CELEBRATE: Learn British English Vocabulary, Phrases and Traditions with Anna English

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countdown now I'm going to reveal my new studio space are you ready 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 hello and welcome to English like a native my name is an English da and you are watching me I'm here live in my new studio and today I'm doing a live lesson all about celebrations because I'm celebrating firstly being in my new home and secondly finally being on the Internet those of you who follow me regularly will know I've had trouble getting online for the last few weeks and it's been a nightmare but now I'm online I'm able to stream live to you and I'm really really happy so I do hope that you can see everything ok and hear everything ok do let me know if you have any problems hello to my patrons thank you for your patience throughout this time thank you for not leaving me and thank you to everybody else who's been supporting me on Facebook and Instagram so let's get straight on with that lesson shall we so I've done some notes as always we're going to talk about celebrating so when we think it's time to celebrate then we use these kinds of phrases it's time to celebrate celebrate or you might say hey this is so exciting we should celebrate so I am now online and I'm saying to you guys we should celebrate I'm online we should celebrate it's time to celebrate we might also say I'm so happy I'm going to celebrate tonight I'm going to celebrate tonight so we would usually shorten this to I'm I'm going to celebrate tonight let's say that together I'm going to celebrate tonight I'm going to celebrate tonight you might be out having a nice meal or you might be having a party and someone will say what's going on and you could say we are celebrating maybe you're celebrating an anniversary or you're celebrating a birthday or you could say we are celebrating moving into our new home or we are celebrating our graduation so we are celebrating and then you would put in what it is you're celebrating so why don't you write down for me now a sentence that starts with we are celebrating and then put in something that you've recently celebrated so the last celebration that you had let's just pretend you're celebrating right now and I won't say we are celebrating or I am celebrating and then right in the thing that you last celebrated so I'm saying to you hey what are you guys celebrating and then I want you to write that sentence we are or I am celebrating and then tell me what was the last thing you celebrated while you're writing that for me I'm just going to say a quick hello to my patrons hello I've got a couple of you in hello Dennis and hello Jay it's nice to have you here again thank you very much and you said I hope you're settling down at your new home we'd say in settling down in when you use these words to settle down in I hope you're settling down in your new home thank you so much I really am it's taking a little bit of time to get organized but I'm definitely getting settled hello Andreas it's nice to see you thank you for joining okay so let's have a look now and see what you guys are saying I'm celebrating my vacation wonderful many of you now have broken up from your studies so many of you are taking vacations or holidays so you're celebrating your vacation with Caleb has said I'm celebrating my graduation congratulations I'm so happy that you've graduated well done Maddi have said I'm celebrating my three weeks studying without a break congratulations good hard work that's what I like to hear Miriam says I'm going to celebrate my birthday next month well happy birthday for next month anymore I'm celebrating Oh in Colombia we were celebrating Independence Day on July the 20th fantastic so that was six days ago well happy Independence Day or happy belated Independence Day belated is the word that you use when you're congratulating someone for something in the past if you missed someone's birthday for example that's when we most commonly use the word belated if you missed somebody's birthday and you see them a few days after you might say a belated happy birthday or happy belated birthday it's just saying I realize I'm late but I want to wish you all the best anyway so happy belated birthday or belated congratulations okay so I celebrated my birthday on Friday of last week's of Harrison congratulations happy birthday I hope you had a wonderful celebration for your birthday great I'm celebrating my masters says Umbreon congratulations very very difficult study when you get to do your master's degree so well done for getting that far and just one more comment here oh no we've got hello Alyce's Andreas we were celebrating the friends day last Thursday what is the friends day and you wouldn't use the we just say we were celebrating friends day last Thursday in Argentina it so friends day is that like a special day is it and galsses hi and a note long time long time no see is the phrase gal long time no see long time no see congratulations for your new apartment thank you you have a good reason for celebration yes I do thank you very much okay let's go back to the notes now so we were celebrating after the celebration you could say the phrase they celebrated in style they celebrated in style so you might use this if if you go crazy on a party preparation and so for example if I decided for my birthday I wanted to have all of my friends driven around in a limousine and we were all going to wear our best dresses and we were going to go to the best hotel and have the most fantastic food and champagne and maybe we would I don't know dance the tango or something you could say we celebrated in style we did something extra special we celebrated in style or they celebrated in style hello Ruben you've said hi Anna glad to see you again yesterday was my birthday I think I'm going to be celebrating the whole week congratulations Ruben happy birthday