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what is up you guys glitches here and welcome back to the channel today I'm bringing you my latest Hunter build now before you guys go and get all excited H little disclaimer it is nowhere near as overpowered as my previous one was the latest hollowed Halls patch unfortunately nerfed my previous build into the ground they fixed the um stun perk so our shroud arrows no longer stun enemies and on top of that almost all the enemies within the H Halls are actually resistant to shroud damage so that particular ammo type is uh pretty much useless in there um I do as you will see when I go over the build still bring shroud arrows but I pretty much only exclusively use those for the Bandit camps and things like that when you're above ground doing normal runs um but we do have some nice Alternatives that I'll show off here so without any further Ado let's jump right into the build so right out of the gate good thing uh armor hasn't really change much for the helmet I like to run the eagle eyee helmet this will give us plus 15% uh range Critical Strike chance and plus 133% Critical Strike damage for the chest piece I like to run the Paladin chest and the Paladin trousers to get us to that soft armor cap but this will give us um 240 flat health and 24 stamina moving on to the gloves I run the Eagle Eye gloves that will give us uh plus 12% range damage which is obviously ly good cuz we're primarily going to be using the bow for the pants uh again radiant TR Paladin trousers that'll give us two health regen and 90 flat health and then lastly for the boots I run the good old dead eyee boots this will give uh plus three stamina regeneration and a huge minus 700 stamina regeneration DeLay So stamina should not be a problem with this build at all the second runs out it almost instantly starts filling back up again so really good pair of boots especially for Hunter builds um moving on for the Rings this has changed a little bit the new OP combo in my opinion devs if you're watching this video I know you are because you've nerfed every other thing that I built into the ground at this point uh leave some stuff for us to have fun with uh and right now that is double Gemini Rings this will give you plus 16% life leas chance and you combine this with a new consumable that we're going to be taking and that can get upwards of plus 26% life Lee within the hollow so you have a ton of Health regen with this build you almost never run ahead of health so really really strong combo right now now like I mentioned in my warrior build if you uh are pretty good at dodging and have decent survivability and you feel like your life leech is a little too strong and a bit Overkill you can potentially Swap this uh Gemini ring at least one of them with something like the Ring of the Ancients um that is another potential option you can go with that'll give you uh plus to your base stats for um dexterity uh Constitution for for health strength things like that um the other thing is is the only reason that the life leech in my opinion is that good is because of the combo that we're using um with the new consumable and that consumable only works within the hollowed Halls so when you're outside of the hollow Halls another option you can do instead of running double Gemini ring is one run one ring of the Ancients and one Health ring um that will give you some bonus health and bonus Health regeneration so that uh combo is another good combo to use when you're not inside the hollowed Halls um but for right now I'm going to be demoing the hollowed Halls so this is a phenomenal combo uh that you can use right now uh Shields we won't really be using them I'm running the shield of light I should honestly probably throw in the Ethereal plane right now um just to have some bonus uh shroud resistance um but this has 90 Perry power and 17 Block it's the highest uh powered shield in the game moving on to the bows we have a few options that I want to go over first and foremost the highest damaging bow and arrow even more so than the wolf snarl long bow which has a higher base power is the silver shot bow and that is because all of the legendary uh Hollow Halls exclusive weapons come with a new perk called sacred and what that does is it gives a bonus 10% more damage against all the enemies within the hollow um and this has two of them so you're getting 20% bonus damage there plus 12% uh bonus damage from ice magic damage perks it also has stamina leech on it which is also good good for hunters obviously he loves stamina um so a really really strong bow for within the hollowed Halls now when you're outside the hollowed halls in like normal abandoned encampments above ground um those sacred perks won't work so you're going to lose out on a ton of DPS and in that situation I would recommend bringing the ignited bow this has the equivalent damage of the silver shot bow when you're not in the hollowed halls in the form of headseeker and multiple fire magic damage perks plus it's also a fast draw speed bow so has similar stats to the way the um silver shot bow is built so another really good option when you're outside the holl Halls here honestly I did the testing wolf snar long bow is uh nowhere near as good um to the silver shot bow in the hollow Halls so