How to SOLO The Fell Wispwyvern in Enshrouded EASY!

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what is up everybody Josh here again and today  we're going to be showing you how to kill this   the fell whis Wen solo we've got a strategy to  show you to kill them quite easily let's get into   it shall we let it be known with this character  we have we are tank and we have tanky stats you   don't necessarily have to have that but you need  to have plenty of pots you need to have really   good armor to do this boss got some health and  health regeneration which is going to be really   nice as well and you definitely definitely need a  bow for sure in this fight we're going to be using   the bow and also our sword and shield and I'll  show you why you need a bow here shortly these   are the items that I'm going to use for my buff  food these are going to be the grilled BD meat for   the Constitution for HP Health regeneration with  strawberry and honey for stamina recharge you're   going to be wanting to move around a lot and Dodge  his attacks until you can stun them and we'll show   you that for whatever spec you're doing you want  to kind of boost your HP a little bit more and   you also really really really need to have the  Alchemist and what you have The Alchemist you can   make use several Health pots make the best health  pots you can we're just going to take the regular   ones that require the the little simple mats here  and we're going to take a few of the larger ones   as well that just takes C meal and some honey  which is found in the area where the boss is   you also need a little bit of water which is from  Welles and purple berries which is everywhere in   the starter Zone you can also get some Force beets  and some shroud liquid and strawberry if you want   to make some flasks The Fill as well to increase  your stamina it's up to you also just to let you   know these are our skills doesn't necessarily  have to copy these but I do have like double   jump also I am fully tank and I have all the tank  Buffs so we are going to take a lot less damage   than normal clothies would but that's it if you're  able to avoid the attacks you should be just fine   just bring you plenty of potions also make sure  you bring a glider you don't want to take damage   when you jump into the arena and you can glide  and get out of the way so take a glider for sure   so once you have all of your healing pots your  bow your main weapon whatever you normally use   good weapon all that good stuff bring you a flame  alter and a repair bench as well and head up to   the ball the boss is located right up in here  in the Imperial Gardens and as you can see we   have a home or a flame alter right here actually  right next to the pike the pike is where the Wen   is located at so you don't have to have a flame  alter here but it's really nice to have a flame   alter here repair bench all that good stuff of  course once you make that flame alter up there   you can go ahead and teleport back home get you  full rested you want to have full rested as you   can see in the top left of the screen there have  as much rested as you can and then you just just   want to go over to the flame alter that's why I  like having a flame alter it's really nice you   don't have to but this is really nice you can  have full rested going into the boss fight so   we're going to head in and we're going to start  the fight so if you kind of go to the very front   of the keep here located right here on the map  you could actually bust through the front doors   here with these little explosive balls like so  and we've kind of busted through both of them   here well you don't want to really jump down if  you jump down you can actually get hurt but if   you do jump make sure you just Glide before you  hit the ground ground many people are probably   going to go through the tower if they don't have  balls and that's fine you'll end up on top here   kind of right above where we just came in so if  you were to jump in here and jump down you're   going to take damage but you want to make sure you  jump and have a glider and glide in so you don't   actually take damage so before we go into the  Boss Arena we're going to go ahead and eat our food that we have here take any potions that  you want to or what whatnot we're going to take   a flask of the fail as well for more stamina  blocking stuff like that we're going to head   in and we're going to start the boss fight and  we have no pillars here just kind of show you   that it is quite easy so we're going to dodge all  those attacks if you see blue on the ground make   sure you dodge that you get hit make sure you  hit your health pot and keep your HP high you   want to roll out of those attacks so he's got  several attacks he's got a AOE like that he's   got the breath like that and then he'll jump at  you he'll also spawn little bugs those are really   easy to kill and whenever he's doing that move  right there that's when you need to shoot him   with a arrow so you kind of hit us there that's  fine just roll we're going to we're going to grab   out our bow here you just want to always keep  moving always keep moving as long as you keep   strafing left or right you should be just fine  that right there is what you want to do you want   to aim for his head when you do so he'll stun  and then you can sit there and just smack him   in the face for a good while don't worry about  the bugs you'll kill them while you're smacking   him once he's un stunned you want to get out and  get back to the mode where you just dodge all his   attacks just keep moving just keep going left  and right heal the annoying bugs that's around   heal when you need to hit your health pot see  we're just going to keep moving left or right here he's quite easy we're going to go ahead and   get our bow out hit him we're going  to smack him again in the face like so if you hit him in the  face it's actually his weak spot oh we got stunned there that's fine so we're just going to keep moving and we're going to  rinse and repeat this until he dies we're just going to keep moving in a circle here and attack him whenever he does that oh we didn't get this done that no  that's okay we'll have to kill off these bugs use our health potion just keep moving get our bow back out make sure you stay on fire and  we're going to smack him in the head there roll back out if you get too close he does do  like a spin attack so you want to be careful of that get our bow back out get ready for Back crit we did get hit that we going to  heal and we're going to hit him again pretty easy just try to avoid the  attacks as much as you can and then   stun them and then whenever you  go to stun him you need to make   sure you stab him as much as you  can and do as much damage to his face we're going to come back out we're  going to dodge again just keep dodging the attacks like so then he's got that  power move we're going to shoot him   in the face stun him and go ahead and finish him off and that is one dead Wen and then of course  you can loot it and get his head and all that good   stuff and all the loot too and once you kill  the boss right behind it you're you're going   to notice there is a large double door here and  it says required key to the pike which you get   from the boss you look up you'll see there is  a grapple hook so you'll need that to get to   loot here by this stage of the game you probably  already should have one made and you'll notice   up in the rafters there's some loot move whenever  you see stuff on the ground move whenever you see   him to do that when he goes to do his power up  shoot him with the bow and then just smack him   in the face and have plenty of health potions  uh has decent gear we don't even have really   that great a gear just Blues it's it's not the  greatest I mean it's I don't even have blues   for armor I have just the regular Ventures set you  make definitely take that into consideration just   make sure you bring plenty of things to heal with  or something to heal you with the healing rings   and stuff help as well they're really nice  thank you for watching don't forget if you   like what you see to like comment subscribe and  all that good stuff and hopefully we'll see you   next time you have any questions comment down  below also and we'll answer them for you peace
Channel: Late_Night_Stream
Views: 14,849
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Keywords: enshrouded solo Fell Wispwvern Guide, enshrouded guide, enshrouded early access, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded game, survival games, enshrouded full game, enshrouded combat gameplay, survival games gameplay, enshrouded, survival game, enshrouded pc game, enshrouded video game, enshrouded pc gameplay, best new open world survival games, new survival games 2024, enshrouded gameplay pc, survival games 2024 pc, new survival games on steam
Id: ci0wuJXySPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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