to you yes the 20th of July each year is friends day in Argentina it's a special day for friends excellent well you're all here as far as I'm concerned you are all my friends so happy friends day I'm a little belated but happy friends day and I'm so glad to be back and celebrating with you all so let's go back to those notes they celebrated in style then you might just say it's a celebration so we sometimes use this version of the word a celebration we are having a celebration we had a celebration you always use a with celebration we had a celebration they're having a celebration it was a wonderful celebration there we go I've already written that down so in the UK celebrations normally entail have you heard this word before entail means includes so celebrations normally include but entail is just a more sophisticated word I guess so entail is a good word to remember try to use that in the next couple of days if you're speaking or writing in English try to use the word entail it's a good one in the UK celebrations normally entail a social gathering a social gathering just means a group of friends coming together it can also mean your family as well a social gathering a group of people coming together for the purpose of socialising for having fun okay so it usually entails a social gathering oh I've just lost my notes where there they are okay for you it would entail music it would entail dancing and lots of food we do like to eat over here and also drink now I know it's different in different countries but over here we do have a culture for drinking when we're socializing when I talk about drinking I mean drinking alcohol alcohol is a big part of our social culture perhaps it's because most of us are quite shy or reserved as British people we can be quite reserved so we feel like having a drink means that we can relax and open up and have a fun time with our friends so let's have a look at these things in more detail places so where do we have these celebrations we celebrate in our house perhaps and this is quite popular because because the weather's not so great in the UK and because it can be expensive to go out in the UK as if you've ever visited the UK you'll know especially in London it can be very expensive to eat out and drink out so a lot of people have house parties or celebrations at home so a home party would be called a house party I'm having a house party so when was the last time you went to a house party I think for me I went to a house party on Saturday actually I went to a christening which is where you bless or give a name to a child in in the Christian Church so when a child is born you you officially name them and bring them into I don't know how to explain it but you bring them into the spiritual world of God and the church and welcome them officially to the world and so I attended a christening of a family member and then afterwards there was a house party and it was lots of food and it was a really nice event so when was the last time you attended a house party do let me know and that can also spill out spill out overflows if too many people are in the house it might also go out into the garden so it would then be a garden party we're having a garden party of course in the UK it very much depends on the weather because our weather is unreliable at best and although recently we've had some great weather so there's been lots of garden parties which can also include and usually does include barbecue we love a barbecue here in the UK any chance of sunshine even if it's freezing cold if the Sun is out the barbecue is usually out in the British garden ok so Miriam says the last time I went to a house party was last month ok I mean that was that was quite a long time ago now what else do we have [Music] okay lots of you chatting I can't find the right comments okay let me have a look see what my patrons are saying so I've got or Jays just answering my question on the 20th of July each year is friends day in Argentina I think we've already seen that okay cool let's carry on so if you don't have your party at home or in the garden then you will most likely go to a pub a pub is like a bar it's somewhere where they serve alcohol but in Britain the bar is more often called a pub a public house is what it's short for but we never say a public house we always just say pub are you coming to the pub we're having a party at the local pub and pubs also have a garden some pubs have a garden and they would call them a beer garden they have a beer garden we're going to the pub we'll be in the beer garden having beer or wine sometimes there will be a function room at the pub so there'll be a special room especially for parties and it's called a function room sometimes they'll have a function room in a restaurant as well it's a room that they can keep private for private party so no members of the public can enter so a function room sometimes if it's a big party you might go to the local community center and if you have lots of money and it's a big do like or a big party sorry like a wedding party for example you might hire a Marquis now a Marquis see how that's pronounced marquise marquise a marquise is one of those big tents that you have for outdoors huge I went to one I was in er Marquis probably about a month ago for a wedding I normally would see Marquis at weddings it tends to be the done thing although with it being England it usually cold okay let's carry on well we have a hundred and sixty three of you here fabulous I hope you're all hitting that like button and liking my new little studio I like it okay so food the food that we have when we're celebrating you might hear the phrase a sit-down dinner a sit-down dinner or a sit-down meal now a sit-down dinner literally just means we all sit down and have a proper dinner it's not the same if I was going to the pub and we were all kind of standing around and some of us order a burger and then we meet we may take that burger and sit