when I'm doing those runs I don't even bring this uh just keep this in your chest now it's uh not as good um the only other bow that I do bring um and this is strictly just for emergency situations is the shadow Bane bow this is going to be our hell Lee bow um we do get within the H Halls a ton of Base Life Lee as it is so you may not even need to swap to this but in an emergency situation if you get caught out on accident this bow does have health leech built into it so it'll kind of guarantee that you get some more life back a little bit quicker so that is another potential option that you can choose there moving on the only other weapon I like to take is actually the ignited hammer um it's full blunt damage and by far the strongest weapon uh two-handed weapon in honestly melee weapon in general right now um it is exceptionally effective within the hollow Halls though because all if not all um the majority of them rather uh of the enemies within the hollow Halls are weak to blunt damage so really really strong and I know you're looking at me like I'm crazy glitches this is a hunter build why you bring in a melee weapon uh the main reason being is the H Halls unfortunately are not built to be friendly for hunters um it's a lot of narrow corridors a lot of tightly packed large mobs that you have to go against and if any of those mobs get in close quarters uh quickly like the dogs or those flaming green skull enemies it can be really annoying to try and sit there and pick off them one by one and waste all your arrows especially with those green skeleton enemies cuz they spawn like 20 at a time sometimes so honestly uh we are taking some strength points in the tree to make this Hammer viable and uh we'll pretty much exclusively be using it for the downward smash attack um that one downward smash asash should be able to one-hot pretty much all of those green ghosts and even the weak uh pure skeleton enemies with one hit um so I recommend for at least those two enemy types just break out your hammer do a couple down smashes clear them out quickly and then whip out your bow to mop up the rest of the enemies um you'll save a lot of ammunition in the long run and you your clears will just be a little bit faster so highly recommend bringing that and again we will be taking some perks to make our melee damage as well as as a consumable to make our melee damage a little bit better as well um so it is still useful um moving on to the ammunition I do still like to take the Shroud arrows um they are pretty much going to be useless within the howed halls but when you're in normal Bandit camps above ground like I was mentioning before um they are still nice for uh good AOE damage against multiple enemies um we don't unfortunately get the stun anymore but damage wise they still are pretty decent so I like to take some of those our main bread and butter arrow that we're going to be taking though uh for damage within the H Halls is going to be the giant bone arrow now this is a new Amo type that dropped with the patch and it's actually super easy to craft um and it's the only arot type that is uh considered a blunt damage type and like I mentioned with the hammer all of the enemies um majority of the enemies rather are weak to blunt damage so these are super effective against enemies the only enemies though that aren't affected uh positively by blunt damage are the shroud based enemies so like the blue goblin one type creatures that have like the Spears and stuff there is quite a few of those in some of the Arenas that you go into um and those are actually more prone or weak rather to piercing and cutting damage so that is why I bring along some iron arrows um you can switch to these uh to be a little bit more effective and you'll kill them a little bit quicker honestly from my testing your strength with the bow is pretty high and you can one to two shot almost every enemy anyway so you don't NE necessarily have to switch but the option will be there if you want to swap you can and they're just good for above ground against the majority of the enemies that aren't weak to blunt damage so take them all we're going to be using our uh Buffs to pickaxes to get the resources anyway so might as well bring them along and speaking of pickaxes let's move on to the tools I recommend bringing some pickaxes because the giant bone arrows uh the required material to craft these are actually the green crystals that you can Farm within the howed Halls so during your runs I recommend taking a pickaxe or two and farming up a nice like 70 to 100 stack of those crystals that way when you're run is finished you can come back and you'll have plenty enough materials to make several hundred more stacks of arrows to help you out in your next future runs um so you won't have to worry about it so definitely bring some pickaxes the most important tool however that I recommend you bring is actually the iron axe um I didn't realize this at first when I made my wizard build but in the Warrior and this build I definitely want to bring it up um this is basically going to be our respawn pillar killer if you will um all of those bone pillars that the skeleton spawn out of um magic spells one two-handed weapons the pickaxe all of those tools and weapons and uh abilities take multiple hits to take