Enshrouded ULTIMATE Early Mining Guide - Amber, Twigs, Bronze, Tin, Salt & More!

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wow man I can't stop playing a shrouded it's addicting anyways a new day another G in a shrouded you'll be spending a lot of time hunting for resources to upgrade your base and character I already shared my ultimate farming guide which I cover essential hotpots to efficiently Farm top priority items in the game Amber and bronzo Forum where can I find these I hear you ladies and gentlemen so welcome to the channel in today's guide we're going to do exactly that focus on mining from Salt copper and Tin hotpots to getting your hands on bronze and even precious Amber early game get your pickaxes ready ladies and gentlemen as today we're going on a mining adventure together let's get right to it before we go on our hunting trip I definitely recommend you to prepare yourself make a couple decent items to start mining in the pickaxe tab you first want to pick up one of those Scrappy ones while once you've gotten your hands on copper you want to upgrade to that and after that we can even move on to bronze all all this will be covered in the video so you can upgrade accordingly before you go resource farming be sure to pick up a couple Talent points which are going to make all this so much faster so much more efficient first off we have Miner when you m a resource you will have 10% chance to get additional resources amazing if you need a lot of this while you also want to pick up Mason to deal 30% more damage against any stone objects including the resource finds for wood you want to have the Lumberjack to have exactly the same effect effect against trees and also pretty important the quality gear to lose durability a lot less faster I've got another amazing durability tip for you guys in a bit but let's first debunk a myth which I think is going to make your farming game a lot more efficient most of you guys are probably looking forward to mining resources in well the mines this is the most obvious thing to do we have the small Flint mine right here we have the salt mines a little bit to the north you can also find the mark of samith where you can pick up a ton of copper and to the east we have another one these are not the most efficient farming spots to get your hands on all these resources so be sure to watch from beginning till the end as I'm going to cover much better ones some of them can even be multiarmed all right so let's get upstairs eat a couple snacks to make this a little bit easier let's first check out salt the salt mines are in a shrouded territory definitely not the best place to pick them up instead you want to travel to your home base the very first flame you were supposed to put in and shrouded when starting your adventures but this is where you can find a small Watchtower Northeast of it which you want to jump to and basically start gliding at this little Watchtower you can find a sweet Treasure Chest inside but even better if you use your pickaxe right here you can find a ton of salt you want to pick up as much as possible from this you're going to need salt to process animal Heights into dried fuit to make back pack upgrades essential for the early game check it out we got our hands on some Stone and dirt but primarily the salt already more than three stacks in just a couple seconds mining a little bit Southwest of rrugore this is where you can use your pickaxe to mine a passage to one of my favorite spots to get your hands on Flintstone early game so you just want to follow the road and look at that this already brings you to a big place where you can get your hands on Plenty of this all right so here we are back at the base let's throw in all that salt to process the fur for the people who are new to the game make sure to pick up this small backpack you can even make a medium one after that with linen which I already covered in my ultimate farming guides which you can find in the top right of the screen anyways it's a very nice sunny day let's move on to the next materials both clay and copper my absolute favorite spot for clay would be right next to the revelwood Fast Travel the ancient Spire in the Northwestern part of the forest as if you jump down and glide towards the West well this is where you already find a ton of clay which is very accessible from this quick travel after you've mined all the resource right here you can basically jump down once again and this is where you will find a whole lot of more clay but also copper this though is slightly more difficult to reach as it's found a little bit higher up the wall so I don't recommend you to farm copper right here we're going to cover an amazing spot for that in a second anyways pick up a nice amount of these lumps which we're going to now process in the base so after you've unlocked a carpenter you will basically have access to the Kil inside it you can throw all these LMS of clay combine that with some wooden locks and you will get a ton of these fired bricks you're going to need these for a wide range of building blocks like the fired bricks block I think they all look pretty cool but especially with the clay itself you can make one of my favorite blocks the half timbered block an epic one to get your hands on which we're going to cover in a future guide while today I'm also going to give you a tip for the luminescent blocks next up we have copper one of my favorite places to get your hands on this resource early would also be close to the ancient Spire Revel boot as if you fly to the West well this is where you will find the mark of samith on your way to this place you will already come across plenty of clay and copper combo veins which you can find right here right in between the revelwood Fast Travel and the mine if you follow the road to the West though well this is where you will find the town right here you can instantly enter it with brute force or you can enter from the S side where you can also pick up some Rubble if we look around you can already see plenty of copper notes on the walls but I think one of the bigger and peaceful ones can be found a little bit to the sides of the cave like right here pretty big chunk sticking out of the wall Pro tip if you run out of resource it is gun you have to wait for those respawns while if you simply visit the crafting menu place an altar say right here right behind the borders we have this resource so if we mine it away see we are just out of the territory this will actually respawn if we restart the game or the server when playing multiplayer so we just du out a nice amount of resources and restarted the game and as you can see all the ore is back at the position so you can basically infinitely farm this Resource as much as you like now you're probably thinking but what about that durability well if you also have a workbench with you at all times which you can pick up whenever you want you can instantly repair your pickaxe and continue the farm which which I think is essential to know if you want to get the most out of your Mining and farming adventures in general anyways if you're done with this place you can always extinguish the flame and place it elsewhere as you only have a limited amount of these anyways let's check back on the kills as we should have a nice amount of charcoal right now which we're going to need to process all this loot we're going to need the copper itself and the charcoal next up as a little bonus the Luminous blocks which are without doubt my absolute favorite block as of today because they just make your base look so nice for this one we're going to head out once again to the Northwestern part of the world to the ancient