down and eat it at the table that's not to sit down dinner a sit-down dinner is at a proper restaurant where everybody sits down and everyone is expected to order food that's a sit-down dinner a more formal occasion a formal dinner okay so not pub grub I'll add that to the list pub grub is what I described earlier when you just go to the pub you see a menu you feel a bit hungry in you said you know I'm going to order some chips or I might order a burger do you want a burger let's have a burger yeah that's that's pub grub so just the kind of food you find in a pub it's not formal so you might have pub grub oh not pub grab pub grub mm-hmm pop grub and then a formal meal like I said is a sit-down dinner or meal or Miam if it's a more relaxed party then there might be a buffet a buffet buffet not Buffett buffet almost like it's spelt with an A why at the end buffet now a buffet is just when a whole range of food is laid out on the table and you can just pick out the food that you want so you might have some carrots thick you might have a little bit of pasta you might have some bread rolls there might be a chicken drumstick there might be some cocktail sausages some cheese there might be some pate lots of different foods for you to just pick at you can go back and get more and go back and get more if you're hungry so a buffet a buffet and do the English tip their waiters yes if they feel their waiters have done a good job but not it's not obligatory it's not compulsory you're not obliged to tip not the same as in America in America it's kind of part of the culture that you must tip but in the UK you tip if you feel you received a good service is how we do it so carrying on you may also hear the phrase a three-course meal or it could be a four-course meal or a five course meal or even a six-course meal normally it's the three-course meal it would be the starters the main course and the dessert but in some cases very very posh restaurants might have more courses you might have the fish dish the soup the main course the palate cleaner I don't know but I remember when I was in Argentina I sat down to a seven-course meal in Argentina and I tell you it was the best meal I have ever had in my entire life in Argentina in Buenos Aires beautiful so a three-course meal you might also hear the phrase hors d'oeuvres hors d'oeuvres obviously this is not an English word but this is how we say it or like Oh our hors d'oeuvres hors d'oeuvres hors d'oeuvres are hot are they hot maybe they're not always hot but they're little max let are brought around on a tray by a waiter or waitress and you're talking it's usually at weddings or quite formal posh dues posh parties and they bring around these snacks on a tray normally like salmon and cream cheese or little just something small and you pop it in a Volvo you need some type of Allah volts little puff pastry and you just pop it in it's just one mouthful of food and you'll have lots of people coming round with the hors d'oeuvres okay it's like a buffet on the move all right are you all with me so far is everything good it's a French word yes that makes sense it sounds like a French word to me so yes great okay I hope you're all happy I hope everything is good Jay says hi I like your new background the lights the doll the doll the doll you mean the teddy bear dolls he scared me then I thought it was a doll I didn't know about dolls are more human-like but teddy bears are soft toys and you like the cushions they're all lovely thank you shouldn't it be pub grab with an AH no it's pub grub grub is another word for food so let me write it here grub equals food grub what is the name of your teddy bear on the left hand side does he like to party and does he speak English sometimes well this is this is Benjamin this is Benjamin and yes he is English so he does speak English Benjamin bear but he has also traveled a lot around the world and this one is Bernhard Bernard so we have Benjamin and Bernhard okay so yes they are teddy bears a doll is more like a little person okay too many distractions let me carry on so drinking now like I said in the UK we like to drink alcohol all so known as booze booze is the informal way of describing alcohol to booze to have booze booze can be used as a verb as well I'm boozing I was or you could say I was on the booze last night which means I drank alcohol last night let me um let me write that down for you I was on on the booze last night which equals I was drinking okay so I was on the booze last night so if you are not feeling very well and I say what's the matter you say well I was on the booze last night and I'll go oh okay now I understand you're hungover you're hungover which is the feeling you get when you're not well after drinking so everyone speaking French in the chatroom lovely bonk great okay so let's carry on so booze is the informal way of saying alcohol we might just say are you going to have a drink tonight now if we are going out to a party or to a club or to the pub and I say to you are you having a drink tonight what I mean is are you having an alcoholic drink tonight so are you having an alcoholic drink are you having a drink tonight and you'll say no I'm driving and then I'll understand that you can't drink alcohol and instead I will offer you an orange juice or a cranberry juice or something okay so let's carry on I've written here just so you remember have a drink when we say have a drink it means alcohol now we normally celebrate in the UK with champagne if we are really having something to celebrate we will have a bottle of champagne ready to go on ice or will have Prosecco if we can't afford champagne will have Prosecco which is just as lovely when I moved in here on our first night we had a bottle of champagne so we normally refer to it as bubbles or champers champers but bubbles you might say or just champagne and if you're not drinking shampoos or you're not having bubbles then you will instead have some form of