those pillars down but for whatever reason the iron axe can break them with just one swing and this isn't just for the small ones it also goes for the big one that you run into towards the end of the run that has even more Health um that can also be destroyed with one swing so a perfect example would be like the very first boss arena in the tier four h Halls where you have the two respawn pillows right on the left and right hand side right in the beginning of the Arena I just beline it straight for the first one one shot it jump across the other side one shot the second one and clear them out right away then you don't have to worry about any additional ad spawning for the rest of the fight so nice little strategy and a really helpful tool um for a lot of different things not just the bone pillars but also break the bones that are blocking some of the Hidden Chest locations uh it's can oneshot those as well so really good tool to bring there U moving on to consumables um obviously you're going to want to bring the highest level health potions that you can I personally like to bring wisps of light a lot of the areas within the hollowed Halls are super dark especially in the secret areas where they're hiding chests so bringing this will light up the area a little bit more and make uh your visibility a bit better um for the last two slots um there wasn't anything in particular that uh I needed so I figured why not bring some stuff that can give us some extra passive damage in this instance I like to bring firewi summon Scrolls as well as the new greater skull summoning vessels this is a new throwable item that dropped with the new patch and basically you Chuck us on the ground it explodes and it creates one of those necromancy skull Minions that follow you around so a really good source of extra damage and uh it's always good to have a little extra help during some of the fights um but moving on I also like to take the greater shr survival flask a lot of the areas within the H Halls are actually covered in Shroud so more time that you have in there the better um pick up some flas of the fs for additional stamina and lastly I like to bring the Elixir Buffs this will give you a nice 30% damage multiplier for 30 minutes um so really really strong uh potion to use there if you're low on them there is multiple place that you can Farm them that have guaranteed uh positions um the go-to one that I like to use is actually in the very starting area right Northwest of where you would make your initial first base and is in a little Bandit encampment called Rook Moore um there's a northern gate and an Eastern Gate I recommend throwing an alter down just outside of the Eastern Gate I'll probably show some footage here um but if you run in through the Eastern Gate you can immediately turn left and you'll see two tables and on those two tables will be guaranteed Elixir spawns so you can pick up the two potions and then do the login log out gimmick to make make them instantly respawn just run back in grab them again and keep doing that over and over until you get a nice little stack of them so that is a good place to farm up those uh but moving back to the uh other consumables um the one that I don't have on my hot bar because it almost never drops is the uh vcar scroll um that in the 100 plus hours that I've played this game has never dropped the physical scroll version of it um so the better alternative is to actually place an all alter nearby where uh one of the uh blessing altars is uh in the vah camps and I can't stress it enough why the uh Pillars of Creation is such a great spot to place an altar and in my instance I built my entire base there um it's super up high so it's really good for traveling but it is also located near two really good spots for farming some really helpful items the research Camp is a great place to fly down to and farm those legendary prayer flame Scrolls which are good for Wizard builds but then just outside of the exit of the research Camp tunnel is a main uh vaka encampment and in the dead center of that encampment there's going to be an alter where you can pick up that uh strength blessing the VAB blessing um instantly and that will last for 30 minutes it gives you plus 25 base health and plus 20% uh melee damage so a really strong melee buff and since we're going to be using our Hammer every now and again um and we got our alter right nearby makes sense to just quickly fly down before doing a hollow Halls run grabb the buff really quick and you have a nice uh little damage boost moving forward as well so I like to go and grab that uh moving on to the consumables that you can craft um our main go-to well first off as you can see we have four of them uh I will be taking the perk within skill tree to allow us to have four food items so that's why we have that um but the main best one for hunters is going to be the stir-fried vegetables that'll give plus five dexterity for 45 minutes so a huge boost to our range damage um next next up is chicken soup this will give plus4 Constitution for additional Health as well as another dexterity for rain damage uh moving on I like to take the open sandwich this will give us two Constitution for more health and then plus four strength this will help mitigate the fact that we're not going full