check out right now as it's still the top tier location to farm for this set so if you use a Grappler hook right here then kick this will instantly open up this ornament golden chest which you find only a couple meters away from the shrine right here and if we open up this chest right here well this is loot which I farmed after just a couple minutes I have so many duplicates which is why I don't save them all the time but we also have a full Elder set right here as well as the radiant Paladin set be sure to check out my guide at the top right of the screen if you want to know everything about this Farm but let's move on to the weapon as I see so many people use a short bow while I think especially because arrows are precious in a shrouded this is not a pretty smart move if you want to hit like a tri deal the most damage in the game long bows are my bows of preference cuz man you can literally one to two shot most of the enemies it's super satisfying and also very easy on the arrows as you will save a lot of them during the process the bow which I'm using for this Archer build is the wolf snor long bow not only does it have the highest damage but it also comes with three times plus seven Fire magic damage when maximum upgraded which most enemies are pretty vulnerable to while it also has the precise and brutal perk so plus five critical hit chance but even better those crits will hit 20% harder so I think it's an amazing one to use while all other bows come with not that interesting benefits if we quickly check out aalan the huntress well this is where you can also find the deer stalker set also with very similar stats like range damage and damage multipliers I think these are also pretty interesting this might actually be better opportunity and backstab damage so if you really love the backstabbing game well I think the ornate wooden bow would be amazing in combination with that as look at all the modifiers which you can find on the maximum upgraded version of this ranged weapon but take my word for it the wolf snars Longbow is going to hit the hardest in most situations and the nice thing is with this you will also save on a lot of ammo because I see many people say like the long bow shoots slightly slower in comparison with the short bows and that's true while it's a very small difference and you will actually save a ton of ammo in the process as you hit harder you only need one or two shots for most creatures to take him out and this pretty much brings us to the next topic as ammo is precious in a sh it you don't want to have a short bow constantly spamming those arrows especially not with certain talents as you're going to run out of them in no time I saw some builds out there where people recommend you to use the shell shock and focus on explosive arrows while these are very expensive to craft and most of the times this happens off recording so you can't see the tedious work behind the build you want to keep things simple and efficient deal a lot of damage without all the fancy stuff I think fossilized bone arrows already come with amazing base damage pretty easy to craft while towards the end I definitely recommend to focus on iron arrows iron itself is pretty easy to get your hands on while the feathers and Twix are the biggest problem for pretty much all the arrows you craft in the game after that I even upgrade them to poison arrows as sufur and poison sacks are very easy to get your hands on so let me quickly show you my absolute favorite spot where I like to farm for all sorts of resources to keep this build up and running so I have a flame Shrine or altar right in between the sun temple in the very Southeastern part of the world and the ancient Spire Kindle wastes the reason why I have a quick travel right here is because this place is filled with pretty much all the resources we want to get our hands on to maintain this build have all the shnacks to be battle ready so if we walk down the hill at the very beginning right here you will already find a group with one to two sand diggers if you take them out you will get your hands on that delicious raw sander bigger meat which you can use for cooking make the best soups or dishes in the game basically to boost your Constitution dexterity how you can make these I'll share in a second but if we fly a little bit more down the hill this is where you can also find scorpions which are also extremely easy to take down with like one or two arrows in the head which you can find right there and yes a little bit more to the South this place is also filled with a ton of these dragon birds I like to call them just for their heads and they will die with one to two shots using this build they drop raw bird meat and Feathers which are both used for crafting those delicious dishes and of course the arrows we talked about in this area you will also find these palm trees which I very much recommend you to take down as well as they drop Yuca fruits the Yuka fruits are an energy type of food which you can eat to have a lot more stamina regeneration each tree drops four to sometimes even eight of these fruits which are very easily converted into much better food which we're going to talk about in a second these guys also drop sand Digger meat by the way as well as arrows sometimes found in shat we have the dragon birds scorpions and sand diggers in this area which I think is an amazing farm and the nice thing is if you're playing single player or are the server host you can basically reset this Farm every time when you restart your road now though let's also talk about Twigs as it's extremely annoying to farm this specific Resource as you're going to have to break down a ton of plans to get your hands on this resource instead what you