soft drink a soft drink okay so other words that you might use when you're talking about a party or celebration are the following you might say and knees up we're having and knees up now I love this phrase so this just means party all of these words mean party but a knees up it kind of just means like bringing your knees up you're having a good time you're dancing and your knees are coming up so you're having a knees up it's a lovely a little bit old-fashioned but still used I still like it and knees up okay so there's a lovely phrase for you for a party you might also say we're having a boozy do a boozy do I think they some might be Scottish I've certainly used it a do I've used this a few times already in the lesson I'm sorry if it confused you but I do we say a lot adieu adieu just means a party it's strange because we also say a hairdo is when you have your hair done if I have my hair tied up you say oh I like your hairdo and I'll say thank you very much I like the way your hair is it's very strange okay so and a hairdo or to have a do is to have a party don't don't ask why just just accept it a do is a party okay let's carry on so and knees up or a boozy do which is a do that involves a lot of alcohol or just simply a do are you having a do yes we're having a lovely do in the in the local pub of course we can just say party if it's a wedding tea you refer to it as a reception a reception now the thing is with a wedding it's quite confusing the wedding party refers to the group of people invited to the wedding the wedding party the group of people involved in the celebration of the wedding they are the wedding party and they have a wedding reception that's why we don't call the party a party because you say the wedding party attended the wedding party it would be very confusing so the wedding party the group of people attended the wedding reception I hope that makes sense I hope it's not too confusing for you anyway let's carry on we also sometimes call a party a social a social now a social tense to refer to a party that's much more relaxed so for example it might not even involve alcohol on a Wednesday morning sometimes I don't always go but sometimes I go to my local squash social squash is a racquet sport similar kind of to tennis but it's indoors actually it's not similar to tennis it's a racket sport it's indoors and the same group of people get together on a Wednesday morning to hang out we have coffee or tea and we have cakes and we play lots of sports together and this is called this squash social and there are lots of other types of socials but they're normally much more relaxed and more regular so they happen on a more regular basis we also could talk about a party as a get-together this tends to be a little more it tends to be a little smaller like a smaller group we're having a little get-together so I might say what are you doing on your birthday are you doing anything special and you might say well I'm having a little get-together with my friends and we're going to go for a meal nothing too special so get together we're having a get-together we had a get-together if you haven't seen a group of people for a long time then the party that you would have is called a reunion a reunion and so you might talk about the high school reunion or the college reunion or a university reunion just when a group of people who were together for a long time get back together for a party a reunion a word that we don't use very often but I really like it it's a soiree this is quite posh and it's what you would call a sophisticated house party a sophisticated house party a soiree so you would dress up there would be nice wine there would potentially be games like charades or chess or someone might play the piano and you might have a sing song it's a soiree a soiree like the old-fashioned house parties and the last one on the list is a function a function do you remember earlier I said that some pubs and restaurants have a function room well a function room is where you have a function but it tends to be more formal if there is a function it means that there is some sort of official party where invitations were sent out so it could be a birthday but it could also be a retirement party or a office Christmas party or I can't think of anything a a a teacher's end-of-the-year party or something like that so a function a function more official now oh let me see what my patrons are saying so Erica said in a phrase without further ado should we write a do as one word or separately as two words I would write it as you've written it without further ado without further adieu and for those of you who don't know what without further adue means it means without any more delay so I would say and without further ado let me introduce the bride and groom and what I mean is I'm not going to delay any more I'm not going to keep talking I'm just going to introduce so without delay let me introduce without further ado let me introduce ok so that's another good phrase thank you Eric for bringing that up um we're nearly finished I said this would be a short lesson let me see if I can get there how much do we have oh okay let's get through this quick so um what you might say to someone sorry when you've achieved when you've done something fantastic you might say yes we did it yes I did it you did it it depends who you're talking to of course but you could say did it so let's say that you complete a project yes I did it when I finally got online I was like yes I did it I finally got online although I didn't do anything but I was still happy about it if you win a race I might say fantastic you did it you did it well done so it's a statement of achievement you did it you could also say we made it you made it yes he made it this would tend to be used if there has been some sort of trial or tribulation so maybe someone has maybe someone's doing a marathon and they're struggling they've got an injury and they're really struggling