on into the warrior tree and give us a little bit more strength to make our Hammer a little bit more effective and that also lasts for 45 minutes and then last but not least I like to take the excellent ectoplasm soup this is a new consumable that dropped within the hollowed Halls patch um you get this from a new vendor it'll have a minus 150 Health uh uh debuff on it which honestly isn't that big of a deal because this build is pretty tanky believe it or not um but it mainly gives the big bonus is it gives plus 15% damage against all enemies within the hollow and a 10% life Leach chance against Hollow bonus so you combine this with our two Gemini rings and that is how you get the 26% life Lee chance um and also don't pay attention to this this is actually a tool tip bug a lot of you corrected me in my previous build uh build when I recommended the medium tier one this is not 1 minute it is actually 1 hour so don't be afraid to pick this up if you have the materials which you should because it's actually super easy to craft and I can go over and show you that now so if you run over here this is the new NPC that you're going to unlock um once you unlock him he's going to give you a quest to hunt down the materials required to craft the ectoplasm press once you have that you'll notice that there's several recipes you can unlock for tier one tier 2 and tier three uh ectoplasm uh um key items in this particular instance you're going to want to craft the excellent one for the potion that we want once you make a bunch of them go and talk to him a second time and under the supply section this is where he has the craftable soups he's got a lower tier one which I don't really recommend for uh minus 50 Health with a 10% bonus damage and 8% life Leach chance a medium tier one that lasts 50 minutes which is minus 100 Health 12% bonus damage and 9% life Lee and then obviously the big boy potion that I recommend with the minus 150 Health 15% damage bonus and 10% life Leach and this only takes Yuka fruits which you can find super easily anywhere in the desert as well as those e excellent ectoplasms that I just showed off and the main requirement for these are the tier three crystals and honestly the enemies that drop these within the hollow Halls I've seen them drop like a to six or seven of them at a time so you get tons of those crystals believe it or not and these are actually super easy to make so you should have plenty of materials to craft all of the ectoplasm soups that you need so a really really strong uh option to take for your fourth uh food slot for the hollowed Halls now if you're not in the hollowed Halls obviously these two main perks aren't going to be worth it so I would Swap this out with something a little bit more effective like a sweet for example uh a grilled Yuka food for more Regen um that is another uh potential option and we will have the sweets perk in the tree to make it 50% more effective so that's another option but you could do tease you could do anything uh just to give you some more regen in some other areas that is the fourth food option I would recommend when you're not inside the hollow Halls um so yeah um that is pretty much it for consumables next thing I guess I can do is go over the most important bit which is our skills bunch of things have changed here so in the Survivor tree um I would recommend picking up the point in endurance followed by Runner and double jump this will give us a little bit more maneuverability uh while we're here in the athlete tree I also like to pick up the two points in strength as well as jump attack and jump attack two this will help make the one ability that we're going to be using with our double Hammer uh or mace rather uh a little bit more effective that downward smash um if it's the only attack with the weapon we're going to be using might as well make it as strong as possible that uh jump attack two will make that 20% more effective um when we do it after a double jump which we usually do uh but moving on quick up uh pick up the quick Point endurance followed by wander lust this will give us additional uh stamina efficiency when running on roads followed by good metabolism we're not really worrying about orbs but it does give us 20% bonus efficiency to our potions which is nice next pick up rebound to increase our base stamina regen by 50% uh followed by Sweet Tooth this is what I mentioned earlier about the fourth food item uh stamina regeneration of sweets is increased by 50% so that's really good if you're using like grilled Yuka fruit and things like that uh moving on pick up the quick point and dexterity and then lastly dessert stomach this is the perk that allows you to take that fourth food item so definitely a big uh important uh skill to take there uh moving on I like to take the quick Point endurance and Beastmaster and I'll go over a alternative route uh here in a minute about that as well um followed by the point and dexterity in the ranger tree pick up Marksman and Sharpshooter for 30% bonus range damage counter uh battery for 50% damage to ranged enemies followed by eagle Bane for 30% bonus damage to Flying enemies uh skill shot for 20% more damage if you hit them in the head followed by Ranger to give uh plus two to endurance dexterity five to stamina recharge and 5% to