How To Get A Haircut In English - Conversation!

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take a look at this woman she wants to get a haircut okay so she needs to go to a hair salon to get her hair cut this place is called a hair salon now if it's just for men men only then it's called a barbershop okay a barbershop now men can go to a barbershop but they can also go to a hair salon okay so men can go to a hair salon and a barbershop but women can only go to a hair salon okay it might be a little bit weird if a woman went into a barber shop they would say hmm what are you doing here okay so remember that okay so let's say this guy goes into a hair salon or a barber shop to get a haircut okay so someone is going to say hi are you here for a haircut and this guy says hi yeah I am okay do you have a reservation no I don't okay a reservation means he called before and booked a time for the haircut okay so he doesn't have a reservation so she says okay no problem it'll be about a 5-minute wait okay sure have a seat and we'll call you when we're ready Thanks okay so you sit down and you might pick up a magazine or a newspaper or something and read that for five minutes then after five minutes she's going to come back and say mark and then you can stand up and you can follow her okay she's going to say how are you doing today I'm doing great thanks yourself I'm doing good thanks it's pretty busy today then she's going to say have a seat and you're gonna say thanks so what would you like to have done today okay what would you like to have done today that means what do you want what do you want me to do with your hair okay so every time you go to a hair salon or a barber shop they're always going to ask you what would you like to have done today okay have done or they might ask what are you looking for today what are you looking for today either going to ask you something similar to these questions okay so you could say I just like a trim please I'd means I would I would just like a trim please a trim is just a little bit okay maybe that much maybe you go into the barber shop every month for a trim like me I go about once a month for a trim okay then she's going to say sure about half an inch about half an inch okay then you can say actually if you could take off closer to an inch that would be great okay so she asked about half an inch and you're saying know a little bit more maybe closer to an inch about an inch okay she's going to say sure okay now take off means to cut off you're going to hear this phrasal verb very often when you go for a haircut okay she's going to ask you how much would you like taken off the sides or how much would you like taken off the top or the back okay there's different parts of our hair okay we have the sides we have the top we have the back and around ears around the ears and bangs a bangs our hair that come down like this so to cut the bangs you cut them like that okay men and women can both have bangs okay now this person who cuts your hair is called a hairdresser or a hairstylist or a bar okay now they're going to use different kinds of tools when they cut your hair they're going to use scissors a comb and they might use a razor they might use a razor for here or here just to make the edges sharp okay now these things are called Clippers Clippers or a hair trimmer or if it's for a beard then it's called a beard trimmer okay now this thing is called a curling iron it's for making hair curly okay this thing is called a flat iron it's for making hair flat so if you want straight hair then you need a flat iron if you want curly hair then you need a curling iron this here is called hair spray you spray it into your hair and this is called hair gel you take it into your hands rub it around and then mash it into your hair okay now there are so many different kinds of hair products out there so very often we just use the word product to mean anything okay so the hairdresser might ask you what kind of product do you use what kind of product do you use and you can say I use hair spray or I use hair gel okay now this thing is called a blow dryer for a hair dryer okay now the hairdresser might ask you how short would you like the sides how short would you like the sides or how short would you like the top okay then you could answer could you use number two on the sides okay so for example when I go get my hair cut I say could you use number one on the sides okay this is called a hair trimmer or clippers and Clippers have different settings right setting one two three it gets longer longer longer one is short then two three four five okay so they might ask you what setting do you want me to use on the sides okay then you could say I'd like number two on the sides okay or you could say it like this I'd like half an inch taken off the sides you want half an inch taken off the side so half an inch is about one point two seven centimeters and one inch is about 2.54 centimeters now this is called a taper or a fade okay look it's really short here and then it gets longer and longer and longer okay so you could say I'd like it tapered on the sides and back please okay so that means you want the barber or the hairdresser to taper the sides and the back that means to do it like this okay so the hairdresser might ask you what would you like to have done today okay and then you can answer I like a cut or I'd like a trim I'd like my hair colored I like a cut and wash okay so there's different options that you have to get a haircut okay a cut means a haircut a trim just means a little bit okay colored means dyed to have your hair dyed a different color a cut and wash means a haircut and a wash okay now before you go to a hair salon you might book an appointment okay so this is how you book an appointment you call the hair salon and you say hi I'd like to book an appointment okay and they're going to say sure when would you like to come in okay then you're going to say do you have any openings on Tuesday openings means free time okay free periods of time those periods are called slots okay so maybe like 3 o'clock to 3:30 that's a half hour slot 3:30 to 4:00 4:30 to 5:00 okay those are time slots so do you have any openings on Tuesday and she's going to say yes we have a 3:30 and a 4:30 slot available and you can say okay I might be able to do 3:30 do you take walk-ins do you take walk-ins okay walk-ins are when you don't book an appointment you just walk in and say hi I'd like to have a haircut okay now if you booked an appointment then that's different okay so there's two options walk in or by appointment some hair salons only do by appointment so you can't just walk in you have to book an appointment but other hair salons allow for walk-ins - okay most hair salons that I've been to allow for walk-ins but sometimes I booked an appointment so you're going to ask do you take walk-ins and then she's going to say yes we do then you can say okay I'll just come in whenever I'm free then okay I'll just come in whenever I'm free that way you don't have to book an appointment and then cancel or that way you're not late for an appointment okay sometimes it's better just to walk in and wait for a few minutes okay so she's going to say sounds good and you can say thanks for your help bye okay so now you know everything you need to get a haircut in English but I want to know have you seen my hairstyles video yet in that lesson I teach you all about different kinds of hairstyles okay so if you haven't seen that video yet watch it I'll put the link somewhere right up here okay let's do some homework what do you tell your hairdresser what do you tell your hairdresser in English okay I want you to tell me down there in the comments and I'll see you over in the next episode of Mad English TV take care
Channel: Mad English TV
Views: 181,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get a haircut in english, haircut vocabulary, vocabulary for haircut, getting a haircut, how to getting haircut, english words for haircut, english vocabulary for hair cutting, hair cutting, english for hair cutting, english for haircut, haircut in english, going to the hairdresser, at the hair salon, at the barber, going to barber, haircut conversation, conversation for haircut, conversation at hair salon, conversation at barber, how to talk to hair stylist
Id: dQCDq14OOqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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