to get over and then finally they cross over the finish line and you'd be like yes you made it well done and I might phone everyone to say he made it across the finish line he made it which means he at she've dit he made it okay can you get closer to the microphone please a lots of you are struggling with the sound some of you aren't but some of you are so just do check the volume there is a little volume button on the screen so if you press the screen then some options will come up like quality of video which is higher than it used to be and and a volume so I can't do anything really from here but you could potentially put your volume up I'm trying to organize the sound to make it better so sorry bear with me okay let's carry on so um you did it you made it you might just exclaim finally finally we finally got there oh and there we go we got there in the end we got there in the end that just means we tried for so long finally we achieved it we got there in the end so if you and I are trying to achieve something and it's been hard we finally achieve it I'll say how well done we got there in the end it was tough but we made it we got there in the end okay and then the next one is I have been waiting for this day for such a long time I have been waiting for this day for such a long time maybe you've had a baby and you're so excited today is the day you you're finally going to have your baby and you're like oh I've been waiting for this day for such a long time or maybe you're like oh I've not been waiting for this day now I'm going to have no sleep for the next 16 years okay the next phrase you could use is I can't believe it now important to remember about this phrase I can't believe it can be used in both positive and negative occator on both positive and negative occasions so you can use it in the positive to be like wow I'm gobsmacked I'm so amazed I can't believe it it doesn't mean that I don't believe it it just means I'm amazed wow I can't believe it or you could be horrified and so it could be a negative thing so you could be like ah I can't believe it like I like literally I cannot believe it so when you use it in the negative it means that you are you are stunned and shocked in a bad way that you never believed this would happen I can't believe it I can't believe what just happened but then in the positive I can't believe it I'm so happy it just means I'm gobsmacked I'm astonished I'm amazed okay so dad did ad uh let's get on the rest of it I'm over the moon have you heard this one I'm over the moon it just means I'm happy I'm capital I always use capital I when you're talking about yourself I'm so happy I'm so happy yay okay how to congratulate someone else so if somebody else has somebody else has done something fantastic what do you say to them and just before we go into this let me have a quick look at what these guys are saying hello patrons Eric did you make a video where you learn to speak Russian I'd like very much to see you speak Russian I did in fact I'm still I'm still waiting to finish the Edit of a number of videos of me speaking different languages there sat in my edit suite with a number of other videos waiting to be edited and over the next few weeks hopefully I'll be able to catch up and get back on those and get them released soon can you explain the difference between in the end and at the end jus in the end in the end is based on time so in the end somebody won in the end it was all right at the end tends to be more about location so at the end of the street at the end of the day so we could talk about it in terms of actual time at the end of the day at yeah so at the end if kind of place and time but in the end it's confusing isn't it they they're generally interchangeable but at the end you would use definitely if a place okay so put it at the end of the row at the end of the street alrighty let's carry on so you're congratulating someone else you'd say well done you deserve it and you say you deserve it when someone has worked hard so you wouldn't say to me now I've just moved house you wouldn't say congratulations you deserve it because I don't deserve I don't deserve a move in it's not something I've worked hard for so if I however achieve 50,000 subscribers here on YouTube but then you might say congratulations Anna you deserve it because you do lots of live lessons you do lots of videos you do lots of social media you do lots of work you work hard so in return you deserve lots of subscribers okay so deserve should only be used when you're congratulating someone who's worked hard okay and on that note if you're not a subscriber then press that subscribe button and that Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons okay so it's back on it and you deserve it when someone's worked hard well done you just say well done in general when someone has achieved something well done well done and that it's important to remember when someone has achieved when someone has achieved now the word congratulations is used in general when something positive has happened so for me I've moved house this is a positive but it's not an achievement I haven't done anything I've not achieved something I've just something positive has happened I've moved house but I didn't really do anything so you'd say to me congratulations that's the best thing congratulations on your house move congratulations for moving house but you wouldn't say well done because I haven't done anything I haven't achieved anything okay I hope that makes sense so well done if they've achieved something you deserve it if they've worked hard and congratulations if something positive has happened so you congratulate someone on getting pregnant or congratulate them on a new job or congratulate them if they've won the lottery you might just say wow that's great news oh that's good news all that's fantastic news you might say I'm glad to hear it or I'm happy to hear it or I'm pleased to hear it you could