critical chance and critical damage this also works with our melee weapons so not a full loss there it is definitely a nice perk to take um lastly pick up multi-shot this is our go-to damage uh uh skill for our bow and arrows um the giant bows do work with this um so if you crit and proc a multi-shot at the same time especially on like the Cyclops boss you're doing like two to 3,000 damage in one pole um so you'll just see huge chunks of Health coming off the boss really really strong and then I also like to still take beasting it's good for those really fast moving enemies like the dogs and those floating skulls um they can just surround you really quick so just being able to jump above them get uh out of Dodge and pick them off really quick is a handy little skill to have um to handle those fast moving enemies U moving on to the Assassin's tree pick up the point and dexterity followed by airborne and updraft this will obviously make our glider more efficient um next the quick Point endurance followed by sniper when attacking with a range weapon your critical hit chances increased by 10% next pick up blessed arrows this is kind of a throwaway one because we don't care about Mana but we're getting it to allow us to grab the point and dexterity for more range damage then pick up Vitality surge dealing a Critical Strike with a range weapon restores five stamina stamina is always good on Hunters so might as well pick it up and that also allows us to pick up another point in dexterity for bonus damage uh rip shell shock I loved that perk but unfortunately it doesn't work anymore um moving on well it works for explosive arrows but no one crafts explosive arrows uh moving on for cord talents I like to pick up the quick point in the of strength in the Barbarian tree to allow us to snag Mason and Miner um a lot of the resources especially those crystals within the h balls that we need to mine to craft our arrows um is uh something that these two perks will be able to take advantage of um more damage with our pickaxe and uh the 10% chance to get additional resources will just mean that we're getting a lot more ammunition a little bit quicker and then I also like to take well rested technically if you're a Chad you can swap this for something else that's worth a couple of points um personally I like to take it um just because if you die to something stupid like a gliding puzzle for example within the H Halls um if you throw down a campfire at one of the checkpoints to try and get your well rested buff back the max you'll get is probably only like six to seven minutes but with this you can get upwards of 12 to 15 minutes um depending on how much Furniture is in there which will pretty much last you the entire rest of the dungeon run so you can get all of that stamina regen back and not have to worry about it running out it's also good in my opinion for extended farming runs when you're above ground just doing normal Bandit camps so uh a lot of people like it I like it but to each his own feel free to swap it out if you want moving on to our melee damage perks uh in the Warrior tree the point in Constitution is good for health warrior path obviously to get 10% increased melee damage followed by the quick point and strength and brute as well as hammer time to make our blunt damage 30% more effective that is the pretty much the only perks we need because we're only going to be using the hammer and then last but not least for our tankiness um or uh survivability rather the quick point and Constitution in the tank tree followed by shiny plates and heavy plates for uh better damage mitigation and better armor quick point and Constitution again for more Health followed by Tower and Warden Warden will make us suffer 15% less magical damage as long as there's three or more enemies nearby which is pretty much always the case because there's so many enemies that you run into at a time when you're doing the hollow halls and then same goes for Tower this is pretty much the same except it'll be 10% less physical damage um lastly pick up the two points and strength the point in Constitution and then uh round it out with Earth Aura this is a big one um it'll give you basically a flat 10% damage reduction buff for not only yourself but all of your friends and party members that might be playing with you within 10 m um and this is a flat reduction it doesn't require anything to activate like blood rage where you got to get a kill things like that this will just always be active and just be giving you a 10% damage buff or damage reduction buff so really good defensive perk to take um so yeah that is pretty much the build the new setup good rounded out uh combo for obviously our uh bow and arrows but we do sprinkle in some strength for our melee weapon to make that still a little bit effective um the one thing that I did want to bring up as I mentioned earlier is in the early to mid game if you're not at the end game yet and you're kind of going through this guide and you want to build it step by step um you can potentially uh swap the points that you would put into the warrior tree because really the warrior tree perks are only good if you can get all of them um so if you don't have the ability to get them M early on in like the early to mid game I would recommend actually