Dwarf Living! - Starter Underground tips. - Enshrouded

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okay so in in shrouded I know a lot of people are looking really forward to building their own Dwarven you know Castle Dwarven Fortress Hobbit Hole underground layer whatever you want to do but it can seem very daunting at first so I'm going to try to give you some ways to actually just speed it up as an early game now when you've only got this little stone pickaxe the idea of trying to mine any amount with this as like an actual home can seem very daunting now with the upgraded picks yeah sure you can do it very much quickly you've got plenty of stamina you can just go for to town on it but like I said early on you just don't have all that now all you're really going to need for this is a construction hammer and two flame Alters now there's a secondary method I I do recommend using it if you want a more like lined up perfectly symmetrical design and you're going to need a workbench and some rough wood or rough Stone really doesn't matter just a lot of cheap blocks now you're also going to want at least two normal torches I'm going to use standing torches simply because it films better and it's easier to see now I'm going to drag these into my bar now step one I'm going to try to get this flame up as close to the wall as I can now the reason I'm doing this is I am actually going to use the first flame to cut a hole into the wall then delete it and then actually build a second flame inside the cliff side so all we're going to do now is we're going to come to our Hammer now you can come this thing called terraforming and this will allow you to very quickly and easily just cut things out of stone it'll cut any normal material so dirt it will cut stone it will cut it will not cut say Flint or something along those lines you can also replace materials if you actually don't like it but as you can see I I'm going to be able to do this with no tools whatsoever it doesn't take any stamina I'm actually getting a little bit of the materials back it doesn't give full materials back though so you wouldn't want to say try to strip mine something with this but it creates this kind of very solid you know squared off mining tunnel now if you're looking for a more natural design you can actually just come in with your stone pickaxe give it a couple wax it'll kind of rough it up make it a little bit more like someone actually cut into it if you're looking for that really you know handmade look but I'm not going to do too of that on much on that because it takes up a lot of time and you just don't want to watch me do that now the second method which is the more do very quickly is this if you've got wood blocks or any other type of Blocks the game doesn't mention this but it actually destroys the terrain underneath it when you place it so you can actually build one of these frames here the first one here under the once I've placed the ceiling on the floor to use that as as a guide line now I can do two of these stacks and I have got already a pretty good chunk of area that I could be living in within no time at all I get my materials back as I do this now this is where the Torches come in now if you've got the you could just throw it down but for sake of Sanity we're going to use these just because it's bigger and nicer to see now I'm going to just keep doing this in a straight line right there until it says Needs building area I'm going remove the last block going back to the entrance extinguish the flame now in 30 seconds that's going to disappear and I'm going to come further back and now I'm going to have this new occasion look I've got a much nicer larger way back deeper design than I can now work with now I can comfortably just start expanding now one thing to know you could theoretically build down so you want to use ceilings as your floor inside of a cave not actually the Foundations at which point you can just come in here put down my crafting bench as you can see I can build some not going to press this too many times too quickly cuz that's a pain to listen to but now I've got with I can just sit there make myself a nice little Dwarf Fortress door let's say I want to make it look more like it's you know starts back a bit one thing that is nice about this game is it does not actually tect all the time when you actually see it's not actually telling me I can't place that have enough bricks so I'm not going to replace it right now but roll intens and purposes you're looking at now the ability to build I mean within explaining it this I've already created quite a large underground area you can see that is actually the limit of the basic build Zone I could just sit here and tell port and I would just show up right here next to my flame and with that I hope this helped and I hope it makes being a little bit of a dwarf and goofing around a little bit more fun and just really get out there build some crazy stuff enjoy the game and with that I hope youall have a great week
Channel: ForgeTec Gaming
Views: 22,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, early, access, help, new, tutorial, dwarf
Id: FIHL8ChT19s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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