say I am happy for you I'm happy for you okay and just before I finish this lesson now the last few phrases these are simply phrases that you might say to someone at a party you might say to them hey join in have fun join in have fun just means get involved get involved have fun hey join in have fun so if you're standing at the edge of the party watching everyone looking shy and miserable you might go over and say hey join in have fun you could also say you could also say let's get this party started that's something you would say if if the party hasn't really kicked off yet so it could be that you're at the party and you know the music's playing the buffet is open people are eating people are drinking but no one's really having fun so you jump in and say let's get party started and you put on the best music and you start dancing like crazy and be like come on guys let's have fun so let's get this party started you might also say here ha you might give someone a drink and say this will take the edge off or someone might be having a drink and saying I'm just drinking this to take the edge off this phrase take the edge off means to remove the tension so if somebody is feeling tense maybe they're stressed or maybe they're quite shy or maybe they're feeling unhappy or angry about something sometimes in our culture if we have a drink of wine then it makes us feel relaxed like I said earlier it makes us feel relaxed and we might just say it takes the edge off it takes the edge off the tension the unhappiness the anger whatever it is we're feeling that is negative we feel sometimes that alcohol takes the edge off and makes us feel more at ease so take the edge off a good phrase to remember we can also use take the edge off when we're talking about pain medication for example if we're taking ibuprofen because we've got a sore head or bad knee or a bad back you might take ibuprofen or paracetamol to take the edge off the pain okay the word unwind to unwind is to relax I need to unwind at the end of the day we're having a party to unwind after a hard year of working to unwind to relax and the final one is to let your hair down now this can be used by anybody even if you're bald and to be bald means you have no hair even if you're bald you can say let your hair down in fact if someone is bald and you say to them let your hair down it's quite funny because they don't have hair to let your hair down is too relaxed because you think about somebody having their hair tightly tied back and they let it down and it's like relaxing to let your hair down okay alright guys well that was our lesson although yet those notes are done brilliant so thank you so much for joining me I will now stay on and take a few questions for the next few minutes let me just close down my notes so I can see you guys hello so if you have any questions and comments then please throw them over to me now now is the time when I get to see it and thank you very much patrons for joining me let me just see what you guys are saying before and leave could you please say in Russian poka poka stress on the last letter which means bye-bye I hope I said that right and as sometimes you hit the mic or table it makes me startled in my chair I'm sorry thanks for a good lesson I'll try and sort out the mic situation I'm trying to make it better Anna I'm struggling with the pronunciation of the sound like edge ginger danger change could you please help me so we have just so the tongue tip goes off on the roof of the mouth and you release it Jo Jo so you have edge ginger danger change and you also asked for changed I've changed my clothes damaged it is damaged managed managed there you go I hope that helps you for those of you wondering my patrons the people in this lovely little Skype room here these are guys who support this entire community if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be able to do as much as I do for you so I give them a huge thank you thank you patrons they support on a regular basis so they make monthly donations to help the growth this channel and to help me continue doing what I'm doing if you are interested in becoming a patron then they're out there are rewards including being in the skype group so you get all your questions answered there are also additional rewards including sometimes Skype calls access to all of my videos early having all your messages answered so if you're interested there is a link in the description box below we're always welcome we always welcome with open arms new patrons and supporters of the channel because as you can see I need more equipment like a new microphone and eventually a new camera for this streaming would be good but if it wasn't for my patrons I wouldn't have this internet right now which is allowing me to stream at a higher quality so those of you who supported me up to now amazing job this is what your support has achieved so thank you ok so what are you guys now saying in the chatroom on YouTube oh let me say hello and hello Bella for those of you who don't know I've just started a children's channel so if you have any very young children and you would like them to learn English then perhaps check out Bella and beans TV Bella and beans TV where I've just released my first video aimed at children singing a lovely little song called I love my mum and dad so do go and check that out we need views and we need subscribers okay can you guys drink on the streets says Rani in the UK can we drink on the streets people do but I I don't think we're allowed to but it's not strict I think you have to have the alcohol covered up but I've never seen anyone stopped I think as long as you're behaving yourself it's fine yeah I don't think I think it's quite strict rule in America and Americans among you please do let me know if I'm wrong but I don't think you're allowed to drink on the streets in America and perhaps it's more strict over there Anna is this your first live lesson after the move