investing in the beastmas tree and go up the right hand side this will give you some additional poison uh resistance as well as the VCA language and VCA culture buff which will make those vaka enemies that you'd be fighting in those mid- tier zones um a little bit less aggressive and a little bit easier to kill and it will also unlock the ability to pick up two key dexterity points that we wouldn't otherwise be able to take because in the final build we're uh putting those points into more important things so this is a good alternative route to make your bows A Little Bit Stronger in the early to mid game but like I said once you get to the end game I would recommend respecing at your alter and then putting the points uh and allocating them to how I have it set up here um and as a reminder I will obviously be putting the link in the description to the web UI for this build so you guys can look at it as a reference and build it a little bit quicker so make sure to uh check that out when it uh launches um but yeah that is the build uh hope you guys like it only thing left to do is pop our consumables check out our attributes and then do the final combat demo so let's go ahead and do that we'll pop our vegetable soup that's actually already active for my last run chicken soup open sandwich we'll throw on the ectoplasm uh soup there and why not we'll throw on our buff as well going into our character sheet for basic stats we are sitting at 15 Constitution five Spirit 11 endurance 15 strength so we got a decent amount of strength uh 18 dexterity so a ton of range damage and five intelligence uh moving on to damage plus 68% critical damage 10% critical chance for our base uh stats we also get 25% uh range Critical Strike chance um as well as plus 21% damage against ranged foes and 15% against Hollow foes because of the ectoplasm soup that we're taking um as well as 30% bonus bow damage which basically uh culminates to plus 85% melee damage as a whole and plus 102% range damage so really really nice for our bows you'll pretty much like I said before one to two shot everything that you're fighting even within the tier four Hollow Halls um as you'll see when I do the demo um lastly for the protection we're sitting at 258 physical resistance and 159 magical resistance this does seem a little low but magical enemies are pretty few and far between honestly and we can kill them pretty quickly and uh skills from the tree like warden for example will mitigate a decent chunk of that uh magical damage as well so this isn't as big of an issue as you would think um so all around uh a nice Balan build tons of range damage um but uh yeah that is that only thing left to do is to go over to the H halls and test it out it's not going to be as flashy as the previous build because we don't have any AOE or stuns or things like that but I think it'll show off a good uh um uh uh demonstration of the power that you can get out of bow and arrows um even with just basic arrows so let me jump over to there and I'll catch you guys here in a minute all right you guys so we're at the entrance to the first hallway in the tier four hollowed Halls um now before I jump into the combat quick little uh side note that I forgot to mention is uh when you're doing these runs and uh not only killing the enemies but using your pickaxe to get the green Crystal resources the other thing I recommend is breaking all of the pots that you can find in opening all of the sarcophaguses because there is a good chance that a lot of the uh giant bone arrows that we're going to be using can drop in like stacks of like seven or eight at a time sometimes even 10 um so if you uh want to stock up on even more ammunition um that is a good uh thing to do as well so keep that in mind um without any further Ado let's jump into the combat um right out the gate there's just a ton of those green skulls so this is a good example of when we'd want to use our Hammer so let's go ahead and do that just one shot these guys see super effective against these over and done with and moving on switch right back to your bow you'll see how easily we can kill stuff in here here the dogss are honestly going to be the most annoying thing so pretty much one shot all of these no more flashy stuns unfortunately but you can see how effective the bone arrows are against uh the skeletons um these are the crystals by the way that uh I recommend that you mine so this is what you're looking for those ectoplasm fragments that's what's going to be required to uh craft those giant bone arrows so make sure you grab some of those along the way won't do it now for the sake of the run but that's what uh you're looking for moving on here and kind of pull them all like I do in my other videos you can just see the health dren that we get I can aim get those head shot take about even quicker so definitely not as fast as a warrior or a mage but it is really good against the bosses actually that's the one uh upside to the Hunter throw a little uhp of light up moving on probably won't do the full run but I'll do the uh the Boss Arena this arena in this spot the uh bugs are really annoying so you can whip out your hammer for those if you want full health back we just gained 1,400 Health from that slam soon as our health goes down we just get huge chunks