want to do is focus on dance around the world these have the Twix inside if you use your pickaxe you can basically break these and get a ton of the resource when mining with the miner skill you can sometimes even pick up two Twix with one swing 10% chance to get an additional resource which I think is amazing this place right here right next to to the cinder vault is the first location where you can pick up all this resource if you fly south from the Asian Spire Nomad Highlands fast travel you will not find one but two right here so this is the first location and at the Bounty Barn just a little bit north of that you will find another one so I'm currently standing on the first and that is numero dos right there so yeah now that you've seen the build in Action a little bit let's move on to the talentry or skill points to show you exactly how it's built so so in total I now have 111 points but I think you can get even more probably missed a shroud route or two but hey let's start off with the essentials so if you're already in the mid or end game I don't recommend you to follow the Inner Circle these are good for the absolute beginning of the game because right here you can pick up the rested you can pick up some bonuses for chopping down trees and Mining while if you want to focus on Raw damage this is where you want to begin in the ranger tree itself obviously so first we're going to pick up the Dex dexterity increases your range damage by five per attribute very important to have as much of this as possible then we're going to take the Marksman further increase or range the damage by 10% take the Eagle Eye so now after we've taken this point we can basically zoom in with the bow which I think is amazing but after that you also want to have both the counter battery to have more damage to ranged enemies but also the Sharpshooter to further increase your range damage by 20% then we're also going to pick up the skill shot so you will increase head shot damage by another 20% pick up the Eagle's Bane to deal more damage against flying enemies don't go for the beasting I think it's terrible but the ranger bonus right here is amazing plus two endurance decks five stamina recharge crit chance and crit damage while you also want to go with moldy shot as sometimes this flurry of arrows especially when used as a shotgun you will have a very high chance of one-shotting even stronger enemies so that is basically it for the ranger tree now we still have 87 points left now we want to focus a little bit on utility which I also think is essential especially in the early game so let's begin with the endurance right here we're going to pick that one up so we can make way to the runner increased speed and stamina consumption decreased we're going to pick up the double jump so we can jump a second time when Airborne I mean I think this is an essential skill to have for basically any build but next up we also want to focus on the updraft so what we're going to do is pick up the decks right here more range damage also pick up the arborn gliders consume less stamina and the updraft after that you can also go with the silent stri while this is not necessary as we barely ever sneak with this build we just go in ham and take out everything we come across also go for the endurance have more stamina the sniper when at attacking range through Critical Strike chance is increased by 10% which is a lot but we're going to dramatically boost this a little bit later dealing a crit will restore five stem which is pretty decent you primarily want to pick that up for the additional decks right here while now you also want to have this one for plus 20 Mana regeneration and more decks you're doing this especially for the decks right here as we're not focusing on shell shock or any of the other talents you can pick up right here yes they are pretty cool to use and I see some builds with them while unfortunately these are extremely expensive to craft and many people don't mention this in their videos they assume that you're going to have all the time in the world to farm for these materials every single time when you play the game but in general you just want to go out there shoot some enemies and make it as fast and efficient as possible and that is what this build is all about anyways now let's focus on the Survivor tree as this is where you can pick up dessert stomach many people oversee or under underestimate the power of this food slot as especially if you have access to better Foods later game which we're going to talk about in this video this is going to become very interesting it should be your last priority to pick up though so let's first focus on one I think is essential as now we're going to focus on blink and also some passive healing 24/7 so choose between either intelligence or intelligence now just kidding you don't need the Arcane deflection so we're going to pick up this one right here increase your magic damage nothing too fancy but then we also want to pick up the Healer Health gained from healing spells will be increased well this is not why we're picking it up mainly because of the blink itself so now we can replace our Dodge roll with a short teleport which I think is amazing to have so right now we can just constantly Dash on the battlefield and with a lot of stamina you can already see that we can basically do this forever you also want to pick up the blink attack as now you can deal damage with this teleport Port emergency blink even more interesting allows you to break stance especially for those annoying traps on the battlefield very easy to escape from all those sticky situations optionally you can take the Healer 2 the intelligence right here and the water AA personally I think it's