Spire Revel wood fast travel as this is where you will find a little cave entrance filled with Asia russulas but also spiders this is actually an amazing multiarm to not only get your hands on these shnacks but also a ton of copper strings Critter parts and most importantly the Luminous growth while you're at it guys I'm going to warn you as there literally doz of spiders hitting in this cave so don't say I didn't warn you trust me the poison damage in this game is real so you want to be cautious for that it's a pretty difficult resource to mine while you're going to need five per block basically so you're going to need a lot of this anyways back at the base we now have a decent amount of copper so let's move on to the next resource in line which we're going to need for bronze which is the tin in comparison with The Copper you're going to need a whole lot more of the tin which is also more difficult to mine for we're actually going to travel to the Rocky Mountains sort of desert the next biome in the game for which I very much recommend you to place an altar at The Pillars of Creation as when you are at this position it's going to be super easy to reach any corner of the world I mean there is so much around this why not have your glider at the ready jump from serious Heights to literally Glide for hundreds and hundreds of meters long we've made our way to the mining Rift which is is the mine where you can pick up the tin also Southeast to be found of the Imperial Gardens or Pike Fortress this is once again one of those places which I very much recommend you to place one of those forward shrines to quickly travel to it nasty bugs swarm this cave system while you also want to be careful for the Shroud right here if you haven't yet strengthened your Flame or upgraded the altar I think one of the easiest ways to deal with these little creatures is to Simply snipe them out of the Skies with bow and arrow anyways after you've done done that the mine is pretty much yours you can gather all the tin ore you will ever need after all that play time there's a reason I'm Still rocking a copper ax as the bronze pickaxe was let's say pretty difficult to craft because of all the tin required so yeah expect late night shifts working till night time let's say as numbers like over 110 aren't crazy and wow look at that we just reached level 21 so let's travel back to the base repair equipment and check out the smelter as right now we can browse through the recipes and go for the tin bar for which we're going to need wood acid charcoal and Tin very important guys if you don't know yet how to get your hands on the wood acid you want to change the available output at the charcoal k for which you also need wood loocks and dirt just like the charcoal but one more bar and we'll be able to process the bronze then we're going to get 10 thankfully which is finally going to be enough to make our bronze axe oh man the Amber I literally searched the world for dozens of hours and wasn't able to find it after all that time until today so let me quickly show you a location where you can pick it up ancient Spire revelwood fast travel you can already spot it from the skies if you have good eyes so this is where you want to be ladies and gentlemen I'm going to drop down right here in the Shroud you want to keep your eyes open for special looking rocks with a cop web kind of texture this right here is where you will be able to pick up the Amber and these actually are a lot rarer than you think as I already said I only came across like one or two during my Adventures but this is basically where you want to farm the resource if we open up the map this is where you want to be zoomed out exactly Northeast of the ancient Spire revelwood fast travel guys just out of curiosity how many of you weren't able to locate the Amber how many of you struggled like literally hours finding this resource let us know in the comments down below as it literally took me over 10 hours to find this resource we can not only strengthen the flame to basically reach new higher level Mists but now we can also talk to belthazar our Alchemist who gives us access to a wide range of gear including the Healer and Mage set for which both you're going to need Amber quick little bonus tip ladies and gentlemen since we are already here I'm currently standing right in front of a little animal Den which you can find plenty of in the desert well this is a place where you can also see this little Twiggy texture if you mind a twig texture well guess what you get Twigs I think this is a nice little bonus especially if you want to gain a ton of this resource which well is necessary for plenty of different crafts so always useful to have some extra Twix right especially for all that Arrow crafting especially when you start dealing with sabertooths in the desert you will find plenty of these little twig spots if you destroy those you will also gain a nice amount of the Twigs so defin be sure to keep your eyes open for these hot spots this is in the Far East of the world so it's not really something you're going to instantly check out but this is where you can also pick up Su for something which we're going to talk about in a future mining video but aside from that you can also find sand right here and while sand might not look very interesting or special this is actually a resource which you can process Into You Guessed It Glass so be sure to pay the desert a visit as well as this is a simple yet interesting resource to use for building as if you combine that with charcoal throw it in the smelter it will give you that sweet glass a wondrous material primarily interesting for the Builders out there who want to focus on making a beautiful looking base anyways back at the base here we are once again with our sweet glass if we now visit a carpenter you can also turn glass shards into the regular glass but now you will also have some sweet stuff unlocked like the crystal platter the crystal cup jug Bowl Etc so ladies and gentlemen there you have it everything you need to know to basically get ready for your mining adventures in in shrouded if you found this video helpful it would be very much appreciated if you can leave a like and of course share your own Farm spots in the comments down below to basically help everyone not only get their hands on things like iron and Amber but also other Sweet Farm locations ladies and gentlemen a big thanks for watching be sure to subscribe if you want to stay the loop with future videos as a lot more is routed is coming your way guys I simply can't get enough of the game I'd love to hear your thoughts about in the comments down below as well if you're still looking to host your own and shrouded server grab a nice deal be sure to check out my link in the description to G portal as I can give you a pretty nice discount during checkout right now though it's 4 a.m. out have an amazing day I'll check you in the next video or live stream [Music] peace
Channel: 04AM
Views: 61,890
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Keywords: 04AM, Enshrouded, Enshrouded Early Access, co op survival, Keen Games, Enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded pc, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded need to know, valheim, enshrouded guide, enshrouded 2024, enshrouded early access, enshrouded ultimate farming guide, enshrouded farming guide, enshrouded copper, enshrouded salt, enshrouded amber, enshrouded tips, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded magic chest, enshrouded tin, enshrouded twigs, enshrouded glass
Id: 20fX2LiIF1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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