of it back all right you got to be annoying see it look at that jumping health I specifically didn't use a potion cuz I wanted to show off how quickly you get your health back I guess I can show this off for those of you that don't know use your uh iron axe to break this down quickly two swings normally that'll take like six hits with anything else nice little uh hidden chest down here this can drop uh legendaries if you're lucky coming up to the first little gliding puzzle another little h area over here let's fly right through the wall another potential drop uh location there moving on to part two um at this part I like to take my axe out right away cuz this is the start of the uh boss fight and I just beat dine it right for that first uh respawn pillar boom one shot that one Glide over one shot this one there that quick now we're done don't have to worry about any additional ads now you can start picking off the enemies this is all you got to do tied around a little bit try and get head shot on the guy on the big boy see look at that just ate a full three hit combo and it didn't even take down a third of our health these guys got to go hoping for a little uh life Leach there might switch for our life Leach bow determin not to use a potion there we go look at that that's how fast and like a perfect example of when to use that bow I'm playing terribly right now though by the way there you go easy peasy obviously I was getting a little cocky there trying to show off so I lost way more Health than I needed to but it was a good chance to show off how good that uh regeneration bow is in a pinch um normally I do way better than that but uh you can see that uh it really isn't an issue to take those down could have done it much faster oh I guess I could show this off as well there actually a uh hidden room here you shoot uh these two buttons that'll open up this little middle door here give you another potential uh legendary drop what are you running off to and believe it or not there's actually another hidden room right across from it you want to whip out your uh pickaxe I actually didn't see this one initially because it's so far back and if you uh pickaxe like straight ahead of you you'll never run into it so what you want to do is uh keep going forward until you get past that little Stone Archway and then start aiming upwards and once you start aiming upwards you'll notice that it'll eventually lead into a whole new room come on there we go and then here we've got a normal wooden chest that should have uh more of our skull summoning vessels you can get ammunition from that and then around the corner is going to be another silver chest that has a potential to drop legendary Hollow weapons as well so nice little uh lootable spot there moving on I think we had lost our uh dexterity buff during that fight too which is why we weren't doing as much damage just notice I had to re re uh consume that it was from my previous run another secret room right here there's a ton of these rooms throughout uh this area prime example of when a whis of light will come in handy nice little potion be sure to break all these normally to get uh even more arrows potentially probably do this last little room here there you go just keep back paddling firing keep trying to get head shot when you can and you just mow them down there's some iron arrows more spells why not we'll throw a couple of these out there have some fun I always try and focus those annoying dogs first you could even whip out your Hammer if you wanted there we go oh didn't realize it was still alive this guy's like I don't want any part of that fight lame all right that's probably where I'll end it see if I get lucky there's a nice little uh rare chest in this room out your pickaxe one shot that one shot that and then mop them up there we go definitely not as flaty look at that legendary silver shot bow and there you have it rest of the Run would pretty much go uh the same way easy peasy I say we uh head back to base for the recap but yeah super good survivability um that boss fight was a perfect example of how quickly you can get your health back um so uh definitely good option there uh but yeah that is pretty much it you guys uh hopefully you enjoy the new build um if you do be sure to smash that like button comment down below I appreciate all of you guys' feedback and as always uh if you want to uh join a group of like-minded Gamers check out the uh links down in the description and join us on the disc ORD um got hundreds of players in there that are playing and shrouded now um especially after my first wave of videos so join up and uh hopefully we see you guys around until the next one hope everyone has a great day and we'll see you all later
Channel: Glitchiz
Views: 11,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded farming, enshrouded hunter build, best hunter build enshrouded, best ranger build enshrouded, shroud arrows, iron arrows, farm locations, best ranged build enshrouded, glitchiz, best bows in enshrouded, best skills in enshrouded, enshrouded archer build, best archer build, bow and arrows, op shroud hunter build, explosive arrows, BEE STING perk, stamina regeneration, eagle eye armor, best enshrouded hunter build
Id: LmFkADuhAk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.