no I did a live lesson last week in the backseat of my car from my phone and it was a disaster but thank goodness it's all over now I don't know why I did this are there any British accents that you have trouble understanding Anna says Harrison III can have trouble understanding any accent if it's really strong so I think the most important thing no matter what accent you have is that you're clear and that people can understand you I don't think that any accent is bad I just think that some people don't speak clearly enough and so as long as you're clearly spoken then it's absolutely fine but I guess some Scottish accents can be very very strong some Irish accents and some Jordi's actually I found difficult to understand just wherever the accent is very strong I sometimes have difficulty what does it mean spot spot can mean a number of different things a spot can be like a docked like like these like spots a spot on this on the wall or a spot can be a saw a pimple that comes up when you have dirt stuck in your pores if you get a spot on your skin you can spot something which means you suddenly see something ah I've just spotted a white car to spot something okay I hope that helps hello where did you move I'm still in Greater London in a town called Surbiton I just moved on to the other side of town what is a Fiat Panda a Fiat Panda is a type of car a Fiat is the make and the Panda is the type so a Fiat Panda um Fabian Gregor I love your British accent thank you so much hello in Mexico how different is the sound ja and ger when they're in a word it depends where they are in the war jerk at the beginning Jam girl at the beginning obviously completely different because J is at the front of the mouth with the tip of the tongue jaw joke just jam girl is the back of the tongue gah-gah released if it's the beginning of a word good gon go but if girl is after an n it becomes mmm sing going C do you learn a second language I was learning Spanish for quite a while but at this very moment in time no I'm not learning a second language and I'm still trying to catch up with all my English stuff and everything else I do on YouTube because I have four channels now what else are you asking me dad dad dad thank you so much for your time you're welcome where are you usually celebrating Anna I normally celebrate in my home I don't have much time for going out so I normally just celebrate at home with a nice meal and a bottle of wine will you be making an accent on the Geordie accent in future of course and in fact I've got a couple of people booked in to do accent work with me in a few weeks so there'll be more accent videos coming your way soon what is the best way to pronounce as a native speaker and what is the best accent to learn well I wouldn't say there is a best accent I think just generally being clear like I said so you can learn American English or British English it's completely up to you as long as you can be understood by most people and the best way to speak like a native is to listen to lots of natives to mimic to repeat natives that's the best way how do you pronounce nebula nebula nebula hello from Spain hola what are the books that you've read recently I read one recently I currently what it was called it was like one last day or something like that I remember my brain is like mush from the move my brain is just all over the place okay last few questions and then I'm gonna have to go shall I see how many likes we've got before I do 144 likes thanks guys you guys are awesome you're amazing all right hi I'm Daniel from Brazil and I've been living in Ireland would you say that the Brazilian accent is generally hard to be understood I'm trying to lose it um Daniel I think like with any accent sometimes the accent the person speaking can be hard to understand and other times not it depends on you it wouldn't be the accents as such it's how strong your accent is but in Ireland they have a very strong accent as well so there might be difficulty there so maybe I don't know how many people ask you to repeat yourself that's always a good a good way to measure it I've just joined in and it seems like you've settled down in your new home and solved all your problems of moving house and connection yes I have thank you very much how do I pronounce I am so exhilarated I am so exhilarated exhilarated okay alright guys I'm going to leave it there um thank you so much I'm sorry if I didn't get around to answering your comment there's always just so many I never managed to see all of them I will endeavor to be live again tomorrow morning um it'll be later in the morning and probably be around 10:30 but I hope that you will join me I have no idea yet what the lesson will be but I'm going to try to make up to you everything well not everything so I don't have time but I'm going to try and make up all the missed lessons I know I've been quite absent used to come and join me on Instagram if you haven't already please do press subscribe if you haven't already and if you think this lesson would be useful for anyone that you know for any of your friends then I would love love love love love love if you would share this video on your social media platforms help me get to fifty thousand subscribers I'm so close I'd love your help alright thank you to my patrons good bye guys take care I'm waving at the screen but you can't see me now you can see me goodbye thank you for joining me thank you to everyone on YouTube who has joined me here I'll see you tomorrow 10:30 bye from Benjamin bye from Bernard lots of love from London take care ciao adios a wiedersehen audience da da bridge and ya
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 14,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, Celebrate, party, celebration, english party, party vocabulary, celebrate vocabulary, English celebrations
Id: kcEOZbaCf5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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