amazing as this will passively heal you and your Compadres on the battlefield and this one makes it even more powerful depending on your intelligence which is already seven on our character but now we also want to focus on that Survivor tree finally this is where you have backstab Mastery all the damage done from the back is increased by 30% so you want to focus on that while we also want to focus on all those Dex points urin and deck are amazing don't go for the jump attack right here as it's for melee weapons not ranged so we're going to pick up the endurance right here the wander lust stamina consumption on roads will be reduced when sprinting chance to spawn stamina orbs when the defeating enemies with a bow I think it's pretty decent while not very important to have you want to basically pick that up for the backstab Mastery stamina consumption while climbing is reduced by 50 really not interesting while good metabolism increase base stamina regen by 50% is amazing be sure to pick that one up same counts for the Sweet Tooth as then regeneration of sweets is also increase by 50% dexterity oh yes we're going to pick up the dessert stomach right now as well well to four slots and we're also going to pick up the endrance right here for additional stamina then we basically picked up all the essentials you can pick up some more endurance right here you can pick up the inner fire to increase your sh time even further I don't really think that's necessary while I like to go with well rested have 5 minutes more rested time pick up the Lumberjack and the Mason in a shrouded you need to farm a lot of resource so these two are essential wood cutting and Mining is something you're going to going to be doing all the time while you also want to have the quality gear right here prevent losing durability make it much slower and also the miner when you mine resources you have a 10% chance to gain additional resource amazing for a certain Farm which I'm going to share in a bit but yeah now I still have six points left so I can basically fill this in wherever I like so I'm going to increase my endurance take the sneak attack which can also give you access to the backstab damage increase the damage you from behind by another 25% I mean with bows hitting from the back that's also going to count so now if we quickly have a look at our character with its attributes we now have 18 dexterity which increases our range damage by 102% while we now also have a nice amount of endurance so a lot of stamina right there which can be increased dramatically with certain shnacks we're going to talk about a little bit later anyways let's also focus on that food talked about earlier four type of food which I absolutely love for this build so if I quickly open up my character menu right here this is where we can see the status details I use sweets liquid vegetable and meats two are actually soups while they don't both categorize as soups so if you already have access to the farmer I think these are amazing dishes to make first off the Constitution this is where you will find the chicken soup for which you're going to need Forest beads water salt raw bird meat which we just got our hands on and the bell pepper which I very much recommend you to plant in your farm same counts for the dexterity food right here this is a vegetable soup with also the bell pepper also the forest beet and tomatoes next up we also have the spiced tea which gives us plus five endurance or stamina basically which I think is interesting if you're constantly charging your bow basically because it's going to cost slightly more compared to the short bow but this is not an essential one you can also focus on something else this one for example with HP regeneration while right here we also have the boiled X an amazing one with a 40 minute duration stamina recharge health regen and Mana recharge which only requires one egg and one water so now we have a meat a vegetable an egg and also a sweet the sweets give us plus 20 stamina recharge so if we quickly check out the Energy tab right here this is where you can Grill the Yuka fruit but yeah if we quickly go outside and check out my farm this is what it currently looks like sometimes I focus on more bell pepper or more Tomatoes it doesn't matter but I basically plant all the veggies required for these dishes and store them inside this chest so I can instantly access them from the farmer's inventory yesterday I already shared my ultimate farming guide in which I share everything you need to know about planting your own crops and making this as efficient as possible so if you missed it be sure to check it out it's in the top right of the screen all right so there you have it everything you need to know about my Ranger Archer build how you can build it yourself if you found this video helpful be sure to leave a like already very much appreciate I might try some more builds in the future but I don't know I personally think this is just one of the most fun if not the most fun build out there which simply gets stuff done it hits like a truck it's a lot of fun with all the survivability maneuverability and the glider and yeah it just really slaps let me know in the comments down below what you think about it and maybe what kind of build I should do next ladies and gentlemen a big thanks for watching be sure to subscribe if you are new to the channel right now though it's 4:00 a.m. out I want to wish you an amazing day I'll check you in the next video or live stream [Music] peace
Channel: 04AM
Views: 14,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 04AM, minecraft, how to
Id: r9bBaFeq5EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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